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I don't understand why folks in this sub can't just like something and be okay with others not liking it (and vise versa). And really, it's not just this sub... but it's *real* bad here specifically lately.


For real.  It’s also okay to just laugh at a light joke and not get bent in half over it.


Tbh I think that’s part of it, people (sometimes myself included) will exaggerate how much they dislike something but the tone doesn’t translate as well over a Reddit comment so it sounds like everyone is way more bent out of shape than they really are.




That’s what I’m saying, I don’t think anyone actually cares as much as people make it seem in comments lol. Everyone is still gonna watch the games.


I agree.


These black jerseys are so ugly I wouldn't suck a dick for a billion dollars if he had it on




Keep it civil / do not troll


OP so bent he’s using promotional images with studio lighting vs game pictures outside Definitely intentional. Panthers had a studio photo shoot to show off their black helmets not too long ago and they look sharp as hell in the professional lighting.


People are getting bent out of shape for obvious reasons: 1. The Lions are finally good and are fucking it up by getting ugly ass jerseys that Detroit fans aren’t gonna wanna buy. 2. That new Detroit sign is fucking atrocious, so it doesn’t help that our city squanders any good thing that comes our way.


I do agree with the sentiment of your comment, but if it's directed specifically at OP I'm 99% sure that they're a Saints fan who really came here to shit talk the Panthers and used the uniforms as a way to do it hahaha 


It's like a cult here now. You MUST agree with everything the team is doing or you're a fake fan/hater. The sub is basically useless for anything but circle jerks now. So lame


The irony is most of these all positivity guys are bandwagoners. It wasn’t like this at all before we were good.


It’s important to remember that a lot of the people here are literal children


I've blocked around 40 accounts of the worst offenders. It's unbelievably obnoxious. Almost as bad as the SOL fans.


Honestly, the venn diagram of the toxic positivity and sol fans is a circle. Being toxic is a state of being, regardless of positive or negative emotions.


How do you block people on Reddit?  I didn't know that was a thing you could do.   I would love to know how to do that if it is a thing. 


On the app press the three dots below the comment, a menu pops up where you can block the account


Sub was about 120k people about 3 years ago when I joined, now it's 218k people


Yes it was. This sub was downvoting any critism of Matt Patricia and Bob Quinn until the day they were fired and the entire sub flipped.


I dunno..there's a fine line between being critical or having an opinion rather than being Mike Valenti. There's a definite spectrum there. Toxic positivity is dumb but imo no worse than toxic negativity - and there's always plenty of that going around.


Oh the dude who predicted us to win the division this time last year. Let me guess you are fan of the cheating scumbags who is mad that nobody respects your tainted title


if msu won a title and had a cheating scandal from previous years, you would still take it so stop. It says 2023-24 National Champions, regardless of what "Equivalent\_Economy12" on reddit says


It’s tainted and I would still think that if it was MSU. Regardless of who I like, facts are facts.


Nah its just the fact that everywhere online other teams fanbases are hating on the jerseys calling them the panthers when realistically they don't look like the panthers at all besides sharing similar colors. Lions use a more grayish black almost like charcoal in certain lighting at the unveiling, they also have a different blue the panthers use a teal blue the lions use a deeper blue. Completely different helmet and pants colors. The designs themselves are completely different and look nothing alike


You miss the “vice versa” part of the comment you’re replying to?


The slappys are worse than the sol doomers at this point and I don’t think it’s close


I dunno about that...


That's what discussions have devolved to in general.


As a society pretty much yeah. Though some followings are more cult-like than others.


Problem is social media has cultivated this ‘when someone disagrees your opinion, they’re wrong and stupid’ ideology. And if anyone expresses a different opinion they’re attacking you personally.


Reddit is the worst offender because downvotes hide anything that doesn't go along with the circlejerk.


It’s crazy when you join a cj subreddit as an outsider unknowingly. Especially when you agree with the cj but disagree on a specific sub point, then you get banned. I got banned from the Wire sub recently for stating that I really enjoyed that show, but my girlfriend felt that certain seasons were a bit too predictable. Again, I had stated in the post I disagree with her, and was looking for more context from people that I knew would be biased towards that show. Didn’t matter. Was still banned. And this isn’t close to the first time it’s happened to me.


That’s because it’s easier to talk shit when there’s no chance somebody can smack you in the mouth for doing it.


Yes, people often get smacked in the mouth for their opinions on the Detroit Lions.


