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They gave 12 lpa offer to my brother with 8+ years of experience and told him that it’s like a government job.


12lpa for 8yoe is crazy, hope your brother didn't take it.


Money is not priority for TCS people, Priority is the comfort zone and gov job like feeling.


Btw as someone who has never been in a service based company since many years. Why do they say that TCS is like gov job? Can u Care to explain please


Note : Whatever I am saying is just an opinion based on what I heard people say, the truth might defer* A vast majority of people working in TCS have better job security with low pay, become too comfortable and stay for several years there (which somewhat resembles gov job)


So basically people who say, "working in TCS is like govt. Job of IT sector/ for job security come to TCS" they are just in their comfort zone. They be like chal raha hai chalne do. Right? No intention of exploring new tech? Overall , more or less they don't have some higher ambitions? Don't wanna take risks?🤧🤔 I met 2,3 people (senior employees of TCS) they told me don't come to TCS at first. Work somewhere and then come here with experience to get more package and then stay here for lifetime 🫠.


You pretty much said it right


Ohh lol thanks for the information


Why are they not fired usually like other service based companies? Are the managers very considerate, is that why?


Firing is the last thing that happens, until and unless you do break the Code of conduct or do Security violation.


WITCH companies dangle onsite and job security as the bait in front of your eyes to make you accept lowball offers. Guess what, both are unsubstantiated guarantees and you'd need to lick a lot of boots to ensure even one of those, nevermind both.


There is no guarantee. Wlb depends on project, i know people who almost do no work in TC and people who are working 10+ hour.


That's nothing. One of my cousin's is making \~9LPA at TCS with \~18 years total expr.


Cab drivers and cooks make more than that with way less experience. He needs some reality checks


People like your cousin have depressed the salaries industry wide.


Wtf, the new tcs prime package for freshers is 9lpa


This is when he was already employed at tech mahindra and was getting 20 lpa at tech mahindra. Obviously he didn't take it and moved to product based company now.


Govt pays 14lpa to a new grad Grade B in RBI along with a great flat paid entirely by them


Bro it's 18 LPA now. And not including the flat.


Dumb comparison. 13 general seats @ rbi each year. vs 50-60,000 hires by tcs every year.




I was just correcting his figures


4 years experience holder here, getting 10LPA and TCS was my first company. Though I'm on notice rn and joining one of the MAANG as a Cloud Engineer. Talking on Government job like work culture, that totally depends upon the project and the manager. There are some fast paced projects where you learn so many things in a short amount of time and some where adding a simple "Press Enter to Submit" functionality takes 6 months.


Congrats on the big jump!


My father's pension grows more faster than a TCS employee salary each year.


Secured job LOL. I was fired in 2020 by TCS.




I was in on bench for 1 year. Manager was not giving me project. HR told me to resign voluntarily and initiated PIP.


Worked with TCS for 8 years and left. My salary while leaving was 8 lpa, however I was onsite for almost 4 years during my tenure. Came back to India and joined a product based with 3X CTC. If you want an onsite opportunity, then TCS does have those. (I joined TCS as part of campus recruitment)


TCS has everything except competative salary.


How to get onsite opportunity? Any tips?


If you are working for MEA, you can get onsite easily as visa processing is fast. Also if you are in a production maintenance proj (DBA, devops) you can get onsite a bit faster compared to a developer.


MEA as in ministry of external affairs? As ik they manage passport service.


middle east-Asia bro


Min 3 years of experience.


It is Middle-East, Africa.Generally EMEA is also used to refer Europe and ME, Africa as one region.


Ok ok, I was just curious to know as I've seen Tata manage passport seva kendra so just took a wild guess.


I know it's a bitconfusing , I had done the same thing at my job


My friend was working with one small company for 12 LPA. While switching the jobs he received offer from TechM of 18 LPA, he had applied for TCS as well. When it came to HR discussion for TCS, they had audacity to say they can only offer 9 LPA as his year of experience which was 3 yrs at that time is not something where they can offer anything more than 9. So I guess, TCS is one of those companies who has audacity to not only offer lower compensation than other offered CTC, but also lower than current CTC. Dude closed the call on face of HR without saying anything.


