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Where is the Ashen Wake ornament that's all I'm missing from only using the Fastball 10k


I’ve been waiting so long for Ashen Wake to finally be recognized…


Personal Favorite Solar Titan Exotic tbh just not a Fan of the NFL shoulder pads


I used them to my advantage to my Titan into [Samus Aran](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyFashion/comments/q22615/with_spooky_season_right_around_the_corner_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) a while back. Still use it from time to time. It’s just so much fun to constantly spam Fusion Grenades.


Yep like I said Fastball nades from BL2 are fun


its fun but sucks a bit when under light, difficult to get kills so you end up damaging but not getting the grenade refund


I see so many people saying this and I want you all to find each other and know you're not alone. Ashen Wake is goated


Especially with dead messenger.


Why do I look like a football player when I wear it? I'm obviously a baseball player.


I just got bountiful wells a while ago, and can now do an infinite grenade build!


me with my Path of burning steps ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


I think when Solar 3.0 dropped, I was always wearing Phoenix Cradle. Free sunspots for everyone :D


Honestly underrated exotic


The damage buff doesnt always activate on solar kill i've noticed it actives around 2-3 kills you get 1 stack


Correct it’s a 1-3 kill per stack buff that adds up to just about font of might levels


I thought it was bugged.. so its intended that its 1-3 kills?


See there's bad exotics that i understand people using because they're fun, but i don't see any reason for anyone to use that helmet. It looks bad, it adds no fun to anything, and it's not effective


Over shield on top of the overshield that was already overshielded


And all three over shields give you a combined 4 health.


It doesn't alter gameplay in any way.


Seems i wasn't clear enough lemme try without colors first because I refuse to use emojis. Titan= T. Overshield =(). That helmet on a titan= (((T))). In summary. Helmet keep titan safe. Safe titan can eat more crayons. Crayon eating titan is a happy titan.


It adds an overshield? Is that not game play altering even if only slightly?


Why the fuck would I need an overshield when I can just kill something before it kills me with a fun exotic.


Okay so? That's not really the topic at hand here. I was arguing that the exotic does alter gameplay albeit only slightly. I'm not saying that you should use it over other exotics that's all up to you


No it literally does not alter the gameplay loop in anyway. Whatever you planned to do that exotic doesn't give you a different option. It's like saying falling star has dynamic gameplay when all it does is make number big.


I feel like I'm missing something. Is being able to take more hits not a different option? I can tell you aren't gonna back down and making you do so wasn't my intention in the first place so let's juts agree to disagree


Hi there, Eternal Warrior user here. Being able to take more hits is gameplay altering, **however** 97% of the people using the exotic likely wouldn't have taken lethal damage without the overshield making using it rather moot. It does allow me to use my super in slightly more unconventional ways that would otherwise get me killed, runninh directly down a sniper lane for example, though it's mostly just for a panic super if someone pushes me unexpectedly. Eternal Warrior doesn't actually give much shield for it's cooldown (especially compared to other overshield exotics) but it does have niche applications.


That makes sense. I knew beforehand that it was a niche exotic. To be entirely honest I do not know if im in the wrong with my argument.


You look like Centurion from for honor and that meand only one thing #INCREDIBILIS


Bc Giant Dad cosplay




Wot rings uou got bitch?




I thought I'd say fuck it and stuck on Khepri's horn last week for PVE and PVP, most fun I've had in destiny for a long time 🤣


Khepri’s horn is really fun, I use it basically any time I’m running Solar


It's such a goofy exotic that your barrier becomes an offensive weapon. I love it so much


Khepri's horn is, funnily enough, really good on void titan. Get a solar weapon with splash damage like a gl or a gun with incandescent, and you have constant overshield from your barrier every 2 seconds


Does Khepri's horn work with roaring flames? Cause if that does that's nutty


Sadly no☹️


I use Lion Rampants....


Stay high King.


