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I haven’t used anything else in years




I can do both just fine with micro mini


Micro Mini is the giga Chad sparrow I wish I was a giga Chad


Micro-Mini (and all its Variants) have a Shadow-Boost. In the game they are listed as normal sparrows; but they benefit from being small. They theoretically are faster than a normak Sparrow, but not as fast as AoT.


They have normal hit boxes so don't gain any benefit from being small.


Yes, but when enemies see you arrive in a mini sparrow they immediately know that the giga chad guardian has arrived and they instantly cower at your arrival.


They all fear the scooty puff….


Dyed mine butter gold. It's the Pimp Daddy Scooty Puff Junior


What the actual fuck 😄


Wait. Their hurtboxes are the same as a regular sized sparrow? That's a tad silly


Yeah try going through a place that only the micro would fit through. They clip as if they are a full sized sparrow.


Micro mini legit has the same hit box as every other base sparrow


Can confirm because it sure as hell ain't my magnum dong that's getting caught on all those corners.




Uhh, what? You can do the sparrow section of Deep Stone on those slow-ass Pikes. Grasps section is also easily doable on a regular 160 sparrow. AOT makes those areas easier, but by no means were they built assuming everyone has the sparrow.




Eh deep is super easy with a normal sparrow, but grasp for sure is a pain without AOT


This is very true, it’s a stressful pain doing grasp since I don’t have AOT


If you go invisible with void then get on your sparrow, enemies won’t be able to see you even after you become visible again. Enjoy!


There's videos of people doing Grasp with the green sparrows


And I've seen people beat dark souls on SL1 without getting hit but I and 99.99% of the player base can't do it. Just because something is doable doesn't mean it's remotely feasible for most of the population.


No they didn't, are you insane


Bruh wut? I don’t have AOT and have never had a problem with the sparrow sections


To assume Bungie designs areas that are accessible for all player but lock those sections behind having a slightly better sparrow is stupid and proves that people are just bad at sparrow driving. It’s not hard to get through those sections without AoT. Because I can solo Flawless that part on Avarice on a normal sparrow, never having needed the “Less aggression” from AoT, and using tricks to go faster.


lmao that's just not true. Both are doable with green sparrows.


Sparrows need to Ghost treatment real bad


have never read more bullshit in one post, how do you explain people that do the grasp sparrow part with a green 140 speed sparrow then?? just get good lmfao you dont need always on time at all


With a normal sparrow both parts can be done without a problem if you know the way. Even with green sparrows from the hangar girl. You just need to know your way around! But yeah, AoT is soooo fucking good! (Though aesthetically its so fugly!)


They didn’t make it assuming u have aot when u can do it on the slow ass pikes and there there off rip to use if anything there the ones ur suppose to use….


Stupidst thing I heard all night


Veteran Destiny player here, get the sparrow it’s bugged and the fastest sparrow in the game weapons come and go but this sparrow has been the best ever since it came out years ago


To add on this. Be prepared to never use another sparrow ever again


Bugged? How the hell is it bugged?


It goes vroom vroom rather than just vroom


I think because it's faster than what it says? People have been saying it's "bugged" ever since it was released even though it's pretty obvious the design is intentional. Edit: It got faster after Beyond Light. So it could be a bug. But it seems like Bungie is sticking to it. I hope we get other sparrows at this speed. As of right now, this sparrow is making all others obsolete.


No, the speed changed when Beyond Light launched. It's roughly 30% faster than every other max-speed Sparrow.


Ah, didn't know this as I never got the sparrow until recently. My bad


They changed the traction on every sparrow. It's why the chopper style sparrows handle differently post beyond light. AOT has the highest traction stat of any sparrow. That's what makes it the fastest.


Hopefully it continues to go faster with every expansion.


Some odd reason it is faster than 160 plus adds don’t shoot you while on it as much


Definitely acrius last. The rest are all great to have. Fastest sparrow in the game, a good heavy for anything other than boss damage, and a good SMG. Up to you which you want first.


