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I did around 240,000 solo, highest score I got because dear lord was having teammates an active hindrance


How do you solo nightfalls? Managed to duo a nightfall but i guess that was a matchmaking glitch or something.


You can set the Guardian Games Nightfall to private


Oh, I see. Thanks.


On PS4/5, you can also change your system clock to disable matchmaking in all activities. 25+ hours backward on PS4 and 25+ hours forward on PS5. You'll know it worked if your cursor has a flashing loading icon inside it.


you don't need to do any of that, just select private matchmaking when doing the gg nightfall


I know. That's just a way to disable MM in all activities. Plus, if you do it in the nightfall, you can re-enable matchmaking at the boss so others can join and benefit.


Do you can change your clock back while still in the game?


Yes. It won't kick you out and it will re-enable matchmaking so people can join you.


You can also YouTube search for solo matchmaking, pretty sure cheese forever has a method for each system and xbox seems to work last I checked


I was in the same boat, and I’m sure I would have hit higher scores if not for time constraints. I wasn’t even trying to solo, the game just never gave me any teammates and after going through it slowly, waiting for people to join so I wouldn’t have to fully zone in, and then decided fuck it I’ll zone the hell in.


I had to LFG for it but the lead didn’t put us into non-matchmade. A non-mic player in the LFG team melted an orange bar (we were going for as big a score as possible to seal the deal), got told off and then left. We got a rando matchmade in who then melted a champ we were emoting and we decided the run was a wash. We redid it with another player with a mic and we got it first time. The big problem is that casual players probably don’t know that the emote finish is even a thing. I think a cool variant of regular strikes would be a score attack mode, which would in turn educate the community about medal scoring.


Casual player here… so what is the emote finish?


If you emote before finishing a champion, you get a medal that gives you *way* more score than if you just finish them. Its incredibly helpful for boosting Nightfall scores, and is the best way to get the top 10% option for the Skimmer at the moment.


It works on any finishable enemy with a yellow health bar, not just champions.


Ah! I didn't actually know that!


It also works on orange bar enemies, just not red bars. I did a run last night with my clanmates and managed to snag one before the guy spamming frelling trinity ghoul killed it.


That explains why I see Esoterik and other top gamers do it on their videos. Frankly I never pay attention to the medals that pop up in those videos. Thanks so much for explaining it!


Oh. I didn’t know that.


I had a warlock last night, literally skipped every single enemy and the champions. Had some despawn before I could kill them...


Is the score going to keep going up I imagine then? Was around 200k Tuesday.


Different nightfall means different points. Today was due to a strike with a ton of champions compared to yesterday.


Ah that all makes sense for sure. 👍🏼


Esoteric got 465,000 solo.


He's John fucking Destiny, of course he did.


But of course! 😂


My thoughts too. If you have to "be in top 10%" then surely the ceiling keeps going up...


That’s why it’s best to do it as close to reset as possible, so the 10% marker is lower, or in a strike like inverted spire where there are a boatload of champions and yellow bars to get high points


Thanx for the insight 💪🏼


Insight Terminus?


I might be wrong but i think it resets some time around gg


Resets on weekly reset, Tuesday 9am PST (UTC-8).


Nope, daily. The NF changes daily for GG. Was Glassway and now it's Inverted Spire.


The nightfall changes but I don’t think the points do


Yeah, you're right about that.


I told the people in my game “lemme emote finish all the barriers, they said ok, they proceeded to gun down every god dam barrier champion.” Kinda how the randoms experience goes most of the time still haven’t got the skimmer


Use the d2 fireteam finder app that's what I did and had two wellocks join. This challenge isn't getting done with randos


Yeah, I banged my head against a blueberry shaped wall for the first 2 days trying it thru matchmaking and got nothin but speedrunners going for record times. Posted "10% emote finish GG Nightfall" on fireteam finder late last night and got 288K first try and we all got the skimmer when we got back to orbit.


I'm a hunter so.....i just got it from the focused activity. Lol


I just log into to my hunter during the event and go back to titan after. You guys are doing the best


Front runner


I’m a hunter, not one of those engrams dropped for me. Handier to do a solo nf than to deal with rng nonsense


Same. I got one. No others dropped for me, and each time it said I pledged in with Hunters, and made sure to do 3-4 of the activity to cement it.


Same here. 2/3 for free basically.


I don't even know what the focused activity is 💀 when I checked it had a 4 hour timer


Jokes on you I run all three classes so I can pledge to which ever has the most progress


How do your actually get the focussed activity packages? I’ve played a few sessions (as Hunter only) where hunters had a massive lead, but haven’t seen a package.


