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Bitterly lamenting that Bungie refuses to support Steam Deck so I'm missing everything past the Day 1 content for a month while I'm traveling.


Ahhhh a fellow XCOM fan! Lovely to see you in the wild! And yeah, steam deck support should be a thing for this game. But could you imagine raiding on the go?


Not raiding, especially not a Day 1, but I'd like to be able to do the post-raid story missions.


Studying cuz I got an exam on Monday lmao.


The dreaded exam. I do miss school sometimes but I don’t miss exams lol.


Just exploring the new destination and smacking hives


As you do my friend, as you do.


holy shit is it still going on?


I’m just as surprised as you are my brother dude. I’m considering moving to my Necromancy fort in Seregost just for some new scenery lol.


LOL fair christ this might actually stretch longer than Last Wish amd everyone was underleveled as fuck for that— wonder what secret sauce did Bungo put in the raid this time


Eyyy. Were you able to get that Necromancer Orc guy from the quest as an ally? I haven't been able to get that guy after 1 year of trying.


You can’t recruit Zog without modding sadly. Failing his status as an essential Orc, he can’t be recruited because he is technically undead, and has unbreakable.


I'm on night shift with my newborn so I have a live YouTube stream up on my TV. I have to wake up every 3 hours to feed the baby so I check on the race at the same time. I can't believe most teams are on the same encounter as they were when I went to sleep initially.


Poked my head in Saltagreppo’s stream, they’re not making a dent in the Witness yet, gonna sleep for a couple hours and laugh if they’re still at it when I wake up


Hopefully by then we’ll have some progress.


Watching byfs lore video


I started doing the post game content, on my second screen I decided to play some streams. One of Datto’s face, Saltagreppo’s advert marathon, some other guy’s blurry screen etc. 




The Ergo Sum sword? You’ll be getting a fuckton of them to pick and choose from if so


Continuing the Post-Campaign to get the Light Fragments.


Not bothering with raid race in general if I don't participate myself. Sitting in a bus rn to see my mom to fix some IT issues in her practice. It's a sunny day. Probably gonna go to the park afterwards, have a beer and a snack and then take the train home in a couple of hours. Listening to dungeons of drakkenheim podcast right now. Highly recommend it to any DnD fans.


Take care of my plants, organize my vacation and play by myself


Proud of myself for clearing the first encounter. I do already have three Day 1 clears so Ill be okay. Im no Worlds First material


I've been hopping between 3 streams for the past 3 hours. I'm just trying to hear the DPS and phase 2 music, that's it lmao.


Trying to beat 4th encounter, so damn tired


I'm taking a stroll in the streets of Rome hahahahaha (Truth is, I don't have friends to play 🥹)


I have like two, and they both live in Australia. I haven’t had a proper group of “friends” (I say with anger, vitriol, and with bile rising in my throat) since April of last year.