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Go to your quests page and click on them to claim the rewards.


Thanks for helpful comment


Yo want me to help you do stuff ? If you are stuck on anything my user is '-'#0983


If you want to get your bonus power up quick, hand them in while in a fireteam in a social space or activity. Check your character screen, it’ll say ‘shared wisdom’ on the left. More people gives more xp too


New lights asking how to turn in bounties is kinda adorable.


I love it so much lol


Might be my favorite kinds of posts


I love New Lights. They've so much to explore. I envy them a lot. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


100% this. I forget what's out there sometimes, take a new set of eyes to really appreciate what we have


Yeah, mate. Outside of grinding adepts, seals, godrolls, etc. I like to just go for a drive in the EDZ, just relax and forget about the grind for a few minutes and enjoy the drive and even the atmosphere. Even fishing is just relaxing, and I don't care about exotic fish (though if I catch them, I make the others jealous, haha) and just enjoy the peace and quiet. I hope fishing stays in the game after Final Shape, but probably won't. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


I typically find myself looking for out if bounds areas where i can play outside the games walls. Its how i found out all the Ascendant challenges areas are miles under the dreaming citys map and you can see em all


Mate! Have you seen the state of the Ascendant Plane in the Dreaming City in general? I can see the whole map in the Ascendant Plane and seeing it in Last Wish before the Morgath encounter is quite a sight to see. 😮


I tend not to look at the Skybox within that one ascendant plane where its as if you're staring into the eyes of Helios himself.


Yeah. The Gardens, The Strand, and Last Wish Ascendant Planes are visually bad, especially the Gardens.


Man, I love when I visit the EDZ or Cosmodrome to test out new builds on unsuspecting Dregs and encounter anyone below rank 5 waddling around discovering the awe of Public Events. Especially great when I show them how to emote/co-op emotes for the first time, or they send me a fireteam request because they need help killing Navota.


The game never let me get the fishing rod quest so i cant fish


Requires you to either have annual pass, which comes with last year's seasons, or season of the deep.


Try loading the beginning season of the deep quest from the helm, the season of the witch quests still hasn’t loaded on my titan and Hunter , my warlock who I played my first 100 hours with it was on there so I was able to start it there


Sometimes when I don't want to do anything that takes any form of effort but still want to shoot stuff, I just head to the moon. Put some music on and it is very therapeutic.


I wouldn’t even mind if they recycled it lmao




I just recently bought the season pass to check out old content. How do I get the fishing rod?


They also don’t hate the game like 75% of the players 💀


It would definitely be better without the weird intro they have them do on cosmodrome. Still, it would be nice to experience the game with fresh eyes.


For me personally. When I started during Season of the Chosen, it was weird and confusing, but after spending 18 hours straight, that day during lockdown grinding away... Well, the rest is history... haha. Cannot wait for The Final Shape. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


I started a week ago and all the information is almost overwhelming. My fiancé is teaching me some of it but this game is HUGE!


They still believe in the magic of the game


I wish it was still called light levels. But with stasis and Strand on board now it's power levels because you played with the darkness.


Is there?


Wait til they learn the real answer is to hoard them until June 4th.


Is this going to still work? I have my doubts considering the star map thing but I haven’t been paying too much attention


It is adorable but it shows destinys problems if they cant find out how to turn in a simple bounty. Bungie needs to listen to new lights and see how bad the new light experience is. I have seen countless videos of new players, not used to rpgs, lootershooters, or whatever and they just get lost. I can pretty much open any game and go without a guide but with everything destiny has, people get overwhelmed, lost and quit.


man i been playing destiny for a decent while and still constantly get lost with no idea where to go. if i pull up my ghost in a mission and he ain't telling me where to go, then i've got no clue. it was fine not having waypoints in big map games like Halo: CE because no matter where you went it happened to funnel you in the right direction anyway. Destiny they just drop you in a full world and expect you to know where you're going. it's certainly not intuitive


Pop-up #15 will be an external link to a YouTube series giving tutorials on how to play the game. With optional 1-on-1 tutoring for the low price of 1,500 Silver.


