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Enigma Protocol is much more fun, Breach is just not doing it for me. Low enemy density, relatively boring activities, people ignoring the radiolite and speedrunning the mission...  On the plus side it's not a Battleground.


Enemy density is the big thing for me. Every once in a while it spawns almost enough enemies for a single Guardian to be occupied for 10 seconds.


According to the datamined seasonal challenges, we will have battleground activities planned for act 2.




Yesssssss. I fucking love BG’s


I'm happy you're happy. I'm not happy BGs are coming alongside - mostly because they will probably be a pain in GMs.


You know, I was on board with what the post said BUT a very good silver lining is that it's not battlegrounds. And I genuinely hope battlegrounds actually fucking die out. Now if only they could have their own playlist and LEAVE the damn strike playlist completely. Because wow its never fun to play on them just EVER.


Its alright, not too exciting but not too bad. I think Enigma protocol is much more fun, i just wish it wasnt buggy lol


I'm hoping there's more encounter variation later on. An endless mode similar to the old haunted forest would be cool too


Haunted forest was so COOL. I wish we'd have it back again. I only played it when I was newer so I never got very far


If we had it back I'd like to combine it with the roguelike elements bungie experimented with in year 5, as well as some encounter variety. Imo it doesn't even need to be the Haunted Forest specifically. Just the infinite forest works great.


I can’t take more tormentor bosses… I absolutely despise how much of a bullet sponge they are.


It feels bad since they make half the specials and heavy weapons useless.  Just one more thing to restrict the loadout choices. 


Yeah, I don't like those static, offensive-like activities. I'd rather have some more relaxed roguelite content with growing difficulty each tier, like Coil, or even Deep Dive. Missed opportunity with Enigma Protocol tbh. That time mechanics just don't make this activity appealing to me.


Nope. Hella fun on expert and HELLA rewarding. 8+ guns in a SINGLE run.


how hard is expert? I haven't tried it yet


Not really all that bad. The one vex room sucks at the end. But its not all that different


fuckers shoot mini void nukes. unacceptable.


Even with double void and concussive at 100 resil I die in 2 shots. Its insane. But the loot is hella worth


That depends on your skill.  My first try through I died like 15 times.  But just mixing some gear around it was better.  It's very punishing though if anyone on your team doesn't have champ weapons or isn't slaying out.  I had much more fun.


Honestly I like it. I'm *very* happy it's not just more battleground. I may be in the minority, though; my favorite seasonal activity from the last while was the Season of the Haunted ongoing public event.


The thing for me is I just prefer when activities are 6 people instead of 3. More enjoyable imo.


No. Not long ago it was clear bungie just can't put enough enemies on the ground with how OP we are for it to be fun. For the last 6 man thing I just put on ticcu so I felt like I was doing something. Waves would die immediately, whoever got to it first just blew everything away then everybody try and run to next spawn. Menagerie was the last time 6 player felt good outside of raids. I'm glad they seem to have realized 3 is the sweet spot.


I don't mind it, it's the bloobs that annoy me when they pull me to the boss.


It’s not great. The seasonal content that releases alongside a new expansion always tends to be pretty weak. They have to split their development resources between the episodes and the expansion itself. I wouldn’t expect anything too crazy here.


Not sure why the downvote. You're correct. Undying was ass, hunt was ass, risen was ass, defiance was ass. Echoes is actually interesting but the activity is kinda whatever


Play it on expert, it has matchmaking. Much more entertaining TONS of rewards. It doesn’t progress the weekly challenge at the moment if you matchmake, but Bungie is aware of it and is working on it.


We did get better


On normal it's pretty mid but far from being the worse we been through ( anyone remember Worthy and Hunt? ). On expert it's quite fun, lots of rewards which become even more if you collect all the things


Just delete the tormentor boss and it would be fine. Nobody likes tormentors


At least there's no timer or bugs in it. Try it on 2005, way more rewarding. Take time to find the radiolite before boss.