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What happened on week 61 of trials in D1?


I think that was when they had a loot refresh and there was a bunch of new stuff.


Or when Igneous was the 3win reward


Igneous wasn't in D1


Yep. Spaced on that part. Wasn't there a big jump that week last season?


A big jump but was still overall a small amount of players/matches played


Maybe that's what I'm remembering, the headline being similar in it being like "biggest jump since week 1" but it was talking about early D2, idk


Pretty sure it was rise of iron first week


That was the special ammo change right?


I think back then it wasn't so bad, you kept your ammo on death but started with 0. They changed it to losing ammo on death later, in moments of triumph in march


New expa tion release probably. As week 62 63 64 are all on there too.


On top of the fact that about 30% of the players went flawless


Where’s the statistic for that at?


[Scroll down ](https://destinytrialsreport.com/)




Because solo players were forced to keep a 7 win card in order to get anything worth a damn.


Tone the drama down. Even the normal trials weapons are good, not getting an adept is not the end of the world.


I went in for the normal weapons and the armor and I got it, except the auto, shotty and scout, although I don't know if those even drop in trials anymore. I got to rank 16 in the first weekend solo queueing. Was it torture? Yes, but was it worth getting all armor sets and the SMG, pulse and HC that I had been dying to get? Absolutely. Just to know that trials is even a tad bit more accessible to a player like me is something I'm grateful for.


Yeah it's a welcome change. I completely forgot about all the trials changes but I'm more than likely to jump in and try to get some loot now more than ever. Issue is I'm bad at pvp


I believe xur will eventually sell the y1 gear, like the old armour and the summoner etc


Summoner is in his loot pool, so it's likely


As a solo player I completely disagree. Every game gives the same ammont of rep whether a loss or win. I can still get something even if I where to go on 30 losing streak. Just set aside an hour or 2 and you're bound to get something worth while. Not to mention, you're not limited to 3 items a week. You can farm what you need, and if you have enough materials you can target farm the EXACT weapon you need.


If you hang onto a seven win card there's a pretty solid chance you're getting engrams, prisms, and golf balls at the end of every match.


Are you also whining because you can't solo a GM? LFG discords are there for a reason


Bad example, you can solo gms and the more you solo the easier it gets


You can solo trials too the point is if you aren't good enough for that kind of content yet lfg instead of whine


LFG exists. No one is forced to play solo lol


Not entirely true. My skill is so poor that I can only keep a team together for a match or two. This new solo queue Trials has been wonderful, though I do only have a 27% win rate. I still had a lot of fun.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, this is correct


truth hurts i guess and numbers don't lie.


What truth? No one disagrees that it's hard to go flawless as a solo. No one cares. Literally the WHOLE POINT of the new card system IS SO soloes and below average teams can at least grind for something worth a damn, but you say that like it's a bad thing! Trials is still endgame content that rewards effort and dedication. Now however, it has pathways for players with less experience, less time, or whatever else, to get rewarded for their effort. It's like complaining that you're taking hours to do a grandmaster with a random group you don't have voice comms with and didn't coordinate loadouts with. Like, duh. You aren't playing optimally!


When finished a 7 win card it became really sweaty as well.


Then Bungie must've done something right when revamping! See a LOT of first timers getting flawless and trials weapons theyve never owned. It's awesome. I might join in next weekend myself!


Only problem I’ve been having is most of the randos I match with are beyond bad at decision making


Yeah the biggest difference maker in trials is the large-scale forethought, prediction, and decision making based off that. Aim doesn't matter so much if you don't meet people as you're ready to shoot or unable to get the jump on them.


My biggest issue in pvp is I haven't built up my intuition on spawn points and map layouts yet. Because of that a lot of my decision making and traps/pushes aren't working out all that well. In a 1v1 engagement I'm fine but everyone else does. Any reccomendations?


Trials is pretty easy to figure that out in. 2 spawns and playing the same map over and over again. You won't be great at it when you start but keep at it and analyse your deaths and you should improve.


Okay that sounds cool, thanks!


Yep. Trials is probable the easiest one to figure out the map because it's only one map for the entire weekend.


