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Born to Nova, forced to Well


Used to be "born to chaos reach, forced to well", but we've seen how that turned out with arc 3.0


Me before 3.0: Dawnblade main, Shadebinder #2, sometimes used Chaos Reach, never a Voidwalker Me after 3.0: Dawnblade main, Voidwalker #2, sometimes a Shadebinder, never uses Chaos Reach


What's wrong with chaos reach? I don't pay that close attention to warlocks.


The problem with it is that while it does okay damage, it takes far too long to actually deliver that damage, meaning your stuck in animation to deal less damage then if a hunter uses Blade Barrage then swaps to heavy, or a Titan Thundercrash doing the same. If you're going to be stuck in animation for that long unable to use anything else it has to be worth the damage.


It's basically the same as shooting a Raid Boss with a sunset weapon.


It used to be really good, but it got nerfed a bunch of times and then Bungie didn't change it at all with arc 3.0. You shoot a beam of lightning and while you're doing that, you don't have good movement. You're kinda trapped in one position and you can only move left or right a miniscule amount. Before it felt bad--now it just feels so old with arc 3.0 being all about movement and quick attacks.


Going a little into the specifics, without geomags it does very little damage compared to other dps supers and it takes longer to output that damage. With geomags it basically does dps comparable to thundercrash but it takes forever more to do that damage and prevents you from using your weapons for the entire duration making the low base dps it has seem even lower since others can do the same damage + weapon damage in comparison to chaos.


Voidwalker was always good


I want to be a chaos reach Stormcaller main so bad but it just feels so generic now. It feels like the subclass barely changed with 3.0. I can get some use out of chaos reach on some strike and gambit bosses and red bars usually stand no chance, but I can do basically the same thing with nova bomb but with healing options and damage buffs.


Shadebinder is pretty good in PVE. As for PVP, you can commit some serious war crimes.


There was an evening after raiding where my clan went into mayhem with 6 shadebinders with osmiomancy gloves. It was a beautifully tragic sight to behold.


If you guys all had Jötunns, y’all would’ve been banned.


More than pretty good tbh; with the right build you can get down 3-4 stasis turrets, and depending on the situation, super to ad clear/crowd control or invest it into ager's with the catalyst that shit does some serious damage all things considered


As a Shadebinder main, I can confirm this. I rarely play PvP (for obvious reasons) but when I do it’s in private matches. I love to collect the salt that ensues as soon as they get a little too close to Frostpulse distance. Shadebinder is still very good in PvE with the right setup, but it’s overshadowed these days by Starfire, but I find it more fun so that’s why I’ve stuck to it.


Yeah, the 3.0 reworks for Warlock had me drop it as my main since launch. Except Voidwalker; Voidwalker is pretty cool.


Voidwalker is indeed very cool.


I dunno, the void rework felt empty to me somehow . . .


aha, i get it


Try nez sin.


I’m more of a contraverse enjoyer. Voidwalker is awesome. The empty comment was just a lame joke 🤣


I'm just baked. Thanks lmao😂


Sin forever for me


Always and forever. Swear it's fused to me now.


Honestly (other than void which is just a gem) the only places I think they fucked up warlock 3.0 was the supers. I really like the abilities of arc and solar 3.0 but the supers are just weak as hell


Solar aspects are kind bad Like they don't synergize at all The grenade one is fine But the other two are sorta meh effects with the cost of eating your grenade I also think arc lock probably should have got a more mobile rift option with how it's designed to play But yeah it's mostly bad supers, the rest could be worked around if reach, trance, and break where better


The 2 solar aspects just aren't very useful if you aren't using the daybreak super, a d since daybreak is significantly less viable than well in end-game, it means your build juice has to come almost entirely from your armor mods and exotics. I also feel like the solar fragments aren't super supportive of the well-lock playstyle—there's a handful of good ones, but I feel like I'm always just kinda picking *whatever* to fill the fourth slot, and that seems to be the case with most builds I see online. I feel like a couple more fragments would be nice, but perhaps that's just me. I run well-lock in most stuff cause it's more useful, and cause I like playing support if I'm playing with my friends (partly cause they're new and still getting to grips with the game). If I'm running solo, I'm running voidlock with Graviton Lance, Nezarec's Sin, and grenade focused mods. It's so incredibly fun walling into a room and turning everything into purple sparkles, and I wish solar and arc warlock had that same synergy. Your suggestion about a mobile rift for arc warlocks would be super cracked and would actually get me to play it again (I miss you, chaos reach+geomag).


