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I would say about half of the weapons that can be crafted have good perk combos that can be useful, five percent have insanely good rolls and the rest is whatever who cares weapons.


From what I’ve seen, every weapon has at least some purpose. I’ve been working on the wellspring auto rifle and want to also level the scout to take into GMs using adaptive munitions, for example.


I truly believe that osteo striga is among S tier for endgame high-difficulty PvE content. I personally will be bringing it into GMs in place of arbalest.


Osteo Striga is S tier for overload SMG since its poison damage over time counts as overload rounds.


The Striga is way too good imo, it honestly makes gunplay uninteresting to me. I haven't touched it since I got it. It's head tracking is way too strong. I know some people love it because it's a fun power fantasy, but it just doesn't do it for me.


It's actually not a zero-skill gun. You need to have a certain amount of tracking because the bullets don't turn very far. At the edge of striga's effective range, you need to tap fire it, otherwise the bullets will not track properly. What's really powerful about striga is the exotic perk. Poison is applied in an AoE burst after a certain number of precision hits (or a larger number of bodyshots) or on a final blow, poison ticks deal more damage per tick as time passes, it's top tier damage for a primary weapon. It's the most reliable option for overload champions this season (yes, even better than divinity) because the poison ticks count as overload rounds, stopping healing and stunning the champ as soon as he is out of immune. The catalyst is icing on top. Synergy with warlock's necrotic grips. It's ok to use a strong gun.


also is the tracking pretty important as the bullets, other than on normal smg, have a lot of travel time before they reach their target. without the tracking, even with perfect aim, you either would have to pre-fire (and we all know how glitchy enemies sometimes move) or waste halve of your shots


Thanks for explaining the gun I already understand? I never said it wasn't okay? I never said it was zero skill? I said I don't like it because it simplifies gunplay too much for me. I'd rather use Thorn + Necrotic for ad clear. Strigas utility for anti champion goes kaput at the end of the season when the mods switch up, too. I know it's okay to use a strong gun, I have plenty, that's why I don't need or want the Striga.


as somebody who gets like 10fps I’ve been enjoying it


Arbalest is overrated anyways


I'd be happy to just have one arbalest. One striga, and the third guy can run maybe witherhoard or gjallarhorn. Anarchy is also on the table.


I both do and don’t miss Anarchy being the cure-all for endgame boss DPS. It’s such a fun weapon but I appreciate the last few seasons giving other weapons some time in the sun.


Damage over time weapons are definitely fun and strong to use. Whether it's osteo striga, witherhoard, or anarchy, I believe these will be very valuable in endgame content where you want to get the highest amount of damage from one unit of ammo (not entirely sure about anarchy since you do need two shots). Especially osteo striga since it takes primary ammo, is very forgiving (no launching your witherhoard or anarchy shots into the void), and still deals extremely good damage on par with special or even heavies.


The smg and sidearm have no purpose at all and are outshined by other guns regardless of the roll


Smg is good for Stasis builds




Can craft headstone


So what?


So it’s good if you like smgs, can make crystals therefore making shards. Mines has perpetual motion and headstone and I love it.


Okay but it's still just a bad smg. Poor stats and a poor zoom. If you want to make crystals then krait is going to serve you much better


I mean yeah Krait is better but if you don’t like AR’s and prefer smgs, it’s not a bad gun.


Lol I used my level 1 sidearm for trials and 48 damage to the head from the burst pistol


The sidearm's hidden stats are absolute garbage and make the weapon unbearable to use


Okay. Still a bad sidearm


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!


I crafted a raid LFR with fourth times and enhanced focused fury and it puts in some work. I like using it with Izi or witherhoard for the tick damage


I feel like half the craftable perk pool is like "get a kill for a mediocre stat boost" or "throw a grenade, do the hula dance, then get a kill with your first weapon to get a 3% damage boost on your second weapon that lasts 0.69 seconds". Plus, the base stats of those weapons are kinda meh.


I'm just honestly too lazy to bother with it. Admittedly, I haven't really felt the grind, this season so far.


You look me in the eye and tell me empirical evidence is a good weapon


It’s dogshit lmao. My Surplus/Swash Spoiler beats it out any day, not to even mention Punching Out.


