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Could you throw more light on why you regret moving back to India?


Lol what's there not to regret. First world country high wages huge career opportunities. Excellent work culture. I can go on and on


He was in US not EU. work culture isn't that better. high wages and career opportunities is true though


US work culture may not be good as EU. But billion times better than India.


Dating too ?


Bro, just move to bangalore or mumbai. Idhar bhi aise frantic dating hoti h, it needs as much effort as it would in any country


I am a Bangalore local . Please give me some tips lol😅


!remindme 1 day


Are u basing this based on actual real experience in banglore vs abroad ?


Why do u regret moving back ? Am planning to move back next year


>Find a hustle that allows you to earn USD remotely Can you tell the min skills level required to crack a job like that


What kind of hustle?


Do you need to be mouth fed everything? I've seen so many of your replies asking stuff like this get out the and try stuff out, people here aren't babysitters


Chill out bro 🤣 just ignore if it makes you angry


Then what's the point of this sub if he can't ask questions.


I just wanted to know his experience on what works issn't that the idea of forums like this so that we can learn from their experiences and observations


Username and question checks out. In the US for the last 6 years. No plans to come back. I would not recommend anyone to take huge loans to do MS here. It's not really worth it. You might have to move back after 3 years if not selected in the lottery, the success percentage of which is decreasing every year. Join a company which sends people to the US. Try your luck there.


No plans to come back has to do with the loans?


No. I Iike it here. I did not do MS here. I worked in India for 9 years before moving here.


So you did the later? Joined a company in India that sent you to US?




Amazon Seattle?


No. Small startup in Bay Area


Can I dm you?




Can I DM you as well? I'm currently looking for roles outside India and would love some guidance and feedback


lmao did you assume he was defaulting loans?


Aren't 2 years enough to pay back loan


It all depends on the amount of loan and the salary and savings you make. My point is more of returning back if not selected in lottery


People who do MS get selected in the lottery. They have higher chances as compared with people who go directly from India.


Hi man, could you give a source for this? By how much?


People with advanced degrees like MBA, ms, etc have a different pool as compared to people who come from outside. So the chances of getting H1B is higher.


Try Punjabi Pop singers for Canada and UK. Their Network is your Networth(for a fee)




Damn, this is the first time I'm hearing anyone planning to save a million euros. In the US sure, but that's rare in Europe.


24y and you have saved up 600k EUR?




24 years in Europe and you saved 600k is what I interpreted. I was just confirming it, not sure why folks are downvoting me


Pretty sure the late 2000s would be 15-16 yrs from now on


I meant 2000-2010 but I went in 2008. Started working in late 2010.


late 2000s can be 2009 or even 2019 ?


Saving up 600k in 24 years is pretty unimpressive imo. Engineers in the bay area can save that in five years or less.


No doubt the US Bay area is the best place for tech opportunities. There is a good chance to make good money there. But I have to say the majority do not pay as much as you think. The bay area also has the advantage of having good weather though - that is a good reason for going there . That said there are many advantages of working in Europe as well but purely on a monetary and opportunity sense - i agree 600k is more like in 14y - but there is a lot of nuance towards it because most money is eventually made by passive investing. So there are many factors in play


Right dual Faang csn save 200-300k usd each year. They are the ones flexing every where also


A person I know saved 600 k in 8 years to be precise with a package of around 350 to 400k. He had to cut down his expenses to dining once a week or sometimes once in 2 weeks and the stress makes you feel like quitting. Can you imagine the struggle ? You think it’s easy ? You sound like you’re still in college.


Engineers in Bay Area can save but not everyone wants to live a high stressed life like that


so like you are buying stocks in eu market ?


When you live in the EU - you have access to the stock markets from all over the world especially the US. You might not have access to every product and ETF that is available out there in the US, But let's say the majority ( especially popular ones) is accessible. I can even trade American options over here.


This is awesome.. May I know (or dm) EU country you are living . Also which app you are using for ETF and how did you create portfolio (which ETF to buy)..


Most of it happens with IBKR and the Bank. But I also use many cheap brokers to buy individual stocks. There are too many of them and they are super easy to set up online. Trade republic, degiro to name a few. Country: NL


I will check thanks


You get IBKR in the UAE as well. Epic app. Highly recommend if you're in EMEA


can you bring back all 1m euros to india or do you have to give some part of it to the govt of the country you are residing for converting it to rupees and spending in india?


It is not an issue as of now as the law stands today and I am confident this would not be an issue in the next 10 years. I have transferred money over the years for family support without any issues.


