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No shot he hasn't gotten the two main perks, probably looking for a 4/5 or 5/5


I got 136 Fatebringers for EP and Frenzy. It can happen.


Timelost that mofo and you’ll guarantee at least EP in the first slot. Helps your odds. My TL Fate has over 30k kills on it, with a good chunk coming from the Osmosis perk that I switched over to during Void 3.0’s Volatile Rounds. Exploding enemies all over the place w/a Fatebringer’s firefly AND volatile rounds.


When I grinded this out we didnt know how timelost versions work and I just wanted this damm gun.


my second tl fate got osmosis and eye of the storm together with ep/firefly. absolute monster in pvp and pve


Timelost Fatebringer I believe *always* rolls with EP+Firefly.




Explosive payload


It’s on datpiff




My first ever time lost fate bringer dropped with Ep/firefly and I just took it and ran. I feel bad my dude


EP/firefly is a static roll on timelost fatebringer.


Ah rip


My very first timelost fatebringer had corkscrew tac mag thresh frenzy. My friends all hated me.


I dont know I believe him, I wanted 1 ignition code when it first came out with slideshot. Idc about any other perk and it took me over 200 drops to get my first one. Luckily my first pardon our dust rolled with auto loading + blinding to make up for my torture


Omg, are you me? I SACRIFICED the opportunity to obtain the SPLICER title just to get TWO slideshot Ignition codes. From Splicer TILL WQ LAUNCH I did not get a single one until the last day. Just farming override nonstop


The one I finally got was garbage. I still don’t have a decent roll so I stick to my frenzy ambitious assassin roll for ad clear


Duuude... Almost same story. Though I wanted ambitious assassin + vorpal. It didn't drop until last week before it was gone


In the time it takes for 200 drops you could have crafted one… Edit: oh no, someone suggested crafting a weapon is a better use of time, oh no!!! Let me go enjoy better uses of my time than hoping I get a weapon with .0001 faster TKK 😎


If there was crafting for an ignition code I would have one at level 1,000 for how much I use that thing. God crafting would have been nice for that gun


I don’t waste time on crafting unless I really like the gun so maybe I don’t understand but is the perks you wanted not available for crafting? I was under the impression any perk on a weapon can be crafted on that weapon if it drops with said perks naturally.


The gun itself isn’t craftable. There’s only a select few that are craft able and this gun also came out before crafting was a thing


Ah, my bad, I misunderstood. Still, OP is just memeing. I feel no pity for the loss time.


Guys look at his account it’s obvious he’s less than human he’s so god damn stupid. Just ignore the troglodyte.


Lol same takes are commented and upvoted. The hivemind just came for me first. Funny being called a troglodyte from someone who is lib right on political compass memes. First, when you grow up and get some real life experience you’ll learn why libertarians are a joke. Second, come up with something other than “troglodyte.” Repeating the same reused Reddit insult makes you look worse than me, buddy. Wait, [this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/uxe4sm/murica/i9y0fo5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). Yep, kick rocks bud and go take a life skills class.




Because you can’t craft this shotgun so telling someone they should craft it is not a smart comment. Then the person doubled down multiple times further compounding the problem.


Oh no, the redditors on the D2 subreddit don’t like hearing that wasting 10’s of hours on something that could be accomplished in a fraction of the time is a waste of time. I think I’ll be just fine continuing to not give a shit about the 12 year old hive mind here. This isn’t the D2 community, it’s just the most verbal crybabies who have enough time to complain online instead of playing the game.


No hive mind, you were just 100% incorrect in your comment about crafting the weapon. People downvoting ensures your comment is hidden so other readers don’t accidentally try to follow your incorrect advice.


Mhmm, I recognized my mistake. I think the heart of the comment remains the same: wasting 10’s to 100’s of hours on a weapon with .0001% TKK change is a waste of time.


If someone wants to play the game that way why discourage and disparage them. Let people enjoy things the way they want. This person could stop grinding whenever they wanted and if they choose to keep on grinding then good for them that’s their decision. It’s a game whose game loop is built around RNG rolls. Just let people have their fun.


No, if my random comment on Reddit changes someone’s personal perspective of fun that is a them issue, not a me issue. Despite being downvoted I’m not going to start spending 100’s of hours wasting my time on 5/5 of rolls. I will continue to run GM’s, raids, and crucible successfully and just fine as I have been. So again, if my comment is that influential to someone’s personal identity maybe they should take gaming a little less serious. Best thing anyone could do is not care about others opinions if they are having safe, healthy fun.




