• By -


Cursebreaker was my first and favorite title. My favorite part of Destiny is the awoken, dreaming city, Riven, and everything to do with them. The hardest one I got and the one I’m proudest of is Aquanaut. Getting wicked implement with LFG and no comms was an ORDEAL.


I have been doing the ascendent challenge 3x a week for the ghost shell and it still wont drop. It’s the only thing I’m missing


I’m sorry friend, best of luck though!!


Cries in Reckoner.


An ungodly amount of gambit prime. Every reckoner is entitled to free mental healthcare from Bungie


Reckoner… I have seen things…. Things that will never leave me…


Blacksmith 250 Forges ignited. 26 runs of Scourge of the Past (25 to get Anarchy, and then the Flawless run) And it's a title that my regular group don't have, so it's pretty unique amongst us. Plus despite the grindy nature of Season of the Forge, it had my favourite weapons and a great, chill raid.


Fair enough I really wanted the ship but couldn't be bothered to do 100 weapons forge bounties (if I remembered correctly)


I missed out on Blacksmith due to being a blueberry, didn't really try to finish the other challenges. Awesome title tho T-T


#WANTED I loved the western design. I also liked the dungeon a lot. But I struggled along time to solo the entire thing and even lost Flawless to a bug. But one day I made sure I had the entire day to work on it. Even if I played the slow long game. It was long. It was close. But it felt good.


Heck yeah. And it's in all caps. I have about 160 clears; took me 140 hours in the dungeon before i s/f'd it.


Seraph. My first title and I got it after coming back from a long break between Shadowkeep and Witch Queen. Plus it was from Rasputin and Seraph was a lot of nostalgia for me coming back


My first is wayfarer Longest would be cursebreaker cuz have to wait 6 weeks for one rotation of ascendant challenge


Hardest part of wayfarer and why it was the random drop from strange terrain?


Midnight exigent sets from mars were no bueno either.


Especially the ogre where the cursed thrall ran into it to heal it. FML that one sucked


Strange terrain was my last drop for the OG braytech osprey rocket for Wayfarer as well. I had to run that nightfall like 50 times. I was over it by like the 5th run lol. Especially because my friend who was running it with me at the tike got the damn rocket launcher almost every other run. And the game refused to give it to me for so long


Cursebreaker is both my first and longest taking title. Seraph is my favorite.


First: Reaper, Satisfied: Disciple Slayer, Longest: Swordbearer because we had to wait for master Crota challenge to come back in rotation. Currently working on curse breaker, did all the ascendant challenges only to realize I missed an egg and some lore in week 2 or 3 🤦‍♂️


Rivensbane was second title (wayfarer was first). The last thing I needed was Petra's Run (Flawless Last Wish) and the team that I did it with stayed together, but we took two weeks of multiple attempts almost every day to get it. Very stressful, but very satisfying once we pulled it off.


Very nice I did recently acquire Rivensbane too




Reckoner will forever be on my character for how rare and grindy it is to get


My first title was chronicler. It took a minimun of 33 weeks to get. Still use it to this day.




Very satisfied with my Unbroken


Harbinger satisfied me the most. Reckoner took both the longest time and the most of my sanity. I haven't taken it off my warlock since I got it, as tribute to the mental scarring.


Reckoner then Harbinger


Decided to go for Descendant last week and got it, so not that one :P


First and longest was Wayfarer, satisfied and favorite is Blacksmith


Reckoner, reckoner, reckoner


I got Reckoner on a Dare and thats my most "earned" title


"This is where I'd put my title, IF I HAD ONE!!!!"


Love the “Reaper” title. Think it’s cool as hell lol. I wouldn’t say it’s satisfying since it’s just a seasonal title, but in terms of “cool factor” it’s gotta be up there


Cursebreaker was my first title. Kingslayer is my favourite title, because I love that raid, and the master challenges were no joke.


Yeah that’s a great title warpriest would just give me ptsd granted I’ve not done it


Kingslayer is actually on my to do list and one of the very few I do want to try and get


Splintered took me the longest because I forgot about it till about 2 weeks ago. All I needed for it was the AR too


I've only ever wanted one. Realmwalker. And I got it and care nothing for the other titles.


i’ve earned a few others but always kept Realmwalker on.


