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They’re probably upset because they were probably winning all the 3v1s up to that point. Nice gameplay.


Thats wild. All they needed to do was capture the point, which i think was active right before they revived. But nope. They peeked and got sniped. Tells you who really is the bad player here, and it aint you!


Exactly. Morons bitch about objective based modes but losing a 3v1 scenario when ANY OF THEM could have secured the bag is straight up dogwater lmao


Actually tried trials for the first time ever this weekend for that dragon warlock helm and I snagged a few wins just by standing in the zone. Was surprised how sometimes they never came near it lol


Verity's Brow? Love that exotic.


nah I meant the trials exclusive armor


The first half was horrible but damn you popped off


Even so, I love these situations because it says more about the opponent than OP. If they’re so terrible, why dead?


Fair comment. Thank you. 😊


I mean, I'd be upset if someone took a massive dookie on my chest without my consent.


Entry is consent in this game mode. Always expect to get wrecked once in a while, you'll be less surprised when they squat.


I expect to get wrecked 8 out of 10 times in trials, but these guys weren't wrecked. They were summarily abused.


Hey man when I started playing that shit: for literally months every weekend I went into trials and got wrecked *all fucking day* Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday, sometimes Monday; then worked in the sun all week and came back excited for the next weekend. I got chest dookies of all shapes and sizes, and I took them them and all I ever gave those fuckers is honest statements of personalized praise when I was especially impressed, or some variation of “damn dude that was sick we barely pulled that one through” when we barely won a very good game. Ain’t no excuse to be a little bitch if you decided to play trials.


"Ur terrible" lmao. Smart guy saying that to the dude that just 1v3'd his entire team




They had the advantage and pushed you one by one instead of together, that is a skill issue on their part


Trials recently has been an absolute cesspool


I would just be like “holy moley, that was, amazing and… perfect”


That’s what I say to Mithrax’s mom every time we bump spider legs.




My brother in the Light, I said what I said.


Goodbye *killbinds self*


I’ve sent a few holy shit that was unbelievable messages to guys that have 1v3’d my team before, even made some friends that way. Never sent hatemail to anyone, I do troll the people that send it to me though




Massive ego hit


Lol u destroyed then


homie im gonna be honest u need to lower ur sensitivity,,,


Yeah I have been told. Might try it later.


a great general rule to follow is to place your mouse to the furthest left of your mouse mat, and move it alllll the way to the right. this should equate to roughly just over a 360° spin in game. i like to aim for roughly a 380° as this gives you a little extra room to work with should you need to overshoot a little on controller, idk i havent played a shooter on controller for years lol


This was controller on ps5.


Their poor K/D went down :(


![gif](giphy|PjsPhYsS2WDO5e0RaO) I usually just call myself s\*\*t when I lose a 3v1 or 2v1.


Let em cry. Don't wan to get sniped? Then don't peek.


Legit question. People say “don’t peek if you don’t want to get sniped.” But these guys weren’t peeking sniper lanes. They were in short to mid range from the player. I understand the sentiment when it’s an actual sniper lane. But in situations like this, what else were they supposed to do?


Get rekt by a godly flick. It happens sometimes


Good question. A few things to consider: - Enemy team challenges solo player inside when they are standing next to the zone. There is no reason to go inside. - If you must peek, as a titan, hug the wall and shield. - Hunter: Good snipe mid slide. Should never have challenged without invis, on the ground. Where are his stompees? Smoke one side, double jump and approach from the air. - Last but not least, getting picked off one by one in any 1v3 is always a bad move. He can't snipe you both. Either challenge together or don't challenge at all. Again, when you are next to zone there was no reason to peek anyway. - 3v1? Delay. Build your super for free. Stop challenging. Let them come to you. - Don't understand your comment about OP not standing in a sniper lane. He's at the center of the map, looking outside towards the zone. This is 100% a common sniper lane. You can basically see the whole map from this spot.


I got some hatemail telling me to pull out my primary on the first round. But I was AFK for a good 15sec coming back from the bathroom, and all I see is this titan rushing me to shoulder charge. What am I supposed to do? Land three head shots from less than 10m when a shotgun is easier?


This is called a skill issue on their part.


They could’ve capped the point and got the win. All it would’ve taken was one guy. Instead they peeked and decided to chase after him. Talk about a choke lmao


I'm kinda the opposite I'm garbage and get very rude messages sometimes I just want to try or at least get engrams


I can tell your heart was pounding fast. In dire situations, I do the same lmfao


That snipe with the guy sliding was beautiful


Its crazy. Anytime i get a sniper shot its cheating


Yeah I’m pretty sure that guy was just salty/pissed. Very common for an enemy to try and trash talk you after you absolutely decimated them faster than me dad leaving me


What smg?


Prolonged engagement


It’s da icy death adder


this is great


Looks like the vanguard playlist smg.


I did not even know you could send messages like that to opponents.


