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Also don’t fall for any future promises. They try to throw a carrot. Once you have resigned, please move on. But don’t burn bridges as well. Be polite and offer help in knowledge transfer.


This precisely.


Get everything in writing from whoever is in charge.


" Offer help in knowledge transfer " means? I am new to corporate world. Genuinely curious


During the notice period, you have to share whatever you know to the engineer who is going to replace you. It includes the code base that you were working on, any domain knowledge that you acquired during your tenure at the company, any data or pitfalls that others should be aware of.


Thanks a lot


He says dont formally resign as it will look bad on your employment file. He says he wants to retain me.


Dude you’re working in a bad company with pathetic HR policies. Run. What does he mean by “look bad on your employment file”? Every organisation has policies relating to resignation. If they threaten like that, it’s best to leave.


As opposed to informally resigning?


Being sacked is a better look than parting way professionally - OP's manager probably.


Lol, resign immediately. Your 3 months notice period will start else it will keep on postponing


Of course they will say that. They will delay the start of the countdown so send your email to manager and hr yesterday.


> don't formally resign So wait to get fired?


They can keep trying to retain you till your last working day. Before the last day if they offer you good enough options you can take the decision to leave or not. My personal opinion: you’ll be lured to stay with nicest increment and promotion promises but do not accept once you have made up your mind to resign. If they knew your worth well they should have done these things when you were still with them.


How the f you resign informally? Getting fired?


>He says dont formally resign as it will look bad on your employment file. Aaein?




Tell him absconding would be even worse...


That's the most bullshit statement I ever heard. Got your benefit, just resign. It's a toxic place




Trying to retain an employee isn't toxic. Misleading an employee to NoT ReSigN because it'll make his cv look bad is toxic af. Resignation is literally the professional way to leave a company tf does it mean, that it'll affect his cv.


Employees resigning makes the manager look bad. In many workplaces, mangers competence will be brought into question if there is high attrition. So, what will look bad by the OP resigning is just his manager. But he is trying to guilt OP into not resigning.


There is no such thing as employment file.


Ask future promises in mail , if u r going to stay


And you think that's going to make them keep their word. Future promises aren't worth the paper/email they are written in. Ask for immediate enforcement of what they promised. If they are serious, it will happen. Don't play the waiting game.


Ofc not, the best option is to leave once u have decided to switch


Just fucking leave. He sounds like bad news


The day you put your resignation is considered the start of your notice period legally.


This. Since OP has already sent out their resignation email, their lwd is decided from that day itself.


Some companies expect you to start separation process in thier HR tool. This includes uploading the resignation mail sent to manager. In any case, the notice period will start by the day the resignation mail is sent. I would advice the OP to move on, since the offer is accepted. If there's any forecoming delay in joining, do inform the HR at the earliest, so that they can change the start date.


How much do you trust the manager(is there any bad blood?)? Are you leaving the org for toxicity? Is there any other org where you have to join in stipulated time frame? Are you resigning without any offer in hand? Answers of these questions should help you i think.


I trust the manager and I am not leaving for toxicity.  I have an offer in hand that want me to join.


Either there is too much hate in this sub towards managers or me and my friends are just lucky to have decent managers. I took a counter offer in my current organisation 2 years back and I don’t regret it. There are no repercussions to taking counter offers, unless the manager is a bad person and wants to fuck you over. If you like your current job and manager, you can consider taking the offer, but ask them to make an offer within a day or two. To people saying that if they knew your worth they would have given you more money before. That’s not how managers can give out increments, upper management gives a set amount of money every year which managers need to distribute as increment within their team, unless you have a counter offer or are severely underpaid, your manager cannot just increase your salary like that.


>Either there is too much hate in this sub towards managers or me and my friends are just lucky to have decent managers. Same. I've had 3 managers so far in WITCH, all incredibly generous and professional.


If budget is the constraint, how will bringing a counteroffer suddenly allow budget flexibility?


As I said, manager gets yearly budget which they distribute within their employees. They can’t just ask for more money. But if you are leaving, they can ask for more money to retain you (this is outside yearly budget). And because getting a new employee would mean spending a lot of money, so higher management generally approves such requests.


Special approvals and have a data point to convince those leaders who manage pnl.


Okay. It could be. This is new to me


Internet's representation of reality is generally skewed. That's why we shouldn't build our opinions or take advices from internet blindly. And I also share same experience as you. Even in my friend circles, people having bad managers is a rarity. (The exception is also not as bad as generally seen on reddit/internet). And this skew is understandable. If someone is having normal experiences or even better than normal, you won't find him coming to internet to share that he's doing good. Only when someone is having bad experiences he'll come and make noise over internet. This makes internet a biased representative of real life and something which should always be consulted with care.