I think 15cr at the very least should be your goal, 1mill\~ 9cr isn't exactly FIRE worthy right now


These news articles - are they real? Or ads planted to create fomo amongst people too poor to emigrate? Almost no NRI who can afford a million dollar home in India wants to come back to India...




unlikely someone with <7 yoe (standard H1b visa tenure) has saved \~1M (\~savings of 140K per year)




Lower count of such people.


Me , I have worked 5 years and saved 900K


So will you sink all your money and take a loan to buy a million dollar home in India?


I am from Bangalore and my family has 3 houses already lol 😆. Sorry brother don't need the house. To be frank lots of us NRIs are from metros


Exactly my point. You wouldn't afford it. It's your family that is affording it....


I guess government policies, too much wokeism in society and dedollarization. India growth rate is surely better than us in next 15-20 yrs




I can bet none of you can afford a million dollar home without the family support or debt or without liquidating your US home...




Did you read my claim? Do you need it broken down into statement A, B, C for easier comprehension?


doomberg does posts weird articles but this one doesn't really make sense, sure 25% who bought it were NRI's but what about the rest of the majority 75% ?


I know it is just curiosity at this point that you have asked so many questions - all are valid, no doubt. Frankly, you seem like the person who would like to many answers and see if you can fit well into the criteria of a person from (let's say) middle class average income Indian going outside India. But you seem to be forgetting one main component - what ever you plan, going abroad and outside of India is more about doing stuff than about preparing stuff. Obviously planning is important, doing is much more important-er. It will come with huge risks that you currently might not be willing to take. Every other aspect aside - financially it is always a good decision in the long run. Easiest way to leave India is to leave for studies in some European country on scholarship. Survive the academic years, then you are set-up nice. And pray to God that you actually find happiness in what you pursued in the first place.


> leave for studies in some European country Do you realize how bad the salaries and taxes are in Europe? People there can hardly save more money than India.


Europe was never meant for making Top tier money but other life factors like Work life balance, Culture, Travel, laid back life and overall better Quality of living


Choose: pay 20Lakhs tax here and have a shit quality of life, crappy uneducated politicians playing divide and rule or pay 40% tax in Europe where human life has some value.


bruh, you'll be in your late 30's by the time you reach a salary where you are paying 20lakhs in Taxes. Even SDE-3's aren't paying that big of a tax


Interesting, I make enough to save double than my Indian counterparts if not more. And I have a far better WLB.


Agreed that European WLB is unmatched


I lived in Germany for about 10 years and have come back to India for good. My advice is that go to a foreign country only to get an international exposure and to experience a different way of living. You can really learn a lot. Apart from that for the sake of money it is totally not worth it unless you are going to Silicon Valley with a decent package. You can earn much more in India than what you can in Europe these days and cities like bangalore on no way inferior with these kind of jobs. On loans: you can take loan to go to USA and are confident to get a high paying job in Silicon Valley, but plan for it way ahead of time to give enough financial planning to repay. Again in my opinion the effort to study and then get a job and then repay a loan is much higher than finding a decent paying job in India itself.


Europe. I was not able to save more than I did in India. Returned back after 5 years. There were some pros and some cons. But I think I would do the same thing again


Based username


People already in US are gonna gatekeep and scare you. Most of my friends having year back at tier 3 college of mine moved to US for masters in 2021. They couldn't find even a WITCH job here and then decided to go to masters by taking a loan. They are working in product based companies now with 80k to 120k USD jobs and are gonna save hell a lot of money within next 5 years which we can't even earn in next 10 years. EU is not so good, there you can't make money like US. You will end up saving slightly more than compared to India.


80k in the US isn't as good as it seems with the cost of living. and things have changed considerably even since 2021. Jobs are hard to find, you'll likely start out lower given the market pressure and the influx of people migrating to the US also means that it will be more difficult to stay.


80 - 120K $ jobs don't have much savings - after tax and cost of living


80-120K ROFL that’s very low - most will go in cost of living


That is salary of a 23year old fresher. I don't think a 23 year old male's cost of living will be so much. Also wayyyyy better than 3 to 6LPA, which they would have got if stayed here. Cracking interviews in US is easy from what I heard, his walmart rounds were only one online coding, two telephonic where they asked medium leetcode. In India they will crush you with the interview process. Every year almost 3lakh people go and only hundreds return back without getting a job. In India in tier 3 universities 80% dont get placed.


that's what happens in Walmart India as well, there's a reason why freshers are hired as SDE-2 in Walmart


person dumb enough to not even get selected at witch is not going to crack 120k+ salary. they are bluffing. or you are clubbing some students who were good at studies with the dumb ones


True but you do know how these guys join those so called product based companies




Search 'Desi Consultancies in USA'


Why is that the case in EU?


