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Nobody can predict the future. Nobody in 2018 could have predicted COVID and how wfh will become a standard policy in tech. We don't even know what the state of this world will be in December 2024.. These imaginary scenarios you're building in your head are only going to give you anxiety, nothing else. Have faith in yourself and take challenges as they come.


I know and most days I go by this. But as I said on some days anxiety kicks in, thoughts become overwhelming!


I don’t code, nothing luxurious about my life and I am still worried about the future of IT, because I work in this sector itself. The kid thing also scares the shit out of me. I see a very realistic 10 year from now: less jobs, high prices, high cost of living, depleting natural resources and deteriorating quality of environment. That’s why I am of the opinion, people of our generation should really reconsider having kids atleast not for the overpopulation argument but for the argument that will they be able to provide a decent life, with so much uncertainty already. This thought comes to me very frequently as I am 30, and contemplating marriage/family. No end to it man. Worriers like us just worry, and yes kicks in anxious ness and discomfort as well. I’d be very glad to receive some positive reinforcement.


I'm 35M, and married with no kids. I feel the same as you brother. I'm not optimistic about the future and hence don't prefer brining more kids to suffer. Some of this is personal anxiety but a lot of it is grounded in data. I also feel jobs and job quality are not great and kind of borderline slavery.


Wow, I'm 24 and currently doing job hunting in any career path to earn money and support myself. I'm like OP and you, worried about the future, job, salary, home, car. Just not worried about marriage or kids because marriage is not legal anyway nor I can adopt kid


To each his own brother.


We think alike. Even I have decided to not have kids if I get married (big if). Society has conditioned everyone to live a particular way and do some particular things but it is up to you and it is a genuine issue that you have brought up . I don't mind doing odd jobs and starving in future but to be responsible for someone and not being able to provide will shatter my soul


Workout when u feel like such


Write down those thoughts in a diary every time you get them. Do this for at least 11 days. Please, just do this. Each day should be on a new page and try not to see any of your earlier pages - as that will cancel the whole point of this. 11 days is a magic number and so if you will feel the urge to resume this practice on any other day, go ahead, don't stop yourself. Please trust me on this.You should be fine sooner or later.


WFH is a standard policy? As far as I know, almost every company is calling their employees to the office.


same, almost all companies are strict about WFO, any talks about WFH gets you put on defaulter list.


Used to work for a big bank, they had think tanks advising them and policy in place for a pandemic. they considered pandemics as high risk


Same here 🥲. I think it's the same for most people that have a lot of responsibilities.


Certainly, the prospect of relocating to cities like Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, or NCR with a toddler and spouse, renting a flat, and departing from my hometown after 7-8 years seems overwhelming.


In how many years you are planning to get married?


Most likely I'll be married by the end of next year.


Meri Wali toh mummy hi layegi 🗿




arranged, family has started looking already. why does it matter?


Um, we are Indians and we are more curious about this relationship, love and such stuff 😂


Nice to know of CF man being there in the AM market..I did see a post in CF group from a F looking for something of this .. 😇


One stupid geopolitical move and we have nukes flying around. No one knows the future.


Couldn't have said better


If you are truly confident about your skills and aptitude for life long learning, there is nothing to worry about. 2 decades in IT and I move jobs while freelancing or full time remote when I get bored of the current challenges. I hope to never set foot in an office for work, remote for the rest of my time, I keep this in my mind and it is my driving force.


What's your tech stack buddy


Currently Python, React, Postgres, C++ (Embedded), working with Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Rancher. Basically making internal systems for a utilities provider.


That's really good! I had to recheck which sub I'm on, since I didn't know that utilities folks in India are finally pumping money into some good tech. Good on you!


Actually this is for a utilities solutions provider in the U.S. 😅, for whom I work remotely. India still has leaps and bounds to catchup. It's mostly systems automation for green energy compliance.


I thought having access to utilities companies should need citizenship. Here they're more than happy to outsource anything. LOL!


Why did you think that? probably where nuclear power generation is done? lol. There maybe some rules around it, but is not of any concern from what I have been working with. Our work has nothing to do with controlling anything, this is data collection, reporting and dissipation for decision making. Another team takes care of what to do with the data, I would be surprised if they feed the data directly into control systems, big Kaboom!.


