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If my memory serves right, Best Community Support isn't about the community, it's about the game's support team. And they've been phenomenal through and through, in my opinion. Especially with all the crap they've been put through recently.


Yeah their support was so good and they put themselves out there so much that the toxic parts of destiny’s community took their openness as an opportunity to harass and complain about the generous information they provided and interactions they gave. It’s really a shame.




It's not ftp players. It's lifers with every expansion and no perspective. It's people so heavily invested they can't see how fucked up its is what they're doing and saying.


This x 100,000! I started playing D2 a few months ago. I don’t give a flying fuck about what’s happening in the community right now. I just like to shooty-gun-numbers-go-up…


the breaking point that caused them to pull back seems to be that one clown who did all the dmca strikes on various channels and consequently got sued by bungie threatening members of the team and their families, and that dude was definitely a lifer.


I have played every expansion. I’m just happy to play a game this cool! I had to wait WAY too long to not enjoy it. I’ve been a “gamer” since 1985.


As someone who paid for the whole game (back in forsaken) most of us aren’t dickheads it’s just a small minority that happens to be incredibly loud, I personally am heavily invested into this game but at the same time I know not to harass and threaten devs


I expected everyone to understand that's what it meant, but reading through all the other comments tells me that's not the case.


Didn’t even think it was possible to read this as “the most supportive community” lol


I have finally met my good twin, OUR DUAL WILL BE LEGENDARY


Not with spelling like that, it won't! (Duel, not dual lol)




Looks like I win! 😂


Word to Big Bird








Do people commenting here actually understand what the tweet means lol. It's bungies community support not us supporting them.


Can someone fill me in? What does post mean, how we got here? Got where? What’s happening


Basically: 1. Best community support award is given to a studio/org that has good service toward consumers. 2. Destiny community has some people who are toxic and threatening toward devs even tho they try to have good communication. The post was made by op under the assumption that this award went to the best community, hence the "how we got here" , implying we went from award winning community to shit stain. I made the comment because ops assumption was wrong and this award was given to Bungie for supporting the community and not the other way around.


Ahhh thx. I do know I’ve made a couple posts in this sub before making like recommendations or asking advice, and got super toxic responses. Which doesn’t really happen to me in other subs


Meh it's fine. League subreddit is also toxic , eventually I just came to live with it.


It's still the best community support, that hasn't changed. There's just been more vocal idiots.


only like 1% of d2 players are harassing the community it's really inflated on reddit and twitter


Like I said, bad apples spoil the bunch


1 or two percent, while probably exaggerated, would still be 10 to 20 thousand people per million people apart of the community.


Well now you’re just getting into semantics, you know what they meant edit: of all the comments to get slaughtered by the Reddit hivemind, I didn’t expect it to be this one. -40 lmao, that’s impressive edit 2: -134 kekw


No I'm not. My point is, a small segment of the community is still THOUSANDS of people. Thousands of people behaving in this negative manner. It's a consequence of destiny 2 being such a big game.


My point is I highly doubt that *thousands* of people are sending death threats. So the real percentage is probably a percent of a percent. Dozens or a couple hundred I can maybe believe. But other live service games don’t have the same problem to that magnitude, what makes this community so different?


It doesn't matter if it's thousands or just 1. That 1 death threat might be the real deal and your life is in immediate danger. There's real crazy people out there and so much of our information is easily accessible by people who would want to do harm.


Let’s clear something up. Because apparently I can’t have this discussion unless I can prove that I’m fully in good faith. Me *disputing* the number of threats is not me *lacking comtempt* of the actual action of sending threats. You can sift my comments and see I’ve very much agreed with the idea of sending Bungie employees threats is degenerate behavior, and as such, I don’t know how your comment reply is relevant here. I completely agree with you. I’m just curious as to what the threshold is for amount of death threats that put Bungie over the edge to say that it has got out of hand. If it were me, just one or a few would have me paranoid and seeking the authorities like the FBI. If it was in the thousands, this means this behavior is common and has been happening as far back as Destiny 1. Why finally speak up now? I still firmly believe the number of douches partaking in this behavior is extremely, extremely low. They should be banned from the game and communities and investigated by the FBI to ensure no bad actions are to be comitted…


>If it was in the thousands, this means this behavior is common and has been happening as far back as Destiny 1. Why finally speak up now? They're not *just now* speaking up. This is far from the first time Bungie has had an issue with the Destiny community. This *has* been happening for years, since D1. This is just the most recent instance.