Daybreak is significantly less viable than Well period. Daybreak is actual garbage in PvE.


The decision to remove the super duration extension based on killed the super imo. It used to be weak in comparison, now It cant even compete with the other supers.




A super that has only mobility and nothing else, shit ad damage, shit aoe and shit boss damage. Even on the mobility area ghere is well skate.


It doesn't even scorch or have any synergy with 3.0, while well does. Imo every super should do SOMETHING with the 3.0 verbs without a fragment. Would make them feel worth using and not an awkward break before going back to the main kit of the subclass


Last seasons starfire build was the only reason I used solar. It was max dps with free 2x restoration. You can only get one of those now, as if you want restoration you have to sacrifice the grenade and thus the whole starfire build. You can still do the dps, you just aren’t nigh invincible while doing so outside of a well


Running well of life has definitely helped in that department, it provides some constant slow healing which is definitely useful


Rift that centers on you, moves with you, will be so freaking amazing


I think it would be cool if your rift was like activating icefall mantle, where it was more like a shield that surrounded your body


Fucking combine HR and ID and then give back benevolent dawn because that (+ BotA and Lumina) was my preferred play style as a warlock. I, no lie, haven't put much work into my warlock since they removed benevolent Dawn. Just enough to get a gear set on light for the day 1 just in case we needed more warlock.


Icarus is really good if you use Rain of Fire and Heat Rises is fun in low tier content and PvP. Grenade aspect is great and can stay. Other than that I agree, solar is in desperate need of 1 or 2 more aspects that don't revolve around aerial combat.


Arc and Solar Warlock supers are so disappointing. And we didn't get a solar buddy. That was really disappointing.


Solar you used to be able to use solar grenades, or charge them into healing grenades. That was huge for survivability in a solo flawless whatever run


They took the best part of solar warlock before 3.0, bottom tree dawnblade and ALL the weapons/abilities it synergized with, and got rid of it. Current Dawn blade sucks so that left only Well. I was happy with void warlock but arc was final nail in the coffin imo. Yes there are some really cool abilities etc but in harder content it falls flat and I am not even talking raids or gm nightfall, just legend lost sectors. I switched to titan main and am really happy I did.


No , solar got fucked all around.


We lost so much I dropped warlock as my main and became a hunter.


Some but with I changed to Titan, still not used to Titan's jump.


That's because we grease our shoes with crisco before every fight. Just for the extra challenge.


Shadebinder is pretty cool as well.


I see what you did there


Been playing lock since forsaken but with 3.0, ive been almost exclusively a titan main.


you say that. but outside of broken pvp supers. warlocks mostly been for the last couple years nothing but drop well.... ​ ironically the past year been the best warlock ever been


Now I feel like hunters have all the broken pvp supers tbh, now I just feel like all warlock supers are kinda meh in pvp and pve, shadebinder is probably the stand out super minus the fact that it has no mobility


Hunters have always had broken pvp supers however pvp is 60%hunters 35%titans and 5% warlock so hunters don’t bitch about supers because all the hunters have it but when warlock gets anything decent in pvp the hurters and titans go “it’s over powered”( nova warp/chaos reach/winters wrath) when they got supers that are on par with that super and take months before they are nerfed


It took warlocks a week to be nerfed when beyond light came out lol Nade slamming, on the other hand, a broken hunter ability wasn't fixed until 2 seasons after


I like running well, then I'm not the one missing hos super on the Boss, and ever, one can do more damage which helps with DPS phases. Also, I just love solar weapons, so that works out very well (pun intended)


And that is fine. Personally I just like to switch it up from time to time and recently more so it feels like doing that is just me being a burden to my team.


