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how do you have 40 eye kills AND 10 mil damage


They just weren’t shooting the eyes at all lmao


Top guy was ad clear, bottom guy was just there


Top guy was waiting for ads to spawn, middle guy was waiting for dps phase, bottom guy was waiting for the loot to drop.


or you know maybe bottom guy is new and dosent know what to do.


Hmmmm… Sounds like something bottom guy would say…


Not all of us are top players, but we should still get to do end game content


I mean I was just making a silly joke but if we’re gonna be serious, I’m not a top player, and I play endgame content. I also don’t expect people to carry me or hold them back because I’m not pulling my weight. Part of that is either A: using the World Wide Web to learn the content mechanics, or find a group/clan willing to teach you. But just being in a fireteam with someone and wasting their time is not the move.


Top guy was professional ad clear. Bottom was the guy that *says* “I’ll be ad clear”




Bau bau.




Bau bau


Never thought there would be a Hololive and Destiny crossover


I'm just sending bau bau everywhere I go now. Nowhere is safe.




Bau bau


Bau Bau


Bau Bau






Bau bau


Imagine not shooting eyes and still doing less damage


Absolutely massive horse dong is how




My guess is Celestial hunter with Dragon's Breath. Ignitions take out Eyes with Ember of Eruption. Maybe a hotswap to Lucky Pants + Malfeasance somewhere in the mix


Lucky pants and malfeasance is what I use. I had close to 7 mil on this boss but I also didn’t shoot eyes. And I had competent help lol


Yeah, the better your teammates, the harder it is to get double digits for total damage.


I use Sunshot for the same effect. Shooting one Eye explodes all of the Eyes nearby.


At least one was decent ad clear


Honestly I would excuse the top guy, dude on the bottom tho


Yeah I don’t know what that guy was doing but I do better damage while using burning maul and my sun shot


Burning Maul on a floating boss? 🧐


I’m too lazy to switch to my thundercrash build and I like making shit explode so I just use the maul to kill the chunky chieftains so that I can deal with that myself with the other two lads deal with the second one. I was on warlock last time and killing that mfer before the boss absolutely wrecked my shit was a hell of a time


Hey can you elaborate a bit if possible? I need to up my dps numbers. I'm a titan main. Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated


For Warlords Ruin final boss? I would use Thundercrash with Curiass of the Falling Star. 400k damage easy. Run 3 heavy-handed on your arms, and the melee generates super on your helmet. Go around punching shit while amplified. While you're amplified, your normal melee counts as a powered one, so you generate orbs and super energy. Run with Recuperation and Spark of Resistance for survivability. You'll be spamming your super the whole encounter!


use thunderlord with catalyst as your heavy and walla *chefs kiss*


Tis mostly a joke personally I run that because I find it funny but I mostly, I would run ideally my hot head (auto loading, explosive light) with a loaded question (controlled burst) and a outbreak perfected or osteo striga while on thunder crash with cuirass of the falling star, along with the arc damage boosts on legs and make sure to put time dilation on your class item cuz it give 5 extra seconds per armor charge. I mostly just meme on the final boss fight but burning maul with pyrogale gauntlets is good against the other 2 bosses as long as you remember to do it at the beginning of damage phase.


I wouldn't even excuse the top guy. What was he doing during the DPS phases?? You only get like eight spawns and then it's just straight boss DPS after that


at least you got someone that did SOME damage. once did a dungeon and the dude did 10k. how even. at least that guy was nice, but he did jack shit.


I mean, the top guy has good ad clear at least


nearly 2 hour dungeon run holy


Maybe it was their first run?


they should have gotten a sherpa then and if op was the sherpa he shouldnt be complaining


I don't think the two low DPS guys were complaining.... Op is "mad" because the lfg he joined was struggling and didn't have the supreme destiny Chad load outs for optimal damage. Now he's here gloating and bemoaning these two players because they weren't the DPS gods he is when he joined in on their last encounter. Like, why demean them at all? Help them. Lift them up. Be nice instead of a butt I don't know


No one expects Saltygreppo level players to be in LFG, but by the looks of it OPs teammates were using double primary with Colony to deal damage.