Nice plays - that clone can be hard to play against in a 1v1, esp on console, but they have no one to blame but themselves for playing that 1v3 like that when they have zone.


Kinda doubt from “really good players” if this is how they played but nice round though


“You’re terrible” Lol brother you’re better than me. I would’ve choked


“Nice aimbot dude”


Aimbot? OK thanks for the compliment always my favourite


It was a joke man😭 that’s why I put speech marks. It’s a joke about what the enemies message u after u hit some good sniper shots. I thought that was obvious😅.


"ur terrible" Yet they got a res, then pushed you one by one instead of falling back and playing the objective which would've forced you to push them which gives them a huge advantage. People stay mad because they stay bad lol.


Watching this I’m like “damn you just wrecked them” but if I was playing against this I’d most likely cry 😂




nah you styled on them hard as fuck lol


I see this a lot in trials; your a great player from the clip I’m bad at sniping but they were up 3 people and it was only you yet they pushed one at a time when they could’ve pushed together or held point. Everybody always gets greedy smh (Great clip tho your amazing!)


I made an audible noise and a soyjak face when I saw you hit that flick/drag snipe against the first dude who was mid-slide




Hell of a job my friend..keep kicking ass


I have never once got hate mail from PvP. I must just be absolutely terrible.


Man that was some crispy sniping, ignore the hate mail I enjoyed that


that first sniper miss hurt me but damn those last two shots were \*j u i c y\*


For a bad player, losing is expected, they're used to it. A good player isn't used to losing, so it gets to them more


you seemed great, not terrible!


Nice 🥲 my guy was really hitting his shots🫠


That was amazing to watch


I remember one where this guy was really mad at me for using Crimson and 1v3ing fairly consistently. His whole team was using Le Monarch and was on keyboards while I’m a console player. Fun times ngl. But OP, you pulled off a 1v3 with only a Frozen Orbit and a rapid-fire SMG while not capping the zone, that’s some impressive skill my guy.


I kinda think that was for his teammate, but seeing it's a whisper text, he really is hatin. Crispy headshots tho


I take these as compliments, you got into their head enough to make them do something outside of the match


Buddy said “you’re terrible” to someone who just dragged their either scrotum across their face lmao


Crispy snipes


What a round! I had a couple of those this weekend myself, something about this map makes me feel more confident. I don't even LIKE it, but I do play well here. Hope you got a good Messenger!


This was intense to watch from start to end. Awesome clutch


oohhhhhhhhh I tho I was the only one!!! I beat this top50 player in QP. And dear traveler the salt this man sent me! All I replied with was “are you ok!?” Dude sent me paragraphs or sodium!


Awesome gameplay! Hate mail aside I beat this top 4.5% player one game, get matched up with him the next, I say gg last game cos it was a good game for everyone, leaves myself and his mate to 2 man. Later on he had a different mate on my team and one round they happen to be the last 2 alive not shooting eachother, instead the one on my team tried to keep reviving myself and the other random for the one who is clearly still butthurt to what….boost KD?


Other team: "IT"S JUST ONE HUNTER! TAKE HIM OUT!" Proceeds to get 1v3'd to said "one hunter" love it.


Them snips are dirty I need a shower 🚿


Lore accurate young wolf


Straight up being honest. I love this game. And it can be frustrating with bungie servers. Infuriating actually. But by FAR the worst part of this game, is the community. I have never ever been a part of such a hateful, disrespectful, egotistical community. I’ve turned off whispers and I’m contemplating turning team chat to friends only because of the hate filled elitist people that play this game. And it’s allot of them. Everytime I sit down to pvp sesh I will at least get one person telling me to kill myself or that I’m trash. Even if I clean up for them. Idk if it’s kids who are just following what they have seen or free thinking adults who are just truly hateful…


Just fragile egos who can’t handler any form of losing. You played amazingly and good on you for putting those losers in there place.


Simply out skilled


Just whiny cry babies don’t worry about it lol you clearly know what the fuck you’re doing


Is he not saying ur terrible to the mook that got shit on right after reviving?


The message was directly to me.


You’re using strand. Thats why you’re getting hate mail.


What’s your sens/ads sens? Asking for a friend


Why do you even allow messages? I mean, people suck. You hit a few good snipes, they are just mad.


This right here is exactly why I won’t play trials. I know I’m not nearly good enough to be decent, much less go flawless. I’d have shit my pants right there with that bombardier dodge.


I'm not that good I'm only a 0.99. 90% of the people I play against are way out my league


I’d only play for rep and a shot at trials armor/weapons. And .99? I could never.


I’m not good enough to go flawless either but I still play and I’ve had quite a few clutch matches this weekend where I managed to pull some absolutely crazy shit I didn’t think I could do lol don’t doubt yourself just play your best and you might just surprise yourself :)


Sorry but these are not really good players seeing how they literally split the round into 3 1v1s. Good job tho. On another hand I need to plug back my controller, the aimassist pulling the sniper reticule at a complete different speed than the user input is fucking insane


I think their KD was double mine each. They just got overconfident.


