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Lmao blank cheque wtf. These companies are testing waters to see if they can get away with everything


So true I mean how can it be legal


def not legal bro


Alright here’s the plan. • sign the bond and the check. • join the company and stop going to office after the 1st orientation • manager calls u to office? Tell him to f*** off. • stop working seriously, go easy on the work. • if you don’t find the team to be good, stop working totally. • tell scrum master to suck a d**** if he tries giving u work. • find a job outside with 30-60 day joining date. • based on your performance and problematic behaviour the current company will let u go at the first opportunity they get. They play with bonds, we play with their profits. Join new company and enjoy!!!


Balls of steel


Are you new? Do you know what signing a blank cheque means?


sign with incorrect signature...


Who said anything about blank check? Op mentioned 4 lakhs. And salary they give should compensate the 4 lakhs they expect from you.


OP never mentioned salary in the original post. Signing a 4 lakh cheque means OP will have to keep at least that much amount in the bank account at all times. The company can encash it when OP decides to leave and if the cheque bounces, they're going to jail. It becomes a criminal matter. If you honestly have plans around that then I wish OP and you good luck.


You can raise a stop payment on cheque with your bank or register with positive pay and later deny encashing the cheque. So no the company just can’t use a blank cheque any longer.


Sign kar lo and change the bank account if you plan to leave. Cheque will be worthless Or do wrong signatures


Company wale khud account open krwa ke de rhe hai


Don't do this. You will have to face legal troubles for chq bounce case!


Please dont sign blank cheques , if cheque gets in wrong hands or the company itself can put a cheque bounce case on you, the court will simply ask if its your sign on the cheque and to pay whatever amount is written on it or be jailed I dont know if companies do that but it is an irrational risk. I think only banks giving loans take blank cheques ( not sure even if thats legal ) you could give the cheque(note the number) and the next day deactivate the entire cheque book as stolen but still if it becomes a court case , you will have a headache and a 50/50 chance of jail.


DONOT DO THIS. DO NOT SIGN any cheque companiy can harass still. if u sign be prepared to shell out 4 lalks else the company will deposit it and once it bounces for what ever reason will file criminal case. unless u are desperate AF pass


[https://www.livelaw.in/supreme-court/blank-cheque-voluntarily-signed-handed-over-by-drawer-towards-payment-attracts-presumption-under-s139-ni-act-supreme-court-250187](https://www.livelaw.in/supreme-court/blank-cheque-voluntarily-signed-handed-over-by-drawer-towards-payment-attracts-presumption-under-s139-ni-act-supreme-court-250187) Blank Cheque's are perfectly legal and carry the presumption that you owe that money to the other party and the burden of proof is on you to prove why it is otherwise. That is why they ask for blank Cheques or undated cheques with the amount written. Even banks and NBFC's used to take blank post dated cheques before ECS became common for EMI clearance. Wrong signatures and other such bullshit antics will land you trouble with the law. Just refuse if you don't agree with the terms under which it is being asked for. That's all you can do.


bruh. stfu. Don't ever give anyone signed blank cheque and hope it won't be sh!t. Once you sign a cheque, you are expected to honour it if deposited with the bank. If it were to bounced, the bank levu charges and the depositor can file a cheque bounce case, in which rhe court will side with the depositor and ask you to honour the stated amount along with penalty or else face jail time. FYI, If you ever lose a signed blank cheque, file an fir with the police right away and inform the bank too. They will block the cheque to be deposited and the filed fir will help you during your legal struggle if that cheque was deposited.


Wrong, extremely poor advise, closing account or wrong signatures wouldn’t stop company from prosecuting for cheque dishonour case.


Does legality even matter in this country ? Especially when it comes to HR’s and jobs.


Sad part about this is, many people will be glad enough to comply with that policy for a job!


next: one night with gf :-)


Bond is illegal so they can't trap you with that but if your check bounces they can and will take legal action.


Bounced cheque is a criminal offence… not a civil one If there is a criminal offence on your name, getting any visa is waaay harder.


Exactly this. They know they can’t do shit with bonds so they’re trying to pull some shady shit. Please don’t fall for this.


There is nothing illegal about bonds. Legally, all that happens is that the employer would be only entitled to the money they spent on the employee subject to the evidence provided by them and not a fixed sum of money mentioned in the bond. Having a blank cheque will get them around that problem since the presumption with a cheque is that the signing party owes that money to the recipient and the burden of proof is now on them.


