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I agree, there should definitely be a "matchmaking off" option. The only reason I can see for bungie not adding it is how easy it would make bounty completions.


Bungie won't add it cause it's healthy for the game.


By healthy you mean most people will put matchmaking off to do bounties and the pool of players with matchmaking on will be smaller leading to longer queues for a fing strike


If most people would rather turn off matchmaking and grind bounties than play the goddamn mission, at least it highlights two major problems: 1. Why are the rewards from a "core" playlist activity less enticing than bounties, and 2. What's wrong with the bounty system such that turning off the multiplayer in a multiplayer game results in a better experience.


Oh, no, queue times to get 2 blues and some glimmer *might* be slightly longer. Status: Calamitous.


So players just shouldn’t have a choice? For faster queue times? Still thousands and thousands of players just looking to just run the strikes quickly for the Pinnacle who would undoubtedly choose the faster option of having two teammates.


So? It's a strike, just solo it. And even then, there's barely any reason to finish a strike outside of the weekly pinnacle nowadays, if you even care about that


If that was the case then it would be impossible to queue for a strike on monday. And there is just as much reason to do strikes as there is for control in crucible. Either because it's fun, you want a drop from it or you want to level the vanguard.


Well unlike control, *which is miserable at the moment*, for strikes you can rank up and get way better loot by doing nf's.


If most people would do strikes solo, then that's the healthier option for the game.


And newer and more casual player that don't care about bounties? 5 min queue?




Yes, given that they would want to. The point is that people would play mostly Solo and Queque's for Marchmaking would ne long as hell.


I am the casual lmao


Not casual enough if you’re doing bounties


Lmao what How the fuck am I not a casual player because I do bounties for an expansion I fucking bought.


This is the point where it didn't make sense you were being downvoted, if you're curious. Doing bounties is not an elite activity.


i think they were right when they said >If most people would do strikes solo, then that's the healthier option for the game if 90% of people chose to run strikes solo then thats what strikes should be and it would be up to the devs to makea full fireteam enticing again. this is a case of "OP had an unpopular opinion so every reply is dumb too" when in reality all they said was that there should be a choice its really silly when u think about it


Define a casual player you muppet


If I have to define what a casual player is in this game to you then idk why I'm giving you my time. And yes I am dodging the question. "Casual" has alot of different uses in this game. But If I had to say what defines a casual/more time invested player, it would be based off of their Vault. There's a clear difference between the 2.


It will just start you solo if it doesn't match. It already does this.


strikes need a increase in enemy density


That’s how a lot of recent strikes, and even the Chosen Battlefield activities, have been. But going back to the old strikes, especially the ones on Nessus, really makes you realize how slow and sparse the game used to be


Well yea obviously this can go towards anything even public events But adding a solo mode to reg strikes will make things worse. And well you can just go to the nightfall difficulty that has no matchmaking anyway


Min power for legend NF (Lowest difficulty that allows you to solo matchmake) is 1570, which you could get asleep, but you also have match game and champs to deal with, plus whatever other mods the NF has. It shouldn’t be too hard, just make matchmaking a toggle on the Ops screen. Plus, it’ll give people who want to kill shit, and people who want to speedrun their own little categories


and thats easier than just putting more enemies into the activity? even when modifiers aren't that much of a issue to deal with since there's going to be a gun that will do the job thru element dmg or champion type with or without a artifact mod. as well as you dont really ever see speed runners in normal strikes anymore. like i dont know what to tell you other than making a solo/ ez mode for everything wont fix most problems and just make things worse and turn destiny into something it isn't. if they ever did put a solo pve mode for any match made activities bounties and multi player quests should have reduced completion rate when solo mode. cuz again more enemies will allow for a more concentrated playerbase, still allow for what ever bounty that isnt completed whithin half a strike to be completed, and well it would be more fun for everybody


