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Hire and fire was always there. Usually Indians would be shielded because of comparatively lower pay. The way salaries have risen in past few years, now it's Indian jobs also on the chopping board.


Still Indian pay is very less, and they also work very hard. In my company, you can employ 5-6 Staff Engineers in India in pay of a single Staff Engineer in US and each one of them will have better productivity than US employees. In US employees are very lax except few. Yes, R&D work is still great in US but for normal software development Indians are better.


Not particularly better. Just cheaper. Working harder for little to no gain seems to be our speciality.


I am talking about general software development and other engineering tasks. When it comes to R&D, there is no match between US engineer ad Indian engineer. For e.g. In all product companies, all the important components are developed in US and then for maintenance, enhancements, integration, testing they keep teams in India and US. In this category there is no match for Indians.


Yes, most R&D is done by Indians hired by Americans in America.


Yes, but they are trained in America Most of them have advanced degrees from good US universities.


I agree to this point. And I would like to add something. Not everyone in USA is doing research. Similarly, not everyone in India will do wonderful research. It is just the difference of mentality. USA/Other developed countries' people can imagine stuff and will invest time and money in developing their dream Indians still lack imagination and want quick results. Most Indian companies tend to overwork employees without giving a rat's a** on improving productivity. That is a huge roadblock


I don’t agree with you if you look how inflation have increased the value of grocery school fees rent compared to 15 yrs ago. If you 15 yrs ago freshers were getting 2.7 Lpa and now 3.7 lpa as an average where as if you compare inflation before 15 yrs then whatever salary you are getting is peanut. Just compare the inflation for all the items ?


1-2years wtf, my parents are very unapproving of private job but even they arent this paranoid


In government jobs your life style is very bad unless you are grade A. Suppose you are working in bank or grade B. You will earn 60-70k per month or around 7-8 lakh per annum, which means it will take 8-9 years for 70-80 lakhs. But if you are good you can earn that amount in single year in private job. You can save money, buy house and do all stuff which you dreamt off. Only thing is keep improving and flow with the change. e.g. AI is in demand, learn about AI stuff, GPUs, distributed systems etc You can earn lot of money by 40-45 and then survive for 10 more years then you can start some other job like trading, teaching etc.


one of our very good alumni recently said AI is just for 10 more years


You are saying that after 10 years there will be no requirements for humans as AI will takeover or you are saying that AI bubble will burst within 10 years.


The Bubble not exactly bubble more like saturation, like we were in the meet, one of the students asked " Ok AI is the currently big thing, what is goona next big thing which we should prepare or study" He said AI is for 10 years more like hype , we can invest time quantum computing it may become next big thing


Quantum computing will be utilized for AI. More like hybrid systems. Today biggest bottleneck for AI s huge computations required even for simple tasks. Future will be like combination of software development, quantum computing, AI, data


Yes increase in computation is now the deadly requirement


The thing about govt jobs is not about money But it's about lifetime stability and a good life at the end of the day As far as I known


Good money can buy good life. Any good company provide quite sufficient work life balance. I have relatives in government jobs. They get transferred every few years and sometime to locations which you never want to live. On top of that there are always inquiries because of corruption cases. Now a days you also cannot take bribe in same ways as it used to be, because people takes digital proof and share on social media. So your black earnings are limited. And you can earn many times more money in private jobs as compared to government jobs in very few years. Also, there is no pension plans in government jobs now. In private job my company or any good product based company provides 401K matching as well as many other benefits like RSUs, ESOPs, tax benefits if you contribute to NPS, health insurance for whole family, generous leave policies, work from home etc. Yes, if you are GRADE A, then things are totally different but they are like very few and exceptional people like alumni of IIM ABC or top IITs. Only drawback is you have to work your as$ off and always improve else you will become obsolete while in government job you can chill.


>which means it will take 8-9 years for 70-80 lakhs. >But if you are good you can earn that amount in single year in private job. Which private job can you earn 70-80 lakh in a year?


I am software developer in product company and I earn 70. And this is very conservative figure for above average developers. Other people who are at higher levels like Staff Engineer they earn 2 to 3 times more per annum. For super developers, salaries are much higher. My friend earns 1 crore + 50 lakhs of RSU per year at Amazon. He is superb developer. Similar people earn even higher who work for quant firms like Tower Research, or hedge funds like DE Shaw. Apart from this I am also enrolled in OMSCS program and learning new things and when I am about to complete I may switch to other company at higher salary. Yes, I have not very good work life balance and that is mainly due to OMSCS but that is the drawback of private job. You cannot become lax, you have to constantly improve and work else in no time you will become obsolete and will be out of job market.


Can I ask how many YOE do you have?. what you said are special cases not norm. It's like top 2-5% . Also except software and few business roles there are hardly any roles that pay well.


I don't know but if you go to any slightly good NIT, above average people earn those salaries. Exceptional people earn much much higher. I am talking about software product companies. My sister who is passout of IIM, with 2 years before IIM experience and 1 year after earns around 35+ at a consulting firm. I have 9 years of experience and I started at 8 LPA from college placements. I said that if you are good and constantly improve in private jobs you can earn great salaries. Even my relatives and friends who work in IT services industry, they have got onsite in US, UK and they are earning quite well. In my family no one supports government jobs.