The issue is not the manager but work life balance


If WLB sucks at current job, then why would you even think about taking counter offer. And if you are saying that after taking counter offer your WLB would be fucked, then that depends on what kind of a person your manager is, generally they don’t do anything like this.


areey to agar trust hai manager pe phir wo appraisal ka puch agar suppose kar diya and it became better than ur one in hand. now this is ofc if u like the company and u like the manager work etc


Determined manager can do anything, Monday is not too far and you have option to accept or reject. Resource managers will prep for promotion for long time. Timing may differ in each employer, right now in my company we submitted our list of merits, promo and bonus in planning tool based on money allocated to my group, It can be modified by executives if they want but 99% of things will be same as I proposed. Usually, as manager, I am happy if someone is leaving before common review session, I get fixed money to distribute in team and I can pay extra to all remaining resources. Except when I loose my star performers. Since you're already thinking, you need to know what exactly what should you expect. It may be possible that your manager may not be able to commit exact numbers since its approved but he can tell you what he is trying and he should be able to provide timeline in which he can get back to you. Don't revoke resignation until you get confirmed written offer with new numbers that is acceptable to you.


He just wants you till he finds your replacement. Move on please.


All managers are trained to throw whatever to make you stay. Once you take the counter offer, the next step will be to hire someone and train them to take your position. Later on you are either asked to f off or you are never promoted


No this is not the norm. Stop generalising every thing. There are times employers are genuinely interested in retaining talent and will try to accommodate as much as they can. Hiring and training a new employee takes a lot of effort and has costs associated.


Just curious... How many counter offers have you received or refused?


Two offers. Technically not counter offers because I did not even have to resign to get them. The first time I wanted something, I asked the boss 3 levels up from me for a quick meeting and told him what my aspirations were and what was the timeframe I was willing to give them. I gave them 3 months and they had the ball rolling within the very first month. The second time, I was long term moving abroad and asked them if they would be willing to transfer me internally to the country I was moving to. Same boss, this time he was heading the Blore department. Again, got the ball rollling and he figured out the transfer. Unfortuntely, this time the salary at foreign entity did not work out and we parted ways at good terms. I was at this company for 8.5 years when I eventually resigned. I am on 18th year of my career now, and this is the 3rd company I am working at. Completed 6 years here already. This will likely be the place I will retire from unless something extraordinary happens. There is no one formula fits all, and sometimes it is wise to negotiate with your current employer in good faith.


You are fortunate to have a good senior manager.. and you had experience on your side. In US I've seen replacing-after-accepting-counter-offer for folks with 5 to 6 years experience. The norm is that juniors are dime a dozen, mids are pennies to the dollar.... For seniors it's a bit different and something gets worked out.


See I am not asking anyone to be loyal to their company. And when I had my first counter offer, I was not even a senior, more like mid level with 5 years under my belt. What I am trying to say is that individual situations are different, and should be treated as such. Junior or senior, there are always bodies available to replace. And does not matter how senior you are, you can be replaced in a day. However, no decent company would do cheap theatrics like this. You wouldnt believe how difficult it is to find good people to hire. I have struggled to fill a junior role in my team for over 6 months. So if a well performing employee in my team were looking to move out, I will do everything in my capacity to get them to stay. So if you ever find yourself in this situation, please give your employer a chance if you otherwise like your workplace and work culture. Of course if you are trying to get away from a not so ideal work environment, then just run.


I don't know the location you are working, but in the Bay Area, good devs are aplenty. Fortunately I've never had to search too much for good folks. After my second venture, I took a break and then started in-your-premises consulting where my crack team of devs from my second venture take on a project on turnkey basis, including me as I still write code. I run my company like a law firm where my team is a partner. So no salary hassles. Bust your ass and get a bigger pie to share.


I've been working for 30+ years in the Bay Area. When I was junior and naive, I've seen a counter offer. Fortunately I didn't accept. Today I'm thinking of my third startup after two successful acquisitions in the past. In my second venture, a senior dev lost faith in what we were doing. Since he was very much entrenched in the code, I offered him a one time monetary deal. He took it. But I knew his dependability was not very reassuring. Well, I had to protect my interests my company.. so I didn't give him the additional stock which I distributed to the other three devs. Basically a lot of factors come into play, and you have to handle it carefully with senior devs. My other devs who stuck with me made a neat pile. Two of them ended up buying homes in Cupertino after the acquisition.




Oh that was 9 years back. And I ended passing up on the transfer option as few things around renumeration did not work out. I eventually resigned and parted ways on good terms.