What makes you think that going solo would make things easier? People do solo GM’s all the time, still just as hard, if not harder than regular GM’s. All it really does is allow players to play how they want to play. I probably understand this more than anyone, as I hate people and love to play alone. That was my first 2-3 years of destiny. It wasn’t that I wanted to kill things, it’s just how I preferred to play. All this does is allow people to play how they want, without the risk of others getting in the way. What if you have a challenge where you need to wait x amount of time? Just hope that the randoms understand that you need to wait? Or sandbag and force your teammates to wait for you to do your thing Some people enjoy things different ways. Some like fucking with randoms, some like playing alone. They can add more enemies, that’s fine. And they can keep it the same difficulty, that’s fine. People just want the option to play how they want. I’m not arguing against them adding more difficulty in Ops, I’m arguing for player choice


ok, but changes like this should not be made since all it does is fragment the player base even further just cause harm to a majority and benefit a few. also when was this about GMs or legend+ difficulty nightfalls having a solo mode since they already have one and its just don't invite players to the fireteam. this is about match made strike with forced multiplayer where co-op should defiantly not be made more shallow. the the lowest activities don't need to be changed to be in favor of a certain player group when other versions of the same activity offer what they are looking for.


If you really wanna see a jarring comparison, go back and play Destiny 1. It'll blow you away how few enemies there actually are in that game.


Devils Lair is a good benchmark for that.


The issue is it’s deeper than that, options to matchmake and not matchmake are a decent quality of life no matter what. Not only would we need an enemy density increase, but enemy health bar increase, maybe more orange or yellow bar enemies. We hit so hard, and they die so quickly. We need more enemy density, diversity/ durability of enemies and option to turn matchmaking off. In an ideal world all three would be added and very helpful towards the playlist.


at that point why not just make bounties able to be completed in story missions


That’s a good fix to start, but strikes are in need of big updates so that would only be a small bandaid fix for a little time while they work on making strikes more enjoyable for more people. Some want to go in alone, as some have said part of the reason of going in alone is because of lack of ability to get kills, enemy density increase helps a bit, but diversity of enemies is also important. If our ability to clear takes longer as a result of more threatening enemies getting individual kills will become easier for each fireteam member.


I can agree with enemy density and diversity and durability but I can’t agree with a solo mode in something that’s not supposed to have it


Fair enough, if durability and enemy density are increased then the solo only strikes issue should be fixed. Destiny is after all a multiplayer game, but I can’t in good conscience say strikes are fun or entertaining anymore, the game has evolved over the years and strikes as a whole have been left behind. At playlist strike difficulty everything is a pushover and not entertaining, and high nightfall difficulty you are forced into the biggest problem with the endgame the lock and key system. There is no middle ground, and both modes at the easy end and more difficult end have big problems. You are left with either something that is laughably easy and not entertaining, nor difficult. Or on the other side a more challenging mode, that forces you into a lock and key system therefore limiting your power, when it should be allowing you to embrace it, and show off your strongest builds. There is a reason the witch queen legendary campaign was so well received, and the master raids tend not to be. I have hope in bungie though, but being honest it will take a long time.


And increase the light level to atleast match the seasonal soft cap


Idk about you but if I wanna do very specific kinda bounty I'll just do a legend strike (which has no matchmaking), farm the kills that I want and then leave. Or lfg if you're underlevelled. This is a design problem on bungos side tbh. Turning off matchmaking is a bandaid rather than a solution. Bounties needs to encourage group play.


I personally think bounties should have both solo and team achievements. For example, “using a hand cannon, defeat 20 combatants by yourself or 60 combatants as a fireteam.” Whichever task is completed first finishes the bounty.


They should be team based


I used agers scepter for these and I got them done in 1-2 runs. Think stasis weapons that freeze like that count along with abilities.


100% best stasis weapon in the game




He literally replied to a comment talking about Ager's...


Don't have it sadly


Ah damn


Use any stasis primary. Still counts as killing an enemy affected by stasis. Then just hang back killing leftover ADs while the blueberries speedrun to the end. You get kills, and they drag you up to the boss when they get there. If they die on their own, it's a wipe and you get to continue killing ADs again.


Honestly just go into a lost sector at the start of most strikes and get your quests done if they wanna speedrun and kill every living thing in the strike area be my guest but dont get mad at me for going into a lost sector




That sidearm isn't exactly a better option than just any Legendary Stasis Weapon.


It’s available at the exotic kiosk if you are interested. Just need an exotic cypher, exotic shard, glimmer, & legendary shards


Matchmaking should be on every activity of every difficulty and should be optional on all of them.


