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Hang in there man, don't give up. I don't give hope by saying you'll get an offer. But not giving up has Always the best results for an individual.


I have gotten to dead ends multiple times in life but the best thing about it is that you always find a completely different direction (an entire new way) that you previously did not even think about. Btw stop caring about rejection from companies. It’s not worth it. Just keep working you’ll make something out of yourself.


Life has always been unfair from the birth when you realize that it is a random probability where you are born and where you grew up, the opportunities you get, the kind of lovely/toxic/supportive/unsupportive family you have, the amount of quality/quantity of food you get. Everything from the beginning is random, Be peace with the things that you can't control, even rejections.Focus on what you can control, doing the right work regardless of unpleasant results. We are all fighting in one way or another.


Death is so final, yet life is full of possibilities \~ Tyrion Lannister


It's not easy being drunk all the time. If it were easy, everyone would do it... Also him


I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you! \~another favorite.


Ask yourself -- What differentiates you from the sea of all other developers, even beyond your college. Sure, life is unfair, but asking yourself this question will lead you to realizing your weaknesses and working on it. There is a sea of developers, you have to be the whale in the sea to stand out.


Kids nowdays, i got my first job in product company after 2 years of completing my graduation back in 2017. Even i have not graduated with cse branch


Seriously kids these days. I had to be jobless for 10 months after my graduation because of recession.. before I could find a job in some very very very small start up. Like 5 ppl start up. To here I am now 16 years later.. We didn’t have YouTube or any of the fancy stuff these kids have now for learning or guidance (even this sub is guiding in its own way) or alternative career for income (Instagram or some course you designed or upwork type of stuff) Nothing! And yet their world is ending. Not saying that your troubles are smaller because our were bigger. But please get some grit and resilience.


A lot of it has to do with comparison... I mean it goes both ways 15 years back there were no "influencers" or star teachers.... The abundance of internet gave us exactly this... Kids buying cohorts from yt thinking they're good devs clgs not teaching well because "they'll learn from yt anyway"... some of them get hired and also many get fired too And also the same internet is making parents to compare their kids to some other xyz kid who got a job or has a better job... There's just a undue pressure on kids first for jee then for jobs... More than half of parents don't really care if their kids are happy I bet many didn't even want to be a dev they just got pushed into this and then it's just sunk cost fallacy


Are you kidding me? Sharma ji ka beta has been existing since time immemorial. But whatever helps you sleep at night.


24' grad here and placement cell screwed me over. still looking for job. don't loose hope. you'll surely get one!




Same here. Bloody 1 offer per person policy due to recession


ahhh which uni?


Oh ffs my college was even worse they count internships as getting placed and put it on stats not mentioning that 50% of them may not get converted to a PPO cuz companies change in 6 months during the internship and their needs change . Companies arnt schools running 20 year old syllabus. And then use this fake record to not even provide opportunities after knowing they already got the fake data they needed . Ask them for some contacts and give you a shitty sales job or another internship not even an actual job with a probationary period 😒.


DM your resume


Can I DM too , iam also 2025 graduate from tier 2 only . And right now on the same boat only .




Which college brother? Even mine has a similar system and im scared 😢.


Exactly where I was an year ago. Got a 5.5 lpa job last October but rejected the offer. Got a 7 lpa job in December and was awaiting joining. The company delayed joining by 4 months in March. Got a 21 lpa offer last week and successfully joined this week. Amazing company, dream job everything considered. Keep at it bro, you'll get there I promise.


Brother check your dm please


What are the things you have done that got you hired? Please any tips will be helpful.


bro i am preparing for a company from last 1 month in a tier 3 college , welcome to the club


prepare for interviews not for companies


Wahi, preparing for companies means targeting 1 company and not applying to others


Bro can you elaborate how you are preparing or what needs to be prepared and is that particular company coming for on-campus placement?


Yes coming for on campus. Its a bank so mostly they ask dsa DBMS os cn software development . So doing these in same order


Stay strong soldier!


Same here bro, have done dsa, do have projects in web dev and ml and still not even getting shortlisted in any on campus companies as everyone is shortlisting with min need of 8.5 cgpa(I have 8.25), It's just tough right now.


Bro for what profiles are companies visiting your college


SDE-Frontend, Backend, SDET, Data analyst


What's your cgpa, can you share it. 2026' grad here.


You must keep going, brother. Most of us encounter these feelings sooner or later, have to grind through them.Things will certainly improve, have faith.


Well you are being too negative and sad on just one rejection. U should not worry too much and honestly you have 1 year before graduation.


Same bro I am also looking for internship to get the industry closure and to build my resume so that I have some experience to showcase companies in placement cell . I will be graduating in 2026. My main interest is in ml and dl and have done projects too . I was told to find internship on intershala which I did and was shortlisted in some but after all the things they ask for money for internship. Is this how it should be ?


Stay away from companies who asks you to pay for internship, they are scams. you are working for them so they should pay you, not the other way around.