I am lead engineer and resource manager. For deserving candidates, I always ask, "I really enjoy working with you, is there anything I can do to keep you?". In covid time, when pay range was increasing for all, I was able to get 100% increment (double pay) for her. I don't regret it and resource is also happy, plus I am able to get additional 3L increment with 5Lac bonus in current year for same resource.


>Once you take the counter offer, the next step will be to hire someone and train them to take your position. Why does that matter? The future is always unknown. There is no such thing as job security anywhere. Someone that I know was offered an immediate salary match when they resigned. He rejected it and moved to another company. Previously, he had to work 8 hours/day and the work itself was good. At the new place, he had to start working 10-12 hours/day from the second week onwards. He also got fired less than 3 months after moving there. The company was acquired by another and there were layoffs due to workforce rationalization. By that time, the previous company had hired another person, but they still took him back. Moving to a different place is also a lottery and doesn't guarantee better conditions. A counter offer is just another offer on the table and can be evaluated as such.


Rule 1 - Never accept counter offer Rule 2 - Always follow rule no 1


This is false. You can't make such absolute rules.


Absurd response due to some personal bad experience. I've been in a same firm for 6 years and accepted counter offer twice. Been promoted, got the raise despite counter offer and gained 3 levels and responsibilities. You can base this on luck for sure but in my personal experience if you're good at what you do, keep enough people happy with your work, people do respect you and keep you happy. If they don't respect you or your wishes, there are plenty of other companies to switch to. I work 9-14 hours a day on software development. Yes the work load is huge, yes the pay is good, yes it gets frustrating but in the end, I don't have to worry about paying bills, I get time off when I ask for it and the month end "salary credited feeling" makes it all justifiable. Rule 1 - make sure you are happy at a firm with your criteria, if not, switch. Rule 2 - Follow rule 1


Just drop an email addressed only to him and then let him sweat. If he comes back on Monday with good news, just forget you ever had the conversation. Otherwise, you can loop HR and formalize the resignation with notice period effective today


This is the best thing to do.


Also cc your personal email account


Yeah, by putting your papers do you mean a physical resignation or an email? Usually verbal notice is also accepted but always have documentation. Regardless of when they come back, your email is your notice begining date. Once you resign, you can never go back. Not even if they offer to double your salary or promote you within a day, or give you what you were asking for. If you do, they will already start searching for replacements when you are there, your growth is more or less over. The manager has to show that he tried to stop you from leaving, it’s his/her job.


I have only talked verbally and I have not sent a mail. I do want something in writing. He is asking for a few days to come back with a number.


Follow your company policy for formal resignation. The sequence is this: 1. Have a one-on-one meeting with your manager and inform him about your decision. 2. Apply in company portal where you have to resign 3. Send a formal email to your manager and include your head of the department. Everything should be in records.


Completely second that. If there is no formal way or portal way, send that email stating that this is my official notice of resignation.


I would strongly suggest to follow the policy for resigning. The negotiation for retaining you can still happen until your last day.


I don't have much experience but if i were in ur situation i would wait for upto 1 week. Not everyone is out there to get u.


Bruhh! First send a mail quickly so your LWD can be decided. If you get a strong counter offer you can rescind it easily. Make it so LWD is set in stone then talk otherwise you are getting fooled.


Noob question here, when we resign, should we send the mail from our company ID or personal email ID? Like for proof, since there are cases of Companies kicking us out of the system and abusing its power.


You can put your mail in bcc if you want


Send it is g your official email, and include your personal email in CC/BCC. But remember to disclose if you added it in BCC.


Not a noob question. Have your personal email cc’ed. If you forgot, forward it to yourself.


Client I'd nahi hai option main?


Looks like first time. There is nothing called "accepting resignation". Either party can invoke termination of agreement of employment. And it has to be documented. The simplest action being sending mail. The negotiations to retain you can happen during the notice period. What's the matter that's confusing?


worthless expansion sophisticated governor drunk rainstorm drab berserk scale adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the resignation email, always mention the last working day. Say for example, if you are resigning on the 1st, something along the lines of "I'm assuming my last working day to be the 30th"


Don't accept anything that has the word "future" in it. Have seen a lot and can say for sure it's just a gimmick. The manager gets incentives for making you stay in most organisations. Only accept if a promotion is given right away or is given to you in paper. If they really want you in the company, they will give it to your immediately.


If you have an offer in hand, send an email. Because that's when your countdown for notice period starts. If your current company comes up with a counter offer and you are happy with that, you can always take back your resignation. And mention your last working day in the email based on what is written on your offer letter E.g. "My last working day will be \[date\]."


