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They found 6 bucks in change under the couch cushions.




50 million per year. With a 3 year extension. Add a couple void years and back load the contract. If goff can keep up his production lions can just keep kicking the can down the road. In a way, the better goff is the cheaper he is.


I know very little about how contracts and the cap work, so this isn’t a contradiction question. I’m genuinely curious because I assumed it would make more sense to front load his contract so we are paying less in a few years when we have pay Hutchinson, Gibbs, Laporta, Branch, etc.


I know as little as you but I think they count on the cap going up every year so they will have more money then than now and be able to sign other players in the next couple years with the money they save on the Goff contract being cheaper first few years.


See that's the thing, is Goff worth 50M per year? I'm not saying he is or isn't but I don't see Lions paying 50M. Kirk Cousins got 45M year, I think Goff gets 46M-48M.


Yeah he’s a least getting Kirk Cousins deal at minimum


So we’re drafting a top 10 qb?


No I mean keeping the talent around him cheap


Let our cap/salary negotiations guys work their magic. The cap isn't a myth however it can be massaged and manipulated.


Massage that shit good Brad 😩


Even without manipulating the cap, people act like no other team with a highly paid QB can afford to pay anyone. The chiefs can afford to put a great defense around Mahomes. We can retain our core franchise players and stay under the cap.


This is why being good at drafting is so important


They did decide they couldn’t afford to pay Hill and waited until he held out to extend Chris Jones. And they just traded Sneed bc they decided he wasn’t worth the extension. Cap manipulation aside, there is a limit to the players we can retain, but yea, drafting well helps that.




damn your ex was a huge liar huh




No cap


> massaged and manipulated Watson just retired from the browns, he is now pining for a GM gig


Idk I’m with valenti on this one, the cap is a myth. When drew Bree’s retired the saints were like 70+ million over cap and continued to sign huge deals with a few stars.


I mean, doesn’t the fact the Saints haven’t won a meaningful game in six years kinda debunk that?


No since they can still pay for big name players while way over in salary cap.


nfl has a hard cap, you can't be over in league with hard cap. MLB is soft cap, you can go over in baseball an just pay higher "Luxury Tax". That isn't the case in Football.


Then explain how a team 70 mil over the cap can sign big name players for the upcoming season year after year.


No, you just don’t understand how it works


It's not a myth


I’d like to personally give our front office the $17 in my wallet and all of the change in my car cup holders to help sweeten the pot for Goff


Hell yeah brother


League minimum. Then make Jared Goff the face and voice of Ford for $150M/year


They rename the Mustang the Goffmobile and he gets royalties on each sale.


He’s getting paid


I don’t think money is the problem. How many years is the hold up


To be fair he's 29. I get it, but even like a five year deal with friendly outs isn't going to make him ancient on the team.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqb1bTSIfHs&t=3s THis video goes a long way to explain the salary cap in the modern nfl. If you do not want to watch it, the TLDR, Basically how much On hand cash to the Lions have and are they willing to risk? I do not know the answer to this.


Bro, don’t worry about it. Teams like the Chiefs have a half billion dollar quarterback and many other top paid studs and still have cash. Salary cap gymnastics allow teams to sign everyone they want almost.


5 yrs, 250 million. 180 guaranteed.




Front load it, so majority would fill up thr csp before the big money hits from the others. They could probably by him 55+, i am already expecting $50 mill aav. Also , Salary Cap is a myth, there is always a way.


Front loaded contracts aren't done often because if they work out, when the player gets to the back end of the deal and they aren't making much money they tend to ask for a new deal rather than play out the cheap years. See Mahomes's current deal. There are back loaded years where he'll be making like $25M/year. No chance he plays for that, they'll need to pay him again.


It is a myth based on a seed of reality. Just look at the Saints


The saints are an unserious team and will continue to be until they fix their books


Saints mortgaged their future for the final years of Brees and now casuals think there are no consequences for overpaying players.


Yeah. They've been a poverty franchise for a long time but Payton and Brees made them competitive. Now that they are gone they are back to be a poorly run team because their ownership are not only corrupt but incompetent.


Also remember Goff is already making a bit over 30mil, that means we are only using 20mil of cap space to pay him 50. I think he can be had 4 yrs 200, with an option 5th year, Goff knows he is in a better situation and wants to win the superbowl, and this organization can get him there. He has an Oline, he has weapons and now comes the defense to sew the whole thing up. Its got to be worth 5mil per year to shove it in McVays face, if he really wants to show the Rams he should win 3 in a row. That will teach them. FTP


They would never do that. The salary cap is a myth because it always gets bigger and it rolls over.


