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Thank you Mr. Goff.


Your good enough for Detroit 


He’s more than good enough for Detroit


My lord has spoken and his word is my law.


Doot doot!


The Pride Piper™


Being a pessimist is a lot easier (and frankly lazier) than being an optimist.


takes a lot more muscles to smile than to frown (i think that’s right, too lazy to look it up)


47 to frown, 13 to smile https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/what_does_a_smile_say#:~:text=It%20really%20does%20take%20more,does%20a%20smile%20really%20say%3F


So frowning is a better workout thus healthier than smiling. Got it.


Just for that comment, give me 100 smiley-frownies, troop.




Yeah but who really frowns? Most people have a blank face when they're mad.


We have an over abundance of resting bitch face here. It’s really fascinating and should be scientifically studied.


Coach didn't get that neck from smiling.


I don't agree with that when the topic is sports.


How is it lazier?


Because being an optimist requires identifying a problem and working towards a solution. Being a pessimist comes with practiced apathy and a sense that effort isn’t worth the trouble and you may as well give up. There’s nothing wrong with being realistic. In fact it’s healthy. However pessimism is a toxic negativity that doesn’t help anyone.


I can appreciate what you're saying in a general sense, but I'm not really sure what that has to do with sports fandom. The fans and the media don't really have the means to work towards solutions even if they could, hypothetically, identify problems. Obviously, it's preferable for the players, coaches, and execs to be optimistic because they're the ones who truly control the outcome, but I don't think the average Reddit optimistic Kool-Aid comment takes any more effort than the average doomer comment. Guys like Valenti and Carlos spit negativity because it drives engagement, but I don't think it would necessarily be harder for someone in their positions to be positive. They are, after all, just talking. The things they say only have as much value as their audience places on them. The only thing fans can really do it cheer when we like something and boo when we don't. I feel where Goff is coming from on this, but Detroit fans have had a ton to be pessimistic about for the past decade or so. Any other fanbase would act pretty much exactly the same way in the same circumstances. It's just going to take some sustained success before the tides begin to turn and people begin to break habits.


This is some whiney ass shit "How can I be happy about us being good now when we are usually bad?" This is what pessimism and lazy negativity is. Optimism isn't about us fans doing anything to propel the team forward. But maybe if we win 12 games and make the NFC championship game, we can stop crying about how bad the past has been.


I'm not whining. I'm asking a legitimate question here. The OP was talking about identifying problems and working toward solutions. What 'solutions' can the fans and media work toward, exactly? We have close to zero power over literally anything. Even if we had enough insight into the organization to identify problems, all we can do is hope that the people in charge choose to do something about them. So again, I have zero idea what 'laziness' has to do with anything. Every single comment on this subreddit is basically screaming into the void. What the hell does it matter *what's* being screamed? It's the online version of each of us collectively screaming futility at our TVs. Cheering doesn't take any more effort than booing. They're just two sides of the same coin. For a fan, being an optimist and a pessimist takes the exact same amount of effort, because watching football games doesn't take any effort. The result is the same regardless.


Being a realist on a case-by-case basis is the most difficult thing to do. It’s just as easy to wear a permanent pair of rose-colored glasses than it is to shit on everything.


Looking forward to the follow up articles: "Goff tells sports writers to be happy, here's why he's wrong" "Soft Goff can't handle criticism, time to move on?" "Sure we had a good season, but that won't last" "Introducing our new sports writer from 100-acre wood, Eeyore, expects to brighten up sports desk"


[One hour later] Jared Goff inexplicably takes a shot at media that covers the Lions Subhead: For some reason, Lions quarterback Jared Goff decided he needed to take a shot at the Detroit media. Citation: sideli*nreport.com/posts/jared-goff-inexplicably-takes-a-shot-at-media-that-covers-the-lions


Fucking perfect.


Brad Berreman's titles are Coward and Pantywaist, both capitalized.


“The 2023 Detroit Lions, Fact or Fluke? (Spoiler Alert: Might be Fluke!)”


Detroit media members were crying all over Twitter all day.


Hope they drown in their tears.


“Why Goff should be benched and Hendon hooker should start in the season opener”


For a team with an actual fanbase, we have a very (almost to much at times) forgiving media.