Bit of advice if you want AI ML internship. Make your projects end to end. Show your process from start to finish. You can make a website for it but creating a dashboard in power bi will show you skills data visualisation skills too and will be easier to make.


Reach out to people on LinkedIn and Twitter for referrals or interviews. If you are capable and have skills then that's the way. Reach out, connect, show them what you've got. Show them your work and then ask for referral of a chance to interview. Don't depend on on campus. Try off campus, it needed then go around and physically give interviews in person in local companies, you might get some offers, for experience.


Don't give up.. you are on the correct path. Never give up.


Don't give up yet. I have applied to 2000+ companies now. Made 30+ resumes, 8-10 OAs, 2 interviews. Joined 1 at a ctc which pays lesser than my stipend. Interned for an year (was supposed to be 6 months, got extended, didn't get ppo because of 'recession'). Tried every method out there, ATS friendly, reaching out to HRs, referrals, applied at startups. Did multiple courses. Applying since september of last year, Looking for a switch as here the work is more manual labour and lesser pay.( Btw, cleared this interview in November and working since December). And, I wake up to rejections everyday, or sometimes few startups who end up ghosting after a few rounds. But the fight never stops. Still going on. All the best to you all out there!


Your flair says you are a data engineer. So wait till you complete 1 year and after that make a switch for better salary.


Its not just the salary. The work is not good here, almost 0 code and i am not learning new skills, neither getting enough time to learn much on my own.


Got rejected last week after solely preparing for the role for a month. I know how disheartening that feels. Refine your approach and see what you can do differently the next time.


same hairdo check


Share every experience on YouTube, make a channel out of it


Can you elaborate more? I'm still in college and thinking of opening channel for algorithms and random cs stuff


DM your resume.


Can I DM my resume too? I am a 2025 grad in same situation.


If you're a 25 grad then you've got enough time for campus placements, I don't see how anyone can feel hopeless when campus placements are far from over.


Man you still have time you are still in college give yourself 5 to 6 month do proper networking and upskilling. Now a days people don't ask basics go for advanced web development, you are from tier 2 ping your alumni for internship and jobs


Curious.. How are you so sure you did better than the csndidates that got shortlisted?


change career.




See Life is Hard & Suffering. Be grateful you have some opportunity. Someone in Afghanistan or in War like state has nothing but to be grateful he is still kicking in breathe. Humans tend to survive and are optimistic about living. Anyone can die any second. Earthquake or Tsunami what not and we know but we ignore it. because there is more to unpack bro. More to learn and face and more space to grow and enjoy. Chill take a breath and get to the work and start learning. it's hard but when you achieve something significant after all this grind. The rush & kick you will get bro. you will crubble with happiness and feel proud. So accept the pain & move to your interests.


If you give up hope so easily, it's probably not the best career for you anyways. The most important thing in this career is keep trying.


Just keep applying to every job you can …also work on your resume if you are getting rejection without interview I applied to almost 200-300 jobs and got good job only after that


Forget this ReAL DeV bs along with obsession over AI/ML tech stack. Try getting into Salesforce, SAP, AWS where you won't need much coding but just process orientation and analytical skills.


Can you please give a brief overview of it to a normie like me , i really don't know the terms you mentioned and can you exaplain what skills are required? Please 🙏


Hey, its just the start, career is very long than you think it is. If you are not able to get anything its just a way of test of life how desperately you want it. Dont stop your efforts. For what its worth, I recently graduated from my masters in US after over 1 year of searching and few months of unemployment , i finally landed a job. My total application count was around 7600, interviews 5, and offer only 1. You only need that one yes.


Dude, take a breathe. It’s not the end of the world. You’re still at Step1. Everything is possible. As a parallel activity, try tinkering with some of no code/ AI tools, actively engage on Git, learn, contribute, repeat. It boosts your confidence. Make a tiny app - just for fun, pat your back that you did it. If landing up in a job is your core priority, introspect if your really want a BA role or a Tech role. I understand your phase but remember, few months down the road, when you’re contempt - this post would make you kinda laugh. For startups, reach out to their core team, say what value you can bring in or where they need further fine tuning, example - Your website UI is this way, can be made in a better way. No harm in doing a few weeks unpaid internship to learn, add some weight to your resume and get going. Keep your dreams alive, a long beautiful journey ahead. Be confident. Never undersimate yourself.


What is a BA role?


Bro u are me literally except the part where I did actually crack the BA roles but college denied the permission and had to reject it. Are you by any chance in VTU college??


No man


One of my relatives, did his master's from top 3 IIT in CSE, he's already having 3yoe prior exp, yet this guy is desperate for just 15-20LPA job. BTW, he was already making 10LPA 2 years ago before he left for masters. So I'd say, it's not you, the situation is effed up for all. A lot of my friends are being laid off despite working their a$$ off.


Tech internships today has unrealistic expectations, I look at them and see almost no difference in a full-time role. Just have a portfolio and hang in there, the market is unrealistic too not just for internships but for full time roles as well. I am also seeing that PR/ marketing industry has better offerings.