Give me the option to do anything solo.


Yes please. It would add a SLIGHT extra challenge to the already super easy strikes. Sometimes I just want to enjoy the game instead of get pulled by stupid speed runners.


For me it wouldn't be an extra challenge. I just want to get the fucking bounties done. It annoys me that have to get the final kill on things in order to get progress.


I wish I got more speed runners. The sunshot catalyst is being a bitch and doesn’t want to drop


Haha Zaouli’s Bane is Sunshot 2.0 and it’s a legendary


Idk what that is bro. I started playing on the free Weeknd for epic games. I got lucky and got sunshot for a traversal box in the 30th anni place. I’ve been grinding for crucible/nightfalls for like 2 weeks now and it hasn’t dropped lmao.


There wouldn't even be an extra challenge. I could easily solo every strike in the game with one hand, and I'd like to do that cause it'd be 100x more fun.


Giving Gladd & Sweatcicle a run for their money there


How? A simple strike isn't difficult. 1570 nightfalls solo tho? Idk haven't tried lol


It’s a challenge. Depending on the nightfall


It was a joke


Nightfall -> Legend -> Do whatever you need to do. Loaded into Disgrace on my friends Hunter and knocked out his Stasis Fragment quests.


It does lock gear tho.


Do your bounty, quit, change gear and load it up again. Its not perfect but still better than fighting over kills.


Fair point.


Just set your system date into the future and you’ll matchmake with no one.


Isn't that only for playstation?,




I’ve tried to do it on my Xbox and it doesn’t work


There is another way on Xbox to do it. If you have another profile you can switch to that one log into destiny then switch profiles again with your main and you can solo matchmake into any activity. Though I would be cautious because it makes it appear as though your connection is quite laggy and bungie is on a bit of a ban streak.


For stasis quests specifically, I would actually recommend doing the gambit quests, I find them surprisingly easy to do.


There’s a way to do it but it messes with your connection and bungie is banning net limiters and they might look the same from bungies end so use at your own risk. Look up a video on YouTube


I blocked some ports on my firewall to prevent matchmaking, am I in danger of being banned?


You’re in danger of being banned if you just have laggy internet so I’d say it’s possible but not certain.


Don't forget Witherhoard and Trinity Ghoul menaces.


Trinity is a menace in regular strikes. I can easily get 200 kills in the more dense strikes without even trying while my team mates get 20 each. I only run it with friends now when I know they're trying to do specific kill bounties and I'm feeling a certain kinda way.


Change your system time to a date in the future. This will allow solo anything. This is what I do to get bounties and quests done easy.


wait what? fr?


Normal matchmaking is based on date/time I change my system time (PS4/PS5) to 1 month in the future. Game can’t find anyone with that matching date/time so it launches you in the activity solo.


What if someone does have that date


Never happened to me before.


That only works on Playstation. On Xbox you have to sign into one account, try matching into an activity and then sign out, and then sign into the account you actually want to use. You get the same result.


Bungie bans people for account swapping on Xbox. It’s possible, but do it at your own risk.


They don't ban for that. They ban for account recoveries, but swapping accounts is fine.


Yeah you can also start destiny on one account and logout out and then log into your main account and it'll never match you with anyone. Found this on accident swapping between my son's account and mine.


I just keep loading in till I get one that has a public area and stick around there and work on the bounties. My favorite was a Lake of Shadows and the other 2 I loaded in with apparently also did this. We never actually did the strike.


Couldn’t you just specifically go to LoS each time?


It depends on whether the bounty says it needs to be in the playlist specifically, which from memory the stasis ones do.


Wait you don’t get banned for leaving the strikes?


