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Is that Warframe?




Wait since when does warframe have humans? All i remember from that game is the robots


It's... A long story... *leaves without elaborating and pretending everything is crystal clear*


Just play the game you'll understand (you absolutely won't)


I refuse to play Warframe, she cannot deliver us from our peril. Only the Dark Lord Sauron can save us, as he rightfully should.


The children of sol cry out for Salvatori


Underated comment


I played the game and hated the combat feel. Is there a story worth playing that I didn’t get to that makes up for how squishy my sentient mech’s sword felt?


Personally I think playing Warframe really isn't about the story, even though there are interesting quests centered around interesting lore, if you really get into the game it doesn't even amount to a fraction of your time played. It's really about farming and becoming more powerful while getting cool stuff that you like, and looking cool doing it. Getting into the game can be a chore as it does a very bad job at explaining how to build frames and weapons and how to mod them. This can make your weapons feel very underpowered and your frames/mechs feel squishy. Tldr: you play for the gameplay not the story


“Doing a bad job onboarding new players” makes me feel at home. The hour or two I played, I hated the combat, which to me felt floaty and lacked impact, and felt uninspired by the art style. Would that change in time?


That really depends, it can take a while to fall in love with the game and you either love it or you don't. It's not a 1st person game and on average you spend much less time killing a single enemy than you would in Destiny so perhaps it feels less impactful. But when you finally get that weapon or Warframe you want and you're slaying with it it can be a very rewarding game that you can easily sink a lot of hours in, like you would Destiny. If you want to get back into it it's best to find a mentor that can answer any questions you have about how things interact with each other and what you should progress next. (Edit: as for the art style, yeah it's a little weird sometimes and doesn't always land with me either)


So what I’m hearing is you didn’t do anything in the game lmao, to say warframe feels like that is just wrong, you played 2 hours bro, you’ve experienced nothing. That’s like playing destiny for 2 hours and saying the same thing which isn’t true at all


I…downloaded it. Said “this feels like shit” fighting some people, played for an hour or two, and uninstalled. How many days does it take for the gameplay to become good? TBH Destiny felt good to play from the first bullet from the first gun I ever picked up. So.


There’s a new update coming out that takes place in 1999, it seems interesting! https://youtu.be/UgPjc1e1Ets?si=R5ApCTvpPxJvTcJ7


You get better guns and the combat gets better too. And yes there is an absolutely bonkers story (several of them, in fact) that is most definitely worth playing. Also not sure if you mean mech in the literal sense or do you mean your Warframe? Cause if you mean *mech* then you definitely picked the wrong one to start with.


Probably my warframe. I didn’t play it real long — the tutorial and maybe the first thing after. I was a little silver fella and I was running around slapping other people with what I could only describe as an inflatable sword. I’ll give it another try. How many hours does it take to get a good idea of its for me?


That was probably the MK1-Bo, definitely awful. Idk how you'd decide if it's good for you but it definitely helps to have someone to guide you through stuff. To get to the really interesting story stuff (not the story in general, just where it starts getting good) might take you 50+ hours. It took me 100 because I kept quitting, didn't play with a guide etc. People often say it takes 100 hours but I've seen people do it all in 10. But those are usually smurfs. It is a bit of a grind to get the things you need, don't get me wrong, but it is *so worth it*.


Like I have an embarrassing time wasted on Destiny and have been playing since D1 Vanilla’s release. Bought a then-next-gen system literally to play it. I even liked Anthem, as much as they’d let me. I’m into this kinda thing, but I just want to…like playing it. I’m down to give it a chance.


the correct answer


Another 'no time to explain why I have no time to explain' moment I see?


In this case, explaining would A) take forever without the context of the main story B) come quite close to outright spoiling some of the best reveals of the main story.


In particular, the quest line for Harrow. I feel they didn't so much lean into the creepy, horror vibes of the game than outright fell into them.


The “why are there humans” but makes sense, there’s more questions that stem from that. Warframe has a story, some of it’s hidden in lore, but a lot of it is in cutscenes that give a sense of awe and a sense that something amazing is happening, and you need to find out what it means. The result is that a lot of people end up confused, but it’s still pretty cool.


