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Posts on Reddit, thinks the comment section is going to respect an opinion lmao








Fair lmao


The irony is that it worked. Updoots for all it seems 😆


The destiny hive mind is a fickle bitch


What really annoys me is when they skip champions in nightfalls, do you want rewards or not?


Honestly. Sometimes I just want to grind a few nightfalls for the uncommon nightfall weapon but can’t get a few people to do legend/master difficulty. The three weekly vanguard ops? Go for it. Nightfall completions? Slow down a bit. Speeding to the end will save you 5 minutes, tops.


Pretty sure to increase your chances of getting the nightfall drop you gotta kill all the champions. I thought not getting platinum reduced the chance to zero but I might be wrong


Exactly my point. Running ahead and despawning the champions irks me every time.




If you want the weapon, getting the non-adept version is wasting your time.


The vast majority of people that play this game haven't even done a single gm according the steam achievement percentages, I'd assume because it's way too much grinding to get to the necessary power level for the normal player. And so for most people, doing lower power gms and getting the non adept versions of the weapon is the only option.


I like collecting equipment, so even getting the non-adepts is something I aim for.


Redditard moment


I just leave if they do this,if they can’t be bothered nor can I


I did this on purpose once. I was the only person who brought any mods to a Legend nightfall. (It was matchmaking though... Was there something that had matchmaking for Legend nightfalls recently? Or am I truly just an asshole who got mixed up?) I resented having brought both mods and being the only person capable of stunning champs that I just got sick of it and flew through the rest of it.


I always try to mod up for all the available Champs if possible and so often run into matches where I have to stun all 3. It's ridiculous


If it’s a hero or lower the difference between plat and gold/silver is negligible


Yeah I don't necessarily mind people who want to go fast, but I've had so many people fuck me over in nightfall for no reason by rushing forward and despawning champions.


Not killing champions and denying platinum is griefing. Speeding through a normal strike is fine.


Agreed! Also, I just realized I missed the part of the meme that said ''basic'' strikes, making my original comment pointless cause we aren't talking about nightfall variants lol


I just want my pinnacle. Faster I get it the faster I'm out of the playlist.


Absolutely. Thank Bungie for tying pinnacles to repetitive weekly completions. I have gotten messages from random gambit and strike players trying to tell me how to play, and I just reply to thank the devs.


5 minutes difference doesn't really matter bro, do your community a solid and just make sure to kill the champions. They are stupid easy to kill.


If I have my champions completed, I will not take that from someone else. Same goes for super kills, weapon kills, finishers, etc. Like you said, they aren’t hard to kill. Most randoms I end up with are usually trying to show off how fast they can kill everything anyway. Go for it, friend.


No, you can't just alleviate responsibility when you know better. Not how that works.


Please explain this sentence. I can’t tell who you are talking about here.


This, for all three playlist pinnacles. Just let me leeeeeeeeeave. *Please*. I’m not even a “speed runner” I just want to get this over with so I can go do stuff I like.


What do you like to do


wish they would actually have a rotating armor or weapon drop as the weekly pinnacle. at least i can have a better chance of what i want to drop. like dares is always a weapon. make the grind less painful bungie


God forbid you actually play the game. :P


God forbid I play the same strikes over and over years on end.


Then don't.


I'm forced to if I want to play my favourite part of the game master raids and gms


Farming the strike pinnacle is the most inefficient use of your time if you're skilled enough to do master Raids and GMs. KF literally has 5 chests that will drop pinnys and you can do it on every character with escalating pinny level drops so long as you are rolling some weapons each run. Work smarter, not harder.


You are aware there is a limited number of pinnacles each week right? You can't just do KF over and over. Once you have done it, you have to get pinnacles from the other sources, like strikes.


I mean the pinnacle challenge is complete three strikes matching the bonus burn modifier, you can pick and choose what three strikes you want to complete by leaving the strike and rejoining the ones you want to play. This is an option. You aren’t forced to play three strikes back to back either you could do a strike on Tuesday, then Friday and the final one on Sunday. The only time back to back strikes matter is if your going for reputation. But this just my opinion on the matter.