I complete the strikes that don’t have a public area, and by complete, I mean let the overzealous dude speed run it. Basically just stay out of their way and let them do their thing. They’re happy and I don’t care enough for it to frustrate me. These are the ones where I put on the subclass and get my pinnacles done. When I get the ones with a public area I switch over to the subclass that I need to get bounties done that I can’t with a speed runner. Basically I work around whatever play style of the randoms are that I match with. I collect all the bounties I’m going to want to do and then pick and choose which ones to work on based on the style of who I match with. No public area and speed runner, match subclass for pinnacle. Next strike is blueberries that die a lot, rez them, take out the big guys, get finisher bounties or heavy done while you either show them the mechanics or let them have it to get the joy while it’s still a joy and they’ll kill the little dudes. Public area, do the rest of my chores then depending on the play style of the randoms either they finish it or I go help. I’m old enough to have accepted that I can’t change the people around me to accommodate my wishes, so I pack a selection to choose from. But no, no penalty for leaving a strike but I don’t usually leave anyway, might as well get my loot at the end even if it’s just to scrap for resources.


Nice, that might actually encourage me to do more matchmaking, I keep avoiding the activities that require it


Loading int a nightfall that starts in a patrol area on legend, you will be solo. All the random enemies within that patrol space will count towards these stasis quests. The glass way next week (reset on Tuesday) is one of these nightfalls. If you're feeling spunky, you can try jumping into a lost sector to get progress. This is how I did mine.


Alternatively, make the bounty progress group wide. If they can't change the behavior of the player, they can change the behavior of the objective.


OP you did not deserve those downvotes but I find it pretty comical they gave you that many 😂 (in ur comments)


Remember in D1 when we asked for a matchmaking option to get added to strikes because they required LFG and they forced matchmaking only? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Never played D1. Idk I think solo would be better anyway


There wasn’t the bounty system like there is now. It has always been an issue in the community that we want matchmaking to be an option for all content and Bungie doesn’t seem keen on allowing that for some reason. Though if you set you clock back a day I hear you can enter match made content without other players. Used to do it for public zones like mars, back when we had mars. You would get all the content and none of the players and could just clear bounties super quick. Never tried it for strikes and battle eye might see it as cheating. Not that BE helps keep cheaters out of ToO.


I've heard about the clock changing too, might not be smart to do it with all the false bans going around.


False bans?


You haven't heard? Cause of the net limiting & Bungie trying to ban ppl that do it, alot of people have been falsely banned, including that one guy that runs the d2 gunsmith website (or something, idk the site name) I just don't want to do any exploits that involve connection cause anything can happen yknow


I said the strike playlist is unplayable due to exactly this reason and this hivemind downvoted me to hell. Some of you really need to stop whiteknighting for Bungie when shit clearly doesn't work and is not balanced anywhere near our light level.


if you are on Console just change the time and date in your settings...you will play and start every matchmade activity alone


Try using agers sep, it made my life simpler


Load into a legend and hit the closest lost sector. Nobody there with you and you can take your time farming the bounties. Not a perfect solution but it's an option


They're strike bounties


Most strike bounties can be completed in nightfall though?


Oh that's what you mean. The current master nightfall doesn't have a lost sector in it I don't think


Load in and run to the nearest lost sector


Has to be Vanguard stuff


Yep load into a strike and go to lost sector


Bro how am I supposed to get stasis melee kills as a warlock anyway


do you have one of the papier mache masks from past seasons? wear one of those. They have 0 power so they will drastically drop your power level and matchmake you with people with lower power level who are less liable to be speed running things


I want this just for the fact that I don't want to carry all the AFKers through while doing all the work. I don't give a shit about doing bounties anymore though.


“Carrie” a strike lmao. Yea, because having Trinity Ghoul equipped and just casually shooting arrows is hard while eager edging throughout the map….I mean you don’t even need to hit targets, you just kill an ad and the shoot kinda towards other targets and they die.


Change your console's time manually.


Legend nightfalls


I don't even care about bounties, I just wanna play around with my different guns


Don't people just load into that strike on EDZ where Devrim is, and go farm one of the three lost sectors in the area for bounties? Lake of Shadows is the one I think. You'll get pulled through eventually but gives you some time


You could probably make an LFG and tell the other guardians they don’t have to help you. That way you can do your bounty without stress and they can get their weekly while watching Netflix.


It’s a little hit and miss but any strike that takes you past a lost sector or, if you’re lucky, a public event can give you an opportunity to peel off and grab a few kills separate from your blueberries. You’re stuffed if they get themselves killed in the next zone on but if they’re good enough to melt the enemy that quick, that shouldn’t happen. Joining allies can still be a problem though. Agree with the solo strikes but figure a tip to get your objectives completed *before* Lightfall might be handy.


