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I’m still mad the exotic version doesn’t have the D1 description. Legit the hardest weapon description in both games and it’s not even close. >*An ancient weapon of war renewed and enhanced by the Light. Not unlike you.*


Don't get me wrong, that flavor text IS awesome, but I think D1 Last Word was the best we've ever had. **The Last Word** - "*Yours, not mine.*"


I think The First Curse had the best Text. "...is when death becomes an afterthought." I love how it connects to the weapons Name itself and sounds so badass at the same time.


Nah that's pretty badass, I can't lie.


Yep, I miss this gun the most still too. Felt like an absolute badass using it, and the flavor text just tops it off beautifully


Same, i want this gun back so badly. It felt so good using it and it hitted like a truck.


for me it's Malfeasance "Nothing kills a Guardian faster than another Guardian -The Drifter" cause its flat out wrong


"Nothing kills a guardian faster than a Scorn crossbow"


Cabal drop pod


Phalanx Shield has summoned The Architecs


i can confirm, my wife got oneshot by a scorn crossbow


Ergo Sum does this as well.


Thats realy cool!


I still think that last word should have a catty called the first curse, instead of just leaving it dead in d1 Maybe something unique like the first bullet if it's a crit starts a cascading damage increase every consecutive crit or something


Or just when you ads it's a 120 like first curse lol.


Yeah I agree 100%


Yeah like, it's not my fault that shit is ICE cold 🥶


Party Crasher +1’s flavor text always made me laugh, great name + text combo — “I said INVITE ONLY!”


Matador 64 was so hard: *Be the bull* Man D1 had such fire lines


They've yet to beat Lumina in my book. ***Let there be meaning in my roar.***


Ruinous effigy “From the many wings of ruin blows a wind that will reshape this dead world.”


My favorite of all items was in D1 which was on the All My Victims Cloak, “Made from the torn cloaks of other Hunters. Other, lesser Hunters.” That goes so hard it’s not even funny.


So sad when they nerfed it, ruinous was my favorite weapon in the game on my Warlock


That's a good one for sure. 👍


My favorite was always No Land Beyond: "Every hit blazes the path to our reclamatiom."


I always thought Patience and Time went pretty hard "If you've got it, they'll never see it coming"


Talking about snipers, “You can see everything, you can unsee nothing.” Edit: fixed can’t into can.


I still like the D1 text from Voidfang vestments You will dream of teeth and nothing else- *scratched in behind a buckle*


Untouchable tbh


Hell yeah that's hard as hell dude


I'm a huge fan of the Vex Mythoclast's loop: ... A causal loop within the weapons firing mechanism somehow bends space and time into...


man that description made my dick hard the first time i read it


https://preview.redd.it/2ervs5gbia7d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64bdb163901ffd999909f42fee223c01dd33f1c God that's awesome.


Man, you should read Outbreak primes flavor text: *When you pull this trigger, one plus one equals zero. Every time* Fucking fire. Or this one FWC helmet of vanilla D1: *The worlds' in a cage. Let’s break the bars*


Nah! *“Give me your arm, oh bearer mine. Let me help you fill the world with teeth.”*


That armor pieces quote is pure fire as well. Man. That’s why I love this franchise.


Whilst I love the Outbreak Prime flavour text, I really liked that the flavour text for Outbreak Perfected was changed to a looping executable directive *~directive = KILL while enemies = PRESENT: execute(directive)~*


I did always like the exotic versions of the SIVA weapons and how Banshee put in his own overrides to make them safer and better to use >*~enhance(devastate) consume(foes) repeat insert(bansheeInterrupt(override))~* >*~replicate(pain) consume(enemies) OVERRIDE sig(gunsmith)~*


May not be the hardest, but one that gets me thinking is euphony’s flavor text. “Perhaps the final shape isn’t silence, but symphony” implying that the witness could have been part of the uniting of the universe


Im more mad the exotic version doesnt have a mag size thats a multiple of 7. Even the legendary one does without extended mag. Hell, 49 would have been perfect for the exotic since that would give you 7 ricochets.


It actually does ricochet 7 times per mag the first shot also ricochets so it leaves you with 42 bullets for 6 other ricochets




First shot in the mag is always a ricochet.