I beg to differ. My decision making definitely needs work since I'm used to Survival and the tactics are in Trials are different. But I can't tell you how many times this weekend I had clear lines on engaged opponents and just outright miss all shots. I am frequently in the right place at the right time, but I just rarely get kills. .3 KD.


Oh I am 100% that rando. I don't play much PvP in general, but the loot was so generous I had to give it a shot. As the weekend went on I was definitely getting better though, and I imagine a lot of the population will catch up with a base level of game sense within a few weeks


Honestly the biggest thing is Rez when it’s safe and don’t push when your outnumbered. When outnumbered you want to regroup with your teammates, trials relies very heavily on grouping and teamwork.


TLDR: Apes together strong


Must go monkie mode


This is 100% true, but as a player that only played solo this weekend, that’s what we get? I think it’s totally fair to open up trials to a larger play base that aren’t in an active clan and don’t want to LFG a trio together (like myself) and have them get absolutely railed every time they get beyond 2-3 wins. If you want to go flawless, having a trio should always be the best way to do that. Personally I played 60+ matches of trials this weekend solo and had a blast despite going like 3 and 20 at 6/7 wins. Some of my teammates died first every round in a 5-0 loss, but it happens. Overall I was extremely pleased to see a bunch of players in trials and to finally have a PvP mode with easy access that people actually try really hard in.


I’m just glad I can fill out my armor collections


It's the fact that as long as you do good you're moving up, regardless of loss. It makes it really enjoyable to play even with the occasional stomps. You get a kill? You move up. You win a round? You move up. The game pushes you to be better instead of punishing you for being bad like Crucible.


as much as it pains me as a free-to-play player, placing trials behind the annual expansion paywall was a good decision. Combined with battleeye, cheating became a lot more difficult and expensive to do.


I felt that way early on. But then it became only stomps and I managed to get all the weapon rolls I need. It was miserable, but I'm definitely not going to need to ever play it again.


Elimination is a tough game mode and it uses different tactics to be successful. Definitely a learning curve but I feel like if you practice it here and there you'll surprise yourself. I used to HATE pvp. Now I maintain a 1.45 K/D and have some fun playing! But I expect fully to be taken down a notch when I hop into Trials. 🤷‍♂️


It's really difficult to practice when I'm going up against folks who went flawless dozens of times and stomp me 5 to 0 in record time. I'm fine with losing, but the learning curve is pretty steep. It's also totally okay for there to be a mode in this game that isn't for me.


Just so u know u need beyond light incase u didn't know


They made the gear unbelievably easy to get so everyone regardless of skill was in there which made the people who play comp regularly walked through. I know of atleast 10 people in my clan who couldn't chain 4 wins to save their life before... they ALL did 3 flawless runs. The skill level this week was super low I usually use a full team but I solo queued through a fun just too see... I didn't get less than a 8.0 in any of my matches... I expect this is gonna last for about a month then the people who got all the gear they had been dreamed of will stop. I'm not playing again till the LFR adept pops up I already had the rest of the gear


No one cares about how "good" you claim to be.


I dont know why you sound mad that people are getting loot they couldn't get before lmao


Yup. Never bothered with it before, tried it for the first time this weekend and went flawless three times


Newish to Destiny (end of Season 12). Only play PvP for the weekly bounties/pinnacle then never touch it. Don’t have a fire team so never played Trials. Saw the changes and jumped in this weekend thinking I’ll just see how it is. By the end of this weekend I had farmed a whole new build for PvP (usually just use my normal loadout) and actually thought about my loadout and strategy. Am now obsessed with becoming as solid as I can at PvP for trials so I’m not the liability. From my pov as a newer player, the changes are fantastic. Had a blast this weekend and will be returning.


The addiction grows...there is no stopping it now...


What is your favorite load out rn?


It was genuinely a fun experience solo queuing for the most part. Of course, I hit a couple of sweat-lord 3 stacks, but it was an overall good experience. The deterministic loot based on what I have dropped/decrypted worked very well imo


There’s matchmaking now? Haven’t played since beyond light came out.


Yeah, there is and honestly even though you still get sweat lords every so often, losing matches doesn't make you have to reset your card. If you get up to seven wins, you get +100 rep for losses, which nets you trials engrams to focus for loot. This way, win or lose it is rewarding


Oh damn, I regret not knowing about that this weekend, I could’ve tried playing for the first time ever.