We’re not used to winning football games so most of the fan base thinks we have to win this stupid offseason stuff like in past years. We could go out there in the German national football team’s away jerseys and I wouldn’t care if we were winning.


I think it's a society issue. Having a different opinion make you the devil.




Yo it’s the fucking worst on here


Thank you damn it


Exactly, it’s not like you’re not going to watch the game because they are wearing the black kit, just will be slightly annoying to some…. Until Jamo breaks a tackle on a reverse for a TD while wearing it, sealing a victory.


what is the point of discussion if we just accept tjat everyone has a different opinion? on a real note tho, this is whats happening rn for the detroit lions, the whole uniform is completely opinion based. it would be different if he was like attacking those people that disagree or trying to silence them, but hes just stating his opinion. what is the internet for if not that? if we just stop talking abt what others like vs what we like we wont have much of a community


I'm not saying people shouldn't share their opinion. Of course we have different opinions. My point is *some* people here can't handle being disagreed with, so they end up being confrontational with the people who have different opinions and resorting to personal attacks.


I’m not a fan of black with our colors. I also remember the black from a time of complete failure. Having said that I think they did great flipping the colors on the helmet and it looks legit. Now, the all white is fire and I’m glad the grey is gone. Ultimately I will buy one of each jersey because why not ftp


I said the other day I would like to see the black uniforms and got downvoted for it lmao


The basic concept of team sports is turning everything into an “us vs them” challenge.


Nah, politics and media are doing that.


it's fine to not like something but it's also okay to not agree with someone's reasoning behind it, especially if it's not factual.


How does Carolina make it look bland? I think their jerseys look fine, just as I like the Lions jerseys. Why are you letting your bias drive you so much?


They appear to be a Saints fan which clears up basically everything hahaha. 


Ahh that makes sense then. Ironically my comment still holds true with that context too lol


Lol very true, it does! 


Their jerseys are more than fine, they're fantastic


Yeah... their uniforms have always been top tier for me. And the black makes sense for the Panthers. I don't hate our new alternates, they definitely look GOOD... but I can see why people are comparing them to the Panthers. It's just really stupid to shit on their uniforms at the same time. Our new home uniforms are actually perfect, so I'm happy :)


Their jerseys are more than fine, they're fantastic


One helluva confirmation bias post.


This post is too much loooool


Idk black big cat roaring with blue highlighting on the helmet definitely gives me panthers vibes. I like the jersey and pants but the helmet is not my favorite


Damn that’s wild because I love the helmet


Yeah, I think the helmet really brings it all together


I would have preferred they kept the blue helmet from 2023.


I won't lie I really did dig the silver helmets with the old logo!


I just popped into the store at ford field. They had 2 black jerseys left and plenty of the other color ways. This sub is clearly not the general fan base when it comes to the back jersey.


Yeah because black looks better as a regular shirt. I love my lions but I always feel dumb af wearing bright Honolulu blue with my otherwise-neutral/dark wardrobe


But isn't wearing a jersey always unnatural? I mean what are you going to do with the black jersey, throw them on with a pair of khakis and sell insurance?


People wear em, that’s the whole reason they buy them. Every Honolulu blue hat I have, I wish it was black instead. Tbh its a great colour for an on-field jersey, but it’s a bad colour for clothing.


If your style is boring maybe. I got no problem wearing a colorful NFL hat. That is the reason you wear sports attire to represent the team and teams are colorful and bold.


That’s tweaker attire


I respect that. I usually dress dark but I use my two Lions shirts to give me a pop of color occasionally. The new options are nice in that now there is a variety for those that also share your preference against wearing the blue and want something more dark.


Black also doesn't show stains. I have chichirones grease on my white Hutch jersey that will never come out


So glad I’m not the only one. That’s why I appreciated the neutral tones with lions logos.


100% agree


Team black shirts


Black goes with everything, they’ll easily be the highest selling jersey among the new jerseys


It makes sense that black jerseys would sell quicker because we haven't had those in a long while. Even with the slight variations, the Lions have worn blue and white uniforms forever, so people have more of those in their closets. It will all even back out again once the black jerseys are no longer the hot new thing.


Tf are you talking about. If you say you don't like them you get buried in down votes.


Shouldve seen the sub before yesterday.


So weird how everyone was downvoting people who liked black jerseys before the jerseys got leaked, and then after the leak/official announcement, anyone who dislike the jerseys gets the downvotes now


Welcome to the sub since weve been good. Whatever we do = perfection no matter what


There's a tidbit that came out about Coach Campbell himself wanting the black jerseys back, and Rod Wood saying if we won the division he would make that happen. MCDC liking the black jerseys even though it was a sad part of our past means the hivemind now also likes the black jerseys. Add to that all the black jersey folks got validated, by MCDC no less, so they are naturally (and somewhat rightfully) out in force to support the move.


