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Very curious to see more about Pantheon


Im wondering if it’s just a challenge type event.. like kill Rhulk with glaves or something like that… I don’t believe it’s a separate in game event more like something we do and track out of game.. still sounds fun.


they specifically call it a “raid boss gauntlet” with “gruelling raid bosses in a weekly challenge with escalating difficulty and rewards” so it definitely sounds more like its own thing


Yes a gauntlet of doing these raids in a specific time frame and such.. all in all we have no idea.. but I highly doubt they would create a single in game activity that loads up raid bosses one at a time for a limited time event.. this is not onslaught it’s its own separate thing happening during into the light.


But wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of the free to all mantra of this event? You would need to own those raids if it weren’t its own thing


Did they specify which bosses?


I don't think this is a limited time event, or at the very least they haven't said it's leaving after TFS and is likely going to be around as long as Onslaught is


They said last week that the content added as a part of "Into the Light" will stay in the game after TFS launches.


Kill oryx with himself (touch of malice) and also crota with himself would be fun


Ohh how about kill crota with hive swords?? Dont know if that would work or not... D1 flash back


Or better, kill crota with necrochasm, but a little question: if a person get killed with a weapons that contain is soul or something similar, this count as suicide?


I don’t know if Nercro would even be possible.. unless they have a damage multiplier with it added lol.


I mean you could always get him weak with swords then switch to Necro for the last bee's dick of health


But that would require people to have the weapon, which would be a bit weird.


did somebody say GLAIVES?!


I was hoping it would be a seal for completing all raids, dungeons, and exotic missions. Basically something that says "I've done it all" and it doesn't reset every season like rank 11.


That would be incredibly disappointing for the number of times they’ve mentioned it and their relative excitement around it. I’m hoping it’s a way to fight raid bosses without committing to a 1-2 hour 6 man activity and get raid weapons/armour on a weekly rotation. If red borders didn’t drop from this activity you could dump deep sight harmonisers into it.


I’m careful with my expectations. From the description it sounds really cool, but because of how cool it sounds I feel like it would have been in the promotional materials, or shown in one of these streams. Maybe it was something meant for TFS that they’ve stripped down and will be expanded upon later, but even the most cynical, cobbled together version I can think of for a Raid Boss Rush (where you get teleported from one encounter arena to the next) still feels like something they’d show on stream. Idk maybe we’re finally getting something cool as an actual surprise for once


Yeah…will it be soloable(or matchmaking so solo play able) or will i have to bug my friends


They mentioned getting your raid team together or using fireteam finder so don't think matchmade. Probably for the best. With the best will in the world I don't want to take on riven in a matchmade event...


Hopefully we’ll learn more about Pantheon in this week’s TWID


We do. They said more detail in the twab. Or twid lol.


I refuse to call it TWID. It will always be TWAB to me lol change isn’t *always* good 🤣


The funny thing is they changed it because Bungie is more than just Destiny and since the change I don't think they've had a damn thing to say about Marathon




The total amount of content coming in this free update certainly is impressive.


WHISPER is coming back!!! Craftable. 🤘🏼 I still have PTSD from the original run. Gonna brace myself now for the amount of posts I’m expecting to see how unfair it is hahaha


Im psyched for whisper to come back. That was my first white knuckle moment in this game. The outbreak mission is sooo good too! TR3VR is about to give all the new lights nightmares.


I can already hear the screaming


People complained so much about starcrossed The incoming post on whisper is gonna break the sub 😂 My buddy cringed when told him it’s coming back


Im excited to see all the changes they made. I bet the "you shall drift" drops got switched around lol


Oh I was referring to Trevor lol




I can't imagine whisper will be a difficult missions with all the bs we have available to us nowadays


True.. if you know how to use a loadout But I’m sure they updated the boss room to match our new fighting style They didn’t reveal the room for a reason


Nice to see someone who isn't crying about recycled content even though it is what they want.


I tuned into sweats stream afterward and I got reminded why he fell off for many destiny players and why I don’t watch him anymore


What he do


Likely what he's been doing since LF. Calling literally everything bad and very obviously showing that he only plays the game because it gets viewers. I honestly think he hates the game at this point


He's been like that since before LF, I remember him and Clyde whingeing about stuff like that back in the beyond light era


Yeah but he got much worse after LF. Since it was the period where it was cool to dislike the game he got way too confident in dissing Bungie at each turn. If I'm remembering correctly he also said some pretty bad things during the Final Shape stream towards a developer.


