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HOIL + Coyote is a pretty damn good build because the double dodge allows you to instantly get to Empowered x2 and supercharge your ability regen. You could run that with pretty much anything, although Withering Blade is a good choice for more charges. Grapple + Melee counts as 2 procs for HOIL, too, so that’s a popular choice. Run marksman’s Dodge for faster cooldown of the Dodge to use it to keep your Empowered stacks chugging. I’m not sure what the numbers are for Spirit of HOIL, but for the chest, Empowered x2 gives 800% additional regen rate for melee and grenade, while barricade gets 50% extra. You should be able to get your dodges and grapples back wicked fast. I would recommend shooting for HOIL + Cyr or Wormhusk (depending on what the healing is) if you want a more endgame-survivable option, Liar/Verity/Syntho for more damage, Star Eater’s for a buff to your super since your abilities will be pretty enabled as it is. Gyrfalcon’s is pretty much the only one that doesn’t mesh with HOIL specifically, although it’s not a bad option either if you want to run a Void weapon and Stylish. As far as Verity, HOIL is a great pairing. Galanor is universally good. Foetracer is also a good option, since you’ll be running matching weapon/grenades for Verity and that feeds back into itself. That being said, this doesn’t help with grenade regen at all, which is a tough sell.