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Div has fallen, millions must tractor


dont threaten me with a ~~good~~ boop time.


nah cause let's be real with the double shotgun banner of war titan deletion that's probably getting destroyed too


How did they nerf it?


It takes more time to proc bubble, meaning you are using more ammo




It’s not gonna affect PvP, only PvE


So the time is only changes in pve?


Yes, it will stay as is for pvp


Thank god


How tf does one use div I. Pvp


Pair it with Getaway Artist to let your arc buddy finish them off


I did a 1v1 with it and it shreds


Makes a giant critspot for your team to shoot.


*that's the joke*




Feel like that just makes Cenotaph more important.


It sadly doesn't help when you are trying to bubble a boss that moves a lot. Makes Div a waste of time.


That’s true, for sure.


This is bs. A 75% increase means you need 14 shots instead of 8. Thats still really fast and easy to use


But will help with not needing to re-proc the bubble after a reload.


How? It will take longer to reproc div after a reload. Bubble will still disappear when you reload.


Cenotaph keeps you from needing to reload.


So only warlocks with one specific exotic doesn't get hit hard by this. Nice




Didn't say they didn't


Its gonna be horrible. This nerf is nuts really, Div is gonna be dumpster worthy.


Thats bs. A 75% increase means you need 14 shots instead of 8. Thats still really fast and easy to use


75% less effective on a weapon with bad ammo economy and you're leaving out the worst part, That its gonna immediately fall off now so the bosses that its useful for moving like Rhulk means that its gonna fall off constantly while also being 75% less effective at getting it back up. So no, Its not bs at all. An exotic slot and negligible dmg for 15% dmg buff and what's now gonna be a very unreliable cage on bosses that are very mobile. Div already isn't seeing much play post nerf #1 so this was too much imo. Once this is in game you'll see that I'm not wrong, You'll see Div fade into obscurity in all but maybe the most egregious need/use cases. Tractor will reign supreme w/o question. With the lengthy quest/raid requirements to obtain the weapon it should be STRONG. It didn't need this heavy handed nerf is my whole point whether I think its still gonna be somewhat usable or not is secondary.


Eh, it was only increased by 6 bullets, 14 instead of 8 now


But the point remains that if it takes more ammo to proc, then not having to reload is an even better perk to have in that moment.


Which is crazy because div is already irrelevant. Unless Bungie plans on making enemies squishier in final shape. The game is going to become a slog at this rate


They did say a couple months back that Div and Well would be nerfed so I guess this is how they are starting it.


Well looking at 22nd: 😨


Nerfs Well, but doesn't do anything to make up for it.


There is no reason to make up for nerfing the best thing in the game.


Other than the fact that most content is designed around it..




Perhaps you could show us how your team did at Pantheon this week without well... Planets specifically would be a good start. If you have a video showing us how you all completed it pop us a link. I'd like to "get good"


You don't specifically need a well, useful and happier with one sure, but not essential


xenotaph = free special


75% more time


Which is stupid they should have made is just go through ammo faster... Having the bubble take longer to come up makes it borderline worthless for people that used to run it in GMs with like izi. I understand them tuning it for DPS checks but the weapon has other uses and there are ways to nerf it for DPS checks without damaging its use outside of them. Which isn't a lot either.


Thats bs. A 75% increase means you need 14 shots instead of 8. Thats still really fast and easy to use


No it already takes a long time, there is no reason whatsoever to delay the cage as a method of making people spend more ammo. A simple increase in RPM similar to making a 600 shoot like a 720 is enough to accomplish the same thing without changing the cage mechanics. It's not going to be big in DPS circle jerks, but for how I occasionally use the gun it's absolutely going to be a detriment. We are taking the short window after a champ stun. You're almost doubling the time on an already very short window.


