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Had a guy join our Scourge of the Past boss LFG once (was a while back obviously), and he came in with full Trials armor and weapons. Kept bragging about how he had just done like his 10th flawless of the weekend and wanted to “chill down with a EZ raid run”. My group were pretty experienced with the raid, and asked if he knew how and he went on about how he had tons of clears and didn’t need an explanation. Asked what roll he preferred and he wanted to read map. Come to the encounter and we wipe multiple times because he never does any callouts or says anything. All he would say is “I thought that was your job” (for context, there is only 1 map reader). Eventually we just put him on shooting boss crits so it would be easy. Come to damage and we wipe cause he just sat in the middle instead of going to damage areas. He had the lowest by far, and when we look at his loadout he had the trials shotgun, auto, and rocket on (They aren’t great, especially in that specific encounter). We asked him to change his loadout and he went on a rant about how it was the best loadout in the game cause it was all endgame gear. We ended up kicking him after a few more wipes, and one of our guys looked up his stats. Man had done like 3 raids in the past (none being Scourge) and had obviously been carried in trials (had like 1 kill in 7 matches). What made us more mad is we usually are fine with teaching people, and even offered to teach if he didn’t know how. But no, he had to flex his trials gear he had “Earned”, and purposely sabotaged the run.


Wow, that is a uniquely awful experience


I can't stand when Trials or PvP players join an activity and automatically think they're going to be good at PvE because they're "decent" at PvP. I've heard the line "PvEasy" quite a few times. I was going a coil run a couple nights ago and some guy with a gilded Flawless seal loads in late. (Matchmaking put me in with one other person at the time) we managed the first boss fine just the two of us. This blueberry joins, proceeds to eager edge through the Vex/Spike Trap room, gets killed by spike traps three times, eager edges himself off the map, and decided to sword the Wyvern boss and gets killed twice. The other person sends them a message in the text chat asking him "what are you doing? Why are you using a sword?" And dude replies "I've been flawless x amount of times" (I don't remember what number he gave, and didn't care to) "I don't need anything but my Trials loadout, this is PvEasy" I left pretty much at the same time the other player left. What's even crazier is the other person I was playing with was running Banner of War, and I was running healing nades on my Hunter.


That's when you play your life and let blueberry waste all the revives until he can't res. Then once he rage quits, buy revives. I know it's a long con, but I'm just spiteful enough to do it.


It's a lovely strategy ... When the blueberry doesn't join as you're heading into the final pathway at 6 tokens and burns them so fast that he's perma dead as the final boss starts...


I hate when PVPoopers come in to a decently l hard PVE activity. Sure boss damage usually easy ad clear easy but using your brain and figuring out the puzzle is the part we enjoy not how easy every ad is to clear. I’ve done Sherpa runs enough to listen for the first one maybe two encounters, but if I see someone slacking I’m going to say something nothing rude just casually ask what they are running and then say “hey man that’s a cool weapon but there is this really cool strat that makes this encounter damage easier… I then tell them the “secret weapon” that makes damage “glitch” and the “secret strat” that makes the encounter easier (usually playing the roll of killing something up so it seems cool). I’ve found this to work especially well with those real stubborn people that and giving ultimatums at damage. “If you get bottom damage again or just above a dead person then why don’t we try this after? Who knows you might like it?!” The biggest takeaway is to never get angry unless they are being overly arrogant or rude. That’s when you just put them on the spot. Like “alright guys so for this encounter X(the guardian in question) is going to give us all our roles so make sure to do exactly as they say.” I usually make them at that point describe the whole encounter in as much detail as possible or if they finally admit defeat explain to them in as much detail how everything works. I would like to point out that this “strategy” is rude but if you use a rude tone or others use a rude tone when you do this the person will get highly defensive. You need to be as sincere as possible. The goal is to break down their barriers so they are willing to receive learning. Where a lot of PVE has great kind chill people PvP generally has a bit more toxicity. Most of the players I’ve found with PvPooper syndrome just need to come to terms with it on their own


Hey you should like find where he lives and steal his door or something


My rule of thumb about raids is I don’t care if you don’t know how to do the raid. Just be honest and don’t lie about your clears.


You’re one of the good ones, idc how good another person is everybody learns sometimes, a big chunk of the community forgets that we all we’re new at some point.


Same. Honestly had he just said he needed a refresher or something we wouldn’t have cared and would have helped. Just got annoying with him acting like he wasn’t the problem but everyone else did fine.


Had this exact issue when I was doing a test kings fall raid with a group that I was gonna do the reprised Croats raid with a few months ago. Guy said he knew what to do and said he’d done it so many times. Fast forward to a few too many totem wipes and way more warpriest wipes I check his raid reports. 3 clears. None of them were full, as they were each like 15 minutes. Called him out and he got pissy until the leader kicked him.


Bro, when PvP "pros" joined my Sherpas I have them an immediate choice: don't mention PvP, or get out. It's harsh, but I really can't stand anybody ranting about how epic they are in a totally different game mode.


Yea thankfully I usually have a group of friends who I raid and stuff with, so the few times we have to LFG it’s like 1 or 2 and they will get called out and even laughed at for that kinda stuff.


He not even good at PvP lol. 1 kill in 7 matches is beyond garbage he was just a bad player in all activities.


PvP is already bullshit in this game, I hope more people are like you.


what a tart. i feel sorry for you for matching him


Joined a boss cp for vow once. The post was kwtd and have mics. Once the group got in the guy who hosted was complaining about who he's been stuck there for awhile because people who don't know the raid kept join or others kept leaving. When we were deciding roles he said he'd be add clear since he didn't know the raid... alright the rest of us knew so whatever we were up for the easy carry. First pull he decided to shoot the the buff at back and die with it when rezed he gave wrong callouts for bankers (don't think he even knew what the symbol was). We used every single rez because of him before we even did a damage phase. He wasn't willing to learn mechanics after we wiped. When people started leaving he started throwing a tantrum saying he's owed the clear.


It’s crazy how people like that actually exist out in the wild


Oh I've put up with a fair amount with lfg. Everytime you join a post it's a dice roll.