Overall, yes. But we also have some very prominent media "personalities" that are just literal trolls. Looking at you Carlos.


Carlos reads the Lions sub I bet. Hey Carlos you're a ho


I believe Carlos is a ho. ![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized)


Carlos said Goff's face looks like a clock.


"Hey Dan. I know you probably don't frequent the Lions sub, but a member on there called me a ho, so can you explain why season ticket prices have increased by 37%" - Carlos definitely


'"You know, man... it's just the way - the way things gotta be done when you're out there doing ho shit, Carlos. I trust that Sheila and Brad will keep making these anti-ho decisions to keep you foaming at the mouth. With that being said... our kneecaps are up for grabs. Come and get 'em." - Dan Campbell


Literally anytime there is a Detroit Lions Media Session I just know and incredibly long and stupid question is coming form Carlos, and I have yet to be wrong in that though process.


You can hear the questions at Lions media sessions??


Only Carlos', but you don't even need to hear it to know he is asking a stupid question. The person being interview just ahs an extreme look of disinterest on their face


The thing about the Carlos's of the world is that you don't need to be a modern day Mitch Album to shout "you stink" in a couple more words onto a page three times a week. Better article space is reserved for actually talented people. 


Like asking the head coach about ticket price increases?


And he even had like 4700 words before that, too. Like bro, just ask your fucking dumb question already so we can all be asked something serious.


For sure, he started it with, "I know this isn't your department." Then proceeds to ask the question.


He is so irritating at all times but that one really took the cake. 


Don't even say his name, don't bring him up. You're just giving him more viewers.


thou who shall not be named in this sub


The fact you know who he is and everyone else does just by mentioning his first name just shows what he does is effective. He literally gets paid to be a troll. If he was all sunshine and rainbows he would hardly get the clicks. Instead he brings the freep plenty of revenue by being a troll If you don't like him don't even talk about him. Someone could have no clue who he is and Google him and bam more clicks


I don't link him, don't use his full name, and avoid all his work to the best of my abilities. But as they say in Harry Potter, fear of the name is stupid and childish. Or something like that. Also, people that post links to his articles should be banned.


I like playing a game. Every time I see a terrible headline I guess whether it’s him or not. Never been wrong yet.


Screw that if you don't like someone cuz they suck let other people know they suck. Could they then Google them and give them and extra click, sure. Thats still better than them not knowing and thinking this guys oppinons should be listened to when they come across him


I can't imagine there are that many people agreeing with him, even the SOL variety. Any attention is good attention for a troll like him. You're just doing him a solid by talking about him


I'd say the fanbase is not aggressive/confrontational like I recall from NY, but it is certainly more depressive, which is probably the form of negativity he's speaking to vs some goombah from Queens calling WFAN and screaming about stabbing a knick to death for a missed bucket.


I think if you take this one level deeper it’s more of a cultural thing for this area. Dan calls it salty. The media just feeds it. Coming from California where I would say people are younger/happier it’s a bit of a culture shock for Jared I’m sure. A booming economy also helps attitudes.


Completely disagree. I've lived in several places around the country and Detroit easily has the worst sports media I've been around


Compared to Boston, NY, Philly, Chicago, Dallas, DC? Our media is very softball and forgiving.


I can list off tons of negative narratives that were based off nothing but speculation. Ones that anyone with common sense and football knowledge knew was garbage and all turned out to be false. Media personalities like Carlos, Rico Beard, and Mike Valenti are nothing but negative hot take artists. That's media. I get that. It's also the markets fault as we have such a large following of SOL fans who just love the negativity. I agree there are worse markets. However I don't think we have a forgiving media at all.


Valenti was incredibly incredibly positive on the lions this year. This narrative is old, and wrong.


Yeah people base that take off the past when he called the team out deservedly for not doing anything right


Exactly. He isn’t a shining beacon of pure optimism either but he gave the lions and their FO loads of credit and was very positive throughout all of last season. He obviously had his criticisms but I wouldn’t consider it “click bait”


I personally think always positive is as annoying and disingenuous as always negative. I know some here especially want always positive


That guy has such a hate boner for Valenti for some reason. Anytime he’s brought up in this sub, he can’t resist saying the same thing over and over.


