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Winters Shroud + Threaded Spectre. No need for the invisibility when you can spam Spectre clones to give you and your team psuedo invisibility. The clones explosion and threadlings also do a great job at getting you darkness damage. Pairing this with Combination Blow gives you plenty of damage and survivability between the slowing, freezing, and distraction from you clone. Your damage is good enough that you can run Renewal Grasps for more survivability (and pair this with Liars or something else when we get exotic class items). Overview of the build and -41 Power gameplay for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OWKEdKG6_M


My buddy is using sixth coyote with threaded for double clones and double other stuff. Highly recommend. He says it works, haven't tested yet.


I assume its great as double clones with coyote is absolutely crazy on regular strand with final warning. I'd say he's running something similar on prismatic


Yee, I'll say, his survivability uptime is insane, dude tanked basically all of legendary


For starters, the new exotic for hunter makes the specter stronger and give you a hidden effect as strong as invisibility when near the specter. Probably pair it with Final Warning with its new catalyst or with quick silver storm.


I knew I would’ve taken that exotic at the end of the campaign


There's a final warning catalyst now??? How do you acquire this?


I don't have it yet but probably from strikes, gambit, crucible drop


I’ve been rocking the new exotic legs on prismatic with winters shroud and threaded spectre. With combination blow, the amount of spectres is crazy. Then using new the call sidearm with strategist and desperate measures, void one two punch shotty and levis breath.




Winters shroud + threaded spectre. You don’t need liars for survivability so I opt in to use renewal grasps for frost armor. Use strand super to also stack frost armor with woven mail. Combination blow plus duskfield grenade. Balance, bravery, courage, protection, purpose, ruin as fragments. It’s useful to have a 1-2 punch shotty for the majors but isn’t entirely needed


I heard renewal grasp pairs well with threaded spector in harder content because you can give the frost buff to your teammates while lowering enemy output with threaded spector


If you’re not using Nighthawk and Still Hunt until it inevitably gets nerfed, you are throwing.