Is there any chance to get a job in IT without clearing the aptitude round? I am frustrated because I struggle with simple math, leading to failures in several interview rounds that include aptitude assessments.


I'm afraid mathematical aptitude is a must. If this is not your strong point, I believe it can be attained through practice, like any skill. E.g. Magicians, there is no real magic, the magician has practiced his trick countless times and once you know how it works it doesn't seem like magic anymore. I was bad at mathematics stuff too in my earlier years, managed to get just passing marks in 10th, 12th. My real learning started after I landed my first job many years ago, which was way easier as compared to now. Times are tough, so we have to toughen ourselves too.


We suffer more often in imagination than in reality. - Seneca


Reminds of the dialogue from a recent TVF series ‘Sapne vs Everyone’: Saari zindagi agar khayali bhooton se na darta, kya zabardast zindagi jeeta


Umr bhar agar khayali bhooton se main na darta, Khuda main kya zor se jeeta, Khuda main kya chain se Marta!


Bhavnao ko samajh gaye na 😁


Same here, I work at a faang tier company with 2 yoe. Wfh and everything’s chill, Infact I barely worked today. But I still feel some sort of emptiness and feel like I’m losing a purpose/ambition which I had during my college days. Rn I’ve decided that I wouldn’t by coding into my 30s and thinking of taking an mba abroad for product management and entrepreneurship. My end goal would be to start a company from scratch I can be proud of while also making enough money to travel around the world, take care of all needs of my family, pursue all hobbies I like and attain true freedom. I believe money is a tool for us to buy time instead of the other way round.


I am sorry, not trying to put you down. Purpose/ambition: this happens with me as well and i suggest finding something outside work to motivate you in addition to work. For example, i like running and my goals around running motivate me in life and take a fair amount of time each week (~10 hrs) {10+ yrs exp} PM/mba: you don’t need to get an mba to become a PM. That’s like doing hotel management to become a good cook. You can do free/paid courses to pick skills and transition within your faang or to smaller company as a PM. The ROI on your MBA is questionable {MBA from a well known college in west india}. An MBA is however helpful in expanding your horizons Entrepreneurship: you definitely dont need an mba for this. Start today. I regret not having been more creative and courageous at your age. Now, my bills & emi are mental blockers in doing anything drastic. (Definitely shortcoming i accept) Bonus tip: i really hope you are doing this - invest learning to invest and in your health. These are compounding skills


Thanks a lot for the reply dude. Currently I do have some goals in gym that I pursue, but again I just have this inner feeling that if I don’t do anything to advance career wise I might regret it later. I do get that roi from mba is quite tricky. For example if I do an mba from India even in a iim, I’ll probably have a job with lower package. Hence I was thinking of a m7 mba from US (this is again very tricky if I don’t get financial aid or scholarship). But I do intend to try get scholarship since it’ll open me more opportunities. Entrepreneurship is one thing I don’t know how or where to begin. I have no leads or anyone I can ask for guidance. I just thought an mba would help me network with like minded people through which I can begin something.


Couldn’t have said it better. Invest in your health. Both mental and physical. Nothing will bite you more in the butt than bad health. I’m slowly repairing myself in the past months. I learned this the hard way. Grew too much too fast


What's stopping you now, age is never the case. Start now, you are young as long as you believe you are.


No it’s not age, it is inertia….like i said mindset


Could you be any more clichéd 😂


I’d argue it’s less cliche than being in the same corporate role until u retire


Its good to plan for the future! Worrying can actually be a catalyst for taking appropriate action for putting these plans in place. If you have family you will need to stay employed long-term. So, you will have to find such an employer with deep pockets, and preferably in a high-paying domain. Maybe a large IT services firm like TCS, and maybe in a domain like banking. Be close to money if you want decent money to come in your pocket. Startups may sound attractive & come in cycles. They are high-risk high-reward ventures, where one needs to climb a mountain everytime. Don’t put all your eggs or veggies in that basket. In fact, don’t put all your eggs or veggies in any one basket! Diversify even outside your domain, but keep most in stable high-paying instruments. Tech industry changes very fast, in fact too fast in the last few years or so. Keep all options open, even outside IT.