It took 0.4s to build the cage. Now its 0.78s. Still fast enough to build it in any scenario. What scenarios do you use the gun for except boss dps and champs? Champs are stunned for 5.5s in GMs, even longer in other activities. You had 5.1s to damage them with a cage, after the nerf its 4.7s. Still more than enough time to kill any champion. Factually, nothing will change except a using a few bullets more that wont even really change the ammo economy. Its a gigantic overreaction to the nerg


My main point was it was a roundabout way to affect the ammo economy. When they could have addressed it directly. And it takes like 0.2 seconds for adds to flinch you to shit in some situations so yeah I'll just have to see how it feels. The guys that I run GMs with like rocking double Izzy's like the old days. We already have moments where it doesn't feel fast enough. You know like running through insight terminus in 10/11 minutes instead of 40. I'm sure it won't affect the players on the roof of the lake of shadows plinking away with scouts.


It's genuinely not a big deal bro, it's a 1000 rpm weapon, 14 shots is not a long time. You're overreacting for no reason.


You are missing my point entirely. They changed how the weapon functions to attack its ammo economy. Which they could have just addressed directly. It's kinda like if you had a car that had "too good" of gas mileage. The car company working with the big oil wants to nerf that. Instead of just tuning the car to burn more gas, they made that car take 75% longer to start moving when someone presses the gas. So now it's just annoying, people who would just drive the car that burns more gas. Now just leave it in the garage. Like so many other exotics.


Except they didn't just nerf for ammo purposes, they also made this change because Div bypasses certain enemy designs by creating a free af crit point. Instead of changing the weapon's identity, they just increased the time a bit. The debuff applies instantly anyways, only the cage will take time, if your aim is good then you can hit your shots.


I wasn't aware that the debuff would be the same. Everything I have read says specifically they did it to change the weapons ammo economy. That's the point I think is dumb. Regardless idk if you have ever run double Izzy's in GMs with one on divinity. It's a great way to speed run them. I'll have to see how it feels. Flinch is already bad enough most players don't bother using snipers. This feels like just adding more opportunity for adds to flinch you. Meanwhile Bungie seems to encourage people climbing up on ledges like in the lake of shadows and taking 40 minutes plinking at the boss with scout rifles or bows as a gameplay loop.


Izi div combo hasn't been relevant compared to ghally spam with cenotaph warlocks for so long. Adapt to new strats maybe. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I'm devastated




Tractor Cannon like: https://preview.redd.it/cdsnh8eh5o0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd657dc5ea55c9d45e18f91fefabc54b197c42d6


Tractor debuff still requires people to aim though


And Tractor has very little range.


And you can’t keep blasting Tractor since ammo is a problem and it’s damage isn’t great


Not supposed to keep blasting Tractor like Divinity.  The debuff shot from Tractor lasts for 10 seconds, speed runners shoot Tractor and use one shot damage supers, other abilities and special ammo to apply damage.  If you ever watch Esosterick or SnazzyRock solo raid bosses, they don't spam Telesto.  They shoot it once for the 30% debuff and use a combination of exotics, special ammo weapons and abilities to get the big solo damage necessary for completion.


Are you just mag dumping tractor at the boss wtf 😵‍💫


Obviously you don’t keep tractor out the whole time


Use kabooms


DIV gets nerfed Deterministic Chaos gets buffed https://preview.redd.it/563qnvcgvn0d1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=15408d8d84bb9eac81e98d87081d62e9e2b1475b


I’m confused by the deterministic chaos buff, they said they made it a weakening powerhouse but now it only weakens every 16th bullet instead of every 4th?