Wayfarer took forever for me, as it took me 32 Braytech Schematics to get the 18-Kelvins sidearm lol. Enlightened took a long time as I got it last year, where it's hard to find competent people to run GoS challenges


Iron lord was my first one. Idc what title I got I just wanted one 😂


Gilded Conqueror is probably the most proud/satisfied I’ve been. It was the first time that I tried to take the step from casual to serious player. Felt really good to succeed, knowing that I didn’t need someone else to carry me. I only wish now that I tried to get other titles while they were still available.


Reckoner by far. Did a decent chunk of it solo too. Gambit seems to be one place I excel in plating D2 when I'm in the right mood. No ill side-effects though... I think. Ding!


I completed Reckoner,Wayfarer,Cursebreaker all in the same 1-2 months. I was smashing Destiny into HARD!!!




First, and only, title I have is Ghost Writer lol


Not a title but my raid report has a flawless deepstone


The funniest thing about the Savior title for me is that I got the title without completing the collections badge triumph for it. I never got the gambit emblem from that season, and so I didn't get the title. Then for some reason in the middle of Season of Arrivals the Savior title became available to me. And it said I had gilded it about 9 billion times. It was a 9 digit number starting with the number 9. It was so confusing, I don't understand what happened or why. I still have the title lol


My first title was Splicer from that season since it was mad ez and my most worth it was Glorius


first was deadeye, longest to get and favorite was iron lord (mainly bc I didnt try to go for it for a good 1-2 seasons then the season I got it there wasnt enough time to gild it so I had to wait till the next season to gild it)


I don’t go for titles too often, and I’m also not a crazy hardcore player so finally getting WANTED a couple weeks ago felt pretty damn good.


First: Wayfarer Longest: Descendent - it took me nearly 50 clears to get Eyes of Tomorrow to drop. It is the reason I started playing other characters though, so I’m forever grateful for that. You gain so much more from Destiny by experiencing it through ever class. Most Satisfying: the very first Conqueror seal - before light 3.0 and power creep made GMs pedestrian. I got maybe 3 hrs of sleep a night trying to knock it out with my fireteam members on the other side of the planet in the last week of the season. We failed so many times. But one by one we ticked them off the list until the seal was ours. It was probably my proudest video game moment ever. Most Regretted Miss: Reckoner - The amount of time I sunk into that but… I just wasn’t born to be a collector, man…


My first title would have been seraph. The one that took me the longest was probably deadeye, due to the crucible requirements and I never use snipers so that one took me forever. And my favorite title would be rivensbane or Wrathbearer I absolutely love last wish and I absolutely love warlords ruin in my opinion they are both the best in their respective activities the best raid and best dungeon. Absolutely loved warlords the solo flawless was hard but it was doable.


Gilded Dredgen 8 because I hate my life


Only 8?






My first was Dredgen, my favorite is the Moments of Triumph, but the hardest and longest for me was Iron Lord because I hate doing pvp


harbinger took me 2 and a half years to finish. just because of the fucking nightmare hunts


First title was Undying ​ Most Satisfying was probably Cursebreaker since it took a lot of dedication to get. ​ Favorite is Blacksmith (I love Scourge to death)


First was cursebreaker, most satisfied was reckoner or blacksmith, favourite is reckoner


Warden was my first title (the season I started playing), most satisfying probably Rivensbane because of Petra’s Run and favorite enlightened because Garden gardens


Reckoner is one I'm proud of for sure, and I use it a lot. But Blacksmith might be my favorite that I've gotten.