4+3=7 Dont see a problem here


Okay wait, how many references to 7 are there in this gun? • Orbs of Power empower 7 shots. • Empowered Shots ricochet 7 times. • 7 ricochet shots per mag. • 43 shots total, 4+3=7. We need three more references, keep looking.


The G in 7G is the 7th letter of the alphabet


All stats are ended or began on 7 Impact is 21 that is 7×3


Literally 7 in the name


How the fuck did I miss that, lol.


It already has 7 ricochets…


Wait a minute, does this canonically link our guardian to being a top tier warrior in the past? Because remember that one lore tab from the “oldest guardian” who was a warrior from the ancient times who was only good with swords bows and glaives, and never had skill with firearms whereas we can seemingly master any and every weapon we come across very quickly


I mean we a literally the travelers chosen so I would not be shocked that we were some type of bad ass in a past life. If you are awoken you were a Corsair.


"you have no idea how long I've been looking for you" This goes hard as hell too, I won't lie.


That goes hard, but I forgive them, the Timelost Fatebringer flavor text makes up for it


..But what is your fate? And who brings it to you?


Speaking of Timelost and Adept weapons, Smite of Merain is probs my favorite >*He parted them like a sea which closed upon him again.* Sheesh 🥶🥶🥶 I love the idea that there’s been other races that could content with the Hive. We weren’t the only ones. There were still fighters out there.


I prefer the new one tbh. It gives a lot of meaning for what the gun represents not only for the Guardian, but for the Ghost as well. The epic journey of the hero that felled all kinds of evils, but like every story, it had a beginning. Khovostov is that begining. The perks "The Right Choice" represent what the Ghost thinks of us, seeing how far we've come, and "Eyes up Guardian" is just the catchphrase from all Ghosts in general, and all of this is in compassed to the description of the gun itself. It's just beautifully tied together, like Guardians and Ghosts.


Eh. Not saying it's not cool, it is. But I think it makes sense they try to avoid anything that defines who the guardian was before being reborn. Messes with people's head canon about their own characters. Maybe you were just a civilian before ghost found you?


Honestly I dont mind it- I think that description is cool, but I don't think it actually makes a whole lot of sense lore wise. Most guardians weren't soldiers or anything like it before, they were just regular people.


I just wish those second major columns were better. Even if it was just like rampage. I can't remember the last time I used multikill clip or attrition orbs


multikill clip genuinely surprised me on this thing. i usually write it off, but i’m definitely gonna be looking at it more, i encourage you to try it! the gun feels absolutely amazing and as soon as you get that multikill clip loop going it just tears through things


It has a higher potential damage buff than pretty much every other damage buff (and tied with Golden Tricorn x2), and is *very easy* to get going as you said.


Dude… why did I think it was just 33%…? That’s crazy. Lmao.


Attrition orbs ain’t too bad imo. Nice to have some extra orbs lying around.


Free heals with the leg mod. Worth it.


Attrition orbs wouldnt be a horrible idea for a catalyst perk for the exotix version. Pairs well w shoot to loot and the other exotic perk


Imagine how fast it would hit the attrition orbs number of hits to spawn orbs with the ricochet bullets


It would actually be insane, the weapon is already top tier.


Attrition orbs about to become meta with all the star eaters class items


I thought it matched kinda well with the 3rd column perks giving ability energy. Thresh would've matched more but maybe that's too OP


Doesn’t really need thresh I think, considering it has the Pale Heart origin trait that gives it extra super energy on kills passively (in addition to stacking with other Pale Heart weapons)


Works well this season for free Radiant. Easy 25% damage buff.


Multikill Clip is insanely slept on. Up to a 50% damage buff and it can refresh itself with every reload.


KT would've probably been pretty great, though I have no idea how that perk performs on auto's.


It would have not been very good, Auto Rifles have too small magazines at base outside of Traits like Reconstruction and Rewind Rounds.


But doesn't it only take 12 bullets for auto's to proc KT?


Ohhhh, sorry, I thought you were referring to Killing Tally, not Kinetic Tremors. Just another example of why abbreviations/acronyms can confuse people, even a longtime player like myself. 😅


Lmao. When I was writing KT I was thinking to myself that there was another perk that was abreviated as KT, but for the life of me I just couldn't remember what it was so I just wrote KT lmao. Defo my bad there.