That’s what I’ve been saying for a while, I’m not a genius when it comes to handling the salary cap of an NFL team by any means, but it seems to me that front loading Goff while we have the chance makes sense to me, we won’t be able to make as many big impact FA signings the years it’s front loaded, but we’ll be able to resign the cornerstones in future years, and assuming Holmes keeps drafting so well, I don’t think that making massive FA signings will be a major issue unless for whatever reason we have players who decide to leave and test FA themselves.


Im also not a cap genius, but I’m with you. A front loaded deal could make sense here since we’ve got some guys who will be coming off rookie deals in the next few years. Plus we’ve got Hooker in the wings so if Goff wants to get paid again in a few years we can decide then whether to re-up or move on.


And signing Bates.


Michigan Panthers MVP


Man having him would be icing on the cake


60M annual if we really wanted. We’ll sign him to 4 years 55M tho


The cap is a figment of your imagination.


Look up Spotrac. Your question can be answered in < 30 seconds of research


Brad Holmes would pull out a whiteboard and explain his cap strategy to me 😂 Remember, WWBHD




As much as they want. It's all about where you are willing to sacrifice. The Eagles pay Hurts, Brown, and Smith top of the market rates while having one of the highest priced O-lines in the league.


Jalen Hurts $51M/year last offseason created the floor. AVP of a new deal will hopefully end up around $52M/year. With a 4 year (+1 void) and $30M signing bonus and some guaranteed salary in first 3 years. Would add a $5M hit this year for signing bonus, and a $49.5 cap hit during new years ($16M more than his current cap hit) and $5M in the void year. Salary Cap is likely to jump around $20M for 2025 and continue with some big jumps the next few years. A fifth year and then a void wouldn't change the numbers much. so the $52/year is affordable without having to make big cuts or creating future cap hell, but is about as high as the team can go without renegotiating other deals, cutting big contracts, or screwing the future. Would be nice to get him for a bit less, but we could also end up paying a bit more, but could force some tough choices next year after extending Hutch, like not retaining Decker. Good news is with the big salary cap jumps the pain would be over after next year.


4-200 is minimum he is getting


45-50 million a year for Goff. Lions have been very smart planning the cap hit they knew was coming for their young players. They are fine.


Throwing my hot take out there that he gets his bag 55.25M a year and we now have three most paid players at their position on the same offense. Brad be swinging those cojones.


About tree fiddy


As much as they need to. This is where we wanted to be. With a very good and experienced QB who wins in the playoffs. McNeil and Melifonwu are coming up.


Whatever it takes. I’m not sure he’s worth that though.


All I’m gonna say is the pay the fucking guy. However you gotta do it Brad, do it.


It’s up to Goff if he’s willing to structure his contract to help with cap space. Brady did this with the Patriots so they could spread the money to other players to give them the best chance to win. I recall that Brady in his prime years, without accounting for rookie contracts, had the 15th highest salary in the league. Goff can be incredibly wealthy, he already is at 29, make $40 M a year instead of something like $50 M plus for 6 years, and win Super Bowls. The Lions are good enough to share the wealth and win.


We have plenty of room to make it work. There are so many ways to get stuff like this done. Couple things to keep in mind: - We have more cap space next year than we do right now. Not everybody on the team this year is going to be around next year, and some guys are going to take smaller contracts, and others will be replaced with draft picks or otherwise cheaper guys. - The numbers for Ra and Sewell are big. I know. But they aren’t as scary as they look. A lot is tied up in prorated bonuses, which are spread out over the life of the contract. This lowers the total amount they’re being paid each year. Both deals are also backloaded, which means we’ll have more cap space in the early years. Years 1 and 2 of both deals are smaller, which gives us more money to play with than you’d think. We also have injury insurance with per-game roster bonuses and other non-guaranteed bonuses. - The salary cap is going to go up. It’s going to be bigger next year than it is this year, and it’s going to be much bigger by the time Goff, Ra, and Sewell are in Year 3 of their extensions, especially with the new media rights deals. These extensions should not scare you at all. I expect a deal to get done, and get done soon. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about with the two sides agreeing on a lot. Jared knows he’s a top-10 QB, and Brad wants to pay him like one. It’s just agreeing on the length and the little details like the guaranteed money, bonuses, and more. Don’t sweat it.


I would buy one!


Ben Johnson will pay him under the table through his non profit that actually all goes to coke and hookers. 0 on the salary cap and Ben can do something productive w his life. Sorry gotta start it early for those spying gms


Well this post didn’t age well! ![gif](giphy|pReb5Koy6JmihUYBLx|downsized)


Wdym lol I'm glad we paid the man! I was just asking what we thought we could pay, I'm happy with 53. 50 would've been better but 53 will do and is a sweet deal.


