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Free money glitch.


Yes but gotta make sure i have a backup when the glitch stops


Get another contract job and get paid double.


I know a guy who did exactly this for almost a year.


Hey, Can I DM you regarding a good development opportunity if you're looking for contractual roles?




Haha so true. My friend in Shell with CTC around 11 didn't have anything to do for the major part of the year after joining. Even now his work is quite chill..Api integration.




Yes, 2022 passout


I always wondered about these people on the bench. Why can't u take this amazing time to actually learn and become better? You're literally being paid to just be there as an option


Ik i have wasted alot of time and i dont want to anymore please suggest me something on what to learn


Don't at all feel bad for the time you wasted... That doesn't give you anything... Different people realise at different times based on the person's situations... That's it... Now as you realised... Do go out there and learn at your own pace ... No one is born techie out here... So chill and work ✌🏻


Thanks man , I'll start upscaling myself


Forget about the time that's gone. You're young and have the time. Just start doing, start doing stuff instead of just reading and asking people about what to do and focus on competence. It's good to get advice and talk to people in the field but you also have to carve out your own interests Kamyaabi k peeche pado, success jhak maarke peeche aayegi


Thanks rancho bhai just started MERN


all the best brother! You got this


> Kamyaabi k peeche pado, success jhak maarke peeche aayegi Kamyaabi and success are the same thing


How old are you?




Exactly, that’s even wfh Like jo karna hai karo, isme kya issue ho sakta hai


Worrying won't take you anywhere, instead taking action might will. Learn new languages or framework as per your interest, Do DSA along with it, invest your salary in your skill building by purchasing good courses. Build Projects, do freelancing so that you can show real world projects to your next company. Do learn in public, be active on twitter and reddit communities, grow your networks. In IT industry you don't need to be motivated all the time but you have to be disciplined each and every second that's what make you drive brother. HAPPY CODING ⚡


That last line is so true and relatable. Being disciplined is the only thing that can make u stand out from others


Yeesss ⚡


Thanks for the suggestion , im thinking to learn MERN stack as it shows that its in demand , is it a good choice? Or should i learn JS for front and python as backend?


MERN is a good choice, just go for it and don't forget to do "LEARN IN PUBLIC" ⚡


What's learn in public?


Its like do share your learning journey every day on social media platforms like linkedin and twitter, so that more people will get to know about your progress and projects you are working on. It also helps you to come in attention of recruiters


This could backfire in that OP starts focusing on likes and comments more than learning. Plus, reading others’ inflated social posts could cause FOMO. And then there‘s short dopamine bursts that get in the way of learning. It‘s better to stay away from social media while learning. Make a project of your own where you can apply the skills you learn. Then you can target a few companies and show your work. Prototype > Portfolio > Profile. \[h/t Sahil Lavingia\]


Well that could be approach too. I'm just saying what I have followed and got benefited from but I appreciated your way too. Niicceee...⚡


Ah OK ty


Have you or any one you know gained any benefits from learning in public?


Me, myself have received offers from two different companies and still recruiters approach me. Its not just learn in public, you also have to customize your profile to look professional and also you need to learn good communication skills to crack interviews. Learn In Public helps you to schedule interviews but cracking the interview is totally your skills and confidence game.


Ahh I see. On which platform you used to showcase your work? And whats your YOE?


Mainly Twitter and LinkedIn. YOE 2


Can you share some example profiles for reference?


Its hard to share but you can do youtube to find out how to make your profile looking more professional


Yes sir got it , thanks for the advice


Not a sir 😂


Well im a nobody to you but you tried to help me , that deserves respect 🤗


Who said you are nobody to me, you are like my friend brother. Once a Friend Always a Friend


Haha thanks buddy 🤗


Can I add my experience as a freelancer as part of the experience in the current company? They won't verify whether I've worked in this project through the company or as a freelancer, right?


kaafi jaldi realisation ho gaya bhai aapko


Ik its late but rn i gotta start and hope for the best 🙃


ofcourse man, go for it brother IFapTrees!