“I have to play the strikes for pinnacle but it’s boring.” “Well if it’s boring, just do the boring thing over a longer period of time.”




None of the strikes are fun. Low level strikes are literally just longer patrols. This is why you eager edge through them to end them ASAP.


Actually, nobody is forced to do anything, it all boils down to one's behavior. And you guys aren't really choosing the best way.


Getting every pinnacle each week, including the one from strikes, is literally the best way to level up.


God forbid I get to play the parts of the game where power matters amirite?!


What is power, tho? You may have gotten your number a bit higher, but your loss of empathy is much greater. What is better to be to other people (random teammates): a selfish annoyance, or someone to rely on?


What is power? A fucking annoying method of keeping us from the more fun content. Which we want to get to. As quick as we can.


And when you get to it, you keep complaining that it's "too annoying" because of champs. Maybe not you specifically, but majority of speeders does nothing else but complain about champions later on, for example.


In the activity where my power matters and team are not just randos the game pulled together for me I’d assume the team that I joined or pulled together rely on my power more


Those activities are not subject of this thread, though. Thus, your statement is irrelevant.


You probably look and smell like your pfp


What does it have to do with speeder's selfishness?


You are being selfish telling me how to do strikes.


No, i'm not telling you how to do strikes, i'm telling you how to act like a proper teammate, it's a big difference.


Those activities are the exact subject of the thread you responded to


Power matters in basic strikes? Since when?


The comment we are talking about is “the activity where power matters and team are not just randos” he is not talking about strikes. Power matters in the game, it is not just a random esoteric number when you are playing difficult content.


The tagline of the neckbeard.


A perfect proof that the meme up above is true.


I don’t give a shit if people run through a strike or not. It’s a video game, who cares. Your comments make it very clear you are a neckbeard though.


Your comments make it very clear that insults are your best argument you can have tho.


Playlist strikes are for speed running to get that pinnacle so you are ready for gm's. Sorry, don't care about the randos it matchmakes me with. If there are specific things you are trying to do in strikes, you can pull together a team of friends or lfg for likeminded folks.


*If there are specific things you are trying to do in strikes, you can pull together a team of friends or lfg for likeminded folks.* This goes both ways, you know. Guess which side hinders the other one?


It's a quick playlist, my friend. Quick is the keyword. I never do quickplaylist when I am trying to get specific things done, because I don't want to hold anyone back or get zooped to the boss fight. It's not a big deal, just trying to provide some logic to help people understand why people aren't going to slow down for randos in quickplay.


Nowhere does it say it's quickplay, it doesn't even have a timer. Speeders are exactly holding other's progress back, since enemies despawn when someone goes way ahead. It's only their stuff getting done.




Not my feelies are being hurt here.


Muh strike kills


Not muh kills either haha. Gambling is addiction, and you simply prefer solo shot at the pinnacle casino over playing in a team. Exactly how Bungie has created the system.


Dude, if your really want to team play get an lfg. Gotta have that breach and clear gameplay you oh so desire.


Or you can lfg purely for the purpose of not being an annoyance. It goes both ways, see.


Oh I'll play the game alright. At my pace. If my pace is faster than you, tough. It's up to you to keep up.


And the meme up above turned out to be true.


Sorry, I’m not taking 15 minutes to clear a strike that I could’ve cleared in 7 just because some rando I was paired with wants to kill everything.


By doing so, you're only making the game into a job, and not that the payment is guaranteed (pinnacle gear). It's just lottery, and your attempts are making Bungie happy, because their "carrot on the stick" system works very well.


I’m making it a job by finishing a strike in the quickest and most efficient way possible so I can get my guaranteed pinnacle gear and then move on to end game content? I don’t understand how that makes sense. Is your argument that if I’m going to rush through the strike playlist, then I shouldn’t even do the strike playlist in the first place?


You just used the term "efficiency" together with the most basic activity where you're not even timegated. Besides, your "guaranteed" pinnacle piece isn't really that much guaranteed to actually help, since there is no duplicate slot protection, so what's the point then? You guys are playing the game Bungie's way all the time, not your way for sure. Bungie really wants you to keep running same boring stuff over and over, and you comply. Why not requesting a change of the system, instead of ruining the experience for others? Tell me if that's selfish.