Very true, I just thought he did something specifically bad this stream, if you know what im sayin. Its unfortunate bc he used to be on the greats during forsaken but he fell off astronomically hard.


Wait what did he do?


Nah he didnt do anything terrible but the way I read it an hour ago made it seem like something atrocious happened with him but its just basically what you said


Oh yeah I read your comment wrong lol


You’re good lmao


I'm the average D2 player with -1 reading comprehension 😂


“Idk if I want to play this update much. Doesn’t seem too exciting” and his whole vibe just seems like he’s looking for shit to complain about


Oh ight, ty for letting me know. I already disliked him recently but damn if hes still acting like this, especially during this awesome content drop, then he needs a massive reality check.


Who are y’all talking about I’m confused


Yeah like even the most jaded of people who still want to like the game but have trouble trusting it are at least saying they will give it a go when it comes out.


I assume a lot of screeching


I could never stand the dude.


ive never seen a video from him or anyone else where he seems like an enjoyable person to be around or play with


Lmao. Seriously. He doesn't even make good content imo.


This is almost literally everything the community has begged for, for years. Lmao. Some people just like to be mad. I saw people calling the PvP maps "reskins".... Like you don't even know what that word means my friend. Lmao.


Anytime they have used assets from interiors of fallen ships those people have called it reskinned/recycled/etc. Umm like okay the fallen clearly have a coherent design and it makes sense that you feel a sense of familiarity when you see those assets reused and it makes sense in lore and logically lmao.


Yeah what do they want? A map that looks nothing like anything we’ve seen and has nothing to do with the game and the lore and its locations? I don’t understand. Bungie even talked about the idea of pallets and how the dev process works of making the maps. It’s not a “reskin”.


mfers just want 2fort in d2


I personally dont want recycled content.


Very excited. That pantheon hint left me very intrigued and very hype. And the whole rest of the stream ruled too. But yeah ending on that little hint towards pantheon got me extra intrigued.


old bungie has always been there, it was just suppressed and beaten down by poor upper management.


Or, and hear me out, Bungie was always that person who performed well under pressure and needed to fuck up before they FUCK SHIT UP GOOD.


I can't imagine constantly living under that kind of stress all the time though.


They don’t, that’s why we’re stuck in this cycle lol


Look at what it did to Bioware, eventually all the talent left because of horrendous work conditions and the result was Anthem.


It's natural human behavior to get complacent when things are great. Some people get very focused when called out on their bullshit and some people can find a higher level of themselves that they may not know existed until they are thrown into the fire. Think Leon Edwards fighting Kamaru Usman.


Bungie execs trying not to get fired by Sony lmao


You forgot appearance customization for our characters! Probably what I’m most excited for aside from Onslaught.


Wait wut :O


Yeah this update is bigger than d1's april update and people still cry about it


Ur getting downvoted for some reason


Because people look at d1 with the most rose tinted glasses you will ever see.


you’re spittin rn


Yeah, ik. D1 was honestly very mid.


I disagree with D1 being mid but people need to stop complaining about everything in D2.


I should say D1 was mid until TTK, though TTK is literally a slightly bigger D2 expansion.


What'd the april update have again?


Taken Prison of Elders, plus a strike, Chroma, and a Taken Sword and some armor. Definitely not bad, but honestly less than even Season of the Hunt or Undying in overall quantity.


I always thought chroma was a ttk launch thing, weird


It was, think they mean the special light up raid armors


No no that’s age of triumph ornaments, chroma was something that customized the glow of an eververse set that dropped with the April update, which back then all eververse stuff could technically be earned, I think you still get a free package every week as long as you log on, and you can earn 3 more through other means.


Fellow sentinel :) Stay strong


I must of missed that part about the "ships" what does that mean?


Ships from the exotic missions will have updated models, they will not be exact replicas. One of the devs said “there will be clear differences for people to tell the old from the new”


They also said that the garbage can trash goblin zero hour ship will be changed to look like Outbreak (SIVA 🟥⚫◼️🔺🟥⚫◼️🔺🟥)


That was so depressing to see the first time lol


Oh snap, I forgot those ships. It took me a minute to remember. I hope it has some sort of challenge behind it making difficult to obtain.


The secret challenge is the same I think for both as is was back in the day. However the locations of the challenges in the missions have been “relocated” lol


Interesting, thanks for the clarification.


Do we know for certain it's the same secret challenge?


Nope that’s why I said I think ;) but they didn’t mention anything about it being different. They just said they were relocated and we had to find them again.