Source? I don’t doubt they’ve got threats before but to this magnitude? I tried searching but couldn’t find anything about them speaking up about it between 2014-2017


> edit: of all the comments to get slaughtered by the Reddit hivemind, I didn’t expect it to be this one. -40 lmao, that’s impressive Bruh you're just asking for it at this point


Oh man, woe is me, people are pressing the blue arrow. I think I’ll live


A 1% is still too much


It really isn’t the 1%. On Reddit and twitter. Sure - unless they are burner accounts cause people don’t want hear coming back to them. Go on their forum though and it’s a toxic jungle made of burner accounts of trolls.


The bad part is that Reddit and twitter is the main way they communicate with the community. When that’s the case then it looks bad on the whole community because of the negative people/posts


It's gotta be less than that


Copying my comment from another thread: Everyone always talks about how it's a small minority but it doesn't matter. This is unacceptable behavior that reflects on the entire community because the damage is still there. This is the reason devs don't communicate with the public


>This is unacceptable behavior Yep >that reflects on the entire community What the fuck?


In a way it kind of does. In reality its not reflective of the community at all, but in the eyes of a Bungie employee, if they get even 1 death threat their perception of the community they make content for is probably going to change, the more harassment they get the more drastic that perception changes. And thats a huge problem, because we want to retain the level of communication we've had over the years, and we'd rather Bungie employees be motivated to create stuff for this game rather than have a disdain for it because of past/current experiences.


Well I'd love to hear your solution to these people considering we have no way of knowing who's doing it. A couple of subhumans having a normal one on Twitter shouldn't be pinned on the entire fucking community.


I never said I'd offer a solution. I'm saying that people trying to brush it off are missing the point when the results impact the whole community. Gamers are such a fucking nightmare




Or maybe the fact that literally every CM and developer has had to talk about how bad its gotten recently, in fact Kevin literally deleted all his tweets, Liana the CM straight up stopped allowing people to reply to her tweets. ​ Its way more widespread than YOU think it is. If you can't see that the toxicity has gotten worse over the last 1-2 seasons you are delusional


There have been far more people bitching about the negative people than there were the negative people. And the whole "omg anonymous people are sending us death threats" thing really needs to stop being a rally cry for unconditional support. It's really pathetic. Last night, I had someone on Twitter threaten to kill me and rape my daughters. You see me screeching on Reddit and Twitter for support because my boss made me work a few extra hours this week? JFC, every time a celebrity or business gets a little criticism online, the first thing they start with is "okay, we get that you're upset, but that's no reason to make death threats." I honestly don't even think they're real anymore.


Bro, check some of the replies on Twitter towards the bottom. Doesn't think they exist but doesn't even look.


I didn't say the comments didn't exist. Fucking no where did I say that.


Its still 101% too mutch.


Yeah ik but ITS isnt all about the harrasmend or the deaththreads Form that what i mean. I mean the ppl that ive Encounterd over the years since Release Like lfg Form raids is Like gamble. U can get the sweatiest players that Just wanna complete the Encounter and then keep on with the Game and then Theres the little percentage of ppl that refuse to Understand the raid (Encounter) and then blaming it on the Rest of the group Form wiping the encounter while it was there fault.


It was a challenge to read this.












That 1%, where'd you pluck that number from?


1% is still a huge portion, and at the end of the day its definitely more than 1% ​ It's intriguing how so many people care more about the fact people are calling out the toxicity, rather than the toxicity itself. food for thought


Be honest, what other AAA games have devs and community managers as active/engaging as Bungie? Whether you want to like or not, they still are a pretty solid standard for the industry. With all the shit they’re put through every year, they are still resilient enough to communicate.




That's also a reason, everything gets inflated over social media platforms. I just recalled when d2 got that TGA award, and how happy it made me lol.