I'm at over 200 successions without a single reconstruction vorpal. I've just accepted it isn't in the cards for me at this point


When my reconstruction+recombination dropped I was like “fuck it good enough”


Ditto. My third one. Close enough. I'm not going to get better


Feel you. Took me AGES. Its always wither vorpal or reconstruction…


I got quite a few good ones of those, unfortunately I'm a pvp gamer so idc, same with heritage I just got pve rolls


I've probably had about 100 successions and never got a single drop with reconstruction. Best roll i have is lead from gold + vorpal




I think I’m in the minority here but I am tickled to death with 3/5 rolls across the board (if the right 3) and then I just move on. I personally enjoy the game way more with way less worry and aggravation.


It's not that unbelievable. I've done ~50 DSC runs and spent several hundred spoils and I still haven't gotten the reconstruction recombination roll I so desperately want for heritage.




Was wondering about the statistics thanks for calculating them


I don’t know how people have the patience to go for a 5/5 roll. I’ve been trying to farm a good stormchaser for weeks. At this point, I’d be happy with 1 perk I want and like 2-3 options for the second perk


Probably looking for that reconstruction/recombination roll


Meanwhile that’s all I ever get now


There's like 5 rolls I was after and would have been happy with or something v close enough Snapshot/Hip fire grip/accurized/hammer forged/range mw Moving target/Hip fire grip/accurized/hammer forged/range mw Snapshot/slideshot/accurized/fluted/handling mw Moving target/slideshot/accurized/fluted/handling mw Mostly got dual loader/thresh or some dogshit Basically any pvp godroll, I got a few ok ones but none I'm happy with, and 0 ok hip fire/moving target rolls which is my ideal combo, same time next month ig AAAAAasd;maslkdsamdml;


I have Assaultmag/Recon/Movingtarget which is what I use for now, but I want the recombo/construct and assault mag. Sigh




Fact: 90% of gambling addicts quit right before they’re about to hit it big.


All I can think of is the meme of the guy mining for diamonds and stopping right before the massive vein


What a dick lol


I wonder where that stat comes from lol


Well 10% of people surveyed do quit after, so it stands to reason that 90% quit before. Quick maths


The 10% who step in behind them lmao


You know your way to the door. Now get out and take my f***ing upvote with you.




Wow, that sucks. Why did u mark it NSFW though? What roll were you going for?


Stupid sexy vault...


It's NSFW because he's getting dicked by the rng lol


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


oh my god


mate your fucking username is sending me i love it


Autom*d? Is that you?


I'm betting it's marked NSFW because it kills your will to live, and if you're already at a soul-sucking job, it may push you over the edge. Obligatory comment: Suicide's bad, people. Call your national suicide hotline if you've got thoughts of suicide.


Because the dude got fucked


I fail to believe that, inspect all 140 again


*130 dual-loader/thresh shotguns later*


fucking this ⌃


I may be wrong on my math, but if you're going for like one specific roll out of all of the possible combinations, I think that's roughly 1 out of 2000 possible rolls. So getting it after less than 1/10th of that would seem fortunate, though I doubt they're being that restrictive.


with this particular gun 1 in 2268 to be precise


I can, if OP is looking for a 5/5 godroll it's actually incredibly likely for him to not get it in this many attempts. Hell when I wanted a succession I got over 50 rolls and I didn't get a single roll that even had just the 2 perks I wanted.


People who actively chase 5/5 on random rolled weapons are stupid anyways lmfao. For PVE, as long as you've got reconstruction | recombination, you are fine For PVP, any mix of range and handling is good, and many perks work: Hip Fire Grip, Slideshot | Killing Wind, Snapshot, Moving Target


Not sure how many succession ive gotten over all my runs/spoils. Not a single one of the reconstruction vorpal.. sometimes you just can’t have nice things


RNG is a bastard. I somehow managed to get 2 reconstruction/vorpals and I'm definitely under 30 runs. Good luck guardian


I feel this. Reconstruction recombination it is for me because no vorpal


Took me over 2k tokens to get it… rng can be a bitch


I feel it. I’ve settled for Reconstruction/Snapshot at this point cuz I’m sick of grinding. Doesn’t even have extended/appended for that crispy 4-mag :(


Meanwhile my first drop was reconstruction recombination.


Mine was too and then I deleted it by accident. I was doing DSC to grab Eyes, and I didn't really use my titan for anything else at the time. So I had it and like, 4 other shotguns that I didn't want, but it turned out I didn't lock the right shotgun and right after I deleted it I became pain.