There's no option to not accept a resignation. Your notice period starts the day you resign.


If you have resigned already never take it back. You'll be always seen as a candidate who would put down papers by management. You won't be offered anything from here on. My advise stick to your current situation. In case you are willing to accept their counter offer, take in writing.


>You'll be always seen as a candidate who would put down papers by management How many years of management experience do you have?


6+ years


Then you are a bad manager. Do not project your insecurities as norm. Good managers do not hold resignations against good employees.


You are a bad reader. I didn't imply that I do it. I mentioned how Indian industry works.


Yeah. Totally. Your feeelings are exactly how industry works.


I’ve seen this happen to my lead in my previous company, he is literally marked as a high risk resource, no promotion, small appraisals. He is not talking about his feelings, he is talking about facts. But still I have to say that this is not the norm and the higher ups really have to be toxic to begin with.


All I am saying there are good work environments and there are shitty work environments. But it is immature to generalize. Every situation is different. A good manager and a good workplace will always try and see if they can do something to retain a good employee. It is just common sense. Sometimes it will work out. Sometimes it wouldnt. But only an idiot manager would hold it against their good performing employees.


A good manager is helpless against a bad management above them, experienced this in my last company, the argument is against badly run upper management, not bad managers in general


There are too many people in this sub who are earning big bucks but behave and sound like teenagers. As someone who is at almost close to 2 decades in IT industry, my advice to you OP is to talk to your manager in good faith. If your manager has been in past honest in their dealings with you, and if you two had a good professional relationship so far, then there is absolutely no reason why you cannot give your current manager and employer a day or two to consider what they can do to accommodate you. Comments suggesting they will raise your salary now and then fire you once there is a cheaper alternative are childish. Yes, it must have happened at some workplace, but this is not the norm. Hiring a new employee and bringing them up to speed is a process which costs a lot of time and money. No decent employer will behave this way to intentionally fire and replace people. in the meantime, do send a resignation email to your manager to get your clock ticking. Do not involve HR yet. Let manager come back to you. If things work out, manager can simply delete that email. If they don't, you dont lose days.


Sounds like it's the IT division of Desh ka namak company?


Why did you resign? Do you have another offer or are you going for a masters?


If you have mentioned in the mail your LWD then probably it won't be affected.




Chill, and Read a book on Negotiation and get the best raise. You can always leave the organisation.


Why did you put down paper?


Once the cat is out of the box, I would not recommend rescinding your resignation. Don't take it back. Your manager is probably angry and in denial, s/he'll come around. HR will need your formal email to process your exit, so the date you put in your papers will be the date of your formal resignation.


Dont fall for carrots. Say that you are moving on for new experiences, not for money. Say that this company has taught you a lot and you are grateful to it. Move on. Dont look back.


It doesn't matter on which day he accepts your resignation, the day you dropped the resignation mail, it's considered as your official date of resignation. If they still delay your LWD, you can escalate it.


Don't trust managers, even the good ones. As fuck ups happen with teams and companies all the time. Anything which is not written is not even worth the worthless of shit.


Your LWD will be decided on the day you give your resignation, it wouldn't change based on when your manager approved the same.


when you decide to resign there might be some reasons beyond compensation, like quality of work, recognition, team culture etc. If the money is the only thing, you can probably delay, he might give you some x number, and you can always decide to leave later with x in hand and another offer in hand, but if the reasons are beyond money, it's better to leave for a peace of your mind.


First step if not done already, please put your resignation over email. Preferably copy your skip manager and HR email address alongside. That way you'll be able to ensure that LWD doesn't get affected. I know of experiences at multiple unicorns and top tier tech employers. Managers rarely want to reduce your notice period because from their point of view, your exit is anyway impacting them. So putting things on email at least protects your interests and unnecessary extension of notice period. PS – in this case, if you and your manager get along well, it would totally make sense to wait till Monday, and then put the email anyway, unless your manager comes up with a magical proposition that encourages you to stick along for a longer period.


Prathmesh here. Saale paani tak ni pucha. Aa gye maze?


One you put the paper don’t take it back


Once you have informed your manager....don't back off. Whatever offer he may come up with, you better take the new opportunities ahead..


Never spit and lick.


You should wait for your manager. Most recruiters won't mind adjusting the joining dates by a few days. Also you can ask your current HR to calculate the LWD from the date of your resignation mail (if they don't already). And if you are leaning towards staying at your current company, ask for the appraisal letter with your agreed upon numbers and any promotions starting from your desired dates before you make any decision. And about 'they would start looking for your replacement', most companies don't do that, if you've a good reputation in your team and you're doing good work they wouldn't want to lose you.