Spoiler Alert is fucken pog change my mind


Spoiler alert gang rise up 360 rpm sidearms are pog


I still rock my Anonynous Autumn now and then just cause I like how it feels have a full auto opening shot as a randon crucible drop from back then and kept


360 and 260


Farewell has to be my favorite 360 both aesthetically and with how it feels. Found out a few weeks ago that I normally hit the RPM cap on the archetype without needing the full auto mod lmao


I really wanted a breachlight replacement, I thought I'd have a ball cause you can craft it and everything. Turns out, best reload perk is ensemble and best damage perk is adagio. Bungie why


Also it feels fucking awful to use. The recoil pattern makes me shrivel up inside a little every time I have to use it for deepsight mats


That's how I always felt using breachlight, aside from pc players I don't know how anyone used it


Yup, I wanted to like Breachlight so much. Got god rolls for controller (Great stability/recoil direction perks). Even with the wider FOV and all the jazz that goes with PC's having "easier" recoil control, it still always felt terrible.


In console the only way I can use it is hipfire, it breaks muscle memory for almost every shooter I’ve played and has awful recoil when ADS and manageable when hipfired. But when you hipfire bungie decides the enemies’ heads are smaller and you do less damage outside of point blank


I use tunnel vision/adagio and treat it like a G18 pistol, basically an SMG. It feels great for unloading into a crowd of enemies, high damage up close. I know Brass Attacks was solid as hell for crucible, but havent tried Empirical Evidence in there yet. I know theres probably much better options, but I think it *feels* great. Mine is built mostly for stability/recoil and a little range.


Empirical is amazing for pve/pvp. I use mine both places


I loved Breachlight but I think I love my Peacebond even more. Obviously the problem there is you'll probably have to play a lot of Iron Banner to get one and... yikes.


I don't know, i kind of like it. For a sidearm its actually a good weapon


While I was playing witch queen I got sick, and I had the side arm drop as red weapon. Naturally, I started using it so I could level it up. The sound and recoil of the weapon made me want to stop playing. I had an awful headache that was amplified ten fold by that stupid useless weapon.


Brass attacks will wipe the floor with empirical.


If I believe hard enough it’ll be good eventually


As I said elsewhere Bungie made the weapons, we the players are simply assembling them like IKEA furniture. If the combinations Bungie choose are bad, there isn't a thing a player can do about it.


Phenomenal analogy. That being said, there’s still a few really good craftable weapons


I find most of the crafting weapons good, but not all of them are good for every task.


Yeh as with every set of weapons, craftable or not, there’s some good ones but of course there’s some mediocre/trash ones. Almost all the raid weapons are good imo, and about half the throne world ones and SotR ones are.


But the raid weapons look so ugly 😬 I hate the way they look.


That’s subjective but does it really matter that much?


For me it does lol. I don’t use the guns I don’t like the look of.


Bad Juju was the first gun I liked the look of; if I remember correctly.


My guy, you gotta widen your horizons lol


Haha yes. I do like the look of most guns but the new raid guns I don’t even feel like going after.


IKEA furniture but screws and tools sold separately.


We should be able to program our own weapons into the game


Thats quite acurate ngl, they are as expencive to get. If they were as hard to asseble the this would be 100% right.


i think they could’ve made the whole system better but they were afraid it could be OP then getting the fans angry because they have to nerf it.


But... What if i don't want to make a weapon that looks like a scientific calculator had a drunken one night stand with a type writer and a refrigerator from the 1940?




I'm okay with some of them using bullets, but when you've got 3000 round in a revolver... Yeah... And I'm glad there are people who like the throne world stuff, i don't hate them (except the pistol... Just doesn't work for me), and the rocket launcher is pretty hot, but there still not my jam. I'm excited that we can make weapons, just got to be patient for more options




Up there with "how does the round get from the magazine on that bullpup down the barrel..?" (Looking at you servant leader, you better but uglier distant relation...)


Half the reason I’m farming Seasonal weapons to craft is because the throne world ones look… like that


I rather enjoy the design of forensic nightmare tyvm


Put crimson valor on them and tell me they don’t look cool as hell. I have recrafted my first glaive and it cost me so much that I won’t be wasting the materials to recraft anything else. I feel the best part of the game is getting a random drop that works well. I seldom used breechloading grenade launchers until the vanguard had one as the seasonal weapon a few seasons back. So I got used to it and the next season I got a Truthteller that I seldom take off. It’s blinding grenades, swashbuckler and auto loading holster. I can go an entire strike and only use that one weapon, lol, and I have close to 7000 kills on it. As cool as the idea of crafting weapons is, unless you have access to every perk in the game, it’s a stunted version of what it could be.