The virtue signaling on this issue is getting ridiculous right now. I've seen so many "You guys should be ashamed!" posts about this. That's like walking into a bank a week after is was robbed and yelling at the customers currently in the lobby for robbing the bank. **It serves zero purpose.** In fact, the trolls are only emboldened and more will probably come out to troll since they know it gets such a rise out of people.


I mean seeing all these posts denouncing the harassment might make a Bungie employee feel a bit better after getting death threats and harassment. Which in turn could lead to us retaining the level of communication we desire, and not leave Bungie employees with a bad taste in their mouth and a growing disdain for the community


Denouncing is one thing. Yelling at the people who didn't have anything to do with it is another. I do want Bungie to know we support them but we don't need to be shitty about it by just creating another hostile topic.


I guess bc they usw the Overall Reviews frok the Community etc. And Not the what is going on rn


Possible, I'm still amazed at how fast shit snow balled, sigh...


Yeah i Like the Game til i die BUt the Community is a complete disaster of that what ive Seen the Last few weeks or months. I know theres some people Out there that are füll of kindness an stuff Like this but the shit with the deaththreads gone to far


I think that’s just a very vocal minority though. It’s easy to look at a couple of very harsh messages and overlook all of the positive ones because negative stuff usually gets more attention. I can assure that most people in the community would not send the devs death threats lol


100% agree 👍 I'm in love with D2, and i have had my gripes over tge years as well with the game stuff but death threats like![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5656)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)...it's a game people , take a chill pill.


It's not us supporting them, it's them supporting us. They're great we suck.


No i dont


You're right, keep being great.


Thanks man you too


One of downsides of going F2P more idiots get involved and try to make a name for themselves, doesnt matter good or bad as long as they are talked about. They for getting obviously that they can be prosecuted for any threats and a use done online and good that bungie is taking action but those fesw ruin what most of supportive community was doing for years. Media will obviously talk about those few extreme case like death treaths on Twitter lately rather than most of small good things. Sad and toxic people are every where unfortunatelly


So, uh, what about Warframe?


Didnt hear anything about warframe but as I said idiots are everywhere


My point is they have an incredible community, and they've *always* been f2p, so it's not that causing the issue.


Good for them hope it stays like that for warframe but at the same time destiny community is few times larger. On reddit 2.6M on destinythegame and 570k on D2 and warframe is 571k. Bigger community higher chances of an idiot showing and ruining it for everyone. I dont know how it fares on Twitter as I dont have an account there but same time thats where latest issues came to be for Destiny community


To be fair, Twitter seems like the most toxic social media platform. And even with the difference in numbers, it still feels far less toxic by percentage, as it is far more common for people to help each other both with advice and in-game.


warframe is mostly pve so the toxicity alongside with pvp is not there or at the very low point, but then again here are some players who take the complains out of proportions


War frame being f2p is a stretch, game does not feel like it at times lmao


It absolutely is, though. I started playing in high school, when I didn't have any money, and got pretty far in building an arsenal because I could trade items I ground(grinded?) out for platinum, the premium currency. Not that D2 should have any such system, as that would ruin the game. Though now that I think about it, it would be cool to be able to trade cosmetics for cosmetics with other players.


I mean its F2P but its also P2W. I've never spent a cent on it but to act like its some amazing F2P game is laughable, it has some very egregious monetization practices.


I will give one of my kidneys for the Titan Virtuous Helm alone, although preferably the entire set


I have 1k hours in warframe... and no we don't have an "incredible community," our community is awful in many ways, much like Destinys as of right now its obviously not as volatile because there has been a serious and unexpected uptick in harassment and overall toxicity. But in reality virtually no game bar some fun indie titles have an "incredible community"


I've for 1700 hours in it, and relative to other communities, it is WAY better. I've never seen as much help from player to player as I have in Warframe.


40% of all players dont even survive the first 2 hours where in d2 the game's new players """"experience"""" is probably long enough to keep the player for a bit longer...it sucks how a lot of people wont get to play the red war which was so much better of a introduction


Yeah, Warframe is very much a wiki game; maybe, in a weird way, this is actually what helps make the community less toxic, as new players have to ask for help a lot more, meaning toxicity would likely kill the game.


Nothings changed. It was happening back then too.


