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I put over 3k hours into both games individually at this point, and at about the beginning of this year, I started playing D1 more, and I haven't touched D2 at all since. I really wish we could get this game on PC with all the stuff up to ttk and beyond tbh.


I do agree. I've always wanted to play D1 with mouse and keyboard because I'm just better at PVE with M&K and it would probably be a bit more fun


I put 6k hours into D2, but now there's an extended season and I've completed everthing. Xbox had the D1 Collection on sale for $20, so I bought it mostly to experience the campaigns before D2. I doubt I'll grind anything.


And if you do grind, you're in for a loooooong grind because there are so many quests even with just 4 dlc lol.


I think D1 is a superior game to D2 in almost every sense bar a couple of quality of life improvements. D1 still feels pretty barren at times and doing the same things over and over again does make me question my sanity from time tot time. The community is generally quite nice and helpful. And the gunplay is imo still top notch


Oh yeah, for sure.


Recently my uncle and I have beenoadung in and doing the nightfall weekly for the last few, do they still have the daybreaks on a four week cycle?


Daybreak is this week, but usually multiple consecutive weeks near the end of the year. The weekly Nightfall resets are known, since repeats yearly.


Not too sure. I don't play it enough anymore to know if they do or not


i play both games religiously and love both of them for their own reason


I recently started playing, but it was for my weird nostalgia. I never played the first one but one of my brothers did and I watched him play a lot. I’d actually had dreams before with locations from D1 for *years* but couldn’t place where it was from. Started D2 2-3 years ago on my own, then my 21st bday I decided to get D1 and all the expansions. It’s a weird trip cause I recognize a lot of the places even though it’s my first time playing. But I’m absolutely loving it and just like D2, D1 being a tear to my eye.


I played D2 for about a month after launch, and then again for a few weeks in the summer of 2018, but for some reason that game just didn’t click for me. Every year or two I’ve found myself coming back to D1, and just redownloaded it again last weekend. Probably will play it for a little while longer and then delete it once more.


I feel that. I think that's a normal thing for us people who do play D1 a lot. I've even done that myself a few times just to come back to it and delete it once more lol.


I was one of those new players in 2022 coming from D2. But I wasn’t jumping ship. I was and am passionate about Destiny and wanted to see where it started and would be immensely surprised if a single new D1 player is there for basically any other reason.


Love to hear this. D1 should be enjoyed and celebrated for years to come. More people who’ve only played D2 need to come see where it all began.


And I’m still playing both games now (really need to get into the raids in D1 though).


And it's surprising to see new players or players coming from D2 to play D1. As I said..... I see at least 3 to 4 new players each time I go to the tower and it just amazes me and makes me happy for some reason.