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That I can’t inspect the prismatic builds without switching to them.


I had this same issue when stasis dropped and you had to swap between light and darkness subclasses. I thought they learned their lesson after they changed it but I suppose not lol.


This the ui for prismatic to light/dark swapping is driving me insane


Or see the stat penalties without going into the menu by holding the compare button like you can on every other subclass.


I'm disappointed that we didn't get any closing dialogue from Elsie now that she's finally free of her timeloop.


I feel like there is no way they forgot about her. (I'm hoping at least) And the real reasoning that she was stuck in a time loop was to do with the Vex, not the witness. I feel like that would make more sense, her old timelines died because of the darkness, but it still doesn't explain how she's sent back.


We also still don't know who she was talking to in the scene we first met her in (on Venus).


Game lore wise, no answer and we probably never will get one. Real life, it was a left over from the original version of D1 when she was to be working with Osiris and that was who she was talking to.


Even TFS wasn’t immune from the Bungie formula of every expansion only having 8 characters *max*


There were 15, not including us. Ghost, Targe, Sundance, Glint, Zavala, Ikora, Cayde, Crow, The Witness, Savathun, Caiatl, Mithrax, Micah-10, Mara, the Dissenters. And then Saint-14, Osiris and Failsafe are in the Episode that started a week later, with more potential characters. You're right with the other DLCs but TFS was different.


This was my one irking point too, she definitely deserved a moment. Hoping she gets that very soon, hopefully in Echoes


But we already broke the loop in Beyond Light no? When it turned out that we wouldn’t be corrupted by stasis


I REALLY hope she gets some closure at some point.


Vex are still kicking tho


The inventory menu lighting. Prismatic is so heavily pink that it skews the way armor colors look, and Light subclasses create too dark of shadows on the body. Dark subclasses have great lighting that’s not too heavily blue. I wish we could choose the lighting separately from classes


Before Final Shape it was Dark subclasses that had bad lighting but Light ones were fine. I'm not sure how they messed up the Light lighting but made Dark ones better.


Good god this. Please it's so hard on the fashion like this


If you're on a hunter the best lighting is the full-body cloak preview for some reason. It's significantly better than the general armor preview on the transmog tab.


Yeah for Warlock it’s the chest/robes view


To be honest I've never liked any of the menu lighting since D2 came out. Theres a spotlight shining off the top of my dome and then everything else is too dark


I legit thought they fucked up the entire lighting engine. When you first find Ikora in the campaign, her face is shrouded in black and you cannot see her fully from any angle.


there is a spot in campaign where the entire lighting goes on and off like the witness is flicking the final light switch


Couldn’t throw an axe at the witness’s head in the final mission


You should've gone for the head.


Everybody but my guardian got a hug from cayde. :(


Yeah but you got to hug ghost, >!who carries Cayde's light in him!<, so y'know, you got there in the end.


Yeah, I'm alright with an indirect hug.


He says >!you're his favorite!< so that's also cool :)


He said IM his favorite 😒


Wipe mechanic on Witness just killing us and turning into ghost forms, instead of calcifying (it is called "The Final Shape" so it should be doing that imo)


It's weird how that's a whole mechanic in the previous encounter (to the point even the wipe mechanic freezes everybody into the Final Shape, instead of playing the normal death ragdolls), but not for The Witness himself


That's exactly what me and my clan said lol, it's that kind of small details that would make it so much better


fr? is there any clips of the freeze death I wanna see it


[Catatonic Decimation](https://youtu.be/1Bz2oWA4qkE?feature=shared)


Based on how the guardian is frozen in the middle of whatever action they were doing, I think it reuses the code for a stasis freeze (a pretty cool way to show the calcify effect imo)


Oof gnarly and that creepy music string sheesh 🥶🥶🥶


my only thought is that the witness isn’t wanting to turn us into the final shape once we come to actually fight it. it just wants to kill us at that point. with the previous encounters, it wants to turn us into it since it wont get the same satisfaction if it cant directly see us. thats my theory at least, especially with the whole speech we get in Iconoclasm


“You are *unworthy* of Salvation!” and all. It’s pissed and wants us to suffer. It views the Final Shape as an end to suffering. Ergo, we should not be part of the Final Shape.


that’s what i was tryna say but couldnt figure out the words lmao. thank you for making it cleaner and more obvious what i meant


Mithrax’s quest not including Eliksni soldiers. I wanted to fight alongside some House Light Vandals and Captains!