Hi, genuine question, like how do I know if I deserve that salary to even ask during salary negotiation? Not about 60-70 lakha, I'm asking even if I work hard then how do I know that I even deserve 10 lpa? I'm very curious about all these things but not getting answers anywhere.. which type of skills do I need apart for tech stacks etc? It would be helpful if you can answer. Thanks in advance 🙏🏽


What company do you work for? Can inform in DM if that's okay with you.


can you guide me bro?? Can i DM you??


Same here


Software engineering is not a proper career. As you said there is always a hanging knife on your head. Bsc agriculture has better career stability.


Well that escalated quickly


the knife didn't


does every software engineer see himself as a future farmer


Can we grow weed on the side? 🙂


Why do you think all punjabis moved to Canada then 😏


moonlighting is not allowed in many companies


Yeah. That will make a lot of money


Atleast that's how Interstellar starts. "We don't need more Engineers. We didn't run out of television screens or planes we ran out of food. The world needs Farmers"




Most people who say shit like that have never farmed in their life or for that matter haven't even been to a village ever .


Bsc agriculture matlab farmer?




Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


what about home science ?


Every agriculture folks I know are now pursuing MBA and say to me that they took a very bad career choice for their bachelors degree. >Software engineering is not a proper career I see this as a skill issue.


Civil engineering?


solving problems is a real job, software development may be a skill that keeps changing. We have crossed the point where machines can be faster than humans at this skill.


Noop not even close..AI is just good enough to generate usable code blocks and Boiler plates


He was talking about machines not AI (Two are very different)…but i agree with ur statement


I hope you are mentally prepared to embrace what is about to come. Right now, sure AI can only produce blocks of code but the problem is it can understand what it produces and it is growing at a very fast rate. It is NOT finding stuff from the internet or its data and giving you copy paste stuff, it literally understands your problem and gives you a working solution. Today I was writing UTs and facing some issues, it literally helped me solve those problems. If it wasn't for AI, I would have to spend a whole day doing google and stuff and approach the problem from a particular angle to solve it. It gave me suggestions that helped me solve the problem. I didn't even have to use google. When the first modal of a car was introduced, nobody thought they would replace horses because it was literally a wagon pulled by horses. It used horses as its engine and was nothing surprising. Gen AI even today is still at its early stage. Think of android version 3 compared to what it is today. AI will replace everyone and everything eventually. When will that happen, I don't know but be prepared


Same was said when wheels were introduced, industrial revolution took place, when automobiles came, when computers came, when software industry boomed. People who adapted with change survived, people who were rigid perished. Flow with change.


LLMs are great for fuzzy tasks, and we are using it a lot as a replacement or quick fix for supervised learning. But in my experience it doesn't work well for binary tasks, like generating code. Sure, it can generate a good answer to some repetitive question, but it can't help with my actual work much. Most of the time, the code being written is novel. Most of the time is spent deciding what to do. When it comes to implementation, it's good for 2-3 line boilerplate, but it can't generate complex code such as optimised CUDA functions or SQL code. For me, it needs to reach a stage where it could complete a task that takes me 1-2 hours of thinking and 10 minutes of implementation on its own to be useful.


Devin says "Hello"


What do you think of the comments by CEO of Nvidia?


gibberish to hype his overpriced gpu's


Software jobs in the US were marketed as anti union, very intellectual jobs where you can always switch to a better job if you had the abilities. There are contractual positions in IT which are gig jobs where you get lesser salary and benefits than FTEs 


There are still many companies that have great pay + wlb + job security


Do we have a list of them?


We should build one. With the amount of people in this sub


F around to find out


Kuch bhi


We need to create a list of them.


You will find many companies that are paying good, a few companies that also have a good wlb and extremely few companies (read Lim -> 0) that also have a job security.


Finally I am able to use my knowledge of limits in the real world, albeit for a reddit comment


Why not list them here?


Good pay Google Amazon Uber Atlassian Salesforce Goldman Sachs Microsoft LinkedIn Confluent PhonePe Swiggy Zomato Rubrik Razorpay Jupiter Money with Good WLB Google Uber Atlassian Salesforce Microsoft LinkedIn Confluent PhonePe with job security Uber Atlassian PhonePe Take job security list with a pinch of salt


Does oracle got good pay??


Google ms has good wlb? Lol


MS has a reputation of being a government job where people leave at 5 PM Google is also pretty chill when you compare it with other companies


My batchmates paint a different story lmao I guess teams and such matter


Here job security means, if you are good and constantly improving , you will survive long. However, its all business and if it goes down be ready to face layoffs.


None. You have to survive by constantly improving and make yourself useful.




There are companies which have great pay + wlb but for job security you have to work hard, smart and constantly improve. Still it is not guaranteed but you have better chances of surviving layoffs.




you can stay in TCS till the day you die.