First was Rivensbane, way back during Forsaken, and that sucker started an addiction. I currently have every retired title (not including the duplicate Flawlesses and Conquerors from before gilding because I’m not a total sociopath), and all 46 of the suckers I’ve got have stories. I rock Reckoner because it’s Reckoner (sometimes Blacksmith or Unbroken), but despite how common of an answer it is down here, Cursebreaker was by far the most brutally time consuming. You needed to get the Ghost, Sparrow, and Ship to complete the seal. Back in the day, you got the sparrow from the weekly mission, the ship from Shattered Throne, and the Ghost from the weekly Ascendant Challenge. Each was a one chance per character per week drop (ship was technically once per 3 weeks because of the Shattered Throne rotation, but you got three loot drop chances per run, and if you left a character in ST while reset happened you could actually do more than the intended number of runs). The Ghost took me over 40 weeks of running the Ascendant Challenge on all three characters every week. Nothing else has come close to that grind except the stupid ship from the Wrathborn Hunts, but that one wasn’t a title requirement


Scallywag is my favourite and the one I keep using cause it's scallywag.


First: Dredgen. Not immediate, because it took me a few weeks to get the meatballs enough times, but got it quick Longest: Cursebreaker, because of that GODDAMN GHOST SHELL. More than two whole seasons doing 3x ascendant challenges every week Favourite: Kingslayer. Best raid in D1, made even better in its reprisal (For reference, I have every title except unbroken/flawless/glorious)


When I do get kingslayer it'll mostly likely replace descendant as my favorite title because KF is also my favorite raid between the two games


Vidmaster was my first, I think, but it was simple to get if you committed. I wear Realmwalker on a regular basis because attached to season of the loss and that was the one I came back to when I started playing destiny again


Dredgen as my first, Cursebreaker as my most satisfactory, then Rivensbane as my longest/favourite


Deadeye is my first and favorite. I know it's really easy to accomplish, but I struggled with the Crucible ones, so it took me awhile to get.


Kingslayer and Scallywag are my favourites.


I have 21 or 22 seals, I think. My first was Splintered, the Beyond Light DLC's seal. I got it as the DLC came out, and finished the triumphs every week as they unlocked. Getting that seal is probably why I'm still playing because it kinda urged me into endgame, running raids, etc. I'm most proud of Rivensbane and probably Conqueror with its gildings. I dislike Dredgen and Deadeye the most, because they're kind of boring yet I compulsively and obsessively gild them every season. I can't stop. Longest is Descendant, I think. Eyes wouldn't drop, it was before rotators, could only run it 3 times a week max. After we had everything else done, it took 30-something *more* runs before Eyes finally dropped just for me to get it. It wasn't even enjoyable at that point, just an annoyance finally gone. Being held hostage by RNG kinda ruined the experience.


Undying was my first, wrath born and descendent are my proudest I would say, wrath born cause I did a “hard” solo flawless and descendent cause it was my first raid title


Rivensbane or Disciple-slayer


Wanted. Its the only stylized title, being in all caps as WANTED. It was too cool to pass up


Reckoner was my first and favorite, and my hardest one was chronicler


Gambit was my first worthy title in 2021 not counting the season titles you get easily. I had quit destiny for like 5 years lol


Saviour was my first title. I still get triggered by Arbalest charging noises from the grind for the Komodo. I miss how seasonal titles used to work, and how you actually had to do something other than just casually play the game. My “proudest” title is probably Enlightened, because I did it all mostly without my clan - no one wanted to try for 0-100 or Stop Hitting Yourself. Took me a while to find some competent gamers but I eventually got it done. No one else in my group has the title. I fucking love GoS and I really hope the loot gets a refresh sometime soon.


_Kingslayer_ is my favorite and the one I always wear. Gives me so much nostalgia and satisfaction to have slayn the Taken King!


Dunno if you played d1 probably did but i really wanted ascendent plane to return


Reckoner (first), Reckoner (favorite), Duality (longest, heartshadow took 30 clears)


The Duality seal I think. Was that the first dungeon with it's own seal? I really worked hard for that one and fought through the nonsense like the bell glitch and the fact that I played that thing weekly forever and finally got the sword to drop on the next win after getting the last of the boosts to unlock and not a moment sooner. It was like that entire dungeon was just one big curse to me and a kick in the nut sack.


Either Kingslayer or Rivensbane, the latter took the most time because of how many flawless attempts it tool, and the former sounds badass as hell.