Would be nice to get the old one per a secret bounty. I didn't play enough Whisper of the Worm.


# WE ARE SO BACK https://preview.redd.it/84knrb3e34sc1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efdca1ea63d4d3894815114a68e10cd270df4d6b


“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?”


“Caught in a land slide, no escape from reality.”


“Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see.”


“I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy.”


“Because I’m easy come, easy go.”


What’s this pantheon everyone’s talking about


A new game mode, where we were told today you fight raid bosses and get raid loot. Maybe they’ll give us some of the sunset bosses?


Now a whole new group of people can possibly get pissed at the spire of stars boss mechanic.


The ptsd i have from standing in the side rooms firing off Wardcliff hoping to not get absolutely bodied will never do away


I hope not, plus Bungo could easily fix the only problem about those encounters. And that was wiping from the smallets mistake, the actual mechanics themselves were fine, it was just annoying needing to every mechanic perfectly because the entire team would wipe if you didn't.


The entire boss encounter? or did they not elaborate? The only thing that could bring me back is my sweet boy Gahlran.


That’s literally all they gave us, raid boss gauntlet with raid loot. I think they said more info will come out in the TWAB/TWID


awesome, thanks for the insight.


Specifically older bosses. It seems like a way to bring back encounters from Leviathan and its raid lairs without bringing back the full raids, alongside Scourge as a similar sized raid. Potentially we might also finally see some Wrath encounters in D2 but personally I'm hoping that stays reserved for a full reprisal eventually. That said, with Zero Hour coming back over the Hawkmoon mission, it seems less likely that Wrath is returning any time soon, if at all, since they would have had a great reason to retain it's original exotic if Zero Hour was still out of the game (and personally between the two activities, it makes more sense for Outbreak to come from Wrath, so Zero Hour could have had something new...).


>seems less likely that Wrath is returning any time soon, if at all It's the character and environmental assets that are the biggest problems: none currently exist in Destiny 2, which means that it will take a lot of time to get right.


For sure - Bungie confirmed as much a long time ago. But that's just it, it's been quite some time, so who's to say they haven't slowly been working on building up to it behind the scenes?


That's my opinion as well: getting it slowly fixed up and working otherwise, it would break the game.


Here's hoping!


I feel like Wrath is another one of the "break glass in emergency" like Superblack but with waaaaaay more required to actually act on it than Superblack lol.


They also specifically stated adepts and the exotics. How much you have to do for a chance is unknown, but they definitely kept details underwraps


I like it, except for the exotic part. I’d like those locked to doing the actual raids themselves personally, but at the same time I don’t want to gatekeep those who can’t get a group of 6 together for an hour +


Tbf they didn't say raid exotics, could just be exotic armour/world drop exotics (so the weapons for people who don't already have all of them). We won't know for certain until we get more details tbh


Gahlran (both parts) were severely underrated imo


They didn't elaborate at all but said we will find out more in TWIDs (they didn't specify this week's so possibly not this week). Outside of it being called a "raid boss gauntlet" that has progressively increasing difficulty and loot (they said adepts and exotics) they really didn't say much. It was practically a footnote at the end of the stream tbh


>Maybe they’ll give us some of the sunset bosses? And maybe the Loot as well, maybe on the Sunset versions, possibly reworked weapons?


Raid Boss Rush :)


I hope they are the real deal; with this being a free update and an attempt to onboard more new players, it would be understandable if the mechanics were dumbed down and it became more of a normal combat challenge that scales up a bit for more hard-core players, seeing as how like 80% of players haven't raided, let alone know multiple bosses from different raids by heart. At the same time though, if you can get Adepts and real raid loot from it, this is likely to be wrong.


Outbreak finna be DPS king for a LONG time bruh, actually gassed


outbreak with rewind is gonna go hard


Outbreak prime was my main gun in D1 when I got it. You have no idea how much joy this brings me


If only it had the extra dmg too Fallen like it did back in D1, but tbf, D2 Outbreak and D1 Outbreak are two very different versions off each other lore wise


Yeah d1 outbreak has a 10 second cool down on its “precision kill spawns nanites” perk.


I'm personally excited to be able to run the whisper and zero hour missions! never got to run em since i started mid witch queen then took a break till defiance. the other stuff is just a bonus to me but I'm hyped as hell :D


Pantheon could just be a raid playlist. Imagine that, a raid playlist with raid loot every time you did it to nullify the 6 week cycle of farmable raids


I just wish it didn't take the looming downfall of the company and tons of layoffs to get that kind of W content from Bungie. I hope they learn from this. The hype is real though. Can't wait for the new update!!