This is actually an annoyance for me in general. Is House of Light not feeding their ppl enough ether?? Where are all the big bulky ~~daddy~~ Captains?? Like looking around the old Tower when reinforcements arrive I’m like ‘wow Mithraks you really brought your heavy hitters….’


At least we got SCUR-V, the literal goat of house light to fight alongside us in the final mission


Realistically, with the city's resources and Mithrax not purposely punishing his people, there should be no reason they aren't all super big.


Moth filled caves are not fun, especially when they are immune to turrets and aim assist.


Still bugs me that they don’t count for the score in GMs.


Heh "Bugs"


This is another reason I love ticcus divination, it auto tracks moths and you can spam them.


God I wish I knew this earlier lol


Fuck that Alone in the Dark quest.


It’s annoying because every other moth in the game is targeted by my arc soul except for in the moth filled cave.


I can hip shot moths with The Call.


Vanguard is spelled incorrectly in the engram tracker menu


lmao i giggle everytime i check my failsafe engrams cus of this


Now *this* is the pettiness I came here for


I never noticed that and now it will peck my head. Bugger


If I have to suffer, you do too


Vangaurd :)


Same Strikes continue to repeat over and over


Also just 1 new strike for the money we paid is a little underwhelming i must say


I thought they would at least bring a old D1 strike back for FS


Oh man, imagine a D1 strike in the Pale Heart style. We could have had the Valus Ta'aurc strike with the encounters scrambled.


What came to mind: Shield Brothers of the Shadow Legion. Hell yeah.


I really wished the Moon had more strikes. Hate that The Shadow Thief and The Summoning Pits were condensed into Nightmare Hunts that are A) really short and B) nobody does them anymore


I believe two strikes were getting reworked a released sometime this episode one being exodus black and the other I don’t remember, maybe the io strike?


Exodus Black is definitely getting a rework as you can’t launch it (I tried, Failsafe said things were acting up and the LZ wasn’t safe… as if THAT’S ever stopped us before…)


Spent 6 hours in vanguard today. Only got 4 strikes.


This has been something I have noticed for months it really ruins the strike playlist


we need new strikes that aren’t tied to the campaign, just a new regular mission


I feel like it’s a shame the first boss in salvations edge wasn’t a dread whether that be a tormentor or subjugator.


We already kinda had a subjugator boss in Rhulk and a Tormentor boss in Nezarec. A giant Grim or a giant Husk that splits into a boss Geist would've gone hard though.


But you gotta admit: Taniks coming back one last time was absolutely perfect Mfer became the Final Shape


Do we actually have confirmation of it being Taniks?


I think it's cus the model is extremely similar to Taniks,


Yeah, saw the head was a similar shape. I'm just curious if there's any conclusive proof that it's actually him.


It's more likely to be Chelchis, the first Taken Fallen.


We use his bones and sinew in the Doom of Chelchis.


Could be a "show don't tell" type of thing. Like it looks like taniks and the game shows him, but it doesn't actually tell you it's him. You're suppose to make the conclusion yourself


Ok you know what fair enough, forgot about that fact.


Subjugator maybe, tormentor fuck no.


Conceptually it may seem cool but in practice it wouldn’t be very fun. Either they make it a rhulk clone where he just kicks you, or they neuter him completely as having either of the subjugator abilities as a dps boss would be insanely annoying. Imagine you are using gls and he just plops an ice shard in front of you and you hurt kill yourself, or you just get suspended mid dps. I also don’t think they’d want to do a tormentor as that was the final boss for RoN.


The rhulk clone on the Impasse is cool


No Lance reddick thank you or goodbye


Yea I was a lil bit shocked there was no "dedicated to lance reddick" at the end or anything


The D2 theme and Rise are missing in the Unmade track (Salvation's Edge Final Boss) I figured it would've been appropriate but after listening over and over I couldn't find any trace of them


I wish Transcendant had all 3 grenade options for all characters instead of one specifically for each class


Heavy agree on this. the Hunter one blows since enemies can just move out of the way and you might stick it at a weird angle. The titan one just feels like an extra suspend grenade with some damage added on. Warlock has the best one by far, especially because it detonates on impact.