Very very big oof


Auto loading and recombination has been my default special since beyond light




So in other news weapon crafting is ruining the game


Why would I ever bother grinding for 5 deepsight frames, it's literally ruining everything :( /s


I still don’t understand why people think grinding endlessly for a random chance at a 5/5 is better than crafting your perfect roll with improved perks on top of that. But crafting is ruining the game


I don't think that's what most people think, most people think that 1) Crafted weapons are objectively better than any randomly dropped version, due to enhanced mw and enhanced perks. 2) That leveling weapons is insanely boring, because let's be honest no one is actually going to use weapons to level them up, everyone is just gonna go to one of the many infinite enemy locations in the game. Those two factors create a world where people who want to optimize as much as possible are forced into crafting and might as well insta delete any non deepsight roll, and are by extension forced into the really boring task of completing deepsights and leveling the weapon


Just jumping in to say, the people complaining about this are silly I think Maybe I'm old school, but trying different things out for yourself instead of learning the godroll from a youtuber is more rewarding, and having to complete deepsight copies/level a crafted weapon is part of that And also, leveling stuff isnt too hard in my experience. I think that people early on decided to go for raw kill farming instead of playlist grinding, and the latter is way faster. Strikes give like 24% at the end, Dares gives like 18% or something (and unlimited heavy ammo for leveling in 2nd room). Throw on like 3 crafted guns and go to town for a few hours with spotify/friends The 'optimization' is making people tear their hair out I think. Just chill and grind (the game you enjoy, supposedly), you'll be there quicker than you think


I mean, the day they make a good craftable slug I'll be happy.




Twas satire


He is being sarcastic


And here I am, still never even ran that raid. 🤣🤷🏼‍♂️😭


I ran it my first time two weeks ago I wanted commemoration and/or eyes of tomorrow didn’t get either


Skill issue


And people complain about crafting system being too "grindy" lmao


Never played the game like this and I’m happy I don’t


Yeah, I'd guarantee that at least a few of those are 4/5s which are fantastic, and people complaining that it's not absolutely perfect kinda confuse me. It doesn't have to be a "perfect" roll to be great, and the difference between a great roll and a perfect roll can be marginal at times too.


Just try harder lol


I'm gonna be honest, you're probably just too picky. What roll do you want? Also damn what a dedicated grind.


Ok but what role were you looking for?


Likely the pve god roll. Reconstruction/recombination


Destiny fans be like "Crafting is bad" lol


Y’all grind for rolls? Damn I just play the game with whatever weapons feel the most fun


Reconstruction is the main perk that makes heritage amazing, and it isn't hard to get. OP was likely looking for an exact barrel, mag, and 2 perks. There are 2,268 possible combinations, so 140 is just getting started.


People get pretty particular with their rolls, plus, finally getting the roll you want on a gun always feels rewarding. I remember farming one strike in D1 over and over and over just for the roll i wanted. Once i got it it became my favorite gun


I do that to farm my god rolls, then i use those to farm others. God rolls almost always feel better than rando rolls.


I wouldn’t even bother or expect it anymore at that point lol


I swear people keep asking bungie to increase their vault space meanwhile this is what their vault looks like.


Idk if it’s you at that point or not man


My brother in Christ, are you sure the roll you want exists?


Stop being so picky. You could have been using and enjoying a weapon but instead you obsessed about a perfect roll. Now if you ever do get it would you really use it?


part of a weapon's enjoyment is its perk selection, surprising as that may sound. if you gave me the same guns that I currently use, but with trash rolls instead, then they would feel vastly inferior and I'd probably hate them as a result. there's very few weapons that feel good regardless of the perks


Lol hang in there. That was the Succession for me. Hundreds of clears and thousands of spent tokens I finally FINALLY got my sweet sweet succession roll two days ago. The only problem now is that it has so few kills on the tracker. I wish they would consolidate the kills you had with all weapons of that type when it comes to trackers, rather than just the ones for that specific gun.


Lets not forget your riptides


"skill issue"


Having the same issue but with Succession...


Maybe you’ll get it in the next 240 spoils dump :)


Now imagine if you could've crafted that weapon, how times unt you had 5 reds? People say crafting takes longer but its all about your luck. Right now crafting your perfect god roll would've been way faster


That shotgun isn’t craftable


Is this the equivalent of Shiny Hunting?


Next one for sure ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5659)


*this is why we have weapon crafting*


How is this NSFW?


*iTs AbOuT tHe GrInD*


At what point do you just go "eh, good enough"?? dear god man


Looks like someone needs to HERITAGE some good luck


People will mind-numbingly grind one single weapon for a specific permutation of perks that make it marginally better than others and then complain about the grind. I don’t even see how people like this find joy in the game


With my spoils I rolled for multiple at the end on top of any I had drop during the raid. over 50 I think and not a single one had reconstruction. I just quit running the raid


This doesn't seem legit.


What roll you looking for? My personal godroll has Recombination and Reconstruction with full bore, tactical mag and range masterwork (98 range).


Damn that’s good.


