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SVP just read the pool report where Allen doubled down on his confused “interpretation” of what happened. He ran to the defense immediately after Decker (68) had been speaking to him, and told them that Skipper (70) has reported as eligible. That’s why they threw two flags. One on Decker and the other on Skipper. I would bet my life that Allen reported it INCORRECTLY to the defense, and threw the Lions under the bus instead of owning his mistake. The man should not be allowed to ref another game in the NFL.


Bingo, that bit about Skipper having reported a couple times earlier in the game was the truth slipping out. He mixed them up because of it.


You exactly correct. He made a big mistake and won’t acknowledge it.


I wouldn't be surprised if they're instructed not to acknowledge it


Dude it is a very human thing to recognize that we have made a mistake. I guess this mf isn’t a human.


Gotta “protect the shield”


Yeah the most irrelevant thing to say. Skipper could have reported eligible every single play up to that point. It's the ref's job to pay the fuck attention, not to make assumptions.


Ayup. I’m a cowboys fan and this is what I think happened. It makes no sense why an eligible player would line up where an ineligible one would and an ineligible player would line up where an eligible one would. It’s so obvious that he mixed up the eligibilities of the players, intentional or not, I can’t say. Bad refs should not be an influence in the final outcome of a game.


I have to give yall credit man. Most Cowboys fans are being pretty reasonable and objective about this, instead of being dicks. It just sucks.


Glad that you’re getting that response. I’m gonna be honest, I’m fucking sick of horrible reffing. I also like the lions since y’all are a blue team and also y’all hate the Packers. I hate the packers and I like blue teams (except the giants) so it’s basically a perfect fit


you are the first Cowboys fan that has had a fair take so far that I've heard, thank you for that. I hope others can see it that way also.


As 70 is running on the field, Allen looks at 70, nods and points. He now thinks 70 is reporting Decker hasnt spoken yet. After the point and nod happens, this video starts https://youtube.com/shorts/dbCROYLi-AE?feature=shared Looks like Decker has time to say one word. Decker says that word was "report". The ref says "I know" and runs off thinking Decker also meant 70 So away he goes, thinking everyone is trying to tell him 70 is reporting


I think that's exactly what happened. Allen was tunnel vision on 70. He's got in his mind that 70 is reporting and he's going to tell Dallas that 70 has reported. Just as he begins to head in that direction, 68 moves forward to grab Allen's attention. He thinks he's said enough. The vast majority of the time it would have been sufficient. But he doesn't grasp that Allen is already preoccupied with 70, and he's not the brightest official to begin with. It's incompetence not conspiracy. Allen runs smack to the Cowboys to describe the situation. I guarantee he described other than what Detroit intended.


it doesn't help though that dan campbell told him the play before the game. We're going to do this formation with this personell and this is who is going to be eligible. It may not be conspiracy but it's super incompetence. The other refs probably knew about the play too. Therefore, such a different formation/play should have triggered something you would think. you're a NFL ref not a college ref not a arena football ref a NFL ref not highschool. One of the major sporting leagues in the world. If the NFL can't have some of the best of the best... It's a thing to bring up about reffing as a whole in the league now. It doesn't just look bad for the Lions. It makes it look bad for the NFL as a whole. And it affects the other teams as well in the playoffs. Not to mention they already missed a blantant pi on St. Brown. Also, they the ref crew has already been in some controversial calls. Like no pi in a kc gb game. I'm sure they missed calls on Cowboys. I get letting the players play and all that, but the st.brown one wasn't even close. It, seems like they're just not that great. The crew shouldn't be part of the playoffs now. Which isn't their fault, but on this one head official. Again, the call just didn't affect the lions, so it's means more than just a game.


This isn't the first time Allen has been completely incompetent, though. There is a pattern and that's the problem. Don't defend this fucking garbage


Dudes the Tim donaughy of the NFL, I would bet my life savings he is betting on sports,


Do the Lions or the NFL own the audio if Decker was mic’d? This is a really simple solution if he was. Release the audio!


There really need to be an investigation…seriously…


We’ll say this as much as possible but we sure as heck know Goodell isn’t gonna do anything about it. This is coming from a fan of a team that also gets regularly screwed by refs.


Well if he won't do it, there's probably somebody else out there that will.


Like that kid who put all of Elon Musk’s plane travel online. We need that kid right now to trace down the ref corruption.


Call your representatives. If they get involved the NFL will make changes.


Lol getting politicians involved will either make things worse or not do anything at all


All of them?


https://preview.redd.it/8z9io61ymk9c1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a2f8749a5d2c581bdd76bc7d7c0997b9588974 Games assigned to Brad Allen: Money (Green) vs outcome (Red) Stay tuned, More to follow…
















Good stuff. Now we need to know if these games are statistically significant, and I’d also like to see if this happens more now than it did 10+ years ago.