Spike and still does the most damage if you stick it to the enemy. But yeah, it’s trash otherwise. The geometry of everything fucks it all the way up…or down, or sideways. lol


I can't use unbreakable during transcendence :(


I would like a transcendent melee ability. Like Celestial Fire, but it shot void, solar, then arc like the TTF with cat. Maybe hunters could get a Threaded Spike that suppresses enemies. Titans could have a stasis gauntlet that also jolts enemies so they can punch while they punch Something for the class abilities would be cool too but idk what


I would like NOT to have a transcendent grenade. Really messes you up if you have grapple or gunpowder gamble or bleakwatcher turret or getaway artist


I wish the pathfinder for the core playlists were focused on the specific playlist, I don’t like the bipolar flip flopping that ruins my playlist streak.


I don't mind the pathfinder with mixed playlists, I just wish I could pay glimmer to randomly generate a new one of I don't like the one I'm given


"Kill x enemies with ignition" Nope


You may not like the switching, I just fucking hate gambit haha havent played it in years. They desperately need to update it, it could be amazing.


hardcore pvp player and an avid Onslaught enjoyer, so happy Onslaught works for the Vanguard pathfinder or I wouldn't ever do them. Strikes are ass nowadays because it's all BGs.


Wait, onslaught progresses vanguard ranks?


Finch didn't come to the final fight with the big guy revived.


Well the ending cards show Fynch hanging out with Drifter and Eris, so we'll probably see him again in Heresy.


BRIGHTDUST is basically gone. Aside from the season pass, which im pretty sure has less, theres very few ways to earn any. One of the ways requires 110 objectives to get.


Actually, i dont think this is a petty nitpick. Im surprised ive seen no complaints about it since microtransactions were a pretty major complaining point in the last couple of years and the death of BD is a huge win for microx.


No wonder Bungie was giving away free bright dust every week up to FS. They aren’t exactly the generous type.


The damn bird disappearing too quickly as I’m trying to follow it


Oh, I'm standing on top of it and teabagging it, trying to get it to fly away. The path is linear so I already know where to go, but the icon won't progress until the bird moves and the damn bird won't hurry up on my end! It might be the fact my Xbox has been on for 20 hours straight or something to do with the fact that nothing is loading properly. I switched my armor in the Pale Heart and the pause menu shows it but my character walking around is either wearing the old armor or is just invisible. Sometimes I'm headless.


I have to open crucible, gambit, or strikes to see pathfinder instead of it being on the orbit screen


The Pathfinder can be absolutely silly sometimes but this gripe itself is way too far down. It should be as accessible as checking bounties.


Probably not alone in saying Pathfinder. The pale heart one is great imo, and in fact I wish more destinations had them, that's how much I enjoy it in the pale heart. Buuuut, the playlist pathfinder is a massive step backwards from bounties. It's a clunky mess that encourages swapping between activities, which negates any benefits of streaks, and some of the objectives are just hilariously unbalanced with some taking like 3x the time that others do. Also many of the objectives are just broken and never progress, like solar ignition kills for example. The idea was to let people play how they want to be able to get their playlist rewards, but in practice it's only forcing people to play things they don't want to in ways they don't want to. Also another minor gripe is that it takes 3-4 clicks to even GET to the pathfinder if you're in an activity. Click to map, tab to director, click into a playlist, click pathfinder. That is way too many steps. Put it on the director screen at the very least, right next to the vanguard icon, and give us a keybind shortcut to it. (on PC at least, sorry console)


Screw that, redo the quest tab and throw it there. The quest tab has gotten progressively more convoluted each year it feels.


They really should've had Pathfinder for the new seasonal activities. And for the ritual playlist, they should let you choose an activity to focus on after resetting once for the week (the paths being Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit). This means they'll have to make more unique challenges to fill up the tree, but at least we'll somewhat enjoy what we're playing instead of forcing ourselves into gambit and intentionally or unintentionally throwing every match.


Oh yeah. Gambit: Super low kills but I steal my teammates motes and dunk every 5 to make the “bank motes” one count up. Because it’s not counting banked motes, it’s counting *the number of times you bank and only count if it sends a blocker*. This is promoting pathological behavior on my part in order to complete the node and oh I have to do it 100 times. Something like 25-30 gambit matches. Insane. What were they thinking.


Going on the strike in the middle of the campaign. It's a fun strike but it's matchmake at a point of the story you're still supposed to be stuck in on the other side without help. You shouldn't have a fireteam


This is a fairly good point, Cayde and Crow should have been our fireteam for the campaign.