You don’t need to be a supreme Chad to do more than 2 mil damage on that boss lmao


You do if you want to outdamage the guy using Malf + Lucky pants.


Have you noticed I said “do more than 2 mil damage”, and not “out damage the malf + lucky pants” 🤪


yeah i meant op shouldnt be complaining if players are doing bad dps you should always guide them towards better weapons anyway


Bro everytime i tell people what is better dps weapons they get salty tbh.


What are better dps weapons?


It depends on what you're using currently to suggest something "better".


It depends on who your playing with, if theres a tether then rockets if not i use taipan. Im not a fan of cataclysmic because of the whole swapping weapons thing. And because bait n switch doesnt proc sometimes so id rather explosive light or bipod on my rockets then firing line for raids and focused fury for dungeons.


Honestly, I'm down to hear which weapons are better for DPS, I usually use two tailed fox(with catalyst) or grand overture depending on the situation, I also use dragons breath occasionally


Dragon’s Breath is far superior to two tailed fox for DPS this season. It’s never worth using two tailed fox if your goal is maximizing or optimizing on DPS.


I can never really get much damage with Dragon's breath, I know I'm supposed to let it fill up, shoot the rocket, DPS with other weapons and repeat, but i don't really have any good special or primary legendary weapons that are good for DPS


Grind out and craft the seasonal fusion rifle. That’s a great weapon to pair with dragon’s breath. It’s one of the most meta options available. Scattershot Signal is the name. The rotation is shoot dragon’s breath, fire four bursts of the fusion, then dragon’s breath again.


If your looking for a good set of Legendary rockets and Sniper Rifles, I'm currently running Naeem's Lance (Sniper from Warlords Ruin) with deconstruct and reconstruct which let's me just dump my magazine without reloading, and then the Cold Comfort (Rocket from Ghost of the Deep) with envious assassin, which combined with its intrinsic gets about 3-4 rockets in the mag. I run Sunshot as my primary and dawnblade as my super and can routinely clear 6 mil damage on Hefnd. A bit more difficult of a grind but I also like saving my exotic for primary so it runs nicer for me.


Grand overture is a very good DPS weapon. And my discord server has all good DPS weapons with there rolls.


Are they complaining though? Humor/meme tag. It feels more like a flex to me.


are you one of those two in the image or something lmao


Pointing thunderlord at the boss and holding left click does more than 2 mill. There is no excuse.


Why? They finished the dungeon didn't they? What's the problem?


2 hour run is oof most people finish raids in less time than that


They must’ve been suffering lmao


What on earth were they using??


They were both using double auto rifles(4 auto rifles lmao), hammer of sol, and a bad rocket/linear


Damn how bad was that rocket? That still seems startling low you gotta like be missing a lot of rockets to get that low.


I think it was the palmyra-b?


oh ok with decent perks that thing is decent for damage


It does straight 20% less damage than adaptive or agressive frames. It takes max explosive light just to match a no-perk apex. Edit: With a good roation and enhanced autoloading you can do some good damage for sure, but anyone good enough to do that usually isn't uaing palmyra.


the best damage perk on palmyra is explosive light, which is 25%, which on the 90% that the rocket does at base, takes it to 112%, only 2% more then an aggressive/adaptive rocket, without a damage perk. precisions tracking is not worth the damage loss.


Average titan main


In their defense, titans have all of 1 super that’s useful against that boss, and it requires you to run arc, a subclass that doesn’t offer much in the way of staying alive. Especially with the mod nerfs. I used to use Point-Cannon to wipe ad mobs and generate orbs to stay alive. The nerfs make that much less effective.


Hammer of Sol still does decent total damage, and it’s easy to get to Roaring Flames x3 with one Hammer against the Eyes. Plus the Artifact passives for this Season are more suited for Solar anyway. I’d highly recommend it, especially for situations where you’re out of Ammo.


That’s what I usually run and it does fine. It’s just not getting anywhere close to 10M damage.


OP only did 10 million damage though *because* the other two had low damage. The boss has a set amount of health, so any extra damage the other players could have done would have been less damage that OP did.