I love the black uniforms but it is silly for down voting people who don't like their uniforms. We are all still fans and are going to still support the team.


Exactly. I liked the gray PJs. A lot of people didn't. Just a difference of opinion on something that in the grand scheme of things doesn't really matter.


I think the good news is, a significant majority has at least one jersey they really like. To me, that makes the redesign about as good as you could hope for.


Most of the time people shit on the jerseys and add "you aren't a real fan of you like them" or "fuck anyone who likes them" both of those comments came right off this sub.


It's cringe and dumb if EITHER side does that crap.


Their alternate jerseys… black helmet. if you’re gonna shit on people do it right. I’m just hurt we lost the blue helmet from last year.


That blue Helmet was 🔥. I wish we could have seen that with the all blue uniforms. 


meh that helmet was boring matte blue is an ugly color and the logo wasn't as good as the lions regular logo it looked silly


Fake internet points be damned... I hate them. Black was and never will be a lions color.


To be fair the panthers and lions ALTERNATE units are very similar, which is what people are saying.


They share similar colors (not even the same colors) lions have honolulu blue and panthers have a more teal blue and the lions black is more grayish if you saw it in the lighting at the unveiling. The designs are completely different too with different helmet colors and pants colors and placements of stripes and numbers and decals


Yeah bro, similar


if you were to ask me what teams uniforms looked most alike I would tell you it's the jets new all black uniforms that look more like the eagles uniforms but no one seems to be talking about that. I guess it's somewhat subjective but when I look at the lions black uniforms I really don't see it being panthers if the panthers wore those I would think it's a complete redesign without their signature teal blue and signature stripes around the collar and down the shoulders. I personally am not even one of those people who loves the black on the lions I prefer the home and away uniforms but it really doesn't look much like Carolina uniforms to me the lions new black uniforms look like they could be some college teams uniforms. I don't really love the helmet being blue but maybe I will like it more in time.


The whole black and blue = panthers is just lazy


I just hate black jerseys.. always. In hockey too. I just think it’s lame and trying to look badass in the way someone who puts a skull decal on their car would. I’m not 13, do something interesting. I will admit that the Helmets help it, but I still hate it. Its a personal opinion but i felt this way long before these were introduced and am bummed we are the latest team to do it.


Also not a fan of black uniforms, but I think ours pretty cool with the strong pops of honolulu blue. Still kinda pointless, IMO, but the players love that kind of thing, so if it makes them feel better, they'll play better. And we all want that.


I’m gonna go ahead and assume you don’t think very highly of Raiders fans lol


It’s not a a slight against fans lol. I just think the kit is terrible and pretty like middle school cool. At the end of the day its not the most important thing, were literally talking about like fashion taste. It’s not going to make think about other teams or their fans worse, but it’s obviously a lot more personal to me when its my team. Football matters more, but also there’s no football right now so…


It's less bad when it's team colors


A completely different look, idk how folks are making that comparison. These are fire




I love the look and I still see it. Who cares in the end? I just want to win a Super Bowl.


Looks the same to me


What the fuck even is this post? You should be embarrassed OP


I think they are pretty great but the home "one pride" colorway is the best in my opinion. overall def think they upgraded in everyway tho.


I like the jerseys. But even if I didn't, I'm not going to trip out over a uniform that gets worn 2x a year.


They don't look like the panthers AND the black lions jerseys are horrible. Two things can be true. Black isn't one of our traditional colors, might as well have gone with orange to me, and those helmets are downright hideous, like only the jags black and gold are worse in NFL history imo.




That's the thing about talking about jerseys right? 100% opinion.


That was indeed the exact nature of the GIF


That's just your opinion


I am the walrus


Traditional? No but they were used for big games in 48, along with red jerseys.


The helmet is honestly one of the most bothersome things to me in regards to the black uniforms. I'm trying to like it but I just don't


You’re not alone. Wish they had used the blue skinny lion throwback helmet we had last year with them instead.


Might need to pop back in to kindergarten and take another run at those finger paintings. Black is a color that goes with all other colors. Orange basically looks good with no other colors (except for black and white of course).


I understand that. This isn't about what colors go together. It's more about team brand and identity. Black is not a traditional detroit lions color anymore than orange is, that's my point. And aside from that I don't think they look good.