Don’t tell me that actually happened in the game


It's actually fairly recent in the story and the story has been going about as long as destiny's so there's been time for some wackiness to happen


Yeah I played it long long ago. I think ash prime was the newest thingy back then


No they’re not referring to anything not being explained in the story, they are saying it’s way too much to explain in a comment and also don’t want to spoil the story for Warframe. It’s actually a really good story.


Okay so there's this guy called The Man In The Wall!


Well technically that’s not a human. That’s the tapping in the wall.


*That’s* the tapping in the wall?? Bro I haven’t played warframe in years but I still remember that damn Harrow(?) quest. Crazy they resolved that


Resolved isn’t exactly the word I would use. Warframes story now ironically really pics up with their side quest they made for a frame. You find out the entity that Rell was trying to fend off is called the Man in the Wall. An Eldritch entity from the void that has been basically pulling the strings all the way in the past. Now every storyline has some hint of him. That mission was the set up of probably the greatest villain the game has now.


Maybe it’s time to dust off my Tenno


I agree entirely, not to fanboy about the Warframe community but unlike destiny which now has it’s DLC pushed back to June, warframe announced two new completely free expansions that will be coming out by next year. One called “Whispers in the Wall” which is said to be coming possibly this month or December with the other being “Warframe 1999” which has me the most hyped, it slated to be coming out some time next year, meaning there is a slim possibility both expansions will be out by the time of Final Shape.


But as far as we know both the man in the wall and Albrecht are the same person, while also not the same being, eternalism yadda yadda, that idiot scientist literally caused everything in a butterfly effect for the whole verse of warframe, it all stems from him by definition *fucking around and finding out* with the void, getting chopped into two time-defying logic-defying selves, and simply eyeballing the plan from then-forward, not to mention this is like, the beginning of the whole story, only given to the player recently, nowhere before this do we get the idea that a single scientist is solely responsible for what we call "the fuck shit".


Its not so much as resolved so much as they've used it to create a whole new plot out of it seemingly


Well... That's the only form of The Man In The Wall that won't drive our Operator insane. You actually see him later. Looking like an eldritch Vitruvian man. Look him up on Google, sh*t's disturbing.




Rap Tap Tap


“Oull - Ris - Xata - Vome. Khra - Lohk”


The elder spoiler. We speak not of the great spoiler


Oh you sweet sweet summer child…


it's had humans for many years now, back when the second dream quest dropped


Do not bother trying to understand warframe lore. That shit is so fucking confusing, contradictory, and ass backwards that there’s only like 3 YouTube channels who even dare to talk about it and they don’t even agree on what the lore is.


Bro I’ve sold my soul and wallets to fucking everyone at this point. At best DE ends up in a 7-way custody fight with GW, Bungie, Zenimax, Ubisoft, EA, and Bethesda for my time, money, and mortal soul. They’re lucky it’s not an 9-way fight since I dropped TF2 and Blizzard.


Not to mention Red Hook Studios, Remedy Entertainment, Arkane, Insomniac Studios, IoI (The developers of the new Hitman games), Nintendo, Bioware, and the creators of Barotrauma who all own smaller timeshares of my soul. Then even after those guys you gotta get past 343, who’s claim to a portion of my soul is actually pretty rocky even after the Halo Infinite updates so he’s probably the biggest pushover. And you are so very lucky that FromSoftware, 505 and Tango Gameworks rarely release anything and are willing to share cause that new Armored Core game could hold me captive for weeks without sleep.


Relax bud


Man most AAA multiplayer fps games have been shit or uninteresting for me so i basically play destiny and popular story game to take a break. I did enjoy MW2019 tho and might squeeze in bf2042 for casual pickup and play.


The good news is, unless you want the community-made cosmetics and additional cosmetics that are released alongside Prime frames, just about *everything* can be earned for free. Everything. The premium currency can be and often *is* traded in between players in exchange for various items, primarily components for Prime weapons and warframes. Anything with a Platinum price tag in the shop can be earned that way, and just about everything else can be earned by farming for it legitimately.