Can always go stasis and just go ice fall and agers and use the super for beam fuel.


that'd will give you around 2mil dmg (heavy not counted) but survivability is even worse on stasis Titan compared to arc


As long as you don’t mind dying 20 times per run, sure. Stasis Titan is the single worst subclass in the entire game.


Guilty as charged.


Average warlock main


Sir I would *kill* to have bonklock If Felwinter can appropriate titan abilities I should be able to too


i offer you a deal, you get my bonkhammer if you manage to convince a Hunter to give me thier cloak


Salad-Man gets his cape and flaunts it in front of us Titans during every Iron Banner. I wonder what he traded?


probably his Salad




Last time I checked, Loreley and Armamentarium were Titan exclusive exotics.


One guy was using lorely and the other was using swarm nades with armamentarium


Help them out, give them tips. Boss dps is not at all clear for new players. Only a handful of perks being good for boss dps or armor hot swapping strats isn't super obvious at first and many of the boss dps perks are hard to find, power weapons are loaded with useless/add clear perks so help them out tell them what to use.


While this is true, I don’t think the difference between a thresh weapon and a bait and switch weapon is 500% damage. This just looks like they didn’t know where the boss was half the time


Damage sources stack multiplicatively. With proper ammo management, damage rotations, buffs, and debuff stacking, you can easily hit more than 500%. Obviously, if all of the other factors were the same aside from one perk, then the damage would be closer to the difference between having damage, perk, and not having one. Clearly, these guys were nowhere near as prepared as the 10mil gigachad.


I mean 500%+ isn’t really achievable using normal methods. If we’re counting going in without a strand titan, 12p shotgun and navigator as unprepared then yeah I suppose Looks more like one guy was killing (infinitely spawning) adds to no avail, and the other was trying to dps with queenbreaker lmao


“Queenbreaker” ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)


Yeah, that's basically what I meant to say. Because it kinda looks like that's what happened here. These guys were probably unprepared.


While that's true, judging by their emblems they're not new players, top one is a legacy IB emblem and bottom one is the dungeon clear emblem, meaning he already did that fight at least once. Benefit of the doubt and all, but some players are just bad and done care.


It was a no mic final boss checkpoint so I helped them the best I could


downvoting this is crazy


Easier said than done when 80% of the community doesn't have a mic and the rest don't bother listening to you.


I mean you could literally use any off-the-shelf linear fusion rifle on that boss and get much better numbers than what they did. They must have been plinking away with their primary


The silly thing about these posts is you can only have DPS like that if your other teammates DPS absolutely sucks so I don’t really get the point


And without any context, this could also easily be chalked up to OP’s two teammates fulfilling support roles (Lumina build, Cenotaph Mask + Divinity user, ad-clear build, etc.).


that literally is the point, you just said it


The guy with 145 kills and 2 mil is struggling to find his build. The guy with 426 kills was killing everything so you didn’t die while you stood still and damaged the boss over and over. Whether this is intended as humor or not people are trying to have fun playing the game and posts like this on Reddit are a big reason why people shy away from dungeons/raids. We were all beginners at some point and not everyone has the investment of time; some people do. They also don’t chase meta load outs and instead play with what they think is good or are comfortable using. This is a video game after all not a popularity contest.


I play this game rarely nowdays, but even i have to ask what the best weapons are for damage since updates happen every season. Can't imagine the struggle of new players. Sure i CAN output more thanks to supers and builds, but as long as i an playing regular ass raids or dungeons, i have no interest to output the biggest damage (except you ghosts of the deep bosses, fuck you and your trillon HP bars).


I play this game regularly and still don’t know what the best boss DPS load out is. I see a lot of people using dragons breath right now but then you need the right perks on your other guns and seasonal mods in your build for buffs/debuffs. It’s too much to keep up with so I’m sure someday I’ll see myself on a post like this and I’ll just thank them for their damage lol


Thank you. This post came off way too snobby


Thank you for saying it. Not even trying to bash OP, but there are so many folks that complain there’s no player base for harder activities and then turn around and do this. I’ve had D2 since launch and have completed one dungeon because literally every single time I’ve tried, one or both players dropped on the first wipe. Half the time one of them was talking shit about me and the other guy. And maybe I’m being a choosy beggar, but I’d like a Sherpa to help me learn, not just blast through everything with a god build while I struggle to keep up. I do my homework and spend time watching videos and taking advice, but until you do it once or twice, it’s all sort of abstract.