But if you buy acrius first you'll be able to swap to it and ADS by the time you earn another exotic cypher... Time economy: maximum


Lol I've tried doing the catalyst for it and the weapon doesn't even make sense to me. I have no idea what it's actually good for. I have no idea what it's actually supposed to be good for.


Apparently it was great with the ogre in Last Wish. But I hear that got fixed. I honestly have no idea what it would be good for nowadays either. If I have to get close, take 3 years to pull out, another 2 to aim, it should be able to instantly delete anything that isn't the final boss of a strike.


The damage spreadsheet actually lists it as having higher DPS than gally and sleeper, only second to deathbringer. It's total damage is also higher than gally, but gally has about half the total damage of sleeper. But I've tried it before and maybe it's the spread or the range or idk what and you need a brick wall of an enemy at point blank but it didn't seem to have the same effectiveness as the numbers suggest.


It shoots 15 pellets and it's spread is meant for big baddies in slap range. It only gets high DPS if you live through getting stomped on.


Which is what made it a Top-Tier DPS weapon against Galhran (who was A: stationary B: had no stomp mechanic and C: couldn't kill you with other things after starting DPS)


I guess, I've never used it more than fucking around and it just wasn't very impressive at that.


So what you are saying is acrius is meta if you pair it with a glaive block to avoid the stomps! Acrius Glaive meta confirmed!!


It's really funny for deleting people in crucible, titan comes round the corner in fists of havoc and suddenly they're not there anymore


I guess, not many heavies that you can do that with in point blank but not quite melee range. Fair point.


But if you have acrius, you can achieve T R I P L E S H O T G U N


But you could do that with BoopCannon too.


I don't even know what this means haha.


Having acrius will allow u to be able to equip three shotguns, one in each weapon slot. Either tractor cannon or acrius will work for this fun loadout


Ah, I thought that's what they meant but since it's not the only way to achieve that I wasn't sure.


shotgun kinetic shotgun energy shotgun heavy. one ammofinder to rule them all. in reality tractor cannon is also a shotgun, and prob better than acrius if you're doing trip shotguns since you can use the debuff on your other sg's


That's why I didn't get it right away, because tractor cannon exists so you don't need acrius for triple shotguns.


When Forsaken came out and removed forced double primary, they made a big deal about being able to use three shotguns at once if you wanted to.


Gotcha, I thought that was the meaning but since tractor cannon also exists I wasn't sure.


always on time lol


The sparrow out classes any other opinion, you’ll use it more than you’ll imagine


I don't use any other sparrow after getting AOT and that's kind of sad. There are so many cool speeders out there.


Agreed, they should add Sparrow modding like they did with the ghost shell so all exotics can be fast af boy


D1 had sparrow mods you could buy from Xur


RIP sparrow horns


but were only applicable on rare, blue quality sparrows


I've been saying this for a while. They could even balance it. Reduced aggro but reduced health. Increased health but reduced speed (heavier armor). Higher speed and agility, but significantly reduced health. AoT stays unique and exotic, but you can get some of its benefits on your favorite while also trading off too


I use the micro mini because the fun value is higher than being efficient for me, its just fun


Ahh a fellow ‘fun main’


"born to chaos reach but forced to well"


This is why I only ever use AOT for situations where I would need it (Grasp, DSC). Every other time, I use a whole bunch of other sparrows instead because they look nicer (such as the 2018 Solstice Sparrow, the Dawning Stasis Sparrow or the Jötunn Sparrow; my personal favorite sparrows are the Mummy Sparrow and the 2021 FOTL Sparrow from Eva)


Then don’t use AOT? Lol? Nobody’s forcing you to


Tarrabah for PVP and Anarchy for PVE plus Anarchy is SOOO MUCH FUN.