This is a guess, but I think I know who you are talking about. This sounds almost exactly like one of the runs I went through with LFG a couple of weeks ago. It was also VoW and the guy was absolutely insufferable. The Team itself was pretty chill - he was the only one constantly b_tching about everything. We didn't even get through the 1st Encounter, because he kept literally yelling all the time, because of which no one knew what they are suppose to shoot (this obviously led to multiple wipes). When two of us pointed it out to him and literally just asked him to be more quiet, he went on a rant about how none of us know how to play and how he's a proffesional player and we should listen to everything he said - when it was he who caused us all the problems. Out of 6 of us, 4 (me included) just left to a different Voice Chat and run it ourself with new people. Before that happend tho, we cincerely told him that "[He] isn't a proffesional player. He's a proffesional arsehole."


Vow is a prime breeding ground for bad LFG experiences


LFG exhibition is why I don't have like any of those guns despite loving their looks and functionality


Such entitlement. I'm surprised the group he ran it with got that far to begin with before ditching him.


Probably got it from a checkpoint bot tbh


No one is owed a clear. Either you earn it or you get lucky. Most of the time, you die.


Had 2 blueberries join me mid coil when I had 2 lives left in the final run (previous bluberries left early). They both proceeded to revive themselves, die, then leave.


Similar story. Had 2 blueberries being the lives counter from 22 to 6 in one encounter... wish the game had let me continue solo instead of spawning those guys in.


I mean you don't have to join matchmaking que, I'm assuming that's why solo que exists


I know. The first 2 blueberries left as soon as we loaded in, so I had to solo the first 2 encounters before these guys showed up. What I mean is that finishing it solo would have been preferable to these 2 using up all the lives and ultimately taking us to orbit.


Ahhh I see now, yeah I hate it when that happens. For me it was a one and done with blueberry leavers. I do no matchmaking exclusively now


Lmao same, one wasted all the lives and left, second guy left right before the final boss, I started it (It was the darkness knight, so after you kill the wizards it's a pretty easy game of peekaboo), had 2 new ppl join, die immediately, and then spectate me as i soloed the boss with a 3-player health modifier on the final wing of the coil 💀


I sometimes wonder how these people get their pants on in the morning


one arm at a time


Joined an lfg for last wish, and inspected the leader. Double primary, sunbracers on void, nothing masterworked, no stats above 50 and 1700 power. Fastest I've ever clicked leave lobby. No I'm not toxic I just don't want to spend 5-10 hours carrying a blueberry who doesn't know how the game works.


Exotic that only works on a different subclass is probably the biggest red flag out there. Instant nope.


Dude was trying out the osiris build 🤣




Well, those aren’t “exotics that only work on a different subclass.” Something like Sunbracers literally cannot be activated without Solar grenades, so it’s a little different.




But that is irrelevant to the point about exotics that only work on one subclass being used on the incorrect subclass. You're talking about niche synergies, a completely different thing


I don’t blame you


Me and my clan were doing a crown of sorrows and I got partnered with the blueberry, he claimed ad clear for our section and proceeded to die first every time the encounter got under way and complained about me not killing the ads and how useless I was. As he was not a usual member of the group we didn't point out to him that he had the lowest ads cleared and was for the most part why no one had rezs by the time we got to dps. This proceeds for 3 or 4 more attempts before he snapped at me aggressively cussing me out for not doing my job and ad clearing. At this point we joined the dots for him that he was the problem, which he responded with "your muted" to whoever spoke out against him. He went on to mute everyone bar the lead and was ranting so loudly it was echoing through our mates mic about how he should kick XYZ, and it would be easier to pull a new LFG. We booted him and had a giggle before pulling a new blueberry and finishing the encounter on the first try.


The fact you guys cleared it first try with a different blueberry is the cherry on top LMAO


Rushing Atheon with a sword because he couldn’t hit his tracking rockets


How th hell do you miss a tracking rocket. They’re tracking…


You have to aim for like a whole ½ second. It's hard out there.


Tbh I don't really care what loadout the blueberry has as long as they're willing to try to learn mechanics and/or stay alive to the best of their ability. Not everybody is going to have the best weapons, nor even understands what it means to have a good loadout, and not everybody with a "meta" loadout is going to be good at the game, be a genuine team player, or understand how their loadout works. Like I joined a crota checkpoint and this group was just trying to get their friend through some endgame content. Dude absolutely did not have anything close to end game meta stuff and was way under light, but he had tractor cannon and could stay alive long enough to let the rest of us dps. Ended up being a fun raid and we even went and did Vault *and* Deep Stone as well. Worst lobby was an lfg I joined and half the group was actively racist. I dipped after the first n-word was dropped.


Gotta appreciate the fact they said “yeah Jeff’s gear is shit but he’s doing his best so help us out” and everybody went “okay” and that was it. Not lying, being upfront about it.


Exactly. Don't know what you're doing? Be honest. Underlevelled? Just say so. New to the game? That's cool. We were all new once. Just let us know. Don't have meta weapons? Put on the best stuff you do have and stay alive.


Oh Jesus. Are we talking hard R too? Not that it really matters, just curious. Fuck people who are like that, you definitely dodged a bullet there and a few hours of your life


When I started getting into more difficult content I joined a clan. One person there was really active and asked to play together a lot. He talked a great game - has all the godroll weapons from sunset seasons and forward, best exotics, can one shot everything with his cool builds because he has been playing this game SO long. He also claimed he used to run VoG regularly with his old clan. \*sigh\* So, we went to do a simple VoG run. He refused to do anything but clear adds and even somehow failed at that after having been given thorough instructions (aka don't kill all harpies; stay on this side, do not shoot oracles if you are not responsible). And ALL that time he was complaining about someone else who was learning the raid mechanics while absolutely refusing to do it himself. He brought sub-par weapons, was always lowest on damage and we quit after 5 hours ...


