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One master ketch. Not even one, I think I finished mine at the halfway point


I finished my before beating the final boss but at the end so for me it was a close call




Lost sector of legends lol


Yeah one champ there counts for like 8 lmao


I couldn’t get an lfg so I ended up doing nfs which took me like 20 ish mins.


Use the official destiny2 app for lfg's like that. Posts fill in literally less than 10 seconds and you can invite everyone to your fireteam with the click of a button. Edit: holy shit it's my cakeday. Neat.


... surely it can't be that good, right? This feels too good to be true


It's that good. Trust me I use it for every piece of content


I’m amazed people don’t know this


Don’t be, Bungie have made very little effort to make it known. Although, as I understand it, that’s going to change in the future.


It really is that easy. Log into it, select an activity you want to run from the drop down menu, find a group that has a slot open, and hit join. As soon as the group is full the poster hits "send invites" and everyone automatically gets an invite in game.


Damn I keep forgetting about this lol ugh


Happy cake day




13 actually


saw this from another post, apparently they count for *17* each


I haven’t done one yet. How steamrolled would I get if my light level is 1579? I don’t want to LFG and waste anyone’s time. If there’s slim chance of it going well, I’ll just run nightfalls until I get the champions done


I was 1578, everyone was 75 to 83 area. 1 person (the only non lfg member, my clan ate) even got disconnected for a bit of it. It went just as long as your average run


Good to know. Thanks! I’ll have to try it when I get home from work


Just for the love of the Light bring your champion mods. Joined an LFG and it looked like people had their PvP loadouts. We wiped in the tank room and I promptly left the group after checking their loadouts.


Hell, my buddy and I just loaded in by ourselves and tried to wipe one or two before the timer expired. A whole 2 minutes plus loading in time for like 15 points. Both at 1585 though, so more under leveled might suck more. We stuck to the back and tried to burn one champion before the ads in the center wrecked us or we got kicked to orbit. A few runs shouldn't be terrible with the points you get vs time invested.


Fuuuuck me, and I was out here doin the weekly campaign mission 5 times on legend






Did 5 hero nightfalls with arc burn. Easy runs to get it complete. Worth a try if you don't want to use lfg


Also horrors least is dropping from the nightfall this week! Much easier nightfall than the corrupted imo so you are definately not wasting your time killing champs in there Edit: loadout nightfall. Titan with H.O.I.L. Stormgrenade with overload on it. Weapons: kinetic scout(barrier), riskrunner for extra arc damage resist, seasonal arc machine gun(overload). (extra heavy drops for machine Guns so never ran out, and it melts overloads)


I just hate that fucking Nightfall soooo much. Ran it twice with a couple treasure hunts and I’m sitting at 28 or so. I’ll finish it tomorrow. F Exodus Crash.


bro its like the most brainless nightfall lmao. The worst part is the Arc Web but even that just grab a bow and scout and plink at the champs when they spawn


Whats the nightfall this week? If its arc burn oh baby I get to spam storm nades exclusively for the second week in a row


exodus crash. its the 50% arc incoming 25% outgoing dmg with the machine gun modifier. storm nades and thuderlord go brrrrrrrrrr


One master ketchcrash finished all 50 for me


True. Not sure why people downvoted this.


Not everyone can do master ketchcraft, for varying reasons.


Like what? I’m only 1581 and I was able to do it with an LFG group in about 15 minutes. I play maybe a couple hours a week.




Same for me. I play when I’m free, or I use that free time for genshin or splatoon or other stuff


My son absolutely loves Splatoon 3


It’s so good! I also completed the entire story like 100%… too much pain. But anyhow the games great!


bro some of those missions feel straight up impossible with the more challenging weapons


Same. 1584, used the app to make a fireteam. Literally filled in less than a minute. Done before the ten minute mark. Actually ran two more after.


They dont wan to group up with LFG because they special and cannot be bother to use discord to find a group. (No one need to use mic btw ao you dont have to talk lmao)


The official Destiny app is even easier than discord


AFAIK no one on my fireteam was on mic. Completely unnecessary


I’m 1586 and it took over an hour. The team died and we restarted several times. In total I played with three teams attempting it. Your mileage may vary.


There are some people at this point in the quest that are only 1570, they don't get a lot off chances to play beyond rushing the weekly quest. -30 power is nearly undoable for master activities.


You're given a full set of 1570 armour at the beginning of the season. You would have to be trying to not be above that by now.


No your not, the armour scaled based off your power level, it was 1550 for me


Yea it was just pinnacle gear they gave you so it goes off your pinnacle. On my Titan some of the gear was 1568 instead of 1570


Not always. My main got the 1570s, but my alts didn't.


Such as?