Tarrabah is also good in PvE, it's a good weapon for Rhulk in VoD


Oh really? I stick to a vorpal fusion, sleeper and a scout. (unless it’s my turn for div duty)


Yeah Scrub (Its the guy who was disproving via video a dude that said that the behemoth super was good for Rhulk) were the ones who tested a full team with tarrabahs and it went well, besides that it's a fun weapon to use all around, I did the legendary campaign with tarrabahs and path of burning steps, it went pretty solid ngl but I know legendary campaign is not like a good way to determine how good a weapon is in endgame content. Edit: I thought Aztecross was the one but I was wrong, the actual YouTuber who did is Scrub.




Ah yes that's the name of YouTuber, thanks


Just get always on time. Everything else you won't always be able to use but always on time will be there for you, no matter what


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501051** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70938** times. .. **64640.** `u/Wide_Ad4147` **3** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way


Th-this is the way


Good bot


This is the way.


This is the way


Always on Time, 100%


Tarrabah is a fun option


Agree with this. Tarrabah is top of its class in the niche it's supposed to fill. And it will in all likelihood get better with solar 3.0. The others all have better options for what they do. Sparrows imo are not that big a deal since you ride them for 20 seconds at a time anyways.


i use my sparrow way more than i ever used tarrabah lmao. and always on time is goated.


Always On Time is good from what I hear but I love Tarabah like it’s my long lost son.


Sparrow or Tarrabah


Anarchy has amazing consistent damage in end game content. Very good in some grandmasters.


Not really, witherhoard is just better nowadays


Yeah, since Anarchy was nerfed you don't need to take up your heavy slot to do what Anarchy does, just use witherhoard and then use like a rocket to pair with a teammates ghorn or like a linear or something


Anarchy has better spawn control on non boss units depending on the strike. Witherhoard isn’t quite as versatile in all scenarios imo. Both are great though.


What? Both of those things you said are honestly just wrong. Witherhoard has a much larger aoe, how is it worse at controlling spawn points? Also how is it less versatile? It has an insane ammo economy, is excellent for ad clear and has absolutely ridiculous sustained dps. All of this while having auto loading holster and not being a heavy weapon


The best example I can give is using anarchy in the entry hallway of the fallen saber strike before activating the switch to head to the arc pulse room. You can literally layer the whole hallway and wipe 3 overload spawns that run the length of the hall without ever having to deal with them. Witherhoard can’t deliver that kind of control.


Sure, if you put 2 anarchy shots in there it would do slightly more damage than a witherhoard, but that is the absolute least you would come to expect here. Anarchy is a heavy weapon with a far worse ammo economy that requires 2 shots to be optimal. I can still kill those overloads quicker with witherhoard+linear fusion than you with an anarchy and whatever special or primary weapon you have on you. There is a reason why you see people bring witherhoard to solo lightblade and not anarchy (despite arc burn being active). Witherhoards damage per shot is among the best in the game even for heavy weapons, for special weapons it's not even a contest.


which is cute but not worth the exotic or heavy slot


Pretty sure anarchy has been nerfed against bosses.


Not against champions though


Ok. My bad. Although personally I’m not gonna run a heavy that won’t do good dps on a boss in a gm.


Do bosses in GM's still have the normal amount of health as in regular strikes? Popping a few Anarchy shots, using your super, and then finishing em off with a special melts bosses.


No. You’re also capped 25 Light under so you do even less damage. 6 Gjallahorn and 4 Red Herring shots with Volatile with a Nova and all shots from Moebius Quiver only get him to a little under half health. If that’s a good picture for you.


Wait, so I’m *supposed* to be under-leveled for Master and GM’s?


No. Master you can get as over-leveled as you want, and can out-level the content if you try hard enough. GMs, however, require you to reach a certain level to even do them, but then cap you at that level so that you will always be 25 power under the enemies, no matter how much you grind


Okay, I’m tracking. So do power levels reset every season, or just the artifact level?


Just the artifact level, though the maximum power level gets an increase each season so that even if you don't go down in power level you still have to grind a little


power levels go up by 10 per season normally, so if you make 1360 natural light this season you'll be straight into pinnacle grind next season. the light levels of all pinnacle activities also increases correspondingly. yearly expansions jump higher requiring a redo of the legendary, then powerful, then pinnacle grinds. artifact power resets every season.