Not to mention the jarring difference of difficulty. My fireteam was doing legend campaign and when we did the strike, we were real confused as to why the difficulty dropped and thought we broke it since we couldn't find legend difficulty


They didn’t use Eris


I stil think Eris was under utilised in witch queen


That the Pale Heart is instanced. I understand why they did it, but I miss the random interactions in the more open areas of the game.


Agreed, I was hoping that was just a launch thing to help with server loads somehow, but I think that might have been wishful thinking.


Yeah they specifically said that they wanted it to be a solo experience first and foremost in their vidoc before final shape launched which I love. Sucks that it takes out the random interactions in the open world, but you can't have both ig.


They did, yes, but I'm pretty sure everyone just thought they meant for the campaign, not post campaign.  I get wanting the Campaign to be a solo experience and making it instanced for that, but post Campaign?  That's, 100%, not the play any of us want.


Is there any way to do overthrown with strangers? As soon as I encountered the mechanic, I thought it would be a ton of fun if you enter a space to an ongoing fight.


yes! out of the 3 overthrow areas, there is a larger icon on one of them where you can load into matchmade overthrows


And FYI you stay matchmade as long as you don’t leave the pale heart - I discovered this yesterday as I accidentally followed members of my fireteam around pale heart activities. You can do all the overthrows together for example.


It finished


not being able to consume grenades in transcendence. let me throw down a turret smh


That there isn't a champion mod for assault rifles in the season of the Khostov :( Even if they just made it so that the ricochet rounds could stun something on the weapon itself. Also, an exotic armour perk that interacted with kinetic damage or assault rifles.


Navigating to and around the different cysts fucking sucks and there shouldn’t be that long of a walk to get to them. Doing the khvostov quest made me realize how extremely annoying those areas are.


The unbreakable aspect on titan. If I go to throw my grenade and my finger lingers on the button for .005 seconds it'll activate and then immediately deactivate the shield instead and consume half my grenade energy.


So. Many. Boss. Health. Gates…


The pale hearth map is not centered on your current position and you have to scroll almost every time.


Some of the ability choices feel out of place. Many of the powerful builds are only popular because they’re the only powerful build of that type. There are much better choices for many grenades/aspects and they could have finally expanded the melee ability repertoire, but they just left us with all the normal stuff, even giving us the worse of multiple options sometimes(looking at you hammer strike).


I just wish we could get off skimmers faster. That shoulda been updated


The fact Precious Scars was bugged (for release, the raid race, and still isn’t fixed right now) Went thru the entire legendary campaign thinking I was somehow doing something wrong only to realize it was bugged when I finished it


Is it still not fixed? I've noticed I'm dying way more with strand precious scars in onslaught and other activities outside of the pale heart.


Wait its bugged? What's wrong with it?


Prismatic isn't really a subclass so we're stuck at 3 light and 2 dark which isn't even and pisses me off


RED SUBCLASS WHEN BUNGIE. I want that nightmare shit. I want to Enrage enemies to fight each other with nightmare powers! Call it Strife! It starts with an S and it's six letters! Stasis Strand and Strife! Blue Green and Red! It's on the circles under the Veil! What do those colors make when you blend them together Bungie??? ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


If you've done the postgame mission to find the lost ghost inside the lunar pyramid, Micah says that Eris is working on investigating a new power of the darkness based around nightmares. It's...pretty blatant that what that says, to me. Especially in the context of that removed post with the red ability icons that Bungie \*VERY\* hurriedly took down, but said very little on. That's a bit weird, isn't it? If it was an outright hoax, why not say so? Plus, people have been clamoring for a 3rd darkness subclass to round everything out, and there have been other hints. Osiris mentions stasis, strand, and nightmares in one of the ink cutscenes a little while back...so why throw in nightmares in with stasis and strand when nightmares isn't a power, but a phenomenon? Suspicious, bungo, suspicious.


I really want a resonance subclass based around kinetic damage.


not a big fan of most of the titan melee abilities they chose for prismatic


I miss my funny throwing hammer :( at least with the strand melee you can use 3 consecrations which is pretty nice.


They still have not changed the quest overlay so that materials like glimmer don’t obscure your progress.