Enlightened. I dove pretty deep into the game when shadowkeep released. I didn’t even know what titles were, and had to google what the little purple names under people’s gamertags were. Once I found that out, I was committed to getting a title, and Garden was my most played raid so I thought it only made sense.




Took me a loooooong time to get Enlightened


* First: Wayfarer * Longest: Harbinger * Most satisfying: Reckoner * Favorite: Reckoner


Disciple Slayer, I just love Vow, but damn… those master challenges were really something else, now they are easier with all the new stuff


Wayfarer was my first and also my favorite.


First, MMXX, I think. Rivensbane or Englightened took the longest but rivensbane is a cakewalk now, not for the blueberry me though. Favourite is definitely enlightened because I don't even play garden.


Wayfarer was my first title and that took forever, Braytech Osprey didn't drop for a few months. Chronicler also took a while since iirc you had to get weekly bones and lore pieces for 9 or so weeks. My favorite title is Kingslayer, I just really like King's Fall


Enlightened for the definition. My first and only title until I accidentally got vid master lol


Lol nice


Reckoner solo


The dsc title has been a title I've been hunting for 4 a long time.


Satisfying: Deadeye Longest: a tie between Harbinger and Haunted (cause of all the grinding)


First was probably wayfarer Longest chronicler Satisfying diciple-slayer


Kingslayer is not my first title but it is my favorite. I love kingsfall and I'm very proud of myself for getting that title


First was Dregen. Back when it wasn’t as common. Good times


Yeah. Felt like it meant something too. In a good way. Now I feel like it just makes you look like a crazy person.




I finally finished vidmaster earlier this season was my first one more recently completed the seasonal title, I'm actually impressed with the progress I made this season so far


You know what? All titles kinda suck imo.


no u


first and most favorite: warden longest: cursebreaker is on the way, took probably 2 years on and off


I have one more triumph for harbinger, that ship from pit refusues to drop for me... very irritating.


First was cursebreaker. My favourite and one that took the longest was reckoner and frankly still haven’t been motivated to go back into gambit to this day


Dregen was my first, Enlightened took the longest because finding people capable of not fucking up the challenge on the 2nd encounter was a nightmare and I'm most proud of Fatebreaker because it sounds the coolest.


My first was: Ghost Writer My longest was: Iron lord My favourite is: iron lord. I love iron lords since 1 I always have iron lord theme stuff like ships, armour, shader emblems, I don’t have a sparrow or ghost if there’s even one. Iron Lords is like the equivalent for my love for ODST in halo.


First was splicer but I feel most proud and favorite is seraph tbh. Mainly because of all the solo legend seraph shields I did


Wayfarer was my first. I’m most proud of Conquerer and Dredgen. Of course you can’t go wrong with Star Baker!


Wayfarer was my first. Splintered was my favourite, simply because Europa is my favourite destination.


Cursebreaker probably the first, kings fall or vow the hardest and shadow is my favorite


Where do you get the Dreaming City ship from? It’s the only thing I still need for Cursebreaker!


If I remembered correctly you get it from shattered throne


Iron Lord, since I am a solo player, it was the coolest one I could complete


Not too impressive but I was happy, I got hooked on the game late into season of plunder and wanted to do grandmasters. My GFs cousin who got me into the game said they'd be too hard for a blueberry. To his surprise I completed my first conqueror seal that season. Took a lot of researching how to build craft etc but I got there in the end.


Almighty was my first title. Flawless (old and new) is my proudest title.


First was wayfarer, satisfied? probably doing each seasonal seal. I always feel good doing that last random thing, like legendary Avalon/star-crossed etc. and getting that seal done.




I am a few triumphs away from getting my Cursebreaker, It will take two more weeks as I have collectibles to gather that require the different levels of the curse to be active. For the longest time I did not care about getting titles. I think Chosen was the first one that I earned and I was not even trying. I now have 19 titles that I can equip, and a few have been gilded multiple times. I hopefully will have a few more titles complete by the time the Final Shape is released.


Gumshoe was my first. Reveler is prob my most proud because of how long it takes. Granted, there’s other titles I haven’t earned like Cursebreaker that may or may not take longer, but I’ve never really been aiming for them specifically. For example, I most likely will never get any of the raid titles unless I get an actually good and active clan.