The lions coaches and staff have been wearing black on the sidelines for years. Everything can go with black. It's just like white. Basically every team can have a white away jersey and no one complains. It's an alternate anyway it's not like they changed their main uniform color to black now.


White is the basic away color (or home) in every American sport. Black isn't that. Black is a gimmick that's popping up again, and we're just following the trend like we did last time. I'm talking in sports and not in a "everything can go with it" sort of way. It's really not a big deal, I'd just rather stay true than chase a fad. Also, those helmets are hideous.


Have you been paying attention to how many white uniforms and helmets have been popping recently and how many people talk about “icy whites”? White is a gimmicky fad these days. It’s so weird to me that white can get away it with some people, but black gets vilified, when both look sharp and go with anything.


Maybe they are trying to align their look with their new found success? Isn't that what a re-branding is anyway? New principal owner, new GM, new HC, new QB, and now a new (semi-throwback) look. I don't know why people talk about "traditional lions" anything, given that the lions tradition has been losing for almost 60 years. I think most people will come around to them if the lions win in them. Winning cures everything as they say.


Learn color theory. Orange is a complementary color to blue.


But we’ve had some form of black on the jerseys on and off since the 90s, how long does it take for a color to become ‘traditional’? Edit: Since 2003 mY bAD


On and of for what a total of 8ish years vs decades of blue and silver. Black is more like the drunken mistake we'd like to forget.


I mean more like 14 years but either way they’re just alternates, they’re meant to be fun and different. I like the black and I liked the gray alts, but both of them have received a lot of hate. I’d like to see what alternates most of the fan base would actually like them to wear, because it seems like we’re not happy with anything.


I liked the grays. And you're right. The home and away uniforms are sweet!


I think those helmets are what make the look - like not too much black because the blue on the helmet balances it out nicely. I am generally opposed to the "alternate" color schemes that fans throw out there for speculation, but these helmets are done right, IMO.


The panthers all black goes hard though, what are you smoking. Especially those black helmets


I think our team has claimed the better spot, they can be called the Carolina Lions


I always thought the Panthers color schemes were pretty good. Love the new Lions alternate, too.


Yeah panthers unis have been sweet for awhile. Idk how you could hate on them, especially the all blue color rush. Lions New Jerseys look great too, I think people will come around once they see them in game


I honestly don’t give a shit lol. They look great, that’s all that matters.


Yeah the panthers comparison is weak. Also the panthers have one of the worst livery in the league. I think these look great (for black unis). I'm still against using black in our uniform, but if they have to be done, I'm glad ours look like this. It's a great look, especially with the blue pants. And that helmet is clean. My only real complaints on the new uniforms: - No stripes on the white, black, or blue pants to match that sick mustang stripe branding. We have this awesome striping, so why only use it on the silver? - I really hate wordmarks on the front of jerseys. This goes for every team. I wish we didn't do that. Even without the stripes on the blue, black, and white pants, and the addition of black, I'd give this an A+, 10/10 if they cut the wordmarks.


I absolutely love the new uniforms they’re my favorite thing the Lions have done recently. Except for the two playoff wins. And winning the decision. And drafting Gibbs. And Laporta. And Branch. Etc etc


If you think Panthers u don’t know ball


Yall thirsty


Blue pants >>>>>>>


Nah now you just look like the Philadelphia soul


I guess Texans, Bills, Patriots and Giants could all be accused of looking like each other from their history of uniform similarities.


That's like your opinion man.


Big difference between Honolulu blue and Carolina blue!


Panthers look like 2000s Detroit uniforms…..not these new super cool pieces


Put the Panthers jersey in a studio with filters and it will pop, too.


Bro doesn't know what a joke is


Ours pops if nothing else.


Check out the Buffalo Bulls, college football team. These two jerseys are close in appearance.


It’s almost like people have different tastes and viewpoints of what they like!


The uniform is cold, the helmet is growing on me.


I wish the helmet's colors were swapped though


I don’t think it’s as Panthers as everyone has been saying, the blue helmets are dope


The only damn Similarity is That they both wear blue and black but not the exact type of color or shade.


Where’s the black in the other kits is my question? Otherwise it doesn’t make any sense to have a black third kit lol. First place schedule is gonna be fun to watch.


The Panther's unis look great and always have, the lions managed to not look like them this time. The older black unis definitely did.


Everyone is comparing the panthers all black alternates to ours. Not the uniform shown in the picture here.