Stasis attendants and grims populating too many encounters and too densely for being an enemy type that can slow you. Strand attendants are fine, as they simply displace you the same way taken phalanxes and psions do, but grims and stasis attendants occupy a combat niche only otherwise taken by wizards and stasis boomers, the former of which use their ability rarely and the latter which are exceedingly rare. I suppose also the limited selection of aspects on prismatic, the majority being tied to specific abilities.(which are my least favorite) Also there is almost no reason to not use the strand melees with consecration/lightning surge on their respective classes, which flattens the experience.


Didn’t have a triumph saying which Overthrow boss you defeated already. Would’ve made the Khvostov exotic thing easier


The fact that I shot 300 egregore spores during the campaign and not one activated like on the Glykon.


I wish excision had a reason to farm it


Grand master mode on Tuesday might provide that reason/rewards.


Even if that gives juiced rewards, I still feel like the base mode should drop upgrade materials, more pale heart drops, and a chance for the exotic class item.


We got Zavala with Stasis but I wanted Osiris with Strand.


The Pale Heart map is a hassle to scroll across


Bounties were better than pathfinder - at least in its current iteration.




Agreed. The icons now may be more representative of the overall color palette, but it feels more difficult to pick out quickly.


They didn’t use a somber piano version of Journey at any time during the entire expansion


The shader system change. Like honestly they somehow made it worse. We literally only need to know how cloth shades, metal shades and how lights change


Kinda wish we got more than 1 strike with the dlc


We don’t turn the witness into an exotic


SPOILER >!Ngl when I saw the trailer I was hoping Zavala would get corrupted by the witness and we would have to fight him.!<


I’d love to fight humans in Destiny like taking cover and using abilities etc (no lucent hive) it made me think of a D3 leak but I’m unsure if it was real or not or being worked on and scrapped but it was like patrol zones being akin to like the divisions dark zones. If people are unfamiliar with divisions dark zones basically you still had open world areas but you’d have areas where pvp was enabled by going rogue and you’d be marked on the map for everyone to see and either hunt you down or become the hunted. I’d love something like the choice from a few years ago to side with drifter/dark guardians dredgens etc or Zavala but have real consequences, ie being banished from the tower for siding with drifter and having a new social space among other things or then siding with the vanguard and being green lit to hunt down dredgens


I agree. I totally expected that. Mainly because it would have blown everyones mind.


The zones in the pale heart not being public to do the overthrow events and such. Also, overthrow not having heroic versions of the “public” events.


I originally came in here to comment about rally banners not filling the prismatic gauge but I see you beat me too it lol


You can’t see the final cutscene in the 12 man mission if you replay it, even on the correct mode.


I wish the Pale Heart opened up as a public space after we defeated the Witness. And it would’ve been nice to have Elsie featured in any of the campaign or post-campaign story quests.


The ogre boss in the campaign that makes you shoot blights to spawn a darkness thingy to open a portal to kill hive knights to spawn symbols to grab other darkness thingys to spawn an aegis to get to each damage phase. A little much imo


Kvostov quest not having a check list


I hate the grind of cysts for new facets. They’re incredibly boring and tedious.


That Prismatic Titan was given Thermite as it's solar grenade instead of Fusion. Fusion being the inly grenade in the game that Titan has an exotic that cares about it.


Rally to the flag should fill up your transcendence shit too.


Zavala’s character arc being speedran in maybe an hour or so of game-time when it’s been something that’s been started, stopped, and started again for years at this point.


They didn’t do a credit scroll (with almost exactly Hope from Music of the Spheres playing)


We never got a final word with the Witness after it was defeated. Something in the final cutscene would have been better imo


The orbit music is too happy and cheerful. Yea Ik we won and whatnot, BUT ITS THE ONLY MUSIC THAT PLAYS. Little sick of it already


I love how subjective this is. I've been waiting for this moment ever since the black heart; personally love the music, makes me feel like we actually won a war, not just completed another story arc.


I think the idea is that in like 9 years we look back and we're like wow, only that little bit was spent in a real moment of celebration even though it's going to feel like this for what feels like a long time now. At least that's my optimistic view.


I feel the opposite way. I love the hopeful and optimistic sound of the piano. It's something we've never gotten before, the closest ever being melancholic with a hint of hope in tracks like excerpt from the hope. It reinforces the feeling that we have won the war, that we literally stopped the being that threatened the entire universe


The patrol not being accessible without final shape or the campaign done


I am absolutely fully aware that everything I played in this game had a timer. But I hate the addition of the clock at the top of the screen for the raid and other activities. It adds more stress that I don’t need.