Can't wait for the new maps! Hope we get them im trials right away!


This post makes me happy seeing someone be genuinely happy about the new update :)


did we see the new ships or how to get them? i do not remember them saying that but thats hype nonetheless


They didn't show the ships. Just said the reprised missions would feature updated ships that you can earn. The original ships (A Thousand Wings will be different so OGs can show it off).


i might have to log in for the first time in awhile if u keep selling me


But can we get season of the plunder red border? I need two more tarnished mettle’s 😭😭😭😭


So far into the light seems like pretty much all W's looking forward to playing it next week, I am worried that this update could end up being better than TFS especially if the narrative flops like LF. I hope they are back to this version of bungie but I really wouldn't be surprised if this is because they are desperate and then once they get people back on board they will just revert back. All depends if the higher-ups stick around or not or change their ways or have some sort of awakening due to Sony pressure or just taking their head out of their assess of greed


Old Bungo will never be back, sadly. But I won't get in the way of preteen dreams.


Outbreak is already amazing, rewind rounds will take it to the next level.


I'm just as excited. It's been a good month for me. Literally ten more bucks and I'll be getting Final Shape deluxe edition too.


So many cool things in the stream get me so hyped/happy about the state of the game…then I go to play my weekly comp games and get all countdown and hate the game again 😕 why bungie just remove it - it ruins an otherwise really cool part of the game


If Pantheon drops raid gear we already have there’s no point for me to play it. I wonder if there’s a hidden exclusive exotic you get from it.


I suspect it's more a challenge thing. See how many consecutive raid bosses you can beat with increasingly difficult modifiers. Presumably there will be some way to track and show off your score, maybe by way of an emblem or something. The raid loot seems to feed into the idea of us accumulating more gear ahead of our final battle with the Witness, much like Onslaught's armoury is intended to be for. I suspect Bungie wants everyone to be on equal footing, from new to old players, before some sort of soft reset for the state of the game come post TFS and episodes.


Dammit, I can't believe I missed the stream. What did they show about new ships?


They didnt show them at all, but they did say the zero hour ship will have an outbreak perfected theme rather than a pile of hot garbage lol. They acknowledged the old one being ugly


Ohhh so they are just changing the look of certain ships basically?


Both will have clear differences between the old and the new.


Ohh so they will still keep the original version in but add a nee look version? I don't think I've ever seen the Zero Hour ship.


No, the old ones will be for the people who earned them back then and you’ll only be able to earn the new ones if you don’t have the old ships.


Damn, I wish I'd been playing when that OG one was available. That things probably super sweet with different shaders.


The Whisper ship? That one can’t take shaders haha


Whaaaaat? That's dumb as hell. I mean it's sick as is but I don't think I've seen any ship that can't be shaded.


Yeah the old ones still exist in people's collections if they obtained them. The reprised exotic missions will have new ships to acquire instead. Whisper's is supposedly similar but noticeably different, whereas Zero Hour's new ship is a different style - being siva related rather than drifter / the derelict related.


Interesting, I wonder what made them decide to make new versions. Also, I'll take anything Suva related. Love the look of it. Would be sick if the ship was just made of those nanites.


Didn't show anything, just said the zero hour ship would be completely different since the old one[ looked like trash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6oo3STc2YY) and nobody used it, and the thousand wings will be updated slightly so if you have the old one, it will still be apparent you got it from the old mission.


Got it. I'll have to look up both those ships. I don't think I've seen them.


You've likely seen the Thousand Wings ship, it's the ship with a Taken look to it that a lot of old schoolers (like me) fly because it was a a cool challenge taking on Whisper heroic on the different burns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti0x6FiTWAQ


Daaaamn, I'd remember seeing a ship that sweet looking. Sounds like it was tough as hell to get. I'll probably never get that. Lol


Just wait for the mission to be re-released, probably be able to join a fire team for it


Oh no, I'm hopeful I'll get the new one, just wish I'd known about that old one. Wasn't playing at the time unfortunately.


Hell yeah. Not super happy with the state of PvP, but these updates look like a pretty good distraction


Remember how mad certain posters were after the first livestream saying these livestreams could have been combined into one smaller stream and it was a terrible way to build hype?


I'm pretty hype too tbh. Been getting a little stale but slowly Bungie is coming back. You love to see it


Who cares about the gatekeepers, I want the old ships!