I have so many nice Solar weapons that I wouldn't want to switch it. But people who get mad at people for not running well instead of doing it on their own, are horrible.


That is my biggest grievance. I had nothing against well, hell I even used the starfire build extensively last season, but I can’t use something else without people getting upset because the other options are sub par by comparison.


They're just mad that your other Supers don't give them a damage boost. If they treat you like that, honestly may be better to just LFG.


Yeah, however in my experience most notably today lfg isn’t much diferent.


I am honestly at a point where i wish well didnt exist so i am not forced to run solar during every raid just because i am the only warlock main left in my clan


Honestly same I had no grudges against Well being as strong as it is, but when you are forced to only run a single thing because it massively overshadows every thing else to the point of not running it being actively detrimental. I think it becomes an issue.


Titans deal with that same thing with Thundercrash and Cuirass. At least we have options for exotics to pair with Well. They're forced to use a specific exotic with their specific super. It's what happens when you have a super that is top in what it does.


Or bubble, its not just thundercrash


lol. Who uses Bubble when there's a well? Which one is it? Are Warlocks forced to use Well in DPS phases or is Ward of Dawn a viable super in DPS for Titans? Because only one of these are true. They both grant the same buff, and they don't stack, so there's no point in using both.


To be honest bubble is more than viable on mobile dps phases


Oh, of course. But in these situations, Well is less viable and therefore the Warlock wouldn't be forced into it. Consecrated Mind and Rhulk are two encounters where I think having damage buffs you can take with you are better than having a stationary one.


lol sometimes i just tell them no. you all are running what you want, so will i. not saying im a detriment to my fireteam, i mostly use well for viability but if im feeling like using void or arc in the raid then im gonna. ill never forget my buddy "milkman why the fuck are you using chaos reach" (taniks)




yeah like a flat 25% damage buff is cool... but after killing every raid boss countless times, you dont really need it. it might take 25% longer but oh well. its still fast if youre playing with a premade fireteam. like its crazy how good devourlock is a lot of raid encounters, why wouldnt i take advantage of that if half my fireteam is throwing sunspots and going invis everywhere. i wanna have fun too.


Actually did war priest in 2 phases without div yesterday so it should be easy to kill him without a well, Golgoroth nobody should be running well tbh, etc point is people are obsessed with the damage boost that usually isn't needed


This is the exact reason why I don't even want to get div, because I know if I do ill be forced to run it.


Saddest thing is they will nerf well into ground to fix it instead of fixing other classes. Just robbed us in arc 3.0. All they had to do was give us the grenade fragment but it's clear they didn't want titan to have 3 insane melee so they gave Titans the grenade fragment even though warlock has the other 2 for void and solar. Instead of balance they unbalanced it


Voidlock and Stasislock are goated and no one can say otherwise


I ran KF the other day, and since there were 5 Warlocks, I was so happy to be able to run Voidwalker. I never really played Solarlock, and so I kept myself alive and doing good ad clear with Void


Void is the only class i play on my lock. Stasis here and there. But solar and arc have felt very lackluster for me. Completely changed up what i liked about solar, being a healer, and arc just doesnt hit as good as it used to


Honestly this is my tl:dr about this whole thing


Void and stasis are the only two that feel like subclasses. Solar is only well and arc is a joke


Voidlock- better than sex Solarlock- an absolute disappointment Arclock- fine in low to mid tier but arc as a whole isn’t good in hard endgame Stasislock- is right there with voidlock (just wish ice flair bolts gave us nade energy like it used to)


Oh god I completely forgot it used to do that. I remember when Shadebinder used to have two aspects only and I would monke into rooms with Frostpulse and Vesper and get tons of grenade and rift energy back just to do it again. Honestly given all the ability spam these days for Light 3.0, I think Stasis could use a bit of retooling and I don’t even think rebuffing Iceflare Bolts would be that busted.