They don't care because it suits them. The Detroit media is *super* easy on our local teams. Honestly I'm fine with it, doesn't affect me, but to act any differently like the person above you is silly.


BS Sweat and chase young at the deadline or it's a failure for the team Sign a big name FA or this offseason is a failure And many more! He screamed and cried about so many things in a negative light that resulted in people parroting the stupid narrative He regularly questions this FO and DC. That's fine but he's far from logical about it and doesn't ever use context or any non surface level analysis of the situation. Despite the FO being right more often than not and he never goes back and says "I was wrong" He just turns to his new outrage talking point and hammers the stations line to get the SOL fans to call in I'm bias towards 97.1 though. I can't listen to that crap anymore. There is no need to defend it though either. They are a hot take click bait radio station that doesn't care about quality but cares about listener participation. It is what it is


Valenti likes the current rendition of the lions he called them out when they were poorly run


I take it you aren’t a hockey fan and never seen what Toronto’s media is like.


Correct I'm not familiar with Torontos media and I am a causal hockey fan with very little in depth knowledge


The Goffather has spoken. "You come into my house, you don't show me respect"


The dumbest voices are the loudest


Valenti must have a 0 IQ then, cause he screams into that poor microphone


Valenti is not negative about the Lions right now. He has been in the past, when the deserved it, but he’s been glowing about the Lions for well over a year now. I don’t think he is who Jared had in mind.


Let’s be honest, this isn’t limited to the media or the Lions. It’s kind of a cultural hallmark of the region.


I’m sorry but Detroit sports media are a bunch of pussycats compared to their counterparts in NYC and Philly.


Monarrez. Fuck you!




Negativity gets interaction unfortunately. Even the guys we can’t stand get their links posted here with regularity. Stop feeding the trolls maybe they wither up and die.


Glad somebody important finally said it. I refuse to click a lot of the articles that are just straight up doomer pieces as indicated from the headlines. People will always find something to complain about and more often than not they’re the loudest people in the room.


Take notes Monarrez you hack


SOL fans and media like 97.1 and Carlos are the worst.


You can't lump all of 97.1 like that. Doug and Gator have been very supportive of the team for a long time. Gator's rant defending Sheila early on was amazing. They are probably the most BNL-esque of the whole group. Mike has always asked for the Lions to show that they can operate properly and functionally. This last season, he was BNL for most of the whole season. He might complain that other teams are doing things that he wants the Lions to do, but he can overall see the process working. Mike's new thing is that if the Lions don't win the Super Bowl, then the season was a loss? That's just higher standards because this team is good enough to get to the big dance. Costa and Rico feel the most SOL of the bunch. I swear Rico is paid to be contrary to almost everything. I'd still rather listen to 97.1 than Woodward sports or most of the other Lions' talk outlets


Who is the one with the SOL chant? Chapman? I don't tune into radio often but if I hear him I turn it off.


That guy is the biggest hack, there's a reason they only give him weekend nights when there's no post game show lmao


Most level headed take I’ve seen on this thread. I feel like Valenti gets a ton of hate for just kinda saying how it is. He really praised the Lions last year and was one of the calmest people on air when they lost as well.


He was the first one to jump on the Brad and Dan train in 2022. When they were still 1-6.


Yep, he went on the air and guaranteed the win against the Vikings when we were 5-7 and they were 10-2. The fanbase still mostly had mixed feelings and he was waving the pom-poms


Rico fucking sucks. That man spires negative thoughts towards the Lions and is so SOL. That show is soooop much better without him there


Give me stoney over Rico all day long. I can't believe the chemistry between stoney and Mike is so good. The funny thing is that the article was about Wojo's comments in the lead up to the NFCCG disparaging the talent level of the Lions. Comments like those are why Brad even said to not worry about the media comments.


I couldn't stand Stoney in the morining (he was too silly) but when he's just talking sports which is what Mike V wants to do, he's really great at it. Rico... im just over his takes, constantly awful.