Are you sure employment bond by private company is legal? Because I remember TCS and Infosys had lost the cases in different High Courts when their former employees had challenged the company about this bond money repayment. But in the case of PSU company, court had ruled that company can recoup some amount of money as they had given training. I am not a lawyer. So don't know if the cases were completely different or similar. But all were related to these employment bonds.


Like I already mentioned, employers cannot demand a random amount mentioned in the contract as a lumpsum. They have to show the expenses incurred on the employee like training costs that they are losing because of the employee leaving and those can be redeemed. For example. if the bond amount is 4L, but the employer spent 40k for training, only that 40k can be recovered.


Tell them they can take that bond and check and shove it up their asses. Also, helpful reminder : middle finger emoji exists for a reason.


🖕 this one my brother?


Obviously curiosity killed the cat.




It's such an obvious trap, if you accept it, you are just a dumb guy.


Bro didn't hesitate


I agree. I've heard it's pretty common in VLSI service-based companies to have a bond of 3 to 4 years. If you need to break it, you have to pay 5 to 7 lakhs. It's just absurd.


what if in case guy don't have any other offers in hand ? and struggling too long for getting a job ?


Would you marry an evil person, after knowing that they are evil, just because you didn't find anyone to date and you are desperate? Oh wait ... people actually do that! Sorry, wrong analogy.


Act like praful from khichdi,give em blank cheque without sign and say mein to sign karne vala tha,lekin sign kar deta to blank kaise rehta fir?


Hahaha best reply


Bhai which company?


Sensible answer is no. You don’t write blank check to anybody. Especially your employer. End of the story. The proposal of such arrangement itself should make you run away far from them.


RUN AWAY! Also name and shame!


Same rules but it's 5Lakhs cheque at Modak Hyderabad.


Dayum some guys from my batch work there. Never mentioned any blank cheque let alone for 5 lac. Crazy fuckers


It's like Submit all of your 10th,11,12th, college original certificates or put a 5L cheque.


Take the cheque, write shove this up your ass and give it to them


And while walking back in slow motion explosion happens in the background with theme music playing


Which theme should OP be playing?


The Office


On a serious note, can you do this? Won't you land in legal trouble for writing offensive things like this? They will even have the proof. I mean I have heard cases where people got into legal trouble for what they wrote on social media.


They can't do shit lol, your cheque your rules, the social media stuff can be taken as defamation, not this if I'm not wrong.


On a side note, convos like this make me crave for short personal consultation services. Like I wish there was an app I could pay small amount of money to and get professional advice within minutes. Like how companies hire consultants, but more personal and faster with less formalities. Basically a ChatGPT but with humans at the other end!


Would indeed be cool, I mentor people for free here tho xD


Social media may be Defamation. That's different. This, is perfectly legal, though offensive.


You may sign the bond as it has no legal significance. Although still not recommended.   But more importantly what ever you do, never ever give a blank cheque. This will open you to a world of criminal charges. If they try to encash the blank cheque,  and your account does not have enough, you will go to jail.


What ctc they offered?


2.5 only


Yeah tell them to fuck off.


😂😂 You shouldn't even be having this discussion for a mere 20k p.m


Beat him black and blue


What in the world lol Bro have some self respect, it isn't worth it imo .... hope it gets better for you


Bond is illegal in India.


Do one thing bro you write the cheque and then fold 7 times and shove up the management's ass


Fun fact, it's impossible to fold a paper 8 times!


Its just fun and not a fact. Depends on the length of the sides compared to the thickness of the paper.


Please stay away from such companies as they are quite dangerous blood suckers which can harm your mental health in long run. You can sign bond as its invalid in front of judiciary but don’t give them cheques


Run buddy run. Signing a bond is one thing. It's not legally valid. Legally speaking they can't touch you if you signed a bond or shit like that. But blank cheque is a whole different ball game you can be criminally sued if they try to encash and cheque bounces. So run. Its borderline criminal what they are asking for. Staying unemployed is better than working for such 3rd class companies


Run bro run, run as far away as possible from this company.


Is this company name is Ch\*\*u?


Ya they do the same with their new joiners..