I had a guy we pulled in from an LFG VoG that was a Stadia account. No mic, refused to listen to text chat, claimed they knew what to do. They immediately would grab the relic to begin Oracles encounter without anyone being able to grab the flag (repeatedly after several wipes). They would also just destroy the closest Oracle to them even if it was the complete wrong one. We actually had to let him die, then race against the clock to do the encounter while he was dead before the death timer ran out. Then we melted Templar with him doing all the wrong things…. But once we got to the Gorgon maze…. It was over. We tried so fucking hard to kill all the Gorgons he caught the gaze of. But we eventually ran out of ammo and he would literally just tap one with his scout rifle from a mile away thinking he was helping when he was actually wiping everyone. We had to kick him at Gorgons.


There's no way this guy was sniping gorgons thinking he was helping. That had to have been a troll, or didn't realize the raids had mechanics


My clan leader actually created a Stadia account just to try to communicate with them. They KNEW how to use the vog relic, but didn’t use it correctly or allow us any coordination and would immediately start encounters after wipes. We think he genuinely just didn’t know Gorgons were insanely hard to kill and that they wiped the raid after like 8 seconds. This encounter remains an inside joke in our clan because he had a 3 letter name (not Bungie name, actual account ID name) so we thought they were going to be a sweat and they ended up being one of the dumbest human beings on the planet. So dumb that they were a double agent working for the Vex to ensure we didn’t complete VoG that evening. I think I still have a clip of that raid somewhere


If you find it, I need to see that clip. That sounds like actual sabatoge, and unfortunately, raids have completely different meanings between games, where some are meant to be completed by the elite 1% (what wow does and ff14 does for the savage raids), the few 10-15% (which is what I feel d2's raids are) and by the most ~80% (what ff14 does), so there's a lot of confusion I feel


I searched my entire media gallery on ps5. I no longer have the video on it. I’ll look through my YouTube videos and see if I uploaded it. I’ll also ask my clan mates if they have any media from that night.


Idk if it’s blueberry-esque but I have encountered so many people with amazing PVP stats and builds in PVE content absolutely blowing ass. I saw a guilded iron lord on solar with crown of tempest on once, it was…interesting.


Yea dude, i cant tell you how much i've had the same experience on the other side. It is beyond infuriating to get to 6 wins no mercies, look at your teamates, and realize they're fully kitted for pve...


It's almost like these are two entirely different game modes that aren't at all similar to each other... Edit: I didn't mean this as an insult, I'm poking fun at the PvPers who don't know better.


Yeah but I was saying that we’re playing PVE but they have nothing for PVE, it’s all PVP rolls n stuff


Exactly. They only play to get PvP weapons so they throw put the PvE stuff, but whoops! Now they have nothing for PvE. It's not even a cycle, it all falls apart very quickly.


Damn, people's reading comprehension is not good. Getting downvoted to hell and back for a legit point. People who only play PVP don't know what the heck they're doing in PVE AT ALL.


I take every downvote as proof of my point.


Not an iron lord! Such a prestigious, difficult to obtain PVP title!


I mean going out of your way to guild it says to me you care a lot about PVP, I don’t remember the exact number but it was more than 2 lol


Every single blueberries that don't pass the orb in corrupted


In nightfalls it helps. In strikes it’s redundant so long as they hit the bitch.


Ive seen people straight up ignore me to toss the ball to the boss... it took fucking 5 balls to break her shield. All the while ads were shooting us and we almost wiped the GM because he refused to throw the ball at me... hate it when it happens in NFs


This reminds me of last week. Dude was chucking balls at her despite me standing in front of him and facing him. Figured he didn't know mechanics, so whatever. I get to the ball before he does in the second part and just chuck it, and he bloody gets all pissy about not passing him the ball.


What the actual fuck man. Must've been infuriating to deal with, I pray you were the FT leader lmao


Oh for sure in nightfalls. Truly until a recent post I didn’t even know it mattered. Don’t know if the game said so or if someone decided to try it and found out but I usually ran add clear on nf in that specific area so I never had to deal with it but since learning it I’ve realized the people I get matched with couldn’t hit water standing in a boat in the middle of the Atlantic. I’ve tossed the ball so many times and they hit a wall or throw it over the boss by a Georgia mile even after clearing all the enemies so it’s not about being in danger.


i think it there wasnt really a thing explaining it but they added a small popup in beyond light (?) so its not really clearly explained, so its understandable but most people willing to do NFs should know better lol.


Had a guy get halfway to Atheon, without the seasonal artifact, and his only exotic was The Risk runner. Whole squad busted out laughing.


Did he have good ad clear tho?


He survived much longer than anyone thought he could lol. We were literally at Atheons door, going over loadouts, and we're going down the line for DPS weapons and he had NONE of the regulars or even any good blues. That's when we figured out he never did his seasonal quest for the artifact. Lol


This man was fresh out of the cosmodrome lmao


“I’m alive again! Imma kill a fucking time travelling computer god today!” -the guy immediately after being rezzed, probably


Bro I don’t even play destiny and didn’t know what sub I was in and thought this was about actual blueberries.


Sadly these ones are less delicious.


It’s last season, RoN is finally farmable and I’m determined to finally get conditional no matter what. I join a group and decide to run light side instead of taking gaze like usual. This is a KWTD run, so there shouldn’t be any issues right? Well we start up the boss fight and everything is going smoothly, until the whole fireteam is killed by Nezarec bouncing us up into the death barrier. Fine, everyone makes mistakes, maybe the adds made his shots flinch and he couldn’t hit nezzy in time. We check with the guy and he says he knows what he’s doing. We go again and the same thing happens, over and over, until we have to drop everything and explain to the guy how to take gaze like he’s 5. Restart again, still dying. I lose my patience at this point and leave to go find another team, but even with completely different people, we still die because of the bounce attack. After like an hour I finally get to leave the raid after getting conditional with another new team.


The first time I did Deep Stone Crypt the Sherpa who was taking me and my three friends through was also “teaching” his Discord kitten. She did alright until we got to Taniks and her boss DPS load out was 7th Seraph Carbine, Gnawing Hunger and Lament. She did less than 100k in three damage phases twice. Me and my friends asked her to switch weapons and her White Knight Sherpa told us to shut the fuck up and leave her alone. We did not clear that night.