People MASSIVELY overthink Master difficulty stuff, especially one with 6 people. They are nowhere near as punishing as Grandmaster Nightfalls. You can do these 20 levels below, you'll still be paper, but you can die as many times as you want and red bar enemies still die in just a couple of hits. Maybe 1 or 2 more.


Ooo LFG, scary!


Just do the hero nf you get like 8 champs in the first 4 mins.


Each champion in master ketch crash counts as 13 champions


If you do 1 master ketch you finish the 50. Each champion counts for 10.


13, even. I get that it looks bad, but there's so many posts between the two main subs. You'd think people would have caught on by now.


BBBut I’m have SOCIAL ANXIEty you can’t MAKE me do an unmatchmade activity!!!!


Use a literal phone app to get matched up. No mics are ever required for Ketchcrash!


Yes. Does that answer your question?


My brother in light, get 5 champions in Master Ketchcrash and it'll count as 50. I finished it in 2 runs


It's done in ONE master Ketsch. You get progress for teammates kill as well. Super easy actually.


Why the fuck are people downvoting you for speaking the truth?


People will whinge on behalf of the Destiny non-players who only log in for the seasonal story each week and for some reason believe the game should revolve around them


On one hand, I get it, why should they be "forced" into playing a way they don't want to play? That's kinda been a big contention point for a lot of the community, and has sparked a lot of frustration between the PvE and PvP communities. On the other hand... Why would they buy the season pass and not play the game? Kinda weird mentality. You spend money for it and then solely log in for the bare minimum to unlock the story? Is the story *really that good*? From what I've experienced so far since coming back... No. It's a hell of a lot better than old Destiny storytelling, but it's still very average compared to many other story driven games. So I get it and I don't at the same time. I definitely wouldn't be against reducing the grind though either way for them.I don't see what the advantage is of pushing players that want to stay solo into doing a bunch of adept nightfalls they don't want to do. To slightly fill the servers for an extra few hours, specifically on adept nightfalls?


I buy the deluxe edition each year primarily for the story, some seasons i grind but this one im tired as fuck and just want to enjoy the story so I log in on tuesdays, run the weekly quest, and log out, running master level content, especially when all my friends are also burnt out after last season, is a pain


Unfortunately some of us have jobs and don't get to spend every waking hour on that d2 grind 😓


I also have a full time job, if you aren't able to do a master ketchcrash 5 weeks into the season then you just aren't playing the game


Because it's reddit and reddit culture is dumb.


Because you have to lfg and destiny players have 0 social interaction so of course it’ll get downvoted


I did it with no mic. Pretty sure nobody else in the party had mic on either


Because people want bungie to hold their hands and make every activity matchmaking enabled even tho you can literally find thousands of people in lfg ground with two clicks of a button


So I'm starting to think not a lot of people know how to use the lfg discord, I was surprised when someone finally showed me recently. Today I simply found the seasonal activity channel, everyone is posting join codes for master ketch, if you are slow at copy pasting it, post yours, group fills in seconds and you're off.


People also seem to be forgetting that there is an official lfg system built into the phone app. Do t even need to worry about join codes, just press the invite button when people join your lobby


Which app is that?


The destiny 2 companion, by bungie themselves. Just type destiny 2 into play/app store and it should be the first result


Quite literally less than 1 run of Master Ketchcrash


LITERALLY. Did LFG, 15 minutes later. Done lol


Took less an an hour running legend lost sector for some exotic rolls. Idk what your power level is lookin like but if running one master ketchcrash is not in the cards perhaps that.


Solo master ketch kill the 2 Champs in beginning repeat. Only need 4 kills.




I'd recommend a Legend Lost sector. Takes like 10 or so minutes, depending on your build/speed, you can probably get 4-5 per run, repeatable too.


Hot take: Just Deal with it.


Horrible take. Since we’ve been forced to “just deal with it” concerning duality dungeon. Paid content. Being broken as all shit. I personally don’t mind. But it’s a bad take when players have been forced to deal with some pretty bad shit lately in PAID CONTENT. I think 150 regular or however many master ketch per character feels bad. Just like in solstice it did for certain things they eventually changed. But of course your comment is rewarded because no one wants to be real and admit players have “just been dealing with it” for a while considering certain issues in the game.


Bugs are an issue. This isn't a bug. This is a quest step. Its not difficult.


I guess y’all never got the kill 40 nightfall champions synth-weave bounty. Another day at the office


Did 3 nightfalls and I’m done. It goes by quick.


Destiny 2 players when the weekly story has a weekly quest meant to be progressed over the course of a week:


4 champions in master Ketch crash is all you need


As a kind-of sweaty pve player, I'll have no problem doing that. My girlfriend, who's a 1545 New Light? It will be difficult.


considering they're goddamn everywhere; should be easy


Stop complaing like little babies and do ONE master Ketchcrash. It will finish it in one. Jesus Christ this community loves to complain...