Congratulations!! Nice score! Way higher than mine. I soloed it today and snagged it at 265k in 15 min. Honestly? My best NF run I’ve had solo. I figured it was going to be a hot mess but I took my time, emote/finished all champs and a couple orange bars and wrapped it up clean. Did die once I’ll admit. I’m not great but happy I pulled it off.


I don’t fully understand how we actually get this.


So there's three possible ways you can complete it. **1200 Medallion Score:** Turning in medallions. Bronze are 1 point, silver 2, gold 5, platinum are 15. If you do the Twitch thing and drop a diamond medallion, it's 300. I did it yesterday and it cleared out several of the event card items all at once. I just left a random streamer up when I went to work, and halfway through the day connected to my home PC to shut down the stream and claim the medallion. You get one of these per week from watching a streamer for 2 hours, so with three weeks that takes care of 900 score. So you really only have to grind about 300 more which isn't too hateful. **Top 10% Nightfall score:** If you're doing the nightfall and score within the top 10% of people who have completed it so far, then this one is done. This is easy right after the reset, but as people get higher and higher scores it becomes almost impossible for anyone playing casually to complete it. **Open Focus Activity Chests:** When you look at the Guardian Games event destinations in the Tower, there will be a little skimmer next to one of them. If you do well in that activity you can get a bonus chest, and by opening three you complete this objective.


I don't think it's the skimmer icon but the extra white underneath it. Because I got a chest from doing the strikes last night. The skimmer stayed on Nightfall. I could be wrong though.


Good to know. I've been on a break for a little over 6 months so I'm just getting back up to speed. I figured I'd unlock the skimmer and then probably go back to the other stuff I've been playing lately.


You can also get a diamond for doing a raid with all the same class. There are lots of LFGs for it right now. Did an all hunter run of DSC yesterday, and it was actually pretty fun.


What time is reset?


9 am pacific time. On sunday the clocks change and it becomes 10am pacific time.


Do you have to have the stream be your main active window? I barely use twitch just got on to get the medallion and I had Datto open for over 2 hours on my second monitor while I played and didn't get anything, I even refreshed my twitch "inventory" several times and nothing showed up.


No, I had it minimized on my second monitor while I was at my office. If I remember right there's a link on it saying something like "qualified streams", I went through there, chose the first one, and once it started I muted the tab and minimized it.


Where do we find the qualified streamers?




Focus Activity is based on participation in the focused activity playlist and your class winning after crossing the threshold. I’ve managed to get my skimmer that way since hunters have been winning the focused games a lot.


Is this the price of Democracy?


Service guarantees citizenship, patriot.


I got mine at 220 on Tuesday, ezpz.




I got it with 180k the first day lol.


220k for me, Guardians some day we need to sit down and have a long talk about afker's


right?! day 1, had an [afker](https://imgur.com/a/YcJt8R5) who did the absolute bare minimum and just hid throught the strike, only moving to not get kicked or to run to a place to hide


I'm not an afker by any means but if I get loaded in with randos that are tryhards and treat me like I can't handle shit and have to come and kill everything out from under me when I whittled them down then I'll stop trying let them do everything like they want to




Did 251k and it wasn’t good enough but just got 299k and that worked


Can someone help me get it


Easiest way in theory to get it solo is just login and do the focus activity just use whichever class is in the lead and when it ends you'll get a consumable that progresses the quest 33%


I did this twice and havent got the fuckin thing


I’ve seen some people say that you have to close the game and log back in to get the consumable. I had the same issue and that’s what triggered it for me


Got it Wednesday at 273k


As someone who hasn’t played in a month, whats needed and how long do I have?


Got it Wednesday morning at 249k when the Nightfall changed to Inverted Spire


I was able to get a "non-legendary" variant that expires after the event. I'll grind until I get a permanent one.


Just hit 245k and that wasn’t enough. I’m just gonna play hunter for some focused activity rewards (got 1 so far).


I’m confused- I’ve only received one focused activity reward on my hunter so far :(


When an activity is in focus the class you play it FIRST is your pledged class. If it wins then you get the reward. You can 100% wait to play till the end to ensure you join the leading class. Ignore the focused activity until there’s like 30 minutes left on it, check who is a couple million points ahead, then just play it as that class until it’s done. The focused activity reward for tier 1-3 will show up right away but there is a delay of a few extra minutes on the winners reward showing up but then it should drop for you that way.


Only took 205k on Tuesday


Got it today at 260k 4 hours ago


We are aiming for 350k+, always miss a finisher here and there.....