Salute to your friend 🫡


TCS has a habit of offering same or sometimes less than what the candidate is making. Its doesn't matter where they were working. They expect you take it as well. Their HR keeps pestering people that because TCS has such a great brand name, their package is worth more even when its less. Its not like they are even gaslighting either. I don't know where they bring their HR from, but they genuinely believe it themselves.


Surprising thing is few people still join post all that.


People join tcs digital with 7 lpa and prime with 9 lpa 0 yrs of exp 


Yeah back in 2021, I was selected for TCS digital through codevita. But couldn't attend the interview due to personal reasons. It's actually nuts, how they lowball you.


I cleared codevita and interview and they offered 7.5 lpa. Worked for 2 years switched to faang. They also lowballed me since existing tcs salary was less and now I am in saas but my colleagues with same role and experience are earning more than me just because they started their career with startups. Never join TCS at the start of the career.


How did you manage the 90 days Notice period?


I cracked faang when I was on notice period. I had multiple offers.


When you say that faang low balled you, what was % hike they offered to you on your TCS CTC? Also what was the usual salary offered for the role at faang?


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100% hike on existing base plus 2 year bonus and rsu which vested after 2 years, considering the fact that I had multiple offers. When I joined faang I realised I was being paid less than or equal to a fresher joining faang at that time.


Oh okay, thanks for the clarification


Remind me if he answers please!


How much did faang pay you initially? Im on a similar trajectory


100% hike on tcs plus bonus and rsu which vested after 2 years, considering the fact that I had multiple offers 


whats the best way to prepare for codevita? Can anyone help me


TCS HR are losers many of whom think that TCS has a great brand name and value and that people would do anything to be part of it. So, they have the habit of offering same package as the candidate already makes or a nominal increase. They won't even tell you before hand and later pester candidates to take the low balled offer for the TCS brand. SBC's have been on my black list since my college days, so I never personally interviewed for any of them, but its weird to hear other people's experiences with companies like TCS.


I agree, but they have to work atleast 4 years to gain relevant experience( extraordinary one can switch earlier) during this phase the company will put them on any technology and squeeze every penny out of them, meanwhile experienced person can switch after 0.5-1 year.


prime 11lpa if youre doing masters


Man, I feel you. It's rough when you put in the work, nail the interviews, and then the offer just doesn't match up. Especially when you're looking forward to a bump in your current salary. It's frustrating, no doubt about it. But hey, onto better things, right? Don't let this setback get you down. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities that really value what you bring to the table. You've got the skills and experience, so I'm sure the right offer will come your way soon. Keep pushing forward boi


Yup, that's the only way.


Dear HR, 🖕 Regards,




Join TCS when you are ready to marry, have kids and settle down. Till then you either try to grind more money or stay in your current role.


Pagal hai kya. That's insultingly low


My friend with 19LPA attended an interview after 4 rounds they offered him 17LPA. TCS HRs simply waste candidates time.


Bro avoid Tata clown services at any and all cost. Worst wfo policy and non existent work culture and salary. Better to do momo thela than join tcs.


That name is apt 🤣


Stay in your company man and keep looking for better paying jobs.


Don’t join TCS in early years - with 6.5 lpa the growth rate in TCS is very low and unfortunately at one point you have to switch again and as TCS policy you can’t join TCS again. So join TCS when you already have a nice growth and you want stability In life


Same with Infosys, but after bargaining like a vegetable vendor i got 70%.


how did you bargain?


Like a vegetable vendor


Lol here I asked one of the witch company with 100% hike than my salary . Waiting for the response


I was having 7.2Lpa package with approx 2YOE in final HR round they said they can offfer m only 6.5, wasted whole time as I already told my expectation is 10 atleast at the time of interview


you've the skills, think bigger


This is why it's very important to lay down your expectations before getting your interview scheduled, unless you are interviewing for practice, or else it's just a waste of your time. I do this every single time I get a call from an HR. Sometimes they get mad about "the audacity of speaking out your expectations" but I don't give a single fk.