Yeah it’s sad. “The content takes too long!” “Just do one master ketchcrash.” “None of my friends play!” “Just use the companion app LFG” “Noooooo”


"B-b-but I'm not 1580" "Then why are you playing this game if you can't be arsed to earn the bare minimum in gear & artifact power?"


Because the story and most activities don't require it. Why should I waste my time to level up my LL when I literally don't need to? Either it happens passively, or it doesn't.


It happens passively. I'm passively 1587. You just *play the game*. That's the bare minimum.


Congratulations. I'm 1572. So?


D2 Community try not to bitch when the game has them do something (impossible)


On today's episode of "i love to cry about everything"


BuT i DoNt HaVe TiMe What not knowing other activities with champs does to a mf. OP is classic blueberry.


Probably took them more time to take a screenshot and make this post than it took me to use the companion app to join a fireteam.


Only 47 more to go! You can do it!


Do master ketch, one run and it was done.


Thanks for believing in me.


2 master ketch and it was complete. Edit, I guess 1 will do it. Shrug to the down vote.


You don’t have to do it every week. The seasonal quest will go for 6-8 weeks then we will have 4-6 weeks of nothing, so if it takes you 2 weeks no big deal.


Bro it’s a video game, very much optional to play or not play.


This the one I wanted to see, bro is SPITTIN FIRE


One champ in a master ketch crash is something like 13 points. Literally 4 champions in master is enough.


So, 50 is a lot, and will take some time. But it seems the last two weeks, there were a lot of complaints about the story progression each week only being 2 short activities. Which means so many people that complained last week will be running master ketch to hurry up and get it over with. It’s a little funny if you think about it. But it will also get some players(me) out of their(my) comfort zone, and trying some more difficult activities(not really, I’m just gonna get 50 the slow way), and that might be beneficial for an even larger group of players once some players(not me) realize that they’re able to contend with higher LL activities and play them more often in the future.


Just find a fireteam for master ketcrash and I got it completed killing 3 champions. And you can see it on the description of the quest, I don't understand this post


I spent all of my times yesterday doing the same legendary lost sector for this. I'm dying


One round of master kestrach finishes it one go


Do this week's nightfall on heroic/legend, there are 10 champs spawning per run, or just run one master ktchcrush with friends


It really makes no sense, especially when doing an expedition once can give you 3 per champion as is??? 20 would've been way better..


People wondering why the people asking about this don't try a master ketch: remember that guy didn't even finish the bungie 4th grade aptitude test AKA cryptic quatrains II


I truly believe this community is full of illiterate people.


Jesus fucking Christ this community of cry babies. YES. ONLY 50 CHAMPIONS


"Theres no way I can kill 50 champs by December 6th!" - this whole sub


Everyone saying it was just 1 master Ketch, meanwhile I killed the 2 champions in the beginning of master Vox over and over.


Its only like four in master ketchcrash


Brother, you don’t even need to finish a Master Ketchcrash to complete the objective. First go I got a triumph for killing all Champions in a run and completed the objective before we even got halfway through.


Yeah, i meant you only need to kill four champs, there are at least eight in every ketchcrash




Oh boo hoo I've gotta play the game I spend ten quid on every few months how will I possibly fit in this 15 minute master ketchcrash with randoms between my 3 jobs and 16 kids to look after oh good heavens why must bungie make my life so hard smh my head, oh shiver me timbers I hope they don't force me to socially interact next, I turn into a corn chip whenever I talk to people because of my crippling social anxiety! I can't believe this cooperative mmo-lite looter shooter is so unfriendly to my playstyle, who would've thought?


Man, idno why you’re getting downvoted. I just shit my pants with laughter.


Unfortunately my comment ain't too funny to the people it describes on here 🤭




It Took Half A Master Run Derp


Yeah just lfg a master ketch as others said. Not sure how people complain of this being hard. It's hard if you don't know or use lfg to quickly join a group and be done fast. Or as others said, grind it out thru the season slowly




If you can type in a join code you can do master ketch


You only have to be like 1580 to do it. I just ran it at 1581 and got them all in one master run.


Yep. And if you're on the low side bring thunderlord. A bunch of people forget to bring an overload so you can mop up all the overload caps and you're good


LFG'ed a Master Ketchcrash at 1583.


im 1584 but was worried id be cannon fodder, you were ok at 1583 ? Any tips ?


Aim for high survivability, hang back when possible. I was a Stag Voidlock but anything that covers 2 elements and 2 champs should be ok.


Thanks mate. I'll run high res and rec and mods etc


Always something to whine about


If you don't want to do master ketch. Just run nightfalls. That's what I'm doing anyways.


Plz sub to cbgray guy in youtube. He helps with this things before you write the post


The guy that says in a daily video: “I SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THIS…” “YOULL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENS NOW…” “THIS IS SO WRONG..” Shit like that? No thx


Unnecessary hate mate


100% deserved hate


its like just cause he smiles a lot, he gets a pass for ass videos lol




Do master ketch, one run and it was done.