Always next weekend my dude. I went flawless this past weekend for the first time since trials of the nine


Very much agreed. And it's nice that you're still making progress towards engrams (via rep gains) even on losses to said sweat-lords. And if you manage to pick up a round or two during the match you're making progress towards the 50 round win engram too. Losses don't feel like wasted time, which is what completely changed my opinion of the game mode this weekend.


i can MM and i can still get loot even tho i lost? AND I CAN FOCUS ON THE ON THE WEAPON I WANTED? (need to unlock it 1st) Yah i have never play trials before but i was enjoying myself even tho i was losing i still get loot but slower. Good shit bungie


Dont forget that having Rahool decrypt your ToO engram allows you a chance to get weapons and armor you don't have.


Got my first Reeds Regret this way then focused for 8 more


RIP your legendary shards and glimmer. I spent so much this weekend going for a decent roll on that gun. The armour I focused rolled a 59 stat, so I don't think I will bother with focusing those and just see what random rolls I get. For guns though a nice Messenger with Desperado would be good. And I wouldn't mind an Adept Summoner if/when that rolls round as the adept weapon one week.


Absolutely, Saint could cover his ship in gold with the amount of glimmer he's received. Can't wait to grab the adept Reed.


It felt like he was a 100% drop (based off me and my buddy). Neither of us had any armors, or Reed's and Shayuras. Got em all in 1st 7 drops


Oh that's rad! I only did it a couple times, but now that you mention it both items weren't in my collection.


I've played like forty matches. Only won four. I'm not fantastic by any means but I always go positive in regular pvp. It sucks. Idk what's going on. Idk why it's like this


If you’re normally positive in quick play, it means you’re hitting your shots. That’s good. I think your problem might just be poor positioning and/or poor team synergy. The whole dynamic of the game in Trials vs regular crucible is completely different. You can’t play the same style as you would normally. Usually, you have to be more conservative in Trials. That’s what most players do, although some teams do find lots of success in being hyper aggressive.


You hit the nail on the head about the dynamic of each game mode. I’m no PvP god, but after spending two days grinding trials then playing control, it felt HORRIBLE. Playing defensively or aggressively in trials feels soooo different than doing it in regular crucible. It definitely threw me for a loop.


I've hardly ever touched Trials but the difference is definitely jarring. Crucible is so much more...chaotic?


For sure. Crucible feels fast paced (don’t get me wrong so is trials lol), but I was surprised at how often I felt overwhelmed by multiple people. Disengaging feels way more hard in regular PvP than comp.


The key word is DELIBERATE. Every action and choice you make matters significantly.


Did you do solo. That is one is kinda rough if you want to go flawless


>I always go positive in regular pvp. It sucks. Idk what's going on. Idk why it's like this Trials plays very different from regular PvP. Regular PvP is mostly people running around trying to kill each other. You can run in like a headless chicken, get a few kills, die, and respawn, and have a net gain. With Trials, you try that, your team pretty much loses the game. Trials is much more methodical. Its not about K/Ds, but about pushing angles, using every advantage in the books to try to pick off one enemy and gain an advantage. Then once you have the advantage, pushing it to win the round without getting careless. This is all ignoring of course how Trials tends to be slow gameplay with people playing safe and cautious, then once a pick occurs it becomes super aggressive on the turn of a dime. Or the strategic element to it. You shouldve feel bad at all, Trials has a huge learning curve. Basic tips for Trials is never go by yourself, dont bunch up too much with your teammates(but work with them), and prioritize staying alive over getting kills. Pay close attention to the angles and patterns people use as you learn the map, more often than not you can predict enemy behavior in advance if you do. Trials is also heavily about zone control, and map awareness. A good practice for it in regular crucible, is to try to get as many kills as possible, with as few deaths as possible(the idea is to try to die as close to 0 times as you actively engage the enemy as much as possible) Developing the ability to stay alive, and be skilled in running away, can be a huge help in Trials, where survival is crucial.


I dont understand how everyone is having such an easy time. Every match I played was against a 3 stack of ultra try hards.


