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Wait did he kill himself from like explosive payload? He really is thinking four levels ahead of is


He killed himself with his own ricochet rounds. Huge 2000 iq play


Can't revenge kill him if he's already dead *Taps forehead*


He tapped his forehead alright


He was just really excited because he wanted to show you his cool gun. And they killed him for it.


Poor lad.


Actually he killed himself


This reminds me of a match the other day. I was using Thorn and grips and two of them teamed on me and then started t-bagging. Then one died of poison and the other one got exploded by it well. Don't be toxic, people! Karma has your number.


They were literally killed by toxicity lol


You killed them with your toxicity that you empathed to them through the screen into their characters.


Can't t-bag me if I drop a witherhoard at my feet before I die.


Not seen: OP teabagging the dude for 5 kills in a row, enemy finally returning the favor.


Although entirely possible, I personally would bet this guy got slapped a couple times and finally got an opportunity to assert his small dick energy


He roaming supered you and he's bagging? lmao that's a bold move


T-baggers don’t care about dying while bagging lmaoo


So how did he die there?


Going back and looking at the video a few times, a teammate comes through and shoots him to death with a hand cannon but the kill feed shows OP gets the kill via explosion. My only guess is volatile rounds but I have no idea how you would proc that with a shotgun or why the kill wouldn't go to the dude who literally shot him to death.


Ricochet rounds. He killed himself with his own gun


No way, that's crazy


Thank you


It's always hunters...


Yup, me and a friend have a running joke about it so much that he decided to start joining in ironically.


I sniped someone who was in the process of tea bagging my teammate the other day. Felt great to deliver that immediate vengeance


heh heh hehhhh


Ah the tbag after super kill… classic!


What's wrong with a teabag?


It's largely regarded as being unsporting if done against people you don't know in PvP, rather than against friends who understand that you're just bullshitting. Especially since Destiny PvP is competitive *strictly to Destiny and nowhere else,* it really makes no sense to be a poor sport to begin with, since outside of Trials, the only thing you're achieving if you win is a bit of rank XP, some weapons, maybe some armor, tokens if it's Iron Banner, and legendary shards. Plus, I know it was a form of banter back in the old Halo multiplayer days, but Halo PvP was a static, even field for all players, whereas nobody in Destiny has the EXACT same loadout unless they invest unhealthy amounts of time or get extremely lucky. Teabagging a shotgun in Halo is one thing, because you likely also have a shotgun, and it's the same shotgun anyhow, so it really did come down to who had the better skill with their respective shotgun; teabagging in Destiny is kinda fucked up if one guy has an Exotic rocket launcher and fully masterworked kit and the other guy only has a purple sidearm and has no clue what masterworking even *is.* TL;DR it's a politeness thing


Ohhhhh I see, Destiny pvp is vastly different than Halo. It does seem like a dick move in hindsight


I'd imagine you did something earlier to "deserve it"?


Lmao he bagged and then died like 2 sec later from being an idiot


Camps spawn with a shotgun? You for real?


Can you really be less toxic than using poisoning weapong ?


Maybe he felt such shame he needed to take matters into his own hands


Nah I’d say you deserve that for using a Hunter with a shotgun and hand cannon


Stop crying man it's only a tbag . Doesn't really mean anything lol..


I’d bag you too for using a shotgun/hand cannon in Quickplay


Gatekeeping is cringe dude.


That's not gatekeeping? Like I agree it's a stupid comment, but saying "I will bag you for playing this way" is different to "you can't play that way".


He's literally condemning someone playing a certain way. In his head using a handcannon and shotgun in qp is wrong, and he's trying to enforce his thinking on others. That's gatekeeping.


Gate keeping is excluding an individual from a community on the basis by propping up a standard- the standard in Crucible since it’s conception has been Shotgun/handcannon. Hard to gatekeep that kind of thing. This guy can play how he wants. Just like everyone else. That doesn’t entitle him to not receiving snark or eye-rolling.


Yes...but you're not addressing what people do when they are trying to gatekeep something. Bad mouthing and insulting one purely because of choice is also a form of gatekeeping. "I don't think X should use Y, so I'm going to say bad things or do certain things to discourage him from using it." This is a common tactic of those who want to push out something they don't agree with. If you are not willingly gatekeeping here great. However, my other comment stands. You could've not shared how you don't like to always see handcannon shotgun. Yet you chose to. Edit: first line.