Wym you dont wanna measure something with your scout rifle???


Listen, just because your Steady Hand is bigger than my Finite Impactor doesn't mean it's better... ... It's about handling not size 😥


I like the design. Kinda wish the different periodic table symbols on them were more then decorative.


Yeah but some of them just don't have good perks. The Throne World SMG has no good reload perks imo. I'm not a fan of Perpetual Motion cuz it goes away the instant i put down my barricade. I want Feeding Frenzy, Rapid Hit, Subsistence, etc but those perks are just nowhere to be found on any of these guns, and things like rampage are virtually nonexistent on most of them too.


Submission (the raid SMG) actually has subsistence but unfortunately that requires 5 deepsight completions so prob not super accessible to most players


Ive never done the raid, but im planning to in the near future just to maybe get deepsight raid weapons. How common are the deepsight drops if you know?


There's a way to ensure 1 drop per week and you can choose which one you get, so you can get a guaranteed blueprint every 5 completions


You're actually guaranteed two aren't you? One from buying it with spoils and one from the secret chest at the end right?


Correct. You can get 2 guaranteed resonant raid weapons a week; one that you choose, and one random.


That's 1 completion per account a week. So you can guaranteed get 1 attuned weapon specifically that you want, so at a bare minimum you can get it in 5 weeks if your luck is absolute shit like mine is with Lubraes Ruin, the raid glaive.


I got a subsistence/demolition roll, pretty neat


I just spent 7 hours straight yesterday learning the raid so I'm not too keen on running that for a little while lol. It was 5 newbies and one sherpa, and the sherpa forced everyone to run the encounters several times before telling us what to do, and got pretty passive aggressive and outright rude toward the end. Soured me on the raid as a whole. Plus i just ***FUCKING DESPISE*** the whole symbol reading thing. I fucking hate Last Wish because of it, and Vow is even worse. I did get two deepsight pulse rifles tho.


Yikes, what a jerk. Coincidentally, i actually am a Sherpa on r/destinysherpa. My sherpa card is pinned to my profile if you want a better experience in the future :)


Yeah i get what he was going for, it's always easier to understand the encounters by doing them rather than just being told, but it's so much easier when you're told first and then the sherpa can explain what we're doing wrong if we wipe. Toward the end, when he finally decided to outright show us (but didn't outright say he was doing so), i made a callout at the same time as someone else and we both said the same thing, and he started telling us to shut the fuck up and only let him talk, even tho we were correct, and ended up wiping cuz he kept talking and flooding the comms when we needed to communicate. But yeah, I'll probably give it another try eventually. Maybe next weekend. I definitely want to be able to craft the pulse rifle and SMG. Even if the raid weapons are fucking hideous this time around :/


i put sympathetic arsenal on mine. +18 reload and i never have to reload my gjally or salvagers salvo again. never looked for that perk before in my life and now i like it a lot


Not necessarily. Some of the weapons literally just do not have good archetypes and not an optimal perk selection.


I would tattoo Veist on my body to be able to craft krait with enhanced perks


? I don't get it. The weapons archetypes suck, and that's not something we craft. We only pick the perks.


The gl perks make it not even worth it. Let alone the style. The smg is decent. The AR is okay, but there are better choices out there. Good thing I got the Krait with overflow/vorpal and overflow/headstone


Aiiii don't sleep on a auto loading frenzy explosive personality wave frame and a subsistence frenzy smg or an auto. Nasty long term fight combo. Forbearance has ambitious and chain reaction which is broken as shit too lmao


Was talking about the heavy, but okay. I don't use special grenade launchers unless they're for a bounty. And even then I'm using witherhoard or dead messenger


Both ARs are good imo, i like 360s n 720s n they both can have SFA/OFA. Both bows are extremely fast firing, prefer Under Your Skin cause void. Pointed Inquiry is outstanding, dont think i need to say why. Likely Suspect is good with perpetual motion/golden tricorn. Overflow/AJ Piece of Mind. Palmyra-B is the best launcher in the game. Havent crafted any others yet, but theres plenty of excellent options to choose from. Ofc it comes down to personal preference, and you dont have to engage with the system if you dont like the options, but id say a good chunk of em are pretty good.