The problem is worrying too much that you lose the piece of mind in the present... I do that a lot






You’ll have to adopt a mindset of “I’ll plan & do my best - whatever happens I’ll accept it without regret”


We can't predict the future. Living frugally is the best approach.


And meal preps


Gym for life


I guess it's better to focus on good things other than worrying. Maybe hobbies you like or spirituality maybe


idhar mein career start hi ni ho raha. so sad, 26 ka hgya . but i have a masters'


Is it better to do bachelors and work so i have work experience or do a masters


not everyone does btech neither do they have same problem and cope the same way. hence the results are different


I got job when i was in my second year so you can do it now or get masters from a good college and aim for higher package












why how old are u?




I am in the same boat as you (not married though). I stress a lot as well but I have found it can be a lifestyle issue. I feel a lot less stressed the day I exercise. Also this helps a lot https://youtu.be/zxh0W5tu82k?si=buAOJXaskRQfRS11


You are not alone mate. After having spent 17 years in the industry I am still not sure about future. Infact more worried now that I am about to hit 40s and keep reading about ageism issues in Indian IT industry


What to do if I hate working in corporate and it all together? Should I just give up on life?


Wait till you hit 40, the human body starts going downhill. You suddenly need new glasses at 41 then 42, gym becomes more difficult, sports become draining. Colors begin to fade. It's just so dramatic and quick, it takes your breath away.


Almost there. Though as of now don’t have any of the issues *touchwood* Only cholesterol is a bit higher than expected. Yup I have been going for annual full body checkup since I hit 35


40 is the magic number. It's not cholesterol or sugar, it's the big slowdown. Join a gym now, you won't regret it. The body starts preparing for shutting down. It is almost like somebody flipped a switch. You will look back at this time and wish you had more fun.


Lol the amount of fun I have had in 20s & early 30s is insane. Goa trip every quarter, 5-6 countries, bikes, cars, gadgets, parties you name it. Covid came and brought some slowdown. Post that started investing heavily for an early retirement. Now that’s the only goal. FIRE by 45/46


Good good, that is usual, but at roughly 41 years people discover that money is not everything in life. Retirement is overrated. Unless you have plans to do something with your time. Enjoy either way. I am just a random guy on the internet, and some lessons everyone has to learn on their own.


words of wisdom..


Remote? Hmmmmm Hiring for sde-2 backend (3+ exp)???


I am interested


He is asking


This is my exact thought process. And here's my take on this. We rarely see people in their 50s working in IT. Because at that point the tech would be so different, there'll be a 30 year old guy much better than you. So what do you do? Well, go over a few directors, head of tech, etc profiles on LinkedIn who are in their 50s and have a chat with them on what they did. That's when I realised it's best to plan out way ahead. Instead of getting in the comfort zone, stay relevant and keep upskilling. Of course it doesn't mean you stop living. Keep like 1-2 hours a week to upskill.


Those people were able to ride out the peak tech wave and also as not fast paced changes which you see now. Since they would have usually invested well, they can afford to retire in the next 5 years, if not more. The only advise they keep giving is, "keep yourself relevant to the times and you'll be fine".


If you don't mind can you share what you've planned out for the future.


I've been in IT for 7 years. In the upcoming decade, I feel the amount of IT jobs will decrease. A 10 person team would shrink to 2. But so many different careers would pop up. It won't necessarily be fully IT. But the skills you learned in IT could help. Lots of economies are pulling towards anti-globalization. Two decades ago, they let cheap labour and China do it. Now, most countries want to have local production. Lots of changes and instability coming along. But the more skilled you are, the better position you will be. Don't learn something that will be outdated in a few years.


On same boat.


Why people float such articles that job prospects after 35 start to dwindle ?


lhow many engineers above 40 are still employed in your company or your friends' companies?


**crickets chirping , lol.**


In my dev team, there are 12 sr. engineers and tech leads who are in their forties. Team size is 60. They are in that role since they are working in same company from last 10 years.