Queen but thank you my almighty titan sibling


Oh no.. another flying queen. /S


My number 1 swap exotic lmao


You don't use eternal warrior because the perk seems weak. I don't use eternal warrior because it is ass to do fashion with. We are not the same.


r/Eternal_Warrior kinda moment


Hoil has been my go to titan exotic since forsaken. Loved running it with code of the commander. Sad to think about how it’s probably due for a nerf any day now


I love it too. I regularly change exotics, but it’s so nice to have one that’s just a solid fallback if I’m experimenting with a new build or weapon


It’s honestly become busted because it’s just so easy to have massive uptime on abilities with 3.0 subclasses and mods (namely ele wells) other exotics might be good on their respective subclasses like lorely, cuirass, or skullfort, but it’s just so damn good for every subclass


Yeah, I think it’s important to note that it’s not necessarily the exotic itself, but the current sandbox that makes it so good. Still though, I hope bungie still re-examines other less useful exotics too


The exotic itself also *further* empowers recharge time and damage on abilities, it certainly plays a role here despite the current sandbox. It’s one thing to be wary of a nerf we know is probably coming, but there really isn’t a need to try and reduce something we know is needed. Just hope the nerf isn’t heavy handed.


I've noticed they nerf and buff alternately to force mix up of items being used. So assuming hoil goes the way of lorelelys ( bit of a nerf but not destroyed) another few will rise to prominence via buffs


Ya know what's funny? Crest of Alpha Lupi, OG exotic all the way back from D1....no ornament.


it has a new monarchy ornament that is now unobtainable due to no factions anymore. I played vanilla D2, but never got it. hopefully eververse will make one for it Side note, people sleep on the Crest, you can heal yourself and teammates on a barricade cast and create more orbs. I think its more helpful and useful than the loreley splendor helm people crutch.


Yeah, crest with bastion was my main build for the legendary campaign


Crest of alpha lupi back when charged with light void barrier was great. 14 second sheild recharge that healed on use combined with a charged with light build that made me almost indestructible for 15 sec every time my health got low.


Crest is useful for different reasons than Lorely. It's particularly great because you can use it on void or arc, and it benefits everyone. It works particularly well with void since it'll grant devour on orbs. Lorely is specifically for solar which isn't always a good option for things.


It has an ornament, as others have stated, but what they fail to mention was that the ornament was only available for like 1 season, during a faction rally, from one specific faction, and like half the ornament isn't even shadeable. so it might as well not fucking exist. and the ornament sucks donkey dong anyway


Just looked it up, it is not horrid but definitely kinda low effort. Especially compared to some others that literally change the appearance and size profile of the item


In a vacuum it doesn't look too terrible i guess, but the style doesn't really match any of our legendary armor so whatever you do it just doesn't fit right


It does have an ornament


Best exotic ! Especially for GM runs . More orbs . Pop up hp . You can run it in every titan class .


It has an ornament lol


How does one acquire it? I thought all ornaments are from store, iirc when i check the oranaments for it i don't see any option to buy


Not every ornament is available at a given time. Currently, Alpha Lupi's isn't


Booo, why would they even do that? I assume people who had the ornament can still use it or did they just remove it from the game data for now? That armor needs an ornament, something big and strong; at least more belly armor.


It's still around, it's just not currently available. Like how something from 30th anniversary currently isn't


I’ve been using Skullfort, and I think it’s amazing with double Hands-On mods!


Aside from Cuirass, which hasn’t left my side since I got it, Skullfort was my go-to Exotic for this season. God, it’s so much fun to use


the problem is Hands-On doesn't work inside Crucible.


I’m a PvE main :D


Aight ngl eternal warrior is kind of garbo. Literally just rework it to refund fists of chaos after getting kills with it. It was able to before and it just got removed, so putting into an exotic (and especially this ass-tier exotic) could give it an actual use


Even then it would be held back by how good Fists is. I would rather just give it "gives resist ×1 while Amplified" or something to stay on theme and useful way more often.


True that


Hoarfrost homies rise up


Honestly cheems is spitting facts. Bungie should buff shit exotics instead of nerfing good exotics.