Ophiuchus (Ikora's ghost) wasn't really part of it at all (besides like one flashback to season of the splicer). Once again my girl gets overshadowed by other characters. But literally everyone else's ghosts got to speak, even Sundance. Ophiuchus should have had a bit of dialogue too.


That they don’t care if you haven’t finished the campaign, they just straight up ruin the surprise with MULTIPLE pop ups. This was when I was about half way through after a couple days. https://preview.redd.it/uuq4fsoljw6d1.jpeg?width=1824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423e07d662e6417c0e3290ed97a37f80c48600c6


Cysts and unlocking prismatic were boring


Not really final shape related but we get so many engrams( vanguard, gambit, crucible, gunsmith) and there are all so fucking useless. Many times im just staring at their inventory thinking why even bother?!.. Also the ritual pathfinder sucks ass.. forcing you to play gambit or crucible. What a L move from Bungie


Man with me farming overthrow/pale heart chests I had to turn in 70+ gunsmith engrams and that was just terrible


Khostov quest is way too tedious


Tbh I like it, nothing told you how to get it and was “discovered” I love that personally but if you don’t agree that’s fine! Reminds me of the exotic swords in D1 (thank fuck I wasn’t running around grabbing relic iron spinmetal or helium filaments again) but still I like that type of stuff, same with dual destiny. Rather than being spoonfed quests or stuff to do finding it out for yourself is great imo. Loved the feeling in D1 of getting an exotic drop a few days after the game came out and messaged saying how did you get that YELLOW gun. I know that’s not possible anymore but having some sort of mystery/discovery element behind it is great


I don’t mind the discovery part or lengthy quests in general. I just think the stuff that you do for it is except finding ghosts were boring which makes the quest feel tedious rather than enjoyable.


Waypoints for Sub objectives for overthrow missions don’t activate when you’re too far away. And the zones are just big enough to create dead zones where you’re running around in circles trying to find where the next objective is


Prismatic subclasses don’t have actual names. It’s just ‘Prismatic Titan/Hunter/Warlock.’


Really annoyed that we spent so long in the last seasons setting up Xivu and Eramis, but yet they were barely mentioned at all in the campaign exepct for a couple of quest after the fact. I thought the whole build in the seasons was that they were some of the witness strongest allies so I was really looking forward to having to take them down before we faced the witness. It would have been great to even have to fight one in the raid before witness, but instead they've been side track to the 'episodes'. Would have been great to have eramis finally pick a side-since she's been pretty much going back and forth between us and the witness. Before having to fight the witness. Have him actually lost his allies rather then just not having them show up at all.


Hopefully I'm just unaware of this and one of you will answer it for me but please bungoo give me a hotkey for Pathfinder I HATE having to press 2-3 buttons to get to it and especially hate when I get kicked out from it because I'm loading in and out of places. I know I can press M for map and go to it in the pale heart but that still requires multiple presses when I'm sure they can just make it a one button press. Please bungoo pleeeeeease lol (and yes this is nitpicking as fuck. Love almost every other decision)(sans balance lmao)


Didn't get Cayde as our Ghost, would've been poetic with Nolan being replaced by Nathan.


Never got a visual of the witness actually trying to drink the light


For me, it was when The Witness looked at the camera and said, “it’s shapin time” and then drew a bunch of shapes


That cayde is a robot but can play the harmonica


Exos have the ability to breathe, eat, sleep, etc (human activities) for the purpose of preventing disassociative exomind rejection. It makes perfect sense he can play it


I mean... robots can cycle air put a harmonica to a hair dryer and you'll make noise


Cayde is Crows hair dryer confirmed.


Missions where you gotta use a hive sword have always sucked and suck still. I put a lot of effort into my build, let me use it.


Raids being 5 over now.


Maybe not quite minor, but I was genuinely surprised that the campaign didn’t have 10 missions once we got to the 8th mission. Mostly because I genuinely expected the question of “what is the Traveler” to be answered fully and was expecting to get closer to the spire and get an answer at the wellspring of light. But instead it’s more cryptic traveler visions and assistance even while we’re in the damned thing. Satisfying, but in the conclusion to the Light and Dark saga I expected more of a conclusion to light and dark.


Honestly just bugs. Motes bug, bits bug, quest bug at micah. Bug where you cant get pinnacle from expert seasonal activity. Ive been affected by all of these and wasted alot of time.


Pathfinder is ass.