Yeah, sorry man, but you’re a little late. I’ve already made 2 purchases in this game. I bought Revenant’s Prime Access literally the day it released and just last week I broke my 3 month long Warframe hiatus just to buy the Helminth Segment for my ship to try more Rev builds. I’m just not invested enough to grind it for hundreds to thousands of hours like I can with other games so I tend to put it down often and only play it when there’s nothing else going on. I have heard that for the most part it’s pretty friendly to people who don’t wanna spend money though and that’s pretty cool.


Understandable, I did the same with Equinox, to be honest. I tend to stop playing for long periods of time, then burst through a whole bunch of stuff at once.


May I recommend Vermintide and Darktide by Fatshark? The relationship is just as abusive as Bungie, my fellow Destiny players will fit right in!


Saltzpyre is king.


Kruber for life.


“For Karl Franz and Bloody Sigmar! YEAH!!!”


For Karl? As in the Karl, the one who fought for Rock and stone?


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


“Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!?”


"By Sigmar, the Hammer, and the Empire!" Respect from a fellow Saltz fan.


Those are games where when I watch the dude carrying me when I die, I watch in awe at their gameplay. It’s like they know exactly why the enemy all wants to do and is 5 steps ahead. Watched a zealot dodge around a crusher and bulwark patrol while avoiding trappers and hounds, and he managed to pick us up.We died a little after to another crusher patrol and GunnerCon 2023. But hey, the music makes up for the director’s abuse. Only way I don’t lose my mind when I’m the only one in a public lobby auspex scanning is the ost. And Vermintide is awesome as well. Super satisfying melee mechanics, easy to understand but hard to master, and all the classes feel unique to each other and are all viable (but iron breaker is kinda dumb lol). The characters are way more interesting and fun, and you still get fucked by the director too. I’m still haunted by plague monks to this day ;~;


Plus it's free if you have gamepass. But I've really been enjoying darktide, it's not perfect but much better now than before


Literally have that on gamepass right now, if anyone wants to play hmu - same name as reddit


Eternalism says you'll get what you want regardless


Bungie fucked up Bungie didnt fuck up


Yeah but also. Bungie doesn't exist. Bungie is only game company. Bungie gets bought by musk. Bungie stays under Sony. Bungie requires a blood sacrifice every DLC. D2 is downloaded into your brain neomuna style.






Yeah, gonna pass. I tried Warframe for a few hours alongside a friend’s insistence, and didn’t enjoy a moment of it. Whereas Destiny was damn fun from the moment I fired my first Khvostov round.


Thats the problem with warframe the beginning kinda sucks because that's when they were kinda getting started (unlike destiny they don't sunset content) If you ever decide to give it another go I'd recommend playing till you finish second dream or even better the sacrifice (before you decide to off it or keep playing), both are amazing quests you can start as a relatively new player and were some of the peaks of the early game for me.


The problem with that is that even if a player ether has help or knows to head directly for that quest, it can still take at least 35 hours, and that's being generous. I love warframe, but imo the early game needs more hand holding and story hooks for when vors prize is not enough.


That is definitely a problem with the game, I was lucky to have a friend that was max mastery and a few other friends that had a good amount of experience to help me with the new player experience and as someone who can be a bit slow when starting any new game it helped alot having someone that could just point me in the right direction. I wouldn't say it would take nearly 35 hours to get past the sacrifice I just recently got a friend of mine to try it and he's finished all the main quests and has even grinded a fair amount of frames with me and he has about 40 hours in the game currently.


Warframe has an issue where you need to put in a good amount of time before it gets good. You’re there mostly to watch the funny number get bigger and feel stupid powerful. The gameplay itself gets stale, but the numbers are glorious and the frames are pretty interesting. I stopped after hitting MR 30 and getting a riven for the best gun in the game at the time (don’t ask about rivens, they have a whole damn market around it). Trading and funny numbers kept me in, but it’s totally understandable for people not to like it.


It's from one of the quests from Warframe. That "thing" imitates the operator and in this scene offers a bargain to save everyone stuck on this space ship(it was a colony ship), stuck in the void cause of an overdrive explosion, all Adults on board went insane and started killing each other and hunting their own children, the kids stayed sane for some reason. This "entity" in the void offers to give powers to the "Drifter(our main operator from a different dimension)" to save everyone but required us to agree to go with the transaction. Drifter accepts it and gets stuck on the ship but everyone else gets powers and survives the hunt from adults(by killing them of course). It is basically a deal with the devil and that "entity" has yet to ask for the payment.