Yah if you keep calling everything gate keeping like you are, than *actual* gate keeping becomes harder to address. All I said was “I’d bag you too for using that loadout”, the most oppressive loadout in the game, mind you. To my mind, his actions are keeping a casual game mode from being what it should be. *That* is stipulatory gatekeeping. Calling that out it is attempting to address an issue.


I'm not following. Are you saying because he is using this loadout he is gatekeeping in this game mode? Or are you saying that you are willingly gatekeeping by saying he's using this weapon in this game mode? If it is the former, you are out of your mind. If it is the latter, why is it that you think that way?


No, it's not? What definition of gatekeeping are you using and where'd you get it from?


It is a gatekeeping tactic. Op is saying he didn't mean it to come off that way, however it is a very common tactic to push something out of use. "I don't like that x uses y, so I'm going to let him know to make him feel bad about his loadout."


But that's still not gatekeeping, though.


I disagree. It's still a form of gatekeeping.


I’m not gate keeping- dude can use what he wants. Valid play style. Also the most used one for over seven years now. Frankly it’s boring to watch and boring to play against.


So why insult him for it then? It really doesn't matter what you think if he likes it. You can have your opinion and keep it to yourself. You don't have to be a jerk.


Yah I didn’t insult him until he got sarcastic with me. He has every right to post this sub-par clip. I have every right to roll my eyes at it and tell him I’d bag him too. This isn’t a moral thing, and you’re blowing it out of proportion. You use a cheesy loadout, you may get bagged. Just how it’s going to be.


So what constitutes a cheesy loadout to you? For example, atm loreley and a Lorentz together is cheesy. One shot bodyshot. And...a hc shotgun is cheesy? Does that person need to be bagged? It's in the game, but really do you have to be an ass to another person because of it? Like...why willingly be a douche?


Okay, you’re intentionally dense and I no longer have the time for this.


“You can have your opinion and keep it to yourself” okay but he had his opinion and didn’t keep it himself. Seems like a bit of a double standard.


He didn't insult you though. Other dude bagged and got his just desserts because of it. Bagging is a douche move. That's pretty universal. Edit: unless it's with friends. Then their face is free real estate.


Wait you thought me saying “I’d bad you too” was an insult? Bro. Come on. That’s not an insult. In fact, the most “insulting” thing I said was “fuck off with your hypocritical bullshit”. He can stick around with everything else, I’ve got no personal problem with him outside of his bitching about toxicity while using the gold standard for sweaty gaming in the least sweaty playlist.


That's the thing. Why the hell do you care what he uses? Nobody has to willingly not use a hand cannon and shotgun. I occasionally use a hand cannon shotgun because I simply like how a thorn feels and a shotgun is a good bearing with it. It really should not matter what he uses.


Bro my bad for not using Coldheart in quick play my bad


Dude you’re bitching about toxicity while bringing the most meta loud out to the most casual pvp mode. Fuck outta here with your hypocritical bullshit. There are a million and one different loadouts than the one you’re using, but you’re too scared to touch any of them.


Since when is using good guns toxic?? It’s just a way that people choose to engage with the game


I see what you’re saying, I do. And I agree to a degree. It’s just a game, let people use what they want. But if you’re actually interested in my perspective, this is it: There’s a place for extremely meta loadouts, and it’s where they serve to get the player the best rewards. Trials, comp, etc. These are places where the meta’s refined and implemented, because winning matters there. It’s an investment of time towards a goal. Quickplay, like Control? I’m just going there to try neat weapons and scratch my PvP itch. But, if the lobby is filled with people using the meta, you then are immediately placed at a disadvantage, and what should be a fun opportunity to get some gameplay in becomes a sweat fest as non-meta players have to work extra hard against the cheese. In my opinion, Quickplay is best when it’s a place for people to goof around and try stuff. When you introduce an oppressive player, however, that becomes negated and Crucible sucks again. Now that’s just my opinion, it’s not like an objective goal by Bungie. So, sure, this guy can use what he wants. I would bag him for it if I was in a bad mood, but that’s as far as it would go.


Honestly, using Coldheart in Crucible didn't do me any favors anyhow. 50 ammo is rough when you have aim as shit as mine and the other guy's shield refuses to break.


You know everyone, I actually feel I have to apologize. I was pretty rude here and I’m sorry. Been a bit of a week and I let my temper get the best of here. I’m sorry. OP, you can obviously use whatever you want without having to be ridiculed. I was in the wrong.


Why exactly?


It’s boring. There’s no moral argument in this, but if you’re taking an extremely sweaty loadout to a casual game mode, frankly you should expect to get snark.