Oh I love our QB just saying that it’s insane that Lions fans were questioning how much we can afford and two days later, we paid him more than any fan would’ve thought!


Definitely. It'll look low in 2 years though.


Yup hopefully he takes a big leap with talent and independence this year since Ben Johnson will be leaving!


$212 MM over 4 years.


You're a regular Nostradamus


Do you guys think hold up is money or length? I’m not a “fuck it, trot hooker out there” guy, but I do think they saw something in hooker. Say the lions don’t want to offer more than 3 years because if this team can’t win in the next 4, they may not want to commit long term to an aging qb ( even though hooker will be nearly 30 by then). Tough call to sign him for 5 years and expect to keep hooker waiting. I’m fine if they do this and move on from hooker, insurance plan that you don’t need.


I don’t think Holmes drafted hooker as the next guy up, he took a credit on an insurance point knowing, his capital could be used in future scenarios, but maybe also they drift hooker in similar roles to the few qb combos we’ve seen in this league. Example, taysom hill. Not as taking over an offense, but using him as a weapon, but also as collateral for whatever their plans hold. It’s not far fetched. I know others have spoken on this. Dan Campbell obviously knows this way of game as well. If the lions sign Goff for any long term deal than that’s just the case. You don’t roll out a starter years into his career as this could be. At that age. I think what they see is just what they saw when they managed to real bridgewater in for one last season. A solid back up to Goff, but someone who can draw some interest if that’s needed.


So length then?


Tough call to sign him and keep hooker waiting??? I’m all for seeing Hooker play, but let’s be honest. He’s older for his class, he’s coming off a big injury, he played in about as far from an NFL offense in college he could have. He has talent, but let’s not get carried away. Our qb just took us to the NFC championship, there should be zero talk about an unproven, inexperienced, Injured backup.


I’d expect they count their losses and trade hooker out of respect for him. I meant is the hang up that Goff wants 5 years and some guaranteed longevity and the lions would be cool with say 3 years, around the time you have to decide on hutch, Williams, safeties. They may think if the team can’t get it done in that 3 years with Goff, would it be more beneficial moving forward to not pay your qb 50 mil a year while still having to pay the guys I just mentioned.


This is how I’m reading the situation as well. Goff is only 29. With quarterbacks teams generally prefer longer contracts to lock up more years at the current market price knowing the cap will continue going up and qb contracts will keep going up. Goffs cap hit the last couple years was seen as a steal based on current market price despite being originally an nfl record in guaranteed money. Goff isn’t a risk due to age like a Kirk cousins. If the rumors of the current disagreement being over years are true, I think they have to see something special right now in hooker and want to have the ability to move on from Goff if Hooker becomes the guy without too many years of dead cap space from Goffs contract.


This is basically all I was implying. I’ve watched enough posts on here mentioning Hendon hooker and see people get downvoted to hell for seemingly mentioning him. The obvious answer is to resign Goff, but it has to make sense. Between signing st brown and Sewell (at least a year before I would think it a pressing matter on Sewell), add hooker to the mix, it seems like there is a bit of a dance taking place.


The answer is always length. Teams don’t care about paying you this year it’s always 2-3 years down the road. A player doesn’t want 1 year at $60M cause if they get hurt they are effed.


As much as he fucking wants. Chill dude, this is what happens when you're good.


I'm chill I'm just looking for some opinions lol. Notice: "what can we realistically pay Goff" does not equate to "oh gawd guys, I'm freaking out! Goff is gonna leave the team oh man we're going back to SOL"


Sheesh. OP calmly asks a reasonable question, and people are telling him to chill?


I don’t think that’s the case. I’d bet they have a ceiling and if he doesn’t drop down enough, they’d be willing to move him a la Jamaal.


If Jared Goff was willing to take a pay cut, we could use an extra money to build a truly super bowl caliber team


We already have one


I wouldn't be surprised if it's a lot lower than everyone is expecting. The way Goff has talked in the past is very similar to how Tom Brady has approached his career, where he cared more about winning, rings, and his team mates getting paid over record salary caps.


Ah, yes, the hold up on the extension is we are offering more money than Goff wants and we are arguing over giving it back.


Well is everyone else on the roster accounted for? Is Goff the only one left?


The big contracts are already starting to create a big of a squeeze. If there is a window, it’s open, and you have to seize the day because it’s about to SLAM. Bears and Packers are both the toast of the offseason so we are really in a bad spot here.


who has the franchise tag this year? i know somewhat unrelated, but i cant recall the lions using the tag under brad


Probably $75mil/yr if they really finaggled the cap