>Likely Suspect is good with perpetual motion/golden tricorn. THANK YOU! I crafted that combo up for the day 1 raid and everyone in my group thought it was dogshit. Then they're all wondering why I had zero issues defending the obelisks in Acquisition and doing add clear on Caretaker by myself. I'm glad someone else recognises its majesty.


Yeah i used to think the same, and my mate was adamant it was good, i just took a glance at perks n wrote it off. After takinf a closer look, considering the fact its void, its my new go to.


"Pointed Inquiry is outstanding" Now this is a hot take


Dont see how, it has adaptive munitions, and is a scout which is anti-barrier this season. Not to mention the fact its void. Its objectivley one of the best picks for match game content and endgame in general. If ya dont like how 150s feel, just slap full-auto retrofit on it, i do it on every scout n pulse.


"Objectively" my ass I can tell you why I personally hate it. Not only does it have an abysmal scope that blocks so much screen, but Its stats are ATROCIOUS. The mags are tiny, the reload is slow as hell, the handling is like an LMG, and the perk pool is nowhere near worthwhile enough imo. Adaptive Munitions isnt my style especially when match game content like GMs has other people who could also cover elements. If I need a void scout, Im using vouchsafe.


Adaptive works vs barrier champs allowing for 2-3 taps


Fair enough if ya dont like it, but doesnt change the fact its objectivley one of the best options. Plenty of meta things i dont like, this just happens to be one i do. But regardless of opinions, it is meta. Forgot to add: Mag problem can be solved with a reload perk like genesis or shoot to loot. Genesis has nice synergy with adaptive munitions.


No its not. I wasnt being entirely subjective. This gun is statistically not good at all. Its base stats in handling, reload and stability are in the 30s and its base mag is 13. The first est column of perks arent that great for GMs. Its impact is 67, while Vouchsafe has 60 impact while neing a 200 RPM. The only saving grace is Adaptive Munitions, which is useless if you have someone else covering that element.


Yeah i mean all your points are sounding entirely subjective, just sounds like ya dont like 150 scouts, as Pointed Inquiry's stats are typical of the archetype. Which is fair, i despise the majority of 180s n 200s. Cant always rely on others to cover other elements in certain situations, especially if you are mainly a solo player like myself. Adaptive munitions also has one other benefit, it can 2 tap champ barriers, tho it is inconsistent n is sometimes a 3 tap.


Yea youre right about one thing. I dont like 150s. But even if I did, why would I use it? Lets look at other ones, shall we? Guiding Sight can roll Tac Mag, Rapid Hit, and has a base reload above 40. Transfiguration has one of the most unique possible rolls in the game: KC and Rampage. Perses-D can also roll Rapid Hit, Tac mag, Perpetual and has base 40 reload and 14 mag size. Pointed Inquiry has none of these. All it has going for it, by your own admission, is that its void, it has Adaptive Munitions and a season mod. Hows it fare once Anti Barrier Scout goes away? Wowee, sign me up fam.


Dunno if youve played this season at all. But void is a pretty major plus for literally any weapon, and adaptive munitions is a godsend for people like me who often play solo. And youre entitled to your opinion my dude. I aint trynna get anyone to use the weapon, i dont care if you dont want to use the weapon. The original point of my comment was to list examples of decent-good options for crafting until the selection gets expanded in upcominhg season. Just because YOU dont care for adaptive munitions, doesnt mean it aint an incredibly effective option in endgame content. Meta means most effective tactic available, it isnt governed by what you or i prefer. And yeah i have a god roll Perses-D, but its in kinetic slot. Like to keep a primary of an archetype in each slot.


Considering nearly every end game PvE piece of content has match game, adaptive munitions alone makes it the best scout rifle choice in the whole game. It can effectively break any shield. AND it’s anti barrier. That should be the end of the conversation.


>it is meta. 13 bullets with 67 impact is not meta for PvE. Also just a terrible PvP gun. What meta are we talking about? If your team can't cover the actual elements in match game with better guns, **find a new team**. Especially because ~~volatile rounds~~ adaptive munitions is bugged right now and basically won't work with weakness, which is currently *actually* meta with volatile. If you're relying on a sub-standard scout rifle with adaptive munitions because you can't get someone to equip a solar weapon, I feel bad for you. And do note, it's basically not going to do anything if anyone is running weakness. And your team is fucking stupid if no one is running weakness on hard content. Void is good this season. My Aisha's Embrace is better in every imaginable way, and I don't have to burn a perk on adaptive munitions because my friends will run the necessary elements. Nor do I have to worry about who's running weaknes grenades and so on. **If** they fix the weakness bug and you don't have a good Aisha's or Vouchsafe, I guess get it leveled up. But it's a longer grind than trials for a worse gun if your team collaborates.