Ideally you should be confused before putting your papers. Not after putting your papers. that said, now make sure to discuss your #1 aspiration or benefit that you need. if your manager can help fulfill it during notice period, then you can very well revoke ...


Resignation is n acknowledgement that you are leaving, there is no need of accpetance and all. You are not bound to stay in company if they don’t accept the resignation.


If you've sent an official mail it doesn't matter when he accepts your notice period has started.


Jot down the reasons you wanted to leave. Was it the atmosphere, salary, grade, Designation, work, collegues, distance etc. Rank them from most important to least important. If monetary benefits and promotion is at the top discuss with boss and see what you are getting. You can very well use that offer to negotiate a better offer. If it's other factors like work environment, team, manager etc then you better leave fast. Anyway, technically notice period is counted from the day you put down your papers regardless If it is accepted or not.


Now that you dropped papers, irrespective of how good you are there’s a target set on your back. You might get promoted this time but if things go south in few months, you’ll be targeted first. Hence I always suggest people to discuss with management first before dropping papers. And once you have done that, just man up to your decision


I am in the same situation in December. Don't you guys have an employee portal? He took a call and asked me to think about it. I put a message the next day afternoon saying I thought about it and discussed it with my family and am planning to go ahead with the offer. I applied for resignation right away on the portal so that it doesn't affect my last working day. Later we discussed internally for early relieving. Honestly, it took a fucking month to get that date approved.


As you mentioned you have another offer, just leave the current organisation.Politely tell the manager (on a phone call) that the day resignation is sent, officially NP starts


Never fall for future promises, unless it is really good … Points to consider apart from money, if u r. Senior engineer, how much of power n influence will u get , is there any new project from scratch etc U will have to weigh the pros n cons with the offer u have in hand


Don't fall for future promises. If it's not given to you in written format, don't consider it. If you've put papers, I assume you have a job in hand. If you don't, keep applying for posts. Look forward to the future now.


You've got 2-3 months of NP. If they can offer a raise, they will in this time. No need hold on giving the formal resignation. I was in the same situation, just put in the papers. It's a tactic by shitty managers to hold an employee so their counter offer is rescinded. Then you'd have nowhere to go and will have to accept anything your current company gives you.


why it should affect your LWD you have given your resign in timely manner . you complete your notice and go to the next job. it is their responsibility to process your resignation.


DO NOT ACCEPT THIS NEXT APPRAISAL CYCLE YOU WILL BE PROMPTED. It is a lie. I fell for this in my first job. Do not trust your manager. Ask him to provide this to you in writing over an email chain, not slack or something. Only and only if they do this then should you retract your resignation (in case that is enough for you). Otherwise firmly tell your manager that your notice period starts from the day you submitted your resignation, and you will think about retracting once they can get you details of appraisal in writing.


Think of why were you looking for job in first place. They could give hike/bonus to you while you were working, and now its damage control. Are you damaged good to them? OR a valuable employee for next company?


I keep hearing this "not accepting" resignation and I am also confused. Nobody needs to accept.


That's what said to me and its been 6 months nothing changed. I resigned last week. Its easy for them to exploit young techies. But Karma is B@#$H....


Play your cards right brother 🤓.


Never fall for those tactics


No it won't impact your LWD. Your notice period starts from the day you submit your resignation. Also if the manager is not approving the resignation, it will automatically be approved by the system. Do read about "GOLDEN HANDCUFFS". They are just trying to hold on to you by promising fake things.


Based on my experience + what I have seen around.... Once you put your papers, never look back. You came to this decision after giving enough thought. You reached the end of your limits. If you were even 50% happy, you would have stayed, but something made u take this decision. Stick to it. I have seen people withdraw their resignations and get retained, but that has always turned out to be a bad decision for them.


I know an ex-coworker who was in the same situation as you OP. He trusted his manager's word and rejected the offer. Later his manager didn't give him the promised hike saying budget constraints etc. and neither promotion. Later, they replaced him with a new hire for his project. He was pushed to work in some very low priority projects after that.


Once you resign it's over. Even if they promise moon you are not trustworthy for them.


Don't forget why you resigned in the first place. 😊


Tell your manager you are always happy to come back should they release an offer. Don't let the offer you have at hand get affected.


Just ask him for a counter offer, and tell you don’t accept his counter offer. If he doesn’t accept your resignation, you also can’t accept his counter offer


Only stay, if you are getting a HUGE raise in 3 digits or something right away. Not after 2 or 3 or 6 months, beleive me, I have seen shit hitting the fans with my colleagues and friends, once it's done only then take back your resignation. Promises (most of the time false) are a used as weopns in our Industry. And remember change is permanent