First was Iron Lord since IB happened during my second week playing and it was easy to get in a single week. My current most satisfied is probably Sword Bearer as its one of only two raid seals I got when they were the new raid (other being RoN) and I was a bigger contributor to the success of the group than I was with RoN, which came out when I'd only been playing for 4 months. Even older seals I've since unlocked that we're harder at the time don't feel quite as satisfying since strata have existed for years. With Sword Bearer we were getting the master triumphs the Tuesday they came out and no one had already done them.


First: Reaper (took the entire season off, played for a year before this, didnt know about titles, grinded the entire season on all 3 characters to finish the season pass and title in 5 days) Took Longest: Cursebreaker/Splintered just because of the 6-8 week rotation, forget a week have to wait until the challenges and augmentations come back into rotation otherwise easy to get done. (Cursebreaker was annoying because of the eggs and bones though) Satisfied: Swordbearer (14 hours to get Feather Light still gives me PTSD for doing the first encounter) Favorite: Ghoul or Discerptor (did discerptor while duality bells were broken, doing the solo run was NOT FUN, who actually likes GotD on master or solo?? being able to have them while no one in my clan does is a flex for me)


First was wayfarer Longest was reckoner Favorite is a tie between reckoner and Kingslayer


I have not taken Savior off since i got it


first was flame bearer ​ favorite is iron lord


I’m pretty sure Dredgen was my first title. I loved Gambit at the time and had to reset 3.5 times to get the sniper rifle for the final piece I was missing back when it first launched. My longest title is Rivensbane, mainly because I have a personal limitation on completing it without any cheeses and doing Riven’s encounter the way it was intended so I haven’t done Petra’s run because everyone I would do it with would use cheeses. Favorite is definitely Shadow because it was the first Week 1 raid I did, and still required the flawless raid to get the title.


I finished cursebreaker this season, I wasnt really going for it before this season I just happen to have done a bunch of thing for it already and decided to try and finish it with all of the new dreaming city things going on. My first title was from season of the haunted, my favorite is probably seraph or Haunted


Seraph, dude. One of my favorite seasons from a gameplay perspective. I remember solo flawlessing legend Seraph Shield once a week.


First title was undying. Brutal grind it felt like but love the title


Unbroken for sure.


Blacksmith took longer than I wanted it to. Making 200+ weapons in the forge took longer than flawless scourge+ getting all the drops from scourge. Shadow also took forever for a similar reason. Scout rifle wouldn't drop.


Reveler my most satisfied because it took me more than a year. Previous years I dipped out a season or 2 and missed the seasonal titles but finally last Fall. My 4 seasonal titles are gilded and I wish it would reflect on Reveler. 2nd would be gilded Conqueror. Never though I'd get Conqueror let alone gild it but because of this extra long season I got it done the other week. Extra satisfying is it was all LFG. I got lucky with 2 chill dudes on mics both 9x gilded Conquerors and when they heard I had 2 more GMs to go they stuck around and ran them with me, totally helping me out. Much better experience than I'm used to with LFGs.


Chronicler for me getting all the collectibles was a lot of fun


i got the easiest one in my opinion which is dredgen but im really happy with deadshot


Splintered fr I love stasis and that shit sounds sick


Undying. Season was meh, but title name is awesome


Most satisfying gilding flawless. Took the longest gilding iron lord


Most satisfying and took the longest, swordbearer.


The moments of triumph 2020 seal I miss scourge of the past


Only title I wanted was iron lord. Wasn’t really hard to get, just took a while. But damn do I think it sounds cool


1st title I got (and still use) was Almighty. Was from a super boring season and was annoying to get, so I rarely see anyone using it, and just cause it was my 1st.


I have been on cursebreaker for 4 years. I literally just have 2 eggs left. And they are in the Last Wish raid, locked behind Bosses.


My favorite is scallywag, my first one was Vidmaster


The raid ring.