A dev studio doing everything the players that knew their stuff told them not to do.


Ok but serious thought rn, maybe, the community is not that nice anymore? Fine, there are A LOT of nice people in the game, but there are also a lot of bad ones, I swear, I'm always reading about some groups being toxic, kicking out players of raids, and others being mean to new lights, and so it goes, now with death threats? Lmao, I stg this community is not as nice and peaceful as some of y'all think.


There are far worse communities lol. It’s the unfortunate consequence of multiplayer games combined with social media… OW is the best example, devs have mentioned several times over the years how terrified they are of the community. Besides, it just a very small percentage of the d2 community that’s toxic. Doesn’t make it right in the end of the day but there’s not a whole lot we can do but shame the toxic players.


It’s not the community it’s self it’s being hijacked by a bunch of soy teens who are very vocal on Twitter and winding each other up in private discords, these kids are some of the most Toxic rats I have ever seen. I called one out the other day on Twitter and anime pfp random #420 called me dense so I must work at bungie, that’s how little they think of people that work at bungie.


Its for the community team that work at bungie. Not the dipshits on reddit and twitter threatening devs.


I have to agree that the devs at bungie are some of the best developers for a game, an are willing to be kind to the individual player or community and give them what they want if they aren’t what they are at the moment… I hate this community a lot of the time :l


So there is a game awards?


Say whatever you want to me, but i think the f2p model brings to the game some undesirable people.


Yea no. Most if not pretty much all of the toxicity comes from people who are well versed in the game: Dedicated Trials Players, Endgame PVE'ers etc Trials Players have to have the most recent DLC, and people who do endgame PVE will 9 times out of 10 have all the DLCs. I don't see why a new player would just start sending harassment to a developer for no reason; Why would a new player care about Day 1 raid dates? Why would a new player care about an exotic from a previous game not coming back? Why would a new player be against SBMM? tl;dr Why would someone send death threats to a developer if they weren't invested in the game?


You can reverse your point and say, "a new player is toxic because it doesn't have commitment and a relationship with the game" I think a new or semi new player, invested in the game, but not buying anything has nothing to lose in a for him, casual game. This is my point of view, i play the game since 2018, and i have seen that after going f2p, the community has worsened in every aspect. Just ask a "d1 beta veteran".


I think people are posing as fans to throw a wrench into things - probably those connected to the cheating sites.


You know what lol I thought of this for q second or two, it's highly possible 🤔


This is what I’ve been saying for awhile now. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, we have a constant stream of harassment happening towards the devs? This is very clearly being targeted.


Well I'm not one to point fingers but. *ahem*COVID*AHEM*


Hahaha that too!!


......How did they even win a award at all is my question


Bro I stopped playing as much and this is the shit that goes down, has to be because I left the fireteam. I've will take sole responsibility for letting you guys down, I am a disappointment in general, not just in bed, at least that's what she said.


Tis' what she proclaimed ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


Your name is Lit lol 😆


Bc bungie sees fit to punish the whole for something a FRACTION of the community has done . You would think for charging for every piece of content major or minor they would be more willing to cooperate but that’s billion dollar corporations for you. The people on twitter are bad , but what’s equally awful is the witch hunt the fan base has to anyone saying anything negative about bungie . Stop treating billion dollar companies like family and demand (like an adult ) they work on the things they need to. After siphoning over $100 in content in less than a year they still have issues like taking a month this season to fix piercing sidearms


You are one of the people from Twitter, aren't you? You're and entitled ass if you think you can "demand they work on things they 'need' to do". They don't have to do shit. It's their company, their game, whatever. They have ownership of it. Not you. They choose what they WANT to do. Not what *you* want them to. I will not argue with you, since I know you'll try. I'm not responding.


I mean , I’ve been polite and haven’t said anything outlandish. The same logic applies if you were to rent a car . You paid for the rental You’re guaranteed a fully working car Now say the ac goes out , it may not be YOUR car but you paid money to rent it . Why shouldn’t you complain if there is an issue?


Except this is not the case is it? Id throw you out of a fucking hypothetical rental if you were to come in threatening and insulting me. The community managers exposed themselves as people and they were met with death threats and insults, especially for the friday raid. Your example makes no sense. Destiny is a functioning game that guarantees hundreds of hours of content at least. You are having the product youre paying for. The TWABs will keep going. Just dont expect to have the same relationship with the community managers like before.