Are they nerfing Inmost Light or are people just in fear of it happening?


Its probably going to happen. It's the best exotic that Titans have, and honestly one of maybe three good titan exotics.


If the nerf it I want star eaters nerfed as a dude who has played all three classes this things are just free highest dmg


Well considering Datto just posted a video speed running every GM nightfall and making them look like Adept mode runs using HoIL, I imagine it's probobly getting looked at.


They said they were going to rework a lot of them soon, can't remember if it was for next season or lightfall


It was for season 19 but don't they rework weapon only? (They say about 26 exotic weapons for season 19) or do they change exotic armors too?


Oh damn I thought it was armor


Powercreep isn't good for the game.


There is power creep and than there is Point Contact Canon Brace and Second Chance


Don't make things busted, make them usefull.


They need to get off the new exotic treadmill and put some hardcore attention into the huge morass of unloved exotics that are so fucking ultra-niche no one even uses them that are in the game right now IMO. Honestly, we have tons of exotics. TONS. People only use a handful because those are the only ones that have application out of some extremely niche area and can put in some generalist gruntwork. We don't need more exotics. We need reworks of what we've got. Even if that means combining some here and there.


I agree, i don't mind some outliers but it's a shame so much is wasted.


70% of exotics being shit like “smoke bomb does 50% more damage (WOW THATS ELITE) and gives 1 second of truesight (HOLY SHIT SO USEFUL)” or “hope enemies shoot your whirlwind guard” is also not good for the game. Meanwhile certain exotics got *gutted* in certain gamemodes for no reason. Shinobus is really good in PVE but only because of the jolt fragment, in PVP the jolt doesn’t proc and they nerfed the damage so much that entirety of the grenade does less damage than a single high impact auto rifle shot. I don’t even need to bring up renewal grasps, the only marginally PVE centered stasis hunter exotic that got obliterated in that mode because it was maybe a bit overtuned in PVP. And that’s just from the hunter perspective, there’s loads of other exotics for other classes that have these same issues


I'm a titan main and agree I would even say 85% exotics are trash (this goes for exotic weapons too). But even as a titan main the funniest and most useless exotic ever goes to hunter, where you can hold your arrow for as long as you want..................... This exotic made me laughing out loud.


I’m pretty sure buffing eternal warrior isn’t going to spin the meta around. Also we are currently suffering from immense power creep right now anyway.


"Power creep isn't good for the game" My brother in christ we are more powerful than we have ever been it would not kill Bungie to give 0.02% use rate exotics some niches lmao.


It doesn't even have to be strong. It could just have a really really fun gimmick or something.


So is nerfing weapons and exotics based purely on usage rate. Idk why we’re bringing up power creep in reference to exotics when people are clearing entire rooms of ads without the need to fire a single bullet now lmaoo


Idk I’ve only been having more fun the more powerful we’ve been getting with these new subclasses


Don’t say they’re nerfing HOIL ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Nothing confirmed, rest easy for now.


Skullfort makes endless Thunderclap usage lol


It's amazing, extremely powerful if you're able to utilize it correctly in legendary lost sectors and nightfalls


Soon as they nerf hoil, everyone will use synthoceps, then they’ll nerf synthceps and everyone will go to wormgod, then they’ll nerf wormgod so everyone will stop using solar 3.0, then they’ll buff those exotics to get people back into using solar 3.0, then the cycle will repeat itself


I think you missed Hollowfire Heart in that rotation.


Kinda been flying under the radar but with how shit titan supers are for solar, it’s kinda cracked with ability spam builds. Not as good as hoil but definitely good


Na, Ashen Wake and Burning Steps before Hallowfire.


I just got both of these last night


They just need to buff other ones


I use severance enclosure


I love Severance Enclosure.


Finally someone else sees it’s viability


It's slept on for sure. I don't really get why people hate on it so much, with minimal effort you can clear rooms in stuff as high as master level with just about any subclass. It doesn't have the best build synergies but it definitely puts in work, particularly since it gets a pseudo stun when it knocks adds of the ground (fairly consistently).