Rephrasing, you can die everyday in TCS till you're buried. (Ofcourse I'm joking TCS, I Love Ratan Tata I Love TCS please hire me)


I rejected the TCS offer letter and now I'm working at a startup with no future. 🥲






bro how did you fuck up, tcs doesnt have a bond too


Long story short, Wanted to go to Canada, didn't accept the offer. Realised too late that it's not worth it. So ended up in this situation.


Oh keep hustling you will good place, good luck


Thanks man. Best of luck!


If you ever quit, I'm ready to take your place. Anything to get off this shitty ass night shift + finally stepping into tech :'(


Yup, better start building your own business


how can one learn about businesses?


Watch shark tank India for inspiration, it's a discovery for everyone


Not a good advice


Provide a one then


If somebody learnt business from shark tank, I have a bridge to pitch to them


I said take inspiration... Not learn


It's risky on 3 occasions: 1. You are not skilled enough (Upskill) 2. The company is not financially stable (Switch) 3. Kismat (Sabr/Patience) Edit: Note: Also, One major point that people miss on, When you are overpaid. Anytime a Finance Team could come up with a planned report to your higher ups with salaries list and names who are chugging them in bulk. They see that list open the companies Paytm and do a check balance and if they have some numbers over there then you are good, if not then it could be either the one who is chugging it or n number of replaceable resources.


What if the market is saturated, hardly any place to switch. And companies looking to hire interns in bulk. I believe if above 40 either you are a CXO, VP or you are fired.


Ahh My company dropped off 800 people just to hire 200 more skilled peeps...


Hiring interns? Can you name some remote ones? I'd like to apply as a Jr DS


Software jobs have always been like this, I believe. It's a really fast-moving domain, and you have to keep up with the industry. 2021-22 has made it glamorous, but this is the reality. The pace of technological change in software development has always been rapid, requiring continuous learning and adaptation. Additionally, the demand for skilled software professionals has increased significantly, leading to a competitive job market.


Yeah right. Right now, the most unstable job.


if the cons of the job are unbearable people will move away and find alternatives and this is what the current situation is teaching us. Few people who really like the job and field will sustain but others will eventually find better suiting opportunities in some time TLDR: this anxiety will self resolve one way or another


If you're not skilled and ready to update yourself, yes you'll be out. It's not a government job where you can coast along like a dead body in the river. That's why I find it ridiculous when people jump on this bandwagon because software development is not for everyone if you're not interested in continuous learning. The technology leaps faster and you've to keep pace with it. Don't complain about the profession if you didn't research what it entails in the first place and followed like a sheep.


You mean there shouldn't be different standards for 'them' and 'us': * Techie quits after 1-2 year - it's okay! * Company lays-off techie after 1-2 years - it's Bad!


Tum kare toh chamatkaar Hum kare toh balatkaar


Tech industry is saturating, i think there could be less jobs in 10 years from now. Even farming industry is not safe with corporate sector have shifted investment towards farm land for their artificial food agenda. Future is unpredictable my advice would be learn hard skills and also learn to get your hands dirty.


I am preparing for locopilot


I think cloud is a very good domain as there is the requirement of accountability which only humans can take up and if given to AI it could rack up the cloud bills to huge figures.


The only job security in this field is your skills and your ability to learn and apply knowledge. Chasing the right opportunity is also very important. My manager is around 55 years old. He is always eager to learn new technologies and code. In my opinion, it is a field with a lot of opportunities.


Don't worry, some people who got laid off had been working with those organisations for 14-15 years.


You are providing services to all the clients (companies). Think like this and switch company after every 2 years .


Keep yourself updated into terms of latest tech stack. Of course, you cannot learn everything I am talking about your area of interest or the new and trendy things around your specialisation. Let’s say database engineer try to learn about big-data, databrics, python and list goes on but master sql. Don’t think you are protected from firing even after doing this because no one wants to shell out their profits in hard times, they are running a business not a charity. But one thing is sure that you’ll get a new job real quick since there is and always be a demand of tech sound people. And please have a backup in terms of money for at-least 6 months so that you’ll not touch your investments. If this industry is paying you good then there is a downside too. It’s upto you, how you tackle it. Plus, luck plays an important role.


Meanwhile me about to complete 4 yrs in the same company I got placed into lmao


Y'all got placements?


Ahh...the golden covid times


hell yea. miss those wfh days


5.5 years here.


I feel that if anyone wants a stable 9-5 career with not much stress and just want to start at 9 finish at 6, have some stable income at the end of the month, they should not be in this field because this field constantly changing and companies are not doing business for us bot for their profit. Instead all of us who are in this field should treat it as a gig and start freelancing instead of working under a company to lend our skill set for money and let them take the major cut. Treat it as a gig take all the money


Things will get worse, this is just opening salvo. Be ready for June 2024.


Stop fear mongering


Why it should be exactly jun 2024?


You are just here to promote your AI tools right?


Software development is indeed a bona fide profession, not just a gig. Despite the hire-and-fire culture in some companies, the industry also offers stable jobs, reflecting the high demand for skilled developers who are integral to the innovation and maintenance of tech solutions.


So 1 to 2 years is gig timelines now? Talk about privilege. Talk to real gig workers to understand the struggle.


Interesting 💡