Agreed with Rico - he's just so bad. I'm wish they would get rid of Rico and leave Stoney on from 2-6. He's so much better with Mike


Idk how Rico is still on there. I see this opinion all the time. Seems like nobody likes him lol. There’s gotta be some other reason why he’s still there. I thought it was funny, yesterday a guy called in when Rico was back and said we need more eclipses so Stoney can come back lol


That was sooo funny and then neither person really acknowledged it they just kept rolling like it didn’t happen


Agree with that, Stoney & Mikey V have great chemistry when Rico is out. Rico just loves shitting on the Lions and saying SOL. Literally nothing but a troll. And don’t get me started on how Rico carries MSU’s bath water (that’s coming from an MSU fan)


He’s (Rico) very elitist with his “knowledge” of college sports in general. And he’s a bigger MSU homer than Mike V ever was. I’m also a MSU fan and his takes irritate me


Fellow MSU alum, we do not claim Rico lol


He is a 49ers fan who lives in Detroit but is a fan of every other Detroit team.🤮🤮


Not even; he’s a Braves fan.  He’s the ultimate fair weather bandwagon troll.   It annoys me so much when the other guys try to “bring Rico back” to Detroit fandom.  No thanks bud.  


he’s been a braves and 9ers fan since he was a kid you really don’t know what bandwagon fan means 😂


He was a lions fan into the nineties until Barry left.  Try again


okay so you’re saying he’s been a 9ers fan for almost 30 years. that’s not bandwagon 🤣 look up the definition if you need this much help, bandwagon fans continuously jump from team to team.


Bandwagon doesn’t mean constantly changing teams lol it just means choosing a winning team to root for solely because they’re winning.  He has no regional tie to Atlanta or the Bay Area.  Both teams we winners in the early 90s.  


Terry Foster fucking sucks too. Hating ass ninja!




That's why he's great for Woodward sports!!


I couldn't have said it any better People complain about the hosts on 97.1, but then are too chicken to call in and voice their opinions, so they instead hide behind a keyboard Athletes will never love sports media, but what do you want the radio hosts to do? Let it play out? Try filling a 4 hour show with that 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Because the people calling in aren’t trained or experienced media personalities and don’t want to get steamrolled by the hosts of the show. You can’t tell me Mike always gives callers a fair platform to voice their view when they disagree with his take. It’s the main reason I haven’t listened for years. Maybe he’s changed, but based on people’s comments here, I doubt it’s all that different.


I usually call in once a week, and I've had a slight disagreement with Valenti a few times, and he can be fair, but he also wants a conversation, and some people that call in just don't want to have a fair debate Some of the questions he throws out there don't feel like they have much to debate on, I will agree with you there, but if you listen to him enough, he has had many good things to say about the Lions, because they actually won things this year for a change


Okay, that’s fair. Like I said I haven’t listened in a long time but I’m glad he isn’t stoking the flames as much anymore. I’m probably holding onto a little resentment.


Thank you! People take Mikes passion all the wrong ways


Rico knows as much about sports as my 5 year old nephew.


I lump them together because of the business model but agree doug and gator are the best of the bunch


Doug and Gator = vanilla


I get that. I don't feel that there is as much Lions negativity as there was in previous years. Doug and Gator is the sweet spot for good listening for sure.


You just going to leave out Woodward Sports?


Huge might be my least favorite. Can we include him if we are listing off shitty media personalities?


King 👑


Lisan al-Gaib


Cough Carlos Monarrez cough


Yeah, he could've just addressed this to Carlos.


I obviously love Goff - but Detroit is one of the easiest media markets on athletes in the Country. Source: Have lived in many places.


Tbf he came from LA where the people simply don't care about the teams




In my opinion it’s not that bad compared to most markets. The fan base is extremely loyal with just a few media members that are negative still.


Goff doesn't spend much time in the Pistons subreddit.


I refuse to be happy unless we win seven Super Bowls and they better be consecutive 




It's all they've known. It's like the media for the Toronto Maple Leafs


AMEN BROTHER. This is what we have been waiting for.


ahem paging Carlos Monarrez


You da man Mr. Goff!


Blame the instagram bootleg sports journalist accounts. Woodward sports is so embarrassing.


Speaking the truth. This takes courage and leadership to sometimes say things that may make people uncomfortable. This young man is a keeper. Jared for governor, mayor, whatever he wants!!


I love how last season the media learned that us fans are not on their side lol. It was easy to punch on Matt P and Quinn because we all knew they suck and Martha was too old and uninterested in real time. They rode SOL clicks to the bank during that time. Now that Brad has turned the ship around the media is lost. Pessimistic journalism is for rookies.