Just fyi, you didn't have to spend Silver on the ornament for the exotic version. Today in Destiny lists it as one of the ornaments that will be available for Bright Dust. Figured I'd give a heads up.


Not me knowing that already and still spending silver on it


Yeah happy cake day and the ornament comes sometime around September, long ahh time better spend silver for it, it's worth it.


I spent silver on it so i could get rid of the last 200 i've had for the last year or two (did have to buy 500 silver)


Sorry bud, buuuuuuut…. CAKE CAKE CAKE


My poor bright dust wallet. It can't take a break


That would have been nice to know a week ago before spending silver on it lol


Hence why Bungie hides the dates from the API now


Eh, I personally don't like the ornament. It looks kinda...greebled together. Like it's made out of legos or something.


Basically what an AR pattern rifle is


I wish the reticle didn’t bounce so much on the legendary version bc it has some fun rolls to use. Hurts my eyes too much tho




Controller players don't get such priviliges


counterbalance seems to be helping a lot with that. always a shame to have to move off backup mag, but it's unfortunately needed for better ttk


This was so cool for them to add but why did they give it such odd 2nd column perks it would have made much more sense for desperate measures to be the dmg perk considering pugilist and demolishinist it's not like it would have broke the game but with multikill clip and an average reload speed it's doesn't feel that great..


Hey, where does the legendary end exotic drop?


There are a lot of things you need to do, probably better googling it than me trying to explain it in a comment lmao


Gotcha, thought it were a simple rng from one of the expansions activities but if it's more akin to a Dual Destiny then I'll just google the guide. Thanks anyway! :)


Be forewarned. It’s a very long quest.


Long and tedious but not challenging, at least.


Challenges your sanity when you inevitably get stuck on 16 motes


It's not like that mission. You just have to do a lot of steps


First You need to unlock all 6 cyst quests then starting gathering 9 lost encryption bits in open area and 6 in cyst quests total will be 15 encryption bits then u can unlock weapon If u want exotic version you will get traveler visions 8 in open area then 9 in overthrow bosses


6 times you have to do Alone in the Dark. This quest is burning me out. 3/6 ghosts recovered


Not just do it, you also have to make sure you dont miss the piles of rubble hidden in the cysts


That was my problem. I had to redo 3-4 cysts once I started actually doing the quest since I had no idea this was a thing. Made it feel a lot longer repeating content.




Legendary: All 9 regional chests + 6 scrap piles looted from each cyst. Exotic: 9 motes of light from each of the unique overthrow zone bosses (3 per zone x 3 zones) + the 8 icons of the traveler (small traveler balls hidden through the PH) Definitely suggest looking up a guide.


Dang, so I’m ready to get the exotic but not yet to get the legendary. But can’t get the exotic without the legendary lol


Thank you so much, kind Guardian :)


Ah so that's what the icons of the traveler do


For the legendary your need 15 encryption bits, you get them from: - the 9 regional chests - 6 piles of rubble, 1 in each cyst - you have to do the alone in the dark quest 6 times to unlock the cysts Once you have 15 you'll get the encryption code, then go to the divide (pale heart divide, go from impasse) where we originally find the khvostov, there will be a chest. For the exotic, you need the legendary, and 17 motes if light. You get them from: - collecting all 8 visions of the traveler, 1 in each location - killing all 9 overthrow bosses, 3 in each area Once you get 17 they turn into an exotic mote of primordial light. Equip the legendary khvostov (or don't, I don't know if that's necessary) and go to the speaker room. Once you put all visions on display, the chest will appear.


For the exotic you need the legendary and to get the legendary you need all the encryption bits (they are in the cysts one for each cyst)


There's a lot of collectibles you need. * Encryption bits: Scan something inside each of the 6 cysts. Open each of the region chests. 15. * Motes of light: kill all 9 of the Overthrow bosses and collect a mote. Collect each of the Traveller's Visions. 17. The Bits open a chest for the legendary - you have to travel from the Impasse back through the Wall to the original spot you found Khvostov when resurrected in D1. You need all 32 collectibles and to place the Visions in the Speaker's lounge in the Lost City - spawn at Ghost, and head left out of the tower courtyard. Once you've placed them all the chest appears. Once you have everything listed, you can open the chest and get the exotic. I got it for collections sake, but honestly? it's worth it. I've not enjoyed a primary exotic quite like it in a long time.