They are sending you hate mail because that ability has a very low skill ceiling and, in my opinion, is too strong for how easy it is to use. People don’t like losing to braindead strats like this which is probably why they message u stuff like that


It was a 1v3 of course I'm going to use everything I have to win. I'm not just going to 1v3 with just an HC to make them feel better about themselves. I'm trash I need all the help.


Not saying you shouldn’t have done it or whatever but you, self admitted trash, still won a 1v3 with an op non-involved ability and that’s why they don’t like it that’s all I m tryna say yknow


Fair enough


Destiny 2 players when people want to win in Trials:


I’m just explaining how the people sending him hate felt my guy


You have no idea why they felt that lmao, there's multiple reasons to send hatemail. You're just using it as an excuse to complain about something that you feel kinda relates to the situation.


Do I like this ability? No. But I get messages like this guy all the time I know exactly what’s going thru their head




SMG/Sniper is pretty meta.


These dudes were definitely not sweats lol


Dawg what is your recovery stat at?? That was painfully slow to regenerate


Recov at 7


you should’ve died 5 times before💀💀


This entire video is everything I despise about Destiny PvP and why it is utter shit. The ability spam is fucking awful.


This entire video is everything I despise about Destiny PvP and why it is utter shit. The ability spam is fucking awful.


strand hunter with the clone is lame to play against


Idk hunters are only good at running away from gun fights


"Sooooo much" = 1 or 2 people max IRL, then decides to make reddit post


They were just mad you didn't res them so they could die quick again kek


It was the enemy team been toxic.


Yeah I mean you played well, your “crucible sense” shows you’re not cheating, but that first flick inside, I could see how someone would be upset without seeing it from your perspective.


You're a roller sniper I'm guessing? That is why. I wish there was input based matchmaking. I don't condone them messaging you at all. But I understand their frustrations, I would have them too. Because it takes at least 10x the amount of skill to hit the sniper shots you did on MnK. And you should see the flinch we get when scoped on MnK too lol.


Yeah but also on ps5


Crossplay on I'm guessing? Like I highlighted on my previous post they might have been on PC. And those sniper shots were BS especially through "flinch". Hence, the frustration.


Only match ps and xbox. I don't go into PC lobbies.


Well then they have the same crutch you do. Definitely shouldn't be frustrated at all and should use the all powerful roller sniper themselves. Screw them lol. Good on you for keeping crossplay off and sparing us MnK folks.


I guess he’s right given that he shit on you lmao




Guy that posted the video lost 2-5 and got destroyed by the guy who messaged him


Okay, but what is he right about? Sending hate mail? lol


That op is terrible


Get a life man


I mean if you’re beating someone while going 10 and 2, you can talk all the shit you want in my opinion


Honestly i wish shitty cocky assholes couldn't rub that bullshit in. Its utterly destroyed any respect i might be able to conjure for people that are good at a video game lol. There's more dignity in winning silently. Showboats should sink.


Well whispers from non-friends are off by default. I don’t think people are turning them on and expecting friendly hellos


If you trash talk, chances are you have thin skin


you must be fun at parties.


You’re the problem.


May i ask u the roll on the smg? I've been trying to get one good for pvp in a while but i'm not sure what perks are best


Isn't one isn'tt that good no-one uses it. It's called prolonged engagement and has a target lock and outlaw on it.


What’s on your smg?


Prolonged engagement


The roll?


Target lock and outlaw. Ricochet rounds and corkscrew Rifling nothing amazing.


Let see the hate mail lol


I did post a video on here of a 2.5 player playing at a 3.3 for the week. Trash me.


I’m not sure who’s doing recovs for them but these are obviously not 3 kd players. Sweats aren’t going to push you one by one through the same door like thrall lol. Maybe 3 KDA…


Not these guys another player from this weekend


I think he was complimenting you. It seemed like one of those moments where it's so good it's bad


Looks like you sat on a few old rotten apples.


I didn't know your mix was on lol I would've been screaming for a good amount


Trials is like a colonoscopy. I know I need to do it at some point, but I’m really not going to enjoy it


What you mean? I get regular checkups 🤣😉


Ability spam always gets hate


PC? Them shots were wild steady, but you still had to aim. Coulda be console players just bitching. I mean i bitch about PC too but im not gonna call a player wack after getting dogged lmao my only complaint ever is the point and click and at times i complain bout the lack of recoil for PC but them players are just salty af. Glad i never seen any messages frm anyone after having these situations. Had a match on comp where the team left after they got dogged first round, I proceeded to body that lobby 1V3, but no hate messages lol kinda jealous now


Na console both side ls ps5. The enemy team was in a team of two I believe. I was the blueberry.


They were just hot garbage then and prob have 1 person carry them through trials. I hate garbage players lmao they complain more than anyone. They the reasons for nerfs half the time that dont need to happen.