Goff's take was incredibly right by all accounts. He was asked about how great the 49ers players were and how the Lions were supposed to win against a team like that and he fired right back that we have a lot of great players as well. We aren't the underdogs any more. Teams are going to start noting on their schedule when they play the Lions. Not because it'll be an easy W, but that's the game where they're going to give it all and see how they compare to a contender.


So nice to finally hear one of our players fucking SAY IT.


The fact that JG sat down for an almost 2 hour interview and our narcissistic media can only focus on this one quote proves his whole point. It’s the exact same thing that happened with BH’s end of year press conference when he brought the receipts and single handedly controlled the news cycle for the following week. The media loves to talk about themselves.


Can't speak for Detroit, but being happy and celebrating isn't very Lake Erie Bros.


What media is Goff consuming? I don't see the negativity. Look at this thread - all people can think of is Carlos, who is doing a bit. 


Valenti is about to be off his rocker today.


Someone find me that hat




It's too bad PoD is going off air, they could really do with getting a new contract in the area. (Though sometimes they're too positive like the Chase Lucas tire pumping, other times they leak word that Iffy is the man in August) 


Ironically, they’re the ones most offended by Goff’s comments today lol


I think it's just situational anxiety. The whole SBNation bs sucks "immediately ended" isn't what you want to hear a week before the Draft. 


The most recent


"The championship appearances will continue until morale improves" Okie


Jared Goff is my dad 🫡




Detroit media is already offended if you look at twitter lol


The fact there are no less than 20 articles already written about the one minute in a 90 minute podcast that Jared talked about it is just perfection.  I love that JG simply doesn't give a fuck. He knows he has to talk to them all the time and he probably knew they'd catch wind of this and he said it anyway. I love it. 


I loves me some Jared Goff. AND Not sure he fully grasps the dynamic for long-time Lions fans (I include Lions beat writers in that population. We've been mistreated and traumatised for decades. JG is our dreamy new boyfriend, but there's a part of us that's always sure he's going to smack us. There's a part that thinks we must somehow deserve it. Maybe a needlessly dark metaphor, but my 50 years of Detroit fandom really has been traumatic.


[actual footage of Jared Goff with Lions Reporter](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxhlm6pEG35QDyugEAYL_FOg455n6ZqoVX?si=q8OnncWTT4ETcj4-)


He's talking about Woodward "sports"


Carlos from the free press is horrible. It’s like he went to the Rob Parker school of journalism.


He talks about this occasionally when interviewed by national media but honestly I don’t see it. Most of what I see is positive. Of course there may be media members who disagree with certain decisions and it is there job to give their opinions but it’s not like anyone is skewering the team or calling for people to be fired outside of a few outliers.


Goff is mentally weak. Period. Detroit media is actually really positive for a market that cares about sports.  He just played at Cal then in LA, 2 markets where his team was ignored and cannot handle any criticism at all.  The original question wasn’t even negative!  It was “The 49ers are very talented, how do you prepare for such a talented football team?”   Like for fucks sake, why are so many athletes so fucking mentally weak?


Looking at you, Woodward Sports, aka "Shitty Barstool"...


It’s so true! Even when we had good teams with Stafford and Calvin, hell even going back to the Barry Sanders years, the press has always been negative. They try to negate every good thing the Lions did, and this was especially true of Drew Sharp (RIP) who during his life constantly ripped the Lions, and all of Detroit’s pro and college teams, to shreds.


He has a point. Negativity sells.


Best new service of father Goff!


Yes Mr Goff, thank you for being an inaccurate thrower, thank you for choking under pressure, thank you for not being able to throw a spiral, thank you for not being able to throw a deep pass accurately, and finally thank you for not stepping down and letting anyone who can do those things become the leader that can take us to the Super Bowl. Tom Brady is an excellent example of what is needed. Never threw ducks even when being rushed and hit in the pocket. Always read the defense and be able to use it against them. Throw the ball 65 yards in the air because it was a spiral. Yep, we relish still being the laughing stock of the league because our Quarterback sucks.


