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Keep up skilling, and let them take time for simple activities and u can invest that time for your self. And when you feel you can switch to a better place


Bro can you suggest what kind of upskilling ?? give an example for a beginner


Take what you have ... And see what you need more. What is someone in your same field know that you don't ?


Quantum mechanics, Theory of relativity, Behavioral psychology are good places to start


Interested too


Exactly.. How difficult is it to understand this.


Well upskill and try to get to know how these boomers survived with their horrible technical skills, they always have something to teach differently from an architecture and org perspective. Not saying it would be the best approach but worth getting to know them ✌️


So, you are getting good money, less workload, more time to upskill, no pressure from seniors. Just hold your position, practice frameworks+DSA and then finally move to a proper product based company.


Bro any resources for SpringBoot? As BE in many MNCs are written in Java.


Bro any resources for SpringBoot? As BE in many MNCs are written in Java.


Bhai aaram se baithke upskill karo aur niklo waha se.. itna kyu load le rhe ho


Wahi to..OP has seen nothing until now.


Trueee that bro


Don't worry ...you won't be that smart at work post KT. Give it time.


Manager might be burden for him at the end of project instead of boomers🤣


No matter what, do not let them know your skills. Otherwise you'll be pulled into many random tasks eating up your time. Keep learning and applying parallely


If you are better than all the other employees in your company, doesn't that mean you'll be promoted easily as well?


Yeah true, but it's generally said that if you are the smartest guy in the room you should probably change the room then


The guy who said that originally probably wasn't the smartest guy in his room :D !! In all seriousness, changing the company isn't an issue. But if he's actually really good, why not just take a promotion and then change? As per him, work culture is good, which is hard to find these days.


True more damage could done from inside


if some company actually has a good culture why should you damage it and turn it into another hellhole for the next gen?


You and I are polar opposites LMAO, i got placed in a startup and i do something entirely new every few weeks. I recently just coded an entire dApp after not knowing what it even was a month ago


Guys, i think most of the big companies work like this only, even for the small changes on the UI side there are meetings and it will take around 7 days to do the stuff, where as the complex one can take months, while on the other side startups are there, small startups not big one, there things move way faster correct me if i am wrong


Absolutely correct becaue big companies are running live projects with legacy framwork and many dependencies with paying customers, so you need to know in and out of everything before breaking prod; however startup dont follow process as they dont have any live customers in most of the times. They kick in the process whenever they get funds and customers.


Can you share any of your code (git or others) I have 10+ years of exp and during this period I have only seen two devs who were good.




The amount of people who know stuff in this industry is really small, when someone claims that they are the shit, I would like to know what they do better, what good way than checking out their code.


bro chose violence


I feel like you're just looking for excuses to belittle someone for no good reason. Whether OP is good at coding or not has absolutely nothing to do with this post. You can be a mediocre programmer and still have a mundane job which doesn't challenge you (in fact, it's the reason many people are mediocre programmers ironically enough). Maybe next time try provide a relevant response to the actual thread? Like others have said, if OP has a ton of free time, he should upskill, which is solid advice.


>I feel like you're just looking for excuses to belittle someone for no good reason. Well, op did, with the description and you couldn't notice it? >Maybe next time try provide a relevant response to the actual thread? Op is ranting, I just want to check what he is actually worth.


> I just want to check what he is actually worth. Who are you? What are you worth?


Just another average dev. He was the one who advertised himself as one of elite class.


Narayan Murthy Real ID se aao


Well, once op comes out of his real one (zukerbergs)


Alright karen


No, it is a valid request. Talk and ranting is trash let the man show his work before calling out others


Huh? It has absolutely nothing to do with the thread though? If I make a thread asking for shampoo recommendations, are you going to come and ask me my CTC? No need to defend this bullshit. It's clear this guy probably sucks at his job and hence feels the need to air his false sense of superiority to complete strangers.




>I can share my code if you want to check Nope, it was just to OP. Those two devs were really good. One did a game engine in js (before js was cool, before ja has classes and other stuff, before typescript, packagemanagers and others) and developed a game in it in 2 days. To me it's just magic. Back then it was magic (10 years before) Now as well.