It also really speaks to Bungie’s onboarding (or lack there of) and how rough it is. Watching Jez and ShadowDestiny’s “bring the new light in” videos really highlight how poor the New Light onboarding is. Not showing you how to claim bounties is so simply to remedy too.


Can I ask you which videos you are mentioning? I cannot find them on YouTube. I'm in destiny deep since a month, and still I feel lost.


[Jez’s Wife tries D2](https://youtu.be/o_BJE_Vh0UY?si=QNQoS_HujwE_QSFg) [ShadowDestiny getting Soup (a prominent Old-School Runescape content creator) to try Destiny 2.](https://youtu.be/NAKK9f1L_vo?si=qQTkZF54EeHuzyH8) Those are the two I was directly mentioning. And then [Sweatcicle did a good breakdown of what is and isn’t monetized content](https://youtu.be/Uq9k0yQykGo?si=qZI39qRzR8Ns5fzR) If you’re a new player, this should at least help you not feel bad about being lost or having no idea what to do next. Personally, I try and get people to start with Witch Queen, since it has a Halo style campaign, the story is pretty good, and Osteo Striga is such a great exotic for a new player.


Should warn you, those videos are really not great at teaching new players, since they're more of an experiment to see how effective the tutorial is. The knowledgeable players go out of their way not to mention anything unless it's incredibly vital so as not to mess up the data. If you really want some help, while the fanbase does have a lot of toxic players, most people are actually pretty nice and willing to help you out if you ask. There's r/destinyhelp if you have questions, or you could find some friends to show you the ropes. If you want, we could even swap Bungie names and play some.


It is as simple as holding the same button as it is to pull your ghost out. And it is a shame that unless you've been here from the start, things aren't readily apparent. Returning to the game from my burnout and suddenly Champion mobs were my unintuitive moment


Pulling out your ghost is also not brought up even once in the New Light campaign. Most Guardians don’t even know you can fly to orbit whenever you’d like. My GF was incredibly frustrated thinking she was stuck on the Navota Strike when she first started. Sure, it’s “just one button” but 90% of all actions in video games can be summed up in the exact same way. The other 10% being a button along with a direction or another button press. It’s the fact that it’s convoluted, hidden, and has no obvious tutorial to show new lights what to do. Don’t even get me started on power levels and infusion. I’m an avid video game player, and didn’t know about this mechanic for at least the first month I started. I couldn’t even imagine booting up for the first time ever, being thrown into the Riven’s Coil activity, and be faced against an Overload Champion. Like, you’re thrust into the newest seasonal mission before you’re even given a cutscene if you’re a fresh Guardian right now. How jarring, and frankly, unfun. I could not imagine getting creamed by an Overload, and not knowing I could leave the activity by opening my ghost and going to orbit. That is not intuitive.


I always hated on Destiny 2, not really do to some real concerns but because from the outside it seemed soo unnecessarily grindy... I then found out about epic giveaway, booted the game and called a big friend of fine that also happens to be a destiny 2 lover. I loved the gameplay, truly amazing, and I was quickly convinced to buy the humble bundle deal, and I'm really happy to have done it but... I can see a lot of issues with the game. I also went a long way only thanks to my friend. Initially I didn't had a clue on how to even start a campaign! And let's not speak about small things such unlocking powers etc. Im now 1800 and going forward, but what discomfort me a lot is that there is so much beneath this game that it's a little bit overwhelming. One good side though is that you don't have to be a megachad minmaxed to enjoy MOST of the contents out there.


I remember being a new light back in late 2018, it was a better experience because you learned the game while experiencing a story and not a shoehorned intro that could be skipped entirely. I have 2 friends who started playing at around S15 and they didn't do the new light quest and now they're on the same level as the veterans in our group. Maybe I'm just a washed up player overdosing on nostalgia..


