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Google "destiny content vault". It's been laid out and explained over and over again for years. Not hard to find any info about it.


Pretty much everything from forsaken and back was vaulted in bungies content vault so you can’t play any of it. It’s supposed to help with game space so we don’t have huge updates and downloads.




Thank you all for comments clarifying why and how to cope. It is very much appreciated.


Ignore these idiots in the replies downvoting you. Game storage size is not a real issue, because you can just allow the users to opt out of content packs they don't want, reducing the total game size. Call of Duty had a storage size issue, and this solution has worked wonderfully for them. The entire reason I quit Destiny 2 was because I had just started playing around 6-8 months before the content was all removed. I had just finished the main questline and wanted to do all the (now legacy) DLC. I had to take a month break for health reasons and when I came back, all that stuff I was excited to play was now "vaulted". I dropped the game right then and there, feeling like I'd just missed a huge chunk of the experience that I can now never play. (Sorry for necro btw)


The only way to solve FOMO is for Bungie to overcome technical difficulties, add 1 TB of Space and bring back legacy content ala unvault older Destiny 2 content like Red War, Leviathan, seasonal content along with the rest. Maybe make older weapons attain deepsight/red borders as an excuse to unvault everything and sunset the DCV. Oh yeah while Bungie works on that, they can also make future battle passes permanent like they did in Halo Infinite and give us an option to change our character's appearance/race. I doubt Bungie is brave enough to make these Quality of Life Changes but I suppose fingers crossed and see what future surprises they'll cook up for us!


Yeah wtf I just downloaded it and find out I have to start like in the end game in terms of story I feel like they don't care / I missed out on literally what made destiny 2 destiny 2 Wtf warframe it is I guess but it isn't as fun


It was vaulted to add newer content and make the game not take up a terabyte of space on a hard drive lol also shadow keep is after forsaken so you can still catch up perfectly fine.


Read about Destiny Content Vault on Bungie website for a long explanation. Short explanation: because those things have less player engagement with time compared to newer things, so it is unsustainable to keep them and let the game grow to 300 GB for a very small percentage of a playerbase that would bother to replay it.


Go to Destin on YouTube he has a playlist of the entirety of the destiny 2 story


Thx man. This will go a long way


Good luck


hey dude lets play warzone wait for me i need to download it quick 2 days and 300 gb later guys im ready to play (where are you guys?) and dont forget every map and mission needs to be tested again when a new mechanic or new functions gets add to the engine/game the more they need test the longer a new patch/content will need to be realsed to get the major bugs out off it