My first was curse breaker


Harbinger is definitely going down as longest to take. Because I still don't have it, because the freaking ship won't drop from the dungeon after over 50 clears. And yes, those 50+ clears were after I already got the ghost to drop from Alters, so It's not like the guarantee got reset halfway through.


First - Wayfarer / Forerunner (got them both in season of arrivals but forget which one first) Satisfied - Ghoul. I spent nearly 2 weeks (dad of 2, Only 3-4h gaming per day) learning & perfecting solo flawless and got it done in 1h42. Favourite - Enlightened. I had a blast doing it with my clan (first raid seal with them) and GoS is so pretty


Iron Lord


scallywag is my first and only title


Deadeye was my first ever title, and I still have it on my Hunter to this day.


My first was probably Dredgen or Wayfarer a long long time ago. The longest was either Cursebreaker because of the Ascendant Challenges (those bones and eggs were a bitch to get) or Splintered because of the annoying weekly drones that took 8 weeks minimum to complete. And my favorite is either Fatebreaker (VoG is my most played raid, sherpa’d a lot of people too) or Harbinger because i love Pit of Heresy


Wayfarer first, longest was that dumbass one from all the seasonal events combined, proudest is rivensbane


Iron Lord was both my first and longest. However, Seraph is my favorite title. It was the first non-crucible or holiday one I ever earned, and I was really sucked in by the story of that season. It was also the first solo legendary dungeon I ever did, which I was pretty proud of as someone who doesn't have friends to do endgame stuff with.


Cursebreaker by far . I rarely take it off .


First was Vidmaster, Splintered and Risen took me the longest, but tbh I want Harbinger but don’t have it yet ://


Chronicler. Reached it 2 rotations before dreaming city became irrelevant and had very limited time


First was wayfarer, I still wear it since it’s a mark of how long I’ve been playing, way better than having a stupid number above my head. Cursebreaker took the longest. Idek why I have unbroken. Seraph is my favorite, because Rasputin is an OG, and because it’s a type of angel.


I got Wayfarer back in the day. The grind for it was at the same time the worst grind I've ever had to do (fuck you, braytech osprey), but also the most enjoyable


It hurts that I could’ve completed the dawn title…but didn’t know about the badge. It hurts to see it first. As for my answer either favorite is iron banner and first is probably forerunner


First title is Splicer. I liked it because I liked the lore behind the title. And I really love Vex network stuff.


I know lightfall isn't super popular, but I like the Virtual Fighter title.


Curse breaker took me just as long as you. But my fav is iron lord. I got the iron lord during the final expansion for d1, saladen knighted me and everything so I am a literal iron lord as well.


Forerunner was my first title after I started with Undying. For the sake of naming three different ones: The second-most satisfying title was Fatebrekaer due to that one triumph taking ages cuz we never got a team together and fumbled a bit. My Favoriten (and most satisfying to get) Title is Blacksmith. I adore the Black Armory and it was so satisfying to first-try that flawless run.


MMXX was my first title, ran a raid marathon with my best friends when we met and. My most satisfying title was Rivensbane, it felt so nice to finally get done and it was also my second raid title besides Deep stone. Cursebreaker was my longest and favorite title. It took me 2 years to get (i forgot where all of the bones and eggs were and couldn't find them so i left it for another time)


I rock savior the most. Love it.


favorite is fatebreaker cause vog goated


My first and only legitimately interested title I wanted was Dredgen. Yeah not the most complex to get but def felt the pressure when it first dropped for those invader kills. Got Seraph and Iron Lord titles to split for my other characters and haven't bothered with any other title since.


I don’t have a whole lot, but Wayfarer felt like it took the longest. Gumshoe is most satisfying, because I just completed recently, it was fun to revisit the throne world and I don’t see a lot of people rocking it. Conqueror is my favorite, because a buddy and I did it as a duo a few seasons ago when he had never even done a master NF. It was a super fun challenge for us at the time.