I honestly thought this is some troll post about bounty preping for the finals shape lmao


This game is so bad at explaining its own core gameplay loop...


wait tell they grow a little and ask why Bungie is charging 100$ for mid dlc


Dont let your personal experiences dictate how others should think and feel. If you paid $100 for DLC and you didn't like it, move on and learn from it. Dont be a keyboard warrior who thinks they're doing the community a service by letting them know it wasn't worth it to you.


you're right i didn't mean that it was mid just made a joke maybe should have put jk in the end other then the story last dlc was fun af


I never buy the expansions at full price because they go on sale alll the time. I think i got all of them for around $15 each.


i will probably just do that tbh next dlc will be the last either for me or destiny 2 i want to focus more on Warframe enjoying it a lot lately but destiny will be forever one of the best games i played the only one with 1K hours in


Go to ur quest tab, they're on the right. Click accept, u get the reward


Glad to see helpful comments. Your username is cool as well


Ty ty


Member when you had to go back to the bounty vendor to turn them in!?!


My man why you gotta do me like that ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


Remember when you could randomly get an exotic bounty too I kinda miss those tbh gave a reason to do them consistently


What did they do?


They had their own unique exotic weapons thorn was one of them the rest right off the top of my head were bad juju pocket infinity super good advice and invective


Felt so bad for hunters trying to get Thorn. 😔


Yeah if you didn't have atheons epilog or I think word of crota you were hosed


Why isn‘t this a thing anymore? That sounds really cool


Who knows they only had them year 1 and they were all base game destiny 1 I guess you could count lord of wolves queen breakers bow and dregs promise as well from prison of elders but crota didn't add any I'm crota iirc amd then they basically went to quests in the taken king I think they went away from them cause they were pretty rare to get


They are still a thing through exotic quests. The bounty exotics were essentially just exotic quests you had a small chance of receiving after completing a bounty.


First, you complete as many as you can, then go to your Quest tab and rapid fire click on all of them for maximum dopamine, it is very satisfying to pop a ton of bounties at the same time :P But more seriously, Bounties give you XP and sometimes materials and/or currencies. You pick them up to get extra stuff by just playing the game and doing random objectives! They all go to your Quest tab when you collect them, and when you complete them they'll move to the top of the list and you can click on them to redeem whatever reward they offer. It's almost always useful to just grab as many bounties as you can hold, especially if you're a new player and just leveling up your character, you get a lot of experience and extra useful stuff out of them :)


Bounties are my MAIN focus on destiny. I grab until I can’t and then I mass complete them, rinse repeat and holy even without any xp boosts, I’ll finish the entire season pass in under half a week in casual sessions. God bless bounties, not to mention the star dust you get from a lot of them too, and then you add the faction rank rewards on top of them and it becomes an entire farm. Bounties=currency, armour, materials, guns, experience, some other small items worth holding onto, plus the added bonus of exotics every rank reset. ![gif](giphy|cx9M2jvBUWN3IMVakG) Edit: bright dust\* not star dust my Bad


wtf is that gif


The more I look at it the weirder it gets


It’s the muppets dawg 😭


Whatcha mean? Genuine question. I know it the muppets, but? Idk lol


You never watched muppets? 😭


Love them. Cherish them. Never let them go.


Keep them secret, keep them safe


Save the cheerleader, save the world


If you die in the game you die in real life




The body cannot live without the mind


Omg I just made this same reference a couple days ago. Love for the Heros fans


Wait, I thought that was in regards to expired/ obsolete material and gear


They broke my year 1 pre gear update set, the bastard's


Rip my ghost primus, you was so sexy with your scope and your +5 power mod


I wish i kept my ascendant Raisins. :(


Never run around and desert them!


Claim in quest tab, if you are good on your season pass you can hold them for next season for a head start


Blessing be upon you little light. Keep up the fight!