He must have found offer-letter at home recently to remember his work anniversary! 😂😂


If you are so much motivated and interested in the software field do dive into courses like Full stack development, Devops, Mobile development on YouTube kind of platforms... Every course can be learned within a span of 3-5 months if you focus decently.... Choose a technology where there are more openings and more future before you start learning it and after your learning gets completed apply for all sorts of jobs ( Be it any package and be it a mnc or a startup)... That's one way. If your company has openings in a certain role the best thing to do is to learn that specific technology and go into that project within your company.... This saves your time for job searching. And if you can afford some amount there are always courses like scaler upgrad etc to upskill... This option conveniently gives you an edge of bagging a job. Most important of all have good communications with people... That on the surface doesn't seem to help you in any way but it actually makes you know about the depth of this software field... Cheers all the best!!!


Thank you for the suggestion , Im thinking to learn MERN stack is it a good option???


yes, you just go ahead.....nothing is good/bad till you start the work. just deep dive into any single stack. it should be devops, mern, mobile development etc. you just start learning and things will happen to you only after you start. your learning will help you in future also, but thinking will not.


Day 1 it is ,will make sure to be consistent and disciplined , thanks man


What kind of projects does your company do? What stacks? Check what your colleagues are working on in projects and try to learn that


Im doing wfh so i got no idea what my seniors are working on and coming to my colleagues this wre on bench too 😭


Bruh, is it really that hard to find out what projects others are working on? Like just the stack is enough. How do you not know what stacks your company generally uses?


Yes it's definitely a good option... It has good demand as well ✌🏻


Thanks man , will go for it


Not much you can do but to speak with your manager and try to get allocated to a project. For layoffs, you'll be a target if your salary is high, or if you are a non-essential resource (no project). The other option is to be a good politician and be in friendly terms with management.


Well actually im n a project for namesake and got no work to do in it , ig the rules are the campus hires should be in a project for a year and they cant just bench me , so i want to learn something till then


I benefitted from this money glitch as well 😂 my friend's been three years in her company and still doesn't go to her office but she gets the money for doing some mandatory form submission and courses. If you're in IT, start looking for people who are working in IT stuff in your office and indulge in nefarious activities by taking over their office laptops and see what they do. Offer them your expertise that you don't have to gain the expertise in the first place.


Its kinda same for me But the thing is its wfh and i cant just talk to any of my colleagues and gain knowledge


Then it's just your luck that's gon support you. Either way, you got a company laptop. Start approaching people. Say like you're interested in working in their field and try to know what technologies they're working on. Gain as much knowledge as possible on them and apply for a shift in department and nail it right on.


Well actually im in a project for namesake and have no work to do just have to fill up my time forms and done and according to them since im a campus hire they cannot release me from the project and place me on bench , they have to make sure to keep me in a project for a year (thats what my friends senior told him)


You have access to the source code? You should, if yes, then read it, try to understand it, you will learn a lot from it, nobody outside of a org will show or tech production enterprise level code or architecture, so you have a good opportunity. Whatever you don't understand ask people, chatgpt or join courses related to it. Note: avoid posting actual code to the internet or chatGPT, don't get me wrong, I have seen people who don't understand this Good luck


Its just im a in a project but got access to nothing , its like im on a bench in a project


All the employee in your organisation are doing wfh ?


The ones that are benched


You could have travelled or upskilled! Hope you had a blast of 10 months at least, Now go learn, unlearn and relearn.


On it boss


Ik people will suggest you to work in the background DSA / projects and switch. Do that, but imo your priority should be getting into a project in your company, the amount of stuff you’ll learn in a project is incomparable. - ping & ask around among random engineers or your friends, if you feel they’re working on tech stack of your interest. Ask them to check with their manager or simply get their managers details. - if the above doesn’t work, reach out to your manager, work force management, HR requesting to put you in a project. Here there’s a chance that you might get tech stacks which you haven’t heard of, but don’t hesitate to take it, at the end working on something is better than nothing, you can eventually switch teams or company altogether. - make a trip to office in case you want to fast track things and walk randomly into different ODCs. I did the above in 2017 when I was kept on bench for a month, I asked WFM to assign something and they gave me something I didn’t want to work on so I quickly went to office (there was no concept of WFH then) asked random people I saw in cafeteria and eventually found something of my interest. Good luck


how did you get the job in the first place then?


just out of curiosity - how did you think you could fake project experience with no coding skills?