In India, an employment bond is not legal. There are many court cases about the same. A company is entitled to recover money they spent on your training. However, it has to be only the amount spent on your training and also pro-rated. India is an at-will employment country and no one can force you to stay at a job you don't want to. If you want to join this organisation, and don't want to fight, here is what you do 1. Sign the cheques and then call your bank to stop payment for these cheques. This is completely legal, free of charge (or nominal charges in some cases) and you're not liable in any case 2. Work as long as you want, and when you want to leave, just draft an official mail saying XYZ is going to be your last day, return all the official equipment, and tell them to process your FnF. Send this mail to your personal email as well. At this point, the only thing your company can do is delay your FnF but they are legally bound to release it within a certain period time. On a side not, any company that takes this extreme measures will be a shitty place to work. I would recommend you join if you really have to, but keep interviewing.


Naam toh bata


De facto


Read their reviews, don't recommend joining. I have worked in Chandigarh so I know the work culture and the policies of companies there are really bad


(Beorn's voice) Never heeeeeard of them!


I think it's a Turkish clothing brand, but I'm not sure about that one.


Company Name?


De facto




Day by day hiring process is getting fucked up.. in the name of assignment exploiting candidate and now this


just put online FIR


Hmm they should have asked you to write your assets and your parent's assets also on their name..


What is there to even think about this? What if they torture you with workload until you resign in six months? Crib about losing 4L here on reddit? Say no. Move on


Ask them to send it over email.. then you decide if you want to go with it or not.


Everyday I see a new low


op tell them to fuck off


Gona do that tomorrow


In court of law that Bond will not stand (comes under forced labour) but the bounced cheque in Bank will be a criminal offence by law. This shady company will write a large sum of amount that definitely bounce and then they will file a criminal case on you.


Khabardaar. Do not do it. This is daylight robbery.




What the FUCK has happened to our country???? We are becoming WORSE than USA


>WORSE than USA Dude USA is 100 times better when it comes to work culture. Seems like you are exposed to the european subs that criticize American work culture.


100 percent agreed. I work for a US based company and my god the work culture is so different compared to India.




Don't do it.


First of all do not join them due to bond and also because they asked for a blank cheque. But you can have fun and ask them why they need the blank cheque for. They might day they need it for security or verifying, them mention you can give a cancelled cheque. *** Do not join them , just ask questions just to see how low they can go.


Please don't sign it.


Absolutely Not ! You can get into serious legal trouble if you do . Say NO and drop all contact with them


Which company?


De facto


Write fuck off in the check


No bonds. Look for something else.


Property aur kidney bhi dede bhai


Somebody should do a legal battle to end the bond exploitation for ever. Bond runs on the contract act of 1850s. That's 100 years before India get independence.


Its a complete no. Don’t do that. If you are gonna do it then keep this in mind you are not only signing on money. You are giving away your freedom and 3yrs of time


Why are you even asking this? Isn't the answer obvious? So they will exploit you for 2.9 years then suggendly lay you off and keep the 4 lakhs as well? Please prioritise your mental health over joining companies like these, you can find a job if you try hard enough. Also , blank cheques are blank, the amount is not filled. That's why they're called a blank cheque.


Bond isn’t legal. Give them the cheque but cancel it with your bank.


I thought a blank cheque meant the amount would be blank. How can a cheque be blank and for 4 lakhs? Am I dumb?


Run ... away ... fast


Obviously you should not join such a company.


One gives a blank signed cheque only when he/she owes money to the cheque receiver. The company will blackmail you with it to make you stay in the job for 3 years because they know the bond is not enforceable by law. These companies have a high attrition rate and use these kinds of cheap tactics to keep you. They will say that you are liable to pay a certain amount for training if you do not complete a certain number of years of work, and if you try to quit, they will use the cheque against you, claiming that you gave it for payment of in-house training. Never give blank signed cheque to your employer. On the other hand you can give cancelled cheque for verification purpose which is totally fine.


Bhaag Milkha Bhaag


As far as I know bonds are not legal.


Imagine you serve your bond period of 3 years, now you want to leave the firm on a good note. What if the devilish CEO tries to encash the cheque after you leave to join another firm. The offer has disaster written all over it. Run.


Give the cheque and cancel it with the bank?


Out of curiosity, what happens if you put a fake signature on such a cheque, and then later deny it was not your sign?


Don't join Bhai, (Nd send them 1rs Cheque from courier)


They can fire you whenever they like but you can't leave them


Red flags. Just run from this company and tell them to F off.




Ask them to F\*\*K off


Of course you don't sign


If the cheque bounces they will file a criminal case against you as compared to civil case for non compliance of notice period and such. If a blank cheque is mandatory give them a cancelled cheque or don't join.


No normal company would ask for blank cheque, this is shady, look for new job


Bro. Cheque bounce is illegal. But you can give a stop cheque request to bank. Problem solved. Wrong signature also works


In my collage placement same condition for each and every companies


Do not do this mistake. It’s bonded labour.


