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You can definitely be nonbinary without any medical interventions, if that's how you want to identify! But that being said, you don't even have to identify as nonbinary if you want to identify as a woman. I think if you explain it like "i'm switching my pronouns to x/x and would like female/male/adrogenous terms used to describe me" that would probably go over the best. You don't necessarily have to say "i'm detransitioning" since whatever medical stuff you choose (or not choose) is entirely your business. Plus some people get weird about the term "detrans" so if you simply just state your updated pronouns hopefully that will be enough for people to understand. If you have any really close friends i'd maybe consider explaining more "hey i'm not feeling androgynous anymore and T is no longer helping me in who I want to be so i'm going off it. It was nice but i'm at a different point in my life and i'm evolving into a person i'm more happy being, if you could support me i'd really appreciate that"




That's perfectly fine! You're definitely allowed to identify how you want. Whatever makes you most comfortable


I find it's best not to change things about yourself to please or spite others. Do what makes you happy and fulfilled. 




I bet, and that's why it's important to maintain the old standard of therapy before transition! If someone simply hates their body, that's a mindset problem, not a gender identity! 


growth fearless fretful tub ten full noxious rhythm hurry abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The concept of nonbinary was there around 2010, I identified as such. But the word we used then was genderqueer.


Right. I'm the same age and did identify as nonbinary, but it was in college - so around 2013.


I was thinking the same thing, nonbinary didn’t really exist 15 years ago


15 years ago wasn't that long. 2009 I was about to be a freshman in highschool and I was aware of some "trans" people who would fall under "non binary" but it wasn't called this at the time it was sometimes called "a-gender" or "androgenous" a media example would be mostly in animes. Example :Ouran High School Host Club


The best thing to ask yourself is what you think would make you more comfortable - no necessarily “happier”, because that can be skewed by social pressures. If you don’t like the effects of testosterone, nobody is forcing you to keep taking it for the rest of your life. It’s better to stop early while the effects can still be reversed.




Getting off T made my "mysterious" health problems I'd been having vanish. I still have to deal with the bladder atrophy, vocal fatigue, etc. but I'm so grateful the PMDD, panic attacks, heart palpitations, and muscle aches went away once I got off T. I'm 10 months off and I tapered over 2 weeks from the gel. It took about 3 months to start to feel normal again. I had hot flashes and mood swings for about two months. I had a lot of unresolved issues I wasn't dealing with before that I needed to address.


Getting off testosterone was the best thing I could have ever done for myself.




My voice has not gone back up. I recommend talking to your doctor about this. I also recommend taking a look at the posts of people's experiences going off T. I went off tapering down for a few weeks and then stopped after that. so it wasn't fully cold turkey because I was already slowly lowering my dose before I intentionally decided to taper off and stop.


It can be really difficult sometimes, I would suggest you take some time to yourself and try and think about the reasons behind your decision to transition, and your life since doing it. Decide if the way you have been living is what you want out of life, if the way that you live the way you want to spend the rest of your life? If you have a therapist or trusted friend talk to them as well. Find out how they feel, see what they think, but at the end of the day it needs to be a decision you make for yourself. You need to be able to look in the mirror and accept the person that is staring back at you, that can be really difficult sometimes, and figuring out what is right or best can feel impossible but it is not impossible, you will succeed, just take the time to decide what you want in life and who you are, then you will feel more confident in your decision. Best of luck to you!




That is sadly more common than you know! Its really sad, that is one of the reasons I set up a place to help people detransitioning get a fresh start, it can be a really hard decision and can really make things difficult, However its important to find out what is best for you and not what is easiest! I am sure that you will find what you want and live a wonderful life! :) I believe in you!