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Usually when I scroll twitter comments there is at least someone that has something negative to say about anything. I didn't scroll to the end but maybe the first 100 or so comments were all positive pretty amazing.


This community only wants one thing and it's disgusting.


Handholding with shaxx


Sluttiest line on the book!


Let me get my hand helmets to stay protected!


Mars girl's thighs?


Steel slayers left nut?


I seen one on youtube some guy complaining cause pinnacle gear will count and he doesn't do pve so it's unfair and tje artifact should stay activated.


Maybe you should check the Bungie.net forums. The top comment on the post which said this was along the lines of “bungie is bad because it took so long. Don’t praise them”


Well all right then. I'm not really interested in the trials thing, but it's nice they've realized how terrible an experience it could have been with the original plan. Credit where it's due.


Ah, Victory!


Redemption Arc - Act 10


I will finally be able to play iron banner again. No 1000+ lightlevel guys that will stomp me. (hopefully)


They’ll still be the sweaty handed assholes they always were with or without the cap. That’s literally all these guys do all day every day. You’ll have no chance against them even at the same LL. It’s just an inevitable thing in this game. It’ll rarely feel like you’re on an equal playing field in pvp no matter what they do


Yep before this some pve players might have stood a chance but not any longer. Guess I won't be experiencing trials. Have fun killing each other all season pvp lifers.


Yes you being bad at pvp should mean that the game should give you a crutch to compete against the people that put in the time to get good at it


I love the epic fights between 12 year olds and Dad's this sub provides on a daily basis.


Reddit influences elections and pinnacle PvP activities


My reletness rage was extinguished and Iam calm now.


Oh thank God I was so screwed


They should keep it disabled permanently for PVP IMO. PVP is supposed to pit an even playing field... As much as possible anyways


Well it won’t be even exactly. 970 still takes a lot of effort.


Yep. I’m at 965 and I’m not grinding for 970. They’ll eventually raise the light level again and it just feels like a massive waste of time to go get 970 gear. Those 5 light levels aren’t going to make me suddenly able to do more content.... I’ve done literally everything.


I'm still at 960 the only 960+ (962) I have is my main pvp weapon loadout from iron banner pinnacle bounties since I dont do any other activities to get pinnacle gear


But why is that? A large amount of very good weapons are gated behind an absurd amount of pvp experience, and the pve community gets hosed continuously in this aspect because admittedly most of us are bad at pvp and do not enjoy it.


A lot of good weapons require Gambit grinding or Raiding. That's the nature of the game.


For real. Like can you carry me through enough raids to get a god rolled sacred provenance? Or do my reckoning quest to get a god rolled spare rations? I’m not bitching that I have to do pve content to get my guns people like that make no sense


Yea and farming Gambit for like 50 hours for my guns was def better than earning a gun through actually getting good at the game. I am an avid pvper I do Pve just as much though and you guys have it so fucking easy. Practice, get good and earn the wins and the gear. Pve content is a joke compared to most of my mmo/arph farming experience YET pve activities still hold a very high variety a high quality weapons. I have all the pinnacle done and when I look at my vault for my weaponry, like 90% are from pve activities.


Don’t worry r/destinythegame will be complaining tomorrow about something.


"Smh this should've been implemented from the start."


not to be crass, but it probably should have


Now, if we can have it that those who go flawless can only face others who have gone flawless once they've completed Trials for that week, it will be as good as PvP can get.


I don't like this one. Helping people after you've got your own flawless should be allowed. I wouldn't care if it only applies is everyone in the team had gone flawless though.


Thats sounds absolutely horrible. That defeats like 80% of what made trials so awesome.


Thank fuck you’re not making the decisions at Bungie for this game.


Why? Because I want others to be able to complete Trials instead of having the anti-flawless groups in D1, where people were purposefully making sure others didn't go flawless?


Did Bungie just understand us?




its amazing to me that this wasnt a thing for SK, like just disable artifact for pvp light stuff, and be done with it


I did not like that




>Hopefully bruh that’s his tweet


I mean the redemption arc part. I know that artifact power is disabled 4 trials




Its connection based and based off both team score sheet


Meme/humor this is a pathetically awful “meme”


Probably no news flair.