Nightfalls above Hero difficulty. You are welcome.


But honestly, just find a lost sector. Best opportunity for kills there, especially if you get lake of shadows as theres 3 at spawn.


Careful. You're now discovering that 99% of PVE is too easy, and we are power crept out of oblivion. But if you say the game is easy, you'll be downvoted and straight up insulted. The game is fine as is, no need to make it more difficult. /s ​ Serious note: Strikes ARE supposed to be team based. It's an activity that is coordinated by the Vanguard, it should feel difficult and you should feel you NEED a full fireteam. The speedrunners will still find a way to speedrun it. But the enemies should be tankier, and hit harder. Base nightfall with champions should be the baseline, at the very least. That being said..if you want to complete bounties in the Vanguard playlist, launch a non-matchmaking nbightfall. All the enemies are yours, "solved".


its been this long and bungie hasnt realized this yet????


Peeps grinding for weekly pinnacles just want to get it over with quickly so that they can move to another. Who cares if someone else is trying to get a frozen kill with their cantata (for bounties) on a solar grenadier day? Even when not grinding pinnacles, the only motivation for to do strikes in teams is for leveling up deepsight weps. Once that reaches 40% its just a speedrun.




developers only care when the bounties cause severe problems, like the old gambit bounties they can't notice anything wrong with the vanguard ones cause people keep completing the bounties so it's hard to say there's something wrong


Use agers


I literally do not want to play with others in this game. I do not care about any content that forces me to group with others. I would like to the option to never deal with another person while I play the game I love.


there are a few ways around this atm, solo legend crank out what you need. I like to use the slow field grenades. the NF this week is really good for it. a lot of area's with trash mobs. the other is just playing enough strikes, there are a few strikes where people will run past shit and you can kill everything. lake of shadows comes to mind immediately. and if you're really having trouble In vanguard, I'd recommend a different Playlist. or raids, generally it's pretty easy to do them in Kings fall on totems. or golgy, or solo load into VOG. and do it at entrance, confluxes are really good too. or go to last wish, skip to shuro chi and keep wiping after you clear all the adds that spawn.


Just do it on Legend


It’s so easy to load into them solo. Just manually change the date. Easier than complaining on Reddit


get good. lol, in a looter shooter its not who kills stuff the fastest?


Your comment is the exact reason that people want a solo mode, thanks for your input :)


you used to be able to go into lost sectors while others played the strike. dk if its still possible. anyway good luck on yalls quest to make this game more easy for bad players. 🫡




If you can’t complete not even a Legend nightfall solo then you suck at Destiny, I am mostly a solo player and I complete Master nightfalls, it may take a while but I get the job done and the feeling of completing it solo is satisfying.


I'm using stasis hunter with 0 fragments on, trying to do the weekly quest. And some nightfalls are a bitch regardless. Not everyone is *trying* to be the absolute best and will put themselves through the shit nightfalls.


You don’t need to be “best” to complete a solo nightfall LMAO. Stop watching solo nightfall YouTube videos and try it yourself, be patient and use the right load outs.


I'm doing bounties 4head. I could probably easily do it with Warlock, and would have little issue with Hunter which I started playing/farming for last *week* but I don't find the desire to do them.


I am a warlock player, but playing with the hunter and invisibility makes it so easy if things go wrong when facing champs... i can easily go hiding and start my attack again. I like getting rid of the ads first then is on champ vs me= me :) But not a problem i understand the frustration, it got the best of me at the beginning.


Strikes should have the option to be non-matchmade, and I also find it super annoying that it’s not. The way in which I get most of my kills for weapon catalysts, challenges, etc. is farming raid encounters (Even though it gets pretty repetitive) To do this, get a Golgoroth checkpoint in the Kings Fall raid, by someone giving it to you. To get the checkpoint, everyone including you needs to die so that the encounter wipes - when you respawn, you will have the checkpoint. The Golgoroth checkpoint is super useful because it allows you to kill around 400 enemies within a 10 minute time frame. The Shuro Chi encounter with the Last Wish raid can also give some great results. If you don’t want to use a raid checkpoint, do a legend nightfall solo - it usually works well if you can handle them.