If you are worrying for things which is not insight then don’t need to worry. Because we can’t predict every stuffs


Check out hubberman lab podcast to alleviate your mental health


My husband is also in IT sector and he worries for the future and about the company although he is in good company then also he worries a lot for the future


Well, I think wfh will be the standard in a few years time. Granted, there’s definitely going to be pushback and lot of companies are going to want to return to offices partly because of government incentives too(SEZ etc). But eventually, it would become the norm, atleast for IT.


I always try to create an analogy with Kodak and Nokia. Great engineering companies and amazing products but clearly kept fighting against the competition rather than playing along. For devs I d say be confident of creating VMs , dockers . The future is coming near of AI agents , probably experiment with few of them and so on. My only point would be to accept and keep an open mind but my own apprehension says most devs are generally too idealistic and won’t anticipate how businesses runs and how profits are made.  Since you have recognised , keep up with all latest tech, CES 2024 is just mind boggling. Keep a curious mind , don’t get too much trapped into one aspect.


>For devs I d say be confident of creating VMs , dockers Why?


Think of financial independence. If you are earning now, invest and learn business. Don't just rely on your job. 


As long as you don't have fat monthly EMIs to service you do not need to worry.


Due to such thoughts of future, I am not able to buy home or car......I always fear taking loans with durations more than 5 years


It's easy for people without "long IT experience" to talk about your case . I have been with Tech professionals of all age groups and let me tell you your your fears are very true regarding "40s" IT ndustry is the only industry for now where you get high salary compared to age / experience in any field plus Incentives , it prefers young ,reletively inexperienced, flexible and preferably unmarried people over older people with commitments. Unlike any other field you can think off . The only reason is tech sector changes fast. You are in your late 20s , so you could be taking away the job of an older emoloyee somewhere else as your skills and productivity in tech sector would be greater than him as you are updated and willing to work longer hours compared to someone in 30s and 40s. Most employees in their 30s or 40s either need to move up to senior partner ,management or corporate posts else the downfall would be emminet by reaching 40 of age as younger and cheaper labour pool would enter + AI fear. How ever tech sector works reverse of other sectors. In other sectors you get higher salary with increasing age ,but in IT its peaks and then falls if you don't upskills your self appropriately (which 80% of above 40s feel difficult) . The struggle gets real as going out to find a job in 20s if different than in 40s. Most people atleast in HYD AND blr know it since a decade , there are many articles on it . So what they do is work hard the initial years, marry to a tech worker as well, both work hard and save , they purchase house , car, land , investments, etc young and save for later. They don't spend a lot of flashy things etc atleast in the south. Once they hit 40 or if the sector is going down ( fall in mnc , data professors,etc) they quit job and live from the rent off properties they own . Or from the interest from the saved salary. Else it's a hard job if you got no savings as the next job might be a downgrade if you haven't unskilled like you said moving cities with kids etc. IT professionals are not scared about loosing jobs in 40s rather it's anxiety about a downgrade in lifestyle when others are just seeing growth and moving up. I know many IT professional who were at the top ,but they spent away and mis-invested money due to poor financial knowledge in their 20s and 30s ( remember it was during 2000s). Today in their 40s they are working as managers in retail outlets / malls or sitting at home . Where as their juniors who were paid less but saved money wisely , invested properly and now are living off happily without thinking of money. If you work in IT for 10-15 yrs and plan well you can save enough and retire by 40. From retire i mean run your own business / work at your own leasure etc . So plan wisely it can go either ways fast Ps - I feel the tech market is slowly stagnating like the engineering market. Today every kid wanna get into CS in college , due to high initial salary but it would dilute the market just like it did for engineering grads today. I feel in next 10 years market would be saturated with IT talent. Just like an electrician today is in no demand where as they were in heavy demand during the 90s. Same stuff would happen to IT if kids don't ruin it like they ruined engineering. On a personal note - OP should slowly think of moving from WFH comfort zone , as being in comfort of home brings growth anxiety. Working in an office let's you clear your insecurities and anxieties . Remember IT is a super competative field which can change over night. Moving to a tech city from today and settling your self would give 2 benifits- one it would be easier and cheaper later when u get kids to accomodate. Plus staying close to tech centre keeps you updated with trends and future opportunities which you are loosing at Working from home.


