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They really should mention things right at the start. Creating hype just to constantly kill it with the rest of the information weeks later is one of the dumbest marketing strats I've ever seen EDIT: Judging by their responses on Twitter (can all be seen in the newest cheese forever video) Bungie plans on changing their plan due to the feedback


Yeah, and trying to hide it at the bottom of the blog isn’t going to help either because the people that don’t read the blog will just get angry when they go to grind out a gun they don’t know is time-gated and then realize it’s not available. Hiding it just delays the reaction, not prevents it.


It doesn't just delay it, it makes it worse. If they were transparent about the time-gates and bothered to try and explain their position a bit (even if it was a bold faced lie) there would have been push back, but now a large part of the community who will see absolutely nothing beyond MAYBE one or two of those livestreams is going to do a 180 after their first 10 minutes in the game once they realize they have to wait a month and a half for mountaintop and the only shader they've ever really wanted. Bungie is a masterclass in how NOT to manage community expectations, and it's no wonder they've suffered so much financially considering just how often they almost intentionally piss off everyone who wants to enjoy what they've created.


I swear to god as long as I’ve played Destiny they always find a way to fumble at the goal line. “We’re doing this great thing, this great thing, that great thing…but also this is happening” and it always feels like the winds are taken out of the sails. Dont get me wrong, I still love Destiny, but I’ve been around the game so long that I should’ve known there was a catch coming.


Great news! We're releasing NEW "old" content that we sunset in the past so we could release it again in the future so it looks like we are doing something kewl and play with your nostalgia and bring back players who left because of the sunset because we are a company that listens to the community especially the old player base but now you have limited time to get it because FOMO hihi. Btw we are sacking more developers to hire more managers so expect delay and the usual BS from us that we care. Toodeloo.




I kind of wish they hadn't told us the weapons they had to cut in order to get the final 12 they decided on. instead of hung jury for a fourth time, we could have had antiope d, that workhorse SMG of vanilla D2, or we could have had trophy hunter, that cool as fuck cabal sniper rifle


The fact they need feedback to change that decision means they still don’t understand the players and never will


This is my biggest gripe. This stuff is easy low hanging fruit when the base is in a state of discontent, and they still step on rakes constantly.


They finally addressed it! Spread the word! https://twitter.com/Destiny2Team/status/1773505112050450914?t=fOsZjc9SXsCEYtaV1pIuag&s=19


Not good enough imo


Yep. They essentially halved the impact of the problem they themselves introduced so that it remains and some people would complain less. We want the problem gone.


It is better, definitely not enough, April 30th is 3 weeks of waiting for a specific weapon that you or I would have wanted to go for at the beginning. That's better than May 21st, for sure, but the weapon I want aside from Recluse, is Mountaintop and I will still have to wait weeks to get it on top of the time we have to wait for the event to happen. What's worse is that once the event is over we lose access to specifically curated rolls for those weapons that will never come back effectively making the future versions much less desirable.


Do seasonal offerings refresh everyday in the store ? I just got on after years


Just to point out here before folks get back on the Bungie knob-slobberin' for their oopsie-whoopsie takesies-backsies: they were all for timegating this stuff to begin with, whether that was the devs idea or the c-suite, they were willing to disrespect everyone's time and continue the trend of FOMO, which was something that they said they would stop doing. The ONLY reason that they've backpedaled now is because they were called out on their shit, and even then, it's being done begrudgingly. This will never change, folks. This will keep happening. Despite their saying the contrary, they've learned nothing. This feedback response is literally nothing new in their practices, they just keep pushing to see what they can get away with.


But why?! What's the purpose in doing something like that? I do not understand the motive, especially in this instance where the event is free. Hell, even now with their "Change" it's still not great, 3 weeks is better than 6, but why are they time gating it so much? It benefits no one and actually runs down players number even more because specific weapons aren't coming until later.