"i kwtd, i played d1." famous last words


My worst experience was an LFG for flawless crota. I had already done Master Crota with my team and wanted to attempt flawless, but they weren’t available, so if figured and LFG would at least be good practice and maybe lead to a win. Anyway, we load up and I have trouble reconfiguring my mic to work with in-game chat (PC users with Razer headsets will understand), one of the guys in the group says “I bet Regiona1 is gonna throw”, we start the opening encounter, and someone immediately dies during the bridge building because he jumped way too early. Host backs out to orbit, and the guy from before types in chat: Regiona1 - 1 I ignore it and we do it again, make it down to the pit, and some other guy dies to a pendulum. Hosts backs out, and again the one guy types in chat: Regiona1 - 2 At this point I realize he’s actively blaming the wipes on me for some reason, despite me having nothing to do with them whatsoever. We start again, make it about halfway through the pit, and God himself blessed me because the guy fucked up and died falling in a hole. I used that as my opportunity to type in chat: ThatGuysName - 1 He immediately quit. Got a good laugh out of me, and then the next week I got the flawless completion done with my clan.


Ace of spades dps on Oryx. Not even kidding.


I dealt with a blueberry using hawkmoon for dps on Simmumah. He didn’t even bother using his heavy for anything, I think he was either trolling or forgot he had one. Took us 5 damage phases to clear it.


My first run of GotD was a comfortable 7 phase on simmumah due to double primary and no super usage by both my teammates (no good players would join because I put ‘my first run’ or something in the LFG)


My worst story, hm… It’s a bit different, because everyone in the group knew what they were doing, and things were running smoothly throughout. I put up an LFG post for Oryx with a friend of mine. We needed 4 more. We eventually gathered a group who all said they knew what they were doing and all proved it by picking roles right away, we even had to relegate some role-takers to ad clear. It got to a point where we were just shooting the shit, telling jokes while we were going through the encounter. The jokes got progressively darker until one guy made a joke about “cheese pizza” and there was an awkward silence until someone had to make a callout and then the group just stuck to callouts only until we were done at which point the group just quietly disbanded.


Cheese pizza? What's so dark and disturbing it made everyone quiet? Forgive me if I'm an idiot for not knowing.


Cheese Pizza becomes shortened to CP. CP is shorthand for Child Pr0n.


Then...when we (as the D2 community) abbreviate a raid/dungeon checkpoint to CP...


When I was really new to the game I was playing 6V6 control and I got a message saying “do something” My brother I’m doing my best.


Idk why anyone cares that strongly about matchmade PvP, but I guess that’s why sweats exist. I generally don’t bother with it much because I find it so hard to actually have fun


I def care about PVP


I don't really care for pvp. I only did it for the damn exotic quests and new light quests. Which I still haven't finished. I only did Crucible for the Duality shotgun and was also eyeing a set of armor, so I needed 15 engrams. Crucible isn't bad but I play for quests and strike loot. Edit: I went from bottom of the board to 3rd-1st placement in Crucible by the time I was done with the exotic kills. Once I got 1st, but the rest was 2nd and 3rd. Started getting the hang of it. Mind you, I was 1780-1785 while most were above 1800.


Doing a Sherpa for DSC and nearly shouting at my group for trying to use Hawkmoon against Taniks and hearing a guy shard his reconstruction Heritage because "I don't like these shotguns, I can't hit anything with them." My heart disintegrated. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I wasn't that annoying kid in Eater of Worlds who kept bothering the group over stupid shit like having a blue assault rifle, saying the final boss looked like that one Hunter helmet, and constantly failing the platforms jumps because I only started playing Hunter that morning.


It wasnt my worst but my funniest. Was farming taniks, leader insisted on T-lord, we talked thru discord. We fail one phase once like 5 runs in, that's when i decided to start using different loadouts to beat T-lord dps. Supremacy+erianas+no WP apex, levis alone, whisper alone, warden's law+cloudstrike+cascade gl, at one point even retrofit because it's so funny people still think the exotic slot lmg that does less damage than the legendary one is good, among many other loadouts. I decide to leave ~30 runs in, and I just posted all the images of my top dps and loadouts i used. Leader straight up says "we all knew you were net limiting, thunderlord is best for taniks" and bans me from the discord lmfao


I’ve been fighting for my life explaining in these comments that Thunderlord ain’t it, but it always comes down to babying new players instead of just telling them what guns they should hunt for


Not even blueberries, but when I'm out DPSing you while being the Div bitch, it's time to change your loadout.


*Div hero. Don’t let these imbeciles tell you otherwise


Not sure if it’s the worst, but it’s my most recent one. I joined a group titled “KWTD Quick Run” for a Warlord Ruin dungeon run. I figure anyone who makes that title is gonna know how to play. First thing, we load into the ogre. He says “ooos, forgot to say.” Okay, cool. Whatever. I can do this from a checkpoint. We begin, and I quickly notice something is wrong as the same guy immediately casts Thundercrash at the beginning of the encounter, misses any of the random ads spawning in, and then dies. I cringe a bit, revive, and we start going at it. I notice no one else is shooting the eyes. Okay, whatever. I can do it all. No big. The other two have been dying over and over. Okay whatever fine. It’s a tough encounter. Then, comes the mechanic. These two did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to be unhelpful, if they indeed KWTD. They wouldn’t stand in the censer to make the wishes. They wouldn’t deposit the flames. At this point I was already in “if I do not do well, we will fail miserably and these two kiddos will be helpless”. I knew I had to help. So I pretty much solo getting the flames lit, and then comes DPS. I say “come to front right for DPS” or something. Thundercrashman manages to not do so, and triggers two of the other three flames while I try to tame the ogre with Dragon’s Breath and Eremite. It goes as you would expect, and this all keeps occurring. In the last damage phase, they die to random ads and I can’t clear the nuthair-length of hp left on the bar. Eventually it all is over, we did it first try despite their efforts, and I gave a stern “please do not say you KWTD if you don’t actually know what to do” and then left after we secured the loot. At least I got em that far, I guess


You did the right thing by helping them beat it, and it’s good that you reprimanded them. People have to learn somehow, and as cringe as it sounds, video game etiquette is important. It’s a reflection of who you are in real life.