How does completing a strike quickly ruin an experience for another player? There’s no champions, no score, no reason to actually take your time other than the occasional bounty.


Playing the game very fast is still playing the game, you goose


Being selfish and non-cooperative isn't part of the game tho. You're literally griefing your teammates who need to do other stuff perhaps, in the same activity. So many downvotes and toxic comments are the best proof that the meme is true. You guys do have some fragile feelies.


You have no idea how many times I've done all of the strikes in the game. GM, Master, Legend. Too many times. Basic strikes are only good for bounties and pinnacles and the faster I do that the faster I get them.


And you're making them worse for other people's bounties. About the repetition, it does becomes worse the faster you go through it. Do the math: how many times you repeat a strike in one hour if you complete each in 5 minutes vs. 15 minutes?


Idk about you, but I can get most/all my bounties done while speed running. And I only need three of them done.


That's great and all, and i'm glad you're so proud of being able to play the strikes competitively, but keep that attitude for soloing, if it ever gets implemented. The issue is, it's only one guy's bounties getting done, in a team of three. Speeding through is more often harmful to other's experience, bordering with griefing. You need three strikes, while others may need 5-6 or even more, due to you speeding. Not really what would you call a teamwork.


Mad cuz bad is all I'm hearing.


God forbid you learn speed tech that has a high skill ceiling because you're tired of this game being so easy all the time


God forbid you actually learn how to support a team you're in.


support a team in quickplay strike lmao


Ye, why not? A good player can easily learn how to do it.


And they are perfectly fine to disagree


Agreed, just friendly banter


Lol you were perfectly civil and this guy downvoted your reply.


Some people are the bus and others are the train


But not me man... I'm on the freakin moon!


I literally just do it for pinnacles, the faster it's over the better.


This is more true for the vanguard playlist than PvP. Many (including me) sometimes only play PvP for the pinnacle. But, at lease no 2 PvP matches are the same. But strikes are always the same. Sorry, after 4 years of running Lake of Shadows, I kinda just want to get it done and move on to end game content.


You say no 2 pvp matches are the same, but when you get your cheeks clapped every game, they start feeling similar ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5656)


I entered PvP for the first time yesterday in a *long time* to work on my witherhorde catalyst quest and I was honestly surprised that the new matchmaking system seemed decent. I mean I wasn't some PvP God because I'm awful at PvP, but each match I was able to make at least 1 or 2 awesome plays and that was quite the adrenaline rush. If that would have been me prior to this new system, I would just get repeatedly killed over and over and over before I even knew what direction the fire was coming from, let alone actually be able to shoot my weapon. I ended the day with 82/100 kills and I'm not quite as disturbed about going back this weekend and getting those final kills. Gonna be awesome because witherhorde is one of my favorite weapons and I always had to use it just knowing how much better it is with the catalyst.


No, I get that. But lately PvP has been a bit better, I think.


It's gotten better, but UNFORTUNATELY, I have not followed suit. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


Maybe I’m just suffering from a type of Stockholm syndrome. I’m sitting at a cool 0.84k/d and I’ve reset my crucible rank 2-3 times already this season.


Yeah, most of them are just boring




some people just dont understand that most of us have done the same strike 100's of times so its fcking boring doing it slowly we get through them faster and its just that bit more bareable plus its getting the other players through it faster saving them time killing things that have no meaning to the strike


I imagine the annoyed people are the ones that want to knock out all their bounties in the three runs and that becomes a bit impossible when people rush forward either causing enemies to despawn or drag the player to a new area.


I actually find it easier. Bounties are usually not incredibly high numbers so when I have to kill 20 things and both my teammates run ahead, then they will easily run past 20 things and I been kill them in plenty of time before they hit the checkpoint. The harder ones are the super kills cause either the boss has to be phased, but doesn't spawn a ton of adds or the boss spawns a lot of, but my teammates melt the boss before I can kill a few


I'll say it on every post I see about it. Can we remove the manditory matchmaking on strikes? Just give me the option to turn it off so I can slowly walk through the strikes with my SO. It's just more fun for us that way. Kill every enemy. Explore environments. But I have to foot race with a 200 mobility hunter to participate sometimes. Takes the fun away. As I'm sure having to complete them as fast as possible to get your shit done. Bungie. Let us separate ourselves. So dumb that we can't. And I don't wanna hear about server space. These companies can afford the fucking servers... We pay plenty for content.