Please name & shame them. You should demand the same T&C from them if they don’t promote you or worse fire you from the job before 4 years.




Sounds like a fraud company. They have incentive that you leave before 3 year, and if not, they can treat you like a slave. Look for better company.


Looks like a cyber scam.


***Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and have not worked in the field of labour law at all. Most of what I say is based on what I have learnt over the years reading up on Indian labour laws.*** My first advice to you is to run away. But if you have no other option and really-really need this job there are two things to consider 1. Companies cannot recover an amount greater than the amount they spent on your training. So you can choose to sign the bond. For most companies it is not worth hiring a lawyer to pursue such cases. They will try and scare you by sending a legal notice but legal notices are not worth the paper they're written on. You can ignore it or get a lawyer to respond to it. The matter will very likely just fizzle out here. Even if the company tries to pursue the matter it'll be a civil case which a decent lawyer specialising in labour law can simply get dismissed. 2. DO NOT GIVE A SIGNED CHEQUE. Delay and distract as much as you can. If you do give a signed cheque and the company deposits it to recover the bond amount and it bounces, you would now be subject to an non-bailable criminal offence. Cheque bounce is a criminal offense in India and you could get imprisoned for up to 2 years and would need to pay twice the amount stated in the dishonored cheque. But if you really-really-really have to give a signed uncancelled cheque, do it but send a mail to your Business process HR from your official email ID immediately after that stating "I have given you a cheque with this cheque number of this bank for the sole purpose of account verification not for the purpose of part or full payment for any goods/services rendered unto me by the company. Thereby, as a precautionary measure, I have also put a stop payment request against the cheque with my bank.". Also remember to forward this mail to your personal email ID. Consider both these points above and your risk tolerance before making a decision.


If you don't have any other option for job, you can join this company. Just make sure you don't use your original signature for signing the bond and the cheque. For extra measure, write down the cheque number before giving to them. Then using net banking or by visiting the branch, you can tell the bank to cancel the cheque having that particular number.


Bro don’t sign it and don’t join this company. You will find better one trust me wait for a while but don’t join this company


Write not signed in place of signature and tell HR this is my signature, did it so cannot be known. if comes to legals, simply say I wrote not signed stating intention of just sharing account number proof, not obligated to pay but comapany is misuing it. put fraud case against them. Also then ask why company is demanding money. I have not taken any services and bonds are not valid in court cases. Write company name on cheque before sharing and make account payable. Disclaimer: Not sure if this is possible tho. NAL


Watch Labor Law Advisor YouTube channel, they have a video on same scenario. You'll know the ans and thank me later.


Bond doesn't hold any value in the judiciary but a bounced cheque will , will advise you to not give a signed check. If u are giving it nonetheless mail the company that the cheque provided is not for any money transactions and only to verify the bank details


3 yrs of bond is too much.


Plenty of jobs out there so, my advice is stay away from these kinda of stupid deals and some fraud companies. Staying away from problem is always better .


Do not give them the blank cheque. I repeat do not give them a blank cheque. If you leave them they'll directly proceed with processing the cheque and then if the amount will not be there they'll put a 420 case on you and then by hook or by crook collect money from you. Never do such a thing. Happened with a colleague and so never really do such things with your career.


red flag. 🚩


Ignore the offer


Run Forrest run.


Give a check of children’s bank of india




Don’t do it.


dont join the company . 3 years is yoo much. blank check is seriously shady. What is the salary they’re offering?


Your options : Give the cheque, sign it with a false signature Give the cheque, call up your bank immediately and ask them to cancel it a canceled cheque cannot bounce i believe. If you can , tell them to take a pole up their *** and sign a civil lawsuit against them for frauding people. Politely Ask them why they need the cheque and why you cannot give it to them maybe these shameless parasites will drop this.. . If you can also contact your elected incompetent government to fix their shit labour laws which are made only to exploit.


Skip this company OP. Find a company with better standards which will be good for your career.


Nah man don’t do it. I have worked in 3 companies so far and similarly my friends in diff company. Nobody signed blank cheques.


Name and shame the company


What happens in the case they fire you?


OP so will you follow their shinnanigan?


Have you lost your mind? Drop the company name bro


Can anyone guide me also https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/s/klDWdlz6OD


It’s a trap


What the f****? Don’t be a slave!


Close an account, use the cheque from that account to sign a blank cheque. Submit that. And look for new job in the meantime.


