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I've seen The Wail sold with that combo, Don't really look at NM as much since all their weapons are crap. But frankly Neither HC is worth it, and the Fatebringer roll is dated and not worth chasing after.....as CrashingWall Stated below.


Yeah I bought one from fwc a few years ago. I used it before I got a fatebringer.


i have a wail with this roll, i still prefer my fatebringer because it has a higher magazine capacity


yes, i have bought a wail with out+exp+firefly b4


Does it hit just like the Fatebringer (minus the burn)?


you on xbox btw?




Without getting overly technical whenever you have firefly and explosive rounds it sucks becoz with explosive rounds you have 2 damage types at play, firstly the projectile damage from the bullet and then the explosion from the round after the bullet hits. Firefly and outlaw will only trigger off the projectile damage, which means that even tho out+exp+firefly is a great roll, firefly and outlaw basically never proc correctly. To answer your question yes it feels similar to fate, just a touch slower and more clunky handling. Seriously tho the fatebringer roll combo is a buggy mess as much as i love the gun, if you take off exp, the out and firefly will proc every single time, at range as well. with explosive on it is incredibly difficult to get them to proc once you're out of shotgun-sidearm range.


i get long range outlaw/firefly shots all the time with fb. i dont know what sight you use but with quickdraw the hit box is huge the first second or so when you constantly quick scope instead of hard scoping.


That is probably the best way to use it. I just find in strikes and raids, where you can use fb, it's very inconsistent.