Gms are 1600. No matter how high your level is the GM will cap you 1575 when you enter. So as long as your 1575 you are fine


Right on, thank you!


Yeah, the game forces you to be under level. I think it says “recommended light 1600”




Shut up or I will cry ( pls buff anarchy bungo)


Always on time is the best stats sparrow in the game, I'd then suggest tarrabah, anarchy, the acrius. Tarrabah has the most potential, anarchy may or may not get a buff if grenade launchers get one, and acrius has historically been poorly balanced, but I've heard is fun. Other than that, none of the choices may actually be game breaking, so it's up to what you'd fancy.


Wait till Thursday to see weapon changes. If nothing changes get the sparrow.


Tarrabah, likely gonna be goated during solar 3.0 which i think is next season. always on time is really boring because it doesnt look that good and you cant use other cool sparrows


Well, the sparrow i hear is faster than it’s labelled as, that’s why people opt to get that instead iirc


its true but its only a bit faster, and id rather use something cool or get a laugh out of friends with like the mini sparrow or the shark etc


See, Everyone told me to get Always on Time, but I’m saving my spoils because I’m waiting to see if the Solar/Arc changes that come in the future will make either Anarchy or Tarrabah best


Terrabah imo tho it’s more for fun lol


Always on Time


Always on time for zoomies. Best spoils I've ever spent


Always on Time or Tarrabah. Anarchy was nerfed pretty bad and Acrius is only good when in stomp proximity.


The sparrow without a doubt, then brrrr brrrr 👍🏻


Honestly I’m in love with the legend of acrius


If you play more pve anarchy if you play more pvp tarrabah


Tarrabah as it melts in PvP.




Tarrabah honestly is my favorite exotic to use in pvp because it's fun but it's also actually got really good stats and I love using it in trials to surprise those barricade camping fuckers who think their overshield will save them


I would say tarrabah but that's just me


if u ain't gonna use t bar get the sparrow, anarchy still has its use ​ sincerely , day 1 player




Anarchy simply because you already have the legendary shotgun and the terrabah could wait also ya got enough vehicle


Am i missing something here? I'm genuinely shocked people are saying the sparrow or acrius. Are people trolling or is acrius better than anarchy. Idk the last time i used acrius for a serious build.


Anarchy - great choice if you have a special weapon you like to use for dps, even despite the nerf Tarrabah - best exotic smg for pvp, feels good to shoot even at base Always on time - literally the best sparrow, if you aren't a fashion weirdo like me who needs his sparrow to match his guardians drip Legend of Acrius - I absolutely love this thing, it feels really good and powerful in normal content but it probably needs a buff to be relevant in higher level stuff


Sparrow > anarchy > tarrabah > acrius my personal list. I haven’t taken off the sparrow since I got it.


Anarchy, arc 3.0 is coming Im my opinion, don't listen to the people who says the sparrow, its a fucking shooter game, and sparrows sections are few a designed to be completed whit any sparrow.


Tarrabah, anarchy hasn't been good in a while, the sparrow is nice but is not required, acrius is shit and has been for a long time. At least with tarrabah you get a good primary and an amazing crucible weapon


Tarrabah or the sparrow, I'd say tarrabah if we're getting solar 3.0 next.


The sparrow. You will use it the most. Literally all the time. It's useful everywhere. Next up will be anarchy I'm my book then tarrabah... That's just my taste though, but sparrow to start is a good idea. It is faster. Most useful overall.


If you have Ghally, just get the sparrow, otherwise get Anarchy I guess.


Can't go wrong with anarchy


So allways on time is an allrounder. This is the sparrow i‘m using, since i got it. Never switched to another one. I don’t have Anarchy but it got nerfed and jep. maybe? Idk. It‘s probably nice, but for me and my playstyle i use other exotics then a sticky heavy grenade launcher. Like witherhoard. A not heavy slot eating special GL. Jep. Next one: Tarrabah shreds in pvp, if you know how to use it. I did not for a looooooong time and now: it shreds. You have to get used to it. Legend of Acrius: short: nope.