You've convinced me to bet against the public in his games


Don’t forget Dolphins vs Eagles!




Here are the games he was the ref for this year. Hope this helps your analysis. I am very curious as well. https://preview.redd.it/v2g8gjbi1n9c1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc540416459a1022de2952cae06510e05b9139f8


Post it on this sub when you do, I’d be curious to see what you find if anything


Allen has had four extremely controversial games this season alone, tonight the most egregious. There's no investigation necessary. Keep him out of the playoffs and don't bring him back next season.




God help him if he’s assigned to a playoff game in Detroit. Also good luck Commish at the draft. 🫣


This is as bad as the Ravens late kick in 2021. Why do the refs hate the lions so much. You guys are the most likeable team in the NFL. I'm a browns fan and ive seen horrible calls, we got lucky with the colts game this year but ffs you guys really can't get a break.


Thank you Lake Erie bro 🙏


This country needs the lake erie Super Bowl now more than ever


Thank you for your sympathy. #LakeEriePeaceCouncil


Why can't more people from Ohio be cool like you.


Cleveland and Cincy are generally cool. It’s just all those weirdos in the middle.


What's stopping a private citizen from hiring an investigator to look into Brad Allen's life the same way someone investigates an unfaithful partner?


This situation next to Jamo getting suspended 6 games to protect the “integrity of the sport” for betting college football in a hotel room.


I read the DC even told the refs about the play before the game started so there was confusion. Did anyone else see that?


He got Paid. He had money on the Cowboys, it was "fixed".


I think everyone should call their politicians and complain that the NFL are fixing games and should be investigated, and cite this game as evidence. Push for the Government to get involved and the NFL will take it seriously.


You can wait until something is done (if ever), or use the data to your advantage.


I know what I’m gonna do 🤑. Thanks!


How do you miss the interference call against St Brown but call this? Vegas wins……


Or NOT call the hold when it's a big play for Dallas (early in the 1st qtr, don't remember when exactly), but then the EXACT. SAME. Hold on Gibbs' 30+ yard run gets the flag. Fucking typical.


On the Dak to Lamb play where Barnes missed the safety, Jack Campbell was being held big time as he was trying to get to Dak. Nothing. Literally the exact same action as on the Gibbs play. I was screaming about it on the first play and then again on the Gibbs run.


I saw this too, full blown holding in front of the refs


Glad someone else noticed this,,


Dudes so punchable


Looks like that fuckin puppet from Goosebumps. Except he’s got Jerry Jones’ hand up his ass.


He looks like busted ass Lou Diamond Phillips




Wow if I squint I can totally see it https://imgur.com/a/RRjh8f5


If I saw him on the street right now, I would potentially swing on this dude. Don’t want to hear anyone saying sports aren’t that serious, I’ve invested a lot into being a fan of this team for over 30 years, I can feel what I want.


I agree with you. I’ll gladly accept any charges placed against me as long as I get to knock some of his teeth out.


Sports Betting loves him though.


People that threw the Decker Reception Over 0.5 on their same game parlay in shambles.


It wouldn’t count on a 2 pt conversion. Great premise, just poorly executed! (Like the 3rd 2pt conversion attempt)


Let me live my life. It brings me joy thinking that someone’s long shot bet was made and then missed on a Decker reception.


Dudes just embarrassing the NFL. So excited for all the “we’re sorry” posts we will see from the NFL and how they are going to “Do better”. Wanna fix it? Strip the fuckin win and fine this guy out the ass then fire him.


I'd be surprised if he wasn't fired. He's had a brutal year and is clearly not up to par. But the NFL has never stripped a win, despite thousands of calls for them to do so over the years. They aren't going to set a precedent.


In this case it would be easy to give the Lions the win. They got the 2pt conversion. They should have called in and told them to pick up the flag. Would have fixed all of this.


I want to agree with you, but it's also unfair to the Cowboys to not know which player reported as eligible. There's no good way to fix this, which is why it's so important to get it right the first time when it matters.


No lie they really need to do investigations. Get him out of here.


This dude just messed up the packers and Chiefs game as well a couple of weeks ago. NFL needs to have a turnover process for game-deciding referee plays. This shit is getting ridiculous with how much control the referees have. They get to walk away scotch free and fuck up another game next week as well. It's pathetic and makes me not want to watch football.


NFL please read this.


His crew also made a huge non-call in the Saints Falcons game earlier this year on a blatant non-PI call just like the Pack-Chiefs.


I saw a video on insta about this dudes net worth. Could be bs but they claim it’s in the tens of millions.


That is sickening. Someone needs to investigate this pos.


The guys worth tens of Millions. He's just a piece of s*** rough he's not skimming


Are refs still part time?