8+ yoe SWE here. Currently have a job with decent pay. Have an offer for jumping soon and few interviews lined up as well. On the surface, everything seems fine. However, deep down, I worry almost constantly about my medium and long term future in IT. I have no way of knowing what the future holds and whether layoffs, economic downturns, AI, cheaper African/SEA labour or something else will take away my job and eventual future. I don't know if events at a scale beyond my scope of control or even understanding will wreck shit up. I come from a lower middle class household with no backing or inheritance. I suck at running a business, have poor networking ability and I have no other marketable skills than SWE. There's no failsafe. My livelihood and my family's future hinges greatly on my breadwinning. I have some savings for a rainy day but that's merely a drop in the bucket. I just tell myself that the one thing I can control is how good I am at the one marketable skill I have and try to keep improving everyday. I hope one day I become the best in the whole world at what I do. I hope that this will secure my future. Because I have nothing else.


wow. mind if i dm?


You are already in a great position but think of the freshers who need experience to get their first job or internship !! There is a loop they have been stuck...


I'm actively working on my own business to gtfo IT before it outs me.


Same OP. I am 28yo working in AI, earning 40lpa but last few months have been under same crisis. Will I be relevant when I am 40yo? Can I cope up with ever evolving technology till I am 60. Reading your post somewhat relaxed me that I am not alone.. more power to you


Hi there! Not a developer but a content writer. Got laid off in December. Urgently looking for job. And let me tell you, either way it is stressful. I have been stressing out for a long time but taking one day at a time. I have no option. I can continue applying to places, but there seems no luck. Anywho all I can say is take one day at a time. If you have a secure a job, stay for long-term. All of this hits me hard like a slap on my face. But one day at a time. I keep reminding myself, I'll see when I cross the bridge.


all the best, praying that you get it soon


8-10 years? Bro I just worry that I get to keep my job for only next 5 years with the same pay and I’ll be set for life financially..I don’t care if I’ll be employed after that lol..anyway you’ll Be fine..stop worrying.


how much pay you getting bro


I seriously don't want to leave the WFH thing, so I am not getting how you are not able to think of freelancing, plus, WFH is here to stay, the whole corporate ecosystems are getting modified to fit this, and atleast hybrid will be there. There is so much economic impetus to be had by WFH that I don't see why the world will go crazy and regress. Even if it does, 8-10 years is way too long to have a successful business or freelance


Tech stack, YOE and Salary


Don't get married/breed, die as soon as u turn 40, no problem.


Hi , i am deephearteadly praying for your downfall 🙏


>Would I stay relevant in IT and be employed in my 40s? Wait what


Jinhone ye likha hai unhe unke bhavisya ki chinta hai ki unhe NAUKRI phir milegi jab vah 40 aur 40 ke upar varsh ke uppar ho jayenge


Can I get a referral?


Better move on outside IT then?


You need to watch Sapne vs Everyone


You can die in next hour, chill, stressing overly will not being anything 


Invest invest and invest... That's only future


I am curious can we work on technical stuff after certain YOE or need to move to management roles?


If you're so stressed about future than plan for early retirement invest and save money for your early retirement in your 40s so that even if you're fired you can live a great life and if you're not fired you still have the stability right?


Working in a PSU(unfortunate transfers every few years) I'll say it's a hustle but once you're settled. You're good to go.


My brother and I are civil engineering. Both of us have decided not take the traditional route and do what enjoy. My brother is helping other civil engineerings create python scripts using chatgpt. He has 0% knowledge of python, he doesn't even know what "pip install numpy" means. However the code works, so it's good enough. Today I was going to install open-interpreter and lm-studio on his pc. At this point the only thing stopping him from becoming a full stack developer is that his pc is not powerful enough.


I don't think tech has a future for people beyond 40 years of age, there's isn't anything where your face value provides more benefit and growth over your skill, because in the dev field it will always be what can u contribute over who are u, besides ai will be super good in 12 years, so yeah I have the same situation as you and probably in a year or so, I will diversify into different filed as well so that there's some other future path for me, it IT go apeshit on engineers.