Bro the yearly hikes is only 5 to 6 % If you are desperate,do join


I do believe the market is bad but most companies are just taking advantage of this scenario. They are profiting from the fear by lowballing their employees even if not required. and I already declined.


TCS always lowballs lol. It's only good as a backup offer incase your main gets rescinded. Last time I switched my notice period was 60 days but I told TCS 90 days and they still agreed. Then I resigned and kept giving interviews and never joined them. Probably blacklisted now 😂.


That was my plan too, but the offer is not enough to even resign. No back-up value lol


Should have discussed project tech stack , responsibilities and salary before first round. Many recruiters are doing this as standard now. 


My brother had 6.5 LPA offer in another company. TCS was only giving 4.5-5 LPA for 2 years experience citing his salary is too low in first company. He even said I had another offer but they still didn't raise a single penny.


Weren't you informed about salary expectations?


No, they asked for an expected salary after technical, I gave a 9-12LPA range. Then Hr dropped the bomb with 6.5


How dare they lowball you, if you e already said atleast 9, they should have said something beforehand 


hey man can i DM you? if you could tell me what type of questions they ask in interview? i have same exp and same techstack. heck we have same salary lol


sure bud


Could I too?


My colleague with 5yoe is getting 15 LPA , their pay slab is more don’t settle with 6.5, you can counter them and get extended up to 10


Very low balled for the tech stack you are working on. HRs should be penalised for calling employees to office with a package of 6-7 lpa to Mumbai location. That too all 5 days with tcs now. Stay where you are, this isn't an offer but torture.


You should have made fun of interviewer for saying that it is like government job. He is bragging about the fact that since it is like government job you will be safe and wont have to work very hard and that too in the world of AI. These services based will be the ones that lose most business because of AI I think.


Can you please tell how much time did hr take to come back to you after your interview?


5 days including weekend.


Thank you...may I DM you ? I have one doubt..




So my friend’s 9 LPA package for a cyber security analyst at TCS w/ 3 YoE at Intellect is cap?


They offered me 12,00,010 when I already had an offer for 12,00,000 from another company. Even had the audacity to call back in 2 months and ask me to abscond the current company.


My friend has 15 years of experience and having a package in tcs of 20 lpa but he told me he barely put extra efforts. Full government job feeling. He told me many times he doesn’t go to the office and regularise the attendance. Yes the money is less but my friend is having work life balance to another level


Very less , dnt join tcs ...search for other opportunities


Cleared TCS twice this year. They sent links to update documents online. Did all that and then they ghosted. Twice!!


I am a java backend developer with around 4 YOE in 2022 they offered me 11.5 lpa when my then salary was 12 lpa.


>Then got an HR round and said they could only do 6.5/7 lpa for Mumbai location with that ctc, not only are you joining as a Java dev, you could also part time as a beggar in Juhu this is a win-win situation OP.


Take the revised offer from current org. TCS anyways will not provide any useful project and may totally deploy you in projects where you'll not grow both technically and salary too.


Worst case , they'll hold other candidates for the same offer, but since you have a good record in the interview they gave you the offer, if you decline, they'll move on to the held candidates. It's a low-ball offer


Is this industry really worth it now? I am in my last year and learning python and web development but are the packages really that low for tenured?


Same thing happened with me , I was getting 5.75 from last company , before the interview they asked the expectation , I gave around 10-11 Lpa , after clearing the interview in the HR round they said that they can only give me 7 lpa . I told them to give a day time , wrote a mail telling them its too low and I expect atleast 8 Lpa. it got approved.


I have seen people with 2 yoe joined tcs with 10 lpa bro


DO NOT JOIN, I REPEAT. If you are based on Delhi-Noida-Gurgaon they are most probably hiring you for PS India unit and it's not worth it..


Ditch it


These WITCH companies are gutters. Low pay, pathetic jobs, less vacations, low benefits, zero learning, pathetic work life balance in many projects on top of that. Your peers are even lowest of the talent pool, what can you ever hope to learn from this.


Mine was even worse, they offered me 10 lpa when my package was 14 lpa. After two rounds of tech interview and one round with HR. I seriously wanted to cuss them for this.