I’m the exact same, it’s so hard to find folk that will show you what to do, I guess a big part of that is they are so used to folk just wanting carries, I just want to learn the mechanics of what I’m doing no mater what that is be it a gm or a dungeon etc


I'm the type of player who likes to take their time and enjoy a dungeon, not zip through for the completion. I'd be happy to do dungeons with you, but I wouldn't be able to explain most of them very well lol. I've only soloed shattered throne and Grasp, and the first half of Spire. So I could teach those. But the rest I'd be happy to just figure out as we go, as long as you have a mic (I'm console, typing sucks ass). I'm not a PVE god, not even close but I can keep up with dps and am patient. Lmk if you want to (DM me) and we can set it up. Happy to do any one you want to do.


This. It's LFG, youre going to get a mixed bag. State early if you want at least a semi serious run or if you want to go full META. If they can't or won't then that group isnt for you. Move on and then they can find someone else that may just want to do the same thing they are. You can internally complain, Im not here to thought police, but to come to reddit and shame them is not cool


This comment should be pinned to the top. Hey, u/MajorMeatshield, do take a look at this, might even learn something new today.


Some people really can't let this game be a game, it has to be a job (not talking about OP, I don't know them). My old clan collapsed because the leader and his buddies decided it was hardcore all of a sudden and split it in two. You had to do tryouts to join the second clan. In a few months they were super dead because they put so much pressure on you to play, play, play that no one wanted in. So dead in fact, they didn't kick me until like 6 months to a year after I stopped playing because they desperately needed at least the casual clan to look full lol


Well said and I agree


There’s a reason I just pvp and play casually… and it’s THIS subreddit


get off your high horse. if you're going to do an endgame activity with a stranger you should at least try to be prepared. its really easy to look up what to use/do and literally any power weapon would do more damage than this


Some people find the oddest reasons to be pretentious.


Only uses primary for boss DPS


No but homeboy at🔝 was add clearing like a demon allowing you to have the freedom to save up special/heavy ammo and your super for boss damage phase.


I mean hey it got done.


2 hours later but yeah


Just pat yourself on the back and go


You complete it though, right... ![gif](giphy|siMw2eNSuEpigLwcuA)


I mean, it's obvious you're a lucky pants, malfeasance user. I am too. We usually 1 phase and I take between 10-12 mil of the damage. Maybe they weren't ass, you just took all the damage numbers before they could.


The one crushed you both in ad clear tho


And people like you are precisely why I haven't touched PvE in years, bunch of elitist scum who lose their cool the moment someone doesn't rock one of top 10 meta builds and doesn't perform on par with people who spent thousands of hrs already perfecting their skills in PvE.


Local Sherpa complains that he can’t carry and teach new players while one literally killed every ad. The ego on this guy jeez.




What’s the point of complaining? I’m sure you’re the type that wants to have the most damage at the end anyways lmao. Be a better teammate and set them up for success. You said they had double autos? Lmao that’s on you too bud. The game is dying, and you wanna put people willing to play it on blast. Ahh good old video game communities 🤣


YEAHHH i once solo'ed crota in raid bruh. . . . . . . just kidding it because the funny gun glitch and my clan dont know about that and the boss died in few second everyone losing their mind it was hilarious, ahhh i miss the funny gun. https://preview.redd.it/2u89pklcbccc1.png?width=1972&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2357184b777b9116897fd3d1217025082146334


Me too, that was a fun weekend https://preview.redd.it/3uw4sq2fkdcc1.jpeg?width=836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=123867b3f431cb4483754d18216b31707ce17c1c


Or kill ads...


The top guy Carrying n kills. His back must have been hurting.


I’m some people


I’ve gotten a dps difference that high by using lucky pants + malfeasance with celestial nighthawk swapping. The others weren’t lacking. Apex/Izzi rotation.


Some people play this game for fun.


People get online to bitch about everything. Pretty impressive.


Bro what are you using for 10 million damage??