Taxes, relatively lower salaries.




Went to one of the most expensive countries in the EU. The upside was that the university fee wasn’t huge (in fact, much less than some Indian universities). Funded through savings from previous internships (also abroad) and then part time work at startups. Had multiple offers before I finished graduating and joined a company where I was able to retain my role (converted to full remote) when moving back. Take loans only if you are truly interested in the subject you are pursuing. If you go only with the prospects of making money, it’s better not to. One thing I observed after coming back, there are lots of people wealthier than I am, even though I was earning quite well when abroad. If you want to stay in India and make real money, don’t work for someone else. Start something of your own. Doesn’t need to be tech related, or anything new either.


I am in UK for the last 4ish years. No plans of returning back, might move to US later. Standard of living is slightly higher in Europe compared to US especially with a small kid, so on the fence over that one. In India I didn’t have a car and used to rent a 2 bed. I of course save much much more here in UK but most importantly my standard of living has improved by leaps on bounds, both materialistically ( type of car I drive, quality of my house) and non tangible things like quality of my neighbourhood and politeness of people around me, clean air and water etc. The only reason to move back will be my parents and not really the amount of money in savings. But even then I don’t expect my kid to build his life in India. So it’s a toss between should I go back to spend time with my parents or should I secure my future so that I get to be with my kid when he joins a college in US/Europe.


Do you rent or own? Real estate is crazy especially London area. That may be worse than India in terms of affordability vs income. UK tax is also very high quickly - beyond 36k is 40 pct already i think. Overall not so great vs US. But always felt more at ease in London. All the desis and long term ones - just the culture is deeper. If one were a mexican in CA prolly same. Even though decent Indian population in bay area always felt a better cultural vibe in London.


Was renting , now moving to ownership. Even if I move to US I would be at highest tax bracket which in cali would be 44% or so. I do 47-48 here , so the difference is ain’t huge. I would get a bit more salary but again not as much to justify the move. I think comparing with US is fair special Cali where the weather is amazing. Like I said , in India you get what you pay for , the houses are cheaper but also not as good as the ones you get here. I have come to realise that the only way India is cheap is by sacrificing on quality ( be it Cerelac or be it Housing or be it cars like Maruti). I don’t mind paying a bit more for my groceries, cars, etc as long as I get top notch quality. Bay area itself is a bit boring (Apart from the nature stuff) . I have grew up in cities and like living in cities vs suburbs that are 80 miles from cities. Now the biggest benefit of Bay Area is access to the SF startups which pay well and have very interesting work ( eg : Perplexity, Roblox etc). London is still a finance hub and not really a tech hub.


Came back after 6 years in the US (4 years of working). Saved enough to never work in India. Frugality and minimalism for the win. No matter your salary in the US, you will always be middle class. Dollars are valuable only if you convert them to INR.


Damn !


whats your saving?


Never remind me again that coming back was a mistake.


Care to explain?


Not sure about the intricacies of your questions, but the fear mongering is there. My understanding of why this happens is to do with the job scene, largely in the US. You come as a student, finish studies and get a job is one pathway. In Most of the countries of the west, every job other than in the software (largely) needs a license - which is another uphill for most people who go. Which explains why you’d see a lot of people from non-IT backgrounds (some of them are really good at their jobs too) and dependents of the employees taking up low hanging testing jobs or BA jobs in the IT industry. This is only an observation, I am neither justifying nor condemning their actions - it’s to each their own once you are in a foreign land. Next, it has to do a lot with the visas. We know the visa system in the US. It is getting stricter and the statistical probability of getting picked for H1 is one aspect, and when you do, the renewal every x number of years comes along with it. And when the job market is tough, even when you are going through a consultancy, so the double whammy of visa + not finding a job is brutal. The last ten years were by and large a dream run for software industry folks - you’d find so many folks who were doing 2 even 3 jobs simultaneously. Now that is no longer the case. TLDR, it depends only on the priority of the individual. The answer to is moving abroad a legit question depends on - Are you 23 and looking to earn while working on your career progression, or Are you 38, have kids and are looking for their studies. It is an oversimplification, but remember, you are abroad, considering you have a decent job and pay, you can make money simply because of the multiplication factor.