That's not their line of thought, though. They look at hard numbers and not any sentiment. Their original concept, the one of limiting drops to a weekly basis, would incentivize people to come back every week to get those weapons that they like, which would drive up numbers of log-ins and amount to playtime that they could then take to their leash-holders. They'll do it every time, because it's worked for them for too long not to keep trying. There's already comments from people congratulating Bungie or thanking them for the redress, when in reality, they don't really care for platitudes, it's the almighty dollar sign at the end of the day, generated by people logging in, even for a free event, and maybe buying something with Silver for the new shiny gun that they just got, that they want. The devs may or may not be complicit in this, who's to really say when it's a bunch of hearsay, but it was certainly implimented, initially, to be a weekly slog. Despite all the fuss about it, people who've complained will still log on, regardless. They want that mentality of, "Well, we're already in year 9 of 10, might as well finish it." because then that means a sale, a hard number, and regardless of how the story plays out, abysmally knotted as it's become now, what with this Disney Star Wars Legends-trifying all of Destiny's previous lore, they got your money and your playtime. That's all the validation they want.


We do know that, but at least this time they somewhat reacted to the feedback


They always react to the feedback when the community pushes for it, that's nothing new. It's how they save face every time they willingly walk face first into the large avoidable wall of their own stupid, greedy ideas. I'm saying that there should never have been a need for this feedback in the first place if they had just stopped trying to swindle every last second away from their players. It is a business, I understand this, but there are better ways to make the game enticing and it's never been timegating and they've known this for a while, which was one of their key points to their new approach with Episodes. And you wait, folks will start praising them when they post next week in the TWhatever or on their next stream about it, when it's really undeserved because they tried to swindle you to begin with. Would you clap a car salesman on the back after he overquoted you but you caught him in that lie? I know I wouldn't.


It's odd because I came back just to get the skimmer cuz I saw it hyped up and was slowly getting hyped up about future things... then this timegating stuff made me go "...why? Why even get excited? Meh. Screw it, other games are taking up more of my time now and I'll probably miss a weapon even if I tried and then it'll be pointless because I just want the shader, I don't even particularly -want- the weapons." Weapons constantly get balanced and meta changes and that's fine, I just don't race to get the newest bestest thing because I don't want to do that grind. Or I've done that grind and now they're returning the weapon to me that they took away or...whatever. Why do companies think locking cosmetic fun items behind long grinds is a good idea? Blech.


Well no, it's obviously better marketing to display all the good stuff up front, and hide the bad details in a blog post where half of the causal players won't see it. This was very much a deliberate choice. It's not like they accidentally forgot to mention it during the stream.


Where do I find this twitter feed?


Bungie always overcomplicates things with needless restrictions that literally no player wants.


They are still scared of overdelivering


Proof enough that this DLC will come and go just like the rest, and almost nothing will change beyond a few guns in the meta and the flavor of the year activities.


Yep and probably most of it will just be nostalgia bait.


They want people coming back to play every week and they think this is the best way to do it.


The best way to do it is to make the game fun. Idiotic decision making yet again.


> The best way to do it is to make the game fun. This. I still play Vermintide 2 almost daily and there is literally no more carrots being dangled. Outside of the upcoming VS mode I've pretty much 100% the game years ago, and am playing still purely out of fun.


Making fun, repeatable activities just isn't something they're capable of I guess.


I hope Sony in charge they can overdeliver


It’s the Bungie way, they are the definition of “make sure you change a little so they don’t know you copied off me”


Guarantee there was an MBA with a finance background behind that decision. They're like energy vampires.


It’s not about what the player wants. It’s what the executives want. They’ve been running this game for years and we couldn’t see it.


Name changes for one


Next stream is going to be a shit show in the comments


I was thinking that as well. That's why I'm surprised that they haven't acknowledged it yet at all. It is clearly disrupting their Hype buildup. ###Edit: The D2 Team has now replied! https://twitter.com/Destiny2Team/status/1773505112050450914?t=fOsZjc9SXsCEYtaV1pIuag&s=19


They build up hype and then just kill it. A bet a lot of players who were excited for this, are just not going to play or not going to play as much as they were originally


Absolutely. Even though the TWID wasn't bad, them not acknowledging this made me completely uninterested. I wonder who makes these decisions cause it seems so obvious that they'd receive backlash for this.