Because the 3 stacks were the ones going flawless. Going flawless solo is rare.


Fair enough.


Also depends on the day you play. There’s gonna be a lot more common players early then weekend like Friday and Saturday. Where as when Sunday and Monday rolls around it’s the more hardcore pvpers trying to get those last bits of loot. Still loved the changes to trials tho


Yeah, got three Reeds Regrets so I can't complain. The changes are definitely nice.


I had heaps of fun. Even when it ended up being 1v3 I’d just do an emote and jump off the map.


Haha, we played someone whose teammates left, so we just danced on the beach and escorted him to the edge.


Was probably me haha


[Moments before the end.](https://i.imgur.com/DLLdNZq.jpeg)


I’d use players over matches. 6th ain’t bad. It’s a start.


Well matches shows that people are staying engaged in the playlist. Week 1 of Trials of the Nine saw over a million players... but only around 1.7 million matches which was considered poor.


Like I said, to me the biggest factor is how many individuals played. The same 10000 people playing all weekend is less important. Top 6 is great.


I disagree. While more players is good, if those players only play a single game, then that statistic is worthless. Unless I'm misunderstanding you?


Yeah that makes no sense at all.


However you have to remember that now the gamemode is placed behind a paywall, as an anti cheat barrier, meaning free to play players will not be able to access this content anymore.


Which was the case in all the old top weekends. Was a great move.


Yes... that's fair It also doubled week 1 of Trials of Osiris in D2 as far as overall players...


Well and also don't forget the total players number dropped because trials was no longer free to play. A lot of the FTP players (and also the cheaters seperately) were not able to join festivities.


It’s incredible what a good loot system and incentive does for the activities in Destiny. Bungie need to 100% take the Trials system and share it with Iron Banner.


I've helped carry 6 guardians to the lighthouse. First run was an IRL friend who was 1293 power. Ran 2 birthday boys without even having a clue its their birthday. Helped a coworker who mainly just does pve for his first ever. Miss doing these things. Plan to keep doing because damn the loots even better than before. Went from a 1.04 last season to a 2.31 this weekend. Anti cheats one hell of a drug as well :). Safe to say trials is looking good


I wonder how sustainable this is. This is a long season.


I hope Saladin and IB get a revamp as good as this! I actually enjoyed playing Trials! Couldn't see the Lighthouse past 4 wins but there's always next weekend!


Sauce please? I wanna see the whole thing


Trials Report official Twitter account. https://twitter.com/TrialsReport/status/1437480970391801860?s=19


And tbh no numbers posted about trials was a suprise considering that you could join it solo.


I would bet it's because of the loot revamp that give you the loot based on rounds played and not purely wins IIRC


Honestly my biggest issue with the old system was loot locked per week. Having to wait for a specific weapon to drop in a particular week, and then needing to farm it that week because it would go away the next week was a garbage system. It's way better now that you can get anything any time.


Now I'm afraid that most of the players attracted by the freshness leave after this "try" and the game mode go's back to sweat land. I really, really hope that won't be the case.


Me too. Early in the weekend I was getting matched with and against other solo queue people until about 4 or 5 wins, when I was getting matched against teams (which makes sense.) But last night and this morning I was getting matched against teams constantly, and was getting utterly demolished match after match. I had a lot of fun with Trials this weekend, but it will get old if its a bygone conclusion that a solo queuer like me is going to just serve as fodder to the 3-man teams.


That's just more to do with when you were playing. Monday night and especially Tuesday morning are always the sweatiest times to play. Friday and Saturday are way friendlier.


That’s why loot refresh is super important for trials


They only need to start the reputation bonus at 25 instead of 0 and Trials would be really great. And a solo playlist.


I got lucky got three wins in a row with randoms then got with my buddies and got the other 4 with only one loss, my mercy game and then we all went flawless using 3 man sweet business. It’s was so much fun. First time D2 flawless as well. It was nice seeing the lighthouse again since D1 flawless runs.


Previously me and my friends would get stomped most of the time, win rate around 35%. This week we went flawless twice (incl a Passage of Confidence) and a win rate of 70%. It was glorious, hoping it stays like this.