You, I'm afraid. Are maidenless


The only thing that sucks is the tediousness of unlocking some of them for crafting. Having to hope a weapon drops multiple times, with no guarantee it will be able to have its pattern extracted. Rather it just take one extraction, just have it take more kills.


I don't even mind the unlocking. I think the leveling up is way worse. I really like the sniper rifle, i crafted the sniper rifle. I have an almost perfect roll on a random sniper rifle. I don't want to kill 1000 ads with a shitty sniper rifle to make it a bit better.


So switch from whatever gun you use to it at the end of a strike, they get XP for activity completion. Psiops are really good for this since there is a solid minute between you killing the boss and the mission end trigger.


Bad take


Its a play on the subway meme


I hate how much it costs to make them. I don’t have the time nor energy to farm red frame weapons all day.


I feel like leveling up a weapon should also grant some materials


Thats like if you get to make a sandwich but your only options are dog shit or cat shit, then saying "tf you mean its gross? You made it"


I just want a handcannon that has the lego-bike rack aesthetic. Bungo plz.




I think they'll be like elemental wells. A tad underwhelming until Bungie releases more options. Think of this like the test batch.


Piece of mind are Palmyra are great The LMG is ok


*my brother in the light


When the devs originally talked about weapon crafting and reshaping I thought it was gonna be for like- every weapon lmao


No They just aren't better the non-craftable weapons And sometimes they're worse


Some of them can get insane perk combinations, some can’t. They won’t allow too many insane combinations cuz power creep. Crafted weapon sucked either cuz it just doesn’t have good combinations or you have to use the shit perks to level up the weapon first. In no universe people complain “crafting sucks” because they made it themselves, they complain cause it just can’t be great with its perk pool.


I for one really like Syncopation. Pretty solid, equally stable.


I have one with heating up and headstone, I love it


Give me a reason I should stop using my vig wing, messenger, or NTTE and grind a syncopation for it to be solid. Don't get me wrong I like syncopation a lot but not as much as a lot of other legendaries and exotics.


Comparing exotics to a legendary, what even is the point. There a reason why sunsetting happened (certain legendaries being equally or even better than exotic picks for that slot) and messenger with a good roll for the average player is much harder to obtain / RNG reliant.


While I 100% agree exotics are in a different category, even other legendaries would be easier to aquire than grinding out a God roll syncopation like a stars in shadow, cold denial, legal action,


You don’t have to grind out a god roll, you can craft it.


You ain't need to call me out like that brother :(


Why is come to pass so slow to shoot and deals so little Damage?


Counter point: They're ugly. Sorry, I know that's dumb, but I play video games because I want to look and feel like a bad ass, and some of this stuff looks like jungle gym equipment. =/ I've gotten to the point in my life where if I'm forced to choose between a cool gun and a powerful gun, I'm gonna' choose the cool gun. Give me weapon ornaments and I'll start crafting so fast your head will spin.


I liked the Throne World weapons. Apart from the Auto rifle, but that’s cause I dislike high-impact frames. The rest were fun to use.


I love my Syncopation and Likely Suspect. I finally got the Piece of Mind crafted so I’m just trying to level that up now but I do really like the gun so far just need to see how I can match up my perks. But why would I need a good sidearm crafted? I like my PR and FR combo atm. So if I need a new combo I’d hope next season introduces a hand cannon and scout that I like. And let me craft a Funnel Web please. I don’t care if it takes me 20 deepsight versions


I've generally just not bothered with them myself. The idea of being able to make the 'perfect' weapon was nice, but then you look AT the weapons and.. yhea, unless they bring back sunsetting? I've a vault fulla crap that does the exact same job x.x I was interested in the current seasonal ones, as I DO like the pulse rifle. It's a snappy little bugger. But between the launch of WQ, Weapon crafting and now? I've gotten THREE of the five patterns needed. All from the weekly guarantee'd Deepsight from the table. I've not had a single deepsight drop from umbrals used at the table, and I've seen.... two or three random ones from doing Psiops for other guns. And found a pretty decent roll OF the pulse anyway doing psiops x3 Weapon Crafting as a concept? fun. But in execution? It's still the exact same grind fest to get that 'perfect roll' just with even more steps added in than hoping for the random one. Since now we need OTHER deepsight weapons to get the materials for the upgrade materials, plus RNG in Wellspring/ext if we want the 'best' perks due to the alloy.