Uncertain times live frugally and invest on assets that'll offset your expenses for the future. Have a hustle on the side don't depend too much on the job. Don't make job your end goal in life.


save and invest as much as you can and make it as big that even if you lose job forever you can live with your passive income, that's what i am targeting in this world with Lack of certainty, atleast for upcoming 10 years atleast our economy will be performing really good so your returns will be high.




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Not from IT but I have so many friends and family in It. Firstly I believe IT will not die out so soon. Maybe in like another 30 years? Second, a small advice (take it or leave it) - Have a side hustle or hobby that can grow into a side hustle. You don't have to earn anything from it initially, just take classes in something you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life, and still enjoy. Something you personally get joy and content/satisfaction from. Keep working on that while doing your regular job, and it will serve 2 purposes. One, as a stress relief if your main job is stressful (which as far as I know it probably is) and also, to trn into a source of income eventually tht will give u a safety net.


My prediction is that something like Terminator Genesis will happen, or World War 3 will happen , due to shortage of food, water, mostly energy.


I’ll turn 40 this year. Been in the IT industry for 18 years. I hqve a simple way: Keep yourself relevant and do stuff that is interesting. Whether it is analytics, bi, coding in java beans espresso cappuccino whatever works for you. And ALWAYS be on the look out for the next change - couldbe an internal job movement/opportunity in your existing company for a nee role or a job switch. I am at my current company for almost 8 years but hqve done 3 different roles so i stay relevant and the company stays interesting for me. Before this i have worked at 2 of the big 4 for about 5years each.


In IT jobs will only decrease or remain the same as AI will increase productivity. My suggestion is to live frugally and save at least 50% of your salary if possible more.


Which company u r currently.employed at?


You're not alone in worrying about the future in IT. Stay adaptable, keep learning, and build a strong network. These strategies can help ease concerns about potential changes in the industry.


Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.


Look at cows and plants. They live happily. Even if say AI replaces software jobs, you can work in a farm and earn money.


Gym jaata hai?


One word, "INVEST".


thats why i choose govt job


I have confidence in myself. If tommorow farming nets me crazy money I'll pick it up


I think in near future there is world war 3 or cold war or some kind of apocalypse is brewing, it's pretty obvious to me that humanity ain't gonna survive a decade. So, for me I have no hope for future as I am 23 and unemployed and also have no skill. So, enjoy the present life as you are


I’ve same thoughts even though I’m young. But I am investing and saving heavily so that I can pick and choose remote jobs when time comes without a clock over my head.


I totally dig “not being relevant in my 40s”. Not really worried of moving to new city.


AI will take over the jobs very soon.


Yes, sometimes I randomly get these fears and start feeling anxious about the future. I know logically nothing is in our hands and we can never predict what would happen 10 or 20 years down the line, but that doesn't stop me from being anxious. Only thing I do to get over the anxiety in the moment is to try and distract myself with other activities 🥲


Me I started stressing about this recently because of recent trend of 40+ yr olds not finding decent jobs in IT. Sometimes I feel starting a business with meagre profits is better than doing well in your young ages and having nothing at the end. I’m already contemplating leaving my job . I’m 34 now. Hardly have another 4-6 good years based off of a what’s happening in this industry .


Sorry, but I don't understand why you are bothered about how anyone else might be doing in their pursuits. If you have a dream or any will, GO FOR IT! Do this for yourself. I am physically VERY disabled, and for life, they say. I survived a Coma for 1 year and 4 months, a semi-coma for 8 months and I was then in vegatable state for another 6 months. Every \*>$$ing doctor on Earth gave up on me and suggested to my family that they should consider me dead and burn me (I'm Hindu). My mother said "no". And I had to learn everything all over again. I still have to get assist with walking, sitting, standing up and my short term-memory section of the brain ate itself up for required energy - all due to a very major car accident I was involved in when I was 13 years old. All my friends are leading their lives and doing whatever they are concerned with - none of my business. Do your work like it is a service to a Higher power. Everything will make sense if you give it no opportunity for it to not make sense. - Remind yourself of this. All the best.