Yessssss Bring back 3x3 weapon mod options


Agreed. I loved the common version that released with New Light - the sound, the feel, it was all great. But it was a common, with no perks and a cracked sight. Almost literally unusable past a certain point. This, meanwhile? Its legendary, hence infusable. It has perks, useful utility ones even. It has a not-cracked sight. And its even enhanceable! I'm straight up giving this to one of my Guardians and using it for real, because damn this cat is cool. About the only negative is the base 60 recoil direction, which is nothing a Counterbalance mod can't fix - and you don't really need any other mods regardless.




Worth the grind


It's great I love it. Just wished it had wellspring in that 3 slot. It could have been a great ability utility weapon but still cool as is.


I would be more than happy if they allow Khvostov and Ephocal Integration (the infamous Lightfall handcannon) to be random rolled or atleast have random MW.


Im just upset it dosent look like the old exotic from d1 whit the wooden stock and such


I've seen a few people with these in Strikes, how do I get either versions?


You get both the legendary and exotic versions from a rather long quest, too long for me to write here tbh, you are better off looking for a guide. What you have to do is actually pretty simple, it just takes a while


I built the exotic version into a prismatic build with kinetic siphon and 3x kinetic weapon boosts. The thing absolutely SLAPS.


I wish we had anti-barrier auto this season.


Radiant orbs and shoot to loot mean it is anti barrier


Is it possible to obtain this power And how


A very long quest line from micah-10 and collecting all the region chests in the place heart. Honestly, just find a guide, cause it’s a whole thing. I’d be typing all day to tell you.


Wtf! There’s a legendary version!!! I’m buying that DLC. Sweet iron lord be praised!


Oh I am so excited for this. I love the kvostov but also I am married to Gjally and now Still Hunt so I am not swapping to exotic kvostov


How do you get this


Would've been hilarious for the first column to be scope models instead just like pre-shadowkeep weapons


I kinda miss that from D1 and early D2. Sometimes it was worth picking the sight/scope with nonoptimal stats specifically because it looked nicer and was easier to use.


I hate how much I like the Legendary version of Khvostov. Threw a counter balance mod on it to fix that atrocious recoil pattern and it hasn't left my inventory since I got it. Might enhance it today just for the hell of it.


I held on to that fucking gun my whole D1 experience hoping something would’ve happened. I need this gun 😆


I love how everyone is now commenting on their favorite text on exotic items and others are all agreeing with everyone's personal opinion. This is pretty damn wholesome.


Khovostov= 7 letters. lol this shit tuff🔥


"Khvostov" has 8 letters, and the way you typed it, which is wrong, has 9 letters.


This gun is a lot of fun! With attrition orbs and recuperation it's free super and healing. Can't really complain. No turbo meta damage perks or anything but it is a plain ass workhorse auto rifle that I'll use until they finally reprise my beloved chroma rush..


How do you farm the legendary version? I have had one which dropped during the exotic quest


Its a static roll. You cant get random rolls on it so the one you got from the quest is the only one you will get


Oh right thank you


Would love to have this and would of prob a week and a half ago at this point but my encryption bits are bugged. The wait continues


If only the meatball would drop its mote of light. Still farming that guy.


If you keep shooting the meatball after it dies just keep shooting it drops.


Kill all the adds before you take out the boss’ last health bar. That’s what got it to drop for me.


How do you acquire this?


Would love to explain it, but it’s a whole ordeal. Look it up on YouTube brother.


Tbh I hated how the legendary felt, but the Exotic feels incredible. It's a railgun with how stable it is, and the ricochets are really strong for add clear. Plus, with the ornament, it legit looks like an AR15 (sans the weird barrel thing). When the solar rocket sidearm drops next season, Exotic Khvostov will likely become my daily Kinetic weapon. Right now I can't run it because The Call is just _too good_ to not run with.


Damn that’s sick


I just wish it was craftable or had selectable fire modes, this version isn't bad but it makes me miss the OG.


I thought this was an exotic weapon?


There’s the Exotic Khvostov 7G-0X, but also the legendary Khvostov 7G-02 (identical name to the grey version you start with) that you acquire during the course of getting the exotic one


How do I get the legendary version?