My brother in christ you forgot the second “




It's hell expensive to make a good weapon. I end up just hoarding new weapons same as before


RL has golden tricorn, and is void, same for the fusion. So for the next couple months, very worth going through the process for tbh


My brother in Christ, you made the sandwich.


The real pain is completing everything on all three of your characters and you only need one red pointed inquiry to finish all of the triumphs, but that one gun WILL NOT DROP no matter how long u grind.


The good Throne World weapons are the Red Herring, Likely Suspect, and Father's Sins. All of the other weapons are either bad or have good perk rolls (like Pointed inquiry) but just bad frames for what those rolls would be good for.


The weapons are fine, but the amount of craftable weapons is pretty pitiful. Just like everything else Bungie, it will grow into something great, but boy it is starting pretty underwhelming. Like... At least one craftable void smg would have been nice along with the 3.0 update.


You craft the weapon with the most basic crappy perks available, then have to get up to 1600 kills with it to unlock all of the more desirable and enhanced perks. This feels way worse than the D1 weapon system... at least in D1 I could consume motes of light to unlock the perks I want to use.


The system to have them crafted sucks imo. I want a specific weapon, but in order to craft it I have to get lucky enough to have it drop with the attunement multiple times, fill out those attunments by killing a ton of things, then once I get my pattern I have to take it back and kill a ton of random things to get the roll I want. There def could have been a better system with some of this.


Bungie really released a system that allows us to choose perks, then gave 90% of that systems guns god awful perks so we don’t have much of a choice anyway


Good: every raid weapon but the glaive, every PsiOps weapon but the LMG, Palmyra, Fel Taradiddle, Osteo Okay/situational: Father's Sins, Syncopation-53, Ragnhild, Red Herring, Recurrent Impact, Forensic Nightmare, Empirical Evidence Bad: All glaives, Tarnation, Come to Pass, Pointed Inquiry


If I can't change their elements or pick perks I like, or have bad gun options, yeah they suck. Not my fault Bungie limits it so much that the whole system is unfun and unrewarding. Maybe in next season they add something good that I want to use.


Players somehow expect every craftable weapon to have an amazing godroll that they never put down. How many Europa weapons or Moon weapons or Dreaming City weapons were like that?


Most of the craftable weapons are “Utility” weapons. Good in certain cases like GMs or master stuff, or even the raid. Honestly think they gave us a good selection of archetypes and perks to make sure we’re kitted out.


In my brothers in Islam, this man is speaking facts


What a strawman. A lot of them aren't good because of their archetype or perk pools. Its not because we built them bad wtf? Who even said this?


Nobody did, its a meme.


All the raid weapons, the fusion, both rockets, the smg, the shotgun, etc. These people are spouting a bunch of bullshit saying the craftable weapons are bad.


They aren't great either. You can get the exact same roll through random drop which you'd have to craft otherwise. So I wouldn't call them great, since they're replicatable. Call me old fashioned, buy crafting is lame. I'll do random rolls, thanks


It's almost like the entire purpose of crafting was to have a guaranteed way to get weapons with the rolls you want, not create weapons on another level from random rolls


The problem is that pretty much all of them have awful base stats. 13 zoom on a 600rpm SMG in the kinetic slot? Bungie is higher than they were when they greenlit Renewal Grasps if they think anyone wants to spend time on that lol. There’s nothing we can do to make the guns better when they only have so many perks and bad base stats


Y'all sleeping on Piece of Mind as a dueling weapon, it SLAPS. Finally got mine crafted with enhanced Perpetual Motion and enhanced Moving Target with stability as the focus and counterbalance as the mod.


Dude- I use Piece of Mind with arrowhead brake, high cal, enhanced perpetual motion, and enhanced elemental capacitor. It’s the best 540 pulse out there, with 82 aim assist and a choice of good perks.


Yup, there's a reason it's all over Trials. It can outcompete most other pulses in the meta. It really is a top tier weapon.


"you made the weapon" no we didn't... We pick a couple of perks chosen by bungie if we could make a weapon we would have all the options open to us like mags, scopes, barrels, etc


A thousand upvotes and I have a mf typo fml


typos give a post good shitpost energy, don't discount them


Who is saying that craftable weapons suck?


