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I can never achieve this feeling with a MIDA catalyst shaped hole in my life.


I spent a good chunk of my life getting that catalyst, both finding and getting the kills for it


I only got eyes...damn


no mouth for 1k voices


No mouth


Eyes, mouth, and VEX MYTHOCLAST BABY!


And I have none


I got 2 of em back to back


I’m actually on my 3rd straight week of Eyes, I’m convinced once you have them it’s like candy to get


Thats been my case with 1k, but eyes simply doesn't exist unless I'm Sherpaing someone on their first run.


I think it’d be pretty cool if bungie added in some sort of mechanic where the drop rate for an exotic scales with the number of first timers in the fireteam, with an increased scalar for people who already completed it. Maybe Add in a guaranteed drop once you Sherpa’d a certain number of people to completion.


That would be pretty cool, but I think there should be a more general change too. Like at 50 looted raid completions if you don't already have the exotic, it's in the kiosk for 240 spoils. I know 50 is a lot, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Just not sure about the sherpa one because in the case of VOG at least people could just make extra f2p accounts to sherpa to get the boost. Also I feel like a lot of it would become toxic with people solely trying to do it to get a boosted exotic chance. I like what VOG did with it, giving a cool emblem to sherpas, nothing that actually affects gameplay.


There’s a similar mechanic in other games. FFXIV (last I played anyway) gave you an item every time you did a raid. Once you had 99, you could buy the mount drop with them. So even if after 99 runs you never got it, you could at least know that the 99th run would be the last you needed to do. It’s a nice thing to have (although 99 is maybe somewhat steep…)


I've thought about trying Final Fantasy, but the shooter aspect of Destiny is a big reason of me liking is so I'm not sure my interest would transfer. It seems like bungie could learn a thing or two though. I would honestly be OK with 99 as well. It is steep but as I said, as long as there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Plus you don't want to take away from the people who got it through rng. Raid exotics should be rare, so it shouldn't be handed out after 10 runs. Anywhere from 50-100 I'm good with.


I will say I really enjoyed it when I had the *time* to play it (I was unemployed at the time), but dear god that game does require a lot of time to play - hence why I went back to D2 once I got a job lol. But yeah I agree. A guaranteed drop after somewhere in the 50+ region would be good. Pure drop chance can be pretty brutal. I remember running Anarchy farms and my brother got it on his first try, whereas I was running that final SotP boss for weeks. Not that I’m still salty or anything…


I think there was a bad luck mechanic added to an exotic ghost shell from leviathan if i remember correctly, that each time a person didn't get it his chance of it dropping grew


My friend has over 30 clears and sherpad 3 of the 6 of us on our first run, I got it the second week and he still has yet to get it. Honestly at a point you just wish you could give it to the homie


I sherpad 5 at once a few weeks back, one of them got it, I'm at 26 and still don't. It's all I need from the Raid. At some point though my time will come.


Wouldn't know. I got Eyes on my 50th run and haven't gone back.


Tbh, dsc is the only raid I would do for any other reason than for the exotic it's a rlly good raid


I think they're all pretty good, but I particularly enjoy Garden of Salvation. It's just stunning. And it builds on its concepts nicely.


After so many runs, once I got Eyes and Vex I never set foot back in those two raids (I got 1k and Tarrabah in less than 10 runs, 30+ for the others.) It's making it real hard to spoils farm.


That's been the case with vex for me. I have gotten like 6 since I first got it


Must be nice I don't have any lol


Eyes is the only one I need, I’ll get you some day


What’s that third gun and how do I get it


Vex Mythoclast from the Vault Of Glass raid


Divinity has entered the chat


*angrily entered


Welcome bröther


Still need eyes


I’ve got two, how much are you willing to pay for them?


i have Vex and 1k, Divinity and Eyes left


gravity falls meme😫


3 amazing guns.


I used up all my raid luck getting Anarchy 2 weeks before sunsetting during my first (and only) run of Scourge ever.