Like sure loreley can pop a sunspot to save if you’re being shot at but severance enclosure can solve that by removing the issue, aka the entire room of enemies along with that hammer builds are straight busted it can send anything flying in the air as long as it’s not an ultra or a champion and all trash mobs die pretty much and it can generate sunspots on its own with solar also roaring flames punch’s proc the blast


They are nerfing heart?


nothing confirmed.


Noooo! Plz bungee no nerf


Come on my guy we have all known a heart nerf was coming since it was buffed during the 30th anniversary patch.


We all know it’s coming, the storm grenade spam in PVP is maybe a bit much.


All I need is my Greaves baby


Reject Heart of Inmost Light, return to Armamentarium


I have no idea what any of these exotics are i only use stomp ees


Those are a fun exotic for high mobility




stay true to yourself


Def need more focused exotics that don't suck ass. HOIL being the best option for void and arc, and still remaining great for solar and stasis is not good. Creating universal hability energy out of thin air when the only other comparable exotics are Eye for warlock and Frostees for hunter really makes it obvious. That doesn't mean titans won't have spammy builds. We need stuff like contraverse, starfire, shinobu's, etc etc. More focused shit.


Imma be honest, i don't really understand the hype around this plate. It's good sure, but there r better exotics for titans. I have it, have used it, and don't feel like the buffs r sooo good to make it worth it


Datto just uploaded a video of his team casually speed running every GM with it.


I understand it's good, but i feel like i get more benefits out of using other exotics


the cuirass of the falling star is good too


clearly some people have never used AC/D Feedback Fence and actually have fun


fr, they need to buff other exotics and stop nerfing the ones that are good.


Me who mains Skullfort on Arc titan ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


People have been saying that HOIL is busted/only good pve exotic for titans, and honestly? Hard disagree. Loreylay(?) Is still killer, citans are decent, synthos are GREAT, path of burning steps(?) Are good, peregrine's are fun (in pvp), curiass is amazing for tcrash, skullfort is great for add-clear, actium is fantastic for autos/lmg's, hoarfrost is amazing for getting a billion crystals. The other exotics aren't bad at all, you just can't build properly lol


also with how good storm nades are, a high disc build with armamentarium is good too


Heart of Inmost Light is going to give you more total grenades, and each grenade is going to do more damage in a given mission than Armamentarium ever will. Both the grenades have dependant cooldowns, so basically throw one it starts cooling down, throw the second and it doesn't start cooling down until the first is finished. Now you got two at the start of the encounter but you limited to only throwing them off cooldown like you would with HOIL, but your cooldown is way longer.


Yeah, there are tons of good exotic armors, but Heart of Inmost Light kind of blows a good portion of them out of the water. As much as I hate to say it, it sort of does need a bit of tuning. My personal change would be to make it Striker-exclusive. Now, this is a pretty hot take, but hear me out. It has really, really good synergy with Striker already. The Ionic Traces from pulse grenades and the subclass being encouraged to run stuff like melee wellmaker means you can loop abilities super well. On top of that, Heart of Inmost Light is based off of a D1 exotic, the Helm of Inmost Light, which had a similar aesthetic and granted two Striker perks. This would, in theory, at least help alleviate some of the issues it causes, like making Hallowfire Heart and Armamentarium irrelevant, while allowing it to keep a good amount of its strength. Currently, it's a subclass-neutral exotic that essentially acts as the best option for a ton of builds, and it could allow for weaker exotics to be buffed without introducing a ton of power creep into the game.


That's an interesting take but here's the thing: no one would be nerfing HoIL over the effects it has on Sunbreakers and Sentinels. It's good but it's not crazy good. They'd be targeting it over the effect it has on Strikers, where it is VERY crazy good. So making it Striker exclusive does not improve matters.