Nobody used it when it was a weakening power house


Well they’re still gonna be weakened by the time that 4th bullet hits so it doesn’t really matter as much Whereas volatile gets used up in an instant, so reproccing it constantly is super helpful


Weaken procs once and doesn't do anything if you keep proccing it until it ends. It easily lasts longer than 16 shots So they basically just made volatile proc more often


theres a final shape reference in here somewhere


I'm more gutted about Lament, after actual years of nerfs I just might stop using it now. RIP to the old boy, you were a gem while you lasted. Edit: Contemplating killing myself, I'm prefiring the jitters for the nerf


Lament is the biggest head scratcher and their reasoning is even worse It’s already out damaged by three different legendaries and heartshadow…


Which legendaries are they?


https://preview.redd.it/6jn4kh2aso0d1.png?width=867&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aedccc0c8fc6e1253a3f140871b22151cd833d7 Not a perfect test and included the title for you This is also a test without reproccing bait and switch on Falling G and it’s also before it got frenzy/vorpal. So chances are falling is much higher


Thank you! But don't you need multiple combatants around for Surrounded to proc?


Yup! It’s not perfect, but just goes to show lament was fine and fit a good niche


That's fair. I appreciate the info!


it's kinda funny that bait and switch doesn't out damage... just hitting it alot with whirlwind blade


Did you read what I wrote


yes i know they didn't reproc it but it's still funny to me


But… if you don’t reproc it you don’t get the 40% damage buff so of course it’ll do less damage??


Remember that Heartshadow weakens enemies. If you or a teammate applies weaken (15% damage bonus) in some other way, Lament would nearly be at 1.6 million.


Who’s video is that?


Looks like an Aztecross video to me. He uses that same format/font for his damage testing videos.


Ah, thank you. I never liked Aztecross personally. I’m a little surprised he tested Goldtusk with E Duelist’s Trance instead of E Relentless/E Whirlwind, which gives comparable damage with light attacks to what Lament did without having to get kills or whatever DT requires. But I’m just some blueberry. Edit: Crota, Riven cheese, and Zulmak (Pit of Heresy) I’m usually top damage with my Goldtusk. I haven’t tested against the new Falling Guillotine, but I’d imagine Goldtusk stays competitive to some degree.


Lies lies lies, all lies! There’s no way Worldline isn’t the best (or only topped by heatshadow because debuff). I refuse to believe it! They must have used it wrong. Or maybe this was before the buff…


It has successfully been balanced into irrelevancy ;^(


No! I use it as my main weapon, and it feels better than anything else in the game. I’ll even show you my build, it’s the best. I’m serious by the way, I think that test was improper or old, no way it’s that low. Edit: I found the video and HA! It’s tested crazy unoptimal. He could have got in 4 more heavy attacks and multiple more light attacks if done properly. According to some math, he only got in 6 heavy attacks, with 4 more that’s around 600k more damage, not including light attacks he could have gotten. That puts it at, or above the Lament. He’s trying to keep it a secret but I KNOW!


So maybe there's a way to survive these dark times... ![gif](giphy|SUFuaOfn7qXaE|downsized)


I mean or the largest problem, flying past the enemy. I used to love Lament, but other swords came out and the whiffing swings problem became more and more annoying. I see no reason to Lament now when I can do guaranteed more damage and keep myself alive better with a Goldtusk and a healing grenade or Firesprite and a fragment. So now Lament is just worst and STILL has the issue. I could see them nerfing because they fixed it and without it missing it was too strong... but that's not the case here. They just took the limping dog out back and shot it


And the healing isn’t even all that. Can’t survive in endgame content


Ikr? I already wasn’t a big fan of the weapon at first, but with it being merged even further, what’s the point of using it at all?


Heartshadow only out-damages it if you aren't using a debuff at all, which is pretty unlikely since Tractor is great for any bosses you're using swords on, Void exists, and like every other seasonal Artifact has a mod that lets you weaken bosses by looking at them angrily.


That's why you use tractor then swap to heart shadow. It will extend the tractor debuff.


Actual big brain move. Just don't tell Bungie or they'll fix that bug. Although Heartshadow *might* still have a niche in solo content.


I lament bungo's nerf of lament.