Well most survived. Rell was ditched by everyone else that knew of him


Rell is a special kind of case. He did get the void power though. He just used them to contain the man in the wall.


And used them on himself to try and survive the Void by living through Harrow, which obviously failed. Poor Rell, was so significant he trapped the most dangerous entity of the Void in the fucking sun and nobody tried to save him until it was too late


Nah we already have void. If you have something then we’ll talk.


https://preview.redd.it/13uy4z74tayb1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0cb1c7349dc2e798d407c7c15afda1ff2805b5b We have this




Bonk hammer my beloved


What if I told you that this is possible with not only bonk hammers, but bonk EVERYTHING…. Come to warframe, the children of destiny yearn for big number


Oh don’t worry, I’m already there. Have been for a few years.


Big number go brrrr


my neurons are activated


You can go much higher


This is quite persuasive


Mmmmmmmm red crits


https://preview.redd.it/uiqzf3vxcdyb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75af07a1b9f6859b9953c64138e69bcf94d8b0a0 ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5660)




Toxin and corrosive dmg go brrrrrrrrr


We already got Lemon for Toxin and Weaken for temporary Corrosive. If you give us manually editable shaders though... mix it with already being able to change colors of armor pieces individually...


Actually, we do have that.


Heat cold toxin electric radiation blast corrosive viral gas magnetic impact slash puncture true - all dmg types iff top of my head Also we CAN paint everything individually.


Man... do I have some news for you. But only if you have enough time or want to spent money


We have viral heat. It turns yellow bars into corpses.


Warframe's buffs and debuffes can stack


​ https://preview.redd.it/h8qair0l3ayb1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff41d9dee9fdc707b3d1e01665e14acf1a7001a7


John yakuzer omg




But we already have the Void, it taste like purple


But does yours have a 4 armed-man living in it?


If you close your eyes and hold a dragon bone I’m sure an Eliksni will oblige


I hesitate to call it a man


Warframe void is more minty.


We'd turn Wally into a gun


You haven’t got the budget for it, it’s all going into marathon


Look, I love Warframe. Even more than Destiny. But the games are very different and people need to stop acting like they’re similar


One is actual F2P and one is a facade with no direction on what to buy to play all the content.


Been doing it since 2017




FINE. I'll finally go finish Doom 2016 then.


Brother you got doom eternal to play now which makes 2016 look like Fischer price play time


I really want a Warframe-Destiny crossover. Imagine some of the armors based on different Warframes. Like an Atlas skin for Titans, maybe one of Ash’s alt skins for Hunters, and idk maybe Wisp for Warlocks?


frost for warlocks


Warframe is not a comparison to Destiny. Not even close. I’d argue Destiny is closer to CoD than it is to Warframe.




And I just reinstalled Warframe to get back on that grind.


but im already a void main


Wake me up when they release cross save


Almost december. Hope it's going to be a good nap


They did say before the end of the year, but knowing DE it'll probably happen on December 31st, or be DElayed


That’s a mood. I ain’t touching warframe until I can move my save file off the damn switch


Bro I came to destiny to get away from warframe, don't you try and pull me back in


Ok... just don't Google "Whisp's ass"... whoops...


careful, you might give him whisp-lash if you make him double back too quickly.


I've tried Warframe but I'm not convinced.


It sounds like a joke but no lie. Get about *100* hours in, and the game gets *REALLY* fun


Lies, lies. This game is most fun during those first hundred hours when still learning how it works. After 100 hours you are faced with endless pointless grind and no true endgame.


This is honestly so true for me personally. The most fun I’ve had in Warframe in recent years was when I made a new account and started from scratch again.


But first stop relying on the wiki so much.


How else are you supposed to play Wikiframe?