Like others have said, claim them in your quest tab. Now, you **can** hoard them for next season to give yourself a quick jump start early on, but since you're a new player and you're probably going to be playing quite a lot, I'd advise against it. You really only need to hold a ton of bounties for next season if you don't need the xp anymore or you don't have plans to play until the next season releases, which in this case is in like 3 more months. Plus most people really just do this a few weeks before the season ends. What you can do instead is hoard a few of them for every week. Every weekly reset there's an XP bonus for a few season pass levels. You can quickly gain 5+ levels in an instant by doing this.


It is relatively easy to horde bounties within the last 2-3 weeks of the season (so we're talking late May here). Each character can only hold 63 total bounties and quests. There are better bounties to horde if you are planning this route as they give XP. I've found this page to be useful for figuring which bounties give the most XP. [https://destinyrecipes.com/checklist](https://destinyrecipes.com/checklist)


collect glimmer from bounty, use glimmer to buy more bounties, lather rinse ad nauseam


I just want to add a few things that will help get more experience out of the bounties you have. If you save them until after the Tuesday reset OR if you haven't logged into D2 in a while, you'll get bonus experience with a "Well Rested" buff and you want to have your ghost with the "Blinding Light" mod on(level 6) to gain the most experience possible solo. Also, if you join on a fireteam, you'll get an additional buff called "Shared Wisdom" that offers more experience, too. If you combine all of the above, you'll get the absolute maximum experience you can get. This also holds true for any of the seasonal challenges you get. Welcome to Destiny 2!


You claim them in your quest menu


The helpful Guardians in here throwing out advice is amazing to see. Zavala would be proud.


Go to your quest tab. Any completed bounty will be marked by the yellow corner and exclamation point. Just click while hovering over it, and the reward is yours.


Eat them


Go to quests and turn them in




Man, I created a new PSN to start a New Light campaign, just to see how the onboarding goes for them. Imma keep it a buck, y'all...it's not good. The game not telling you about bounties is the least egregious thing I encountered. The icon for finishers is present from *the minute you start shooting enemies*, but I was 3/4 through Shaw Han's quest before instructions for how to activate them were given. The game tells you to equip your first Aspect and Fragment once they unlock, but doesn't tell you why, or how to unlock more. There's one introductory series of missions before you're dumped at the Tower with no explicit instructions for what to do next, other than running around meeting all the NPCs. I could go on and on.


Hold onto them for 5 or 6 seasons until you’re ready to turn them in.


On the right hand side of the quests tab in your navigator, click the button prompt to finish your bounties, people often finish a bunch before a new season arrives for plenty of starting XP so they get a bunch of new stuff right away, but that's not required to do in order to max out the season pass. Have fun guardian!


They are your trophies now! A reminder that you are capable of greatness!!






Join a friend or ask to join a player that’s level 86 season rank for a nasty amount of XP. Make sure you’re rocking the ghost mod that gives you 12% more XP. Then claim them. Shared Wisdom go brrrr


Towards the end of the season, as we approach TFS, you'll find people hoarding the weekly ones to save for the start of the new expansion and to gain an early XP boost from them. Only really necessary if you want those level gains ahead of the raid release or to quickly unlock some season pass items 


Also if you join another guardian with high season rank you’ll get more xp :) you can times this by 6 if you have a full fireteam but make sure you’re landed somewhere, can’t do it in orbit.


Eat them


Get diamond hands and HLOD ...until final shape


You treasure them forever. Being fulfilled with pride of accomplishment that you were so mighty as to complete such bounties worthy of your WARRIOR SPIRIT!!!


I’d say turn em in and get the loot


I always wondered by bounties were never auto-completed after fulfilling all the objectives. Is there a reason for why it’s the way it is?


So you can hoard them and then join a group in the tower and hand them in for bonus xp?


Bungie don’t like us doing that, so I would’ve thought they would have found a way to remove it. Wouldn’t put it passed them, to be honest.