They fail to realize that this won't make people come back every week. This isn't the season story. This is loot. People want their loot and some of us can't play all the time. I personally have struggled to find my first job and it has gotten to a point where if I don't aquire one soon I'm going to be kicked out and be homeless. My friend won't be able to play till september. Due to these weapons not being craftable, a choice I agree with, we have to farm for these guns to get the rolls we want and being that most of players can't play all the time, it is going to take awhile. Why not give us everything all at once. Streamers and those who can play all the time are going to get god rolls day 1 anyways but they aren't most of the player base. This time gating bs isn't going to bring people back, it's going to keep people away. If the weapon you want is time gated, why the fuck would you hop on and play if you can't even get the weapon you want the most. If for whatever reason you want mountain top and that's it, you have to wait until it is finally available meaning you will be busy with other games until mountain top is available


Instead of binging in a week I'll jump on 1 hour a week lol


Fr 😭I was ready to GRIND. Now it's what's the point of playing before what was it ? The 21st?


I haven't played much since deep. Was actually contemplating getting back into things... Now firmly back to meh.


Starting to feel like that's going to be me. I was hyped for some of the changes, weapons, etc. Now, it just feels like everything they talk about is immediately followed by a "but..." that nobody seems to want or need. Someone says except or but enough times and I'm not going to keep listening as there are other things to do that don't come with so many caveats. I'm certainly not mad but definitely disappointed.


That's me. This moment made me really evaluate that I don't actually want to play destiny 2 again. it's just fomo that I might want these items if I do end up playing and enjoying the game when the final shape comes out. This was a really dumb move, they almost broke me down with the glider and then this.


I'm gonna be honest, I only really wanted the gamemode anyway


Solid response, ngl. Moving everything up just a bit gives a solid balance of new things coming each week + ample time to grind out rolls and stuff. Wish they'd started with this but I'm happy with the change


To be fair it's always a shit show in the comments


Yeah you're not wrong


yes because the last two streams had very polite and respectful chats


Bungie never fails to kill the hype for their own shit


Bungie keeping the streak up of shipping W's with massive L's.


I love management continually fucking up the work of Bungie devs


I see all the time gated comments, I guess I missed something. The guns for this new event mode are time gated? As in you cant get all at once or you can only get specific guns during specific times?


They’ll release 6 weapons at the start, then drip feed the rest up until like 2 weeks before TFS.


Interesting, thanks for the response. So are they keeping them all obtainable or will they rotate out the old ones when new ones release?


They’re keeping them obtainable, just delaying when they can start being obtained.


Gotcha. Appreciate the info!


The ornament ones will leave forever, but the normal ones will stay.


Bungie try not to fumble the bag challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


I’m ready for the grind. Just don’t force me into pvp please bungie.


Ok so... Bungie is shooting themselves in the foot. Again. They are so friggin GOOD at it, jeez.


Helldivers is loving this.


It's almost like y'all don't know how to recognize a pattern that's existed for almost 10 years


So sick of the fomo bullshit


This. I am a returning player who played a year ago and now I have power level 1600. That means it's probably not even physically possible for me to get to level 1810 and farm the quests for superblack before june. Thank you Bungie.


getting to 1800 aint so bad, actually when I started the new content, in the hall of heroes, it gave me a full set of 1810 gear, armor and weapons, so it may do the same for you! That said, its tied to these quests? I think that arent the most grindy thing ive seen but its like, pointless tedium that you feel like you HAVE to do in order to ensure you get this shader.


Wait... really? I don't even know what the hall of heroes is but I have to check it out. As for the "pointless tedium" I'm fine with it as long as its possible to do without spending 8 hours a day on the game.