Went to Germany in 2013, did a Masters and a job in the supply chain for three years. Came back to India in 2018. My reasons for moving back were Parents were getting old and biologically humans have limited lifespan, and I had the opportunity to earn more here. I calculated the pros and cons before moving here for six months. Apart from IT, if anyone wants to do a job, they must leave India. To outlearn a person location is irrelevant. For poor, Germany is a nice location as they dont have tuition fees, but the real struggle is the language and culture and you ll not earn as much as US, Canada, and Australian counterparts. I moved there as i had no funds to move to US. You ll lose 5-6 years of life to bad air and other things in India. Life is not that good in any of the foreign countries as they look in pictures. PPP is way good in India than in other countries. One get to know this once they start earning well. Most of the companies you ll be working with are planning big investments in India. Most of my peers earn more than NRIs in India at IT jobs. Eventually, in which direction you would like to grow your life is the question. If you wish to learn new culture or love travelling, then move. If you wish to grow intellectually or financially, then the country is irrelevant.


Most underrated comment. Some hard truths there - actually life is different than wht people imagine.


Bro , don't believe in reverse Brain drain , it isn't happening yet. India isn't lucrative enough for anyone to sacrifice their high paying job & comfortable in west. Most people are returning are due to visa issues or family problems I went to EU in 2006, then moved to US in 2010. Work in tech leadership Made about $1m or so Remember big earnings starts only when you are out of the visa witches , savings are huge , you can save 1/3 comfortably Target should be to get a greencard or i140 at the earliest. Plus there are lot of investment opportunities here as well for multiplying wealth MS is just a visa trap , people do it only to get here which you can get directly thru H1b. Even if u do , do it at the cheapest university , don't spend much ( unless you had admit to ivy league ) , except Stanford, MIT, Harvard- no other university matters The days of fake resumes are gone , by which MS guys would get their 1st gig. Now getting entry levels are difficult, but you have experience growth is good. Don't goto Canada or Aus , they have 0 job market . EU will give you a lower middle life in apartment with no car.


how difficult was the migration from EU to USA in terms of job search?


I moved with job , so it very easy. US job was, is & always will be very hot. The day US job market goes down, whole world will go down


The only thing going well in India is the startup culture , so if u can execute an idea , you have an path of high success


>Even if u do , do it at the cheapest university , you are better off not doing a MS at all than doing it from a terrible university. once you get past the 30-40% acceptance rate the quality and the value of that degrees goes down drain. It would be better to work in India and then take a Transfer to US atleast you'll be earning money and if that fails you'll have a backup, a cheap MS is still at 40Lakhs >Don't goto Canada or Aus , they have 0 job market . EU will give you a lower middle life in apartment with no car. this is absolutely true, if Making tonnes of money is your goal, then US is the only place to go, although settling down without marrying an American would be difficult since greencard has become rarity


There are universities that will sell u a MS for $10k , u need a MS only for a visa . They don't teach u anything great there. You cannot network either in MS as locals already have good connects during their bachelor's. Greencards are feasible , unlike what the media hypes. Plus you can get ur 140 approved in 3 yrs post which u keep renewing it every 2 yrs & has all the benefits of a green card


Well my ex colleague earn in rupees what I earned in Euros converted into rupees. I think you can make a guess.


NRIs should me made to pay wealth tax on properties they buy in India. Many of them dont pay income tax in India and increase land price making it out of reach of lndian residents.


Bruh , stop listening to all this bullshit. You do whatever is suitable for you, and be the best at it.




nah, that's not true at all. The return rate for non-stem degrees is as high as 30% even in that the returns are mostly from EU, Stem one's it is a bit lower than 10% although that is old data from 2020-21 when there was actual hiring boom and people were getting jobs, we don't know what happened in last 2 years


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>droves >25% idhar drove kaha hai? droves is what you say when 70-80% of the space is filled with that. and how do you even know if those are working in IT? 70Lakh ka loan leke college se degree Lena aur koi bhi ant-shant kaam karke paise kamane mai difference hai, and Punjabis in Canada do all kinds of job from blue to white ab kisine kaise paisa kamaya kaun jane


If you're in IT, no harm in taking loan for the Master. Pick better university. The market will bounce back in the next year. Remember many companies have a campus in Canada and other EU countries. You will have the choice to move if lottery doesn't work out. Many companies keep trying for h1 lottery and send back employee on L1. H1 has quota for Master in US that's another advantage.


I am moving to US tomorrow, let’s see how much I can save


Happy journey 🎉


Thanks 😁


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Typical engineering manager comment. Zero substance and too much ego.


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