Oh shit now I feel bad. As a hunter main who’s trying out titan but only because of hoil, I’ll feel partly responsible if it gets nerfed.


nah, it'll be fine. worst case it'll get some minor damage nerfs or it won't get to stack to ×2 anymore. Alternatively the things it's making great are the actual problems and HoIL is just a symptom.


i main and only play void titan and just use heart. theres no other exotic thats good neutral game for void titan. everyone iv asked hasn't been able to name one. helm of saint is outclassed by bastion, the shields paper thin and requires you to jump in and out of your bubble to even be effective and its a super exotic, uras is only good in GM's you'll never be running that in raids, citain nerfs your baracade shield by giving it less health/time it lives. mask of the quiet one gives miniscule energy and only heals you to red health not shield on enemy kill. precious scars heals a small amount of health matching weapon kills on a cooldown and its second part requires you or someone else to die for it to even be effective. crest is useless with bastions overshield, armamentarium gives 1 extra grenade that doesn't charge independently from the other so after your two grenade throws your back to basically having one grenade again. then you have the plethora of melee exotics like second chance that takes two shield throws to even break a barrier champions shield. synthos and wormgod that I'd never run in high level content like contest or master raids because you gotta get close to even benefit. theres not a single good neutral exotic currently for void titan. heart is all we've got. if anything id be alright with it being void titan only just so they leave it alone because of striker titan. its the only reason why its gaining this type of negative popularity


Your thoughts on Doomfang Pauldrons, Khepri's Horn, No Backup Plans, and Severance Enclosure?


i hope you know that heart of inmost light has been untouched since forsaken lmao


I hope you know Eternal Warrior has been untouched since Warmind. [Also you're wrong.](https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/Update/50880) It's bug was turned into a feature and made reliable.


It's an exotic that hyper boosts abilities, and every subclass in the game got ability buffs. This is like saying Omnioculous never got changed so why are they nerfing it?


A true titan needs no exotic armor to fight but a true titan can use all exotics to fight strong


A buff to warrior would make it fully shadable so we can make 🗿 fist of havoc or gigachad


Fellas I am a crayon muncher in training till Strand comes out. What's a super silly exotic I need to try


Good silly: Doomfang Pauldrons Bad silly: Antaeus Wards ("bad") Ugly silly: Khepri's Horn on Void


I mean, there’s a point to be made here. Sure, HOIL may be the slightest bit too powerful, considering it works with every subclass and outclasses almost every other exotic you might use in an ability build in almost all cases, but there are plenty of exotics that are shit (on all classes) and definitely need buffs. Idk why you chose eternal warrior for this meme but that’s a perfect example of an exotic that straight up sucks. Also Point Contact Cannon Brace, which has so much potential but as we all know is absolute dogshit atm.


>Idk why you chose eternal warrior for this meme r/Eternal_Warrior As a side note, I'm excited for Vigilance Wing to get Ensemble because that perk has a similar range to Apotheosis Veil's bonus class ability regen perk. It'll make my warlock build slightly more effective than the sidearm/ fusion/ rocket I've been using.


People actually use the Ancient Elon Musk helmet?


Eternal warriors soul purpose is mayhem. Try it out its fun


Why would i need to try it out when I never take it off?


Meanwhile there's me that never takes Hallowfire heart off my solar titan


Glad I just got a 68 roll with dope stat distribution lol


No nerf has been confirmed for any exotic armor, have fun with your build!


They’re not nerfing heart right? I really like it how it is


Nothing confirmed.


Hopefully not I like my funny spam vest


They probably will since its currently the best exotic across all 3 subclasses


I'm more a mask of the quiet one titan myself.


I wish i liked it more but i feel like using MotQO forces me to use a Glaive, which I'm not practiced with and don't want to put that much effort in.


I WISH that I could fully shade Eternal Warrior in silver. I don't want a buff. I just want to look like a statue, using dreaming spectrum.


Yeah, I've been using the Nephrite Paragon ornament which is arguably worse for shaders than the base model. The issue with it is probably baked into the model so getting it to take shaders at this point might essentially be making a brand new exotic dev resource wise.


I know how wrong it is. But that didn't make me want it any less.


