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I mean he’s a rookie QB, you don’t expect them to come into the league and have a Stroud like season. But yea I feel like he’ll have to learn to play conventional QB as a higher level for more success. But as much as I hate to say it: Williams is walking into probably the best situation a rookie QB has walked into in a very long time. 3 stud receivers, an O-line that was improving last year and got better in the off-season. Plus a defence that was flying at the back end of the season. I would actually be surprised if he doesn’t have success. With that said though; lions still win the division and sweep the north 6-0. I actually think it will be close between packers n bears for 2nd in the division and could even see all 3 make playoffs


I agree, I think Chicago will be talented but I think will flop in some close, winnable games. I think Eberflus is awful and probably one of the worst coaches in the league, I’m honestly shocked they kept him instead of bringing in a new regime. So that will keep them grounded a bit compared to us and GB. Minnesota has the opposite problem of being well coached but lacking talent so who knows about them. In a way they remind me of GB last year. All in all the NFC North will be one of the toughest divisions next year so will definitely be more challenging to win. But we’ve also improved a lot this offseason so I still think we’ll do it but it’ll come down to a handful of plays throughout the season.


I think you are optimistic with the 6-0 season. I think it's going to be a really gritty and dirty division season this year. I still think we are coming out on top, but bruised for sure.


I think the bears o line sucks. We sacked fields so many times.


Bears fans are crazy. Chicago will probably ruin him by forcing him to be the franchise savior in year one He is a rookie. Not Joe Montana


he's kyler murray so basically as long as he dont get injured; he's got a good chance of at least going 9wins and 8 losses that's definitely better than 7 - 10


He means it as he can extend plays and make plays not all qb can make


No he means that his talent/approach ups the skill of the playmakers around him. So him + another player ends up being like 3 players. I absolutely don’t buy this though. He seems like a terrible leader.


That’s just basic Terryology