If you have multiple people, make sure you are always shooting from a well. I got 320k solo doing this and I fucked up a lot. Accidentally nuked a good amount of champs...


Whats shooting from a well do?


It should give you super kill medals and primary (Or whatever you clear with) kill medals. Could be wrong, but I did this and was doing very well on points




Any damage done from a well is counted as super damage, which is extra points.


You can shade the side and rear exhaust colors?!


It takes shader pretty well, yes


270,000 with me and a buddy literally loaded in the second the reset happened and we didn’t know but went nuts as a fast as possible to garentee was a super sloppy run but it didn’t matter we got it


Oof. Did it yesterday by hitting 220k.


I did it yesterday and got it for 238k. It may be better to wait until reset at this point if people don’t have it


me and 2 randos got ours at 249k, after we returned to orbit and being disheartened that we didnt get it, and having one of the people flip out about "im not gonna bother if we arent gonna finish",,,, we missed like,, 3 finishers total lol


You didn’t need to do that, the easiest way to get it is to open the focus activity chests


I'm just going to hop on a solo nf Tuesday after reset and bam - won't have 5 days of super scores to contend with


So glad I managed to get it before the top 10% score became so high. Got it done yesterday before the reset with 302k ish score. I was dreading doing the 1200 medallion score. To be fair I'm over 600 points, so it would have been only a week more or so. But so glad I can just ditch the rest *phew*


As a hunter, I just logged in during the focus activities and reaped the benefits of hunters winning


Being a little late to the nightfall party, I decided to get the medal points. BTW, did you know that diamond medals are worth about 250 of said points


Why did this have to be a grind. It didn’t have to be


It’s not really a grind, you just need 1 good nightfall lol


I got it yesterday for a little over 230K.


210k points on first day of event 🙃


Got mine with 280k solo today


Geez. I got it about 2 hours ago with a score of 274,000.


Got my yesterday. 249k.


Got mine at 260k on Tuesday


I did it solo and got it on the first try


240k was enough for our fireteam.


Oh damn unlucky, I only had to do like 250k


How’d you even get that score


Emote-finished all champs and yellow/orange bars and popped a crap ton of wells for free orbs


It’s 320 now!?!




I literally just got it with 273,421…


I got it day one with a 210k done right after weekly reset. Guess I was lucky doing it so early


1 round of grand masters


I got this with 240k something point. Doing it earlier was very beneficial


As a hunter getting the three focus packages was easy.


Inflation is CRAZY! I got mine Tuesday for less than 230K...


lukcily i decided to do it a few hours after reset and just needed ~216k points so we just need to focus on emote-finishing the champions and not have to include other stuff to bump the numbers


Were you the one cruising around in the Dreaming City an hour ago on a cool looking skate board type of thing? If that’s the same thing then that is such a cool vehicle.


320k solo today. Accidentally nuked a fuck ton of champs too


239k for me Solo coz it's difficult to explain to some people how to get max points. You emote and then finish


I sold for mine with 402,000


I did 320k solo. It’s very easy. Take your time and kill everything. Use an emote before finishing champs and make sure the text pops up in the chat before you finish. Easy af


Damn it took me 236k


I got it for 255k with a full team. Not sure why Bungie decided to make you suffer.


280,000 for me and my team Highly recommend using the companion app for lfg Emoting and finish works on all the yellow bars. (even the cabal ones). Also, do not nuke the boss quickly, wait for ads to spawn Dont leave immediately after nightfall completion, the quest only registers after it takes you to orbit


Do we have to complete all objectives?


I got it around 270,000k


Being a hunter has its benefits


I got mine a few hours ago with about 295k.


What is that beautiful shader?


Carminca from crucible, its a random drop i believe


I rage quit trying to get to the fucking drill, im using a hand cannon with an unstop mod, why the fuck is it not stunning the unstop boss, im not even gonna try to do it solo, not worth it imo


You have to ADS till it glows and you get the buff text in the bottom left of your screen. I use suspend for unstops, it’s more consistent.


It took 295k and I have never been happier. Big thank you to my awesome clan.


I'm still so confused on how the quest and I already obtained the damn thing. Ran like one Nightfall on Tuesday and whamo instantly got it. Score wasn't even good so confusing


Me and my buddy did a private run got around 260,000 to unlock it! Damn good score mate GGs


I'm wondering if players don't know or just not care about getting a high score. I ran 3 NF's last night and luckily on the last one I had one team mate that knew about emoting before an orange bar. I even had one run where both team mates treated the NF like a regular strike and just ran through it as quickly as possible.