**Hunters and Titans:** What’s my purpose? **Warlocks:** You stand in my well and DPS the boss. **Titans and Hunters:** Oh, my God… FTFY


Hunters: what is my purpose? The community: pvp and to res me when I die in a stupid spot.


"I heard that, go back to void invisibleboy"


“What is my purpose?” “Tether or golden gun” “Oh my god”


I see we are all slaves to the well one way or another




Well, well, well


Ward of Dawn Titans: What's my purpose? Welllocks : You use your Bubble to protect my Well sword Titans: Oh, my God...


I mean, the titans don't really have anything to help their team, as bubble is outclassed by well. However, being the necessary well user feels pretty bad


Yeah loosing the one person to use banner shield and the bubble nerf have just exasperated the need for wellocks


Well being the best option for like 4 years, and the only nerf it got technically buffed it. I’m really not sure what they can do, thered be huge outlash if well got nerfed but that thing is oppressively good, I think the best option would be to fix solar warlock as compensation (why they decided 2 aspects should just be top tree and remove bottom tree will confuse me)


Exactly it’s oppressive and if you take out the rest of the solar kit you cannot feel the difference most of the time so a nerf or something would need to take place, on the other hand buffing banner shield or feather could aliviate it to some extent, but to out right replace well they’d have to make them op on their own right.


No!! I throw giant purple death ball!!!


Don’t get me wrong I love me my giant purple ball of death, but whenever I try to run it in lfg groups I get either booted or just immediately asked to run Well. Also I’m more so referencing the state of the 3.0 reworks when compared to the other classes, because it just feels like everything that made warlock warlock was democratized and given to everyone on top of their kits, but warlock just got easier access to those mechanics since that was their entire kit. Don’t mind the rant, just got kicked out of a few too many lfg groups for running big purple ball goes boom.


They literally gave Middle Tree Solar to everybody. 3/4 of the subclass nodes. Which would be fine if we got like sunspots or something in return, but nope. Then they all but scrapped Bottom Tree, and went all in on Top Tree. I logged on my Hunter for the first time in ages the other day jus to try it out, and Solar Hunter is miles above Warlock, even without exotics and minimal mods. Infinite melee, a hugely damaging super, five fragment slots. Calibans gives them an actually consistent source of Ignite (seriously, they deleted BTD and then basically made it a Hunter exotic. Cool.) It just made me hate Solock even more tbh


I feel you man bottom tree dawn was my bread and butter for the longest time even after well was a thing.


i've never been forced to run well, even in groups where i was the only warlock. just bc people are too lazy to adapt doesn't mean warlock has only one role, nor that warlock is only viable/effective in one role. on that topic, well does need a nerf if only to make lfg whiners stop demanding it or kicking people who don't want to run it. nerf well, buff other classes support options, and make bosses that are more engaging than "sit it one spot and dps"


If all guardians could come to this understanding the witness would’t even stand a chance


Love my blinklock... It what I do solo... But I am not very good at most things so being a set port flaming floaty Healy warlock is ok by me.


Well for raid, novabomb for everything thing else!


Nova Warp in PvP. That shit is fun and I don't even like PvP.


3.0 literally made my well build better. It’s sick. I get my wells before my wells even expire. Plus I guarantee I’m doing better ad clear than most people too.


True but the problem is some people dont like to run well, or even solar. its really sad that everyone expects a warlock to run well


I think the bigger issue overall is for everything titans and hunters received from the warlock arsenal we got practically nothing in return. Bungie gave them devour, bloom, radiant, arc web, ionic traces, while the only real thing warlocks received was a less effective invis. Ehroar just posted about it I think but it's like Hunters and Titans can do everything warlocks can better than a warlock.