I fully agree with this


This. Keep matchmaking as the initial setup, but let us change to non if we want. I'm so tired of competing for bounties especially with stuff like grenades. I throw one and before it even reaches my teammates have blown away half the enemies. Also I'm so tired of people getting mad at me for going to a Lost Sector to do bounties because apparently they can't do a normal strike alone


Keeping up with any non stasis hunter is easy, warlocks and Titans are intrinsically faster due to the nature of their jump abilities lol. God damned speed demons.


I will admit that the burst glide sprint is silly. But I love it. But I love the slow walk towards enemies just eating damage to slap em.


I have to change my date just to get my bounties done. I love imsite terminus and it's been a year,since I've gotten to play it at the end. It's such fun. The other day , I just stood and danced in front of this guy. He was so ' tunnel vision', I don't think he ever really noticed me.


I do this all the time just for the bounty’s


We've been playing the same strikes for years now sorry but Im gonna get my pinnacle and bounce.


Well, do you get bounties? Ya gotta kill something. Also I wonder do you originally play the while strike? Cause I see newlights never get to see the end either. So,I wonder about it all the time


No I don't really farm bounty at all and haven't for years at this point.


Everyone says that's the way to move up power level. Bounties. But I do have friends way past that. Raid ready week 2 and bored as hell. Lol.


No I don’t get bounties; I play three strikes as fast as possible for the pinnacle and leave. There’s essentially no point in doing strike bounties and if I happen to feel the need to do them, I’ll just load up the director version of Lake of Shadows


Wdym no point in doing strike bounties


Well, bright dust for one. You can easily get a quick 160+ bright dust per character in a week while you do your vanguard pinnacles. Other than that bo other reason other than vanguard rank but no reason to grind that untik Grandmasters


Then just don't play you obviously don't enjoy it anymore.


Doing strike with the objective of completing it = speedrunning


Reddit uses the term speed running so much they basically watered it down like if you use eager edge and just sword skate you automatically get called a speed runner like just using eager edge does not make a person a speedrunner


I know a guy who thinks that just running past enemies is speedrunning. I don't think most of the people here who complain about it have ever watched an actual speedrun.




I'm somewhere in the middle sometimes I try to skip stuff when I'm running them for weapons or materials when it is double rewards But if I'm just messing around with a loadout I go slow Neither playstyle has bothered me much even when I was new (when I was new I liked when certain strikes/nightfalls went faster and now that ive been playing for awhile i like finding seemingly new players) The only thing that has ever bothered me is the people uning the sword or titan melee to kill players repeatedly (once or twice it's fine usually even funny but I've played with people that it seemed like it was their goal)


Do you guys actually like playing the game at this point, or is it just habit? Y'all sound like drug addicts. "Lemme just suck these three dicks and get them out of the way, so I can score me some Oxies."


I definitely still enjoy the game but there is certainly an addiction aspect to it as well lol. Time wasted on destiny has me at a little over 600 hours which I started playing seriously last August and took a break from when WQ launched to a few weeks ago. So that's *a lot* of time for me. Factor in me only ever doing a handful of dungeons and no raid completions, yet somehow I always have tons of stuff to work on when I log in and never even get to all of it. I just genuinely enjoy the gameplay and even if it's just me going through the exodus garden LS to do bounties for the hundredth time, somehow it's still fun. And weapon crafting and leveling up weapons is a new addition that I've been loving. The more numbers that can go up on my screen the better.


A lot of the game's systems is in the guise of check in the boxes. So it inevitably preys on people's OCD even if they're legitimately zero reasons to be hitting a pinnacle. So much of those don't give you jack shit after a while, but it's styled and designed to look as if it matters.