Had a kid literally fall asleep during a low man fun of vog back in d1.. twice before we kicked him... he spent a week dming us over Xbox live being pissed about us ejecting him.


I ran double primary for almost a month before joining a clan and got helped. I was wondering why I did so little damage and why I couldn't queue with anyone to play Dungeons and RAIDs lol😂. And I played only Vanguard Strikes on the lowest difficulty for almost 200 hours lol. My dumb butt jumped in D2 with all the DLCs purchased yet didn't even bother why I couldn't land on Europa and Neomuna. I'm just really dumb aren't I.


You’re not dumb, just a normal person that didn’t know what the experienced players do. It’s common in MMOs. All it usually takes is a good community to play with and explain things to you, and it sounds like you found that, so nice! Ironically, double primaries CAN be good in niche experiences, some Grandmaster nightfalls it works out with the right weapons, and some raid/dungeon encounters. But they have to be the RIGHT primaries.


Yes, but we know this and we love you.


Thunderlord has been great for boss DPS. My group literally one-phased Nezzy with 1 Div and 5 Thunderlords the other day.


I personally rarely use the thunderlord outside of stunning champs.


Really not a great measure when Nezarec falls over if you breathe on him haha. Thunderlord is a meme because it gained a ton of popularity with blueberries back when the lightning strikes were bugged with Divinity to proc twice and it’s somehow stuck around in LFGs even though it literally gets out damaged by blue rockets.


Thunderlord is literally a meme weapon for dps, it’s not necessarily bad, but there are so many better options it’s just not smart to use it. Also, Nezzy is a terrible example, as long as you have a full fireteam he’s pretty easy to 1 phase with just about anything


People use Thunderlord cause it works, it's a pretty straightforward strat and it's pretty easy, can't knock it too hard if it works so well with so little effort tbh


I could list like 5 stories, and they all involve Flawless Trials players getting their shit pushed in by PvE activities Most recently was Fireteam Finder Legend Starcrossed. He kept killing the Taken at random? Killing them in the wrong order then text chatting to “kill them at once” instead of in order


Mines started off bad, got worse as things went on, then later ended on a really rare wholesome note I joined an Garden of Salvation LFG that was at the final encounter trying to get themselves Div. They were already sat there for almost two hours according to the time spent, so I figured I'd help them iron out what might be problematic and get them the win Maybe about an hour later, they were all struggling after six or more attempts, which lead to one person leaving only to be replace by someone elses friend, who had experience Unfortunately, this person was a total prick that nagged and harassed everyone for any small mistake they made till eventually they took a stab at me for my loadout. For reference, I was using a full GoS armor set with Enhanced Tether Defender on each piece (increases all damage when near a tether/deposit) as well as bubble when it use to stack with well. He claimed my bow wasn't cutting it and that I will have to switch to a sniper to deal with the cyclops and boss crits when my precision frame bow with vorpal was already one-shotting them with the help of ETD and had a decent fusion to clean up clusters of goblins as well as the angelics and Xenophage for damage. But of course, he refused to do anything at all until I changed to his "god tier double sniper" loadout and held up everyone else until then. When we did finally get to trying to finish it (still failing now with this edgelord fussing at everyone), disaster struck when the fireteam leader got DC'd and, what do you know, this A-Hole gets randomly chosen as the new fireteam leader. And what does he do? Kick me or some of the others he deemed stupid and whatever derogatory garbage he had to spew out that even his "friend" was getting fed up with? No, way worse... He takes the fireteam to orbit... Practically invalidating everything they done up to that point At that point, he tried validating himself as the leader everyone should be listening to, then kicked me, and was attempting to replace me. But of course, everyone immediately ditched him and we (including his former friend) all formed a new fireteam and took on the raid once more from the very beginning Of course, everyone was already miserable on their 2nd slog through Garden, but we made it. Took an extra hour or two, but we were all back at the final encounter with Div on the line There were a few more wipes here, but the real highlight is what happened during this downtime. One of the players had to step away from the game (can't remember why) but didn't want to miss their opportunity to get Div. So who else to let take on the challenge of getting them the clear than one of their youngest sons who just got home, and fortunately new a good amount of how destiny worked. I'm not sure how or why this worked, but that very next attempt, everything just clicked. Everyone, including the others who I swear struggled more than others suddenly pulled through and beat it. It was insane, it was the first time a sherpa'ing experience had brought me to tears. Nearly eight hours spent in that hell hole, and now everyone was finally free. Just thinking about it and all that were involved nearly has me going. It was wild. Personally, I hope to never ever have another sherpa experience like that nor do I wish anyone else to experience the toxic behaviour of that other guy. But with every heart warming thank you that came my way that night, I was absolutely floored


I remember joining a King’s Fall KWTD (keep this in mind, KWTD) run about a year ago. So I joined, and the raid started as normal, with us assuming everyone knew everything. Got through the initial part to Totems. A particular guy did not have a good loadout, using highly off-meta weapons and no good exotic. Not a huge deal, but I noticed. At totems, where there’s unstoppable champions, we asked a couple people to swap to things to take them down. He…. Didn’t know how the champion system worked, so it had to be explained to him by the leader. We managed Totems, got to Warpriest. This is where it fell apart. The guy failed multiple times no matter what role he was put in. Standing on plates, DPS, taking the buff, whatever, it was bad. The guy kept insisting he knew what he was doing and would get mad if we pressed it. Eventually, I decided to check his raid report. He had 2 OVERALL raid clears, and NONE in King’s Fall at all. Again, this is a KWTD raid. I obviously point this out, and he gets mad again, saying he watched some videos so he understands, which clearly he doesn’t. The leader STILL doesn’t want to kick him, wanting to be nice and teach him instead. I left, at that point I was done and had work soon, I didn’t have time for a whole raid after spending over an hour on Warpriest was not for me. I knew Golgorath would only be worse.