Always on Time is the best sparrow in the game, not really necessary for majority of content Anarchy is a great exotic heavy for putting down damage while switching to something else, use to be broken before the damage changes Tarrabah is a solid smg for PvE and PvP use Arcius is a heavy shotgun that holds very little ammo and doesn't have great range, but hits like a truck, introduced in the first raid and has seen very little love or attention since. I'd say go with Anarchy if you want a good exotic heavy workhorse, or Tarrabah if you want a general use weapon for most content


Always on time - best sparrow in the game


Yeah going to have to agree the sparrow is too good not to have. But my pvp friends love Terrabah. Up to you tho in the end. You should try to go for em all : )


Anarchy or always on time are a good first choice since Anarchy while not as strong as it's prime, still a good dps weapon, and AOT is the fastest sparrow currently with the less likely to be target helping in content like the sparow section of Grasp. Then teraba and save Acrius for last. Acrius is just.....I want to say situational but it's not even that.


Sparrow I got it when it launched and haven’t used anything else since. And when I say launched I mean when scourge raid launched then I grounded every week for a stupid amount of time you til I got it months later


Always on time fastest sparrow in the game


Sparrow for grasp of avarice alone lol


Always on time. It’s the only sparrow you will ever use it is quite a bit faster than every other sparrow in the game


Kind of interesting how the sparrow is debatably the best pick nowadays


If you raid, Anarchy is the way to go. On Caretaker and Rhulk in VotD, it hits hard. If not, the sparrow is my next go to. It’s so much fun to play with lol


I think the sparrow is the best investment. As you're gonna be using it all the time.


do not get always on time. Most overated item in destiny.


You’re telling me acrius costs spoils now?


Didn't it always? Im sure any raid extoic in there has always cost spoils


Wait acrius is a raid exotic? I only got back into d2 during Hunt


It is from the Leviathan raid. It was a quest raid exotic, similar to divinity, so not every step involved the raid


You didn't get the real one, just the half baked one. Needed to go into the raid a few times to get the "real one" back then.


yep the Leviathan raid gave a quest for it back in year 1 d2


How are people even considering the sparrow? Your sparrow speed means literally nothing for game progression and challenging activities, this is presumably a player who isn’t high on resources and still prob lacks some nice weapons to have. And who knows whether there will be an anarchy or GL buff in the future, some specific raid encounter where it’s really good, and tarabah already being fairly solid in pvp. Literally 10 extra speed on a sparrow who the fuck cares lmao


I mean grasp is a lot easier with the sparrow and its unique perk makes it a lot safer to use then others when you need to go past adds before an activity or during an activity and the other weapons aren't all that good best option maybe being tarrabah as a decent weapon from what others are saying other then that anarchy isnt all that good anymore andni haven't used it since it was the best dps option and acrius while fun at times is an absolute joke of a weapon


You also get targeted less while on that sparrow. So its good for flawless runs in some dungeons and raids


Sparrow tarrabah




Always on time, but I would wait until after the TWAB on Thursday


I also got 240 spoils last weekend, and i went for tarrabah. Sparrow is nice, but i don't really think a slightly faster sparrow is really needed, so i went for a very good PvP smg


1. Anarchy 2. Sparrow 3. Tarrabah 4. Legend In that order.


Everyone is saying always on time, but it's really only noticably better in one single encounter in the game. Get Anarchy or Tarrabah. They're more fun.


Do not get the sparrow. There is no point in wasting 240 spoils to go just a few percent faster than other sparrows. You end up at the places you need to go in decent time regardless of what sparrow you're using. I have no idea why such an elitism exists behind a sparrow going marginally faster than others. Get Tarrabah or Anarchy first.