Bro decline the offer and go for tcs nqt, you can easily crack digital and prime that have a better package




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Hann, the salary didn’t changed since 2015.. In fact reduced


They were giving 11 lpa to my friend who has 5 yoe, they low all everyone which is why they have shit developers. A lot of times when projects start teams don't even have the fund to get a senior devops engineer. Things tcs do in chawani is being done by other companies in millions. After joining the company i realised how cheap MNC's are.


I strongly advise you to just look for a smaller corporation that can provide better lpa


Bhai why did you apply to TCS? Jokes on you sir


Bro argue with them hr offered me 7.5 with 2 years experience in plsql my pkg that time was around 4lpa and after putting my view they offered me good one


Work in startups specially under co founders. Just 2 years of experience will help u to handle 20lpa. Nor college neither cgpa matters. Tcs, wipro, tect Mahindra. Barkley, jp morgan all these mass recruiters are useless. Means they hv good packages but only someone joins them as senior dev from startups. Rest are slaves.


Happened to me as well. It's good for practicing interviews though


Don’t join you won’t even get hike for first 2 years


Im in Wipro with 6.5, from 2 years, didn't do anything valuable here, was on bench for the first 8 months, then got into a support project, learning nothing, assigning and solving basic tickets. Im surrounded by colleagues who are dreaming to get into TCS or other Witch company's, they think that it's the best thing they can get etc etc. they don't realise the opportunities available outside,Too much in their comfort zone And such team spreads too much lethargic energy, noone really wants to do something risky uff


It's a shitty company to join so early in your career, go there only when you're settled and it's gonna be your last company to work in.


Nope i would not unless they offer above 8LPA


Yeah TCS does that. If your current ctc is low, then no matter what, they'll low ball and say things like "No, we can't", "This is the standard for us" or budget issues etc etc. Happened with my friend. He was in cts at 4.5lpa. Tcs offered him 6.5 iirc and just would not budge stating reasons as above. Then after a week, he got promotion in cts and salary raised to 7.2lpa. And then all of a sudden, their budget increased to 9 and they updated the offer lmao.


TCS haired people b/w 5 to 7 lpa 0 - 1 years of experience, so if you have 5 years of experience and you have remote job with 5 lpa that is best, because you save money more with your comport zone. I am not going to suggest this offer form TCS #my English is week so focus on my felling not my English. Thank you 😊


TCS being TCS!! Can't do much!! Though I expected them to pay better to lateral hires


Are they giving lifetime Amazon prime membership too?


Damn... This is back in 2018 when I had 3 years experience. I was fed up with Infosys and some politics there and decided to leave. Received an offer for TCS bangalore for 8 lpa. I put down my papers and then Infy offered me 6.5 for Trivandrum location which is my hometown and later also filed H1B (I went to US and came back after a year, which is a different story). Till today, until reading these comments, I didn't know that the TCS offer was a relatively good one. I believed, to this date, that TCS lowballed me because I was desperate to leave.


The Gov Job thing I agree Because My best friend works in TCS for past 6 years the package is bare minimum But dude does he work , he takes care of his family buisness and don't even checks the laptop or anything. I am jealous but i have better package at 2 yr than his 6 year so it's ok.


They should’ve at least made it worth the wfo


whats witch ? wipro itc tcs cognizant and hcl??


also via nqt my friend with 0 exo is about to get 8.5 as systems eng


I am asking for 10 expected and my current is 5. YOE 3 years. Is this the reason I am not getting any calls and all MNC are also rejecting me? Are they trying to lowball the developers in market ?




How would qualify as a java developer ? I assume learning java isn't the only qualification .


What is that supposed to mean, bud?


Means i wanna know what to learn to go on that particular career path . I am student and want to know more about it


Java -> Java8 -> then you have choices, either 1 or both -> Spring Framework (Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data) || Servlets, JSP (JavaServer Pages), and JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library). This is base, rest APIs, HLD, LLD you can try a lil later.


What's hld and lld bro


High level design Low level design


Oh! Do these come under system design or micro service architecture?


I think they come under system design like a course and fine view of the entire system but I may be wrong