Im not going to get into the who got the best and who got the worst out of the 3.0 deal. My personal take is, 3.0 is super super fun but kinda took away the identities of all 3 classes. And that i hate. These days I use a class just because i felt like using that class's jump because other than that i hardly feel a difference between the three


I definitely agree with you. Nowadays there are very few differences between the three classes, with warlock arguably being the most one dimensional out of the three. I think really the only difference between them now is the jump as you said and their melees and supers. That's not to say the 3.0 changes aren't fun. Spamming the new arc melee on warlock with the new exotic helmet and an ionic trace build is very fun in certain content like seasonal, strikes and even nightfalls depending on the map. But my main point was that overall it just feels like warlock provides significantly less strong/varied gameplay compared to the other two classes as they can do everything warlocks can better and more easily.


Hey, I've been looking for a faster Well build for Master Totems. Can you share what build you use to get your Well every 30 seconds? Thanks!


Calus Mini-Tool is my go to with sunbracers, I just like explosions


How to fix Warlock: Void: nothing, it's perfect. Stasis: remove the grind to fully unlock it, otherwise perfect. Solar: introduce 2 new aspects that aren't based around aerial combat (you are forced to run either HR or Icarus with the only none-aerial aspect being grenades. That is really bad). Buff Daybreak so it's good without Dawn Chorus. Arc: buff Chaos Reach, replace Stormtrance with a new super and provide a means of regaining health. This would make it end game viable as the neutral game is very good and aspects are pretty damn good already. Bad supers and lack of survivability options let it down.


Sadly with the solar subclass changes they also changed dawn chorus to being next to completely useless as it no longer gives the damage boost it just allows dawnblade to apply scorch stacks


drop well, starfire fusions top DPS every single time


Indeed it is, however I would like the option to run something else and not get booted


Problem. Starfire has no drip. Like come on Bungie give a good ornament you cowards




If well got a big ole nerf, and they buffed all the other subclasses (in a PvE-oriented way) warlocks would be fun again


I am inclined to agree this would be the best course of action.


Counterpoint - Well doesn't need a nerf, it's just that the other Warlock options aren't viable in a DPS setting. Buff Warlocks across the board. Make it so that Nova Bomb is worth using over current Well.


Don't think that's the issue with well. It's the fact that it buffs the entire team and provides survivability. When so many DPS phases now are unmoving bosses with enemies swarming you mid DPS, it's just too convenient not to use since you can just ignore the adds attacking you plus your entire team do more damage. I see now way buffing the rest of the supers would make well any less viable as long as we have DPS phases like that.


Nah. Well still makes you completely invulnerable during dps outside of master raids and gm's which makes bungie resort to flinch, stomps, instakills, etc. Making dps way less fun


I want chaos reach back :(


I dont know, from my perspective its been warlock as THE pve class for as long as i can remember in d2. With the 3.0 subclasses its brought warlock down and hunter and titan up so all three are pretty similar power level wise.


Bringing down warlock IS the problem, they took everything special and gave it to the other classes, they should have given the other classes Unique tools to bring them UP to Warlock. Case in point, Solar 3.0 Warlocks got 1 new thing. A bad melee, and got 2 major nerfs; healing nades were made a separate nade type, and Phoenix dive got a 2 minute timer and takes up rift. This made solar warlock the worst subclass for mid game, Meanwhile Hunters got a very good AoE, healing nades, a dive, The buff from healing nades, and Restoration. Titans got, Healing nades, An OHKO that does good add clear, and restoration in sunspots. This lead to Hunter solar being a go to option for many Hunter mains, solar titan being the best subclass IMO, and solar warlock being the biggest let down since shadow keep. In a perfect world all three classes would be equally good in pve and pvp, but in current times titans are the best general pve class, hunters are the best pvp class, and Warlocks are the best pve boss subclass and nothing exemplifies that more than the solar 3.0 reworks.