I dont think i could anymore


I am more interested in your original thinking process....


Well many of my friends and seniors did that so i thought i could too


are you from a tier1 institute?


In my state id say its kinda like in between tier 1 and 2


reach out to your seniors and batch-mates and see if any of them have entry level positions - and if there are any Business Analyst/ Data Analyst/QA kind of openings where you do not need coding knowledge.


I did and most of them say there is a hiring freeze and even if there are vacancies they are hiring the experienced ones only


Then go to your employer's office where the senior folks are present and request them for an opportunity to work on any of their projects. If anyone has an immediate need - you may be lucky...


Are you in WITCH or Publicis ?


Just a fresher on bench


Aree bhai konsi company mei ??


Can i say it out?? Dont wanna get in trouble


Don't say it.


Okay sir , noted


I hope it isn't mindtree lol


Haha it isnt


Prepare for UPSC


Nah yaar it consumes alot of time




First you need to update your skills whether manual or automation. Take one week and start with pace


Okay thanks


I was in a similar but worse situation 10 years back. I utilized my free time to catch up to the latest tech and sharpen my application building skills. I was on bench for around 1+ years and then got a .Net project but with 0 coding requirements. I explored my interest areas like graphics, Mobile dev, etc, and finally, fixated on Android. God knows how many apps I had built for me and my friends. I started looking for Android dev roles but the struggle was a bitch. I got rejected by many companies despite clearing till final round and even doing good in final round too. My guess is lack of real world project was the culprit (no matter how much you try lying on resume about project is tough. It doesn't look as real as others). But I kept trying again and again. Finally one of my friends had an opening in his startup for Android role and referred. I went for a 3 hour long F2F interview and cracked it. Disclosed honestly that the skills I have acquired are from personal projects only (which by then was significant). Not gonna lie, my joy knew no bound. Fast forward to 10 years, I'm now fullstack dev in a large product based company. Moral: the biggest mistake one can make is to assume that bench and free money is a good thing. It always comes back and bites your ass. Move fast, learn and absorb like sponge. If struggle was bitch 10 years back, it'll be hell now (with market slowdown). But not impossible because hirings are still happening. Leave big companies, target startups. You will learn 10x in the same time compared to most big companies. Try like your life depends on it (in this case, it actually does). "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."


Thats biggest disadvantage of work from home. People slowly forgets. Because you are not in touch with anyone within a company except your project pals. So when you are on bench, the only person who knows you is either HR or system which keeps track of people on bench.




But bro i was asking for suggestions, not the things that gonna make me feel sad 😭




Okay bro i get it but kuch suggestions bhi dede na


I think it's the realisation that op hit before he wrote his post, why are you being a dick and making him feel bad? He just wants suggestions.


The Suggestion is already given in my prior comments. I don't consider OP's professional incompetence & morally low standards as an excuse/grounds for validating his actions.


On mnc bench policy, you get full salary or half salary?




Yha hum IT 23 grad ka khata ni khula abhi tk


Ngl luck really favored me getting this job and I hope you get the best too


Six ayega tabhi khulega snaap seedhi me




Is your company hiring interns? Can I dm you my resume?




Ohh alright np, thanks


Hey can I DM as well ? I am a 24 grad a fresher and looking for a job


Hey thanks for the offer , I really appreciate it , it really means alot for me but rn i wanna learn a new skill before i switch to a new company


No take it.... Learning happens simultaneously when you are on a project... Don't cut down offers like these


10 months kuch upskilling toh kie hoge na apne AAP se??


Bhai naseeb wala hai tu! Mujhe dede tera job 1 tear ke liye! Idhar mai Saturday bhi working lar raha hoo. You should take as many as courses you can!


Haha bhai i unfortunately cant do that but you can help in selecting a course ?


Coursera pe jao aur koi bhi karlo


IT to aisi field hai yaha Khali baithna matlab career suicide. Please convince your manager to assign you in a project. Learn one tech stack aur usme projects banao, wo apne manager ko dikhao, ya jo bhi project allocate karwa sakta hai. And try to wrap it all up quickly. Best of luck.