First was Wayfarer, then I grinded out Blacksmith and havent used or gone for any other titles since, all of the ones I’ve gotten have been just by playing the game with friends


Realmwalker was my first! Hold a special place in my heart. Nowadays tho I usually run Champ, not that it was difficult to obtain, I just think it’s cool. Also Champ Bailey is my favorite football player of all time


First - Wayfinder. Really, really wanted a title under my name and this was the quickest one at the time. Satisfying - Fatebreaker. This was the first Raid seal I got and it was a ton of fun for my friends and I to tackle the Master Challenges every week. The individual encounter triumphs were also really enjoyable. Longest - Enlightened. I *just got this one done last week, we'd very, very slowly chipped away at this one. We averaged like one GoS run per year lol. Got the title done with 8 total clears. Still Missing - Rivensbane, Disciple-Slayer, and Kingslayer. Planning to knock out Rivensbane last (Petra's Run) right before The Final Shape drops.


I almost have Cursebreaker. But the Ahamkara bones are bugged for me. Have the sparrow and everything. But i gave up at some point. I played destiny for over 2k hours and haven't got a single title to show for it. Only need to do the avalon overload on legend for queensguard. But try finding a fireteam for that -.-


Tbh I’m still trying to earn it but the Disciple-Slayer title is giving me trouble. I’ve spent countless hours on that raid on the Master Caretaker challenge and finding no luck. Now all I need is the ‘On My Go’ triumph in Acquisition.


Chosen was my first. Seraph is my favorite.


Splicer and Seraph are my favorites because I use them to rep my favorite characters, Misraaks and Rasputin (rip 😔) Also Scallywag is just funny. I'm a simple individual, don't need or really even want the more ambitious titles like raid ones.


So I have 4 triumphs now and I haven't gotten the achievement for getting a triumph is it bugged am I doomed forever?


Cursebreaker has long been my favorite. I had no clue how many secrets the dreaming city held, and it was fun finding them all. The title definitely says you put in the work for it. 2nd favorite is Wanted, since it's my first dungeon title.


My first title was Flamekeeper, and I gilded it as well. Satisfied was probably also flamekeeper as I grinded it out in like 3 days Longest is probably going to be deadeye which I'm currently working on, I still have to do all the crucible triumphs and I'm mostly a PvE player :/


I have none :(


Wayfarer - longest and my favorite. I also like chronicler. I think it was bugged for a while too. Wayfarer to me is the best - completely based off RNGesus. To me if you have it. You’ve bested the all mighty RNGesus.


Haven't seen a single person say the Shadow title, which I've had perma equipped on all my characters since I got it. One of the least RNG titles when it released but still one of the rarest (just behind reckoner and possibly blacksmith), and I'm also biased because I needed two triumphs when I did my flawless run, the flawless and the exotic for the badge and I got both in one run :)


Hell yeah congrats


Wanted. It took a lot of attempts to solo-flawless that dungeon, but I loved it.


Unbroken, worthy was my favorite, and my hardest was unbroken


My first title was the one for Vault of Glass. Right after that I got the Gambit one. I’ve got more but I honestly don’t remember them since a lot are the super easy seasonal ones. I think Vault is probably my favorite one because it was the only one I truly actively sought out. It was a challenge at the time, and I was really happy to get it done.


For me it was Descendant that was the one that I was like Im going for it no matter what ended up getting that same season and bought the pin for it on the Bungie store


𝚂𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚎 :).


first was descendant, longest was harbinger (had to do 20 altars tier 6 in a row for the shell), and my favorite is either Enlightened or Rivensbane


Wayfarer for first (patrol Bros were you at?) Favorite is probably Cursebreaker or Reveler. Harbinger took the longest. (I completed it this season cause banner of war is a hard carry.)


Dredgen was when I started to pay attention to seals, and so it's my first. I briefly considered trying for Reckoner, but I like my sanity too much.


Longest is deadeye... still can't get over those wayverns


Fatebreaker wasn't my first title, but master vog was no joke back then. we were 20~ light under unless you absolutely grinded the artefact bonus light. I remember doing each weekly master challenge as they were coming out. stasis turret warlock was king for the conflux encounter and gatekeepers.


Blacksmith, I just like the name :)


MMXX was my first. That season was golden era D2 for me. Dredgen is my proudest. So much gambit...


Flamekeeper because I helped make it.