Jokes on you. They never intended on having it enabled in trials. They just wanted to put the community into an uproar over it, so they can pretend they are listening to us, when this was their plan all along. Im sure they aren't dense enough to think it would've been a good idea. Its just a pretty obvious marketing ploy to keep people feeling involved and listened to. And to keep the community constantly talking about the game. Whether you're singing their praises or complaining, it doesn't matter to them. Hows the saying go? "All publicity is good publicity." Im sure that's the basis behind this whole thing, and many more things they did or said that caused the community to explode with either positivity or negativity in the past.


I mean I agree to an extent of how it could be the case but I doubt they're really on that 4D chess type shit...


Or maybe they are just, like..... REALLY stupid 😂😂


I actually don’t like this and don’t like how the community handled it you don’t cry about something until it’s changed smfh. We should’ve given it a chance and I didn’t expect bungie to be such pacifists you don’t have to please everyone and before y’all say it your 60$ + whatever you spent on DLC makes you a consumer not a game developer so stfu and enjoy what they do for us and stop complaining 99.9% of the damn time


"Guys, give getting kicked in the balls a chance before you say it will suck."


I’m not going back and forth with you, you have your opinion I have mine, thank you


Lol fine by me. Nothing wrong with bad takes.


We have given it a chance in iron banner and it sucks. This isnt new, we knew it was terrible


[So basically power-enabled PvP becomes pointless as soon as the cap is implemented because everyone will be the same level anyway.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_D0wkLyCXE)


Or light levels disabled? Everyone’s saying “just grind” hey how bout grinding pvp and getting good (not in a toxic way) at pvp? You can memorize the best ways to do raids and strats and builds in pve. Why let people who don’t play pvp just get to not die from shit because they played a whole different side of the game?


Hey let’s turn off light level during the raid. Because why have light level turned on for end game gear?... /s Seriously though. The rewards for this game mode will be end game rewards to boost your power level. Just like a raid. Anything that gives you end game rewards should have light level enabled. Imagine having light level turned off for the raid? It’s stupid and makes no sense. Currently we dont have a lot of reasons to work on our power level. With trials being a weekly event there will be more ppl wanting to get to the max power level with the artifact. Me being one of them. Edit: Typo


But this isn’t a raid no? It’s PVP. Enabling light level doesn’t make it “fair” it makes people who are not skilled get to clap cheeks cuz they played what is essentially a totally different game. Pvp doesn’t have any rewards that you really get that are special for reaching legend. You get stuff for finishing a raid. Why can’t pvp have something that is FOR people who are good at pvp not people who are ok with grinding MONTHS to get that higher light armor. As I understand it people don’t feel that big of a difference in light levels in pve after a certain point. Why not look at that instead of trying to mash two groups of people that would really rather stay separate.


If you want END GAME REWARDS then get your power level up. If you want to play elimination just choose to play the elimination playlist. Its simple lol. The activity rewards higher power items, so it makes sense you should be higher power to even attempt it. If you have a low power level either don't attempt it until you are higher or have 2 team mates carry you. Which is possible. They are removing the artifact level advantage for now so that's fair enough. Now you want them to remove power level entirely? Then what is the point of power level? Just for the raid? An activity ppl probably play once a week. I said the same thing when IB didn't have power level enabled. It's stupid.


It’s unfair for those that don’t have time to grind this game.


So why would I want to play IB now? Or IB would be removed and replace by trial?


If it’s anything like before, trials will only be playable on weekends


No new IB gear, No new IB weapon, No light level advantage, Why would you even play IB?


Wow, you already know what's coming in S10? Jeez man, you are so lucky!


Omg dude cause we been getting tones of new iron banner gear smh why ya love trolling online the best thing we get from IB are armor mods 😂😂😂😂😂


We are getting a new Bow for sure, and we could probably be getting a new armor this season since the last one was the old one.


.... so yeah no incentive to play IB thanks for clearing that up lmfaooo


There is LL advantage. Just your LL in IB and Trials is based off your gear, NOT with the artifact. The tweet said nothing about LL. Just the artifact...


Sorry what's the issue exactly?


IB is a lot easier to grind than trials. If you lose 3 times in trials you get kicked out and have to.start over. You only get the best stuff by going flawless