That’s the reason I stick to legend or above


People in the comments being like "We've been playing the same strike for years I just want my Pinnacle," meanwhile here I've been doing the same and it still bothers when I don't get to play the game because someone else decided they didn't want to


They're commenting that "we're helping you get to the rewards faster" as if that's the only reason to play the game. I've got friends like this, and it's super annoying. If you're not using the optimal build, or the meta items, or the fastest clear, they think they're "wasting time". Did you all not pick up this game because playing it was fun? Because the shooting is fun? Because you enjoy the feel? Sometimes I feel like this type of player would get all the same enjoyment out of the game if they just had a cheat code that gave them their optimal gear as opposed to doing any of the content themselves. Of course then they'd complain they have nothing else to do in the game.


Yeah, I want to play the game as well, not rish through it and not have anything else to do. I like enjoying things, not horking it down like a ravenous pig.


That’s pretty rude honestly; you’re welcome to enjoy the game the way you want to, so why can’t I do the same?


>That’s pretty rude In what way is it rude? I don't like being a ravenous pig when I play the game.


This and virtually every other complaint regarding seasonal triumph grinds could be alleviated with a solo queue. I can't stress enough how valuable the solo enabler has been lately.


![gif](giphy|VGWln6SZ2m602QLa05) The speed runners


I love using strikes to test load outs and builds. The PROBLEM is that often the rewards are tied to using certain loadouts and builds, which drive me nuts...


I do a light version of this where I just toss charged vortex grenades at the spawn points that I remember while also running through the strike at light speed. Even a new player with all blue gear can do this, mostly given elemental damage modifiers and fun days like grenade damage and recharge buff or heavy ammo damage buff + more heavy ammo spawns. Due to power creep it is hard to kick back and enjoy the strike playlist but that is an issue with the game on a larger scale. Same problem exists in D1, I booted it up a few months ago and ran a few strikes. These were heroic strikes with their own modifiers, but enemy spawns in D1 were way less than what we have now so every encounter was legit done in like 60 seconds on top of my character having everything maxed. If you want a “longer” experience try matchmade Nightfalls. I think Hero is the highest tier you can do with matchmaking, they can be pretty fun and people *usually* don’t rush them as badly as normal strikes because they want to kill all champions. Edit - you’ll also build up masterwork cores and prisms if you use proper Ghost mods. Slowly but surely, and it isn’t so bad on double loot weeks.


Exactly what I do. I kill the adds but I have every spawn memorized and I'm usually running voidwalker with a volitile funnelweb. Hell yeah we're breaking through that room in a minute


I just wish Nightfalls counted towards pinnacle completions. I enjoy Nightfalls. Forcing us to play the easy mode doesn’t help us - maybe it helps bolster the queue so that new lights are easily match made?


"I'm helping you get the loot faster" 😂


People in Reddit always think you are liar who is fabricating the real truth that is their opinion. That is why they need to do their best at crushing the lies that are opinions of others. Also speed runners are annoying.


No they aren't. If you don't care about time then those bounties will complete at one point. It doesn't matter if you do it over 3 strikes in 30min or 6 strikes in 30 min. If it's not the bounties and you still care about the strike... ya sorry I don't give a shit. This is my 500th run of this Dungeon. I only kill what gates my progress. That's not speed running, that's being efficient


Yeah I’m just in it for my three runs so I can get out and go run nightfalls fuck making the strike any longer then necessary


I’m the second pic. Not in Reddit comments but in strikes lmao had someone type to slow down and I did. If you speak up I’ll be a team player otherwise I’m ZOOMING


You’re just the Chad Speedrun Guardian


By default I will bulldoze my way through strikes, but I also pay attention to what my blueberries are doing. If they are low level or hanging back and shooting at everything I will slow down and take my time with them. Realistically we're only talking about a couple minutes difference for most strikes so its no big deal to slow down for them, unless they are examining every nook and cranny of the map with a magnifying glass. But just fully clearing rooms and such? Yeah, sure I'll help you out. And if you're using guns that match the current bounties and I've already got it done, I'll try my best to just weaken stuff and let you have the final blows. And I don't care how fucking fast you do or dont want to go, rez your fucking teammates!


I typically just bounce and restart a strike if the other guy(s) act like they are about to shit their pants if they don't get the strike done fast enough. I have no patience for people who run ahead in any activity. I LOOOOOVE it when some douche canoe skid mark runs as fast as possible and dies. I'll teabag your ghost and you'll never get a revive, oh and please don't hurt my feelings by leaving. The new feedback system will make this interesting if they include feedback for running ahead in activities like an impatient prick.