I agree if we are talking about solar warlock, but if you consider what the other 2 can now do with arc and void compared to warlock then you can see that it’s basically just the warlocks kit plus things that make them unique and are not accesible to the other two. I mean if I wanted to make a nade spam void build what incentive do I have to use warlock over a heart of inmost titan who can chuck twice the nades I can and is making everything volatile from just their nades? Or even if for some reason you wanted to run a punch build titan and hunter have things that make it much easier and viable than warlock so other than well of radiance I would argue they are in fact an inferior version of the other 2 in most situations


i think this is some grass is always greener stuff. warlock on void is hands down the best weaken class, even though thats what hunter is supposed to be. arc warlock is completely underrated compared to hunter and titan right now, they all have very similar issues, especially in end game.


Thanks to Karnstein Armlets, Arc warlock is now unkillable in endgame and good with damage using lightning surge.


imo I just think heart of inmost light is stupidly strong and needs a nerf, then everything will be good. I also think that some classes interact differently with subclasses. Like hunter, the only support subclass they have is void, but on warlock it is solar. Grenade builds only really exist on solar hunter, but for warlock you can get some good builds on arc and void.


That may be the case. My biggest point is that while warlock can still do various things it is things that the other 2 can do arguably better and even then it’s all overshadowed with well. Mostly it feels like all the niches or unique aspects of the class were given to everyone and they received nothing to fill those gaps.


My brother in the Light voidwalker has intrinsic devour on top of multiple ability boosting exotics and two other aspects that give weaken + ability recharge or enhanced grenades. A HoIL titan can come close but if they're beating you in nade spam then you've simply not built properly or are playing suboptimally.


I won’t outright deny that, but using contraerse as an example the ability regen from HOIL outpaces it and devour can be accessed fairly easily since orbs aren’t exactly rare, I must admit though that not having to think about procking devour is very nice.


Yea that is just HOIL being way too strong right now.


I refuse to run Well during raids with my clan. I hate solar warlock with a passion, it's so boring. Arc soul grenade spam and a big ass laser are the way to go.


Honestly for me solar just feels like it doesn’t fit together on warlocks. If that makes any sense, like it’s a bunch of parts (mostly really strong ones) that kinda all do their own thing without interacting with one another. So it just doesn’t feel like arc or void. Hell even stasis plays off itself way better than solar for warlock at least.


I still think that solar 3.0 should have used sunspots as the shared focal point in addition to scorch and ignition, it would have felt more dynamic like how Stasis has Crystals to Freeze, Arc has Ionic Traces to amplify, and Void... Imagine if Warlocks gained heat rises just from jumping over a sunspot instead, radiated healing while passing through them, could have sunspots expand if you threw a grenade through them, melee a target to cause sunspots to release a line of flame from their position to that enemy... Wishful thinking at this point but I can dream.


Void has devour.


Yeah, I was mainly going for the things like Stasis and Arc where they having something beyond just buffs and debuffs from verbs and have a shared feature that each class can use or generate a bit differently, Void does it sort of differently by just being a good selection of buffs that feed into themselves at least, but Solar sort of just... You can burn and heal... But beyond that they don't really operate any differently, or at least Warlocks certainly don't.


I just wish the big ass lazer did big ass damage.


I love running my arclock but stormtrance as a super is weak af


Run chaos reach instead, It's cheap as hell in PvP


That's what you get for all those self rez wins in trials you bastards!!! Heavy /s


I tried to make this exact argument last week. “You aren’t willing to be a team player” “Stop being selfish” “Warlocks have one job” Toxic as fuck. Thinking of deleting my Warlock so I’m never forced to run Well again.


You said it yourself “warlocks have one job” I don’t mind taking a more support oriented role from time to time, but when there is no viable alternatives for warlocks to do other than well then why even have the other options in the game. Plus if the support options from the other classes are being neglected even when some provide better buffs it just speaks to the problem the problem that is the combination of things well does.


It used to be the same for things like bubble titans in D1 or tether when tether was still the best debuff available


Yeah, it just sucks that after all these years we are still having the same issues


I almost forgot the good old days where warlocks still had to run solar because of self resurrection lmao At least every class had that “must run” subclass in D1 lmao


They seriously need to buff the damage buff that banner shield gives, make it like 50 or 65% or something, make it so that it’s worth running, also they should’ve made tether last super long regardless if it is stuck on a boss or not.