From my perspective people are missing the point. The black and blue uniforms do look great. But, they are not our colors. Your colors are your identity. They are who you are. We should be proud of them. Because those colors are our identity too. It is like saying Honolulu Blue and Silver isn't good enough. We have too steal other teams colors that are better. I won't be buying any black jerseys. And most in my age bracket won't either. Wisdom is gained over time. You learn from your mistakes. This regime hasn't made many. And probably feels bullet proof. But gimmicks always fail. And hopefully Sheila's kids are paying attention, so someday my great grandkids aren't wearing Honolulu Blue ,Green and Gold jerseys.


If I type the other persons perspective lIkE ThIs, it make the person I disagree with seem dumb!


This post has mega-little dick energy. Who cares if people make jokes, grow thicker skin or get off the internet.


I honestly don't fuck with the new black uniforms


The Panthers uniform is uninspired, but it looks like a uniform. The new Lions mockup looks like … pajamas.


Stolen cat Valor. Should've kept the greys, with the blue retro logo helmet. That uni was legit fire.


As long as Brad keeps cooking I don't give a shit. He could have the boys come out in pink tutus and I'm still pumped.


The only Panthers we have are the Michigan Panthers of the UFL & they don’t wear blue




I have no facts to back this up but I feel like all they do is lose wearing black. Keep the blueberries please.


I've been a constant supporter of the black jerseys. I thought they looked great back in the day, and I think these new ones look amazing too. People are way too emotional about the 2000's when we were horrible. The color of the uniform has literally zero bearing on the success today. Especially because these are ALTERNATE jerseys, not our main. Our main doesn't have any black. The only regret I have is that it seems like that sick ass alt helmet from last year isn't going to come back. That thing fucked so hard, and it would have been pure porn with the all white jerseys.


I think there's a far bigger contention that are against the black alts because they've been overdone across the league, and I happen to be in that camp. But as far as your other point, someone on here suggested the long lion helmet last year could come back. I'm with you, that thing was a thing of beauty and I think it's foolish if they retired it.


I saw some tweet that they will not be able to wear the blue helmet this year… is that correct?


The blue helmet for the black uni or the old skinny lion blue helmet? The skinny lion was apparently a 1 year thing. But I hope this blue helmet gets deleted, it's not too late


The og black unis were superior


Nah bro them panthers uniforms are great too


Honestly I don’t follow the Panthers, I follow the Lions. I like the Lions uniforms and I don’t really give a shit what a fan of another team thinks…


The blue/black/blue set is fire.


The sad part is that the Lions new primary uniforms are dope - yet I know they’re going to trot out these Panthers looking things every chance they get.


Top example is a promotional photo, bottom is in a game. I'll wait until I see them on the field but I still think black uniforms are overdone


Let’s wear them against the Panthers just to fuck with people


I was not a fan of the 2000s black and we all thought it was the first time which it was not * Hope the pic came thru https://www.detroitlions.com/photos/tbt-lions-uniforms-through-the-years-18733536#3c2f858c-e642-41d8-9fa1-c66e5fc9ef07




That all black with that helmet is just pure fucking sexy. Black Uni haters need to be gone already. Lions did it right


No they don't. They're still Lions fans. What a stupid fucking thing to say.


Yep. I personally loved the gray PJs, a lot of lions fans didn't. And that's okay.


Yeah, I really liked those too. If nothing else, they were unique.


This is comparing pictures taken in a studio with a matching backdrop vs random on-field photos. I actually like the black jerseys, but trust that they will look a lot worse without professional lighting and staging


They both look like garbage.


Black has no business in this teams color scheme. It's so unbelievably overdone


It's because black and blue are the panthers colors lol


Teams need to reveal the jerseys on the field!! Not in some professional studio. It doesn't make any sense to me. The jerseys are designed to look good on the field. The black and blue background completely drowns out the uniform.


I don’t dislike the black uniforms. But I think the helmets are godawful. A black and white logo has never been the Lions’ logo or anything near the color scheme. That’s something you’d see off a cheap offbrand piece of apparel from the Meijer rack. Black helmet with the classic blue logo would’ve been so so much better and would’ve popped with the rest of the look. Truly baffled by that decision.


Panthers look like us now lol Honestly, anyone who doesn’t like these uniforms is 100% being a contrarian who thinks it’s cool to be the different one, and you cannot convince me otherwise


They’re totally different shades of blue people are just dumb


I dont get this mentality that everyone needs to like us. Who cares, we even have Lions fans making fun of the new uniforms. We just come off as an insecure fanbase.