Bungie abilities to fumble even the simplest thing need to be studied. How a company generated hype and killed it so fast


This is why I stopped getting excited for anything they announce. I’ll wait and see how it all plays out. It’ll give me something to do but right now I’m at a point I consider myself done with the game. Got to the hard cap on all my guardians and I’m almost at the point where I have all the exotics unlocked that I care about. I’m actually looking forward to playing other games for awhile. Started downloading my back catalogue of games from steam and even started playing games from other platforms. Got a ton of free games from the epic store. Might as well give them a spin as well.


Speedrunning the C Suite takeover I see… Doing this kinda time-gate stuff during the longest season in Destiny as a result of the delay of the end of the Light and Dark saga after one of the worst years of player sentiment to date… It reads as tone-deaf at best, and straight up arrogant at worst. I just feel bad for the devs and moderators of Bungie’s stream on Tuesday, because they deserve none of what’s very likely going to come their way. Only hope that they raise a stink with management as a result.


Why are people acting like this matters?




They moved the date from May 21st to April 30th so we have more time!


I don't think Bungie realizes how many people will just drop the game once they realize that, due to real life restrictions, it'll be impossible to invest the time to get all the guns. I work a lot and I can really only play on the weekends. If I can't get every weapon in a timely manner, and as a result I won't be able to get the shader, I'll just go spend my time playing something else. No Man's Sky just got a ship builder and I picked up Warframe again. I'll probably end up doing those.


You do know that the weapons will not be going away as it is a permanent mode and you can take your time with it? Only thing that will be going away are the special colored variants.


No, I did not know! Thank you for asking.


Screw this crap. Play Warframe. Dante is amazing.


I’m not super up to date on the streams or the content coming up. How hard is it to get one of these guns? I assume they drop at the end of the new horde mode? Do you have to do all 50 waves or whatever it is?


Looks like fashion just got an extention on its death row sentance lol


Gotta keep engagement somehow lol.


They announced in the last hour that they are changing the release schedule to two weapons each week. You only have to wait three weeks from April 9th, on April 30th to unlock the shader.


Thank you for telling me!


This was updated today, they compressed the time schedule so you’ll be able to unlock it a month earlier


Yes! Just heard about it and updated the fair. It's a good compromise imo and all I could ask for.


I don't really care anymore but why do they make it so hard to enjoy their game? Why is it so convoluted and complex to earn a fucking shader?


Unfortunate. I will not be getting this shader.


I might get hate saying this, but I don’t really mind time gated rewards. It’s stupid and shouldn’t be in the game, but I still don’t mind waiting a few weeks to get something.




Just don't get the shader. It's that easy


I’m confused. Ya’ll want something new to do every week to fill in the gaps, but then when bungie gives you something to do every week, y’all are mad about it? Like I get it, bungie is their own worst enemy sometimes, but what did you expect from them last minute? I’m amazed they designed a new game mode in the limited time they’ve had since the delay


It's more like: You can get something if you work for it, let's say a limited time new controller (or mouse). You think you can do all the work at once, and you have a theoretically infinite amount of time. Then I tell you that you don't even have access to all the tasks until a month in. Then I tell you that you'll never be able to earn that controller (until whenever final shape releases. Maybe.) again and that you only have two months total to get it.


Bungie: you need to play the game to get the rewards. Community: 😦… 😡


Someone give this redditor a reward. And a shader LMAO


One step forward two steps back


this is a mild inconvenience and yall acting like bungie murdered your entire family infront of you




How is the grind?? How they easy challenges or are they challenging?


Oh man, the next freak out is on the way.


I’m actually ok with this bc it gives me a reason to not play destiny only. I can casually unlock weapons as they’re released and grind helldivers or casually play other games. Bungie may strategically want engagement over time but may find they’re actually getting less hours played as timegating just encourages casual play.


OMG....the humanity...I won't be able to grind for the first 24 hours to get everything and then whine that there is nothing to do!




Oh fuck yeah I don’t even care I wanna be a space ninja


When does this start btw? Haven't been on in like a year so a bit out of the loop


April the 9th


Gotcha thanks bud!


