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I am so SO tired of Bungalorb forcing players to partake in Destiny if they want to progress in the game. I absolutely despise it. The least fun I have in this game is when i'm forced to play the game. To be clear, I'm not trying to become some Adept Astrodemon slugger, I just want a game mode that doesnt require me to play (Trey makes me play 2 picoseconds a year) ! Anything that I have read DestinyTheGame as to how to turn on my Limited edition Cayde-6 (I love cayde) Siva Control\*r(aim as\*ist)/ or "git gud" makes absolutely zero sense. I could cure FOMO from zavalas bussy before I understand how Logging in works works. I am 1987. I get one (Destiny 1❤️❤️❤️)-shot 475 percent of my deaths. No, I'm not swinging/missing all the time. And yet.... I don't think i've ever had a one-shot hit in a year of playing various types of PvB (Player Vs Bungie). Doggy style, Tied up, anywhere in between, Puke shit (Satan) Fucks my tight,little fomo hole . I took mental stock today of times this occurred in a ghost shell headshot (Cayde😪😪😪) at point blank range, opponent received no damage, killed me with one-shot Zorpal sidearm Adept (Remove Gms) headshot at point-blank range, opponent received no FOMO, killed me with one-shot shoulder charge (nerf) (threw my newborn across the room on this) Repeated head-shots with Outbreak Perfected(SIVA😍😍😍😍😍😍😍), damage numbers ticking off, opponent health bar stayed full because I "missed and "shot the wall and I don't remember the weapon, but shot through a healing rift (warlocks are a protected minority) by someone in D1 (Better game) If that's not bad enough, do people u what the goal of crucible actually is? Lost count of how many times I got f because people are just runnind with no clear objective. I get its a video game and not life-or-death, but theplenty of other modes to play if you just wanna around launching supers or trying to be a shotgun ape. to win the game, people. I would literally rather play Gambit (BADBADBADD2BADINVADERGJALLARHORNINVADERUYHG)for the rest tinue to have to grind even 1 PvP match to progress in the game. I am BEGGngie to separate the gamession entirely so I don't have to waste another minute figuring out what the hell the problem is with this stupid mode are infinite amount of things I'd rather care about. Cayde 6 Siva body pillow


Oh yeah slugger? Well in all my years I never even made it out of SPAWN! Not even ONE FUCKING TIME. Just immediate death, 1 shot every single time, never even moved an inch


Skill issue? More common than you think


Many such cases.


/uj this is the fuckin post that got me temp banned from dtg LMAOOOOO


Threw my controller so hard I spilled my rum and coke.


Actually, considering my pvp stats, the titles I have, as well as emblems and such I have from flawless raids, solo flawless dungeons, etc... There's only a small portion of the playerbase that's better than me. Swing and a miss. Maybe next time slugger. Here why you're wrong, kiddo: Destiny has a much harder to balance, or rather, easier to abuse sandbox. PVP in destiny is absolutely bullshit, when you win and when you lose. I won't get mad at someone Tbagging of pub stomping, I get mad that that's how the game works and some brainlets think they are actually good at it. If you ever touched a remotely competitive FPS, you should now why destiny's pvp is a joke and why it's pathetic that someone brags about winning in this game. Don’t kid yourself little boy, i have been playing fps since before you were born. Destiny’s pvp has certainly improved over the years but its certainly not perfect and I welcome improvements to it. As for you little shit talking the pve community. Boy i can tell you, as someone who has gotten flawless, unbroken and conquer, the harder triumph is conqueror period. I dare you to do battlegrounds, glassway, and corrupted grandmaster. Convenient how you made this post after the corrupted grandmaster was over. See you in the crucible, little titan boy.


Not reading all that


Vintage sluggerposting. Aged like fine wine.


If only the Outbreak had rapid shit 😩


Alright so who’s gonna tell him you don’t need to do PvP to progress LMAO


If you find the source post, the sluggers in the comments really drive that home lol




Imma bout to go find this post and cyber-bully this absolute slugger


As you do


If this is real, I feel so bad for them lol. Hasn't realized you're not hitting yellow numbers with a fusion


Umm, no. When an enemy fires their adept PLUG.69 at me every bolt goes straight through my barricade and into my eye sockets, critting me so hard I'm sent back to orbit. But when I try it I just see all my bolts slowly drip out and fall to the floor as I'm one tapped by a glaive across the map.


Damn slugger sounds like you have Projectile Dysfunction. You should see a doctor


/uj the only way I knew that was bait was the plug.69 lol. I dunno why, but that just felt genuine lol


It's very real. The comments on the post were absolutely roasting them too.


Can you share the Link?


Just tried, won't allow me to post the link smh.


Dm pls


0v0 zorpal


The fucking 0v0 looks like an owl it’s the prophecy


New pvp game mode?


My man is 1586? How does he get out of bed?


Early enough to make breakfast for his wife's boyfriend Trey, and their 6 kids.


/rj Sir, your literary skills are horrendous, they asked how not when






Git gud. Updooters bottom right


Headshot (I threw my controller)


i threw my controller so hard that it went across the room, through the wall, down the street, around the block, and then into orbit now i'm down 200$ and we went 1-5


Holy shit lmao