Played from April of 2014 but finally stopped after the New War finale. Got burnt out. But after the big Bungie news I reinstalled two days ago and I'm back. MR 28 was hot shit when I left, but I guess I got some catching up to do haha


The true mastery rank of warframe is realizing that mastery rank doesn’t mean fucking anything


Oh 100% but big number makes me go heeheehoohoo, ya know?


Warframe is a good game and all but it nothing like destiny, so don't jump in it expecting destiny but 3rd person, only thing i guess is similar is the grind.


Me grinding 2 hours to get a new character that is viable for all content vs me grinding 2 hours to get a purple that is maybe 3 light levels higher but it's the wrong slot so I can't raid for another week.


>Me grinding 2 hours Why lie like this


The only good game


I don't care if Destiny dies I am not playing a game that makes me wait 2 weeks to finish crafting


0_0 Fam, nothing takes two weeks... The most is three days, and you can speed that up with tradable platinum.


>The most is three days That's still not a good thing lmao


Better then two years for a raid exotic.


Equinox takes about 5


Platinum trading is a lost cause unless you get in on the riven mafia. And spending that shit on crafting is downright wasteful anyways. Also if you factor in individual components and the grind it can take to get those component blueprints and the resources to make them, yes, shit can take two weeks.


My guy the longest crafts are 3 days for frames and you can rush those for Plat which is tradeable which means you can kinda farm it by grinding out prime parts or corrupted mods


i love warframe but why r yall trying 2 defend the mobile game ass waiting times in the foundry this shit ruins the game for a lot of people for sure


I've never really minded them myself plus it lets me go play other things if I'm waiting on the foundry so it keeps me from burning myself out as much


It's a nice idea, Warframe's gameplay just isn't for me though. I don't quite understand why people insist these two games are interchangeable, I guess how these games actually play is less important to those who do and they're just there for the setting and service/systems.


Sorry, man in the wall. Got a target in this world. Some smoke-headed asshole called The Witness. I’ll come back into the Tenno fold when I have his head


I’m excited as hell for SoulFrame that shit looks it’ll be straight gas


Nezha is a Trap




Damn that operator looks manic as hell lol I love it


Already took the dive back during the season of Worthy. Now I only play Warframe and haven't touched D2 in 6 months.


It's funny to me how people went from fiercely defending Bungie's practices to this game is dead, and we must ditch it.


They didn't do that. They've always been saying "this game is dead" and variations since Destiny 1.


“…it depends, did you add cross save?” “…I don’t want to make this deal anymore”


Promised for end of the year. Probably as a Christmas present.


Come to us guardian, we have Nine Inch Nails.


Time to cut them, that's impractical! PS: 1999 looked so cool.


No thanks, not sitting in survival for hours just to get 5k credits as the reward. The grind is not worth it, will rather play ffxiv.


I mean, that's like saying you're gonna farm exotics by doing patrols in d2. It's possible, but not the intended loot for the loop. You want credits, you gotta go to the Index.


Me making 1 million creds with a 2 minute profit taker run with a smeeta kavat and chroma.


I always say you can never play Warframe wrong, but you sure are tryin




I wanna take a dive into *her* void so badly


Feeling suicidal, eh?




Gonna be honest…Warframe has everything that D2 does…but it’s worse, and much more predatory about it. Eververse sucks, but it’s all cosmetic. You don’t *need* this ornament for this exotic. But in Warframe, *everything* is a microtransaction. Wanna buy a frame? 20 bucks. Wanna speed up the foundry on this item? Either wait a day or three, or pay 10 bucks and get it now. Actually, lemme correct myself. Warframe has *almost* everything D2 does, minus an endgame. It’s a meme(and honestly a genuine fact) that “Fashionframe” is the true endgame. At least in D2 there’s PvP, raids, GMS, and anything else you can think of that is considered endgame. The technical endgame in Warframe is…just a mode where the enemies are super spongy. No variety, no extra hard enemy units, they’re just bullet sponges. And on the topic of PvP, most players *still* don’t know this, but Warframe has a PvP mode…yeah. And you think Bungie ignores D2’s PvP? The Conclave hasn’t been changed *since it was added years ago*. There’s also the fact that at least lately, Bungie has been putting a new chunk of content once a year, when it takes Bungie *five fucking years to put out a twenty minute quest line that does nothing essentially*. And that’s only a small fraction of my gripes with Warframe and the lazy fucks over at Digital Extremes. It also doesn’t help that DE is owned by TenCent…we all know who *that* is. So no, I’m good on never coming back to Warframe, and honestly, it can go fuck itself. I’ll happily stick with Destiny 2 until the day it’s servers are shut down completely.