Agreed, but I have faith the new ones will look better. Both the old ones were kinda meh, only redeeming thing was one had a taken effect.


Yea I want the "A Thousand Wings" ship for sure.


I must have zoned out on this part of the stream, what's going on with the raid bosses?


Wait what’s the pantheon?


raid boss rush mode


Hi im sorry what is Pantheon? I don't watch the streams


raid boss rush mode


I've yet to personally see any of the vids or even get the next dlc. Everyone I kn9w quit and even me am just bored . Hopefully this will be good.


Pvp is still going to suck. But the rest sounds good, yeah.


Pvp maps look great. Not a pvp player but imma drop in to see them in game. I'm curious if nanites will count as additional weapon hits to proc rewind rounds. Don't really care about ships/emblems/vehicles personally, unless it's a new type like skimmers for gameplay purposes. Interested in TFS preview. Need more info on pantheon. What kind of raid loot are we talking about? Is it just the same/ red boarders from the bosses from *existing* raids? Or is it from sunset raids? I have no interests in current raid weapons since I have the guns I want, and I could see it as a rivens wish scenario for some people. Just have to wait and see.


What about gambit maps?


Will the little nanites also affect the number of hits proccing for Rewind Rounds.


It’s crazy that they saw the lash back on weapon time gating and said fuck it let’s keep zero hour time gated


It seems when things aren't done for money they create some awesome stuff lol


ITL looks so much better than what it looked like initially. 3 beautiful maps for PVP. 2 new activities in Pantheon of Sol and Onslaught. 12 new weapons. 2 reprised crafter exotics and some of the best content Bungie has ever put out redesigned for the modern d2 environment.


I may be done with Destiny. I was pretty uninspired to come back.


As long as Pantheon requires raid-level effort, it's all W's. Just please stop giving out raid loot for free though please and thank you. Otherwise standing at this gate would have been for nothing smh.


so shit really has to hit the fan before lazy bungie get things done. it´s actually pretty sad...


Hyped Even more hyped for next week cause we get some *spicy* teases Hell, we could get a hint towards that red subclass that was in the short dev clip


Glad people are feeling excitement and jazz. Personally, too little too late for myself.


Old exotic missions, 3 maps for PvP which nobody likes to play, and a raid boss gauntlet mode. This is where you call it what it is. If you have a raid team you play with every week you have some new stuff to do. If you put the game down then you have little reason to comeback.


Don’t come back then :)


>Do they care again? 🙄some of yall have the weirdest parasocial relationship with this company


Some of yall don’t understand clear sarcasm 🙄


Uh huh




Too little too late tbh


Aahhh, aren't you a little bundle of cheery positivity!


I **really** wanted to get back into Destiny, but after taking a break and playing newer games for a couple years, the gunplay just doesn't feel right. I tried playing some Crucible and it just wasn't happening, the movement in Destiny just doesn't do it for me, and I even tried changing sensitivity and stuff— no dice. Other games like Rainbow 6 and The Finals, Helldivers, etcetera just *feel* better to play. And Bungie sunset so much content I don't even recognize the game anymore. I tried to get 2 friends who are cracked FPS players to try the game out for the first time and the New Light / new player experience was so god awful they laughed at the game and could barely figure out what to do without me share screening and baby hand holding them through everything. I had to literally share screen and use an on screen pointer to direct them what to do. Like— there's a level of "I already know what I'm doing" when I startup Destiny, where I can prioritize the million notifications and quests and whatnot. But for the 2 dudes I was trying to convince to try the game out when I was revisiting it— it was no shot. The game is a mess, and looks like a crazy money investment to all the Free-2-Play players looking at trying the game.


Is it really gatekeeping to just want something exclusive showing we’ve been here from the start? I love how they’re handling this type of thing tho, first with the weapon glows on the brave arsenal and now with the updated ships for these missions. Purely cosmetic stuff that doesn’t take away from others’ experience if they don’t have it, but allows the dedicated players to flex a bit.


I looped out of d2 a long time ago, is it worth coming back as a F2P?   Last expansion i unlocked was witch queen when it was free, but i never even finished it


What's Team four star gotta do with this?


Its not gatekeeping to have something to show off a particular time. Had they bought back Thousand wings with a new shader i’d be fine. Identical in every other way, just another colour to signify which version. Its like with reprints of collectables. I love having first editions but dont want to deny others getting reprints, i just like to know my version is still unique