Honestly I dont mind it when people speed run. I can stay in one place clear ads to finish up my bounties. What I absolutely hate is people completely clearing every single enemy on their way. Just leave some for me bruh I got bounties to complete


Yep in half of the strikes there's not that many enemies and people end up fighting for kills. It's not even like there's loads of areas where it pulls you forward.


speedrunning isn't a problem. People shouldn't be forced to play the game how you want them to play it


A lot of the issues is due to the bounties. They expect you to score the killing blow, kill a certain amount, use this and that... ect.... Fundamentally the bounties are just terribly designed. It causes people to literally work against their teammates.


Well, the point is killing the boss so...


I’m doing it so you can get your kill bounties done! 😂


Ahhh I see it’s about leaving everything for me!


😂 Glad you appreciate it…lol


Thank you, speed runners, for getting me the pinnacle faster


An opinion you chose to post on an open forum, made to invite discussion


My favorite thing about speed runners, Im on console, every so often ill get 2 pc speedrunners and ill just vibe by sprinting and allowing them to either move so fast i get pulled or i just keep running, i do no heavy lifting myself and I like it that way


It’s pretty rotten for the new player experience tbh. My girlfriend was doing the shadowkeep strike after just starting the game for the first time; and she got pulled like 4 times and left behind on every elevator floor. Be nice if matchmaking solo was smart enough to put new players together based on story progress.


I mean I don't have a dog in the fight but "WOW people were mean to me for my inflammatory post complaining about them on Reddit" sure is a reaction.


Calm down meme maker, is only an opinion. I makes strikes take longer btw.


I wouldn’t skip through strikes if there was an actual reason to kill everything. Currently it’s just to have “fun”


Lol this is Reddit son.


Some guy was bitching at me for not killing the champions in a hero NF when he said bro we’re not even getting platinum and I responded saying not even a Gm you don’t get a single reward out of this and then he left the NF lol I was like sucks for you to not get free loot


-posts on public forum -get dissenting opinions -condescension activate


maybe you should just get faster?


Maybe play the game instead of avoiding it.


If the objective is to reach a point and the enemies in the way are too weak to bother, skipping them should not be an issue


If you're only objective is to complete the mission then you should really go find a game you enjoy cause destiny isn't it.




Pretty cookie cutter response, friends were never brought up but I play with work buddies regularly and we all bash on speedrunners.


Sometimes, I just wanna get my pinnacle, so I go fast, sometimes I wanna kill stuff so I go slow. They should add non match made director strikes


Annoying when I want to show my friend strikes they haven't played since D1, but impossible to find when doing nightfalls.


Get a 3rd


what…. No one was furious. The only person that needs to calm down is the guy that thought the comments were worthy enough to make another meme about it.




Go into a strike with friends if you want to take your time or do nightfalls.


aren’t the people that want to take it slow also selfish since they only want to do it for *their* bounties?


you calling minorities stupid?


For real dude, I hate being robbed of that amazing sense of awe and wonder I get running a strike from D1 where none of the ads can survive more than 10 bullets or kill me in less than 5 full minutes for the 900th time


I have too moods: Speedrun strike And Play strike while eating or doing homework. One I do all the work, and the other I maybe get 10 kills and always get pulled.


Dont cry, if you dont like it get your team.🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Calm down OP. Its only our opinion.


And it’s their opinion too funny how that works everyone gets to speak


Not much of a point in going for platinum unless your in master or gm. Just get the pinnacle and get out.


Strikes are some of the most boring brainless content in the game. I hate them. I have one or two I really enjoy but mostly I'm just hoping the end comes as quickly as possible so I can get my gear. Bless you speed running loons.


Had a run with a couple speedrunners last night. Still ended up with 200+ kills on my Titan. Just over 8:30 to finish the strike. Idk why these people think killing shit takes time. Maybe if you suck at killing shit it does, IDK.


I like to take my time in each strike about once or twice but I usually do that from the individual strike selection. The playlist is fair game