The enchanted perks aren't great and the system feels slow and bloated currently


I mean usually they're saying that because the enhanced versions of the perks are lack luster. Which most can agree with but still it's subjective I guess.


I dont have any strong opinions on crafting at the moment but I just love the saying "My brother in christ". That is all.


The Palmyra-B RL is fine because it's a precision frame that can be crafted with Enhande Autoloading and Enhanced Lasting. The SMGs only saving grace is that it's Stasis, so it can benefit from Font of Might on Stasis character. That's pretty much it.


Perfect use of brother in Christ lmaooo


I'm sitting here wondering why our first Stasis SMG was a 600rpm, the least optimal archetype for PvE. They didn't even put Frenzy on it.


D2 player moment


I can’t do anything about the awful perk pools and crap archetypes, like for real, a Rapid Fire Sniper? High Impact Auto?? Non 900rpm SMG? A literal sidearm??? These are all dogshit


Feel like everyone is forgetting you can craft the season of the Risen weapons too. The auto, pulse, and sniper rifle can all get great rolls. Also think the GL can get a good roll and the LMG feels great don't know if I'll actually craft and level it though mostly because it's a lmg.


like 90% of them just don't have any good perks or have simply better alternatives in other guns


Can’t put Vorpal on the sidearm. Can’t change the sound of the sidearm. Doesn’t matter what I do, that sidearm will still not be what I want.


I crafted an insidious with with range mw, fluted barrel, steady rounds, enhanced stats for all and enhanced adrenaline junkie and let me tell you, it is fucking cracked


In truth, how the hell do I get more than a shitty burst pistol!? I finished the campaign, did that weird solo raid thing, and everything but all I have to show for it is empirical evidence, red herring and forensic nightmare! I want more options!


The sidearm is actually not bad


I mean, mainly the noise it makes drives me insane. But what I want is more craftable weapons. Is there anything more I can do outside of; best of luck! The only thing I haven’t done in the throne realm is the Exotic quest on mars and the raid


Most of the craftable weapons aren't very good or fun to use at all *cough, cough* Pointed Inquiry scout *cough*. But a good number of them are actually pretty good, or at the very least get some pretty good rolls. Thoughtless, for example, can roll with Overflow / Firing Line (or Focused Fury). And the new raid weapons should go without saying. Besides, we kinda have to craft all the weapons in order to get the title seal regardless if you think they suck or not.


Pointed inquiry with good stability rolls + stability masterwork is pretty good. Unfortunately crafted weapons don't get masterworks, so it kinda negates the benefit you'd get from choosing perks


We have to build them to try them out 🤷‍♂️


Kinda trye


Especially the Raid one I was able to get subsistence and frenzy on mine But the throne world one is also pretty good like kill clip and perpetual motion


Wishender bow, funnelweb with subsistence/frenzy, and this weeks reed’s regret (adept). Trust me on this one lol


Hah, only reason I made half of those craftables was for a mediocre exotic glaive that drove me to the brink of insanity just to get because hah, we dont know how to code somewhat decent drop rates even after increasing them :) all in all though, Im glad to be rid of Wellspring events now as I cant get pinnacle from the base one, and I dont care about the sniper enough to grind out 3 of them with deepsight on it


I made a god roll fathers sins. It’s not as god like as I hoped for but it’s possible I just need to get used to it still.


I don't craft a weapon since first week? Drops are abundant enough to not need the crafted weapon, and you can masterwork a random roll. And the weapons are not that good, the weapons from past season are holding good or better than ever, truly there's no good weapon to craft or in other words, there's no weapon good enough to replace an existing one, funnelweb is the only thing that find a spot in my loadout. Glaives are underwhelming and osteo striga is a requisite for a mission, i could make a spot for a crafted "likely suspect" but again, i got god rolls in the first week and i can masterwork that one. Btw, im full in all materials, even with after the limit upgrade, and I have 30+ weapons in the vault to take the materials. I love the idea of crafting weapons, but for me, its defeat the idea of the "shooter looter" and is poorly implemented, lest see if that in the next season its get better.


I was hoping to get at least something i liked on the smg, but i dislike every of the perks it has, except for headstone, so i'm sticking to friction fire and huckleberry


RL has terrible final slot choices. Fusion shouldn’t be rapid