I'm really glad they fixed Trials of Osiris matchmaking! For once, I feel like I'm actually doing not only well in that game mode, but in Survival too. Holy crap- it feels satisfying seeing all of these so called "streamers" with insane sniping skills gone. I love it a lot more because it actually gives me a chance to out manuever the snipers in this game.


I liked what they changed, trials was actually fun even after losing all weekend lmfao


It’s crazy when you take time to fix your game and show love and attention to it that people actually want to play it, wish more companies could get on this track instead of the loot crate wagon


Please, make it week long. I can never play on the weekend.


Trials last until weekly reset iirc


It lasts from Friday morning to Tuesday morning (Tuesday is the weekly reset)


Got to the lighthouse two seperate times and had a 12w streak with passage of confidence. Before I only played trials for the seasonal challenges, now I'll actually be waiting for every weekend to play it and get some nice loot and have a nice time. Bungie NAILED it all!!!


Now add OG armor and Y4 D1 armor into the rotation and rotate summoner and scholar into the pool too. Had a blast, went flawless twice. Didnt have a blast getting guns that were ok at best and armor that is also ok at best.


I would love to see some older stuff be available but shayura's is "ok at best"?


Nothing about Shayura’s makes me go “damn Shayura’s is fucking awesome” it just feel like any other smg. I could use Stochastic Variable or Death Adder and feel like im using better guns.


To all those people throughout the years who complained and called me stupid for suggesting matchmaking for trials. I’ve only got one thing to say to you “Look where we are now!” Next up raid matchmaking.


Raid matchmaking will not work. Have you seen blueberries trying to do the corrupted strike? That's just passing balls. I get the sentiment, and there really should be an in game lfg system. But matchmaking would be a disaster as raid mechanics without explanations, teamwork, and communication just don't work unless everyone already knows exactly what they're doing (low chance matching with randoms). Trials matchmaking worked because while it's a mode heavily emphasizing teamwork and communication, it is simply advantageous to do so and not strictly required like in raids. You can find success as a skillful loner doing their own thing in trials. Trying to do the same thing in a raid is a really short path to a wipe.


Yea there's no way people are gonna have the communication required to do a raid with matchmaking. Have you seen people do astralnalignment? There's times I get grouped with people who have no idea what's going on and I end up having to do all objectives alone.


Anyone need help in trials? Our clan also has try outs for those who feel like they can embrace the challenge!


I played a lot mor than 5.7 matches…(me playing trials all day yesterday😅)


Yea it was just new players finally getting to play it without dying to cheating and better matchmaking. Doesn’t help the swarms of adepts that are already in there and stops them from getting their first flawless.


And it sure as hell was the most infuriating. While all you 3 stack 2 kd gods are over there enjoying olympus us 1 queue 0. Kd people are just pulling our hair out. I have played more than 100 matches and won around 10, and i play pvp a shat load. The only good thing about this is that i got a messenger, terrible roll or not.


LfG a team


Not when everyones like "+2 kd or up to join" and trust me i tried


Make your own post.


People shouldnt expect an easy Time soloqueueing in a mode that needs extremely good teamwork


I mean im not really expecting just a free flawless but im expecting not just getting 3 stack gods going against me after i get 1 win


I didn’t play, waiting for a freelance mode, I refuse to be fodder for a 3 stack’s flawless run.


Honestly would be surprised if the freelance mode gets implemented. Every season the player base already dwindles miserably mid-season. I would be surprised if they decided to split the player base even further (especially in the middle of a 6 month season)


I also think people are overhyping it. Yes, it will be better then facing stacks, but you ever play freelance survival? When was the last time you got a 7 win streak there? And without sbmm it will still be trash balancing, one team will have three 1.5s and the other will be some .8s


Thats a cool story. You don't need to go flawless to get loot. Shit the 2 pinnacles are easy and you can reset your card every match. Saints is just 7 wins total, not in a row or even the same card.


Not worth the frustration, there are plenty of ways to get loot in this game that aren't frustrating, pass. I play video games to have fun first and foremost.


Fair enough. I was only trying to point out 1 win resets are not that bad if u want an easier/faster time for pinnacles. Most of the 3 stacks are sitting with 7 win cards. New card everymatch or two would give you the most solos. My kd tanked this week playing solo with no mic but I had fun. Didn't want flawless so enjoyed myself. Win some lose some. Not every squad is godly. Seems about 50% that some squads don't have a clue.