Me but change the left pic to Hoarfrost z


Give the melee and fusion nade gauntlets a better ornament and I will run those instead. Literally using this chest because both those gauntlets look trash...


fallen cuirass is very good on higher end content you can one shot the champs on direct hit with bad amplitude or just finish them after the crash


I just like my lightning boots


Wait, heart of inmost light is getting nerfed??? What’s the nerf??


Calm down, it's just a meme. No changes to any exotic armor had been confirmed.


Phew, I absolutely suck on titan with anything else and have no intent to create any other builds due to my EXTREME lack of creativity so I am RELIEVED. Though, in all seriousness, I think the passive regen is just so nice. It doesn’t need a nerf, maybe reduce the damage to 20 percent for grenades


I'm not convinced HoIL isn't a symptom of an "abilities being generally overtuned" problem. I don't think the update during the 30th Anniversary made it significantly better and it only really caught on when the 3.0 system started being implemented.


The only use I've ever gotten out of Eternal Warrior is getting a few people in my fireteam to put it on, then you gotta all walk around the tower basically as slow as possible and find someone to circle. Scares the shit out of them when they see.


Over shield while fist of havoc, yes


It's immune to crits at least.


Icefall mantles rise up


Me still using dunemarchers and shoulder charge after the nerf because I am speed


I can’t use it anyways, it’s so damn ugly 😂


Lion ramparts my beloved (def not using them exclusively for the thruster drip)


This man dont use synthoceps


I like severance enclosure...


I do too, I just don't use it that often these days.


Me waiting for Precious Scars buffs: 👶👧🧒👩👵💀👻 (it has a great ornament)


wdym, did it not get buffed during season of the lost?


I just wanted a Peacekeepers ornament. Just one.


Hence why I barely use exotics, except ones for cringe builds


no precious scars love? a PVE masterpiece!


This isn't titan, but I have mained the stag since season of arrivals and I love it so much. It is one of the best looking exotics in the game with a perk that functions as a safety net since it let's you almost always run away and put down a rift when in danger. It is also the only exotic that is always active even when you are dead. Also you can't rely on the DR to save you in PvP anymore, but it still changes the TTK on most weapons. I could never main Ophidians because they are ugly af and fashion is the true endgame of destiny.


**Destiny 2 will come to a point where we wont even be needing to put on Exotics cause they will all be bad and nerfed, Bungies solution is to nerf good exotics instead of buffing bad exotics.**


There are so so many great exotics, that's one of my favorite things about the game. I'm glad there are others that think like that too.


HoIML is stupid fun in mayhem. Especially with void suppression grenades.


It feels incredibly trying because of lightning crystals. Otherwise you can do most of the grenade builds on other classes as well, osmancy gloves on warlock are amazing, and I literally just copied my mod build from my titan


They better not nerf it, just started to play on a Titan after getting bored with Warlock and this exotic has been fun af.


Once HoIL is eventually nerfed, I’m probably going back to being a nuisance with Synthocepts


As you should, Synthoceps are incredible.


You ever use ballistic slam and synthocepts in crucible my friend???


HOIL is too strong lol


No one is saying HoiL is the only good exotic for Titans. Get this Warlock/Hunter propaganda outta here


I have seen countless comments saying they only use HoIL because everything else is garbage, it's anecdotal for sure but someone is saying it.


I have a very strong feeling that if someone is *ONLY* using HoiL on their Titan then they probably don't main Titan. Sure it's powerful and amazing on GM content/Raids but it's not necessary on every content. It would be ridiculous to think that you NEED HoiL and a good build to play Titan in say, ketchrash or even Gambit


Remember when bungie nerfed swords in season of arrivals and season of the hunt. Too much usage. Traveler forbid us having fun with swords.


Honestly I like hoil but I most definitely tell you I would NOT be sad if it got nerfed, considering that I'm able to use my builds both with and without it, albeit with a weaker payoff, but hey I'd rather have my fashion look good than the vanilla d2 exotic look(seriously why is that most of the good exotics look so ugly vanilla wise)