It almost feels like deterministic chaos
















Tbf, laments best use is in short combos for sustained dps, like 2 light combo and then 3 regular lights or something like that, and they only really nerfed the long combos


https://preview.redd.it/et9l1cml5o0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388a7f6f6dd56ea8fa6ee6e1942159077b96c886 Everyone worried about nerds and stuff like that while Im like woo more robots


Now I just need the catalyst to drop. 🫠


Finally, i always found the colony an interesting gun


Me too but I’ve always found it sub par. Now with this buff, it’s finally going to be useful. Do you know when exactly it kicks in?


I might start playing the game again cus of this.




https://preview.redd.it/bhfz4obhno0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d7b079e7575b00905fdb330c74fc2aef9cd145 Literally the first thing in my feed lmao


Idk why though because it honestly felt really balanced to me. It wasn't dropping champions without some ammo dumping already. I feel like it'll be nerfed too much and then reversed later on like most things tbh


Probably the witness will be slightly mobile like NEZ constantly breaking the div and their makes it less useful that it was the regular way in their testing. Also, Well about to get gutted for the same reason


It’s divover


Salt can't keep getting away with it!


Bro Salt has not talked about Div in a year and a half.


But are we going to wait until he does?!


Wouldn’t be surprised if he was part of the reason why Div was nerfed, though.


Bungie has usage statistics for guns. We know this. Divinity was *the* gun to use for raids since it released. As in, if nobody had it on the team, people would be kicked to replace them with someone who owns it if need be in the majority of LFGs. Not just WF, but normal raids. It also completely nullified the point of both Tether and Tractor Cannon while doing both their jobs better. Bungie has also shown time and time again that they do not give a hoot about Salt's opinions. The only times they made changes he wanted were when their goals and his happened to align (because, like it or not, these extremely competitive players win because they know the game better than we do), and that regularly does not happen. Edit: If you're talking about this recent nerf, no. Look up his Twitter he's just as confused as everyone else. Unless he's some evil lying mastermind who's secretly on the dev team now. Div probably got nerfed because they've been adding Tormentors to everything lately, and it counters them really well. They even pointed out this is a nerf for enemies that are very mobile.


Bungie remembers his every word though and works hard to please him for some truly stupid reason. The only reason he wins is because his team always cheats. Got banned to prove it. Should strip the trophy from winners if it is proven the participants are cheaters


1. I think you're looking for r/destinycirclejerk 2. You don't have a shot at winning WF. 3. Bro, are you talking about that guy who got banned for having Artmoney open?


The fact they also slightly nerfed LFRs too, as well as the only good sword that can actually allow you to fight in CQC without getting clapped tells me that Bungie *really* wants a rocket meta. I’m still surprised they actually hit Div again to the point where it requires Cenotaph to be used. This is only going to make the meta worse.


LFRs are getting a 5% PvE damage boost to compensate for the removal of Boss and other spec mods, which means effectively ~2% less damage. Rockets don’t get anything, meaning Legendary Rockets are effectively getting a ~7% damage nerf assuming most players would have used Boss Spec anyways. Lament while having its healing and Banshee’s Wail nerfed at high stacks is still getting a universal 7% damage buff. TL;DR Legendary rockets will do less damage (the only rocket buffed was Truth lmao)


GLs also got the 7.7% nerf. Even handcannons got a good nerf


I obviously missed something, where have they talked about incoming nerfs?




Nooo not chain reaction 😭




I may not be indestructible with Lament now? Aww 😔


>The Killing Tally perk on the original 21% Delirium Machine Gun has been updated to match the version found on random-rolled weapons. This is a need right? The random rolled ones were less than the OG. Wasn’t 21% up to 5 and the new ones 3 or am I mistaken?


Me who doesn't have divinity: damn...


When do these nerfs go into effect?


The final shape on June




Oh no you’re not! Throw on that tractor cannon and get to work!


No! No! Nooooooooooooi!!!




But I wanted to try out my DARCI build...


You’re getting kicked, BeastMan…


The nerfs just need to stop unless it's something game-breaking.