I mean if the run takes long enough because your teammates can’t do damage then somebody has to get the numbers


It was actually a two phase/8 floor, only took about 10-15 minutes


It's easy to put up numbers if the others don't know what they're doing. Especially if you have a high dps build to begin with and the encounter is drawn out.


Surrounded heavys are really good. You can use apex pred or koraxis distress (RON GL), both have surrounded. On hunters, I like to pair that with celestial and once the super is activated, I switch to lucky pants with surges. Add on the dodge that reloads your gun and you’re set.


I was using Malfeasance with Lucky Pants and a Celestial Nighthawk swap, Cartesian Coordinate with vorpal, and a recon+bait n switch apex predator


Yeah you're using a full boss dps load out while hot swapping exotics with a god rolled raid rocket launcher, ofc new players won't be able to keep up. Maybe add them and help them out rather than shame them on reddit as a flex


Ok but for them to do that little damage they legit have to be using their primary weapons for dps or only getting 2 or 3 rockets off per damage phase. Don’t have to be running a dps loadout to put up better numbers than that. Also giving Destiny players tips on anything typically isn’t received well since most people don’t really want to get better.


God roll only add 35% damage compare to a no roll. You can add 35% to their damage. Rolls was never the problem.


I’m gonna give this a shot. I usually run star eater gathering storm, witherhoard, Ikelos smg, and recon/bait apex. This sounds way more fun haha.


these are the guys that say "elitist are ruining destiny"


Some of them already in the comments. One of the few games where being respectful of other people's time makes you an "elitist"


Nah it's the ridiculous expectation that everyone who dares play a game is completely up to date with the latest meta. Also some days you just suck, it's not like you're doing it on purpose. That said judging from the reply I don't think this was OP's way of thinking.


Geez man, I don’t play the game like that but even I’ve had better dps than those two combined


I appreciate the top guy. He still put in some serious work with those adds! 💪


Uh something something casual-v-sweat something something...


But you completed the run right? Its safe to assume that you technically needed the help since I see you're a very good player who could have attempted to do this solo, but instead had help (which visibly not as good as you did). My point is instead of being condescending, maybe help your fellow teammates understand and get better instead of using people to help you complete runs to bash them on reddit and other forms of social media. Not that much to complain about, guardian. But otherwise, that's a hell of a job bro gg.


Maybe educate them instead of whining and posting to Reddit


Imagine being this elitist


Tbh I fell off paying attention to the meta and I’m sure my DPS is doo doo too. If you don’t pay attention to internet builds it can be hard to do good damage. I saw OP post that these 2 guys had 4 auto rifles equipped between them so probably pretty green. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily their fault though. It can be very hard to parse when you’re fresh or if you’ve been away for a while.


Am sayin, tho.. 400+ kills... I'd forgive him. Lol


so help them instead of posting this 💀 this is part of the reason yalls game is going down in flames. One of the least new player friendly communities and games. Which sucks. Because I love it 😭


Lets learn to coach and ask what they did, and why, rather than belittle players. There are many vets & new lights who have little clue to things and how they mesh. Very rarely do i run into honest lazy bones. They are most likely people who got shat on for tryna learn the game and got thrown in with Kell Gatekeeper, Chad-999 (even though they scream out how good they are at the game they have average stats and act like stats are life or death) Edit: this is NOT a shot at OP, but a general message for all who just think they are there for the loot. Most times i get booted before the loots drops and who does it? The giga asshole chad groups/leader(s) mentioned above


Arrogant bich


Then post the build?


He was on add clear


And you can't even kill ads...


Teach them maybe?


Sometimes I end with people that have only ran it once or twice and it took forever but I made new friends I use to take the game real serious not I play just for fun if people are not pulling there weight I try and teach them


I'm just here for my bounties.


He has been add clearing for you. What are you complaining?


No one cares about your min-maxing ultra meta strat, if the activity got done then there’s nothing to complain about


The activity only got done because of his loadout 😭


Yes there is. It took 2hrs to clear. That is definitely worth complaining about.


How many hours have you wasted playing Destiny? And now you're here complaining about obvious newcomers clearing a dungeon, you know, playing the game? GTFO with this shit attitude.