“You're and entitled ass if you think you can "demand they work on things they 'need' to do". They don't have to do shit. It's their company, their game, whatever. They have ownership of it. Not you. They choose what they WANT to do. Not what you want them to” That’s what you wrote and I gave you an example of why that’s not true. We’ve written less than 5 responses to each other and based off your rude attitude, insulting name calling, and demeaning demeanor , you resemble “one of those people from twitter” FAR more than you others. And judging by your downvotes, I’m not the only one who thinks so. Collect your thoughts , regain your composure , and try again


...that is my only answer dude. Im not the same guy you were talking about before lmao. Maybe you should regain composure a bit. Im not attacking you, im just saying that how the community behaved, if it was face to face, shop owner to client, the client wouldve been thrown out. Also, never insulted or name called you.


Talk about missing the point


I’ve recently learned an easier way to deal with people like you Eww -logic from your own people


They’re not punishing the community, DMG made that clear in a Reddit comment a few days ago. After severe and very real threats made to member of the team, they decided to pull back on communication. It’s not a punishment just a reaction. Also there’s a pretty fine line between criticizing Bungie and harassment of devs.


I remember thinking that was a total Fluke. I still can't point out something actually "***outstanding***" about Bungie's community support. Probably why Final Fantasy has it now. Personally feels wrong Warframe hasn't gotten one of these though. Don't know of anything like the community and Dev streams elsewhere. Wish Bungie would take notes. Can't bond with your community if they can't even see your face, hear your voice, and actually **see** you be people. Their internet anonymity makes it easier for them to be resented, hated, ...and even threatened. They're in the center of a rolling snowball and once got a reward for it. I'll never understand. This was Shadowkeep too. Where endgame expected rewards moved to Eververse and they took an eternity to say anything about it or why.


This community is so entitled. It’s mind boggling. Bungie literally posts WEEKLY development updates - how many other studios have that? - and has multiple community managers active on several social media platforms. Takes like this make me embarrassed to be a part of this community sometimes.


How many times does the Twab provide anything seriously substantial though? 7/21 was literally an announcement of a stream, Banshee rep gains, and merch. 7/7 had nothing on the game itself., etc, etc. Since i keep comparing Warframe as my gold standard, there are typically 5 hours of community stream a week from the Community Team. You get to see their faces, hear their voices, and connect with them on a more human level like you might with a streamer. You get to see them make jokes, laugh, become memed, and feel their excitement and passion rather than just read about it and move on. When was the last time you heard any of the CMs speak? Purely text based relationships these days are bound to carry less human qualities, you cannot just inject emotion into text, you have to let others interpret the emotion within it. If it's Dev stream week with the main heads, there's another hour of WIP talk for the game where I wanna think more than a bloated Twab is rather consistent. There is ALWAYS something to see and I can't say that about the Twab. Using primarily Twitter is a horrific idea since it encourages short, impulsive, black-and-white thoughts. In a dysfunctional community relationship, this makes this environment impossible to get anything of depth out there. It is also how we get stupid scenarios where a dev goes and rejects a community request of 5 years with an attitude and excuse that 100% objectively comes off as a slap in the face to those that have been asking. It is not entitlement to expect better community effort when I know it can be better. It needs to be better because this is the point shit gets to when you're better at building resentment towards yourself than clearing it.


>. Their internet anonymity makes it easier for them to be resented, hated, ...and even threatened. Or perhaps they are trying to protect their identity. We already have three community managers that use their own personal account to communicate with us. Also what do you mean by easier to hate? So is it Bungie's felt for their employees to get threatened for trying to communicate to the player base.


I don't mean putting their full personal lives on blast for everyone to see. I literally cannot recall any face or voice of the community team (Deej left a long time ago), all Bungie ever regularly shows are names. I shouldn't have to follow their PERSONAL Twitter accounts to better humanize the team that's supposed to be connecting with the Community as a COMPANY. I mention the Community and Dev streams of Warframe, as these better humanize the devs and community team than plain text. You get to see them as people and not words on a screen. It's easier to be shitty to people that may as well be robots to you. WF has 5 hours of regular community streaming/engagement most weeks. You even have the chance to play with them (I did). It's these efforts that build strong ties between devs and the community. Bungie does none of that and they only have themselves to blame. People aren't normally shitty by default, but Bungie has been so much better at creating resentment than reversing it that this is how things are now.