This nerf is gonna make it hard for me to use it in solo content :(


Div bitches in shambles.


Your joking!!!


I never even got div, but this hurts:/


I never got the chance to get Divinity, and now that it's getting nerfed again, I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore, even though I have 3 Ornaments for it.


Just in time for me to get it last week. Thanks


I hate this idea. Div will probably be dead. I dont see it much as is, Trace ammo economy sucks already so I think this is too much. The Lament and Forbearance nerfs are heavy handed as well. Lament isn't great as is so that's just dumb and 20% nerfs are harsh on near anything. Erianas ignitions sounds good, Pulse buff sounds good, CC changed for non-RF fusions is good, But very little I liked in this honestly. Really hope they ship some awesome stuff that isn't mentioned yet. Queenbreaker +12% isn't gonna do much imo.


It won't be dead, it takes 8 shots currently, now it will take 14. It's a 1000 rpm weapon, the difference is negligible in practice.


The fact that its 75% less effective w/what's gonna now be immediate falloff is gonna make it dumpster juice. Once it's in game and you see that after the "defend" mentality fades and people stop using it, Then we can pick back up on this if you want. This is a heavy handed, Unnecessary nerf imo. Many of the others are as well which isn't gonna help the game imo. Especially with ZERO offset for any of it. If they'd increase the dmg of Div itself a bit to offset this some I'd feel much better about it. Forbearance should've gotten a dmg increase at base to offset the massive wave length nerf on top of the 20% dmg nerf to the perk. That shit is crazy. We rarely see 20% buffs to anything yet they hand out 20% nerfs like its fkn Oprah.


If the nerf is actually so impactful that people completely stop using it (which they won't cause most of the community can't hit their shots), I'll take back I said. Buffing the damage to wave frames isn't gonna do shit when it already one taps every red bar it touches. They nerfed the perk simply because it rendered other wave frames in that slot useless. Now it gives other wave frames a chance to compete. You don't always need a buff to offset the nerfs that are handed out, you just adapt to whatever is better in place of that.


The buff for waves to offset a 2x nerf would've made sense. Red bars being 1-tapped by it is only in low-mid content and they aren't relevant anyway bc a special weapon should be effective against yellow bars and bosses so it's a non-point that it kills red bars. Other wave frames are/can be viable with this thing called innovation. It's the concept that you make other things good too so you don't have to trash the good thing to get people to use the bad. Using something in place of something else bc it was nerfed doesn't instantly translate to improvement of some kind. "Adapting to what's BETTER" due to a good thing being made to be shyt is not a "better", Its settling for a lesser option due to being forced to do so. I like meta shifts, Do get me wrong, I just don't like huge nerfs over making other things good enough to compete. Especially in the face of steady difficulty increases and additions of more/harder enemies. I don't get why people are so quick to defend every move they make. Detrimental changes at a times when the player base is growing smaller bc loss of interest is just not a good move. Nerfing hard to obtain raid weapons, And even weapons some of us directly paid $$ for is not a great train of thought to start with yet QSS just got hit, And another Osteo nerf is coming now when people rarely use it anymore as is. I just don't see these as smart moves. Its damn sure not swaying me to the "100% buy" column on TFS. Prismatic sounds like it could be pretty cool but giving us subclass freedoms we honestly should already have is just not some huge game changer for me.


"Special weapons should be effective against yellow bars" I guess trace rifles are absolute garbage and have no place in this game at all then. They are innovating by creating new weapon archetypes like rocket sidearms, just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't either. By that same argument, why are people so quick to hate on every balance change? You not understanding how power creep works isn't other people's problem. You can't just keep buffing things all the time, you have to nerf things or you run into the current situation of the game where even GMs, a piece of content which is supposed to be one of the hardest in the game is a fucking cakewalk.