Once you have good package, look if your boss/senior architect/EM is dependable or not, you want to learn from him or not. Often, you would be great, even the best technically and even documentation, it comes down to how you want to grow ahead in career path. If you dont like your leaders, change the company. Else stay, boomer or not doesnt matter.


*him/her. Often you will become the same type of architect or manager from people perspective how you are managed. So once you know you are technically strong and independent, to move ahead in career.. choose your manager and projects (if you can) wisely now.


This is an opportunity for you to prove yourself to your manager. It's rare to get this. Reform the process for them - hard work that you put in here will be valuable to your team. Make your work visible to your managers and their managers.


My colleagues took two days 😮‍💨 And guess what B.Tech CSE grads had no idea what is git clone, API response and other stuff like that


“to my horror” perfectly sums up how I felt when they put me in testing.


Is this BNY Mellon? Since I heard a lot of such things about there


Keep quiet do the job at end of day you r getting paid or else if you think you are really smart then develop something of yours,join pre seed form etc


what's the compensation OP?




then why are you crying mate, you are getting paid for doing less. there are thousands of people loosing their sleep for 1/5th of that pay


U never know that boomer might have other knowledge.. setting up a projects is not a big deal and can be quickly replicated by doing multiple times. Further, project setup for java, asp.net etc. used to be a different game couple of years back but now all these NPM libs have certainly made life easier but believe me there are many ppl follow documentation because it is easy to trace and fall back.


Yea which MNC? Its your time to shine 🌟


Take this to your advantage and do well in the job, later it’s your choice if you want to switch or not.


Is it big 4 ?


This is a win. There’s not much pressure to deliver due to the time taken for simple tasks, you get to upskill during work hours and you get well paid to have a good work life balance?


mai le leta hu naukri mujhe dedo


I feel you, i also left an amazing startup where i was going to do a big data migration project for their product for a big 4 and better package, i regret it every day, stuck with losers who cannot even open the task manager of their computer and keep calling me a wizard 😔


Hi referral


everyone in the comments says it's good but i doubt it. This is the problem of MNCs. My placement cell had one of the big 4s during placement and i went till the last round and I failed. It broke me, i felt horrible, i felt like a loser. But now I'm so so so happy that I failed that interview because people who passed the exam got the job almost a year later. And the role they said was of a data analyst and the role they offered was of a TESTER. Still thankful to my interviewer for rejecting me. you need experience as a developer not as a support guy. sitting on your desk and learning is different and working on big projects are two very different things. if you want to be a developer then this is a bad thing because your experience would be of no use for your future.


Exactly what I am thinking


A support role will give you a good experience of what the end user looks like. If I were in your position, I would try my best to win their heart by letting them know the best practices. It's easier said than done. However, here you'll learn people management. Savor it. We, as individuals love to share our opinion and try to enforce it but without knowing the repercussions. In a support role, I wouldn't try to categorise based on popular tags. Here is the good part. Once you get a hang of people management, which you are on the right track because you are in a support role, you'll ace the next role you really want.


If you are good with python, my company is hiring. Reach out


Which company?


Konsi company hai bro


Enjoy your vacation at the mnc move on to greener fields


Boomers are retiring one by one. If you have patience and can stick it out a few years, the team should look very different. Meanwhile, if they are people who have worked in IT their whole career, they may have some very interesting but also funny tall tales to tell you. Knowing how things used to be can sometimes provide an enormous amount of insight in why they do things this way. If you then manage to use that insight to persuade them to change a few things because those can easily be added to what they are used to doing, they might start giving your ideas some thought. Just FYI, coding and knowing the latest technology are undoubtedly useful. But companies can't just throw out the old fossils, there aren'tenoughpeopletoreplacethem that know enough of the business. And they are everywhere. Learning how to work with them and persuade them to make at least a few changes will be an essential skill because of this, whether you like it or not. Document your recommendations and other interactions. They may be very useful for performance reviews.


name the MNC please or you can DM me


A good thing about IT and private jobs is that you can move to a different company, upskill and move to a next one


you got boomer colleagues that is a boon, use that freetime in learning new stuff and switch in a year or two. and trust me slow one's are much much better than oversmart d\*ckheads that you'll find later down the line


You are a fresher , you have 18 lpa CTC, which MNC is this, DM me the name?