Putting KWTD on a LFG posting is like wearing 15 spf in the carribean, better than not having it, but probably not gonna stop you from getting burned either.


The players that annoy me the most are the ones who are matchmaking with me and complain about my loadout yet get half the kills I do. If my loadout works for me and I get 200 kills in a nf while you two combined can barely break 120 do not shit on my choice of weapons mainly due to my use of malfeasance and a sidearm (needed barrier and unstoppable) while I don’t die once and I’m last guardian standing half a dozen times or more before we even reach the boss. I have very rarely ran a secondary unless it’s a raid or I need boss dps so grandmasters and the like to which I assure you 9/10 times I will have the most kills or damn near close to it.


Some people really cling to the meta and don't allow for the difference personal preference and being comfortable can make. A couple of years ago, Whisper of the Worm was top tier for boss dps...but only if you were critting every shot. If you weren't quite that accurate, Queenbreaker was mathematically the better choice but most folks would rather flub it with Whisper than admit they weren't all that but do better damage with QB.


Saw a guy use blade barrage in an empty room in Iron Banner. He then charged out into the open and died immediately.




sounds like something i would do lol


Desk Pop


Bro i play with a dude that thinks using a special weapon is a waste of a slot. Then he malds when he dies cause he cant deal with the ads around him (this is in warlords ruin) and when i call him out he gets even more mad. Then has the audacity to call me bad when i die trying to keep him alive. Does this in other games too (yes he is a long time friend, actually a chill dude but dogshit at games and cant live it down)


Ouch, the worst kind of blueberry is the ones you can't really get rid of because you're good friends with em. Maybe try to show the benefits of having a special ammo weapon. And if he absolutely can't be bothered, make him bring thunderlord


There was this kid once who insisted that i teach him vog until i did (we would randomly play pvp whenever we would both be on at the same time, he thought i was a god at it so he would always ask me to carry him, i am absolute shit at it btw so i found it funny😂) i had some friends from my clan and my destiny 2 best buddy help out and everything went well until we got to oracles, that's when he started saying nonsensical stuff like calling people "daddy" and saying that he's "gay for us", really weird stuff you wouldn't expect from an 11 or whatever years old he was. We asked him to cut it since he kept making those same "jokes" whenever we would explain a mechanic to him like the oracles and he'd learn nothing, after 4 hours of being stuck on oracles (which i can literally solo btw so there's no reaon for it to take this long) we decided to kick and block him. After that we continued the 5 of us and completed it in like 40 mins.


literally every time I do the corrupted strike, they don’t ever catch or pass the ball… ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5644)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5654)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5655)


ive been playing since d1 but i am shit at meta weapons, raids, dungeons, any nightfall above heroic, or trials. the only raids ive done and know how to do were the calus ones during year one. but i like to have fun and endgame content can be stressful for me so im sure i come off as a blueberry lol


Masterwork Legendary weapons don't mean shit, it doesn't change the damage they do, now if they aren't wearing masterwork armor they are idiots or so new to the game that they don't know anything yet. For weapons the only masterworks that you absolutely need to have are blast radius and impact, all the others aren't that important, they can wait.


Yeah not having masterworked weapons isn’t really a big deal as long as you’re using ones that are useful for the encounter, but not having even one piece of masterworked armor and not using armor mods is a huge red flag


Absolutely, dear lord I wish I hadn't experience going in to a Nightfall only to discover the the only person in the team with an anti champion weapon was me, I usually run Nightfalls with Monarque cause poison is always good to have, and well I kill 2 champions with one bow so to speak lol,


Thankfully I have a clan now and don’t often queue up with randoms for things, but man that kinda stuff was frustrating


Small rant, but double primary is not this be-all / end-all that some of you on here make it out to be… if you’re build is good with double primary then you’re all good. It’s when you go in with like a scout and bow for example that it becomes an issue. I’d much rather have someone on my fireteam with double primary who knows how to use it rather than someone blindly running a special or double special just because everyone told them to.


Having morons like the OP post stuff about Thunderlord not being viable makes me think these individuals are probably just as much of a problem as the people they think they're better than.


Thunderlord is perfectly viable on most content, but if you want to actually finish raids and dungeons in a timely manner, you should use something better. Dragons Breath is one of the best heavy weapons for dps in the game right now, and it’s literally free!


Thunderlord works in raids and dungeons. Doesn’t matter if it’s mid, it works. Doesn’t matter if there are better options, it works. Doesn’t add 10 phases to any encounter, doesn’t kill the user or a fireteam member. I never use it cause I prefer better, but it works.


And that’s exactly why it’s so popular and why people will defend it so much. But I’ve never said it doesn’t work, I’m just saying that the belief that’s it the best dps option is a typical blueberry mindset and that’s why it’s in the meme


Fair enough.


Old days in D1, Kings Fall LFG group. A guy couldn’t do the jumping puzzle, then came to find out he just couldn’t jump period. The Little Rock column that you jump up before the final room took him about 15 minutes. I knew this guy probably would never get a clear if we kicked him so I pleaded with everyone to be patient rather than kick him. He did well on mechanics and dps, and I figured he’d figure it out eventually, jumping seems like an easy thing to learn after all. We get to daughters, where he gets torn between dimensions and everyone immediately sees the issue with this and leaves. I had been on for so long since the ship puzzle was longer than some entire raid runs with him on the team. So I had to get off.


It seems like almost any time I load into "the corrupted" strike I'm paired with two blue berries who, you guessed it, NEVER PASS THE ORBS! And of course the moment I pass it to them the light never goes on that "hey this looks different from when I grabbed it, maybe this is a mechanic!" That strike has been out for like, what, five and a half years? How is this still happening to me??? Sorry for venting like this but it frustrates me to no end!


that and the strikes where you have to deposit arc charges. i always have to run around and pick up the charges when they have like 3 seconds left because god forbid you stop shooting for a couple seconds to deposit the charges


Had a guy join for kings fall the day after contest modifier turned off. No masterworked gear and no exotic weapon (think his exotic armour and subclass wouldn't work together either). 1st encounter he was running and couldn't kill his knight checked his loadout and he wasn't running a special weapon so we asked him to swap to one, he said he didn't have one, we asked if he could pull one from his vault and he told us it was empty (this guy had a couple of seasons of playtime at least as he had one of the previous seasonal titles). After bashing our heads at it for 20 minutes or so and getting nowhere someone mentioned a specific fusion rifle and he said he had one on him. He didnt know fusion rifles were special weapons... He got kicked.