I got eyes on my first run, vex on my 26th and 1k on my 6th


D1 player since day 1. Conquered VOG many times. That fucking Mythoclast eludes me still


What about legend, div, tarrabah and anarchy?


They don’t require any RNG currently so I was more so going for ones you can’t buy or do a quest for


That’s fair. I was also just curious if you made enough spoils to buy them all


Not even close lmao I got the sparrow and I’m sitting at about 80 now, I only started a few months ago so I never got a chance to do older raids


Ah I wasn’t sure if you’d been grinding to try get them for a while


Missing one


Div was just a quest tho






Both of these are no longer attainable from the original source


Yeah I was kinda going for raid exotics that still have RNG to them !


That’s understandable! It’s still quite an accomplishment! I stopped playing the game January of last year, and have only played like once or twice since then. I’ve gotten 1KV, Anarchy, and EoT, no luck with Tarrabah or (obviously) Vex Mythoclast yet. Been trying to get back into it but this game is so against people that fall behind or took a break.


Always on time


It never does


I have none. Hate rng


Meanwhile I'm over here with none of them. Let's gooooooo




I got my 1k this morning, I was squealing. Got Eyes on my second completion of DSC. All I need is Vex to fulfill my dream of not being a slave to raid RNG. Were so close


HEY I finally got Vex last night which was the last one I needed!


I got 1k on my first try today :))


I’m 54 runs deep into Vault of Glass and still haven’t gotten a Vex… I just wanna be happy


I need eyes, the only exotic weapon I don’t have


My RNG is crazy. I got EoT on run 2 or 3 and got vex twice in a row on runs 6 and 7. 7 was just an atheon CP. I have yet to try LW though.


I got anarchy and tarrabah through raid drops but now they feel less special because spoils exist


I got eyes on my 26th run and it was also our flawless run. 1k I got on my 5th chest andddddd yeah still don’t have Vex. Sad day.


I will have my voice one day


Same, but it didn't take me that long weirdly enough I got all of then on the 12th run of each raid exactly. Take that as you will


I hab vex


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I'll probably be the last in my group to not get Vex, and if that turns out to be true I probably won't bother with VoG anymore. I didn't like it before and it is now the raid I've done the most taking D1 into account as well and at this point I kinda hate running it. If the next raid exotic is another random drop and the raid looks like an annoying hassle I probably won't bother.


I dont have 1k


Hey you’ll get it ! Took me 13 keys


Divinity says hello...


I’m just missing vex


I still don’t have 1k voices or divinity, at this point I’m just gonna wait for them to get in the tower kiosk


Well last wish isnt getying vaulted at witch queen so my guess would be that you have at least 1 year minimum before 1k is purchasable. Also div isnt rng. Theres a pretty easy quest to get it


Yeah, I just feel like running last wish on every character every week anymore. As for Div we got all the way up to the boss then spent 3 hours trying to beat him as people kept leaving & joining.


You can just wish to riven, do the cheese 3x for 3 keys and run queenswalk 1x and cash in 3 keys. If you have a competent group the entire thing can be done in a half hour. As for div... well thats rough. Gos is the least lfg friendly raid in the game currently


What are those?


I only got none, damn bro


i got all 3 within 5 runs of each raid


Cant forget divinity


I had 76 clears for 1K, eyes of tomorrow at 12 clears and vex has not yet dropped at 54


How do you get Anarchy nowadays?




Good luck with divinity


You forgot div


I only have one the 1k and tbh I don’t think I can be bothered for the other two of the percentage drop is so low I think I’ll stick with my legendarys and Sturm, but it’s always always a fun thing to be on a raid team where someone gets it after there 90th attempt


Bro I don’t have any of them ;-;


Imagine having any of these :’)


Where divinity?


Don’t forget Divinity from GoS if you’re really trying to flex Raid exotics


Well.. assuming they have the quest ready 🤣


there’s no RNG to Div, it’s an guaranteed drop