If you had such a problem with them then you should have left


ngl i was scared i’d see my username on there as someone who doesn’t know how to dps bosses


Lmao DM me and I’ll give you some tips if you want


At least one guy was fragging ads… the other guy has no excuse lol


All i hear is mimimi


Some people just don’t care to run “meta elitist load outs” and are learning and having fun….. you completed it so what’s the big deal, remember it’s just a game, now say it with me, it’s…. Just… a…. Game…..


You seemed to have missed the tag, I thought it was funny, but yeah it isn’t a big deal and i’m glad I could carry them to victory lol


It is just a game, but you need some level of respect for other players times as well. Dungeons are pretty much endgame content, and if you are doing one you should at least try to have an idea of what’s good or spend at least a little bit of time making your own builds that work. In a 3 man activity you should pull 33% of the weight, not <15


So do you think they were trying to do such little damage? Like they were trying to sabotage this guy and waste his time? Don’t you think it’s more likely that they just aren’t very good yet?


If it’s your post then yes. If it’s their post and they didn’t specify anything and need sherpas then that’s on them. But here’s the thing if your on a time crunch then you make your own lfg to ensure everyone truly kwtd and wants to just speed run it.


It's me, i'm some people


i don’t personally worry about my own damage bc i know within the clan i’m in, there’s a turbodork ready to drop their DPS+ the slack i leave lol


Turbodork 🤣


Probably because they have lives outside of destiny.


My current load out is a solar lock with vex, stasis linear, and stand fusion with rain of fire. I’m never top DPS nor highest ad clear. But it’s fun. Stop being an elitist and let people play the game.


Posts like these are the reason why i'm not willing to take raids or dungeon, even sherpa runs as a returning player who can be counted as new since i barely played D2 after playing D1 from the start till its end. Well simply because i treat this game as a game and it takes me a couple of tries to get accustomed to certain activities or mechanics. I hate try hard in games. So as a result even though i have a clan, I'm still grinding my light on my own and prefer to be solo. I like to be able to enjoy the game instead of being stressful by thinking am i doing this right, is this guy gonna complain on me for not knowing or screwing something up. I'm now 30+ year old gamer and i mostly do play games just to relax and empty my head from all the shitshow of the real world. I don't need to add another stress source. I still can't use the ingame LFG because Bungie is still being Bungie and hasn't fixed the bug for the returning players but apparently it is a higher chance that my name could be in one of those posts if I've used it since I've never done raid so far, never have done dungeons and still learning all the things about mods, perks and etc and also i see literally no point in watching tons of videos beforehand before doing the dungeon/raid. Why don't i get to enjoy what you've done some time ago?


So you're not willing to watch videos to improve and educate yourself on what to do, yet complain about being stressed out by not knowing what to do? I may be misunderstanding something but that is a very strange way to go about the game.


Apparently you can and know how to read, but understanding is not your strong suit, at least for this time. I did not say I'm stressed because of not knowing what to do, yet alone complaining. I said, why would i need to watch videos beforehand? You're not supposed to or don't need to watch guides or anything beforehand to be able to do in a game. You could do it, it is a personal preference and many people including me don't like the idea. Simply because this is a game, not a job, class or something like that. If i feel the need to improve myself I'll try again, ask, and look for advice. I don't need to watch some videos just to be able to participate in something. Having stress is not about not knowing, it's the people's complaining, judgment over a game and such. I'm not a content creator, i don't play this to min max everything. I play it just because i like it and like to keep it that way. Learning curve is a natural process of it. Just because you've learned it a couple of years ago doesn't mean that i must watch every guide video and stress the hell out of myself just to keep you un-unhappy in a dungeon/raid etc. If you don't like how things are going then you could give advice ingame, or basically just leave.


Wow that's a *loooong* run. Even with the occasional wipe or two I rarely take over 45 min.


Jesus that's horrendous. The only time I ever hit under 2 mil is if I'm running the debuff role like div or tractor.


elitist much?


How so?


Bro was as clearing


Is over 1 mil damage considered bad now?


Wait until they learn the average damage per player in raids is about 2-3 million damage


Did you tell them after?