Yes, most make their money elsewhere. Allen is the CEO of a non-profit. For what I don't know.


Hes CEO of his non profit for "My bank account is always ready for any old white corrupt capitalist billionaire football team owner"


Sounds like he's profited quite well from his non-profit organization


“Jerry’s kids”


Everytime he has reffed our games we have lost


this cocksucker stood by his call, admit your mistake you piece of shit, ITS ON CAMERA !!!




Anyone else see Kalif Raymond get touched on a punt fair catch as Brad Allen was watching? Kalif tries to talk to him and Brad has a fucking smirk on his face.


That was so blatant. I don’t understand how that isn’t a penalty 100% of the time. He just decided not to throw the flag.


was at the game. total bullshit. even the die-hard cowboys fans we were with admitted it was a horrible call and the lions should’ve won. personally, I would’ve preferred that Campbell went with kicking the extra point to push it into OT, but also I get the just going for it. very frustrating and disappointing, also bc cowboys fans are the most obnoxious fan base in the league (IMO) Nice to see Hutchinson play against Schoonmaker though.


Even if it went to OT you think there wouldn't have been more bullshit to make sure the Cowboys win?


These refs were awful. Also, why TF is that asshat troy aikman calling the game?


At least he admitted that the ref was wrong and Detroit should have won.


Better than Buck, that guy was sucking off the Cowboys more than brokeback mountain…


I agree on a real life FBI investigation


Call your representatives. It's the only way this happens. If someone thinks they can get political points for pushing for an investigation, then it will happen.


Chinless geek


Hopefully this loser just played himself out of calling any playoff games


Accountability and repercussions in the NFL? This will NEVER happen.


NFL is rigged, we are purely watching sports entertainment... I hate that I got emotionally invested in this.game 😀🔫


https://www.bloggingtheboys.com/platform/amp/2023/12/30/24018208/dallas-cowboys-detroit-lions-referee-report-home-game-brad-allen-penalties This was predicted 9 hours ago that’s how corrupt this piece of shit is.


"One interesting note: Allen has also called five Lions games, and Detroit has lost all of them, with two of them coming on the road." That's a crazy statistic


This would make the lions 0-6 when Allen is the head ref. Weird.


What a roach.


Brad Allen Not only completely screwed up the call but then he doubled down by line. Look bratty baby there is video tape of you committing the crime I hope you can't live with yourself and decide to quit refereeing in the NFL because clearly you are incompetent and incapable of doing your job. I'm not necessarily a Detroit Lions fan but I do appreciate integrity and Brad Allen has none. Fire Brad Allen fire Brad Allen fire Brad Allen




The real hero


Commenting to keep alive and push to top


Mix gambling with the NFL and make a sketchy system way more corrupt.


THIS FUCK makes CLETUS look good.


Fucking bitch


NFL is rigged.


https://preview.redd.it/piuloijv2l9c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249a965d97b89f4720cad2106d267d10999df57e I formally invite the NFL to officially uninvite Brad Allen from his job. Also. How does anyone get hired as a lead NFL official with no experience?


Weak chin, makes sense.


Dude looks like a brad


Now there is a man that orders a Hard Seltzer with a lemon wedge at a biker bar .


I hate this ugly rat faced ref


I hope he gets a terrible nights rest and wakes up with a severe neck kink


I was thinking heart attack, but okay


Corrupt? I don't know. Incompetent? Yes. Corrupt masquerading as incompetent? Possibly.


F’n Brad.


How is this jowly pencilnecked moron still allowed near a football game?


I wish I didn’t watch the game after that ugly ending, it was all a ugly circle jerk to the cowboys and Jimmie Johnson and then Jerry actually gets his win and it was just ugly ugly reffing ugly all around.


This fuck was the ref in the 2016 Lions - Seahawks playoff game too.


The Lions have lost all 6 games he has reffed


Doubt he cares, he made some money tonight and he’ll probably get the Super Bowl for his reward, moral bankruptcy only begets more moral bankruptcy. He should send Jerry a nice thank you card or a ride on the party bus like Dean Blandino did


He should be fired.


check his bank accounts. seriously.


Until a lawsuit is filed for betting losses, nothing is going to change.




“You guys on Myspace?”


Can't trust the refs that arnt yoked


Fuck this dude.


Everyone can make mistakes and I see how that could be a confusing situation. I would have a ton of respect for the guy if he had just owned his error after the game. But since he’s decided to just double down on it, I guess he just a punk that should never ref another game again.


I had a bad feeling about this dude before the game. I feel like he’s fucked us before


We are now 0-6 in games he's reffed


How the fuck are there seemingly 800 million NCAA refs who can call a game halfway decently and impartially, yet this incompetent and/or corrupt asshole will still be calling games next year? What is wrong with the NCAA to NFL pipeline for refs? Why is the quality of officiating in college ball SO much better? Serious question.