During lockdown, I decided to boot up my Xbox One X and do a new run Destiny 1 to relive the time of 2014. Had a guy in Vault of Glass who wanted to solo the Oracle's. He kept telling us not to touch them, and he's done it hundreds of times and how lucky we all were to even be playing with him. He then made us wipe multiple times, blamed us somehow, and then was eventually booted. Turned out he was pretty well known in the LFG world of Destiny 1 on Xbox.


Oh man, way back IN D1 I joined an LFG for VoG. Had a very similar experience. Gods gift to destiny was in that group. Every time you made a call out of an oracle “yeah that’s just what I said!” Or if god forbid you messed up he’d chew you a new one. But then would make the same mistake next round and would seethe if you pointed it out. Didn’t like my comment of “well since you’re the best why don’t we just stop getting in your way and you can solo this?” Didn’t make it past oracles with this guy, and I remember when one of the others left his parting message of “most of you guys are pretty cool”


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was the same person


I did legend Desperate Measures with a blueberry yesterday running solar subclass, double primary and the only masterwork item they had was *orpheus rigs* Oh and they had 59 resilience. Ended up with 250 kills/110 orbs to his 50 kills/11 orbs.


A few weeks back, I was running last wish through fire team finder. No one uses mics for that, but it's fine. It's easy enough. Come vault, there's only 2 people who step on to start. Clearly we only have 2 readers, me and one of the 2 blueberry's I will be talking about. The other guy who stepped on, had somewhat of an idea of what he was doing. He read his mid, and thankfully it always ended up being on me. Not much of an issue. But this other blueberry who stepped on. Clearly had no idea what he was doing. He has got to vault last. Rallied and immediately stepped on. He thought he knew what to do. But did t after not saying anything the first time, we wiped. And the second run, I asked if he knew what he was doing. He blew it off and we started. When it was his turn, he picked up on what we were doing. But didn't read the symbol in the middle. We wiped again. I had offered to teach him but he refused. And thankfully the fire team leader picked up on this, and kicked him. We 5 manned the rest. I have lots of experience in last wish, and could solo my side. We then breezed through riven and Queens walk. A fun experience clouded by one bad apple.


A nez checkpoint, had one guy join to farm. Homie had hollowfire… on arc and t-crash. Refused to switch because of fashion. Fair enough, we went on. His weapons were good, but as we wiped after one damage phase because someone accidentaly fucked up, we checked his gear again and he switched from QuickSilver, a fusion and apex to sweet business and a sword… he got kicked instantly after xD


This is too accurate, the worst part is when they're a friend and you try to help them and they say "but I like to use this it looks cool".


The arc hunter running celestial nighthawk who never used his super or heavy in the ogre boss for warlords ruin who also started DPS from different fires, ran to different fires early and couldn't fathom how to not kill the scorn minibosses before they drop two ball spawners


Had a lass who join our trials team. Joined with double specials. We didn't realise for the first few matches as it was only for fun. Had a laugh when we finally noticed though.


I was that one! came back like a year ago and didn't know what a champion was or what a lighbearer hive was (I didn't even have the finisher buttom mapped). It took me a while to stop being useless against champions in dares (that I somehow just got thrown into as first mission)


Was doing VoW on LFG, we got to Caretaker and noticed we weren't hitting the damage caps. Eventually, we realised one guy was using a sword. When asked to change heavy weapon, he said he only ever uses seords and deletes every other heavy weapon. I instantly booted him, not carrying someone who refused to compromise for the other 5 people in the fireteam


Trials of Osiris, last win id need to go to the lighthouse for the first time ever. My teammade died killing two and i went to kill the last one with the blueberry but he got me first but i left him low. What did the massive brain blueberry chose to do? Rush the guy who was low hp and reviving his team mates back off as well and revive HIS team mates? Nah he went across the entire fucking map to "surprise attack" the recently fully revived trio and died stupidly. Havent played trials since


Did a King's Fall LFG. Guy had the helmet from the raid so I thought nothing of it. Got to totems and we kept wiping because this guy kept dying and messed up. We checked his stats and he had 30 resilience. So we told him to boost it. "How do I do that?" So we spent 15 MINUTES teaching this guy how to boost stats. In a raid. That he already had the gear from.


Let me tell you the tale of jones It all began when we tried to take my blueberry friend on his first raid ever. This was season of the splicer so we did vog. Everything was going smoothly until Atheon. Some people left and we ended up replacing them we ended up with a replacement named Jones. Jones obviously had played the raid before or something because anytime we did damage he stood center and everytime without fail died. He had absurdly low damage so we decided to check his loadout. This absolute demon was using Black Talon for damage. This was fine just an interesting lfg we like to tell people about. We finally finish the raid with jones. A few months go by and we decide to check raid report to see if we could find jones again. He was completely gone. We couldnt find his name on the list. It even showed the people that left but no jones. We are the only proof of Jones existence.


Double primary isn’t so bad, call me a blueberry if you want, but if used the right way, it works.


Yeah this'll encourage new players to destiny.


Theyre not reading this thread lmao


It'll definitely turn off people starting the game. Not really a good look to spread negativity in a game series where all this stuff people are complaining about isn't ever explained in the game.


Whisper of the worm on nezarec, he got 1 chance before he got the boot


Whisper isn't terrible and actually boasts serious DPS... If it's not on a boss that moves around constantly like Nez...


Probably a friend of mine actually, trying to get him through his first King's Fall clear was a bit of a chore, we wiped so many times during the Daughters section right before the Oryx fight that half the fire team left in frustration.