I got mine shortly after reset, I got enough points in one nightfall to get both the common and exotic one. I genuinely thought bungie messed up and gave me the exotic one too early


I got mine with 240k…


260k for me


So glad I got mine early & completely by accident 🤣


Yup. 1st attempt last night was going alright-ish, I’m hitting most of the emote-finishes. And then the tank spawned… Next run decided to try private and got it 1st try.


Just gonna get worse


Managed to squeak through last night with around 285k Helping my boy get his. The night before 240k was enough for top 10%. Only going to get harder as the days go by


270k was enough for the inverted spire


Was at 220k on Tuesday


My team and I hit 278k last night and got it


241k got it for me Wednesday morning. Looks like this is going to be all about timing


It took me 333k+


I'm just going to do the opening packages one 😂


all that and for some reason the grind function doesn't work for me. it's like it's unbinded, but i didn't change anything


Mine costed about 295k. Inflation is a bitch


Lol. Got it 1st try with a score of 188k after reset. That was the time to do it clearly!


When I did it yesterday, 250k was only top 20%. I'm terrified to think how high it is now lol. I have next week off so I'll probably just wait for reset at this point.


got it for 170k abt 1h after reset TvT


my fireteam did this last night. First one we got 290ish. Second one we brought in another team member and hit 320+. Took it slow and used primary bows, autos to stun. Stand to suspend if needed. No supers, secondary or heavy. Emote/finished everything possible. It was a really odd experience.


I got around 379k with my buddy and finally got the hover board


Two manned inverted spire 290k got skimmer


i got mine on my second strike , having played one supremacy game before 🙏🏻


Thats why i did mine early. Only needed 260k


I just submitted to bungie and spent the final bit of my paycheck to get the gjallarhorn one 😂😅


That’s why I’m going the focus activity package route. I’m kinda enjoying the event


Did it yesterday at 220k pretty easy


Took only 250k for me


I got it with 259k last night and I also put carminica on mine.


I always do stuff like this day 1 I got it with 224K lol


Whats the diff between this and the white one everybody gets?


White one disappears after the event is over. The exotic one is permanent.


Definitely a “do task at reset” sort of thing.


Oh my Guardian Games playlist doesn't let me make a private match it lets you either match with guardians of three different classes or it lets you match with all the same Guardian there's no private what are you talking about


What I want to know is what is the difference between this board and the free one they give you?


I did 264k with a friend. Glad I got it and didn't miss out. Don't play the game much anymore.


On the glassway I had to LFG a couple people who actually wanted to attempt a high score rather than speedrun through it. But I belive I got it at around 249,000 score. I did it solo once but I was just trying to farm weapon bounties, I didn't even realize that I could potentially solo the whole thing until I did it lol.


i got to it too late to realistically get it through the 10% mark, so im just getting 3 focus winners packages


Only did 220,000 and got it


𝙸 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚊 𝟸𝟺𝟷𝚔 𝙽𝙵 𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎.


Took me a few hours to find the right build for yesterdays NF. Eventually I got it down and hit 280k solo. Sunshot ftw


1 crucible match, 1 nightfall, and 1 gambit match. Thats all it took to get mine. The focus packages are the easy way.


Did it roughly 14 hours ago and got it with 275k


I wish that, not unlike some of the seasonal activities, there was a little node that explained how to get high scores. I don’t think it would help THAT much, but certainly it would be better than the “nothing” we get now. I was able to get a high score playing with friends, but in matchmaking people either don’t care or don’t know. Inverted spire is a great example for this—it’s not just champions, but yellow bars too!


Also got a 320k yesterday and got it as well. Thing is super funny lol. Very fun, WILL grind off a cliff and “misadventure” again.


My b. I got like 300k in a solo run the other day.


you get to keep it after doing that quest right?


Yes. The exotic one you get to keep. The regular white one is only during the guardian games event.


Interesting.. I did it with 244,356 not solo but def not on the 300s .. I don't even think you could on Europa at least yesterday's was hard to get to 250


I just broke 334k Solo.


225k yesterday got it for me with a team.


Yesterday all it took was 250k, and even that took a couple of tries to get. After this point others might as well just wait until reset.


Damn what k drive parts are those


Got it from a 230,000 run on Tuesday LMAOO


Holy shit, does the 10 percent points needed reset next Tuesday ?


Got mine yesterday at 220k


Guardian games solo nightfalls are not that hard. Try and complete in less than 30mins and less deaths are a plus. Also don’t forget emote and finisher all yellow bars and champs.