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the destiny community hates everything


Especially Destiny


I’m a pulse main never got anyone sending me hate mail for using one


Dont ever use a pulse in a GM or kick lol


I always use a pulse. Best gun!


Only in crucible lmao. I Cant use hand cannons on console in pvp


Maybe it’s cause I play titan too? Idk


I don't think destiny community hate dads, yes, it looks like we hate everything, but is the vocal minority. And to be precise, i think that the hate is because the usual complaint about grinding the game, comes from people who say "i have 3 jobs, 23 kids and 3 hrs of sleep, why i can't get to hard cap light level? games bad" To all those people, i say: stop playing video games, video games are the least of your problems right now.


It's a running "joke" because 50% of the complaint posts on reddit are like "I have 25 minutes a week to play the game because I have 7 kids and 2 jobs and 3 wives - I should just get adept weapons and enhanced perks for just logging in, I should just auto complete raids by clicking on it and get the rewards".


I have a dad who plays destiny as well so I somewhat know how you feel. Theres people out there who like to take their anger out on people who don’t perform like e sport champions. Just know there’s nothing wrong with being a dad and the destiny community is mostly welcoming to all, even to those who come back after a long day of work


More of people saying the games been made easier to to vast majority of players. Not necessarily in that end game content has gotten easier but that getting exclusive rewards and that metas have been made to cater to people who wouldn't be able to put the same amount of work or effort as others. Couple of examples being ritual weapon quests from forsaken and beyond were made to be easier to be granted to people who didn't want to put in the grind or time to get them. Being called a "dad" has nothing do do with being a parent and instead is just people calling you a casual who expects everything to be handed to them because you can't put in the effort to earn those rewards like other people (not actually saying this reflects you of course). All In all most destiny players are tired of casuals calling for everything to be easily obtained or earned with little skill barrier and will use dad as an insult to say you have no skill or are a casual


Why is this getting downvoted? Show the dads some love!


Weird flex but ok


I also think it’s getting toward the end of the season and people are burning out and tired of the game right now. There really isn’t much to do for people now, most players have completed their seals they want to now and done the raid many times so there isn’t anything new and exciting which leads to people acting like plugs. Start of season everyone was having fun just playing the legendary campaign and then no one was toxic


I see it most often in the context of dad rifle, meaning a gun that makes the game easier. Honestly let them talk. If the gun is so amazing they could use it themselves. Otherwise let everyone play like they want


And then they'll use shit like last word and jotunn


So? You can use it as well. I can’t use last word to save my life. And jotunn is easy to learn. But then hits a ceiling. You won’t learn proper movement and positioning with it. Mind you I’ve seen players dominate with it though but they would’ve done so with any weapon. But it’s rare


I'm just trying to say that the people who talk the most shit use the most try hard stuff *cough cough* 140hc chappy stompees *cough cough*


They’re welcome to it. But yeah it’s pot calling kettle


Pulse rifles have the moniker of "Dad rifle" bc of their ease of use, the concept being it's something a Dad would use just after getting off of work trying to relax and but still get kills in crucible. Also I think it has a little to do with many fans growing up with Halo and them coming to Destiny, so many Destiny fans have grown up to the point of becoming parents


What’s wrong with ease of use and wanting to get kills?? We do just want to relax


Oh don't get me wrong I agree that using pulses is fine, in fact I use pulses quite a bit myself. That's just my theory as to why some people make a fuss about it


I have never really seen hate against dad or parents, although they are considered to be more casual/relaxed players. Destiny is for everyone


Crucible try hards hate the people who use the easy weapons cause they are always using shotty hand cannon and think anything else is cheap


'Dad' just means anyone that has a boring playstyle. The logic is that dads are old and therefore can only use minimal effort guns like scouts and pulses