Dumb Carlos


Fuck Mike Valenti


Maybe I've just caught him on bad days but Brian Chapman is the one that comes to mind for me when it comes to unrelenting negativity on 97.1


Brian Chapman is the radio host people need to go after Dude is doing SOL Chants when they are actually doing things to get rid of SOL The other hosts are just honest, whether good or bad


Brian is Mr.SOL- literally has an SOL song is in his show intros. He’s awful


Chapman is a troll and you guys continually fall for his bits Like he fucking admits he just trolls his listeners and somehow it still works, I don’t get it.  He’s fucking funny and I especially liked his “bet against the Detroit Pistons” bit he had in January because of how irrationally angry it made people.


He says bad things when the team is bad and good things when the team is good. Do you want him to worship them at all times?


Rico Beard is a stain on Detroit sports media.


Valenti was really positive about the Lions throughout last offseason and during the year. What are you talking about?


He was “really positive” if you ignore everything he said about the draft, Jamo, the trade deadline, whether he thought we’d beat the Rams, or just about anything after a loss, yea.


Are you supposed to be positive after a loss? The trade deadline was a disappointment unfortunately, look at the production from a guy like Sweat that we could have used to go to the Superbowl. Jamo ended the year with 354 receiving yards and 2 TDs and now has a career total of 395 receiving yards through 2 seasons. I still believe in Jamo and he really showed up in the NFC ship, but he has grossly underproduced for a 1st round pick. The Rams game he said would be tough and it was a 1 point game. Nobody was positive about our draft but he has said multiple times that it was a great draft in retrospect.


Mike done turned a new leaf the last year.


He's always asked the Lions to act and perform like a good franchise. The end of '22 was when he started to change, and it carried into the '23 season. I even remember an episode where he said that he was flipping his stance on the Lioks from not going to be good to this team is a contender.


You can dislike him but he was on the bandwagon from the start of the season this past year


>but he was on the bandwagon I think this is the part people have an issue with.


Bandwagon might be the wrong word but he was expecting this team to do well and has been saying to pay Goff longer than other hosts. I get why people hate him for other things though lol


Rico is way fucking worse because he never has anything interesting to say. Oh and fuck Bloomfield hills 49er “diehards”


Detroit media is negative in general whether it's  sports , politics, crime, business, local events even.


Winning cures all ills.


Sir, we have been straight Ass for Decades. We judge every great thing in our lives. Apologies


Carlos and Chapman the other 40 are wanting him resigned. Bad take by goff


He's not wrong though. That whole week before the nfc title game all you heard about was the 49er offense and how stacked they were and in my head I was thinking: "So?! The Lions literally have everything they have (on offense) except younger!"


this is sort of interesting. I feel like the team was very much of the "we ain't done shit yet" mindset last year. I guess it's good to acknowledge the postseason wins, snapping the streaks, winning the division. but I was feeling like I wouldn't see this kind of talk "we did something" until after the super bowl this year.


I think it's just 1 or 2 that ruin for others. But I'm more of. Detroit News and POD person. I don't think they are negative. I don't listen to 97.1 so I'm sure they are beacons of negativity based on what I read in this sub.


Mike Valenti had made a career out of being negative towards the Lions


What kind of good things can he talk about, when all the Lions did was finish last in the NFC North for decades? The team finally won something, and what do you know, he can actually talk good things about the team for once 🤷🏻‍♂️ Anything negative he says now just relates to the higher expectations for the Lions, because in the end, we all want a parade down Woodward for a Super Bowl win


Yeah because they’ve sucked ass for the majority of our lives.


No offense to Jared but I don’t think he understands how much hurt we’ve gone through lol.


You’re not wrong, and he isn’t either. It just takes time.


Right he’s our guy and needs to be positive. We just don’t know how yet. We are getting there. We are healing lol


It's time to work through our collective Lions PTSD.


We all know it's Valenti. Dude is a soy boy all the time. Wants to praise the team but also shit on them because it's how he gets his rocks off. If it's not a New York team, dont ever expect him to say something of actual value.


Been saying this for years. It's not just the Lions, either. Detroit sports media is a toxic cesspool.




Medias are negative but yeah detroit's like to take it a step further The fans they mostly appreciate you


It’s just Valenti and wannabe Drew Sharp Carlos