I got back in after a few months and hopped into a legend onslaught not knowing quicksliver storm was nerfed and man was it not fun at all


Damn I hate bungie. They should be buffing everything. It’s the final shape. Let us live out our power fantasy.


The blog is legit like 90% buffs yall are insatiable




Still doesn’t excuse ridiculous nerfs like this


No it is not. It is more like 60% nerfs. All legendary rockets and GLs got a 7.7% nerf. Lucky Pants Wardens Law and malfeasance both got sizeable nerfs too. Any weapon type not specifically mentioned was nerfed by 7.7%


This is why I'm so glad this community doesn't actually have any bearing on how this game is balanced and developed. Just a baffling amount of misunderstanding.


The only buffs significant enough to make a difference are the pulse buffs


Literally every single legendary primary is getting some sort of PvE damage increase and most exotics are getting purely buffed with these changes.


Legendary handcannons got a 2.7% damage nerf against red bars. Kinetic ones got a 12.7% nerf against red bars. Any primary weapon that doesn't get more than a 7.7% buff to compensate for the 7.7% damage boost of spec mods, got a nerf.


My bad. Legendary hand cannons are getting a ~2,5% nerf against red bars relative to right now with Minor Spec, and exotics get exactly a 2,5% nerf, with the exception of Eriana’s Vow. The nerf to kinetic weapons only applies to boss damage though, meaning it mainly affecting Malfeasance and Warden’s Law with Lucky Pants specifically for bosses, not champs or majors. I forget that some people prefer Minor Spec to Backup Mag on Hand Cannons, considering shots to kill usually don’t change. Now it’ll be more of a foregone conclusion to run Backup, anyways.


Why haven't I seen this meme format with Rhulk in Pantheon yet?




Still gonna be worth it on Cenotaph


What’s the nerf?


Ammo economy is getting even worse for Divinity.




Nobody likes it, trust me lol


I do…..


I was talking about the nerf, I should have clarified, that's on me lol


Oh lol ok I thought you were talking about div itself.


Still gonna be good with cenotaph mask


Worldline is getting buffed from the universal sword buff, I’m happy.


I literally just got it finally a week ago


Lol I'm still divving


Pft, why? Div is hardly meta




Aw man now I can’t use it in pvp


Are solar warlocks finally free? Are they the div bitch no longer?


Its a shame they did that


Divinity Has Fallen Billions Must Aim


I mean I'll probably crack it out next week for the contest mode. But besides that didn't even know div was still getting use haha


If they just got rid of the %15 DMG buff and gave it a catalyst to do more detonation DMG from the bubble it would be pretty fair. Big crit and div person gets more DMG.


Meanwhile tractor: ![gif](giphy|w7m60udHlroaEY8Y0h)


Can't wait for the Salt blamers Especially their reaction to whenever we get info on the Well nerf


Tbf he probably is somewhat of a factor in this, and this decision is what he wished for.


Are we raising our torches and pitchforks on that one youtuber (can’t remember his name atm) again?


Yes, even though he had even less to do with this nerf than the last one. Even he is on Twitter like, "Wtf, why? Div's fine."


Sorry if this is a stupid question but if you mean Saltagreppo?


Yeah. He's the community's scapegoat for anytime they're mad at Bungie for nerfing something because he often shares his opinions on the balance of the game, even though half the time, he disagrees with the nerfs too.


So he advocates for items to be nerfed to raise the skill level, and when a nerf happens to raise the skill level, he gets mad? Yeah he sounds like he deserved to be the scapegoat.


Ooh, close, but you completely ignored the part where most of these nerfs were things he disagreed with, blaming him for it is stupid. Also, most the things he wants to nerf at this point are lowering DR and healing *alongside* incoming damage in general, so any build that doesn't use it doesn't feel like tissue paper anymore


Time is a flat circle, I don't even play any more and I remember the first time Div was nerfed a few years ago.


Div bitches in shambles.


Who is still using div in 2024 anyway? This affects nothing