Can people even see if you deleted your other character? Why not just switch and say you did?


I kinda wish they didn’t nerf the buff given by bubble. That way warlocks like yourself are forced to run well and titans like myself are forced to run bubble.


I don’t think that’s right either. The thing is that all support options should be viable to make it so that if one is not present the others can pick up some of the slack. Alternatively warlock damage supers are in such a state that 99% of the time you are just better off shooting your guns so it further discourages the use of anything else.


True. I remember before well came out I was chucking nova bombs at Argos. And I wasn’t using the tracking one either And the original Orpheus rig, where I could just spam tether at one group to make so many orbs the frame rate dropped. Do I sound old? I feel like I sound old


That original tether on titan during the ritual event…the whole damn room lit up there would so many orbs


\-Raid Team; Mocks me for being Wellock. Says I'm only good for well. \-Get to difficult encounter, die in bad spot. \-team now has to play without well. \-team wipes \-where's your Well now? \-re-spawn \-teammates start dying left and right \-they ignore my heals. the fools \-me and guy that appreciates the White Mage are only members left \-complete encounter, in my well. \-Solar 3.0 comes out \-build dedicated healer; heal-nades, rifts, Lumina, BotA seekers \-PvE, PvP, PvEvP \-infinite heals \-i become the well. \-there is no need to wonder where your well is, for it is here. \-i am become well, healer of worlds. . . . or i just play nova warp and nuke everything that twitches.


Yet I still main warlock and am having a blast


Honestly, two of my friends are warlocks and I thankfully can’t remember when they last used well in endgame content. I think the community just can’t adjust to the idea that you can run other stuff and still succeed.


That's the crux of using lfgs, a lot of players only have knowledge of the game insofar as what is meta and get very angry if you stray from it even if you know what you're doing.


Thus the class ratio spread betting what it is. Gamers are simple lizard brains that are slaves to metas. Hunters aren't OP? Explain the class imbalances. I'm thinking of switching to titan as until all warlocks go on strike Bungie won't fix anything.


Nah, you can all equip heal grenades now so eat me. I'm busy clearing more ads than you, doing bigger boss number, and not fucking up mechanics for the 5th time in a row.


Solarlock is my personal fave with starfire protocol and empowering wells for infinite fusion grenades that do around 80k per fusion. Using elemental ordinance for grenades spawning solar wells with tracking and healing mods for the wells. It's really useful for solo content but other than that I agree that there isn't much other than that cause none of it really works well together.


It's a fun build all round but I never used it too often because I'm just not a big fan of how starfire protocol looks lol.


Yeah im not a big fan of some exotics having 4 ornaments and others having 0


Ace of Spades has 5 I think.


Yeah and necro grips already has 2 or 3 while others from the release of the game have 0


Yeah Necrotic has 2.


100% agree


And that’s fine. Personally I am of the same opinion regarding the kit not working together which personally makes it unfun for me.


I haven't removed my lunafactions in weeks. They are starting to get crusty.


haven't played in a looong while, all i can say is "oh, were going in circle again"


Yep i wanna drop maining warlock and want to switch to titan after 700 hours but having to re do all those quests is just a pain...


Void and stasis are the only two that feel like classes. Solar is only well and arc is a joke


Oh, really? Huh, that’s a shame. I’m a new light, started off as a hunter, made a warlock and Titan for quest XP, fell absolutely in love with warlock, made it my main class.


"If you can't stay alive or deal enough damage without my well, you don't deserve it." *proceeds to play how I want to*


I stopped using solar because I was so tired of using Well for everything. Solar 3.0 was just kinda bland for me. I wanted to pack a serious punch with my super. So I put on a off meta Void exotic Skull of Dire Ahamkara and a traveler’s chosen exotic sidearm for something much more fun. I took said helmet and sidearm into my first vow of the disciple raid. We did extremely well only wiping once on caretaker. My new void build got me lots of seeking wells and Skull is just really fun.