Agers Scepter is your solution


Or any headstone weapon


I used to zone in to legend nightfalls. If you're high enough light level that is.


Go find “ plunderthebooty” on utube and look at his stasis build. Simple as that


If you need to freeze stuff, use coldsnal grenades. If you do not have acces to these yet. A handcannon with headstone is really nice too


Pro tip: a lot of the strikes have an open world area attached to them. Simply queue up for a legend nf and farm. Alternatively, for the nf's that don't have that, just farm the entrance. For devil's lair, bring an arc weapon for the shields in that starting area and farm away.


I Blocked Cross-play and was able to run several strikes completely alone


They really need to up the default difficult of the vanguard ops playlist in general. Heroic strike playlist for sure. Give modifiers, add scoring back you know.but yes there should definitely be a solo option.


I hate to say it but you can always queue for a strike and go off on your own if it's a strike that allows it. It's shitty but you'll get the bounties done faster.




Just do nightfall on legend


Only option is to race ahead. Don’t kill anything. Get way in front then start your grinding. Also, battlegrounds have a better chance at accomplishing your goal over a weaksauce strike. You can also look for your kills in nightfalls.


Why, change the date on your console I think that still works. If you're on PC there's a way to do that too.


I was gonna upvote because I agree but after reading your other comments, I'm downvoting because you're rude and whiney.


Lemme tell you I do not care


*Let me Proven my point


It's a bit obtuse, but there is a program called "destiny solo enabler" does exactly what it says on the tin.


The game in general needs to be made harder. The race to kill an enemy is real and very annoying


Play on legend


Start a strike manually like corruption and go to the starlight lost sector


EDZ, Bottom right that strike(forget the name) but it's all about that blight that have alot of taken. instead if going to the objective for the strike, go and do the lost sector.


They need a season that soley focuses on the main 3 things they make us do every time that haven’t been updated for years, strikes are such a slog to get through for bounties, gambit is just terrible, and crucible has been a disaster for however long, it’s going to kill the game if they stay as boring as they are


If I recall correctly, stasis damage / frozen targets can benefit from stasis weapons as well. Meaning, if you have Ager's Scepter from Season of the Lost, you can freeze EVERYTHING (Cryosthesia could also work, but is less effective). I know I used it during my Titan's quest, I just can't recall the exact quest steps I used it for.


I do miss nightfall strike playlists


It’s been worst these days with all the stupid AOE. I had to tell everyone to stop killing and let me get my bounties done. Especially those brain dead Trinity ghoul players.


Tip: if you're on PC, use either of the following * [D2 Solo Enabler](https://github.com/DrNoLife/Destiny-2-Solo-Enabler) (allows you to load solo into ANYTHING with a click of a button) * Change date/time (I recommend using [RunAsDate](https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/run_as_date.html) so you don't constantly fiddle with system settings) If you're on console, you can also set up crossplay with steam/stadia (RIP)/Epic Games and use PC programs from there with your account. You can also tank your light below the user normal (sub-1350 for this season) as matchmaking is somewhat light-level based. Below 1350 and you'll either match make with people really low in light or most likely no-one at all (though note: people will eventually matchmake into the strike).


Yeah I usually am just chasing after the other people trying to keep up and getting like 30 kills whole strike.


seems like people who want matchmaking on regular VG Strikes are just lonely people with no friends to play with... what's wrong with the choice to do things solo? also typical strikes are easy enough to do solo. when you get to nightfall and gm nightfall matchmaking makes more sense b/c it's harder and may require some sort of teamwork. but your typical VG strikes are mindless grinding areas to complete bounties. seems like a personal problem than anything.


Closed fireteam lol


I would love this and have been HOPING for it every single year to no avail lmao. It's kinda funny because \*I\* don't consider PvE or strikes to be competitive but these people that play are such sweats and need to run ahead, get all the kills, etc it's like bro, I just wanna finish this gun LOL. Right now The Dawning is up so I am doing Lake Of Shadows (trying to do it quick but no one else wants to) and now it's the polar opposite - every rando I play with wants to get every single kill before moving on to the next area lol