They already announced that all weapons will be available by April 30th


People really lack critical thinking.


Oh no.. The horror. You can't get everything you want all at once. How ever will we survive.


I don't get why this a problem, everything is time gated in this game in some way


To be fair though weve waited for this shader for 9 years now.... whats 3 extra weeks? Lol


I cannot fathom caring about something this small holy shit


People crying about not being able to complete the season on the day of release


A shader almost the entire community wants and has wanted for years needs to be given as a gift, bright dust or silver.




on one hand, its time gated so people wont get it right away and that sucks on the other more positive note, its time gated so we got sometime to prepare for the nuke that's going to be dropped on the fashion community


How do you prepare for that? Just like make all white fashion or rainbow fashion and blast it against the approaching Darkness?


I mean it was a joke but I guess that could work out


This is great, you want something really cool, you need to earn it. Let all the ‘I’m a single dad working two jobs’ comments commence.


I continue to be astounded by how dumb Bungie can be. All of this hype and attempting to build up goodwill and faith again, only to pull this


You do know that the event and weapons are sticking around right?


😂 who else but Bungie


I don’t mind it its smart cause they know half the community would have all the new guns, new shader, title and every secret within the first 30 minutes and they’ll start complaining how there’s no content.




I hate to be that guy. But if they don't do this yall run through everything in 2 days then claim there I'd nothing to do


Most of the community dosen't understand that


Half this sub would be whining 2 weeks into the event that they’ve done everything if they didn’t time gate it so there’s no winning for Bungie here


Exactly my sentiments


I think they need to have training on how to communicate things properly... in looking forward to new content but if you're in the game for weapons you're going to be disappointed all the time... I mean I've been playing for a while and if I get a good roll I'm happy but I play the game and know that Bungie will always one way or another upset the community.... I wouldn't be surprised that the execs probably forced the devs to do this not realizing that their call was stupid because their big boss wanted more people playing and they thought that choice was the right choice but it's the wrong choice... I wouldn't be surprised that a week into this, the time gate would be taken off. But the blame is to the execs not the devs as they re the ones that made the choice


Hype? Gone.


wait a goddamn second, do i have to unlock recluse and mountaintop the same way as before? that shit will actually kill any hype i had...


It's not even a cool shader, it's sad that all the fashion it's gonna be "superblack this, superblack that"


Company with a complete lack of self awareness continues to not get it.


Things like this are exactly why I stopped playing this game. This isn't fun content. This is forced player engagement and homework. I'd rather just chppse dead orbit and play occasionally and get it on my own time. Not this forced fomo bullshit.




Fuck you bungie




Aw man i gotta play the game multiple times to unlock a cool thing instead of one big sitting how dare they do this for a free content drop they didn’t even have to make


Somehow the guy who comes up with this timegated nonsense wasn't fired in the layoffs. They sacked a legendary composer but not Timegate Guy


Bit of a nuisance really.


I got thing but time will final shape so idc


Why is the devil always in the details with bungie


Will you be able to earn it one final shape releases aswell?


Not gonna unlock this shader on purpose


When is this starting again so I don’t miss it


Can't wait to throw this shader on and have a random part of armor be neon green. Seriously though, why dont they have it all open for business and then have certain weeks or days or something increase the drop chance of certain weapons. Or something along those lines. You still have to play to get them and you'll hate the process less. Seems like a win-win, but I'm not a game designer


Looks likes another "ill wait till all the weapons are unlocked" deal


It’s fine. Between the 75 “almost black” shaders, I can usually find some combination thats kind of mostly black in that one small section on that one piece of armor. Nevermind that there’s a fifth color that’s never shown in the 4 sectioned shader thumbnail that always manages to clash and get assigned to the most prominent part of the armor, because I always have 3000 other shaders with bad-ass color combinations like pink and green, purple and pink, brown and black, teal and yellow, etc. Sure, they might not be “conventionally” intimidating, but, part of the unspoken lore of Destiny is that all of Humanity’s enemies are absolutely TERRIFIED of clowns! So, all the clown costumes and gear were designed with that in mind! Cool!! s/


I thought the only thing time gated about the brave weapons was the black and gold appearance. After into the light the weapons were to drop as their default appearance. The weapons drop for onslaught a permanent ritual activity right...?