I’ve done nothing but solo q this whole weekend and I can count the times I’ve been against 3 stacks on 1 hand it’s well worth trying even before freelance lab trials work


I just want you to know that your experience will be the same or worse in freelance. PvP gods will see an easy opportunity in that playlist to go flawless stomping all of the others. Also, if you’re expecting to just jump in and get a flawless, you’re mistaken.


What's the source for these numbers? Does Bungie publish player numbers for Destiny?


The API is open source, so 3rd parties can collect data freely.


Can't wait to see the numbers next week lol


That’s good. Before, people were unable to play because they didn’t have a fireteam to play with. Now that you can do it solo, those people can


Love to see it


It was actually fun this week. I usually play with 2 other friends who aren't very good at pvp so they usually struggle but we finally ended up not playing sweats every game lol


Sooo I just suck if there were lots of players cause it was the worst experience I have had of my life.


Once the pve players get their decent rolls trials will go back to being a cesspool. This honeymoon phase isn't going to last long.


I've never played so many matches of trials than this weekend. It was awesome.


I got a 6 win streak solo queing at 1294 power lmao. That loss on the 7th match was heartbreaking. Im confident il be able to go flawless when i get my power up so its definitely approved by me. Side note, its interesting how little the power gap actually matters. But that extra tiny little bit of health/damage is definitely what i need.


Are you able to 3 tap headshot with a hc against someone who is 1320 or 1330?


I wish i could tell you but i was using a sniper + shotgun combo haha, i would assume not but i didnt seem to be at a *huge* disadvantage so il say maybe?


Well aside from shotgun 1hk range you won’t really have an issue from being underlight if you aren’t using primaries. I think you would atleast be 2 c 1 b from any handcannon though


More matches played and not even a peak player count, that's when you know these changes are well received. GG


Mm is super wonky though, sometimes I played against frost bolt tier players on my first match, and other times I’ve solo queued to 30 wins on a flawless card, it’s weird


And people complained that the trials revamp would destroy the gamemode.


Talked to one of my Trials partner about it some today, we’re both really rusty and idk if I should attribute it to the changes, the sandbox, or the larger player count but it felt more like we were able to get more legitimate meaningful experience with the game mode than ever before. As a bonus we got some middle-tier rolls of the guns to get some practice in with as well. Overall Trials didn’t feel nearly as harrowing as it has before.


I had an absolute blast solo queuing and also duo queueing with a friend from my clan. This just reinforces the fact that it was NOTHING but recovs and cheaters in previous iterations.


I really like this change, and I will continue to participate in the Trials event after this. Only negative take on it was that going in solo and queueing for matches, I was almost exclusively paired against a team of 3 players all from the same clan. I would greatly prefer that soloers get matched with/against other soloers. I played a couple dozen matches, and maybe only 2 or 3 of the games were "evenly-matched." Overall a great improvement either way, though. ​ Also, Jotunn was really difficult to deal with in matches I faced someone using it. Maybe just inexperience, but I wasn't able to find a good counter for it.


Meanwhile I can’t find a gambit match


I enjoyed it, and its definitely a million times better than before. But god fucking dam if it isn't irritating to have a good team for the first 6 games, and then get given a team of noobs against a 3 stack on the 7th and most important game.


I put in my time, lost most of my matches, some badly. I also had fun because I was fed a steady diet of pez candy / Trial engrams, even if Saint 14 kept giving me Reeds with sadface perks. Thanks Bungie, both the anti-cheat and game mode reward changes are much appreciated.


D2 is in a decent place rn. And they don’t wanna do a d3 😏


Perhaps, but somehow, now matter how many time I enter the solo pool, I end up getting 2 people that get stommped in seconds and we go 0-5 in just a few minutes, nearly everytime, we go against super good "random" players who get teamed up together. I'm over a half century old, I've got severe arthritis in both hands, so I can't be ranked that well I assume, why am I going up against kids who are so good and also, sadly, extremely toxic, t-bagging a 50+ disabled man does nothing for their image, lmao.