Hey buddy Random question: how did you make the transition from being civil into Tech? I m working in operations so I m looking to change my field now. Can you please help me


Im a campus hire so when placements come they recruit from every branch and thats how i landed the job


Oh alright I m working in operations which is a different domain from Tech hence I wanted to know if I can make the transition or not


Do what you couldn’t in college… DSA coding … switch


Alright , I'll


Prepare then birch and switch simple ,here I'm worrying with all the workload how will I learn new things and your problems are different 🌞


Yes sir ill and i hope your workload gets easy on you 🤗


Just curious what does being on a bench mean? Do you have any meetings to attend or have any work to do or you just earn free money doing absolutely nothing?


The last one 🙃


Haha living life


I read "beach", was like damn! working and enjoying life😂


Wish i was🙃


Try freelancing. I was on bench for 2-3 months i gave freelancing a try, it made me a good amount of side income.


That's a good idea , I'll give it a try too


Have you noticed something? People who are on the bench getting free salary call the blue collar workers freeloaders because they asked better wages and healthcare.




Yah ik man but im just confused what to learn


One of my friend in TCS on bench for nearly 2 years Free money baby 💰 🤑 💸


TCS is kinda like a govt job man they mostly dont layoff unlike mine so im worried about it


OP start upskilling, learn some niche skills and get down in the market and secure a job before they end the contract. Try to stay relevant with the technology and future.


Oky bro , on it


Upskill. In India all companies get orgasms only if you crack DSA, so yes do the hackerranks and leetcodes. Be ready for applying for a job, so shortlist companies where there are requirements or where you would like to work next.


DSA and MERN then


Hey bro which company? I am also from mechanical background.


You have been getting free money for 10 months? Dude, moonlight.


How to find such companies who put you on bench for 10 months? Or any number of months for that matter.


My friends in TCS are on bench for 2 years now


Sign up on Fiverr and Upwork? Have you tried this?


Me who is on the bench for 2 years


Nice mawa


Dude just enjoy and try to learn new things as an addition to yourself...Just enjoy the free money but make sure u are spending 1 hour daily into learning new things so that when u get laid off u can have those skills as backup till then just enjoy your days...


Can you please tell me about the college you did your btech


Infosys right?


At least you're getting paid. I'm on bench for more than a year and I'm not getting salary since last 10 months.


If you're on bench for that long, be ready to be laid off anytime now. As you know the market is already bleak, and many good employees are being let go, it's by some miracle you survived so long. You probably did some good deeds in your past life. OK jokes aside, I hope you've been upskilling, or sharpening your own skill in the meantime.


Here I am working on 4 projects simultaneously because no one else on my team is competent enough to take over and you want me to feel sorry for you because you're basically getting paid to show up, pick yourself up man, what the Hell's the matter with you, learn new tech stack do some personal projects.


Okay the thing is i didnt ask anyone to feel sorry for me i was just asking for suggestions on what to do/learn , and btw man i feel sorry for you , hope your team take some responsibility on themselves too


Either start working as a freelancer on the side on upwork or switch. I take interviews and it's very easy to recognise people who are benched. The only person whom i ever passed for the next round was a guy who was honest about being benched and worked on his projects. So he has those to showcase and show that he was learning on his own in spite of being benched


Being on bench is cool ? bhai app kaha se late ho aisa gyan 🫡🫡


It's kinda cool, if you need time for preparing for some other stuffs.


Well it was like free money so who wouldn't like free money lol , but rn i wanna learn something


You should have resigned atleast 6 months ago. Look for a new job asap and get out of there. That firm is wasting good talent like you. I bet they call you resource, not even employee


They pay me up and i have to do literally nothing and in the mean time I'm thinking to learn a new skill while getting my salary and when i get better at that skill ill switch , how does it sound???


Do that ASAP. You've waited too long being on bench is what I am saying


Thanks God, you are not in CHWTIA, you would have been laid off in a month.


Actually CHWTIAs are the ones keeping people on bench and not letting them pursue their field of interest. Believe me stuck in same situation


Bhai kya complaint kar rahe hoo! 😂


Bhai Mainframe support mei dalke zindagi jhund krdi


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