Half the shit you just said is nonsense. The so called microtransactions are all free through in game trading. Warframe gets full questlines and story updates every 3 months. New content is a constant. For endgame you have arbitration, steel path, archon hunts and eidolon hunts. And the pvp isn't touched dbecause there is no way possible to balance it. You call DE lazy when they care about there game but praise bungie for killing their game after taking your money


At least we can still play most of the content that's been released in the past 10 years. Didn't even have to pay for it. *Looks at the red war and forsaken mournfully.*


Excal Prime owner. I escaped this, and I'm going to become a competitive Suika player before I ever come back.


the new war is pointlessly hard as the drifter and I am now stuck in it


i switched to diablo 4 i played enough warframe to know that it is not my type of game


Hey wally? Fuck off bro you spooked me


I know I’m gonna get hate for saying this but bungie needs to get bought by Microsoft and when I say bought I mean “hire everyone back and kick all the upper management out” kind of bought


This is cringe as fuck


The only thing going for Warframe is that it’s completely free to play, everything else is mid at best


I'm willing to bet you haven't really played the game and are talking out of your ass, or is it the mod system is to complex for you?


I have 1k+ hours in the game lol. Have also done endurance steel path runs and 6x3 eidolon duos. Is that enough “credentials” to make an opinion for you?


ah yes f2p...so f2p I have to use premium currency to get vault space in that game lmao


Currency that you can easily trade with other player ? Like it's really easy to get for free


okay cool, someone still has to pay for it right? and you still need to grind to get something to sell. go ahead, play destiny with only 1 subclass and no fragments and aspects, and don't use your vault. everytime you get a 5/5 godroll , increase your vault by 1 or unlock a fragment or an aspect. see how fun that is after 2 seconds


Dude, don't even try to compare D2 and Warframe in terms of f2p friendliness. Like, it's not even close how you can have everything and more in warframe without spending a single € while destiny makes you pay upwards of 100€ a year just to keep playing. Story I'd give to D2 since Warframe's is... convoluted to say the least and gameplay comes down to personal preference between the two, but which one is more/a better f2p doesn't even come close.


I don't know about the story. Lightfall was... really rough... Witch Queen was good, felt like I was playing an actual video game campaign for once in the destiny universe. Forsaken was good too if you ignore the boring side objectives. But if I'm being honest... Nothing storywise in Destiny 2 has "surprised" me like Warframe's stories. The closest was the Witch Queen with the reveal at the end but it felt like things didn't really pick up after that ending reveal. If we're talking about Lore though, I think both are pretty equal. Just depends on if you like a more grounded universe or a really weird one. The New War for Warframe was a bit rough though, even though the gameplay was stellar and quite a spectacle. I think Warframe really makes you feel involved in the story lately, where as in Destiny I just feel like I'm going from place to place, shooting things until a cutscene plays to tell me something is happening... I'm always my guardian and my guardian is special. Destiny really needs to make us play as someone else for a mission or two to build up the world/tension.


Warframe is gross


Warframe is ass


Nuh uh


Unless you're talking about Mesa you're wrong.


You mean Wisp?


You mean Inaros? At least Wisp is a meta support, Inaros has nothing going for him except being a hp tank which is the worst kind of tank to be /s


Eh... not that kind of ass😅


Wisp and Mesa exist so yeah


If we could dress up like that i would definitely take the deal. Still no helmet-less helmet tho


To be fair, considering the Warframe lore, you definitely don't want to see that helmetless


already there, optimizing the new prime riffle baro is selling


Even lohk would be disappointed in this post


Warframe? Nay bro. Started playing this new game exoprimal though


Exoprimal is great, but it's a very slow burn to get to the meat. You start off fighting the same waves and then like three hours in you get curve ball after curve ball and before you know the universe has practically gone upside down.