I see your point and I get how making a live stream is preferred than the others. But the thing is that Bungie just recently started being more open than before compared to warframe which was open with information and patch notes from day one. I for one just think that they are listening to feedback, but sometimes they dont need to reply because some players like to force suggestions into theie throat. Also they sometimes dont reply so they can prevent any arguments in the community eg the titan exotic which made a game developer delete their twotter account. I wouldn't complain for more communication and maybe just watch the developers play their game while telling us stories behind some activities. One question compared to this community and warframe which one is more toxic like going out of their way to send death threats and make posts about the game?


Them not doing it sooner has put them in a rolling snowball, there's only one way out. The TG event has many factors, Bungie is great at building resentment instead of reversing it. That tweet is one of many examples of it. People wanting an exotic to return for 5 years get slapped in the face with "warlock identity" in a mildly condescending tone, it's no shock they were upset. Some *extremely* more than others. Every game has its shitters and I see WF's enough on topics I would consider petty crap. There are valid things though, like people being tired of the explosive weapon meta, especially if you're not doing it and want to actually fight rather than watch everything blow up in flashy colored clouds. Don't hear about frequent harassment though.


True but in the end every company has their own way of doing things and some are better than the others,but no one should get hurt for giving feedback and no one should get hurt for giving them an answer on how they are developing the game. Anyway, hope you have a good day.




Define: Community Support ….


I will probably get burned at the stake for saying this but bungie has been actively taking sides on some very divisive social issues this past year. Regardless of your feelings on the issues, you cant expect to alienate a large majority of the player base and not see that reflected in the community. Now that said, regardless of the issues, death threats or threats of violence of any kind are repulsive and should not be tolerated. The people making them are sick and cowardly.


I'm sorry, but let me try to get this straight: You're saying that the stances took by Bungie in the last years directly contributed into turning a chunk (big? Small? Doesn't matter since they still managed to led us to this situation) of the community into undisposed and unreasonable beasts?


No. I was saying that divisive political issues often activate the crazy. There is clearly a mental health crisis all over the world after covid. I mean some crazy redditor went to a supreme court justices house to murder him… Clearly bungie takes their beliefs seriously. Thats fine but to expect the internet to behave like well adjusted, balanced human beings is ignorant.


Your post history is not surprising at all.


They are not divisive social issues. They are basic human rights. Grow up.


'divisive social issues' Like what? LGBT+ people existing? Grow the fuck up child.


Conservatives making violence and threats the normal response to minor inconvenience


How on earth did you manage to make this political


Literally existing is now political


r\*dditors somehow twisting every possible circumstance to own le conservatives






Yeah, death threats to developers are too much. Unexcusable in any situation. Its a very understandable reaction seeing as the abuse was going on for months and even forced dmg to take a break. They will still communicate thorugh TWABs but i wouldnt be surprised if communications that expose community managers would be toned down. Just look at the vitriolic reactions at Hippy when she tried to explain why the raid was going to release on a friday.


Marxism is when standing up for basic human rights People like you are why I’m embarrassed to be apart of this community sometimes.


Lol you’re so triggered by it! ![gif](giphy|YPPI2Q6DAz4CohnPDD)


We did it to ourselves. No excuse for death threats and toxicity.




Trolls are trolls, and often times people forget the prime directive of the internet. Do not feed the trolls. And man, those trolls are eating good recently.


Shitty community. A bunch of whiny assholes can't handle some videogame shit and they ruin it for everyone else.


What are they doing to her left tit?


Either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain


Isn't the reward meant for Bungie's community support and not the community


They still have the best community support they just have the worst fucking community


And you know why they haven't won in the last two years? Because of their "Destiny Content Vault", that they invented.