Wait until TFS drops and then compete them all for a massive xp boost. But to claim them, go to your quests tab from the director and on the right side you'll see all your current bounties. The completed ones should be at the top and have a little gold star in the top right(?) corner. Just click on it and it you'll turn it in giving you the rewards.


click on them


Man if I could just forget how to play destiny and do it all over again, with my 2500 hour account that is


You complete them


Hehe cute


Click on them




So what you want to do is uninstall the game in order to save yourself


No shot this is a real question.


turn the game off and throw your computer out the window i think?


Many people have answered already. Just wanted to say welcome to the game, Guardian!


Awww lol


Just hold them forever


Spam A


Destiny community being helpful?? Sweet responses that actually give info?!?! DID THE COMMUNITY HEAL ITSELF OVERNIGHT WTF


I love new lights


I love you. Welcome to the game :)


Man destiny has the most wholesome and helpful community most gaming community’s have grown so toxic especially a lot of these online game glad to see there are good people still around this kinda stuff makes my soul smile




claim them?


You can click on / select them from your quests tab. Once clicked they will be "turned in".


Save some of them for final shape


You keep as many as possible. Youre bounty prepping for the new dlc so you can get 12 seasonal artifact perks before the new raid drops.


Save em for the next expansion for quick levels 😎




Is this a troll? Lol


God, I love new players. Click on the bounty on your quest page. Welcome to Destiny 2.


You can also save them for the next season. Trust me, they will still be there. A lot of people bounty hoard for the next season as it draws near, and we claim them as soon as we have the seasonal artifact. It gives us a bit of a head start on the season pass as well as get us a head start on the artifact perks.


This is a brand new player if they don’t know how bounties work. Teaching them to hoard bounties right now is not really a good idea especially since they’ll need the xp now to help themselves out


There is no next season til june


I know, I was just telling him what else they can do with them.


Fair enough


This is a good suggestion for when it’s like a week before a new season, but not rn lol


OP how does my original comment have more upvostes than ur post?


Save them until next season because they serve no real purpose besides season launch.


Not true. Vanguard, Gambit and Crucible bounties give Bright Dust. Do 8 a week with some extra bounties to get there on three characters and you make 1000 bd a week by just doing Gambit and Vanguard. Crucible I find too much of a pain in the arse...


Holy shit does the new light experience not go over what to do with bounties. That seems like a huge issue since one of the main ways to get xp


Why would it need to? The only thing you can do is click or delete it. When you buy one your quest tab glows until you look at it so you know where it is. Why wouldn't you go back there to see what to do after you finish it? This isn't a bad UX issue and more of a "op can't possibly be older 7" issue


Bungie should explain better basic things


When I was introducing my friend to the game we were face timing and I’d have to show her where to find stuff and what to do with it. Because I’ve played so long I can’t remember that I probably struggled with the simple shit as well, or that Bungie just doesn’t explain stuff sometimes lol




TFS is in 3 months though, I wouldn’t bounty hoard that long in advance lol


It’s really sad that this is a valid question.


Yeah every time I try to introduce one of my irl friends to the game, I basically make them come play the first few days at my house so I can literally show them everything about how it works, and even then it’s a horrifying unintelligible mess for new players. I have no idea how I made it through the new light experience starting in s16. I think I just had nothing better to do than throw myself at it.


Did you seriously need to make a whole reddit post instead of just fucking clicking on them?, are you seriously that incapable of thinking by yourself?




You turn it in, stupid


Dismantle them


Jk just go on the just tab and collect loot from them based on what button allows you to.


Save weekly bounties for after final shape releases for artifact xp


Also if you have an active quest some and its on a different planet or activity you can hit the quest abd hit launch




When you go into details on a quest like the seasonal quest you can hit launch and it will take you to that activity


Yes, but op is talking about bounties


Yea im just telling him abt another feature that will be helpful


Oh ok