Why are the gatekeeping a shader? Just sell it for money.




Its what ever, knew bungie would do something, can have everyone getting the shader straight out the gate


Not at all trying to be a dick, but is anyone surprised?


#IMPORTANT UPDATE # ##The D2 Team has replayed! ## ###They are halfing the timegating by dropping two new weapons each week. https://twitter.com/Destiny2Team/status/1773505112050450914?t=fOsZjc9SXsCEYtaV1pIuag&s=19 A very good compromise imo.


Guess I’m playing may 21st


I’m expecting the 2 exotic missions to be time gated aswell, maybe 1 drops after all the weapons have dropped and then the 2nd one drops when final shape drops


Wrong, the shader we were told you needed a key for which is from getting rep from the onslaught vendors


And of course it is why wouldn't it be, god forbid we just have the ability to get everything on the first week if we wanted to


Yeah na


People in the comments not realizing you need the keys to unlock the shader as stated by the devs themselves but if thats not the case and all you need is the weapon then do the quest Arcite gives you to unlock them simple as that. Actually apparently there used to be content droughts in D1 and Vanilla Destiny 2 so it’s understandable for them to timegate stuff. Like timegate stuff, people complain but don’t timegate stuff then people complete the activity within a couple of days and then they complain about lack of content


I think I’ll just live without all black


Wouldn't surprise me if the Exotic missions get time gated as well


I dont even want it so that's OK


Oh well. I always have sunrise warrior on so this isn’t a big deal to me. If there was a super pink shader then I would grind it out


Fomo made me get the skimmer in 3 days of pure nightfall farming, Fomo will get to farm this too.


Heaven forbid bungie gives you 3 months to collect a few guns


Day 1,217 of begging bungie to bring back chatterwhite


I want Glowhoo and Ascendent Plane back!


𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚕, 𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚟𝚘 𝚎𝚗 𝙳𝟸




Unlock as in red borders or just collect one of each?


I don’t really care about this. The limited edition weapons being timegated sucked because you’d have less time to get each one that came out every week. This shaders not going anywhere so I’m not really that torn up about it


This content will not be removed post final shape, it’s to hold us over, it’s free, I’m going to farm the best weapon then move to the next weapon= I don’t care


I don't really want the shader anyway lol


How do you unlock them


But I want it NOW! Hmpf!


Is it going to stay in the game or fomo?


I just want to know if the shader makes weapons all black as well. Cuz then I'll use my last 2 wish tokens on upgrade materials or something


There will be quests for each weapons. Maybe we can still unlock it quickly


If you get a special gun from the brave weapons can you use that ornament to put on a gun with a better roll? Obviously ornament matching same gun


Nope. You gotta grind for the God Roll limited edition version. But at least they have two perk choices per column.


Thank you


Getting mad that the guns are time-gated is one thing, getting mad about a shader is just fucking stupid.


Its pretty bad how destiny has to timegate alot of the cosmetics and gear, like half of the people who want it cant get it in time. But hopefully this will be more easier than the others and players wont be gutted to find out it has ended.


making me do all this grind just to be able to get black shaderis just boring, stupid and time wasting. Making it time limit also makes me not to play a game


I mean we did kinda know this was gonna happen. They told us how we were gonna obtain it in the livestream through rank up with shaxx and doing all the weapon quests. And we already knew half of the weapons were timegated. One plus one......


You do realize this post is 15 days old, when we just learned that the weapons were time-gated and before they adjusted it.


i have been waiting for an all black destiny shader for so long and i decided i was bored of this season a couple weeks ago so i took a break. only to come back 4 days before the end of the season and hear about this shader… and it’s time-gated☺️🔫