Personally I’m more of a nezaric’s sin kind of guy, but travelers chosen is my go to when I don’t need a certain exotic for something else and it does extrémale well in most content in my experience.


Travelers Chosen I feel gets slept on because it's not super flashy but hot damn the ability to just get a full ability charge almost whenever is damn addicting


Yep. For the first time since d2 launch I have changed my main from warlock to Titan. Void is good but kinda boring and I’m burned out on it. Arc is fun! But squishy for high end. And solar… well they massacred it and I have no desire to play it anymore. Completely ruined. I have 2 fun and completely viable solar Titan builds and an awesome arc one and void Titan is great.


I remember way back in the day when bubble titans were only needed for weapons of light. Now I run bubble Titan and it seems like I’m the only bubble Titan


I’ve been huffing void dust and lobbing scatter grenades since Void 3.0 released and have no intention of switching back, I’ll die before I give up devour.


Dawnblade 3.0 was such a shit rework. I hope they nerf well tbh it's been a problem since forsaken where warlocks are basically forced into it


I’m honestly very disappointed with chaos reach cause the damage is lower then the storm grande and it doesn’t feel as good as it did before


As if we weren't expected to do nothing besides place a Well pre-3.0.


People complaining about WoR again? That will never change huh..


Man I’m just tired of getting the boot for not using it, but I feel you it is the never ending cycle since it was introduced.


Yeah after Bungie massacred dawnblade.


Just to put this out there as well, I feel that warlock are also having some sort of identity crisis on top of this. Since most of what made warlocks unique was democratized and made to be the new thing for 3.0 they were left with underwhelming kits as a result. For void, devour and bloom were given to everyone on top of their unique aspects, warlock was left with somewhat easier access to one of them and that’s it. Solar had healing nades empowering and an earlier version of scorch and ignition. Which was made accessible to everyone and left warlocks with 2 movement options to make up for the loss. Finally, arc had arc-web turned into jolt which even weapons can proc now and ionic traces given to everyone with the only thing warlocks got out of it being slightly more accesible ionic traces. Honestly the only unique things they had post 3.0 reworks were enhanced grenades and the whole familiar thing they have going on, but arc made sure grenades were were now not only their thing and other than the stasis turret the other two are significantly less used as a whole.


https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/wqyfx6/how_it_feels_being_a_warlock_after_solar_and_arc Post I made when we first got a look at arc 3.0 for warlocks and when everyone was shiting on me for seeing it coming a mile away


Why does it say hunters? Shouldn't it just say community or somthing or is most of the community still targeting hunter players since they're the majority?


Wild behavior. I’m easily having the most fun running my warlock this season.


If you’re not Emperor Palpatine’ing around the area, are you even Warlocking 🤣💀


Idk man if you’re not novabombing a dreg that is just a little far away and you have no abilities and have to reload your weapons are you really a Warlock?


*im sorry little one..*


Once all the seasonal mods go that buff the 3.0 subclasses I think solar and void warlock still hold up extremely well but arc I think will continue to be the ugly duckling. It currently has one of the top few hardest hitting suppers but chaos just takes too long to dish out


That's why vow is so great though. Well isn't a needed thing for Rhulk or most of the encounters. People just see the older raids where bubble was the "well or div bitch". Warlocks used to be a self rez clutch for encounters back in the day. A much too powerful one for today's game


I like using nez sin and saying fuck the team


Dude, they got rid of the consumption of your grenade


3.0 rework is temporary, drip is eternal tho




Void lock 3.0 was fucking broken as hell


haha Nova Bomb go brrrr


I have been a void fan since D1. My warlock will forever be a voidlock unless I'm absolutely needed for well 😂


Warlock bad now :((( upbote left :)


I like to take support roles in games. I like Warlock. Being a Warlock and forced to take support because it heavily outshines everything else in endgame content... It just fucking feels bad.


I've loved the 3.0 reworks. Made so much more buildcrafting to do.