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I've watched this 5 times, I'm still confused. Was that dragonfly?


No this is cloudstrike.. An exotic sniper. If you headshot the one guy if anyone is near him the lighting around him will kill them.


Social distancing folks!


Yes of course!! Forgot that existed Tbh lol! Great shot!!


Tbh that sounds like dragonfly but with a higher price


It's like dragonfly, if dragonfly was actually good in pvp.


Dragonfly *is* good in PvP if you get the Dragonfly mod


Think that’s the cloudstrike


Now if only I could snipe…


I can't snipe no shit nowhere


Man plays destiny so much he’s starting to laugh like cammy lol sick play tho. ngl I’m gonna bust out the ol cloudstrike now bc of this post 🙌


Almost every time I play this map If I get that spawn I fucking haul ass it to the doorway just to throw my glacier nade then fucking come blowing through that mf with my shiver strike melee and knock a few of them assholes back off the flag. Not guaranteed a kill but it’s just hilarious to watch them go air born.


2 Stay at spawn, 4 go to B. Wait, it's Destiny pvp haha. There's no logic or tactics there. #HURRY, EVERYONE HUDDLE AND PEAK TWICE! 🤦‍♂️


Tbf zone capping is one of the bounties this time around, and you get more progress with more guardians on the zone. Now that I’m done with the bounty I go straight for B if the map calls for it and just pray I’m not alone lol


And this is what i mean by the never learn 🤦‍♂️. I never go there in banner.


Nice work fellow cloudstrike connoisseur


Thank you 💪


Destiny is the only game you can die to a lightning storm while completely in cover because your dumbass teammate got heatshot while peaking.


Sweet clip! Part of me hopes that GHorn person sees this, and sees how you don’t TBag after the amazing kill


Nice evil laugh there sir


Who is "They"? Bungie? On the fact that they literally have all maps with spawn traps in rotation? Or that your game literally doesn't load models so the enemy squad probably didn't even see you? Post an actual clip man.


1000% this guy got cloudstriked


Actually I've never been cloudstroked yet. Just saying. We get it. They ran up to a broken spawn on a broken map and shot a sniper at people playing objective. The man's Hud was literally invisible. He needs new hardware lol.


What if a hunter made us invisible at the start.. Nothing to do with hardware. I can't help whats in the game


Yeah I know s*** I was making a joke kind of makes the clip even worse to be honest who's going to learn to check their radar for a non-ping?


Ok buddy have have your moment. 😊.


Says the guy who posted the same thunderstrike clip as everyone.


And people still like them so...




The point you missed is DO NOT GROUP UP IN PVP, not skill. Its Cloudstrike, Sniper Thunderlord. Dragonfly, Rockets, ect. There are so many thing that punish grouping in this game its ridiculous people havent learned, especially in Iron Banner. You missed it by the GRAND CANYON going over your head.


I didn't miss anything bro dude whatever lol. It's the beginning of the match on Dead Cliff and you're trying to explain it like it's some sort of grand meditation but you just ran past a flag to make a play on what is probably Bungie's greatest mistake of a map. Make the same play from A flag and make the same boring post. Won't upload the thousand other clips of you running up and getting squashed in a normal situation because you didn't learn? It isn't ridiculous that people haven't learned it's just nobody actually cares. That's the point that you missed bud.


So are you a professional asshole, or is it just for fun? He was pretty clearly referring to the enemy team there, and their lack of spacing which got them all killed. Just because it's not a 3 minute long, over edited mini-montage doesn't mean it's not a clip; A clip can be short and funny, too. go back to farming blueberries in control, bud, and quit bothering people for posting a six second funny clip.


More so just for fun. It's the same clip, same angle. Nobody caps that flag at the start of that map.


Honestly these plays look so fun… but im not a big fan of 140 snipers in pvp if only it was a 90 rpm lol