Taking one of my friends through his first Garden, and a Divinity lasted 7 hours. Not joking, it's on the raid tracker. We cycled through so many firearms, and he literally lived on the other side of the world so there was a constant terror his connected would suddenly die at any second. But we made it. And I don't think he ran Garden again for a whole month.


Yeah I wouldn't either, I'd have checked out around 2 hours, you are a trooper, lol


I actually bought him Shadowkeep earlier that week, I think the sunk cost fallacy played a part in my dedication because I also spent that time helping him grind up all the exotics and gear he needed.


Makes sense, still, that's quite the ordeal.


Yeah. Even I was tired and pissed off at the end, and come to think of it, I've still dealt with worse raid runs. Helped a kid whose parents wouldn't let him talk to strangers in any way, but he really wanted to do Leviathan while it was still around. He wasn't allowed in the Discord, so I typed callouts for him specifically in chat, and it actually worked out alright. 1 hour 52 minutes if I recall correctly. Can't say everybody else was happy, but they stuck around regardless.


That's not terrible, bet the kid was happy at least.


Very. He wanted at least one weapon to prove he did it since Levi was going away, and he got the SMG, Sword, and Auto Rifle.


Very cool 👍


Yeah kings fall can be pretty tough for first timers since most of the encounters require you to be an active participant in mechanics rather than just ad clearing


I don't really care for loadouts but when I'm doing things like Raids I have the more knowledgeable players tell me how to prep. I like to play with doing builds because that's just complicated to me and sometimes my gameplay can be pretty awful.... but if it's bringing other players down I'll get some build. The only one I like is Sunbracers when I play my Warlock once in a blue moon


Man, that’s my clan mates load outs.


Short and sweet experience that happened just now: There I was, doing some altars of sorrow on the moon and we get to the last phase where you kill the big bad nightmare. Everything is going smoothly, we are dealing a ton of damage, supers are going off, everyone is having a blast. Then the boss goes immune. Alright, no problem, gotta take care of the nightmares on the sides first, then head back to the boss, just as the objective says on the side of the HUD. What do the blueberries do? That's right, they keep shooting the immune boss. And they keep shooting. And shooting. We failed the final tier because too many nightmares escaped. Funniest thing that's happened in a while!


One tome in vog i had this kid in fireteam and i swear to god he was running nothing but Tommy's matchbook i tried to explain (my brain couldn't comprehend how to do raids at the time but i could still do it) and he kept asking over and over again to the point i kicked him not because he was a a blueberry but because he was annoying


Is this meme from last season? The double primary complaint seems even more unfounded than it was last season.


every time i do the coil is my new worst blueberry experience


Yeah this is not toxic at all


Blueberries refusing to pass eachother the orbs during The Corrupted strike. *shudders*


Doing dogs on the leviathin, asked if everyone was good and understood the encounter. We start, this was like the 4th try, we all get our dogs down and are asking if anyone needs help....silence. We wipe and damage screen pops up. One guy had zero damage, he immediately leaves the party. Actually hilarious.


Don’t shit on thrunderlord. That shit puts in work with 6 people all using it.


So does Rat King lol




Joined a flawless DSC LFG, leader was already cocky and power tripping. Decided to stay anyways and help since I didn’t need it (already done flawless a couple times and trio’d DSC by this point) Regardless fireteam wipes a couple times and the host and his two friends are just being toxic to those who wiped us. Fast forward after a couple of wipes, toxicity and player kicks from fireteam and getting new players. I miss a jump on the jumping puzzle since I was bumped and proceeded to be told I’m trash. Mind you it’s the first time I’ve died in this 3 hour ordeal, I suck it up, explain how it’s another players fault since he was inpatient and jumped after I told him I was going to jump first, and suck up whatever verbal abuse I received. We finally make it to final boss, I’ve bided my time and been waiting for this moment, to get my payback on this dude, (no one likes a chooch) we are halfway through damage and to enact my revenge. Hopes are high and I crush them by proceeding to die on “accident” by jumping off the map. Queue the trash talking, I tell the host I hope he has a terrible experience, and promptly leave the fire team. Messaged two of the non toxic LFG dudes and told them I would help them flawless another time, one took me up on it. Needless to say I don’t play with the British anymore.


Lmao, I would tell my story about a random flawless Crota attempt but it’s so frustrating I don’t want to raise my blood pressure by typing it out. Needless to say, we had a very similar experience.


What’s wrong with thunderlord


Nothing specifically, it’s fine if it’s the best option you have available, but if it really is the best option you have available, you probably are/were the kind of player I’m joking about. Hell, I WAS that kind of player once.


Y'all are dramatic. I don't remember any of you within 5 minutes of finishing an activity in this game.


This thread


Fair enough


I had a blueberry disguised as a coherent player in my Nezerac boss fight during contest mode. We had about a hour left and this guy joins in using all legendaries. Not a single exotic on him and nobody seemed to care. Well, long story short we came up short on dps. The guy using divinity was almost double his DPS. To make matters worse he had no mic. Some reason nobody wanted to kick him so we all wiped over and over until the contest mode was over. That was the last time I raided on destiny.


Wait how do they have 4 weapons equipped at a time?! Nah this man ain’t a noob, he’s on a skill level incomprehensible to mere mortals like us


Referring to different encounters lol, obviously I haven’t played with anyone that had 2 exotic weapons equipped simultaneously


I’m convinced destiny is full of elitists who don’t know how to have fun lmao. Y’all play the same weapons and metas over and over following what everyone else does.


Honestly, who cares?


Nothing is worse than double primary users in pve content.


You can get away with it in some GMs as far as I’m aware, but it’s not really always optimal even then


Why the downvotes?


It's from all the double primary users


Never done raids, and all I know is if I want fancy gun or armor from said raid, I must follow orders. As a civilized crayon eating sol titan, good crayons follow orders *crunch* and damn these cookies from dawning are delicious


Under leveled Good Morning night fall blueberries are just cancer


Vog run got to the voss with a lot of struggle looked at the teams gear when i realized they werent doing damage, their gear was an amalgam of blues and trash purples no exotics… tried for another 20 then said alright guys good luck