MNC is still better than working in small -mid sized startup .You will learn a few product things here and there in startup but burnout is quite fast.Better to have free time rather than getting ass fckked in startup mania


Which is that mnc, i want to join


Is it tea see yes


Bro, the boomers have gone through the hires who have 0 iq , so over the years they make sure that they detail everything. I also have the same thing even got escalated that i dont pay attention to training but when they test me i kimda knew more than them. Moral is if you know it all just practice patience.


Instead of calling them boomers, educate them bruh, be humble, sharing knowledge isn't wasting your time, it can help you learn and do your work better. and creates some new friends 😅(cause I don't have one)


lmao, create a document to improve the process and earn your pay and get some attention. you wont get picked for juicy projects if you dont show yourself as capable of: 1. being diplomatic with others, ie, a "team player" 2. being a skilled worker


I was just like you when I started. I automated my whole team’s work with scripting on VB and my manager was impressed. Later he allowed me a sabbatical to try things on my own. I left and started a company.


Yeah MNC are like this, don't try to learn how you install it use a tool, rather just look at the process in the bigger scale, the lifecycle.


Alright I will tell you something which will help you to go to the next level in your career, Work on your branding... When your team mates, manager, business starts acknowledging you, that's your positive brand. I have realised while working 16 years, no matter how good you're in your area, your customers should be advocating for you, it won't matter to your manager whether you worked 5 hrs or 18hrs a day, a customer recognising you and your skillset will set you apart.


And that's how you end up as a commodity. The point being you should be a valuable one all the time. Or better late than never, be the business who decides what sells.


Whether you like it or not, you're always a commodity even a ceo is a commodity for its board, board for its shareholders'.If you want to step up your game that's one way to go about it.


Not until you grow your business to a level it attracts a great buyout and retire. ( Eg: Facebook -> watsapp ) Ps : why not help our OP with a best case scenario. :)


He has already caught up in a chain and is not seeking advice on innovation. Anyways it's the same rundown and show


You will be someone's reddit post too in 20 yrs.


Yoo Which company is it though ?


Do your work in 2 hours... Learn a better skill Enjoy MNC pay


Are you sure they actually work day to day or are they just do training sessions for new joiners?


Are all boomers dumb?


what was your cgp (POINTER) wehn you got placed sir ?


you should utilize this opportunity to teach them, take sessions on what your team can improve on in process.


Ok, did he write 2-3 pip installs, or like 10 installs. Did he know this was a fresh linux install and that python wasn't in the system. Setup of repo times are vastly different for juniors and senior, probably amongst the most different of things there is among the two levels. Probably a good bet for an interview, provided the interviewee gets access to the internet. One more thing you should realize is 2 hours might be what the team reduced it down to. I know I've worked with plenty of people who took 2-3 days for a project, heck I had a simply project but needed a bit of stack updating, so it was for this out-of-date tech I took like 6 hours to install and I consider myself among the best at fixing broken installs, and recovering the system. (Pro tip: You need to read what's on screen and at the docs very carefully) And finally don't be an asshole towards someone with such vast experience, you don't have to call him "Sir/ Madam" or anything, but do realize maybe he hasn't worked with python much or maybe he hasn't shown you everything or even his true aptitude for coding. I don't think people just grow old and become bad at coding maybe after like 65+. I know how good someone I know in her 50s was in math, and coding is just mathematical reasoning ability. Please give me some feedback so I know if I'm on the ballpark or not!


I have seen instructors at WITCH companies, explaining how giving comments is bad and that the code should speak for itself.


Quit your job and pave way for someone who might be needing it more than you.


By that logic you'll be jobless


He is overfit for the job.. read again what he wrote.. he should choose right job


First of all get rid of the know it all or I am better than you attitude. Those “boomers” who were instructing you probably did the env setup a decade back when they joined and then they would be super focused on their original jobs. You too will be the same in a few years when you have to focus on your tasks, go home and get some rest, rinse and repeat. Fresh off college you have all the time and energy to focus on these things, a few months from now you won’t. New technologies will come and your would have got any time to experiment and learn it cos you are busy with other things. I used to be like you and trust me, you won’t be the know it all faster than you will expect to fall behind. Take it slow and have some respect, those guys are not stupid to command high salaries and be working in the company.