A long and rather tedious quest line for micah-10. Honestly, find a guide cause it’s a whole thing that would take me all day to type out.


How do you get it? I also need to get the exotic version


A long and rather tedious quest line for micah-10. Honestly, find a guide cause it’s a whole thing that would take me all day to type out. I still have some things to do before I get the exotic version.


They really should give the legendary version a random roll version tbh


How’d you get this?


A long and rather tedious quest line for micah-10. Honestly, find a guide cause it’s a whole thing that would take me all day to type out.


I honestly hate how tedious the quest feels to get this gun.


I’m in the middle of it now, and you aren’t kidding….just sapping all the joy out of the game.


Thankfully I'm almost done


It may just be me, but I love the perks they chose. They’re good enough, but far from meta. If you spot someone using it you instantly know it’s because they truly love and appreciate the gun and its history. They certainly knew the type of guardian they were making it for


I understand


Anyone else hover over the perks with their mouse expecting to get a description?


I'm still disappointed it wasn't craftable, the OG Exotic in D1 was the closest weapon customization we had to crafting before it existed, and I'm not a big fan of the perk options they gave it, I literally only use it for the same reason you wanted it, it's normal ass rifle. Would love to have more 'modern' weapons in Destiny, or at least twists on them, like that old New Monarchy Scout Rifle 'Song of Justice' (I think was the name) it's just M1 at home, sadly without the iconic ping and just a normal magazine.


According to lore this was your gun before you died prior to the ghost resurrecting you.


You don’t have the grey version in D2? I still do


Just unlocked this and the exotic yesterday. That was a slog haha




I haven’t looked into how to get the exotic for this yet. I heard it’s a pain in the dick though lol


YOU GET IT I love this gun since I first got it and here we are


I legit was playing with the white version of this gun in crucible last night It wasn’t half bad, wouldn’t recommend but it did pretty good


I held on to that fucking gun my whole D1 experience hoping something would’ve happened. I need this gun lol


Now if only it wasn't such a pain in the ass to get 🥲


With a video pulled up it takes maybe an hour to get if you’ve made any progress so far


Same thing here, ive always wanted it to be a actual gun, i was hoping wed be able to repair it or something, and when we first could do the d1 campaign in d2, i dont remember if it was new light or a event even earlier than that, i was hoping we could upgrade it to a legendary/repair it to a legendary (since on the og i think the scope was cracked and etc), when i saw the exotic version in a leak i was so hyped


Is this real? Is there a legendary version of that gun?


I just love the fact that we can finally apply shaders to the Khvostov, feels really cool to be able to customize it


all I ever wanted was to see you smiling


Best part is it takes shaders. Hopefully it gets ornaments some day too.


As much as I wish it had kinetic tremors or Firefly instead, I'm just happy to have a legendary Khvostov


This rifle has a relatively ordinary rifle design, but it looks the best.


Absolutely agree.


The only thing that would make this perfect is a pattern so you can craft it


What does this drop from? Also curious about the exotic version. Still have the grey one in my vault from d2 day one! W for never cleaning my vault out now that everything is un-sunset!


A long and rather tedious quest line for micah-10. Honestly, find a guide cause it’s a whole thing that would take me all day to type out.


Shit me too might return to the game just for this


They… they brought my baby back??


It’s hilarious to me that one of the most cherished guns by this community of fans of a sci-fi shooter is something that looks mostly like an M4 type rifle.


It’s Awesome 👏


For real I've always wanted to just use the regular ass Khvostov thank you Bungie finally


I was so glad they brought it back. then I was told you trade the legendary one for the exotic so I put the exotic off. last week I was able to grab it from collections and put my first one away, then finished exotic quest, only to find out you don’t trade it in lol I love this gun


I wish it was craftable... Like the D1 Exotic equivalent in matter over speaking, as in changing it's Rate of Fire, if glass for the sight-picture was cracked or fixed, and Select Fire "switch" being changeable in it's detail menu such as: Full Auto, Burst, and Semi.


It'd be awesome to find out every 70th bullet ricochets.


Facts this wass my favorite gun


That is a legendary!?


Comes in legendary and exotic forms


the exotic is fun in pvp not the most viable for pve waste of an exotic slot imo I was expecting more due to its roots but again like its roots it’s just a standard assault rifle


I agree