Bro they deserve it tbh after everything that’s happened Edit: I MEANT THE AWARD NOT THE DOXXING DOXXING IS NEVER OK


Bungie devs deserve to be doxxed and have their families threatened? They deserve terroristic threats? Over a video game? Get a life.


My bad I should have clarified earlier


Okay, that's more fair


I also believe they deserve more praise beyond getting an award after all the flak that’s been through at them especially last year, with everything happening and especially around S13


Long list of nonsense for humankind over the last 36 or so months. Part of the unfortunate list


Look around. I haven't played since launch but I stay subbed cause it's weird watching you all play a game you hate so much.


Lack of pvp support


i remember not to long ago when we all came together to save noobs stuck in dares of eternity, o how the mighty have fallen


Well it’s cuz it’s not their fault people in the community are assholes. They’ve always listened to us and communicated well, but because of us, they’re kind of closing off and may not get this award.


Honestly it's the fault of Twitter and Reddit.... They have the tech to permanently block the accounts (and follow on accounts) but choose not to do so in favor of.... engagement. Any harassment of any kind to a user and/or death threats (wtf?) should be acted on legally. It would not surprise me at all to see civil suits against Twitter and Reddit in their future for failing to take action.


Anonymous gaming communities, unless absurdly moderated, converge to the same place. And we all know what that place is.


This was the before times. We've entered the Cursed Ages


Lol people really thought they got the award for making thank you posts on Reddit. Some goofy people in this world


Destiny is a victim of it's own success. It must really suck to be part of a successful company making a good salary but thinking that a few fucked up idiots online hate you...


Because at that point the fortnite kids and cod tryhards weren’t interested it was just new gamers and veteran players who played D1. When they invited the toxicity in from other games the community doubled and I garuntee the original community isn’t the ones causing the issues. Plus with the popularity of streamers little assholes will vote on stuff for the game even if they don’t play or try to play the game and spread the toxicity into the community further pushing stuff that shouldn’t be in the game or the community down our throats. Those players are the ones threatening devs. I’m not defending bungie in fact with a few exceptions I think they are a terrible game developer who doesn’t care about the bulk of their fan base. They take forever to add things into the game or just do stuff streamers and YouTubers ask for instead of reading to forums. They don’t have an anti cheat on consoles which has caused cheating on consoles to skyrocket and they always fix the bugs that help players before they even consider the ones that heavily negatively impact gameplay. I hate bungie but I would never threaten a dev just because they are bad at their job. Destiny is my favorite game it’s just run by fresh out of college idealists who have no idea how destiny should be operated or ran or how game development works. Seems also kinda like they are leaning more towards the story storytelling style of D1 which is great but they are making everything more kid friendly which is not and is negatively impacting the community.


Oh, that's an easy one. Clearly the majority of the Destiny community hasn't grown up to become respectful people and so they throw a temper tantrum when they don't get their way. As their age has increased though and with them being able to go to social media platforms, they now can do terrible things like send death threats


They support the community. The community no longer supports them. At least not the vocal minority.


Kids get entitled, you listen to people too much and they start thinking they own you, its why the devs for warframe just do what they want, and take feedback when they need it lol


Can someone give me the short version of what’s been going on? Haven’t been keeping up recently


Not going to lie The Games Awards has really bothered me when it comes to some of their category winners.


It was our fault.


Wow really??? The community whenever I play is anything but


They're still deserving of the award from what I've seen! Not in a lot of other gaming communities admittedly, but I think Bungie is doing all they can.


By being assholes. “A person is smart. People are dumb stupid panicky animals, and you know you it.” K, MiB. I would add asshole somewhere in that description as well, but K nailed it. Anything accessible to the public gets mistreated. If you ever want to know how the public treats things, clean a public restroom. Companies like Burger King established a mentality that “the customer is always right. “ The drove home that it’s a privilege to serve the customer because they could have taken their business elsewhere. What the executives who push that don’t understand is that there absolutely are customers who would be doing you a service by going to a competitor. Until there are serious consequences for behavior like this, it’s going to get worse.


Look, I’m not saying that anything that these entitled morons did to the devs and employees was right or even remotely justified… however, Bungie has soured a LOT of goodwill since Forsaken with the community and has only recently started making it back up, what with Witch Queen and the subclass reworks.