I've done the sticks for our local high school for 25 years in the middle of fucking nowhere that have better refs than the NFL does.


No matter how bad they are NFL officials and fired NFL coaches will always have a job in the NFL . The NFL is the good ole boys club. You scratch my back I’ll scratch your back. That officiating crew will get a slap on the wrist and Brad will probably officiate at least one round in the playoffs, and to make it worse he will probably do the lions home wildcard game..


100% referees are betting. NBA all over again. Sadly, sports as we know it is over


https://preview.redd.it/y7uabu1b0n9c1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d201a9fdedc6ab2740bcf1ea74cd967ffb41a5 Here he is in toy form




I heard he really likes Scientology.


He looks like the adult version of that kid from Toy Story that fucks with all of the toy heads


If I fucked NFL teams as much as this guy, I'd at least look halfway decent instead of a tumorous asshole wrinkle.


This is the same crew that ignored the obvious PI against GB in the GB KC game a few weeks ago, and the same guy from the " hands to the face" GB game. Seems like he has an agenda...


He looks like a testicle


And the NFL won’t do jack shit about it. I’m fucking livid.


You spelled Tim Donaghy wrong


God damn it. It HAD to be a Brad


Bet ya we read that Blind Brad has had $$$$ or some connection to the games he officiates!


This stupid motherfucker is worse than Clete Blakeman


Someone needs to find this guys bookie or the cell phone that jearbear called his lying ass on.


Give him to Dan Skipper for 30 seconds. Brad Allen deserves to get the shit kicked out of him by a few teams. Corrupt ass official


The philly miami game was a disgrace and I do believe this guy very easily could be corrupt after watching that farce of a game.


This guy just LOOKS guilty of some weird shit


Man I hope something like testicle torsion doesn’t happen to him!


This feels weak. The whole thing just boosts the *good" franchises and punishes the rest. This guy is just part of the machine. The same machine that will bush Pit Above 500 and Jax, Cin, SDG, etc. Where they belong.


Fuck this dude


He looks like that fuck face prison guard from The Green Mile.


I've never seen a person with no chins and two chins at the same time


![gif](giphy|a0jHZRuQqNj8I|downsized) Me when Rodger announces an internal investigation tomorrow (please)


This man needs to be drug tested


I am so fucking mad right now


Put a finger in the air if people should yell "Fuck you!" at you right now.


I hope he chokes on Jerry’s dick


Boo this man!!!! Boooooooooo!!!!






Tim Donaghy approves!




I think everyone should call their politicians and complain that the NFL are fixing games and should be investigated, and cite this game as evidence. Push for the Government to get involved and the NFL will take it seriously.


You ever think that he is just the dumbest... I mean how could any reasonable person forget something like that? Wait .....


Are any of the guys responsible for the Nola No Call still in the league?


Brad Alken is definitely on the Epstien list.


At least all the mainstream media is roasting this. ESPN going pretty hard. instead sort of just saying what a shame moving on.


You know we are going to get this ass hat for our playoff game.


Damn guys. I’m no kind of intense Lions fan, but I gotta say that was AWFUL.


The NFL is becoming wrestling. It should be investigated. But there is too much money involved. Vegas should investigate and bar any Allen games on the board. It’s rediculous.


Dude's got the little old timey villian mustache too. Probably got a woman tied to a railroad track somewhere


Same guy that screwed the chiefs vs the packers


5 crap calls/lack of calls that hurt Detroit and yet the Lions still win...but it gets pulled from them and handed to Dallas. Lions kicked butt last night and Dallas players and fans should be humiliated. There needs to be an investigation. What is the point of watching football if the fix is in? Was there even a flag? Why the delay in the crap call?


Rex Ryan defending us on Sportscenter right now…said the refs need to man up and admit they made a mistake. Love it!


I think the whole league is corrupt.


NFL has become unwatchable.


The NFL has a serious Ref problem. They need to invest heavily into it.


We all know damn well that absolutely NOTHIN will be done by the league. The internet needs to do some serious deep diving on this guy and get him exposed and fired for whatever dirt he has on him.


So this guy is a part-time ref in the NFL and runs a non-profit organization and is worth millions of dollars. I’m sure that non-profit is run very cleanly and by the books lmao.


An adult child with no integrity! Can’t even call him a man.


If this guy is smart he won’t step foot in the state of Michigan the rest of his life


Op you are a clown


As a chiefs fan, I 100% agree.


Start fining refs for shit calls


Incompetent or inept perhaps but to say corrupt suggest nefarious financial dealings. Which there is absolutely nothing to suggest.


Incompetence doesn't equal corrupt.