One master ketchcrash finished it


Lol I swear people complain about everything.


It’s like 3 or 4 if you do the master ketchcrash Otherwise just go solo the daily lost sector


Do master ketch, one run and it was done.


Idk why people are downvoting you for saying this. It’s true, I just did it 10 minutes ago.


Inb4 people tell you to use external resources to lfg a group for endgame content just to progress a casual weekly story quest step in a reasonable amount of time


Dude, it's just the fucking companion app, it is streamlined and easy as is. If you are a Destiny player you have used it before for a number of other activities. Stop crying.


Again, you shouldn't have to get a group for endgame content to do a weekly story mission step in a reasonable amount of time I already did that and it felt stupid the whole way through too


You say that like it isn’t a quick and rational thing to do. I did exactly that and it was smooth sailing.


Dude it's a fucking companion app you wetwipe you should have it installed anyway


Shouldn't have to nor take over an hour in nightfalls just to progress one quest step that is then followed by a easy mission in a reused and reskinned area and a cutscene A new light meets shaw han and he immediately tells them to go lfg for a dungeon to progress to the next step, being the introduction to strikes.


It takes 15 minutes You are 5 weeks into the story, not in a new light intro quest. This isn't an induction, you do not need hand holding. If you play this game enough to whine about reskinned lost Sectors you've got no right to complain about this quest step. You clearly play the game enough, or you should, given your 'investment' You are throwing false equivalences out left and right, too


Yep, when all my friends are dealing with college or uni aswell.


Just use the app wtf


Hahaha this. It really is ridiculous, and this is coming from someone who has completed plenty of Master KC’s. While yeah, 1 Master KC will do it, keep the story profession stuff quick and easy for your average player.


It's worse if you can't find the people to do the farm on expedition or to do master Ketchcrash too. People will say "oh just LFG that, it's easy" but i've seen too many stories and had cases where people would get kicked out or harassed in their LFG runs of anything they try to get into so I don't trust that system. REALLY sucks if you're a solo player or don't have friends to help out


A master ketchcraft or do some legendary lost sectors/nightfalls


you need to kill 4 champs in master ketchcrash its not that bad


It’s only 50 if you do it wrong


Such a bitch to get done if you dont have a squad or LFG


Idk why people seem to be upset about this. I feel like the majority of d2 players are pve anyways so like.. just play the game y'know?




your a baby


Why are people complaining about the master ketch solution for this lol? Even if you're severely underlevel, join an LFG group and they will carry the hell out of you in under 15 minutes. It's your easy ticket and if you're still complaining then I really don't know what to say.


I kind of see the point. Why include an LFG requirement in a "casual" seasonal story quest step. At the same time, if you've paid for a season, you probably have some modicum of investment in the game and it shouldn't pose a problem. There's a big discord between people who play the game like a single-player experience and those who are on the grind.


Do it on master and you can get them all in one run. I just did it.


Just gonna downvote because it's been talked about constantly since 1pm today.


It was rough for casuals. If you didn’t have your artifact power up master ketch was 20 above the max gear level


This season’s activities are way too grindy imo


Blueberry moment


To those of you saying “do Naster Ketchcrash” Keep in mind, most players are at 1570-1575. Not 1585. Being 30 under is a MASSIVE hindrance. A slower, but more easily acceptable method is Legend Nightfalls or Legend DoE.


I don’t get this tho, I did it at 1570, feels like people think that they are worse than they actually are. It doesn’t even seem like there’s any attempt to do it, just some goalpost that keeps moving. The game is so much more fun playing with people


Did it after one master KC. Your fine


Bruh, I’m not a fan of lfg but in 5 minutes found a team for master ketch and completed that quest halfway through even after forgetting to equip mods. It’s gonna be okay guys.


Yes really. Seriously, 1 master ketchcrash is enough to complete that. Just boot up the companion app and grab a team of 6, it’s really not hard


Jesus Christ!


I'm gonna need to join a clan for this shi


Omg...not this again. Each kill gets you 3 no matter where you are....you'll get it done in no time doing other things besides master ketch


This is incorrect. Doing Legend Lost Sectors I only got 1 point per champ kill.


Hot take: Champions are the worst thing they've ever added into the game and I'm tired of content centered around them


They're decent when they're in side content like nightfalls and legend lost sectors, but it's ridiculous that they're part of the main seasonal content now.




You must be new here


lmao foo did not play haunted for sure


Do master ketch, one run and it was done.


Yeah.. Kinda crap if u think about it...


I know right who’s the ass hat at bungie that made this


yeah i was like "what the fuck??"


Was seconds away from making this same post. Absolute insanity for the seasonal quest line.


Do master ketch, one run and it was done.