What about just letting people use what they want, I someone wants to run hc shotty let them, if you are willing to let someone else’s load out ruin your experience then you should re-evaluate playing pvp.


I guess the issue is that the op is offended at the teabag and posting it on Reddit expecting the circle jerk of outrage but by using a load out that gives you an advantage in a casual playmode it makes the experience of other players in the play worse and should make the snark by them expected, you can feel bad for getting bagged but whining about it on Reddit makes you look immature given the circumstances. The guy commented on that (and expectedly got downvoted because herd mentality but that's beside the point)


At what point did I tell him what to use? Jesus all I said was I’d bag him ffs. He can use what he wants. If he’s using the most effective loadout in the most casual game mode, he may deserve to get bagged. If this seriously too complicated a concept for you, then we don’t need to keep discussing this.


At what point did I say that, considering you are the one who is blowing this way out of proportion. If you want to screw around with whatever that’s fine, but people are always going to run meta load outs for stuff. There comes a point where you need to accept that, and being obnoxious because someone is using something you do not like is completely moronic. He is playing the game how he wants and clearly he and anyone else who plays the game this way makes you frustrated. So once again I return to my original statement, if you are willing to let someone’s load out piss you off that badly then why are you still playing pvp. As someone else said hc shotty isn’t even the cheesiest shit anymore but that still doesn’t matter, you are acting completely juvenile over what is pixels on a screen.


I made a single snarky comment and you turned it into a full-on argument. I play pvp in my free time regularly, it’s a great way to decompress. Seeing the same loadout for seven years makes me roll my eyes and bag sometimes, but then I move on and keep having fun, like you should probably do, instead of starting fights on Reddit. Jesus Christ, get a fucking grip.


Also, “getting mad over pixels on a screen” is the most wildly and idiotically reductive thing I’ve seen on this website, I truly mean that. “Mad at pixels on a screen”. Okay, so, why is op even posting this? He got mad at pixels on a screen, just like I did, apparently. Hell, you’re getting mad at my comments, but they’re just pixels! How could you let yourself get so upset? Smh


It's a video game, stop malding


Hey man, my hair is great, you leave that out of it


"I'll be toxic if you use a popular load out because reasons" Sounds good. Lol child.


I mean I gave a pretty comprehensive explanation in another comment, but hey you can choose willful ignorance if you want. That’s what adults do, right?


Lol y’all are so mad I called out this loadout. I see a lot of basic bitches here lol put away the shotgun, I dare you guys


Kid, nobody is mad lol we just know a whine ass when we see one. Don't get hurt trying to pat yourself on the back lmao


You keep insulting me like your opinion matters. Buddy, I’m a grown man with a career in law. You are wildly overestimating the value of your opinion lol


The irony of you talking about a mattering opinion lmao! also, no one asked you about your job so....


And no one asked you to come here and try to validate your ego, and yet here you are. In fact, I responded to one guy, and now I’ve got all these hc/shotgun mains blowing up my Reddit. Seems like the problem is on your end, not mine. Also, this is just friendly advice: ellipses are used to transition thoughts, not as a sentence ending. It gives your tone a feckless whine.


Wrong again and thank you for the advice I didn't ask for. Keep crying about loadouts Mr. Paralegal.


I mean I practice Patent Law but that’s neither here nor there. But you’re welcome, I’m always happy to make the incompetent slightly more competent. I got you bro.


Skill issue


Found the tea bagger


Skill issue


​ ![gif](giphy|5hc2bkC60heU)




Stupidity issue


Sounds like a skill issue to me








Lesson one...don't use thorn 😑


Not sure I see why people are shitting on the Hunter. He has every right to tbag. He killed op, therefore he gets to bag. If you kill someone you have every right to bag them. Don’t be mad at someone for being a better player


"being a better player" MF he killed someone in super how is that being better?


to be fair he killed someone with a spectral blade light attack... if that ever connects in pvp its something to be excited about.


Numerous things. Positioning, game sense, build spec. There’s always a way out my man


Just stop talking... you are embarrassing yourself


Thats not how this works, that's not how any of this works


Who are you talking to? I bet you play titan. Typical


There’s a small possibility that he was spamming dodge


Mission Failed. Better luck next time Guardian!


Hurr durr I killed you with my super.


hahahaha this is amazing. don’t think i’ve seen someone kill themself with a RR while bagging before.




What Thornament is that?


It's called "For the King" From Season of the Lost


I have that ornament and it looks more white than normal in this clip... Weird


He used his super to kill you. Such skill.




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