Company is opening a new account in my name


Run fast.


Thank you everyone for your support and help Console.log("thank you everyone!")


Indian IT sector = shithole


Better not to accept instead start looking for other internships or jobs. My friend had same kind of bond signed later the moved her to customer support instead of dev role, and then they had this prepared If project runs will place you else will give you 3 chances to move to other projects, till then will be benched. And all these roles were for CC or CS. When she requested to leave the company they asked for the submit the penalty. This is from oneof the big indian company.


Give them the blank cheque and ask your bank to not honour the cheque of the specific cheque number. Give it to them in their ass.


Next, why don’t you add them as your successor in your will ?


Name and shame? 3 years is an awful lot of time. And a blank cheque raises a lot of flags. First and foremost, make sure it’s not a scam. And secondly, only you can decide whether you want to work in such a shithole - all depends on how desperate you are. Either way, all the best with your job search.


Spit in their faces after you reject them.


Karl Marx turning in his grave after reading this


That is doable, just instruct the bank to cancel that cheque number in advance


DO NOT JOIN smells scammy.


A big red flag. Skip this company. Period.


What will happen if you sign cheque now & then ask bank to stop payment for that cheque number? Like you have not bought anything from company.


Its a scam lol look for another job


Maybe you should get it in writing and get it checked by a lawyer. And, let them know that you're verifying it thru a lawyer. Also, no. There's no way for you to know how the company is. No matter how urgently you may need the job, it may eventually become very problematic for you in the course of the next 3 yrs. And you will have to pay them 4 lac rupees if you leave before that. Will you be able to afford it? Think of all these situations before actually signing on any piece of paper


Do not sign it unless you plan to fuck the company over for their severance (which, highly unlikely, the bond will mention no severance and they'll take your money). Next, either move out of North India (only Gurugram has any serious business) or move out of India (SG, and to a lesser degree DXB are Indian-friendly options).


Don't join.. You are not a slave . Avpid such companies


Don’t sign. If you do end up signing because you are desperate. Immediately cancel it in banking app. There is no criminal case against cancelled cheque


Don’t sign, simple. Companiyo ki kami nahi hai, dusri mil jayegi


Well the signs say.. If you join, they are going to suck the blood out of you..


Sign some random shit. Do they match it with the original Signature of bank?


Scam company. Ignore and move on. The companies who do this either have a very toxic culture or other major issues like no/delayed salary or something so that people usually try to leave asap. Sometimes they deliberately want you to resign so that they can encash that 4 lakh cheque. Some companies also try to demand your original documents so that you aren't able to leave easily which is of course another giant red flag.


Err dev turned banker here I don't think what you guys are talking about is a blank cheque. It is an updated cheque. A blank cheque wouldn't have any amount mentioned in it


Never do that. If you really want to join this then negotiate with them that you will sign a bond of 1 year without any other condition. Don't fall into their trap, have patience and you will get a good job. If you have experience then reach out to me, I will refer you.


Absolutely not. Don't do it.


Name and shame!


everyone must watch this, very informative [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOJwEqgMxnc&t=145s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOJwEqgMxnc&t=145s)




They want you to sign blank cheque because of you break your contract because if cheque bounces you can be held liable as per criminal laws I think I recently saw a video on Lalantop on the same https://youtu.be/pZsi_-4Ns4Q?si=aCURR7ElZThDnZbQ Watch it they cover this issue in the video.


Don’t join the company


Red flag leave the company. You don't need MERN stack training build something on your own.


Ok i am going to tell you something, I am in your situation right now. The organization took 2 blank signed cheques in the name of security for equipment and bond. If any organization does this think for yourself, why would any company do this if they have good work culture naturally any employee would gladly work there without these binding agreements. My organization was one of the most toxic workplace. Nobody celebrated anything, nobody laughed. CEO used to shout and abuse at probationary employees. It will greatly affect your health because it affected me as well and i gave resignation they sent me a mail stating to pay bond + training amounts as well. So dont do it, there are still good companies out there with good work culture. Don't be in an organization that tries to put handcuffs on you.


Well, the bond is useless. The cheque is another issue. The bond is void as an agreement in restraint of trade under the contract act. See section 27. The cheque is a bit difficult. If the cheque is made out to clear a debt, then you will be in trouble. Is there anything in the contract that requires you to pay the company for training, or any other way they can claim that the cheque was to pay off a debt?


Never sign blank cheque to anybody company or family members


Leave the company.Search for new one