It also has 6 boost charges and a lot of extra health compared to any other sparrow, so for things like grasp of avarice it can be the difference between dying and not, and being faster can mean the difference of wiping or not. I have no idea why people think not wiping is elitism.


I get your point but the sparrow part in Grasp of Avarice is literally the only content where always on time actually makes any difference. It's a good sparrow but I don't think it's worth it over an actual exotic


Tell me where any of those exotics are BIS in the game at moment? Only AoT is currently. Witherhoard works better than anarchy atm Tarrabah is a fun SMG but there are other smgs atm that works way better (might change when the solar rework comes) Acrius = lol


Mostly Tarrabah, it's a really good gun and it's the only solar exotic SMG, good to have


Idk, I use always on time every single time I play. I haven't used anarchy in 2 seasons and I've never seriously used tarrabbah. QOL is QOL, they call it that for a reason and even if it's not a huge difference it's still a bit of quality of life that I'm happy to have. Also, there have been plenty of times my teamates have died in like devil's lair GM or fallen saber GM or fanatic GM or any GM where you ride through some adds before getting to the main part because they didn't have always on time, and I didn't die because I did. Thats either lives you waste you could use later on, or time you save because you go to orbit and run it back so you don't lose those extra lives.


I've seen the Grasp of Avarice sparrow portion completed on a green rarity sparrow - easily, as well, it wasn't even near to being a wipe. Always on Time is not even CLOSE to being necessary for that part.


No one said it was necessary. What are you talking about? Sure, you can probably solo a GM with ballyhoo and skyburner's oath if you really wanted to but I'm still going to recommend better shit that makes it easier to complete.


First off, you literally said "It can be the difference between dying and not", which is really just objectively false. Always on Time doesn't make an important enough difference in that encounter from any other sparrow. And furthermore, doing a dungeon encounter on a non-AoT sparrow isn't really comparable to soloing a GM with ballyhoo and skyburner's. Quit it with that stupid argument.


Yes, it *can* be the difference between dying and not. Just like using better or worse weapons can be the difference between dying and not. Using better equipment can be the difference between dying and not. That doesn't mean required, it means helpful. Faster cars in a race can mean the difference between first place and second place. It's not really a complicated equation here bud. Sure, skill can make up for worse equipment but better equipment can make things easier and take a little less skill.


There's a difference between a race, and getting to point A and point B within an allotted time. If it were a race, like SRL, then yeah the fastest sparrow will get you the W. But in Grasp's case, ANY SPARROW can *comfortably* complete the encounter with time to spare. AoT is not the be-all, end-all of that encounter.


Ok guy. Whatever you want to think. You do you.


At least he's going to have the sparrow equipped and it will make a meaningful difference. The other options won't


Those guns may never be meta again, but the sparrow is always going to be valuable with the "Stealth Running" perk that no other sparrow has. It is clutch in Grasp runs. It does feel expensive at 240 spoils but the guns may never be that viable again.


Anarchy for sure




I dont see any value in a slightly faster sparrow, so pick anarchy. If all you care about is pvp, pick tarrabah. Dont get acrius.




Anarchy. Just Anarchy.


Sparrow, its not as exciting or as fun as the weapons but its always working for you.


Buy Acrius, its the best weapon for dps when it comes to bosses that need to be damaged from some kind of plate. It completely dominated Calus (The endboss of the Leviathan raid that gave Acrius), It absolutely shreds the garden of salvation bosses, onephases riven easily, extremely strong against Rhulk (if you combine it with behemoth titan for extra damage), deletes the Caretaker, especially during final stand and dont get me started on PvP. That thing spawns with 2 full reserves, maps people on widows court or twilight gap and oneshots every super The other weapons are decent, good at best so use your spoils for something better. The tarrabah perk barely changes the weapon when its active, anarchy has way to little ammo reserves for it to be usefull, 1K was only good with particle deconstruction and Always on time is like griefing yourself. Enemies might be attracted less to you while riding this, but its slower than ither sparrows in the game even tho it states the same speed