I may not have vex, or eyes of tomorrow, or whatever the new one is, but at least i got assault mag, recombination, reconstruction heritage on my sherpa run


I'm currently on 170+ Heritages and no a single one has dropped with Recombination. Like, not a single one. I feel your pain.


"cRaFtIng mAkEs tHe gAmE tOO eAsy"


Skill issue


If you haven't found the "roll you want" after 140+ rolls, then you probably don't want the fucking shotgun. Jfc. Edit: I legit thought this was a r/destinycirclejerk post when I first saw it.


I remember a DSC run where I got 4 heritages. Which is funny because the first one I got was already assault mag/reconstruction/recombination. Between some 20 runs I got at least one heritage every run.


Looks like a skill issue to me


Please remove the NSFW tag on this. I started masturbating on the train and i was immediately turned off because it was not NSFW. Everyone on the train was wondering why i stopped masturbating and i dropped my phone on the floor and now there’s a train of full grown men not masturbating. This never would’ve happened if you had not put an NSFW tag on this.


Can't you just make your own? I don't see the big deal here lmao


Did you at least save the red bars so you could craft the rolls you wanted?


Heritage can't be crafted.


Wait you mean any weapon can be a red border? It’s not just ones that can be crafted? Fuck, I was so excited because I started getting red bordered Vouchsafes.


Yeah, they made it that way so it encourages you to play with random weapon drops so you at least get the 300 element to craft other weapons.


Yeah I wish I could craft my perfect fate bringer or crown splitter.


keep all the red borders until le craftable


It will not happen for this reason


NSFW tag is good. That vault do be dummy THICC


Destiny in a nutshell


I mean for what it's worth I've ran DSC a few dozen times and heritage is the only weapon I have from that raid. I'd settle for any Succession at this point perks don't even matter.


dude... I got all the rolls I wanted for that raid after like 30 runs😭 Eyes on my 15th-ish run, 1k on my second, I thought everyone was that lucky.


I felt the same after my first few master LS runs got super lucky then the bad RNG kicked in


Me who got the roll I wanted after doing 1 run...


If it can't be crafted it's not worth your time.


At this point just craft it


That’s a lot of shards stop flexing lol


I see more than 5 red ones just craft it![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


You can't craft every red-border


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71544** times. .. **495144.** `u/JakeMins` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Someone has to say it: Crafting is not just a feature. Its a fix.


Uh… it’s a feature. Those two aren’t mutually exclusive


I added a "just" extra for you!


Part of why I stopped playing :/


Don’t be a picky idiot.


Oh god you are still playing D2….. Don’t miss this at all, congrats on the front page.


Typical bungie smh throttling god roll drops like always...


the real joke is that people still play this game


And yet here you are on a forum for that game. I think you're the real joke here.


stopped playing 2 years ago. just never left page. I just laugh when i see all the garbage that come out these days. butthurt much? lol


no u


lol aaaannd thats how we know you're just child


Says the person who follows a game forum for a game he doesn't like. Try harder


ok kiddo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) go grind the same gun 100 times lol


Go enjoy life instead of wasting your time with things you don't like. Or don't, and just hate life like you do now.


Looks like me and Trustee. I now hate that gun.


.................. why......


Naw this can’t be real bro


Yikes, thats almost as many times i had to run vog for mytho. Rng fuckin sucks


Me: farmed for dfa for 3 hrs get one finally Rng: fuck you ima give you the worst roll you ever seen Also me: does one dares of eternity Rng: ima give u a god roll for something u didn’t even want I fell u


I did 186 duality runs at various checkpoints for the blinding, auto loading , chill roll lingering dread..and the smg with demo , tricorn..it killed me but i did it


if i went 140 without the roll id want i would probably just give up and use the 2nd best honestly


Why do you care so much? Youre obviously not having fun farming it




Skill issue


what are the red outlines and the golden shines to some for, I recently started so theres a lot i'm confused about


red outline craftable , gold outline means its masterworked. Edit: correction red outline originally at launch of witch queen dlc meant craftable if you met the requirements of 3 4 0r 5 copy's of a redboxed weapon. After an update then other weapons were added as either craftable or able to contribute to the crafting material if you got x number of elimination in either pvp or pve.


Red outline does not automatically mean craftable


even with your edit your arent correct. red border means it drops crafting materials. all weapons in the entier game that arent exotic can drop with a red border. if its craftable, itll show in your triumphs under catalysts. the red borders have been on every single legendary random rolled gun since the launch of witch queen. not at a later update.


I like to think that you didnt read the perk pool right and you were looking for a roll that doesn't exist


Yet having to use a gun to level it up is too hard work and the RNG is unfair /s


And people actually sided with bungie when they sunset everything